Beautiful haircut for a Maltese dog. What types exist and how to trim a Maltese

General rules for cutting lap dogs at home

In terms of haircuts, there are no special differences between the standard and Maltese mini, so we will not separate them in this article. The Maltese dog needs to be taught hygiene procedures from childhood. Reward your puppy with treats after brushing or trimming his nails. As an adult, such a pet, whatever its character, will react more calmly to the actions of the groomer or owner.

The puppy is most easily accustomed to hygiene procedures at the age of 2-3 months.

Preparing for a haircut

  • take your pet for a walk so that he can empty his bladder, play with him;
  • untangle or cut out all tangles;
  • wash the animal with shampoo, then treat it with balm or special oil;
  • dry the dog with a hairdryer;
  • Comb again.

You can only trim completely dry hair, as wet scissors will dull faster. Place the dog on the grooming table and secure it. Grooming usually starts from the animal's muzzle, with the scissors going away from the eyes. It is more convenient to process large parts of the body with a machine.

It is better to have an aggressive dog groomed by a professional groomer. The specialist has extensive experience in dealing with difficult animals and will be able to stop unwanted behavior.

During the haircut, behave with restraint, do not shout at your pet. If the dog has never been to hygiene procedures before, then it may experience stress. Try to calm your pet down with a gentle voice or by giving him treats.

Who are Maltese?

Maltese is a Maltese dog, a dog of extraordinary beauty, possessing delicacy, intelligence and intelligence.
And the fur of this animal is unusual - delicate, requiring special care. In principle, you need to care for the coat of a dog of any breed, but more carefully for a Maltese. Haircut, combing and even styling are just a small list of procedures. Every day you need to comb your pet’s hair and trim the ends in order to give the lines clarity. Before a walk, a prerequisite is to collect the wool into small buns or curlers.

Grooming Maltese dogs is a complex, painstaking process, because this is a decorative breed, the only one in the whole world. Only these dogs can be seen with cute hairstyles with lots of elastic bands. Firstly, it is unusual and beautiful, and secondly, it is convenient, because the collected wool opens the dog’s eyes.

You can trim the ends of the coat without the help of a professional, but a thorough and neat haircut of a Maltese at home is too much work for the owner. A hairstyle is necessary if the owner cannot comb the hair of his beloved pet every day.

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A little history

Beauty replaces historical facts about the Maltese dog. Previously, such dogs were at the palaces of royal families, but they were often punished, but their genes have preserved this breed to the present day. The first breeds include fairly large dogs that resemble Great Danes.

It is important to emphasize that the Maltese has always belonged to a valuable breed. At any time, the increase in the number of livestock was constantly under the strictest control.

Maltese puppies were sold for huge sums of money and exclusively in a small circle.

The breed was often presented as a souvenir as a sign of respect.

By the way, the purebred Maltese breed is concentrated in France.

Popular types of haircuts

Giving a dog a fashionable haircut is not easy. Fashion for dog hairstyles is very fleeting and changes almost every season. Now, judging by the feedback from our readers, the following haircuts are popular:

  • under a teddy bear;
  • in Korean style;
  • like a puppy;
  • shaving like a chinchilla.

If a fashionable dog look does not seem impressive enough to the owner, then you can add a couple of colored strands or rhinestones to it.

Classic show haircut

To win the show, the dog must meet the breed standard as closely as possible . The length is practically not touched, the fur is slightly stretched and given a well-groomed appearance. The paws should appear round, so excess hair between the toes is removed.

An exhibition is a responsible event; if the owner is not very experienced in hairdressing, then it is better to entrust the preparation to a qualified groomer. A dog that is not cut to standard will most likely be disqualified.

Differences in haircuts for females and males

Dog haircuts, unlike human haircuts, do not have clear divisions into women's and men's. The groomer can offer the same hairstyle to both the dog and the bitch.

There are differences in the technique of cutting the genital area. Boys often have short hairstyles, leaving long hair only on the head. Girls are given a more feminine look and are often decorated with bows or rhinestones.

Grooming Maltese in Korean style

When it comes to dog grooming, owners often differ in their opinions. Some believe that there are established ideas about what a dog of a particular breed should look like, while others happily embrace the most unusual trends in dog fashion. A kawaii style Maltese haircut is the choice of those who want to give their pet an unusual, unique look and stand out from the general background.

Of course, almost no one doubts the necessity of the haircut itself. You can actually cut your dog’s hair completely short. This will solve the problem of fur in the apartment, mats in the dog and heat stroke in the summer heat. But depriving a lapdog of its main decoration - luxurious fur - is somehow merciless.

The kawaii Maltese haircut makes the dog look like a toy. This also corresponds to the translation of the name of the style itself. It came from Japan, or rather from Japanese cartoons, and is translated as “toy”, “cutie”. So the dog will look like a cutie toy.

