30 sincere and smart cartoons for family viewing 


Here are the TOP full-length cartoons that are worth watching not only for children, but also for adults:

  • Coraline;
  • Luke;
  • Coco's Mystery;
  • The Secret of Kells;
  • Spirited Away;
  • Ponyo fish on a cliff;
  • Legend of Wolves;
  • Corpse Bride;
  • Patema is the opposite;
  • Move your fins!

Coraline in the land of nightmares (Coraline)

Country : USA

Year: 2008

Age restrictions: 6+

Coraline Jones is the only child of workaholic parents. One day they move to a small town and settle in an old mansion. Bored, Coraline explores the house and suddenly discovers a small door in the wall. She asks her mom to open it, and... that's where it all begins.

One night, a girl enters this door and meets... her other mother, who, unlike the one who remained on the other side of the door, treats her with attention and guesses all her desires. Coraline literally falls in love with her new mother, but there is a catch: in order to stay in this wonderful world, Coraline must be allowed to sew buttons instead of eyes...

This rather creepy but interesting puppet cartoon is an adaptation of Neil Gaiman's novel Coraline. His main idea is that it is important to appreciate what you have.


Country : USA

Year: 2021

Age restrictions: 6+

“Luka” is a kind and touching cartoon that is worth watching for both adults and children.

The story tells about two boys named Luca and Alberto. They are not exactly people... More precisely, they are sea monsters.

One day, driven by a dream, they come ashore to the wonderful Italian town of Porto Rosso. The boys' dream is typical of many boys - they want to ride a Vesta moped, which they plan to get at any cost.

The idea of ​​this cartoon is how true friendship is more important than all material things. The point of the cartoon is also that skin color, appearance, and even nationality (crossed out), whether you are a sea resident or a person is not the main thing. What is more important is your spiritual qualities, courage, devotion. It's also a wonderful coming-of-age film, generously seasoned with Italian flavor.

Ideal for family viewing.

The Mystery of Coco

Country : USA

Year: 2017

Age restrictions: 12+

“The Secret of Coco” is one of the most beautiful, slightly sad, and infinitely wise animated films of the last few years. The plot tells the story of Miguel, a 12-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a musician. But music is forbidden in the family: many years ago, his great-great-grandfather left his great-great-grandmother Coco for the sake of music, and she had to survive in the harsh world alone.

Miguel secretly plays the guitar and literally prays to the portrait of his great-great-grandfather, who became a great musician. One day a holiday comes, the Day of the Dead, and Miguel, in the company of a dog named Dante, accidentally finds himself on the other side of existence. He realizes that fate has given him an amazing gift and goes in search of his ancestor.

This is not just a smart cartoon - it is a philosophical sketch, and at the same time - a hymn to hope that you can always fix something in your life. Always.

The Secret of Kells

Country : Ireland, Belgium, France, UK

Year: 2008

Age restrictions: 6+

This is one of the most mesmerizing full-length modern cartoons. It tells the story of a 12-year-old monastery student named Brandon. Together with the adults, he works to strengthen the walls of the abbey to protect himself from the warlike Vikings.

One day, Brother Aidan, a famous illustrator, comes to the monastery and brings with him a wonderful book. And a cat! From the moment they arrived, the boy's life changed.

This is a quiet, wise cartoon with meaning. The Book of Kells here personifies nothing more nor less than the cultural heritage - not only of one small people, but of all humanity.

The only trace that a person can leave behind is material and spiritual culture. Art is capable of nurturing in him a personality enriched spiritually and morally. Without an understanding of moral standards, without a sense of national identity, society begins to degrade. The point of the cartoon is how important it is to respect what the previous generation created and cherish the traditions of your ancestors.

Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi)

Country: Japan

Year: 2001

Age restrictions: 12+

This full-length cartoon is a true masterpiece of animation. It talks about a girl named Chihiro. She and her parents move to another city. On the way, the family stops for a snack.

The place they find themselves in seems strange to Chihiro, and for good reason: this is the territory of spirits, and for illegal intrusion, the girl’s parents are turned into pigs. Chihiro decides to save mom and dad - at all costs.

This is an amazingly beautiful and slightly sad cartoon about the adventures of a little girl in the surreal world of spirits, ghosts, wizards and witches, which is definitely worth watching.

The meaning of the picture is that there is no good or bad, kind or evil on Earth. Everything, even ghosts, has a purpose... And this is also a story of growing up: this wonderful cartoon also talks about love.

Ponyo fish on a cliff (Gake no ue no Ponyo)

Country : Japan

Year: 2008

Age restrictions: 0+

A wonderful modern cartoon that rightfully belongs on the list.

