How dogs reproduce - at what age is mating possible?

Anyone who has a dog should know a lot of nuances regarding nutrition, walking, training and caring for the pet. Naturally, you need to inquire about how dogs reproduce, since this is a natural need of the animal. Often it is this stage of a pet’s life that can bring a lot of problems if you don’t know all the nuances. You need to decide right away: mating – what it is, when and how it happens.

Dog mating process

When can you breed a dog?

A German Shepherd becomes fertile long before the body is fully formed and strengthened, which requires the breeder to be extremely meticulous when choosing the age/timing of mating.

Age for mating

Experienced breeders practice breeding shepherd dogs older than 1.5 years . It is recommended to breed males from 18 months, pushing the age limit for females to 20–22 months in order to coincide with the third heat. An untied bitch is not mated to a male if she is already 5–6 years old: the first mating is carried out no later than 4 years.

An older bitch is often unable to conceive offspring or produces non-viable/dead puppies. Sometimes such mating leads to pregnancy, but with a small number of embryos and inevitable difficult childbirth due to large fetuses (with a risk to life). Older bitches are more likely to have problems with lactation and postpartum endometritis.

Optimal day for mating

On this day, always calculated from the beginning of estrus, the likelihood of conception is increased. In a German Shepherd, the egg is ready for fertilization on the 11th–14th day, less often - a little earlier or later, for example, on the 5th or 23rd day of estrus. The best time for mating is considered to be the day before ovulation, when the loop noticeably softens and the bloody discharge becomes almost transparent. When stroking the rump, the shepherd dog crouches and eloquently moves its tail to the side.

This is interesting! If at the beginning of estrus the bitch snaps and does not allow males to approach, then during ovulation her behavior changes. A bitch ready for sexual intercourse will definitely allow her partner to approach her and copulation will take place.

When breeding a German Shepherd for the first time, when you are not completely sure of the right phase of the cycle, laboratory diagnostics will help. The optimal day for mating will be determined by vaginal smear and blood tests (for progesterone levels).

It is difficult to determine by eye the most productive day for mating - both genetic factors and the dog’s well-being (physical/mental) during estrus and on the days of planned mating are important here. Whelping often delays the onset of ovulation, which is why the date of the next mating is postponed by a couple of days. In order not to get confused in the calculations, they keep a diary where they enter information about estrus and matings.

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At what age can you start

Mating is a necessary period in the life of any dog. The most important stage is to determine the age of the pet, when the process of mating, pregnancy, bearing and feeding puppies will not harm the dog’s body.

Note! Males also have an optimal age for mating. This data should absolutely not be neglected.

If a male is born prematurely, he may develop accompanying diseases, and not only of the reproductive system. In order to prevent deterioration in the health of a pet of any gender, it is worth knowing exactly at what age you can start breeding.

Crossbreeding for the first time

In fact, both the female and the male are ready for mating at the age of 8-12 months. But, in fact, a dog at this age is still a “child”. The result may of course be positive, but this is a big question.

Copulation process

The most optimal age for the first mating is 20 months for a female, and 24 months for a male. It is better to wait until the dog is 2.5 years old. At this age, the animal’s reproductive system is already formed, and the body is ready for this kind of stress.

Choosing the right pair

When selecting studs, they study the dog’s pedigree, preferably with an examination of close relatives (to detect the advantages/disadvantages of the line), and also look at his exterior, temperament and health, including his psyche.

Important! A responsible breeder balances the parameters of both dogs (skeletal structure, muscles, weight and height) so that they match as much as possible in order to avoid articular dysplasia in future puppies.

Puppies from unscheduled matings (born from a non-breeding female) are excluded from breeding, even if they meet all the requirements of the breed standard. Only German Shepherds that have successfully passed the Körung are suitable for elite breeding.

When selecting partners, follow the basic rules:

  • the exterior of the male/female must comply with the German Shepherd standard;
  • to improve the breed, only males are used;
  • it is necessary that the dogs are suitable for each other in age;
  • underweight/overweight of one of the partners is unacceptable;
  • Shepherd dogs must be in excellent physical/mental condition;
  • identify the pros and cons of dogs to make an optimal pair.

The last point assumes that if a bitch has some insignificant defect, she is bred to a dog that is devoid of such a defect, but does not have a counter-feature. When you combine mutually exclusive (alternative) qualities in partners, you will not get a golden mean, but will see offspring with intermediate properties. Also, puppies may be born, half of which have inherited their mother's characteristics, and the other half - their father's.

