Biewer York - what kind of breed is it, differences from the Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers are small, friendly bundles of joy. Dogs that are not spoiled by shaggy hair. Yorkies also often wear rubber bands and hairpins. Whether they like it or not, we don't know. But their owners are definitely delighted with this. Not everyone realizes that behind its cute appearance lies a brave and devoted creature, ready at any moment to defend its owner.

Yorkshire Terrier. History of the breed

These cute creatures do not claim ancient origins. They appeared a century and a half ago.

The homeland of the Yorkshire Terrier is Lancashire and Yorkshire. Counties in the north of England.

In the 18th centuries, landowners forbade peasants from owning large dogs to prevent them from poaching. That's why they had little ones, helpers and companions.

At the end of the 18th century, industrialization began in England. People from all over the country began to move to the cities in the west of the county to find work there. They carried four-legged pets with them. It was these small peasant dogs that became the ancestors of the Yorkshire terriers.

The breed was developed by weavers. They managed to get dogs that were bluish-steel in color with golden-brown markings. What made her stand out from her peers was her long, silky fur. The new breed was called the Yorkshire Silky-Coated Blue and Tan Terrier.

The first Yorkies were different from modern representatives of the breed. They had an elongated body format and weighed about 7 kilograms. Silky-haired cats quickly gained popularity. Other breeds of small English terriers have supplanted them. And some were completely supplanted.

Yorkshire Terriers have many official ancestors. These include terriers:

  1. Clydesdale;
  2. sky;
  3. Paisley;
  4. Cairo.

The first and third types of terriers were not recognized as independent breeds, but modern Yorkies are most similar to them.

Some sources claim that one of the ancestors of the York dog was the Maltese. But outwardly these dogs are different. It is said that Yorkies and lapdogs were crossed in order to obtain a softer, silkier coat from the former. It is difficult to refute this theory, since light Yorkies have really high-quality and soft wool.

Officially, the history of the Yorkshire Terrier breed dates back to 1886. It was then that the English Kennel Club recognized them as an independent breed. The first breed standard was adopted by the Kennel Club in 1898.

Yorkshire Terriers in Russia

The first Yorkshire Terrier appeared in Russia in 1971. It was presented to the famous ballerina Olga Lepeshinskaya. The ballerina's dog caused everyone's delight. Many people at that time dreamed of having the same pet. It was almost impossible to do this at that time. In the Soviet Union, no one was breeding Yorkshire terriers. You could only buy such a dog abroad. Only members of the elite could afford this. They brought the first representatives of the breed to the country. For ordinary people, Yorkies remained a pipe dream. The situation changed in the 90s of the 20th century.

In 1991, the first private kennel of Yorkshire terriers was founded in Mytishchi. Breeding material was brought there from England, France and Spain. A dog with a charming tail on its head has captivated the Russians. They quickly spread throughout the country.


Such a variety as the Biro Yorkie arose as a result of the mutation of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier. Biro Yorkies are also tri-colored, however, in their color the black color is replaced by chocolate brown, and the hair on the head has a golden tint. They are also slightly larger in size and weight.

Biro Yorkies cannot be called an independent breed, because the basic requirement for the concept of “breed” is not met: it is impossible to predict what the litter will be like, even when crossing two Biro Yorkies.

Interesting facts about Yorkshire Terriers

From warrior to television star

The most courageous representative of the breed is considered to be the female Smokey. There are 6 monuments erected to her in the USA. The most famous in Ohio, in the city of Cleveland.

During the Second World War, American soldiers found the dog in the jungles of New Guinea. She sat alone in an abandoned trench. The owner of the Yorkie was US Air Force pilot William Wynn. She went with him to the Pacific theater of operations. As part of the 26th reconnaissance squadron, she flew 12 combat missions. For this she was awarded 8 stars for service. Jumped with a parachute. Barking warned the soldiers about the threat of bombing. She saved the lives of military personnel more than once.

