How to make clothes for a French bulldog: overalls, vest, muzzle

The question of whether clothing is needed for a French Bulldog worries many breeders. Opinions on the need to dress your pets are divided. Some people believe that when a dog is wrapped up, thermoregulation does not occur.
Natural sweating occurs in any case, but if the dog is constantly wrapped in clothes, bacteria can form on the skin, hence scratching and problems with the fur. This opinion is true in circumstances where the owner actually dresses up the Frenchman even in warm weather, for example, in warm autumn in calm weather you can walk without clothes.

Also, damage to the skin is caused if you buy or sew clothes from non-breathable materials.

Why does a bulldog need clothes?

You need to walk your bulldog 2 times a day. But what to do in bad weather, because a person has a jacket and an umbrella, but a dog has only fur. Therefore, the only salvation from cold and moisture for a French bulldog is clothing.

Short hair does not keep pets warm in winter; it quickly gets wet from snow and rain. Due to hypothermia, bulldogs get colds, coughing, sneezing, and problems with the respiratory organs.

A French bulldog also needs clothing when carrying out veterinary procedures:

  • after operation;
  • insect repellent treatments;
  • antiseptic disinfection of wounds.

Medical blankets and muzzles are designed to prevent the dog from scratching or biting the affected areas of the skin (for dermatitis, alopecia).


In the city, it is very important to put shoes on dogs, since in winter in cities they use chemicals to protect roads from ice. Shoes are essential to protect your dog's paw pads from injury. Shoes are not difficult to find, but they are selected by trying them on a pet. At home, the dog does not put shoes on for long, so that he gets used to this part of the wardrobe. The pet will gradually get used to the shoes and will calmly “put on” the shoes.

For the first time, purchase soft shoes with thin soles and gradually move on to other model options. Separate shoes are purchased for each season so that the dog is comfortable in any weather change.

Features of crossing (male/female)

Experienced breeders are inclined to believe that for a successful mating it is necessary to bring the bitch to the male, and not vice versa, since in his territory the male will be more confident in himself, which will increase the chances of fertilization. Most often, 2 types of knitting are used: freestyle and hand. In free-breeding, dogs are kept in the same room to perform copulation. This type of mating can be used if the bitch shows interest in the male, and the male is experienced in such intercourse.

When manually mating, the help of breeders is required, who will support the bitch in the required position and guide the male who has no experience or for some reason does not show an active interest in copulation. Hand mating is also used when mating a young bitch or a bitch that shows restlessness and some aggressiveness, for which it is better to put a muzzle on her.

With one hand they hold her by the collar, and with the other they support her stomach, while it is necessary to calm her down with gentle words and strokes . It is important to remember that a male dog’s penis should not be touched, otherwise he may simply refuse to continue the process or ejaculate prematurely. When the male's penis enters the female's genital tract, she may jerk in surprise or from incomprehensible sensations. It is necessary to hold it for several minutes until the penis enters the vagina and the dog begins to instinctively erect, after which the bitch’s sphincter contracts, a gluing occurs (lock) and she stands calmly.

Important! After mating, dogs need a short walk and rest.

If the dogs are in the castle for a period of time from 5 minutes to 25 minutes, or more, and at the end they are separated randomly, then the mating is considered to be a success. Dogs should not be forcibly separated until the sexual intercourse is complete. If, despite all efforts, the lock does not work, then this procedure must be repeated every other day, although if the sperm gets into the bitch’s genital tract, fertilization can occur after this attempt.

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Types of clothing

A pet's wardrobe should have 3 main things: a harness or collar with a leash, a waterproof warm jumpsuit and a muzzle.

But besides this, there are other types of clothing for French bulldogs:

  • warm knitted sweaters;
  • soft sweaters and vests;
  • raincoats;
  • caps, hats, scarves;
  • shoes (shoes, boots);
  • blankets (medical and warming);
  • shorts, T-shirts and tank tops (decorative elements);
  • ceremonial tailcoats;
  • dresses and skirts.

Knitting technique

In order to knit something, you need to acquire a crochet hook or knitting needles. What to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves; the methodology is as similar as possible. Schemes that look like filled-in squares will be used as instructions. Each one is colored differently, making it easy to tell which threads to use. The designations must be presented on the diagram itself. In addition to painting, certain cells can simply be marked in the diagram. All symbols must be signed.

