Shih Tzu: impeccable appearance and affection


The birthplace of the breed is called China or Tibet. The name "Shih Tzu" is translated into Russian as a little lion. This name was given to the animal by Tibetan monks, and according to ancient legend, it was invented by the Dalai Lama himself in the 17th century. The monks used these small dogs as guards. Their ringing “voice” could warn people about approaching danger, strangers.

The chrysanthemum dog was created by crossing the Lhasa Apso (Tibetan dog) and the Pekingese. External factors of the breed representatives confirm this information. The cute animals obtained through selection very quickly became in demand among the Chinese and Tibetan aristocracy.

During the annexation of Tibet and the Great Cultural Revolution, the Shih Tzu population was saved. Many monks took their pets to India, Great Britain, and Norway. It was in England in the 30s of the 19th century that the first club of admirers of this variety appeared.

History of the Shih Tzu breed

Shih Tzu dogs are one of the ancient breeds with a thousand-year recorded history. The exact birthplace of the breed is unknown. It is believed that they originate from Tibet, according to another theory, the dog was brought from Byzantium. In 1653, Shih Tzu puppies were presented as a gift to the Chinese Emperor by the Dalai Lama. Since then, they continue to be considered an imperial breed.

In those days, the dog became forbidden to everyone except the imperial family. In the thirties of the last century, the Norwegian ambassador visited China and received the coveted puppy, a girl named Leidza, as a gift. Having decided to start breeding, the ambassador had difficulty obtaining a male of this breed. Thus, the Shih Tzu dog breed appeared in Europe and became known throughout the world.


Shih Tsu is a type of domestic animal whose exterior captivates at a single glance. These strong, luxurious-looking animals are ideal for apartment living. They can be easily recognized among other species by their thick coat of fur that covers the entire body. The external characteristics of the representatives of the breed look like this:

DimensionsThe lion dog has a height at the withers ranging from 20 to 29 centimeters, with a weight of only 4-9 kilograms.
HeadIt has a round shape, while being large and wide. It has a lot of fur, mustache and beard. On the nose, the cover grows upward, which creates an association with the chrysanthemum flower. In fact, it does not interfere with the animal’s ability to see everything around it.
MuzzleThe transition from the muzzle to the forehead is clearly expressed. The muzzle is wide and short, shaped like a square. There are no wrinkles.
JawWide, with a straight bite.
EarsLarge size, hanging. Placed significantly lower than the top of the head. They are covered with fur in such a way that the effect of a single coat with the neck is created.
EyesIn relation to the overall dimensions of the body, the eyes are large. Located at a considerable distance from each other. The color is dark, some representatives have lighter tones, for example, with brown splashes or completely brown.
BodyThe distance from the base of the tail to the withers is much greater than the height. The physique is strong, deep chest.
PawsThe limbs are low, but the muscles are well developed. The paws are round in shape, strong and all covered with fur.
TailLuxurious, always on the back. The landing is high.
WoolDense, smooth, long. With moderate undercoat, not too fluffy. The length does not cause discomfort while walking and does not cover the eyes. Color may vary.

This exterior makes the Shih Tzu a luxurious dog. The beautiful fur framing the body emphasizes the high status of the pet.


One glance is enough to understand that a lot of care is needed. The Shih Tzu's long coat requires a lot of grooming, several hours a week. They need to be combed daily to prevent tangles. Most owners use hair ties in their care, securing six so that it does not get tangled or dirty.

Long hair makes it difficult to examine the condition of the skin and owners do not notice parasites, irritation, or wounds. Bathing takes time and effort, especially drying your dog. The fur on the face and under the tail gets dirty more often and requires additional care.

An advantage is that Shih Tzus shed very little. Although this is not a hypoallergenic breed, it does cause fewer allergies.

Breed Features

The little lion is considered a very sociable and friendly breed; they become full-fledged members of the family in which they live. They are loyal to children, love to play with them and just spend time together. Dogs are open to active and interesting activities, especially while walking outside. Despite their size, they are not afraid of animals larger than themselves: their ringing bark will always respond to attention from strangers.

Shih Tzus are characterized by rapid adaptability, that is, they perfectly adapt to any conditions. At the same time, they feel good where the owner is. They are devoted and faithful companions for large families and single people. Representatives of the breed have an excellent skill - they instantly sense the mood of their person and adapt to it.


  • Shih Tzus have difficulty toilet training. You need to be consistent and not allow the puppy to break the ban until he gets used to it.
  • The shape of the skull makes these dogs sensitive to heat and heatstroke. The air entering the lungs does not have time to cool sufficiently. In hot weather, they need to be kept in an apartment with air conditioning.
  • Be prepared to brush your Shih Tzu daily. Their fur mats easily.
  • Although they get along well with children, in families where the children are very small, it is better not to have them. Puppies are quite fragile, and rough handling can seriously injure them.
  • Shih Tzus get along well with all animals, including other dogs.
  • They are trusting and friendly towards strangers, making them poor watchdogs.
  • They are quite happy with a little physical activity, such as a daily walk.