She helped military engineers lay cables during the construction of an airfield in Lingguayen Bay on the island of Luzon in the Philippine archipelago. The tiny size allowed her to crawl through an underground pipe and pull a wire through it. Thanks to her help, military builders reduced the construction time of a strategic facility and saved on finances and human resources.

In her free time, she entertained the wounded. She showed the tricks that her owner had learned with her. One of them - Smokey walked on a tightrope blindfolded.

The legendary Yorkshire terrier Smoky.

After the war, little Smokey became a star on American television. The owner and his colleagues talked about the dog’s exploits. And she demonstrated funny tricks that she knew a lot of. The audience applauded with delight when the tiny dog ​​chose the right ones from a variety of letters and spelled out its name. All of America fell in love with the little heroic Smokey.

The heroic Smokey lived for about 14 years. Nobody knew the exact date of her birth. She died on February 21, 1957.

On November 11, 2005, a monument to the heroic dog and America's favorite was unveiled in Cleveland. Smokey, made of life-size bronze, sits in a soldier's helmet. The sculpture is installed on a granite pedestal. This monument is dedicated to all four-legged US soldiers.

Smallest in size

The Yorkshire terrier from England, Sylvia, is included in the Guinness Book of Records. She is recognized as the smallest representative of the breed. Her weight is only 113.4 grams, with a height at the withers of 6.35 centimeters.

Why is this done?

Attempts at crossing are usually called designer breeding of dogs - with a competent approach and knowledge of the basic laws, you can get quite interesting results. The results of the mixture are not suitable for exhibitions, but they have a rather interesting exterior, which contains features of both varieties. In addition, the character of a mixed breed from a Yorkie and, for example, a toy terrier, also combines the characteristics of both parents.

It is important to follow one of two rules:

  • Crossing two purebred individuals;
  • A union of two identical design crosses.

Crossing of different breeds is done to develop new designer breeds. As mentioned above, the main goal of designer breeding is the exterior of the future dog - a Yorkie and a toy terrier or Spitz provide a very interesting amount of external data.

In addition, in some cases, in this way they try to obtain mixed breeds with hypoallergenic properties for people who love dogs, but are allergic to them.

Let's also not discount the desire of some breeders to be known as pioneers - if you manage to get a new unique species, you can become famous and earn a lot of money. Although many dog ​​breeders are quite skeptical about such an idea as crossing breeds.

Most dog breeders are quite skeptical about breed crossings.

Yorkshire Terrier. Description

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest dog breeds. Her coat is naturally long and falls evenly to the sides. There is even a parting from the nose to the tip of the ponytail. The Yorkie's posture is proud and important. The dog always looks elegant.

The average height of a Yorkshire terrier is 15–17 cm. The weight of these dogs according to standards is no less than 2.3 kg and slightly more than 3.1 kg.

Based on size, Yorkies are divided into 4 types:

  1. Big. Height is a little more than 22 cm, weight is a little over 3 kg.
  2. Standard. Height 15 - 20 cm, weight 3 kg.
  3. Mini. Their weight ranges from 1.6 kg to 2.2 kg.
  4. Micro. Weight 1ー1.5 kg.


A description of the Yorkshire Terrier breed would not be complete without mentioning the Yorkie's build. It harmoniously combines moderate muscularity and elegance.

The body is proportional, the back is horizontal and very short. The height of the croup is the same as the height of the withers. Strong loin, moderately sprung ribs.


The skull does not have a round or convex shape. It is flat and small. The third part of the length of the head is the length of the muzzle. The face itself is neat and short with a black nose. The neck has a good length.


The beauty of Yorkshire Terriers is their intelligent eyes with dark eyelids. They are medium in size, erect, dark and shiny.


Quite small, similar to the English letter V. Standing. Not too wide apart. Covered with short fur.


Yorkies have excellent teeth with an even, regular scissor bite. The upper ones fit tightly in front of the lower incisors. The jaws are straight, the teeth stand vertically.