The Korean-style Maltese haircut involves a short-cropped muzzle and shaved cheeks. Long hair is left behind the ears. It is possible to leave both a cap and a ponytail on your head. The neck is cut shorter, but there are no strict recommendations regarding the body. The owner may wish to leave the coat at any length.

Needless to say, a dog trimmed in this way will attract attention. If you yourself like to be original, then you can present your Maltese in a completely different form. But remember, if you suddenly want the dog to return to its original state, then this will not happen earlier than in six months or a year.

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And if you like the Maltese haircut in the kawaii style, you want the dog to always be different from other Maltese dogs, then you will have to make friends with a dog groomer. Like any style haircut, it requires constant updating. And it's not so much that the wool grows. Just like human hair, a dog's fur grows unevenly. It's faster in some places and slower in others. Therefore, after a few weeks, a perfectly straight haircut line becomes sloppy.

A complex haircut loses its appearance much faster. Thus, either you become a regular at a dog beauty salon, or you learn the grooming technique yourself. But a dog is not a person. For many owners, the haircut process causes enormous difficulties. The animal refuses to stand still. So, better - a salon.

Tools, accessories, preparations. Prices for salon procedures.

For home grooming you need to purchase the following tools:

  • tangle cutter;
  • furminator;
  • machine with attachments;
  • thinning and straight scissors;
  • metal combs;
  • crest;
  • wool polishing brush;
  • nail clipper;
  • hairdryer

To keep grooming accessories clean, you will need a disinfectant. During the procedure, periodically treat your hands with antiseptics.

To wash and give the wool a well-groomed appearance you will need:

  • whitening shampoo;
  • Coconut oil;
  • balm;
  • moisturizing shampoo;
  • styling mousse;
  • spray for grooming;
  • hygienic ear drops;
  • means for lightening tear tracks.

Use only professional products, they are expensive, but the effect will be appropriate . If you wash your lapdog with regular shampoo, the fur will most likely become tangled and stop shining. Using cheap products can lead to the formation of tangles.

The price for a set of procedures in the salon will differ depending on the city where the owner and the animal live. On average, creating a new image will cost the owner 1200-1500 rubles.

Who are Maltese?

Maltese is a Maltese dog, a dog of extraordinary beauty, possessing delicacy, intelligence and intelligence. And the fur of this animal is unusual - delicate, requiring special care.

In principle, you need to care for the coat of a dog of any breed, but more carefully for a Maltese. Haircut, combing and even styling are just a small list of procedures. Every day you need to comb your pet’s hair and trim the ends in order to give the lines clarity. Before a walk, a prerequisite is to collect the wool into small buns or curlers.

Grooming Maltese dogs is a complex, painstaking process, because this is a decorative breed, the only one in the whole world. Only these dogs can be seen with cute hairstyles with lots of elastic bands. Firstly, it is unusual and beautiful, and secondly, it is convenient, because the collected wool opens the dog’s eyes.

You can trim the ends of the coat without the help of a professional, but a thorough and neat haircut of a Maltese at home is too much work for the owner. A hairstyle is necessary if the owner cannot comb the hair of his beloved pet every day.

General rules for combing lap dogs

Bringing the coat into proper shape should begin with a visual inspection of the Maltese. If your dog has tangles, you can break them out with your fingers, after wetting them with grooming spray, or cut them out with scissors. After this, the wool is combed with a brush with iron teeth. It is better to start the procedure from the ends and gradually move higher. Then polish the wool with a special brush.

Grooming a Maltese like a puppy

The trendy puppy haircut is extremely popular among Maltese owners. It makes the dog touching and gives it childlike characteristics. You can do a puppy haircut at home:

  1. Remove hair from the Maltese's ear canal and treat the ears with hygiene drops.
  2. Trim the nails so as not to touch a blood vessel.
  3. Wash the animal with whitening shampoo, then apply a caring balm.
  4. Dry your Maltese with a hairdryer and comb thoroughly.
  5. Trim the fur between the paw pads.
  6. Brush your dog again.
  7. Trim the fur on the face short using straight and thinning scissors, and leave it shorter on the ears.
  8. Go over the sides, back and stomach with the machine.
  9. Trim the anus and genital area with scissors.
  10. Trim the fur on the paws, trying to give them a round shape.

After trimming, treat your dog with a special spray to add shine. As a result, an adult Maltese becomes like a cute and funny puppy with a beautiful, well-groomed coat.

Maltese coat care

The Maltese coat is long, thick and silky, without undercoat, and hangs down like a “mantle”, so it must be looked after especially carefully:

  • Avoid tangling hair
  • Avoid the formation of tangles,
  • Brush daily
  • Bathe weekly.

Particular attention must be paid to the groin area, because the hair there is thin and thick. Before combing such areas, it is recommended to pre-treat the coat with a special antistatic spray, for example, Espree spray for easy combing.

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