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Any discharge from a dog's loop requires attention from its owner. But his particular concern, in addition to the above, should be:

  • the occurrence of severe thirst;
  • deterioration in coordination of movements;
  • bloody trail after urination;
  • swollen condition of the animal's loop.

If you notice at least one of these manifestations, your pet should be taken to the veterinarian. After all, such symptoms are a direct indication of the inflammatory process in the uterus. There the animal will be examined and the necessary tests will be performed, including:

  • laboratory tests of blood and urine;
  • bacteriological examination of the microflora of the urinary tract and vagina;
  • vaginal smear for cytology;
  • abdominal x-ray;
  • Ultrasound;
  • biopsy of vaginal abnormal tissue;
  • examination of the vagina and cervix;
  • test determination of possible damage by brucellosis and herpes;
  • coagulation (for poor blood clotting), etc.

There are a lot of diagnostic methods, and they allow you to determine the exact picture of the illness, as well as prescribe appropriate therapy.

Preparing a shepherd for mating

Both dogs must be absolutely healthy and vaccinated . Since the male dog plays the dominant role in mating, increased attention is paid to maintaining his physical shape. In addition, male dogs are more demanding in terms of living conditions than breeding females.

Preparing a male dog

His diet should be dominated by protein, which comes from raw meat, offal, fish, eggs and cottage cheese. Mineral supplements with calcium will be a good prevention of paresis. Maintaining potency and excellent physical shape is facilitated by long, regular walks with moderate exercise, supplemented by Sunday trips to the pampas.

This is interesting! The owner is obliged to monitor the condition of the external genitalia of his dog and douche them with a weak solution of furatsilin/potassium permanganate if discharge is noticed.

A couple of days before the planned mating, the breeder’s claws are trimmed and filed so that he does not injure his partner during mating. Before and after mating, the male is given 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil mixed with vitamin A (5-6 drops).

Preparation of the bitch

In the period preceding mating, the German Shepherd bitch is brought into working condition, which means an ideal weight for her age. It has been proven that in obese/emaciated dogs, pregnancy is difficult, in most cases accompanied by infertility, as well as the appearance of stillborn or extremely weakened puppies.

Before breeding a bitch, its owner must make sure that it does not have:

  • birth defects;
  • hip/elbow dysplasia;
  • sexually transmitted diseases (including brucellosis);
  • staphylococcal infections.

30–40 days before the expected mating, the bitch undergoes anthelmintic treatment to prevent intrauterine infection of the puppies. If the German Shepherd is 4 years old and has not been mated before, the first mating is carried out in the presence of an instructor or veterinarian.

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How many times can a male dog be bred?

When it comes to breeding a male dog, the number of breeding cases can be unlimited. Generally speaking, owners really decide how many times they want to breed.

As long as they are in good health, male dogs can produce quality sperm throughout their lives and even into their later years. The only requirements you need to follow to breed responsibly are to wait until he has grown to the adult size of his breed and to rule out any health-related problems that may arise once your dog is fully grown.

So, as the owner of a male dog, you will have to have a semen and fertility check and general health review done by your veterinarian to begin breeding. Make sure your dog is healthy before you can start breeding.

Features of crossing

There are two known ways of mating dogs - manual and free . The first involves the active participation of people, especially if one of the shepherd dogs is bred for the first time. Animals often require outside help, since mating does not always go smoothly. Freestyle mating is permissible when mating an experienced male dog and a female dog interested in him. But even in this case, the owners look after their shepherds.

Male side

If the male is inexperienced, the owner helps him mount by patting the rump with the word “Up!”, lifting (if necessary) his forelimbs and placing them on the bitch’s back. Her barking should not distract the male from the goal - inserting the penis into the loop. As soon as it enters the vagina, the muscles of the latter contract, tightly holding the bulbs of the penis. This is the lock (cleaning), during which the erection increases, ejaculation occurs and sperm is absorbed by the uterus.

Important! When the shepherd dogs have entered the castle, slowly remove the dog’s front paws from the bitch and place him with his back to her (first turning 180°) or next to her front legs. The castle lasts from 20 to 60 minutes.

Sometimes the penis enters partially and its bulbs are outside the loop, but even in such a situation, fertilization is possible: you need to hold the male on the bitch for at least 5 minutes. If he mounted, but the penis remained outside, the sperm does not enter the uterus. Then the dog is allowed to rest, taken to another room for 15–30 minutes, and the mating is repeated.

From the side of the bitch

Before mating, especially the debut one, they put a muzzle on the bitch and hold her head with her hands so that she does not bite the dog when mounting. Feeling the touch of the penis to the loop, the bitch can bark and scare away an inexperienced dog, so the owner must calm her down and also not allow her to lie down/sit when entering the lock.