The story is about a boy named Sousuke. He lives with his mother on a cliff and suffers from loneliness. He has no real friend, and he dreams of him sincerely and passionately. And then fate sends him an amazing meeting. Ponyo is a fish, but not an ordinary one. She is the daughter of the sea goddess. Having met Sousuke, she begins to dream of becoming a human, and for this she is even ready to give up her magical power. This is a kind and smart cartoon about true friendship for children and adults of all ages.

Legend of Wolves (WolfWalkers)

Country : Ireland, Luxembourg, France, USA, UK

Year: 2020

Age restrictions: 6+

Another modern cartoon with a meaning, the leitmotif of which is environmental protection. The action takes place in mid-17th century Ireland - in and around Kilkenny. The Lord Protector arrives in the fortified city and orders the local hunter to rid the forest of wolves.

The hunter has a daughter, Maeve. She meets an English girl named Robin and they manage to become friends. Surprisingly, Maeve turns into a wolf, and together with her new friend she tries to save the flock from the Lord Protector.

Corpse Bride

Country : USA, UK

Year: 2005

Age restrictions: 12+

This funny, a little sad and a little creepy cartoon tells about a young man and a girl - the son of a fishmonger, Victor, and the daughter of impoverished aristocrats, Victoria.

Almost still children, they have to get married because their parents told them so. But this does not stop them from falling in love with each other.

One day, while rehearsing his wedding vows, Victor finds himself in a cemetery and puts his wedding ring on a dry branch. At the same moment, he finds himself drawn by some forces into a sepulchral space, where he meets a dead girl, once deceived by her fiancé...

Patema in reverse (Sakasama no Patema)

Country : Japan

Year: 2013

Age restrictions: 6+

Two peoples each live in their own worlds: some are attracted by the gravity of the Earth, others fall into the sky. Some cannot look up, others are afraid of losing support under their feet. Suddenly, two prisoners of their systems that connect these worlds meet...

This cartoon, rightfully included in the list, talks about how important it is to be able to trust. After all, mutual trust is the only thing that keeps the characters in the picture balanced...

Move your fins! (Sammy's avonturen: De geheime doorgang)

Country : France, Belgium, USA

Year: 2010

Age restrictions:0+

The heart of the plot is the story of a turtle named Sammy. The story begins when Sammy hatches from the egg and ends when the hero becomes a grandfather.

The hero's life is eventful: on the very first day of his birth, he manages to save his own life, help a girl turtle and fall in love. This is a wonderful, kind cartoon about love and friendship. And a little about ecology.

The Adventures of Mr. Peabody and Sherman (2014)

Children are this category of spectators, on whose upbringing the future of both their own and their parents, as well as the entire country and even the planet, depends. Therefore, children's films have special significance. They contain within themselves a concentration of values ​​that young minds must imbibe. The modern generation of growing boys and girls, more than ever, is interconnected with the perception of information received from films. It is children's films that tell what “good”, “evil”, “devotion”, “courage” and even “love” are. Fundamental moral concepts are presented to young minds in a fun, exciting manner.

The best children's films online

Watching children's films online means learning life values. Many stories told in children's films are fun and enjoyable. In them, even sad moments “work” for the end result: to convey to children the meaning of good deeds, decent behavior, obedience to elder and wise parents. By watching films in our online cinema, children will learn how bad it is to be angry, aggressive and uncontrollable, how important it is to defend their positions in life using fair methods, and how important it is to respect the older generation. Parents can also join in watching children's films on our website in order to use their timely comments to explain something to the child during the events unfolding on the screen, thereby instilling in the children the necessary information. If a child learns something at a moment that he remembers especially vividly, it will not be erased from his memory even in adulthood.

In children's films, the main characters are boys and girls of different ages. Every child can meet their on-screen peer and enjoy watching the adventures of the on-screen character. Just look at the adventures of Kevin McCallister in the movie “Home Alone” or “Home Alone 2”! What about the story of Harry Potter? Remember the exciting music at the beginning of the very first film about the life of a boy wizard? Quiet snow swirls in the air and falls on the roofs of houses in which their inhabitants sleep peacefully. A basket with a baby is about to appear, on whose forehead there is a scar from an encounter with someone... whose name cannot be mentioned! If you are not yet familiar with these events, hurry up! Don't waste such valuable time going to the cinema and purchasing expensive tickets. Just open the section of our resource “Children's films” and select the film you like. Let your offspring get acquainted with the vast world, where there is a place for both light and darkness, and where good is always stronger than evil.