The front legs are straight, the elbow joints do not protrude. If you look directly at the hind legs, they are also straight. The knee joints are not noticeable. All four paws are abundantly covered with fur. Brown-red coat color according to the standard is no higher than the elbows. The tips of the coat are lighter than the roots.

The claws are black. Yorkies often have dewclaws. They must be removed.


The Yorkshire Terrier is free to move. Graceful and energetic.


According to old standards, the tail had to be docked, that is, shortened through surgery. Now this is not at all necessary. The tail is held slightly above the line of the back and is abundantly covered with fur.


The fur of these dogs has no undercoat. Thanks to this, Yorkshire Terriers practically do not shed. Their fur is very similar to human hair. It also grows and sometimes falls out, but only when scratched or severely damaged.


The Yorkshire Terrier has a black and brown color standard. When the puppy is about six months old, the black color on the coat acquires a bluish tint, and the brown color becomes lighter. By about one and a half years, the fur on the Yorkie's body is a dark, bluish-steel color, but the paws, muzzle and chest become golden fawn.

Yorkies may come in other colors not provided for in the breed standard. The reason is an admixture of blood from another breed or a mutation at the genetic level.

White color. Sometimes with a yellowish tint. The wool's structure is no different from the standard. There may be markings on the paws, tail and head, which is generally characteristic of this breed.

  • Chocolate color. These dogs are called Choco-Yorks or Biro-Yorks. They are classified as a separate breed. The entire fur is delicate chocolate tones without any pronounced markings.
  • White and black color. The dog's body is black, and there are light spots on the head, paws and tail.
  • Black color. Such animals have short hair, which is coarser, thinner and shorter.


A cross between a dachshund and a Yorkshire terrier (dorki) is the result of research carried out presumably at the end of the 20th century. breeding work in the USA. The choice fell on these dogs, since both of them belong to decorative and hunting breeds and are suitable for each other in size. Dorks are small rectangular dogs, weighing about 4 kg and reaching a height of more than 30 cm at the withers. They are similar in appearance to dachshunds, but have a wider muzzle and small, semi-erect, triangular-shaped ears.

Today, there are 2 varieties of these mestizos, differing from each other in coat. The first type has long, soft and slightly wavy hair, which is easy to comb and does not tend to bristle in different directions, making the dog look neat. The coat of the second variety is shorter and very hard; caring for it requires regular brushing only with metal brushes and haircuts at least twice a year.

Almost any coat color is allowed, but the most common is black and tan with a little gray.

The hunting blood of Dorks is the cause of some problems in their character:

  • stubbornness and willfulness;
  • jealousy of other pets;
  • the need to dig holes;
  • constant barking;
  • hunting instinct aimed at small animals.

Any character flaws can be corrected with proper upbringing, socialization and training. In addition, Dorks need regular active walks and games, which help get rid of accumulated energy and extinguish the hunting instinct. Basic care for these pets consists of feeding them a high-calorie diet appropriate for their activity, daily cleaning of the ears and eyes, and trimming their nails as they grow back.

Personality of the Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkie's character includes many contradictory qualities. But it is precisely this feature that makes these English dogs charming and unique.

Despite the fact that Yorkshire Terriers are perceived as small lap dogs and are often pampered, they are very impulsive, active and energetic. They have a “terrier” character. If possible, they will get involved in a mess. They will gladly take part in games with their fellow tribesmen, even if they are larger than them. They tend to bark at anything that moves.

Stubborn and restless. At the same time, they are smart and quick-witted. With skillful approach, they can be taught many tricks.

Tendencies to fight for leadership in the family. To avoid problems later, it is necessary to raise your pet from an early age.

Yorkshire Terrier is a hunting dog. His ancestors were excellent rat catchers. They passed this skill on to their descendants. Despite their small size, Yorkies can easily cope with mice and rats. In the modern world, most owners do not require their pets to protect their home from pests. However, dogs will never miss an opportunity to catch a rodent. Hunting is fun for these kids.