Breed standards

Standard No. – 208. The International Canine Federation approved standardization: February 16, 2011.
Name: Shih Tzu, chrysanthemum dog, Shih Tzu, lion dog.

Country of origin: China (Tibet), under the patronage of England.

IFF classifier:
  • group: 9 – companion dogs, toy;
  • section: 3 – Tibetan variety;
  • without testing, working tests;
  • Purpose: decorative appearance, companion dog.

Eye diseases

Eye loss in Shih Tzus (proptosis, eye dislocation) is one of the most common problems in this breed. The fact is that the sides of the eyeballs are protected not by bone, but by muscles, and the orbit of the eye is a bit cramped for the eye. Therefore, the eye may fall out, remaining supported only by the muscles.

Shih Tzu's eyes fall out, reasons:

  • Excessive activity of the animal.
  • Any blows to the head, especially to the temple and back of the head.
  • Lifting by the scruff of the neck.
  • Neck compression can be avoided if you lead your dog with a harness rather than a collar.

If a loss does occur, do not panic. You need to take the dog in your arms so that it calms down and does not cause more harm to itself. Under no circumstances should you try to move the eye on your own; only surgery by a veterinarian will help. To prevent your eye from becoming inflamed before visiting a doctor, you need to moisten a sterile bandage with boiled water, cover the eyeball, and apply eye ointment around it. You can apply cold for 10 minutes.

Symptoms of other diseases that require a visit to the veterinarian:

  • Increased tear production may indicate a speck, the beginning of inflammation, or a scratch on the eyeball.
  • Dryness (keratoconjunctivitis) – insufficient secretion of the lacrimal glands, its damage.
  • Redness, irritation.
  • The appearance of spots on the cornea.
  • Itching.

All these symptoms can be the causes or consequences of cataracts, retinal detachment and atrophy, distichiasis (extra row of eyelashes), entropion, eye infections. Therefore, you need to take care of your eyes daily, examine and wipe them.


Small lion dogs need a varied and balanced diet. It is recommended to include in the diet:

  • cheese;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • dried fruits;
  • garlic;
  • raw beef;
  • other types of lean meat, boiled;
  • crackers;
  • premium dry food.

It is prohibited to use the following products in your diet:

  • raw chicken;
  • fatty meats;
  • raw fish;
  • potato;
  • sweets;
  • river fish in any form;
  • corn, legumes, pearl barley, soybeans and other identical products;
  • pickles;
  • pasta;
  • smoked meats;
  • spicy, bitter dishes.

Food should not be hot or cold, preferably at room temperature. During feeding, the owner must ensure that the pet does not choke or choke on water or food. This risk exists because the nose is too low to the mouth.

Premium dry dog ​​food


Holistic dog food


Small breed dog food


Diseases of the ears and mouth

Long, floppy ears provide a more favorable environment for bacteria to grow than dogs with erect ears. Excessive hair only worsens the situation. Here it is necessary to trim the hair from the ears in a timely manner and clean them weekly.

When plaque appears on the teeth, it must be cleaned off. Otherwise, plaque forms tartar, which provokes gum inflammation and tooth loss. You need to take special care of your incisors. A visit to the veterinarian at least twice a year will help control the situation.

How to brush your dog's teeth, in which case it is better to contact a veterinarian, as well as useful tips - you can learn from our article.


Before you think about breeding a Shih Tzu, you must first answer the question “why is this being done?” Small breeds of dogs spend a lot of energy and health during gestation and childbirth, therefore there should be significant circumstances for the mating of the animal.

The most suitable mating period is 18-24 months of age for a four-legged pet. During this period, the female in most cases goes through 3-4 heats. A dog older than seven years will no longer be able to fully bear and give birth to healthy puppies. Optimal readiness can be determined by the behavior and well-being of the Shih Tzu, as well as with the help of special tests.

It is recommended to carry out mating with the help of a special instructor. The specialist will tell you how to properly prepare the female and supervise the process. This approach will allow you to achieve success in breeding representatives of this breed.


In general, they live quite a long time. Research in the UK has found a life expectancy of about 13 years, although it is not uncommon for Shih Tzus to live for 15-16 years.

The brachycephalic structure of the skull led to breathing problems. The respiratory system of these dogs is inferior to breeds with a regular muzzle. They can snore and snore, although not as loudly as a pug or English bulldog.

They cannot run and play for a long time because they do not have enough air. In addition, they do not tolerate heat well, as they cannot cool their body.

Another source of problems is the unique body shape. A long back and short legs are not typical for dogs. This breed is predisposed to a large number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joint diseases.