Watch films and cartoons for children for free

Give your sons and daughters a fairy tale about something joyful. Tell them about what films you liked at their age and find them on our portal. Let your offspring know what interested moms and dads. Maybe it will be “The Elusive Avengers” or maybe Cinderella,” products of Soviet cinema, considered by many to be the best in the world. Perhaps the colorful, fabulous world of Walt Disney will become the fairy tale that will captivate young viewers. There are no strict rules defining which children's films online can be watched by children and which by adults, so don't be shy and join the universe of children's cinema. May you be delighted by the story of a talking dog named Timber or a strong horse-friend, Chance, a girl named Emma. Can you imagine how interesting it is to watch Sophie, who was stolen by a big and kind giant who gives children beautiful dreams? Is it possible to deny yourself and not watch the best films for children, and not see Alice drinking tea through the Looking Glass in the company of the eccentric Hatter?

Watching a children's film selected on our website together with your child will only strengthen your connection and make you feel family unity. Be happy!


List of short cartoons with meaning:

  • The Dragon;
  • Dr. Bartek and death;
  • Gray Bear;
  • Present;
  • The wise minnow;
  • Tale of Tales;
  • Fate;
  • Similar;
  • Umbrella.

The Dragon

Country : USSR


Age restrictions: 6+

This short Russian cartoon is based on fairy tales from Southeast Asia. A brave young man decides to help his people, who have been living under the yoke of the dragon for a long time, and goes to a dangerous meeting. He defeats the monster, and this is where the fun begins...

The dragon villain is the personification of power and greed. The meaning of the fairy tale is that whoever defeats the dragon becomes the next dragon, because he cannot defeat himself, and the gold needs a new owner. Only a truly strong-willed person, capable of defeating himself first, can avoid falling into temptation.

Dr. Bartek and death

Country : USSR

Year: 1989

Age restrictions: 6+

Based on an old Polish tale about a doctor who makes a contract with Death, this animated short explores the meaning of life.

Our world is shown in the film as a gloomy prison in which living souls languish, overwhelmed by animal passions. Everyone wants something: money, power, satisfaction of other needs... Humanity in the film is depicted as one sick organism, rotting and decaying.

But still, it’s worth fighting for – that’s what the main character, Dr. Bartek, thinks. And challenges Death...

Gray Bear

Country : USSR

Year: 1988

Age restrictions: 12+

This short, unfortunately little-known cartoon, is based on a Siberian fairy tale. The author of the adaptation of this legend is writer Vladimir Galkin.

The cartoon tells about a young man named Ivan. The boy was raised by a herbalist living deep in the taiga. One day his adoptive mother died, and, grieving for her, Ivan met a bear with a bear cub. It turned out that these were the guardians of the taiga - werewolves, the good spirits of the forest. They became a new family for the young man. But one day hunters were on their trail...

A sad and endlessly touching love story between man and nature.

The Present

Country : Germany

Year: 2014

Age restrictions: 6+

A teenage boy cannot live without computer games. The sounds of explosions and gunshots are constantly heard from his room. He does not look away, he is so absorbed in this terrible false world.

He does not go outside, but does not suffer from this at all: external life seems more terrible to him than the one he sees on the screen. He is disabled. One day he meets a puppy who is missing one leg. The dog really needs a friend, and the boy is happy to become one.

This piercingly sincere short psychological cartoon has collected more than 50 awards in Europe...

The wise minnow

Country : USSR

Year: 1979

Age restrictions: 0+

This clever short cartoon, based on the fairy tale of the same name by M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, tells the story of a minnow who lived his whole life in a hole because he was very afraid of the river and its dangers.

The fairy tale raises the most important questions: is it right to live in such a way as to seem invisible to everyone? Why doesn't a person follow his dream? Why is he afraid of change?.. This is a wise and slightly scary tale about many of us...

Tale of Tales

Country : USSR

Year: 1979

Age restrictions: 12+

This short film by Yu. Norshtein talks about memory and memories. There is no plot as such: The spinning top from the folk lullaby watches the world.

This beautiful cartoon is built on images and associations. In some places the picture resembles a fiction film, permeated with documentary images. There is only one voice in the film - the voice of Volchok. And there is a sea of ​​sounds here... All the action takes place against the backdrop of the music of Bach and Mozart.


Country : France

Year: 2012

Age restrictions: 6+

The main character of this smart short film literally lives by the clock: his life is scheduled minute by minute, and he simply does not have time for trifles. Suddenly, after an accident, the hero’s structured world is turned upside down.

The cartoon tries to answer the philosophical question of whether it is possible to change fate, and teaches to enjoy the little things.


