T-cap poodle: description of the pet's character and the basics of proper care

The Tickle Poodle is the smallest type of Toy Poodle.

The name of the breed was given to the dogs because at puppyhood they can easily fit in a teacup.

The Tee-Cap is considered a fairly rare breed.

But sometimes such puppies appear in a litter of standard poodles.

And it should be noted that they are very popular.

Origin story

There are several versions of the origin of the breed.

Some historians believe that the homeland of the miniature dog is France . It is believed that the breed appeared by crossing a retriever, a shepherd dog and a representative of one of the herding breeds.

Historians claim that poodles lived at the court of the French kings and were used for hunting and circus performances.

Other experts believe that this breed originated in Central Asia and was brought to Europe by Phoenician sailors.

As for the tikap variety, it was bred through selective breeding in the middle of the 20th century.


A conscientious breeder approaches his business carefully, trying to maintain the quality and standard of the breed. However, any buyer should study the physical characteristics of the breed before purchasing a four-legged friend. The poodle should have a characteristic curly or wavy coat, as well as a harmonious body structure. Color can be white, brown, black, apricot or gray.

The starting price of a poodle puppy from a professional breeder with documents is from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles . The more the breeder invests in providing the dogs, the higher the cost of the puppies will be. Typically, a conscientious breeder will purchase quality food and provide regular veterinary care. The cost can double if the baby has titled parents.

Without a pedigree, a poodle puppy can be purchased for 12,000-18,000 rubles . If its cost is less than 10,000, then perhaps they are offering you a dog with defects or diseases.

Description of the breed

The T-Cup Poodle is a small dog with a good disposition and toy-like appearance; in fact, it is a mini version of the Toy Poodle..

Compared to other representatives of the breed, the dog has a rounded skull shape and more prominent eyes.

The bones of such pets are slightly deformed, and the proportions differ from those of other types of poodles.

Breed standard:

  1. The head is round in shape, the forehead is of medium width, the cheekbones and cheeks are flattened, the eye arches are pronounced.
  2. The bridge of the nose is straight, the lips are thick and pigmented, and the jaws are quite strong. The set of teeth is often incomplete and this is considered a deviation.
  3. Expressive eyes.
  4. The ears are soft, rounded, hanging down.
  5. The body is oblong.
  6. The limbs are straight, the femoral part is wide, the hands have a rounded shape.
  7. The tail is set high and carried at an angle.

Most common colors:

  • White.
  • Black.
  • Cream.
  • Grey.
  • Peach
  • Light red.
  • Chocolate.
  • Brown.

The coat of miniature pets is the same as that of regular poodles: thick, curly and requiring careful care.

Cost of an adult dog

The sale of adult representatives of the Toy Poodle breed is quite rare. The price depends on the dog's gender, external characteristics and origin.

Minimum price:

  • male – $450;
  • female – $550.

If you decide to buy an adult dog, you should know the following few important points:

  • reason for sale;
  • veterinary passport;
  • documents of origin;
  • It is advisable to check with a veterinarian.

Note! Buying an adult dog will help you avoid the risk of growing too tall, as is often the case when buying a puppy.

Character traits

The Tee-Cup, like any poodle, tends to exhibit artistic qualities.

is flexible, soft and kind, he is perfectly trainable, is attached to his owner and always tries to please him .
In addition, the pet is very obedient, loves to play and demonstrate his skills, and treats guests well. This dog is distinguished by curiosity, which does not go away with age.

At any age, the baby literally sticks his nose into all the cracks.

If there are small children in the house, the dog will happily play with them and obey them unquestioningly.

It is very important for him to know that he is loved, because the baby has a delicate psyche and a sensitive nervous system, the dog is easily excited and scared . However, the teacup is a predator.

This means that all his dog instincts are preserved. Therefore, under no circumstances should you pamper your baby or forgive any prank, otherwise this will spoil the character of the animal.

It should also be said that the dog tolerates loneliness well . When leaving for work, you can safely leave him alone and he will not suffer from it.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“T-kap is a lively, active, but very sensitive dog, he is sociable, active, loves children and gets along well with other pets. Another quality of a dog is its tendency to choose favorites among family members, usually the mistress of the house. The main thing here is not to spoil the dog. With proper upbringing, your baby will become a wonderful friend and companion for you.”

Where is the best place to buy

When buying a puppy, it is advisable to give preference to nurseries or private breeders of the breed. In these cases, you can first discuss the planned mating, find out how much the dog costs now and what the cost of a poodle puppy from the future planned litter is. You will also have the opportunity to evaluate external characteristics and meet future parents.

There are a number of nuances that should make you wary and abandon the puppy. You should choose another nursery in the following cases:

  • Lack of breeding documents. Under this guise, non-purebred and sick animals are often sold.
  • Lack of documents on mating and its planning.
  • Lack of veterinary passports, vaccinations and data on treatment against parasites; veterinarian stamps are required.
  • Refusal to meet parents.
  • Mom weighs less than 2.5 kg. Little daddy allowed.
  • Clear signs of dwarfism. The size of the head is too large and its flat shape, hunchback and curvature of the limbs.
  • Imposing the smallest puppy of the litter. Most often, these babies grow up to be large.
  • Multiple or first litter. Such puppies usually cost much less.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • High level of intelligence.
  • Lack of aggression and obedience.
  • Activity and artistry.
  • Devotion to the owner.
  • Dogs are perfect for keeping in an apartment.
  • T-kap poodles are not prone to conflicts with other pets.
  • These dogs do not bark for no reason.
  • T-cap tolerates loneliness calmly.


