First mating of a German Shepherd, how to do it, duration, timing

Reproduction is a basic instinct in animals, therefore mating a German Shepherd is required to produce offspring. Even if the owner does not plan to raise puppies, mating will benefit his pet. A correctly selected pair will produce a large litter, and a good day for mating.

Properly carried out mating of a German Shepherd guarantees strong offspring. However, there are a number of important factors to consider to ensure everything goes right. Read more about the German Shepherd breed in our article.

Search for a bitch/male for mating

A correctly selected pair is the first and important step towards mating. Many breeders are faced with the problem of finding the ideal partner candidate.

When choosing, quite a few factors are taken into account:

  • the dog must be healthy and have a vaccination passport;
  • the partner must have reached puberty;
  • The shepherd's pedigree may also play a role.

Mating a German Shepherd is simply necessary for the health of the pet, but you should not prescribe mating at an early age. A female's first heat goes away after six months, but a male can breed as early as 5 months. But such early matings negatively affect the health of both partners.

The first mating of a German Shepherd should take place in a controlled environment. All necessary documents should be prepared in order to subsequently register the offspring in the Russian Canine Federation.

It is impossible to guess exactly how much it costs to breed a German Shepherd - usually the price is negotiable between the owners. The search for a pair should begin in your city through a kennel club or advertisements on the Internet.

Time for mating

Mating of a bitch can only be carried out after reaching the age of 8 months. But it is not recommended to rush this process. This is explained by the fact that it is difficult for a dog to bear the stress that occurs during mating, pregnancy, childbirth and feeding of puppies.

Males are used for mating only if they are two years old or more. If the start of mating of males of this breed is observed earlier than the specified period, then this negatively affects their health.

Mating should be carried out for the first time if the male has completed his formation. Otherwise, undesirable physiological changes are observed, against the background of which various diseases develop. When planning the first mating of dogs, it is recommended to take into account their individual characteristics.

Initial maturation

The development of the body lags significantly behind puberty. Young individuals are often not ready for mating, so a hasty decision can lead to serious problems in terms of health and physical development.

The correct approach to breeding dogs sets a time limit of no earlier than one year of life. The first mating of a German Shepherd should take place after reaching one and a half years of age - during this period the dog’s training ends. Her body and social skills are fully developed and prepared.

It is important to remember that the optimal mating time is not equivalent to the first signs of maturation: estrus or rut. It is best to prepare the bitch for mating on the 3rd heat, which occurs at approximately 18-20 months. When breeding German Shepherds, the male dog must also be 18 months old. This is the lowest recommended threshold.

Strict restrictions are associated with the formation of the dog’s body: bones and muscles have not yet strengthened, the character may be too weak without proper training. Early mating can scare a shepherd for life. In addition, the bitch may not be able to bear the pregnancy and the maternal instinct will not develop. In this case, the German Shepherd puppy will have to be fed independently.

Preparation for mating

In order for the mating to be carried out correctly, it is necessary to prepare it. The owner must monitor his dog, focusing on the timing and characteristics of the previous heat. In females, it is necessary to monitor the characteristics of estrus daily, even if mating is not planned during this period. During this period, it is recommended to determine:

  • timing of estrus;
  • the nature and intensity of discharge;
  • bitch behavior;
  • loop states.

During the period of heat, they monitor how the bitch reacts to the male. Thanks to the data obtained, it will be easy for the owner to determine the readiness of the bitch for mating during the next heat.

A month before the intended fertilization, it is recommended to treat the bitch in order to prevent skin parasites, which include lice, lice, and fleas. Non-toxic sprays and shampoos are used for this. The use of long-acting products, especially anti-parasitic collars, is not recommended.

A week after treatment, the bitch is dewormed. Dog breeders are recommended to use drugs that have a wide spectrum of action. After this manipulation, the dog is vaccinated against infectious diseases. Before breeding, only polyvalent vaccine is used to vaccinate bitches. This provides immunity to future puppies. All activities are compulsory. They must be carried out before the start of estrus. During the mating period, you need to ensure that the bitch is absolutely healthy. It is strictly prohibited to impregnate thin and weakened dogs, as this will negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the process of giving birth to puppies.