Loyal to the owner. Attached to him. When going out into nature, you can safely let him off the leash and relax. He won't run away. Yorkies only show that they are brave and independent. In fact, it is very important for them that their person is “in front of their eyes.”

Jealous. If the owner pays attention to another animal, the small dog experiences mental suffering. He needs to be treated with respect and love.

Sociable and inquisitive. Strive to make friends with everyone around you.

Loneliness is hard to bear. They prefer to always be close to the owner. Spin around his feet or sit on his lap. You should not leave your pet alone in the house for a long time. If necessary, prepare toys for him in advance. Otherwise, he can ruin your things, chew furniture, and make a mess in the apartment.

Friendly. They will never conflict with other four-legged housemates. They get along especially well with cats. But their attitude towards strangers largely depends on how the owner raised them. Untrained pets rush at large dogs, causing trouble for themselves and for the owner. That's why they are jokingly called Ruffy Terriers.

These dogs love to travel. If your pet is accustomed to a car from an early age, he will be happy to keep you company even on long trips.

Shih Tzu mix

To obtain designer dogs, breeders also breed Yorkshire Terriers and Shih Tzus. Puppies born as a result of such crossing are called Shorkies.

Distinctive features of these dogs are their compact size, wide but cute muzzle and body type, reminiscent of a Shih Tzu.

Most individuals have the same color as the Yorkshire Terrier, but some individuals have spots of different shades on the coat.


According to some sources, the Shorkie's coat is hypoallergenic.

Education and training

These kids are highly intelligent. It is not at all difficult to train them. You need to start training when Yorkshire terriers are still very young. Don't forget that most small dogs have a "refined" nervous system. Yorkies are no exception. A sudden movement or sound can frighten your pet and lead to a nervous breakdown. It is especially important not to scare your Yorkie as a puppy. Otherwise, the consequences may last a lifetime.

As soon as your four-legged baby arrives at home, introduce him to all family members. People and animals.

Start accustoming your new family member to different sounds. Do not forget that this must be done with extreme caution and gradually. Speak more quietly, turn down the volume on the TV for a while. Of course, don't rattle pots in the kitchen.

Yorkie is a charming and fashionable creature, but you shouldn’t rush to show it off to everyone right away. The pet must also get used to affection and warmth. Only after he feels comfortable enough in the family circle can you introduce him to the world.

Yorkies, like all dogs, need socialization. Start your walks in quiet streets and parks. Then gradually move towards crowded ones. When your pet gets used to them, go to the central ones, with a large flow of cars. If the puppy is nervous, pick him up.

Always keep your dog in your arms or on a leash when going out into traffic. No matter what age he is. Even an adult Yorkshire Terrier can get scared, confused and get hit by a car.

Be sure to get your baby accustomed to the car. First, go with him to the car. Let him stand next to her. Only when he gets used to it can you put him inside. This is an important skill. In life, there is often a need to travel by transport to a groomer or veterinarian. Or just go on a trip. The little companion must be prepared for such a development of events.

It’s best to start learning commands with simple ones: “come to me”, “sit” and “nearby”. When training, a person should be restrained and persistent, but not aggressive. Otherwise, the pet may simply get scared and become stubborn. This dog loves treats as incentive and motivation. And don't forget about the pet's character. It is difficult for a dog with a tail on his head to sit in one place and repeat the same commands. For training to be productive, it must be short-lived. No more than 30-40 minutes a day. This time should be divided into 3 to 5 lessons.

Yorkies tend to fight for the role of leader in the family. To avoid problems later, it is important to show your Yorkie puppy who is boss in the family from the first days of his arrival in the house. This can be done in simple “painless” ways. After a walk, the dog should enter the apartment only after the owner. The pet should not receive food until the owner has eaten.

Your dog will feel comfortable if he follows a schedule. Set a time for your baby to feed, sleep, exercise, and walk. Stick to a schedule. The dog will become more disciplined and calm. The reason is that he will learn when to expect food, a walk, and games with the owner. Dogs love order. Over time, the four-legged pet will demand punctuality from the owner.