Patterns can be found on the Internet; to do this, just use any search engine and the query “how to knit a sweater for a French bulldog and overalls for a French bulldog.”

Taking measurements

How to knit a hat for a dog? What actions are performed first? Of course, as with any other type of knitting, you need to make certain measurements before starting work. If things are much more complicated with suits and overalls, then even beginners never have any problems with taking measurements for a hat.

What parameters are needed? First, you will need to measure the animal's head circumference. Secondly, measure the distance between his ears. We will not make any additional measurements.

Yarn selection

A very important point is the choice of threads for knitting. Knitted hats for dogs should be warm and at the same time comfortable to wear. Do not buy 100% wool threads that are too scratchy for hats. It is better to give preference to children's acrylic or natural cotton.

As you know, many small breeds often suffer from various allergic ailments. They can also be used for knitting yarn. How to check the yarn? Take a small piece of thread, apply it to the inside of your elbow and rub for a while. If your skin does not react to the friction of the thread, you can buy it to knit a pet’s hat. If spots appear on the skin, redness appears, and unpleasant itching begins, then it is better not to use such a thread.

How to choose the right clothes for your pet

When choosing clothes for a French bulldog, you need to be guided by three parameters:

  • functionality of the overalls (waterproof fabric, convenient fastener, presence of a hood, warmth of the material);
  • size (the bulldog should not be constrained by clothing);
  • hypoallergenic fabric.

It is also worth paying attention to the quality of tailoring of the overalls. Cheap clothes quickly tear and lose their appearance.

Important! A separate criterion is non-marking. If the overalls are white or made of soft fabric that gets dirty quickly, you will have to wash it daily.

How to determine the size of a dog

To determine the clothing size for a French bulldog, you need to measure it according to three parameters: body length, chest volume and neck width.

It is also recommended to find out the length of your pet’s limbs, the diameter of its paws and the height at the withers. Measure the dog in a natural standing position:

  • To begin with, determine the length of the bulldog's body along the back. A centimeter measures the area from the withers to the croup.
  • Next - the volume of the chest - you need to go around the body under the front paws with a measuring tape.
  • The third parameter - the neck of the French bulldog - is wrapped in a lace at the widest part. The resulting segment is measured with a ruler or centimeter.
  • Limb length - from wrist to shoulder.
  • The bulldog's height is measured in a sitting position - from the floor to the withers.
  • The last parameter is the circumference of the paws. Place the dog on a piece of paper and trace its paws. The diameter of the resulting circles is the required value.

How to calculate the size correctly

Choosing the wrong size will lead to the clothes constantly falling off, which can cause the dog to freeze. If it turns out to be too small, it will be extremely uncomfortable for her, which can negatively affect the animal’s psyche.

Often on dog clothing labels, you can see 3 size parameters:

  • Back length
  • Bust
  • Neck circumference

The image shows the markings you should follow to calculate the dimensions.

It is important that winter clothes completely cover the back. This is the only way to provide your pet with warmth and comfort. Summer, autumn and spring clothes may be slightly shorter.

There are often situations when the owner is simply not ready to spend a lot of money to dress his pet, which is why they are interested in how to knit a sweater for a French bulldog and overalls for a French bulldog with their own hands? To do this, you don’t need to have any extensive experience in sewing, etc., just read the simple instructions.

Has fertilization occurred?

It will be possible to say that the dog has become pregnant no earlier than the fifth week after mating.
In the first month, no signs appear, the bitch’s behavior does not change.

In the second month, the nipples should swell, they will become pale pink, and clear vaginal discharge will appear.

During pregnancy, the belly will appear in the sixth week.

The behavior will change, the dog will look for a nesting place, shelter. At the eighth week you can already feel movement in the abdomen. This is the only guarantee of fertilization.

It is not recommended to breed a dog immediately after the first heat, at 6 months.

How to make clothes with your own hands

Although you can find overalls for dogs in any city, not only in Moscow and regional districts, it will be cheaper to sew clothes yourself. To do this you will need a minimum amount of materials and basic knowledge.

Knowing how to use a sewing machine will be a plus that will make your work easier.


