Character of the Cane Corso: who is better to take a bitch or a dog?

Having decided to get a dog, many people are faced with the problem of choosing which breed to choose. In order to understand what kind of dog you need, you need to determine the breed criteria that are important to you, for example: strength and endurance, aggressiveness and rejection of strangers, developed intelligence.

In this article we will look at the main characteristics of popular dog breeds, which are often used to guard and protect a person, apartment or territory. We hope that after reading it, you will be able to decide on the choice of your future four-legged pet.

Is it possible to influence and correct the character of the Cane Corso?

Raising and training a Cane Corso is of great importance, as soon as you bring him into your home. Do not allow people to chew things, stop attempts to pester strangers while walking, do not allow them to eat from someone else’s hands, pick up food from the floor, or beg for food from you while eating. It is forbidden to jump on and bite people, even to show your love. Only training and proper upbringing will change a dog’s character for the better. The puppy training process is based on the method of motivation, encouragement and praise. It is prohibited and unacceptable to treat the dog harshly during training.

Dangerous dog breeds

Dogo Argentino

  • This massive and dangerous breed of dog was bred to hunt large animals as a baiting hound.
  • The Dogo Argentino is capable of chasing prey for a long time at very high speed. These days, the Dogo Argentino is used as a show dog.
  • Such interest has led to the fact that the working qualities of the dog are gradually lost. Representatives of the breed become more massive and heavy.
  • It should be noted that Dogo Argentinos were not used as a fighting breed . Although they perform quite well in this role and are capable of winning fights with fighting dogs.

The dangerous
Dogo Argentino is perfect for protection and protection due to its qualities:

  • Has great physical strength.
  • Reacts instantly to danger.
  • Fearless and bravely guards the territory entrusted to him.
  • Very understanding. Thanks to its hunting instinct, it easily captures the emotional mood of its owner.
  • In his family he is kind and affectionate. Will always try to please the owner.
  • He is careful towards other animals or people and is always ready to repel the enemy.
  • It is distinguished by hidden aggressiveness. He has a hard time getting along with other pets. Even if the pet has become friends with another dog, they will not play together for long, only until the first skirmish. When a conflict arises, the Dogo Argentino knows no mercy.
  • It is not recommended to leave your Dogo Argentino alone for long periods of time.
  • It should be taken into account that the Dogo Argentino temperament has its own characteristics. It is quite difficult to train him, since this animal knows its worth and has internal independence. He always strives for dominance. Therefore, its owner must be patient, strong-willed and strong.
  • This breed of dog requires a lot of physical activity, long walks and training. If the Dogo Argentino has nowhere to spend its remarkable energy, it will develop into aggression.
  • The dog's character will deteriorate, and it will become restless and irritable, and will chew on door frames, pieces of furniture, etc.
  • When keeping a Dogo Argentino in the private sector, it is necessary to build a strong fence that will be dug deep into the ground. This dog will definitely try to make a dig. Keep in mind that in our latitudes, Dogo Argentinos cannot live outside all year round.

Due to its tendency to aggression, this breed of dog is prohibited in a number of countries (for example, New Zealand, Portugal, Australia). And the Russian Canine Association has banned training Dogo Argentinos in protective disciplines.

American Pit Bull Terrier (Pitbull)

  • This dog breed is also banned in some countries. She was bred to participate in baiting large animals such as bears and bulls. After such cruel entertainment was banned, pit bulls began to be used in dog fighting.
  • Within the breed there are two main types - bulldogs and terriers. In addition to external differences, they also have differences in temperament. Therefore, the character of pit bulls cannot be described unambiguously.