Pay close attention to furniture, slippers and other things. The Yorkshire Terrier will easily turn them into their toys and render them unusable. If this happens, do not be offended by your pet. They didn’t notice it themselves. Never use physical force as punishment. It is enough to say the command “you cannot” in a stern tone and take the forbidden thing from the Yorkie. You can scold a little. Let the dog understand that you are unhappy. However, this can only be done at the moment when the naughty man is caught red-handed.


Very small dogs weighing up to 2 kg. Of course, this adds even more attractiveness to their appearance (see photo of mini Yorkshire terriers below), but such miniature size can cause a number of inconveniences:

  • Leaving your pet at a height, even if it is small, there is a chance that the baby will fall and damage the bones.
  • Small children can also unknowingly harm a puppy because they simply do not know how to handle it.
  • Breeding a pet has its own characteristics, so it is not advisable for beginners to breed these dwarf Yorkshire terriers.

Care and maintenance

After your baby is in a new home, he needs to be shown a warm corner and preferably a tray. This way he will feel more comfortable.

The Yorkshire Terrier requires careful care of its coat. True, he doesn’t like all these procedures: bathing, combing and haircuts. If your pet has long hair, then bathe it 1-2 times a week. If the coat is short, once a month is enough. The dog should be combed at least 2 times a day. A massage brush with metal teeth or a comb is quite suitable for this.

Before bathing, be sure to comb your pet. It is advisable to put a rubber mat in the bathtub so that this miracle does not slip. The optimal water temperature is 35 degrees. It is necessary to use a special shampoo for dogs with long hair. After bathing, the pet must be wrapped in a towel and taken to a warm room. Dry the wool with a hairdryer. Then comb again. Excessively grown and protruding hairs can be shortened. Pay special attention to the paw pads, hair on the tips of the ears and the anus.

You can judge the owner by how the Yorkshire Terrier looks.

Some owners of dogs with ponytails put up with the fact that their dogs do not always look well-groomed. It is enough for them to be clean and healthy. But if you want your dog to shine at the show and attract admiring glances, you will have to work hard.

Owners of dog ring stars brush their pets every day, several times a day. They wash their fur with special expensive shampoos and make masks for their dogs. Show Yorkshire Terriers often wear curlers at home. All this is done in order to be in full dress at the right moment.

Yorkies need their nails trimmed two or three times a month. Ideally, do this after water procedures. They can be capricious, so be careful. Just in case, keep a styptic pencil nearby. But if you are not confident in your abilities, you can contact a grooming salon. There, if necessary, they will do a breed haircut.

Yorkies need to have their teeth brushed periodically. Otherwise, caries will appear. In the morning and evening, wipe the corners of the eyes and clean the ears with wet wipes. Remove dirt, secretions, and wax.

You can create many interesting hairstyles on your pet's head. The most common of them is the ponytail. He has long become a kind of symbol of the breed. Yorkie fashionistas don't mind at all. After all, they are accustomed to such manipulations from childhood. They get used to it. Hairpins and rubber bands do not interfere with doggies.


Yorkies are not prone to overeating. Often the food bowl may remain full. This is fine. The pet will eat as much as it needs.

Yorkshire Terriers can be fed either special food or homemade food. If you choose the second option, make sure that your diet includes chicken and beef. The meat should be slightly cooked. Don't forget about cereals. Buckwheat and rice are perfect for your pet. These dogs do not always like fermented baked milk and cottage cheese, but it is good for them to eat them in small quantities.

Do not deny your pet the pleasure of eating fruits and vegetables. Moreover, they also contain many useful vitamins.

Foods you should not feed your Yorkie:

  • chocolate and other artificial sweets;
  • semolina and rolled oats;
  • smoked, fried or fatty;
  • citruses, grapes;
  • nuts;
  • fatty sausage and cheese;
  • mushrooms.