Frequent diseases and problems

The chrysanthemum dog is predisposed to the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis;
  • fungus;
  • atopy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • abscess;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • diseases of the organs of vision (cataracts, corneal ulceration, keratitis) and hearing;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • distichiasis;
  • intervertebral disc disease;
  • constipation;
  • chronic heart valve disease;
  • underdevelopment of the kidneys;
  • entropion of the eyelid;
  • paraanal gland adenoma.

These impeccable Tibetan dogs have not lost their popularity for many centuries in a row. Today, these faithful and devoted companions can be found in many city apartments. They do not require complex care or daily active walks. It is enough to properly care for, pamper and appreciate your pet, and he will respond to this with his affection and devotion.

Dogs' body temperature is higher than human body temperature

The average body temperature in dogs ranges from 38.3 to 39.4 °C. Higher body temperatures attract fleas and ticks, which is why dogs are more likely to be bitten by them than humans. ⠀

Dogs can recognize human emotions

Dogs are the only animal species, other than humans themselves, that can recognize our emotions. A quick glance is enough for them to understand whether you are happy, embarrassed, angry or sad. They are even able to empathize with people, feeling the same emotions as their person.

Dog nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints.

Dog nose prints are unique, so they are used to identify an animal, just like fingerprints are used to identify a person. Criminologists often take advantage of this circumstance when investigating crimes involving animals and their owners.


The nature of the breed is difficult to describe, as it has suffered from commercial breeding. Breeders who were only interested in profit created many dogs with unstable personalities, timid, fearful and even aggressive.

A purebred Shih Tzu should not have any of these traits.

The breed's ancestors have been companion dogs for thousands of years. And the character of the breed corresponds to its purpose. They form strong relationships with family members, but are not tied to one owner.

Unlike other decorative breeds, they are capable of being friendly or polite towards strangers.

They quickly get close to them and find a common language. They are able to bark warnings about guests, but they cannot be a guard dog at all. They just don’t bark at strangers, but lick them out of character.

Since this is a fairly strong dog, with a strong nervous system, they bite much less often than similar breeds.

As a result, the Shih Tzu is ideal for living in a family with children. They love the company of children, but only if they don't drag them by their long hair.

It is not advisable to have a puppy in a family with very young children, as puppies are quite fragile.

They will also be good companions for the elderly, as they are affectionate. If you want a dog that can perform well in any family, then the Shih Tzu is a good choice.

With proper upbringing, they easily find a common language with any people and are not dominant or difficult to train. Shih Tzu can be recommended for beginners.

Just like in the company of people, they feel good in the company of animals. With proper socialization, Shih Tzus get along well with other dogs. They do not have dominance or aggression, but they can be jealous of new dogs in the family.

In addition, they prefer the company of a human to the company of a dog. They are strong enough to get along with large dogs, but are best kept with dogs of a similar size.

Most dogs are natural hunters and chase other animals, but Shih Tzus have almost lost this instinct. With a little training, they do not bother other pets. In fact, this is one of the most tolerant breeds towards cats.

They are also able to learn many commands and perform well in obedience and agility. However, they have bouts of stubbornness and are not the easiest dog to train. If they are not interested in something, they prefer to mind their own business. Better results can be achieved if stimulated with treats.

However, there will come a time when the dog decides that no treats are worth this effort and refuses to carry out the command. One of the most trainable among toy dogs, the Shih Tzu is inferior to such breeds as: German Shepherd, Golden Retriever and Doberman.

If you are looking for the basics, good behavior and obedience, they will be a good fit. If there is a dog that will amaze you with the number of tricks, then bad.

A Shih Tzu needs very little physical activity and exercise. A daily walk and the opportunity to run without a leash will completely satisfy these dogs. They are quite happy lying on a rug or sofa.

Again, this does not mean that you don’t have to walk them at all. Without an outlet for energy, they will start barking, gnawing, and mischief.

Shih Tzus are quite capricious and have their own tastes. It is not advisable to feed them food from the table, since once they try it, they may refuse dog food.

Many of them have a favorite place, from which it is quite difficult to drive them away. However, these are all little things and their character is much better than that of other decorative breeds. At least they don't bark incessantly and don't vocalize often.

How to care for a Shih Tzu

To make it less of a hassle for the owner, you can trim your Shih Tzu like a puppy, this will save you from daily brushing. If the dog is expected to participate in shows and exhibitions, then the coat must be kept long and silky by combing it daily. Its structure resembles human hair, so it requires careful care. When changing from a puppy's coat to an adult's one, the amount of brushing should be increased.

Care includes:

  • Trimming nails, trimming fur between toes.
  • Pull hair away from the eyes into a ponytail on the top of the head.
  • Wash as needed, be sure to dry completely with a hairdryer.
  • Make sure that no tangles form on the wool.
  • Check the condition of your eyes, wipe them daily with clean cotton pads moistened with boiled water.
  • Keep your nasal passages clean.

It is better to comb the dog before washing it. To keep the fur coat soft and shiny, the shampoo must be professional. Place a rug at the bottom of the bathtub or basin to prevent the dog's paws from slipping.

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