How to choose a male

The German Shepherd breed is quite common in our country, so finding a dog for mating will not be difficult. This can be done using advertisements on the Internet. Before mating, it is recommended to examine the partner and check with his owners about the dog’s health.

Early mating

Hasty mating of German Shepherd dogs will lead to the following problems, regardless of gender:

  • disturbances in the development of the reproductive system - the dog may remain infertile;
  • body image problems;
  • sagging of the spine;
  • few offspring in the future;
  • accelerated aging.

The purpose of mating is healthy offspring, which is very unlikely given the young bodies of the parents. The first offspring and subsequent ones may be born with pathologies.

Late mating

The minimum lower threshold is set at 18 months, while there is no upper limit for male dogs. A certain restriction is imposed on German Shepherd bitches - mating is possible only up to 4 years of age. In a well-groomed and healthy German Shepherd, age makes little difference as it is a genetically resilient breed.

However, upon reaching 4 years of age, the flexibility and extensibility of the hip joints is lost. This significantly complicates the birth process, putting stress on the bitch’s body. In addition, the estrus cycle is disrupted, metabolic processes in the body change, and provoke a sharp weight gain.

However, breeding a German Shepherd bitch is possible for up to 10 years, if the process is controlled. The number of matings should not exceed the permissible norm; the owner must allow the dog to recover.

The fading of instinct can lead to a change in the character of the shepherd. She will become aggressive, angry and will not contact her partner. Thus, mating of German Shepherd dogs should occur before 4-5 years of age.

Breeding frequency

It is recommended to breed a bitch through heat during a standard cycle, in other words, no more than once a year.

A stud dog can be crossed quite often, up to daily matings for 3-4 days in a row, if after this the sire is given rest.

A long break between matings does not lead to a deterioration in sperm quality.

At what age can you breed breeding dogs: the optimal period is from 2 to 6 years. In 7-8 year old males, there are fewer active sperm in the sperm, and after 9 years there are many defective ones. In bitches, the risk of complications during childbirth increases with age, and the number of puppies in the litter decreases.

Perfect time

A carefully planned breeding time for your German Shepherd will help you avoid health problems in the future. The ideal mating of a German Shepherd for the first time occurs in the second week of estrus; accordingly, the meeting of the male and the female should be planned for this date.

That is why it is necessary to monitor the release of estrus (estrus) throughout the life of the shepherd dog, noting them in the records. This will allow you to choose the right day by preparing the bitch in advance. In its absence, you will have to learn literally on the go.

First mating of a German Shepherd

The first mating is important for both sexes. When purchasing a breeding dog, beginning breeders often wonder how to breed a male German Shepherd for the first time so that he will be a successful breeder in the future. The most important condition is to choose the right bitch according to the following criteria:

  • experienced, active, with a balanced temperament, not aggressive;
  • ready for mating: moves tail to the side, encouraging the partner.

Ideally, the dogs have known each other before. It is unknown how long the “preliminary courtship” will take. Some males immediately mate a female, others prefer to run and play. Dogs should not be rushed.

The owner is encouraged to participate, regardless of whether the pet requires assistance, so that the dog gets used to the presence of a particular person. While he is trying to cover the bitch, the owner puts his hand on the rump.

If a male dog does not mount the first time, he should not be allowed to become overtired. You should wait no more than 5 minutes, after which the bitch is temporarily taken to another room. If the male is overly excited, he makes friction without getting into the bitch’s loop, then you need to guide him or encourage him to mount again.

It is equally important to know how to properly coat a German Shepherd for the first time. It is good if, before the first mating, the veterinarian examines the bitch’s vagina for structure - narrowing. Before mating dogs, the loop is lubricated with greasy ointment or Vaseline. The male must be experienced, then, if the day of estrus is chosen correctly, the bitch will willingly allow mating.