It is not difficult to train a Yorkshire Terrier to relieve itself in a litter box. They're smart. They quickly understand what the owner requires of them. Usually busy or lazy people get out of the situation in this way.

You should understand that even if you have trained your pet to relieve itself in a litter box or in a diaper, it still needs walks. Fresh air and physical activity are necessary for the dog to function properly.

These dogs love to walk, but they need to be accustomed to this gradually. You can take your baby outside only after vaccination, which is given at 2 months of age. In this case, the weather should be warm, and spending time in the fresh air should not exceed 20 minutes. Gradually, the duration of walks should be increased. An adult Yorkshire Terrier should walk at least 2 times a day for an hour.

Baby face

Translated from English as “baby face”. These dogs have large, bright eyes and a small muzzle. Perhaps such a soft combination became the reason for its enormous popularity. It’s true, looking into those children’s, naive eyes, you want to hug the puppy close to you and hug for a long time.

Based on standards, the baby face face is considered incorrect. Its length should be no less than the length of the skull, in our case, it is 1/3.

This type of terrier often suffers from conjunctivitis due to its large eyes. However, all representatives of this breed require special care for their eyes, since long hair often causes damage.

The shortened face promotes snoring of the pet, which is completely safe for its life. In addition, your Yorkie may make strange noises while running. They also pose no threat and pass quickly enough.

Yorkshire Terrier Health and Diseases

Unfortunately, Yorkshire Terriers are prone to a number of diseases.

Dogs can have low blood sugar. This will be indicated by lethargy and low temperature. You should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

As they get older, Yorkies often develop cancer. The most common types: stomach and blood. Also, in old age, problems with joints, paws, and neck may appear. This set of ailments is associated with the fragility of the dog’s bones.

Neurodermatitis may occur in your pet due to nervousness or stress. The pet will constantly lick itself, which will lead to hair loss. If this happens, do everything to get your pet out of its harmful state: change the environment, change the four-legged regime and lifestyle.

Make sure your pet doesn't play around in hot weather. It may overheat. In winter, take care of his wardrobe. Buy a jacket and boots for him in advance. Without them, he risks freezing and catching a cold.

They are very rarely obese. If an adult Yorkshire Terrier weighs more than four and a half kilograms, consult a veterinarian. He will select a diet and tell you how best to organize physical activity.

Pekingese mix

Mixed breeds of Yorkshire terriers and Pekingese (Yorkinese) have a very pretty appearance, complemented by an aristocratic character, but they are quite rare, because... These dogs have fragile health.

It is also absolutely impossible to predict what the puppies resulting from such crossing will be like, because the best qualities of their parents are not always passed on to them.

Often an undesirable mixture of characteristics is found in puppies, which is determined by poor coat, squinting eyes, an unformed skull, a non-closed fontanel and other problems.

Popular questions about the breed

Attitude towards children. Is it suitable as a family dog?

This dog should not be owned by people who often go on long business trips. Yorkies love attention and care. It is also not recommended to take them into a large family. They don't like turmoil. They don't always get along with children. They may show aggression. Do not forget that these are small creatures and cannot tolerate noise.

The Ruffed Terrier will be an excellent companion for an adult, self-sufficient person who is ready to give love and care to his faithful friend.

Is it suitable for people with allergies?

Yorkies are perfect for those who suffer from allergies. The reason is the wool. Its structure resembles human hair. Doesn't smell, doesn't shed.

How many years do they live

The average life expectancy of these dogs is 12 - 15 years. Some individuals live up to 16.

But Yorkies of the “mini” and “micro” categories have weaker immunity. They live approximately 7 - 9 years.

Mixed breed with Spitz

Most often, to obtain original Yorkie puppies, they are bred with Spitz dogs. Puppies born as a result of such mating inherit the best qualities of both parents and have an attractive appearance and good health. Such dogs are not prone to developing genetic pathologies and, according to experienced breeders, are characterized by a high rate of survival.

