Beautiful haircut for a Maltese dog. What types exist and how to trim a Maltese

Bolonki. Maltese or Maltese. About the breed

Surely all lovers of the breed already know that the word lapdog comes from the name of the city of Italy - Bologna.
Bolognese is a French lapdog and later other dogs of this type began to be called lapdogs. How are lap dogs similar to each other? All lap dogs are decorative, small dogs, no more than 30 cm tall. They have thick, somewhat curly long hair, and a variety of colors.

According to the FCI classification, all lapdogs are grouped into a group of dogs called the Bichon: Maltese, Bichon Frize, Havanese Bichon, Löwchen, Coton de Tulear, Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka, Bolognese.

But today we will talk about lapdogs, which are the most common in the world, and in Russia too - the Maltese, or Maltese lapdog - a bright, ancient representative of the lapdog group.

Their history begins in the 18th century BC, they were symbols of prosperity and prosperity, but there is no exact data on the origin of the breed, but there is probably some connection with the island of Malta. Experts suggest that the ancestors of the breed were spaniels and toy poodles.


Height at the withers for males is 21-25 cm, for females - 20-23 cm. Weight is 3-4 kg. According to American Kennel Club standards, Maltese should weigh no more than 3.2 kg, and ideally - 1.8-2.7 kg.


Maltese has a stretched body format. The length of the body is approximately one third greater than the height at the withers. The Maltese's head is wide, its length corresponds to half the height at the withers. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is well defined, at an angle of 90 degrees. The nose, lips and edges of the eyelids must be black. In general, the Maltese's face looks very cute and funny. The tail forms a large arch over the back and its tip touches the croup. The legs are strong, their height is 55% of the dog’s height at the withers. Claws and paw pads are only black.


long, dense, shiny, straight without undercoat, without curls or waves, falling to the floor, like a mantle. A little curl is allowed only on the paws. The color is pure white. Almost does not shed.


Maltese dogs are quite smart and easy to train, affectionate, playful, attached to people, but can show aggression towards strangers.


The lifespan of a Maltese is up to 15 years. Teeth and gums are often affected - periodontitis, often vision problems, hypoglycemia, bronchial asthma. It is imperative that dry food be present in the lap dog's diet - this improves digestion.

Why do you need to cut your Maltese?

The Maltese as a breed was specially bred to have such a long and rich coat, so caring for it is very important. At exhibitions, dogs are presented carefully combed, washed, and treated with special products for the coat. Before the performance, the babies are kept on pillows in special cages so that their fur remains perfectly clean. In principle, you can keep your pet in this form at home, wearing various overalls for walks so that it does not get dirty.

Maltese dogs have a beautiful white coat

However, if you do not plan to exhibit the animal, it is better to trim it. This provides convenience for the owner and relief for the dog. In addition, this allows for better hygiene.

For your information! The choice of coat length depends on the preference of the owner and his ability to care for the dog. It is better if the dog has a short and well-groomed coat than the presence of tangles and dirt.

Required Tools

To groom Maltese dogs, special tools are used to create a perfectly straight line and beautiful hair shape. In addition, grooming devices allow you to perform hygienic care without pain or discomfort for your pet. Among the basic components in the master’s arsenal there should be:

  • nail clipper for shortening overgrown claws of an animal;
  • a mat cutter, which is used to remove matted areas of wool;
  • hairdressing scissors with a sharp edge;
  • clippers with attachments for shaping hair of different lengths;
  • combs and slickers to remove dead undercoat and guard hair.

It is extremely important to purchase specialized equipment if you plan to groom your Maltese yourself. Dog hair clippers are less noisy and take into account the characteristics of the animal's coat. Combs must be metal with an antistatic effect. Nylon and natural brushes also help well in giving the Maltese coat an attractive appearance. For model haircuts, thinning scissors are useful.

In addition, the list of tools that facilitate grooming includes technical and mechanical devices. Thus, salons use compressors and special brackets with a loop to secure the animal. The groomer also has products for removing dark spots and stains in the area around the eyes, as well as wet wipes for removing dirt. A variety of shampoos, oils, conditioners are also used to detangle the coat, as well as dry powders to remove excess sebum and quickly give the dog a neat appearance.