Country : Spain

Year: 2015

Age restrictions: 6+

In this short cartoon, two worlds meet: the ordinary outer world, which includes work, study and everyday affairs, and the inner, creative one.

The main idea of ​​the cartoon is that you need to try at all costs to maintain the fire that burns inside and develop your talents - even if absolutely everyone is against it.

Umbrella (Umbrella)

Country : Brazil

Year: 2020

Age restrictions: 6+

The main character of this short cartoon, a boy named Joseph, dreams of receiving an umbrella as a gift. One day he meets a girl who helps him remember something very important...

This story, which has received several prestigious awards, is based on real events.

Cartoon Super Dog and Turbo Cat

In 1969, scientist David sends his dog Buddy into space. He promises that upon returning to Earth he will definitely find him. However, during the flight, something goes wrong and Buddy wakes up in a trash can. He goes out into the street, where all the people shy away from him in horror. It becomes clear that Buddy has traveled 50 years into the future. Looking for help, the dog runs after a police car. He catches up with her at the Glanfield police station and climbs into the back. There is another dog sitting in a cage and asking to be freed. However, Buddy is unable to open the cage and the policeman takes the prisoner into the station. Buddy realizes that in the world he finds himself in, animals are hated.

Buddy runs into a dark alley, where a cat in a superhero costume immobilizes him with his stun gun. He introduces himself as the people-hating Turbocat. The cat loads Buddy into the catmobile and takes him to his hideout in an abandoned museum. There he tells the dog that policeman Peck lives in the city, who hates animals, and if you catch his eye, he will catch you and take you to the basement, from which you will never get out. Turbocat also boasts of his gadgets, with the help of which he will never fall into the hands of Peck. His robot butler, Sinclair, lives in the cat's hideout. The Turbocat robot is Felix and says that they are out of milk.

Buddy says that in 1969 his owner sent him into space and promised to find him after the flight. David will look for the space capsule and Buddy asks the cat to help him get back to it. The cat doesn't believe him and kicks him out of his shelter. Although he says that he would help him for milk. The dog is trying to get milk, but he doesn't succeed. He returns to the trash can where he woke up and finds only a bitten carrot next to it. He returns to Turbocat to once again try to persuade him to help find the capsule and shows him the carrot. She gets the cat interested and he watches the CCTV footage. In them, Felix notices the rabbit Cassidy, with whom he was clearly in love. As a result, Turbocat agrees to help Buddy find the capsule.

Cat and Buddy go outside and immediately run into Peck. They start to run away from him, but the policeman catches up with them in his car. He almost misses the cat, and he jumps onto Buddy's shoulders. The dog begins to accelerate, not understanding how he does it. As a result, the animals run away from the policeman and run to the store where Cassidy's carrots were sold. There they encounter a girl who immediately starts calling the police. Buddy persuades Felix not to scare the girl, but to make cute faces. It works and the girl does not hand over the animals to the police. Felix, who was sure that people hate animals, has doubts about this.

At the store, Buddy and Felix encounter members of the Sentinel organization, which fights for animal rights. Its branch in Glanfield is run by Cassidy, who was very unhappy that Felix brought a policeman to their secret hideout. Turbocat gladly invites everyone to his hideout. Already there, Cassidy tells Buddy that a hyperlithium crystal was hidden in the capsule on which the dog flew into space. With its help, the guards will be able to power the robot that their scientist Tod is creating and fight back against Peck. Cassidy persuades Buddy to help them find the capsule.

Scientist Tod has pinpointed the location of hyperlithium. From the cameras they saw that Buddy's capsule was now in Peck's hands. To defeat Cassidy, Felix goes straight to the enemy's lair. There, something strange begins to happen to his gadget, and he almost gets caught by Peck. However, he is saved by Buddy, whom Cassidy sent to help the cat. Together they find the capsule, but because of Felix they are caught by a policeman.

Peck loads the cages with Felix, Buddy and the dog Victor, whom he caught the day before, into his pickup truck, and also attaches a trailer with a capsule and goes to headquarters. He has to take his daughter Alex with him. It was this girl that Buddy and Felix saw outside the store. She had already begun to doubt what her father constantly told her about animals.

Cassidy jumped into the back of a police pickup truck. She set the explosives, and soon there was an explosion. Everyone except Alex flew out of the car onto the road, and the girl remained in the cab. At the same time, the car was lying upside down on the edge of a cliff and could fall at any second. Buddy and Felix were the first to wake up after the accident. The dog rushed to save the girl, and Felix had to help him. They failed to pull the child out and they all fell down together. However, Buddy again showed his super strength and caught the heavy car right near the ground.