Since the behavior of a young female cannot be predicted in advance, she should be kept on a leash. Before bringing the dogs together, they are allowed to get to know each other. Even during heat, a bitch can become aggressive. A timid, nervous dog first tries to run away or hide.

External indicators

It is possible to determine the day when estrus begins by changes in the bitch’s behavior and appearance. Sometimes a calm German Shepherd girl seems to be replaced, she becomes apathetic or aggressive depending on the circumstances.

Physiological signs appear:

  • the genitals swell, a loop protrudes;
  • nipples swell;
  • The fur on the belly gets wet and milk is secreted.

On the first day, when estrus begins, the shepherd dog will not let its partner near. Being ready to let her in, the bitch herself bends down, exposing herself. Only then can dogs be born.

Male side

Mating Jack Russell Terriers for the first time: how long does estrus last?

The dog must fully receive all the beneficial substances from its food. To do this, the bulk of the diet should be given to meat, offal, eggs and cottage cheese. Mineral supplements with a high calcium content will be used as a preventative supplement for paresis. Regular physical activity and long walks in the fresh air will help maintain potency and physical fitness.

Note! The owner of a male dog must monitor the genitals of his shepherd. If there is discharge, it is recommended to douche with a solution of potassium permanganate.

3-4 days before the planned mating, the dog should have its nails trimmed to minimize possible injury to the bitch during the mating process. Before and after mating, you must give the dog 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil with the addition of 5 drops of vitamin A.

Features of pregnancy

Before preparation and actual mating, you need to find out the duration and timing of the German Shepherd's pregnancy. The data is necessary for organizing care for a pregnant bitch throughout the entire period.

The gestation period is approximately 2 months.

During this period, special attention should be paid to:

  • daily diet;
  • diet;
  • well-being.

Complications during a dog’s pregnancy cannot be predicted; they directly depend on the individual characteristics and structure of the body. Childbirth must take place with the help of an instructor.

If pregnancy occurs after the first mating, the subsequent mating should be postponed or completely abandoned. This is due to the fact that ovulation shifts during the period of conception.

Owners of German Shepherds must necessarily mate their pets twice, observing a time period of 24 hours.

What help might you need?

A breeding instructor can teach owners how to breed dogs correctly. His participation is necessary when it is difficult to mate specific animals (different height or temperament).

If the male is experienced and active, free mating is possible, although in this case the supervision of the owners is necessary. In high-breed breeding, hand-breeding is more often used, in which people force the course of events.

The bitch is held in place at the time of mounting with a collar. Since Germans are quite large dogs, you can support the girl with your knee under the stomach so that she does not sag under the weight of her partner.

The person who helps the male dog does not allow him to finish mounting before the “lock” occurs. If the bitch is taller, the male may need help turning around during the “lock” (move his front paw across the body).

The most crucial moment is gluing. If one of the dogs jerks to the side, the penis is injured, and the male may forever associate mating with pain. The bitch should not be allowed to sit or lie down. Both dogs are held by the collar until they are separated.

After mating, you need to make sure that the penis is covered by the prepuce. If the penis remains swollen, it is lowered into a container of cool water. In case of severe swelling, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

The necessary conditions

The success of breeding dogs directly depends on the agreement of the owners. The owner of the male must be ready to come to the right place or expect the female to visit, since heat may begin at a certain moment. It is necessary to agree in advance on the timing of mating of German Shepherds and plans for offspring. Payment is negotiated separately.

Before you prepare and breed your German Shepherds, you also need to choose a location. Usually the bitch is brought home to the dog, but the opposite option is possible. The nursery will be a neutral place.

Before mating

The first mating of a German Shepherd is important, so nothing should harm or interfere. Before pairing you need to do the following:

  • treat wool against pests a month before the selected day;
  • carry out antihelminthic therapy - a week in advance;
  • if the bitch is prone to obesity, then carry out a set of physical exercises;
  • make all necessary vaccinations at least 7 days before mating.