Options and types of haircuts for the Maltese dog

Shih Tzu puppy haircut: how to cut it at home

A variety of Maltese dog haircuts allows you to choose the one that best suits the pet and the owner.

Exhibition haircut emphasizes the beauty of the dog

Home (everyday)

If the dog does not participate in exhibitions and competitions, then it can have any hairstyle. In most cases, owners prefer to give their baby a daily haircut, which allows them to maintain proper hygiene rules. In this case, long hairs are removed near the anus and genitals, on the stomach, between the toes.

Note! The rest of the body is trimmed as desired to the required length - medium or short.

Maltese puppy haircut

Scissors are used to cut a Maltese like a puppy. The main difference is that the length of the wool is left the same everywhere. Longer hairs remain on the face, ears and bangs. The result is an adult shorn Maltese with a coat of equal length all over the body.

Important! The hairstyle is great for summer. However, in winter you will have to put a suit on your pet so that he does not freeze.

Maltese mini puppy haircuts turn into the cutest animals, very similar to teddy bears.

Haircuts for participating in dog competitions

Two indicators are very important for the exhibition - the length and quality of the wool. In this case, groomers do not shorten, but only trim the hairs, creating a harmonious appearance for the dog. Ideally, the hair on the head is collected in several ponytails, which gradually turn into a straight parting along the entire back. Additionally, be sure to trim the hair between the toes and in the groin area.

In show hairstyles, the hair between the eyes is not trimmed.

A puppy haircut visually turns an adult dog into a cute baby.

For your information! Kawaii is a very popular Korean style haircut, but it is also the most complex. It is impossible to do it on your own or with lessons; it is better to contact a groomer who specializes in this particular area.

External characteristics

In the photo, the Maltese breed looks like a real soft toy. A similar impression is created by smooth, maximally long hair, which is silky to the touch and heavy in texture.

The decorative hair on the head falls to the ground along with the hair on the body. The bangs, as well as the chin, originally flow into the hair growing on the ears and muzzle. A slight waviness of the coat is acceptable on the lower part of the paws.

Color: snow-white. Sometimes a cream or ivory shade is allowed, but a visually similar color is regarded as not pure wool and is therefore not encouraged.

Preparation for the procedure

Before you trim your lapdog at home yourself, it is recommended to perform some preparatory procedures that will make the process of creating a hairstyle easier:

  1. The pet needs to be bathed using a special shampoo and balm for easy combing.
  2. Then the animal is carefully dried with a hairdryer in the direction of hair growth.
  3. The dog is combed, unraveling the tangles.

Maltese mini and micro: differences from the standard

After these procedures, you can start grooming the dog.

Note! If the dog shows aggression, it is recommended to put a muzzle on it. However, it is better to accustom your pet to such procedures from an early age.

Nuances of choice

The choice of haircut for a Maltese dog largely depends on the class of the pet. If we are talking about show level, you will definitely have to maintain the maximum length, make sure that the paws have a rounded shape, and the entire appearance is harmonious and stylish. For pet-level dogs, you can choose solutions that are much more varied in style.

As for the gender of the dog, the division here is rather subjective. For boys, they often offer shorter, “hooligan” haircuts—like a teddy bear or like a puppy—to minimize fur contamination and facilitate the process of hygienic care. For girls, a cute design style is often offered. The kawaii haircut is quite appropriate here and allows you to show imagination both in the choice of shape, color scheme, and the use of decorative ornaments.

To see how Maltese dogs are groomed, watch the following video.

Grooming Maltese in the salon

Maltese (Maltese): description of the breed

In the salon, the dog will be provided with comprehensive services, which include the following procedures:

  • bathing with special means;
  • drying;
  • haircut of the owner's choice;
  • trimming nails;
  • removing hair from ears.

Some salons may offer to clean the anal glands. It is recommended to carry out a similar procedure up to 2 times a year.

The cost of all procedures is often fixed depending on the salon. However, if the coat is heavily soiled and tangled, groomers may increase the price slightly.

Origin of the breed

Maltese is one of the most ancient dog breeds. There is no exact information about the time of their appearance, but Charles Darwin (British scientist - naturalist, author of the theory on the origin of species) argued that the Maltese breed appeared in the 6th century BC.

This statement has no evidence, but a strong argument for the ancient origin of the Maltese is their image on an ancient Greek vase found during excavations on the island of Malta and dating back to approximately 500 BC.