The breed is used in dog fighting
. However, any representative of the American pit bull breed has the following qualities:

  • Fearless and has a strong fighting spirit.
  • He has a strong-willed character and is confident in himself.
  • Prone to aggression in situations that it considers dangerous for the owner.
  • People-oriented. Pit bulls require a lot of attention from their owner.
  • He loves the family he lives with very much. Friendly to the guests of the owners.
  • clearly aware of his surroundings and is wary of strangers.
  • She is a patient nanny for children.
  • Smart and understands people well.
  • Known for his bullying . Thanks to instincts, the pit bull retains some aggression towards other dogs. Sometimes he likes to get into fights with them. If brought up incorrectly, it can be very difficult to stop.
  • Prolonged loneliness has a negative impact on a dog's psyche.
  • Keeping is possible in an apartment with regular long walks and active training.

The pit bull is an excellent protector and bodyguard. However, at a young age, this dog is distinguished by its stubbornness and desire for leadership, so from early childhood the pit bull must be taught to obey.


  • The large and massive Rottweiler is a military service breed that was bred to drive livestock and protect the house. This is a self-confident, calm and reasonable animal.
  • The dog of this breed has a rather complex and unique character. Without proper upbringing, she can turn into aggressive towards other people and even the owner of the beast himself.

Dangerous and aggressive
Characteristics of the Rottweiler:

  • Hardworking and disciplined.
  • Differs in endurance and performance.
  • Establishes close relationships with only one person and has a very difficult time with a change of owner.
  • He has a developed intellect and good memory, so he learns easily.
  • He is wary of strangers.
  • He becomes attached to his family and is a devoted guard for her.
  • He has an independent character and can be quite stubborn. Therefore, training a Rottweiler should not be too harsh so that it does not lose confidence in its owner.
  • To stay in shape, your dog requires constant exercise to release its energy.
  • The Rottweiler can be both a loyal, reliable friend and a fierce adversary. It all depends on the people who surround him, as well as proper training.
  • A well-trained Rottweiler is an excellent protector, obedient and intelligent. He is affectionate towards his family and can even be a nanny for children. And he shows his fighting qualities only in critical dangerous situations.

The smartest dog breeds

German Shepherd

  • The German Shepherd ranks third on the intelligence scale compiled by Stanley Coren. Initially, this breed of dog was used as a herding dog.
  • However, the German Shepherd is a versatile dog that copes well with many functions: watchman, bodyguard, and companion. Many people rightfully consider it the ideal breed. This is a faithful and devoted friend. The German is extremely capable of various types of training. Even a novice dog breeder can handle his training.

The smartest dog breed
Distinctive features of the German Shepherd:

  • The owner for her is the highest being. The calling of such a dog is faithful service to its owner. We can say that a German Shepherd needs a job and an owner to be happy. At the same time, this breed normally perceives a forced change of owner.
  • It has an extremely high intelligence, thanks to which the dog can be trained to do anything. She perfectly understands the tasks assigned to her. The Shepherd is easy to train, as it loves the process of acquiring new skills.
  • The animal is not stubborn and has a stable psyche.
  • Accepts responsibility for his family members. And if a German Shepherd sees aggression and a danger to loved ones in a stranger, it will begin to attack without waiting for a command.
  • A fearless and courageous breed. The dog rushes into battle without thinking about the inequality of power.
  • He is wary of strangers, but not malicious. Aggression only appears in cases where the German Shepherd senses danger.
  • Flair and intuition are well developed
  • The German does not like to idle for a long time. He is always happy to keep his owner company and be useful to him.
  • This breed of dog should not be kept on a leash. Without close contact with its family members, the dog will suffer.
  • The German Shepherd requires constant physical activity and active training.


  • Athletic and muscular, but at the same time extremely graceful, the Doberman takes fifth place in the world ranking of the smartest dogs. Due to the fact that Dobermans are one of the most aggressive dogs, some people consider this breed to be stupid.
  • However, Dobermans are highly intelligent and are included in the group of dogs that have the best training abilities. Representatives of this breed need to be constantly trained. With a patient and intelligent owner, this dog's talents will be fully revealed.