You should not feed dogs at least four hours in advance: at best, there will be problems with gas formation, at worst, the mating will have to be interrupted. You should not give foods that can affect digestion. Pets should definitely be walked.

Preparing for mating

Before the process, you need to wash the shepherd. Hygiene is important, since during the rutting period males try to ease, attention should be paid to disinfection of the penis.

The room must be prepared:

  • The floor is covered with bedding to prevent the paws from moving apart.
  • You should wear a muzzle, because during the rutting period male dogs are very aggressive and may not like the presence of people.
  • Prepare cool water.

Experienced breeders recommend taking medical Vaseline with you. This will help make the process easier if necessary, especially for the first time.

Features of behavior

Changes in the behavior of a German Shepherd are quite normal and should not be alarmed. This is how the nature of dogs manifests itself; you should prepare in advance: purchase a muzzle and a short harness. The male becomes aggressive, bites and growls. The bitch is most often apathetic, but does not allow herself to be touched.

It is impossible to predict the behavior of dogs during mating. Sometimes they court for a long time, at other times they immediately get down to business. But one thing is certain: before knitting them, they should get to know each other.

Creating conditions for mating

The dogs must be brought together in the dog's territory. Both pets need to be walked first, but it is not recommended to feed them heavily.

During natural mating, care is taken to ensure that nothing disturbs the animals: the number of strangers and irritants should be kept to a minimum. Dogs need some time to get used to each other. The area should be spacious enough, but fenced to prevent the escape of pets or the appearance of outside dogs.

If mating of shepherd dogs occurs indoors, you need to make sure that the floor covering is not slippery. It is better to lay a carpet or mat on top of laminate or linoleum.

Interfering with the mating of German Shepherds can be dangerous - they are large animals with powerful jaws. As a safety measure, to prevent pets from injuring each other or humans, they should be muzzled. The dog must be accustomed to the muzzle in advance, otherwise it will interfere with the process.

Mating Basics

Mating is based on two methods - free and auxiliary. The process depends on many factors, including the previous experience of the dogs and the owners themselves.

Free mating

Free mating is possible if the male already has experience. The owners are simply nearby, but do not interfere in any way. This is a natural process that dogs direct on their own. It is recommended to put muzzles on them so that they cannot hurt each other in case of sudden aggression.

Manual pairing

This method largely depends on the owners as they are directly involved in the process. At the first mating, the presence of an instructor is highly recommended.

If the dog is nervous, you should not force him to participate. You need to take him for a walk, calm him down, and only then try again. It is better to hold an aggressive girl by the collar. The loop needs to be lubricated if it is tight.

During hand knitting you should not:

  • forcefully seat a male dog;
  • bend the bitch's tail;
  • hold the dogs too long;
  • touch the genitals.

Although there is almost no difference in the size of German Shepherds, the stand will not be superfluous if the male is smaller than the female. It will also be needed if mating occurs with a dog of a different breed.

Help during mating

A cleat or lock is formed due to the squeezing of the shepherd's penis inside the loop. The process lasts approximately 10-15 minutes, after which the dogs disperse on their own. They cannot be separated during this time period.

Sometimes situations arise when the male tries to find the optimal position and almost completely turns away from the female. The owner is advised to help, but not try to break the lock. Do not let the bitch lie on her stomach - this will cause injury.

Physiology of mating

If the bitch is in season, she allows mating. First, the male makes several test cages, after which he firmly grasps the female’s body with his front paws and looks for the entrance to the vagina. The first portion of ejaculate is released, which does not contain sperm.

This is followed by a series of thrusting movements, with which the penis is completely inserted into the vagina. Then a second portion of ejaculate is released, containing many sperm. This moment is easy to determine by the dancing movements of the male dog: he is actively moving his hind legs, as if looking for a comfortable position.