You definitely need to sew a winter overall for your bulldog - a warm jacket that will keep the dog warm during severe frosts. To do this, select a warm, waterproof fabric (raincoat or tarpaulin), filler (sintepon, holofiber) and soft material for the lining.

  1. The dog is measured. In order for the French bulldog to feel comfortable, you need to add 3 cm to the data obtained.
  2. We mark the fabric (outer, inner and filling) according to the patterns presented below. We cut out the parts in the required quantity. We cut out parts for the paws only from raincoat fabric.
  3. Then we take one main part of waterproof material, sew it with padding polyester and cover it with a lining. We do the same for the second main part and the “breast” part.
  4. We roll up the parts for the limbs into a tube and stitch them.
  5. We sew together the resulting main parts, insert the chest part between them from below, and attach the parts for the paws.
  6. We insert fasteners or a lock on the back.

Interesting! Using the same pattern, you can sew a raincoat for a French bulldog, but use one layer of waterproof fabric without filler.

Overalls pattern for a French bulldog

Knitted sweater

You don't have to knit it to give your French Bulldog a knitted sweater!

Lazy life hack:

  1. Take an old sweater and cut off the sleeve at the seam.
  2. Try it on a bulldog, if it is too long, cut off the excess and secure the threads so that the sleeve does not unravel.
  3. From the side of the wrist elastic, step back 5-7 cm and make slits for the paws.
  4. Loosen the elastic so that the dog is not constrained.


A multifunctional wardrobe element is a vest.

Firstly, its purpose depends on the type of fabric (if the vest is knitted, then it warms, if it is raincoat, it protects from rain).

Secondly, you can use it as a harness if you attach leash rings.

Thirdly, this item will become indispensable in the dark: by decorating the vest with reflective stripes and a bell, you can easily find your French bulldog at night.

There are many patterns and patterns for sewing a vest for a bulldog. The simplest one is one-piece.

Vest pattern for a French bulldog

Scheme of work:

  1. From thick raincoat or tarpaulin fabric, cut out a piece to the size of the bulldog.
  2. Sew along the seam line on the belly and on the shoulders.
  3. Insert a lock onto the back and attach rings.


You can sew a suit for a French bulldog boy using the same pattern as the overalls, using soft, beautiful fabrics: felt, cashmere, knitwear, velor.

Such overalls are decorated with pockets, stripes, and accessories.

For girls, a decorative costume is made with a tutu skirt made of tulle.

  1. The front part of the overalls is sewn according to the pattern.
  2. Then, for the frame of the future skirt, they take an elastic band, onto which tulle ribbons of equal length are tied (an interesting option can be obtained if you use material of different colors and alternate stripes). It is important that the knots are placed so tightly that the elastic is not visible.
  3. It is recommended to sew the resulting skirt to a blouse.


French bulldogs are very reluctant to put on shoes, so they are usually walked barefoot. But sometimes shoes are necessary, for example, after surgery, nail removal, or paw injury.

To make shoes, you need to prepare in advance a sheet of thick rubber, leather or other material that will serve as the sole. You will also need a raincoat or other waterproof fabric.

The easiest way to sew boots is to use the pattern provided.

The length of the part is the required height of the boot, the width is the required volume of the limb. The diameter of the round part is the length and width of the bulldog’s paw itself + 1.5 cm.

Important! You need to measure each paw, they may differ in size. Anatomically, the hind limbs are larger, so shoes for them should be wider.

Sewing algorithm:

  1. We cut out 8 main parts from soft waterproof fabric (4 of them have a hole for the sole).
  2. From hard material we cut out circles equal to the diameter of the foot.
  3. We sew the sole into the holes so that the non-slip part comes out on the front side.
  4. We sew together the parts with the sole and their matching parts, and we get a finished boot.
  5. We prepare 4 elastic bands, first try them on the bulldog’s paw (the elastic band should not pinch the limb).
  6. We sew a piece of Velcro with hooks onto one end, and attach the other one to the back in the middle of the shoe. We sew or glue the second part of the Velcro on top.


Of course, if you need a muzzle as a stylish accessory, it is better to purchase it from an online store or zoological center. But for veterinary purposes, you can make it or sew it yourself.