If there is a difference in height, the male dog is helped to get into the loop by placing the partner in a position that is comfortable for him. A short bitch is slightly raised, for example, with a knee under the belly (away from the genitals).

Important! Bonding does not work for many reasons, including due to the inexperience of the bitch, squatting during mounting (the penis jumps out of the loop) or the haste of an inexperienced dog, whose bulbs swell before the penis penetrates the vagina.

A day later (for greater confidence in conception), a repeat or control mating is usually organized, since sperm retains its properties in the uterus for 24 hours.

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First mating of a German Shepherd

The first mating is important for both sexes. When purchasing a breeding dog, beginning breeders often wonder how to breed a male German Shepherd for the first time so that he will be a successful breeder in the future. The most important condition is to choose the right bitch according to the following criteria:

  • experienced, active, with a balanced temperament, not aggressive;
  • ready for mating: moves tail to the side, encouraging the partner.

Ideally, the dogs have known each other before. It is unknown how long the “preliminary courtship” will take. Some males immediately mate a female, others prefer to run and play. Dogs should not be rushed.

The owner is encouraged to participate, regardless of whether the pet requires assistance, so that the dog gets used to the presence of a particular person. While he is trying to cover the bitch, the owner puts his hand on the rump.

If a male dog does not mount the first time, he should not be allowed to become overtired. You should wait no more than 5 minutes, after which the bitch is temporarily taken to another room. If the male is overly excited, he makes friction without getting into the bitch’s loop, then you need to guide him or encourage him to mount again.

It is equally important to know how to properly coat a German Shepherd for the first time. It is good if, before the first mating, the veterinarian examines the bitch’s vagina for structure - narrowing. Before mating dogs, the loop is lubricated with greasy ointment or Vaseline. The male must be experienced, then, if the day of estrus is chosen correctly, the bitch will willingly allow mating.

Since the behavior of a young female cannot be predicted in advance, she should be kept on a leash. Before bringing the dogs together, they are allowed to get to know each other. Even during heat, a bitch can become aggressive. A timid, nervous dog first tries to run away or hide.

How often can you knit a dog?

Max von Stefanitz allowed mating of a healthy, well-built and strong bitch twice a year, that is, with each estrus, recalling the extremely careful attitude towards her during whelping. Current breeders recommend breeding a German Shepherd (female) once a year, skipping one heat. A stud dog is crossed much more often, mating for 3-4 days in a row, but with mandatory recovery after that.

A long break between matings does not affect the quality of sperm. The healthiest offspring appear from sires between the ages of 2 and 6 years . In females, the number of puppies in the litter decreases with age, but the risk of complications during childbirth increases. Spermatozoa of 7-8 year old males lose activity, and after 9 years they become defective.

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The mating process, how fertilization occurs

Many breeders are interested not only in the mating process itself, but also in how dogs are fertilized. If the right time is chosen for mating, then the fertilization procedure is carried out in a certain way.

How does fertilization occur in dogs?

  1. When the follicles emerge on the surface of the ovary, a hormone begins to be released, which provokes the preparation of the uterus for the maturation of the egg. That is, the period of ovulation begins.
  2. After mating, many sperm rush to the egg and try to penetrate it, secreting a special enzyme.
  3. When at least 1 of the many sperm penetrates the egg, fertilization occurs. During this period, several fertilized eggs appear.
  4. The activated eggs then travel down the fallopian tube to the uterus.
  5. Around the 3rd week, the eggs begin to mature in the uterine cavity and attach to its walls.

The structure of the dog's reproductive system
After attaching to the walls of the uterus, the eggs begin to grow and develop. This period is the most important in order to get good offspring.

How long does mating last in dogs?

Dog intercourse takes time. It is quite difficult to determine exactly how much time should be allocated for this process. In addition to the process itself, there is also a moment when the partners “stick together” for a while. Much depends on such factors:

  • Is the right time chosen for intercourse, and are both partners ready for it?
  • The anatomical features of the male or female can also affect the duration of the act.
  • External factors and circumstances also influence the duration of the process.

"Closing" in dogs
After the "locking" the dogs are glued to each other for some time. There is no need to speed up this moment or interfere with your pets. On average, the mating process takes no more than an hour, but sometimes the dogs’ stay in the “castle” can last up to 2-3 hours.

Getting to know the partners before mating

Mating in dogs has a lot of features and nuances that must be taken into account in order to get healthy offspring. First you need to take into account both the age and activity of the pets. Determining the optimal time for intercourse is also an important factor to facilitate mating. The mating procedure itself requires some effort on the part of people.