According to another theory, the Maltese descends from Melita dogs that lived more than 2,000 years ago on the island of Meleda in the Adriatic Sea (the territory of modern Croatia and Montenegro). The name of this Balkan island is similar to the name of the Italian island of Malta, therefore, from the 16th century, Italy was mistakenly considered the birthplace of snow-white beauties, and the breed itself received its modern name - Maltese.

Maltesers were especially popular in aristocratic circles; some of the most famous owners of Maltese dogs were: King Philip II of Spain, Queen Mary of Scotland, French monarch Louis XIV, Russian Empress Catherine II, Queens of Great Britain Victoria and Elizabeth I.

How to trim a Maltese at home

It is quite difficult to cut a Maltese haircut at home, but you can try. First of all, the baby should be given a good walk so that he spends maximum energy. Then the dog is bathed, mats are removed and carefully combed. After this, start cutting:

  1. The dog is seated in a suitable place.
  2. First of all, the bangs are cut - the required length is removed from the eyes and the cap is cut off.
  3. Then the area between the ears is cut. It is important to ensure that the haircut is symmetrical.
  4. Then the back is cut. If you need short hair, use the clipper in the direction against hair growth. In other cases, they cut only in the direction of growth.
  5. Next, the sides are processed, starting from the head and gradually moving towards the tail.
  6. After the body, the limbs are trimmed, and then the tail, which can be slightly trimmed.

Important! Don't forget about the extra hairs on your paws and ears.

The grooming of the Maltese lap dog ends with the processing of the muzzle, the hair is cut neatly. Use thinning scissors to straighten everything out.

The length of the Maltese coat allows you to do any hairstyle

general information

A small dog with an elongated body. Completely covered with long, thick, flowing hair down to the tips of the paws. It has an elegant and aristocratic look.

Characteristic features of the breed:

  • the line of the body is straight to the base of the tail, without deflection;
  • the length of the legs is up to 55% of the height at the withers;
  • the skin is dense, adjacent to the body, has pigment spots;
  • paws are rounded, with tightly gathered toes;
  • the claws are curved and uniformly black in color;
  • the mucous membranes of the eyelids and the edges of the lips are black;
  • the tail is set high, with a thick base and a thin tip.

According to breed standards, the bite should be prominent. Any deviations are considered a species defect.

There are 2 main types of breed: European and American.

Maltese are susceptible to health problems such as vision pathologies, dental and gum diseases, bronchial asthma, and hypoglycemia. Before purchasing a pet, it is important to study the parents' medical records.

The breeder will tell you what to feed Maltese puppies and the pet’s predisposition to diabetes.

Breed standards require the following requirements for head appearance:

  • length does not exceed 6/11 of the height at the withers;
  • the muzzle occupies half the area of ​​the head, short and slightly flattened;
  • the ears are drooping, triangular in shape, completely covered with long hair;
  • the eyes are larger than usual, the cut is round (the shade of the iris is dark brown, well pigmented);
  • dark nose;
  • jaws are completely closed, scissor bite.

Possible mistakes when cutting your own hair

Inexperienced owners can make various mistakes when grooming a dog at home. The most common of them are:

  • using household scissors. Such an object is more blunt than professional ones, so it tears and wrinkles the wool. As a result, the haircut turns out to be ugly. In addition, it can cause discomfort to the dog.
  • using a machine without attachments. In this case, the coat remains very short, which deprives the professional of the opportunity to correct anything in case of failure;
  • Trying my first haircut myself. It is better to go to a grooming salon for this purpose in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and not irritate the dog.

Note! Such mistakes often cause disappointment in the results of grooming your pet on your own.

It is better to take your Maltese to a specialized salon for his first haircut.

Tips and Tricks

To get excellent results, you should follow some tips:

  • if necessary, you can use a muzzle;
  • the acceptable direction of cutting tools is along the growth line, parallel to the body;
  • the muzzle is cut away from the eyes;
  • the inguinal and anal areas are cut only with scissors;
  • minor damage is treated with hydrogen peroxide;
  • After grooming, it is recommended to bathe the dog.

Grooming a Maltese dog is an important and responsible task. If you are not confident in your abilities, then you should contact specialized salons. For your first haircut, it is better to visit a hairdresser.

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