In order for the muzzle for a French bulldog to be strong, it is better to make it from scraps of genuine leather or leatherette. But for visiting the veterinarian, a regular cloth muzzle will do.

Before making the accessory, you need to take measurements of the length of the bulldog's muzzle and its volume near the eyes and near the nose, add 2 cm to the resulting values ​​for an allowance.

  1. A part is cut from the selected material to the required dimensions.
  2. The connecting seams are sewn together, and strong Velcro can be attached to make it easier to put on the muzzle.
  3. On the side of the larger hole, two fairly long ribbons, ropes, and ribbons are sewn, which will serve as ties. Before cutting off the excess, you need to try on the muzzle.

Vest for a dog - a fashionable warm outfit

A dog vest can be made from bologna fabric, fleece, soft flannel or cotton. Whatever the material, it should not be rough, rough or wrinkled. A fleece vest will help your pet stay warm in the winter, and a cotton vest will help him not overheat in the summer, when it’s especially hot.
If you take on sewing a vest from Bologna, you will also need lining fabric (silk, poplin, cotton) and insulation (sintepon). Vest patterns can also be found on the Internet.

Advice! The vest must be fastened with buttons or ties. If you are sewing a lock, then the clothing should not restrict the dog’s movements, squeeze or rub the skin.

Choosing overalls for a dog: autumn and winter options

The French bulldog lives up to its French origins - this dog breed is very fashionable ! They need clothing for all seasons. Here is a list of things your baby will need:

  • Autumn overalls or raincoat made of waterproof fabric, the lining can be made of silk or cotton. All this is necessary so that the dog does not get blown in the wind on stormy autumn days, although in such weather you need to walk for a short amount of time.
  • Winter warm overalls or vest - usually made of Bolognese fabric, and the lining is made of cotton or fleece. The dog should be warm in this outfit in winter. This accessory must have a hood. If you don’t have one, then buy a hat or cap to protect your ears.

Important! You cannot walk your Frenchie in winter without overalls or at least a sweater, as the animal catches colds very easily.

  • For the summer season, the dog will need knitted T-shirts or blankets made of natural fabrics (cotton, linen), as well as caps or a bandana.

All things are tried on the bulldog - they should not cause him discomfort, squeeze his body or paws . Teach your pet to wear clothes from the first days of walking.

For those who know how to sew, the Internet contains a large number of patterns for blankets or overalls for dogs of different breeds. The most important thing here is that you can’t put rubber bands on things!

You just need to overcast the sections of the overalls, bending them. The zipper should not touch the bulldog's skin - a cotton or fleece strip is sewn underneath it.

Hat with ear slits

This will probably be the most successful hat for a dog, made with your own hands. It combines a bib that covers the neck and a hat that has space for the ears. If you choose the color of the yarn well, it will be an ideal addition to any winter outfit of your pet.

To work in this case, you will need a set consisting of five knitting needles. They are also called socks. When you take your measurements, make a test knitted piece and calculate the number of knitting needles, try to get them close to a multiple of four. The resulting number of loops will need to be distributed (cast on) onto four knitting needles in equal numbers.

What do you need to buy when you bring a puppy into your home?

When they get a purebred puppy, they immediately write down a list of necessary equipment. This includes:

  • ceramic food bowl;
  • iron bowl for water;
  • bed (pillow);
  • toys, which should be rubber or wooden, of medium size;
  • a blanket or small blanket;
  • tray;
  • nail clipper;
  • toothpaste and brush;
  • dog shampoo;
  • eye drops;
  • cotton pads and cotton swabs;
  • hydrogen peroxide – wipe the folds.

The most necessary vestments

The most successful and practical wardrobe item is a jumpsuit. At least one copy must be present.

Since it is recommended to wash and dry the overalls after almost every walk, it is not at all advisable to limit yourself to one model; it is better if there are several of them.

Moreover, thanks to the specifics of the pattern, the overalls do not interfere with thermoregulation at all. Be sure to pay attention to the choice of material.

Because the French Bulldog is prone to allergic reactions, it is better to give priority to natural fabrics.

Also, the material of the overalls should be soft, and the back seams should not cause discomfort to a fragile body.