Frequent mistakes of owners

Do not try to activate a timid, slow or, conversely, overly fussy dog ​​with shouts and pushes. Let him calm down - take him or the bitch into the next room for a quarter of an hour. When helping a male dog during mounting, try not to touch his penis - careless touches with your hand often lead to the termination of mounting. After several unsuccessful attempts, the shepherd dogs are separated into different rooms.

Important! Often, copulation fails due to a lack of lubrication from the partner: in this case, both dogs experience pain. Medical Vaseline will replace the natural lubrication of the loop.

The incorrect structure of the latter can also prevent the penetration of the penis into the vagina, which is revealed during examination in the clinic. In general, when mating dogs, both owners need to remain calm so that their excitement is not transmitted to the animals (who are already quite nervous about the romantic encounter).

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Consequences of early mating

It is not recommended to untie a male before full maturation, although violating this rule does not entail undesirable consequences. There is an opinion that after the first mating the male stops growing and gradually begins to gain weight. Most veterinarians and breeders point out that this assumption is wrong. Probably, the reaction of the animal’s body depends on individual characteristics. Often untied males “grow up” in appearance, but some individuals remain the same.

The main reason why early matings are not recommended is the possible infertility or lack of offspring. A young male who has not completed the cycle of physiological development has a low concentration of sperm, which also has weak activity. Such mating turns out to be in vain.

An important argument in favor of timely mating is the risk of congenital diseases or mental disorders. More often, pathology is detected after complete physiological maturation. In this case, early mating means that with a high probability the defects will be passed on to the offspring.

Pregnancy and childbirth

A healthy bitch bears offspring for approximately 60–66 days. Sometimes labor begins already on the 57th day or, conversely, after 66 days.

Important! Such deviations in the date of birth are explained by the large time interval between ovulation and mating. You should worry if the difference in terms is more or less than 10 days.

Items to prepare for the day your shepherd gives birth:

  • oilcloth and sheet (for bedding during childbirth);
  • disposable absorbent diapers;
  • a basin for used rags;
  • hatch box (with soft towel and heating pad);
  • harsh thread for tying the umbilical cord;
  • woolen threads of different colors (so as not to confuse the puppies);
  • gauze, bandages, cotton wool and a tray for medical instruments (if a doctor is expected to be present).

Place the box where you will place the puppies close to the woman in labor so as not to cause her unnecessary worries: the dog must see and hear the newborns. In addition, prepare a notebook in advance where you will enter the time of the onset of contractions and the birth of each of the puppies.

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Should I untie my pet?

When deciding whether to untie a male, the owner must take into account the following fundamental points:

  1. After the first mating, you will have to perform regular matings. If the pet does not realize its desire, it will become uncontrollable, and training will be impossible. In addition, pathologies may develop.
  2. You cannot mate a dog with a disease. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination.
  3. You need to find a permanent partner. If there is no such sign, it is worth thinking about the advisability of mating at the moment.

Breeders' advice

To breed a German Shepherd, it is recommended to take a male with a pronounced sexual instinct and a desire to cover the bitch . The breeder must do a good mounting (tightly clasping the partner's sides with his front paws), instinctively find the genital slit and have a push reflex to insert the penis into the vagina.

This is interesting! A male dog lacking any of the listed characteristics is excluded from breeding work, since his negative qualities can be inherited by the puppies.

Before mating, both shepherd dogs are given a good walk, making the last feeding no later than 3-4 hours before mating. The breeding room is prepared by the owner of the male dog, since the male dog always receives his partner on his territory. Before crossing, the female genitals are washed with a solution of rivanol.

To prevent the dog's paws from moving apart during mating, the floor in the room is covered with a rug or mat. Before mating, you need to prepare medical Vaseline, a muzzle and a bowl of drinking water. The effectiveness of mating depends mainly on the temperament and experience of the dog.

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Creating conditions for mating

The dogs must be brought together in the dog's territory. Both pets need to be walked first, but it is not recommended to feed them heavily.

During natural mating, care is taken to ensure that nothing disturbs the animals: the number of strangers and irritants should be kept to a minimum. Dogs need some time to get used to each other. The area should be spacious enough, but fenced to prevent the escape of pets or the appearance of outside dogs.

If mating of shepherd dogs occurs indoors, you need to make sure that the floor covering is not slippery. It is better to lay a carpet or mat on top of laminate or linoleum.

Interfering with the mating of German Shepherds can be dangerous - they are large animals with powerful jaws. As a safety measure, to prevent pets from injuring each other or humans, they should be muzzled. The dog must be accustomed to the muzzle in advance, otherwise it will interfere with the process.

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