Mestizos also have the following positive qualities:

  • friendliness;
  • intelligence and intelligence;
  • loyalty;
  • cheerful character;
  • ability to learn;
  • lack of aggression;
  • empathy.

All this is possible only if you carefully select purebred parents with a similar temperament, otherwise the puppy may have various deviations regarding both appearance and health.

Here are some typical photos.

Each puppy has a unique set of characteristics, so it is impossible to predict the length, color or texture of the coat. It is also impossible to judge in advance the character of the future pet, but if any undesirable traits appear, they can be easily corrected with proper upbringing, training and socialization. The only thing we can talk about with confidence is the size of the mestizos. Adults do not grow large; they have a compact, less often medium size.

Caring for the hair of a Yorkie-Spitz crossbreed is primarily aimed at regular brushing to avoid the formation of tangles and monthly cutting of split ends of hair that impede normal coat growth.

Where can I buy. How to choose a puppy

Yorkshire Terriers are one of the most popular and promoted breeds of small dogs in the world. The Internet is replete with offers for the sale of puppies. Take your time to make a purchase. Choosing a new family member based on a photo is risky. Subsequently, he may not live up to your expectations. It’s better to contact local breeders and visit breed nurseries yourself.

A good breeder will be happy to show you the mother of the babies. If possible, then dad too. Shows the pedigree of the parents. Will tell about their exhibition career.

Tell the owner of the kennel for what purpose he is purchasing a Yorkshire Terrier puppy. Depending on this, he will offer you candidates. Anyone who dreams of participating in dog shows or breeding will be offered expensive puppies - show or breeding class. If you just need a friend and companion, perhaps a pet-class baby will do. This is a healthy puppy, but with slight deviations from the breed standard. He will love you no less than his standard siblings. It will cost less.

Have you decided to make your own choice? Start watching the kids. Give preference to an active, cheerful puppy who stands confidently on his feet. The baby's back should be straight. The nose is wet if he is awake. When sleeping, it can be dry. Gums are bright pink. Eyes and ears - no discharge. The tummy should not be bloated. The coat is silky and straight.

If you are planning a show career for your pet, first of all pay attention to the puppy's coat. Give preference to a baby with a dark color and red-golden spots. They can be on the chest, muzzle, the inside of the legs and under the tail - of different sizes and shapes. Do not take puppies with colors that do not meet the standard. The breeder may convince you that the baby will bloom. Don't believe it! Only a small white spot on the chest, if present, can completely rebloom.

After the transaction, the breeder must give you and your four-legged baby a veterinary passport, which records the vaccinations performed. And also a puppy card, which you will later exchange for the pet’s pedigree. Please note that the puppy's brand number must match the number written on the card.

Be careful when choosing a mini Yorkie! Don't buy it from strangers. Fraudsters often sell small, unhealthy dogs under their guise.

How much does a Yorkshire Terrier cost?

The price for Yorkshire Terrier puppies varies from 15 to 80 thousand. Depends on the status of the kennel and the class of the puppy.

A pet-class Yorkshire Terrier puppy will cost 15-20 thousand, breeding - 20-35 thousand, show class - from 35 and above.

Girls always cost a little more than males.

Four-legged babies without documents can be purchased for 5-10 thousand. But you need to understand that the quality of such puppies may be low. Be prepared that instead of a Yorkshire terrier you will grow up a dog of an unknown breed that vaguely resembles a Yorkie. But this is not the worst option. It is much worse if the dog suffers from serious illnesses.


A rather rare variety of Yorkshire terriers is the Goldust, or “white gold Biewer”, or “gold dust” . The originality and showiness of dogs of this breed is given by the color of their coat, which varies from white and gold to various shades of gold. It is quite difficult to purchase a pet of this type of Yorkie, because in order to obtain such offspring it is necessary that both parents have this color.

A breakthrough in the world of dog handlers and breeders is the Blue Diamond Goldust York breed, the representatives of which differ from other types of Yorkshire terriers by the sky-blue iris of their eyes.

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