Athletic dogs with high intelligence.
The main qualities of the Doberman:

  • Balanced and calm.
  • It has excellent watchdog and security qualities.
  • Very smart. He quickly understands what the owner wants.
  • He becomes strongly attached to his loved ones. Perceives himself as a protector of each family member.
  • With close people he is affectionate, friendly and trusting. It is also extremely important for the Doberman to have a healthy microclimate in the family.
  • Fearless and will give his life for his master.
  • Treats normally with other pets.
  • Easy to train and generally not stubborn. Moreover, the Doberman loves to learn and perceives the learning process as an obligatory part of his life. However, the activities should be varied so that the dog does not get bored with them.
  • Playfulness remains up to 4 years. Extremely energetic, so he needs constant training and active physical activity.
  • Clean and has no peculiar smell. A Doberman can be kept even in a small apartment.
  • The dog cannot live outside; it must be kept indoors.
  • Doberman is a very proud breed. When young, a dog may tend to be dominant. Therefore, it must be raised by a strong person, whom the animal will perceive as a leader.
  • Softness is not allowed with a Doberman. The owner's commands must be given firmly and firmly.


One of the top ten dogs with a high level of intelligence. The Labrador is a companion dog. Initially, the breed was bred as a hunting breed. Nowadays, they are used for hunting, as guide dogs and as rescuers. The Labrador is a family dog, actively participating in all areas of the lives of loved ones.

The main character traits of a Labrador:

  • Affectionate and kind, without a drop of aggression.
  • Needs constant communication. He gets very bored if left alone for a long time.
  • Always in a good mood.
  • Friendly towards other people and animals.
  • Insightful and smart. Labrador is able to adapt to the habits, and even the emotional state, of a person.
  • Has a developed intellect. Therefore, it lends itself well to training. Enjoys participating in the learning process.
  • He has a patient and calm disposition.
  • She loves children and can become an excellent nanny for them.
  • Very active and playful, needs active training. He is a passionate hunter and also loves to swim.

A wonderful breed of dog for the family

  • If the dog is kept in an apartment, then it must be walked often and for a long time, and allowed to frolic in open spaces. If there is insufficient physical activity, the Labrador's character may deteriorate, and he may even become depressed.
  • A Labrador should not be punished too harshly. But not because he is vindictive. It’s just that the Labrador gets very upset because of the owner’s dissatisfaction. If the dog has done something wrong, it is enough to scold it.

This breed is not very suitable as a guard. The Labrador is too spontaneous and friendly, and does not have enough anger to effectively repel an intruder.

Bitch: character

There is an opinion that Cane Corso females have a more submissive and gentle character. But experts believe that character largely depends on heredity and individual characteristics. There are always exceptions, bitches with a very difficult character, and there are males with an easy-going and submissive character. But still, there is a difference in the behavior of the sexes. There are advantages and disadvantages for female and male genders.


  • Strong relationship with owner and home
  • Emotionally sensitive perception
  • Girls are smarter and smarter than boys
  • Accepts training tasks well
  • During walks, he runs less in the bushes
  • Doesn't rush at strangers
  • The breed is ideal for breeding, just one assessment from the exhibition is enough


  • Sly
  • Periodic menstruation

Who is better: German Shepherd or Rottweiler

When choosing between two breeds, you can never say for sure which is better. It all depends on the character and temperament of the person and the dog.

For active people who constantly like to be on the move, a shepherd dog is better suited . So, by nature, she is very active, impulsive, this energy should be directed in the right direction, otherwise this energy will develop into disobedience.

It is better for a calm and balanced person to adopt a Rottweiler..

The Rottweiler is a calm dog, does not like to rush, but there must be clear rules with him, otherwise there is a risk that the Rottweiler will not obey.

The main character traits of a Cane Corso: female or male?

The Cane Corso puppy is an active and restless pet. If you take care of and train your puppy, you can avoid pampering. Constant damage to things does not indicate the baby’s bad character, he is just very active and needs somewhere to throw out his energy. You can buy toys for him, he will be active with them, direct his energy to playing with them. Already from 3-4 months (the time of socialization), he is able to perceive the general rules of education. At this time, it is important to begin socializing and training the dog.

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