  • Susceptibility to diseases (urolithiasis, alopecia, tonsillitis, microphthalemia, etc.)
  • Excessive emotionality and excitability.
  • The pet does not tolerate cold very well; temperatures below +15 degrees are contraindicated for it.
  • The bitch often does not cope well with childbirth.
  • Due to their size, dogs are often injured.

Price of a dog with and without documents

The cost of a puppy without documents differs significantly from a pet with a good pedigree, documented.

If you have all the necessary documents, a toy poodle puppy can cost:

  • male from $500 to 3000;
  • female from $650 to 3500.

You can buy a puppy without documents:

  • male from $50 to 100;
  • female from $70 to 200.

How to properly care

Like most decorative breeds, the teacup requires careful care and attention to itself.

What does proper care include?:

  1. Teeth cleaning and care. In this regard, you should know that a tee-cup’s teeth are a vulnerable spot. This means that the dog needs regular examinations by a veterinary dentist. You should visit a doctor at least once every six months. In addition, your dog needs to have his teeth read regularly, at least once a week. In this case, you should use a special toothbrush and toothpaste. Special treats are used to prevent plaque.
  2. Grooming includes bathing, brushing and trimming. You need to bathe your dog once every 2-3 months, using a special shampoo and conditioner. As for combing, it is best to do it daily to avoid the formation of tangles. It is recommended to cut a miniature pet's hair only in a grooming salon. Grooming yourself is not recommended due to the petite size of the dog.
  3. The Tee-Kapoo also requires regular nail trimming. This should be done once every 2-3 weeks, focusing on the rate of claw growth. When cutting hair, use special clippers. Under no circumstances should ordinary nail clippers be used when trimming nails.
  4. Ear cleaning. Regular cotton pads and a special lotion for cleaning dog ears are best suited for this. Typically this cleaning is done once a week. Soak a cotton pad or swab in the lotion and gently wipe the inside of your pet's ear.
  5. Take your pet to the veterinarian annually to prevent disease.
  6. Despite its miniature size, the dog must receive regular exercise. Therefore, you should take her for daily walks


In the cold season, a small pet needs warm clothes for walks, since the dog has practically no undercoat and is susceptible to hypothermia.

How much does a puppy cost?

The cost of a puppy depends directly on the purpose for which you are buying the animal. Three classes of breed division

  • Pet class – from $400 . These are animals that combine all breed characteristics and comply with a single accepted international standard. Such puppies may have one or more defects that prevent the dog from being used for future breeding. It is recommended to buy such puppies as a pet.
  • Breeding class – from $600 . The future purpose of the puppy is breeding. Characterized by the absence of disqualifying deviations, correctly and well built.
  • Show class – from $950 . There is no upper limit. These are the elite of the breed and future champions, capable of bringing glory to the owner and expensive offspring.

Nutritional features - what is better and how to feed correctly

The way a miniature dog feeds is very important, as its health and life expectancy depend on it. T-cap has rather fragile health and what is possible for an ordinary dog ​​is prohibited for such a baby.

For example, such a baby is strictly forbidden to give sugar and any sweet dishes, chocolate and all products containing it, river fish, as well as beans and potatoes in any form are unacceptable..

The most preferred food for a teacup poodle is considered to be natural food, that is, the food prepared by the owner. The worst option is dry food.

Sample T-Cup Poodle Menu:

  • Lean meat (poultry, beef or veal). Pork is strictly prohibited.
  • Boiled sea fish without bones.
  • Grated raw carrots.
  • Fermented milk products (cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt, kefir, yogurt).
  • Fruits (bananas or apples).
  • Porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal).

It is very advisable if you add olive or sunflower oil to your food.

The serving size should not exceed 30-40 g.

What does the price depend on?

  1. Class . In dog breeding, puppies are of varying quality. They are divided into three classes, the price of each of which varies significantly. The first class, called pet, includes domestic dogs that become excellent companions for their owners. Breeding, the second class, includes those puppies that can be used for breeding. Pets of the third, show class, are intended for various exhibitions and competitions. Sometimes an animal is classified into all three classes. A pet-class puppy can be purchased for a minimal price, but for a show class you will have to pay a decent amount.
  2. Type of poodle . Miniature and toy poodles are more expensive than small ones. And royal ones are assessed on a special scale, which takes into account appearance, pedigree, character, color and other factors.
  3. Health . If you see a puppy at a reduced price, then it is quite possible that they are offering you a sick dog. Sellers often remain silent about defects in animals. Be sure to make sure that the puppy's parents have undergone a medical examination. Symptoms of incurable genetic diseases in the offspring of unhealthy parents may appear only some time after birth. Common poodle diseases include cardiovascular disorders, epilepsy and cataracts.
  4. Pedigree . The cost of a puppy is much higher if its parents are champions with many awards and titles. Despite this, even the most impressive pedigree does not guarantee that a puppy will grow into a show-class dog. It is much more important to choose a healthy pet from beautiful parents without defects.
  5. Floor . Bitches are more expensive than males, since they can produce offspring and, therefore, earn money for their owner.

Difference between a toy poodle and a toy poodle

The main distinguishing feature between a toy poodle and a toy poodle is its height. The height of the latter is from 24 to 28 cm, while the height of the former is from 28 to 35 cm. There is one more difference, noticeable only to experts - the degree of severity of the tubercle on the back of the head. In a toy poodle, this nuance is somewhat different, that is, it may be less visible.

Meanwhile, other characteristics of dwarfism in the form of a spherical skull, crooked feet, and snub-nosed muzzle are excluded. Otherwise, dogs are presented as smaller copies of their larger counterparts. They have the same proportions and are assessed according to the same standard.

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