A CCTV camera captured the dog holding the car above his head while the cat pulled the girl out of it. This recording was spread across all news channels. Buddy was inspired - now David will definitely see and find him. Felix was also proud of his heroic deed. Todd examined the hyperlithium and discovered that it had affected Buddy's DNA. The guards were confident that the humans were ready to use hyperlithium against them, and they accelerated work on their robot. Cassidy went to get the necessary equipment, Buddy went for a walk around the neighborhood, hoping to meet David, and Felix remained to guard the shelter.

In the morning, Buddy returned to the shelter and saw a truck with his capsule driving away from him. Felix was sleeping and Buddy woke him up. Together they rushed after the truck. The cat was sure that Peck had caught Cassidy, and she led the policeman to their hideout. He wanted to free his beloved, and Buddy needed the capsule. Due to different goals, the cat and the dog were unable to catch up with the truck, and it was not the capsule that was found under the tarpaulin. The heroes realized that the policeman had deceived them. They returned to the hideout and found boxes of Turbocat's gadgets scattered nearby. Cassidy was very upset with them and said that Todd and Victor had been caught.

Felix and Buddy entered the hideout to retrieve the capsule, but were caught by Victor. Soon the heroes saw Tod. It turned out that the scientist was in a group of animals that were being trained to fly into space in 1969, and after Buddy was chosen for this mission, he harbored a grudge against people. Soon Peck came to check the shelter. Tod shot him with a cannon charged with hyperlithium, and the man began to obey him. Tod also said that when his hyperlithium bomb is charged, all people will begin to obey animals.

Sinclair dropped the chandelier on Todd and Victor and freed Buddy and Felix. However, the robot itself did not have time to escape - Victor shot at it with a stun gun. As Buddy ran away, Todd said that David had invented hyperlithium and decided to test it on his pet. Buddy began to doubt that David was his friend. Alex soon saw what the animals did to her dad. The scientist staged a show for the city residents to bring them all together and irradiate them with hyperlithium. At this time, Felix found an upset Buddy and persuaded him to help him prove to Alex that not all animals are bad.

Buddy and Turbocat worked together against the evil scientist. However, Todd had a plan for this case. He irradiated Victor with hyperlithium and made him incredibly strong. The superpets had to retreat, but they did not give up. Teaming up with the guards, the heroes made another attempt to attack the villains. This time they managed to defeat Victor, but Tod had already assembled his combat robot and the catnip that Buddy brought had no effect on him.

A fight began, in which Tod was clearly winning. However, Cassidy appeared and helped them defeat the villain. Now it was necessary to resolve the issue with the bomb, which was about to explode. While Cassidy and Buddy were distracted, Felix jumped into the robot carrying the bomb and sent it flying into space. He was already saying goodbye to Buddy and Cassidy over the radio, but then it turned out that the dog could also fly. He took off after Felix and saved him a second before the explosion.

On the ground, Peck came to his senses, and Alex told him how the animals saved everyone. The policeman believed his daughter and changed his mind about animals. Afterwards, Buddy finally met David, who never stopped looking for him all these 50 years. A month later, life in the city returned to normal. The abandoned museum was reopened and housed as a space exhibition. Peck left the police force to spend more time with his daughter and began working at a museum. Sinclair was repaired. The Guardians set up their base under the museum, and Turbocat and Superdog became the city's unspoken protectors.

...and other cartoons

Here is another list of smart cartoons:

  • Loser Jenkins and Lucky Lou (USA, 2014);
  • Soul (USA, 2020);
  • Song of the Sea (Ireland, 2014);
  • Ernest and Celestine: The Adventures of a Mouse and a Bear (France, 2012);
  • Snow Battle (Canada, 2015);
  • Treasure Planet (USA, 2002);
  • Monster Family (USA, 2014);
  • Princess Mononoke (Japan, 1997);
  • My Neighbor Totoro (Japan, 1998);
  • Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Japan, 1984);
  • Howl's Moving Castle (Japan, 2004);
  • Bring Back Rex (USSR, 1975);
  • Fern Valley: The Last Rainforest (Australia, 1992);
  • Hedgehog in the Fog (USSR, 1975)
  • Beastly (USA, 2016);
  • Mitten (USSR, 1967);
  • There will be gentle rain (USSR, 1984);
  • Pass (USSR, 1988);
  • Far to the North (France, 2015);
  • Avril and the Fake World (France, 2015);
  • The Adventures of Mr. Peabody and Sherman (USA, 2014);
  • Wolf Children Ame and Yuki (Japan, 2012).
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