If all goes well, a “lock” will form moments after ejaculation. At this time, the third portion of ejaculate is released. It does not contain sperm, but helps them penetrate as deep as possible into the uterus.

“Lock” or “mating” is an anatomical feature of dog mating.

During sexual arousal, the male's penis fully extends from the prepuce and becomes hard. At its base there is a special extension - the bulb. When it becomes spherical, the bitch's vagina shrinks tightly around it.

Dogs will separate on their own when the swelling of the penis subsides. On average, partners stick together for 10 minutes, occasionally this time increases to an hour. After mating, the male does not remain in the cage, but moves his paws over the bitch’s body, taking a comfortable position. Usually pets stand with their tails facing each other.

Mistakes before mating

It is imperative to choose the day of mating before the bitch ovulates, since after it there is a high risk of giving birth to puppies with pathologies or dead ones.

The following errors can lead to this situation:

  • early mating period - up to the recommended 18 months;
  • the bitch is allergic to the protein contained in semen;
  • poor nutrition;
  • forced starvation of a dog;
  • overweight.

These problems should be corrected before mating.

How to help puppies and dogs during childbirth

Successful mating of shepherd dogs on the 62-63rd day ends in childbirth. If there are many puppies in the litter, the duration of pregnancy may be shorter. A day before the puppies are born, the female’s temperature begins to drop to 37 °C. The dog will make a nest, look for dark hiding places, dig the floor covering, and will not respond to commands.

Childbirth in a dog

Healthy dogs in good shape usually give birth on their own, without the help of their owners, but it is necessary to monitor the process. At the same time, it is important for every breeder to know the following nuances:

  • the bitch should not be allowed to chew the bladder before the puppy is born;
  • if the bubble bursts and the puppy is not born, you have 1.5-2 hours to save it;
  • At birth, the index finger and thumb are inserted head first into the vagina. Thus, it is necessary to grab the puppy by the withers and, with the next attempt, gently pull it down;
  • when the head appears, the shell is torn and the nose is wiped with a napkin;
  • to free the shoulders, the head is carefully pulled first to the left, then to the right;
  • if the forelimbs are pressed tightly, they are pryed with the index finger and brought out;
  • The upper body is carefully grasped with the fingers, swayed slightly and pulled up towards the dog’s stomach when pushing.

Important! If birth occurs for the first time, there is no experience in obstetrics and resuscitation of newborn puppies, it is better to invite a veterinarian.


Owners independently agree on payment before breeding German Shepherds.

There are two options:

  • Money - payment can be made upon delivery or after the sale of the puppies. The amount changes accordingly: when selling puppies, the cost of mating will be 1/4 of the cost of the offspring, and when mating it will decrease by 3 times from these figures.
  • Alimony puppy - the owner of a male dog receives a two-month-old puppy.

The priority choice remains with the owner of the bitch.

Healthy offspring directly depend on the well-being and age of German Shepherds during the mating period. Owners should pay special attention to the choice of premises, as well as the selection of a partner.

You can find contacts of leading breeders in Russia on the website.

External signs

After the bitch reaches 8 months of age, external signs of readiness for mating may appear. Her noose softens. Bloody discharge also appears. After 1-1.5 weeks after the start of estrus, the loop increases. The discharge becomes lighter and more transparent. The female's behavior changes. She flirts with members of the opposite sex and becomes restless. The female has a characteristic posture in which the tail is moved to the side. If stroking the croup causes the bitch to squat, this indicates that she is ready for breeding.


The first mating of females is recommended after the third heat. The date on which mating should be carried out is of interest to many owners of the breed. The timing directly depends on the age and individual characteristics of the dog. Most experts recommend breeding a female dog on the 12th-15th day of her heat. Breeders often conduct mating in the first days of estrus. In this case, she will give birth to a small number of puppies. Also, if the mating time is not observed, pregnancy may not occur.

During the period of heat, it is necessary to carefully monitor the bitch, as she may be covered by a male of another breed. Pedigree breeding requires careful selection of breeds that are suitable for crossing.

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