You can purchase a ready-made product at specialized retail outlets, or, having found patterns, make it yourself.

Setting up a place for a French bulldog

The French bulldog is a fairly active breed of dog - he will be happy to play with his owners and children (he will be an especially cool friend for school-age children, but he should be allowed near children with great caution).

But sometimes the dog wants to rest, so do not place the lounger in the place where you constantly pass - in the corridor. In the kitchen he can be distracted by foreign odors, so this is also not the best habitat.

Place the dog in the living room or bedroom. But keep in mind that French bulldogs sleep very noisily - they wheeze and snore, so if you are a sensitive sleeper, let the dog sleep where it will not disturb you.

Important! If the dog likes to sleep in the children's room, then watch a few things so that the pet does not swallow small toys or parts from anything, and also that it does not disturb the children's sleep (due to loud snoring).

You can wash your dog in the bathroom, just buy a rubber mat on which you will place the bulldog while washing so that the dog does not slip. It is recommended to wash these breeds infrequently: no more than once every 1–2 months. You need to wash it when your dog is very dirty.

Advice! Paws are washed after every walk!

In any weather we protect from dirt

In the off-season, bologna overalls and suits will protect your pet not only from the cold, but will also help save energy and time spent on forced unscheduled hygiene procedures.

It is much easier to remove dirt from a waterproof overall than from a bulldog's coat.

You can dress your dog not only in weather with a temperature of -10 degrees Celsius, but also in other seasons, even in cold summer.

We suggest you read: What fabric to choose for a sofa if there are cats at home; review of anti-vandal fabrics

In the summer we wear T-shirts and pants, which also protect us from the scorching sun. The patterns for all of the mentioned products are quite accessible and simple for even novice craftsmen.


The most popular decoration for hats are pom-poms. If you look at hats for dogs, photos of which are presented on various relevant resources, then in most options you will see pompoms. They make any hat, even the simplest one to knit, more attractive, mischievous and unusual. How to make them?

Take a sheet of thick cardboard. Cut out a circle of the required diameter from it. If there is a larger pom-pom, then the circle, accordingly, should be wider. We will need two of these circles. We make a hole in the middle of each of them using scissors. Connecting the circles together. We take a skein of thread and begin to weave circles until you think that the pompom will be fluffy enough.

Let's take the scissors and let's do the magic. First, cut the upper edges of the threads. Carefully push the cardboard parts apart and tighten the middle with thread. We remove the details completely, strengthen the central thread completely and fluff the pompom. If there are threads that stand out from the total mass, the length can be adjusted using scissors.

So, the dog’s hat is ready. It can be decorated with any available means: rhinestones and bows, pompoms and stickers, ribbons and hairpins. You can crochet additional bright elements and simply sew them onto the finished hat.

Regular hat with closed ears

So let's start our knitting. Hats for dogs, it should be noted, are knitted very quickly and simply, so even a novice knitter can cope with this task. The first option that we offer is considered classic, is very common and looks quite nice.

A similar hat for a dog consists of two elements: a front part and a back part. After knitting, simply sew the two parts together, after which the product is ready to wear.

We take measurements and divide the resulting numbers by three. Two parts will be the front part of the hat, and the third will be the back part. As with knitting most “human” hats, you need to cast on twenty test stitches on the knitting needles and knit them about ten centimeters with the knitting pattern (pattern) that you will use for the main knitting. A knitted sampler, let's call it that, will help you determine the number of loops that are needed specifically for your measurements.

We have calculated the loops, put them on knitting needles and knit a regular 1x1 or 2x2 elastic band. The height of the elastic band may vary, but, as a rule, it does not exceed three centimeters. Here, again, everything will depend on the size of the dog's head. Next you should make increases. It is better to do this through a row so that the product looks harmonious and increases gradually.

When should I finish knitting? Experts advise doing fittings after a certain number of rows. As soon as the canvas lies comfortably on your head and does not put pressure on your ears, you can finish one side and start the other.

Two parts are knitted. Let's start sewing the parts together. To prevent the hat from flying off your pet's head, you can add short strings to it. You can knit them on knitting needles or use a crochet hook (if you know how to use it). Since the corners of the hat end up sticking out, you can attach bright and cheerful pom-poms to their tops.

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