Haircut for a Maltese (Maltese) like a puppy

The Maltese (Maltese, Malteser, Maltese Bichon, Maltese) according to the FCI classification (International Federation of Cynologists), belongs to the 9th decorative group of small toys, the 1st section of Bichons and related breeds (subsection 1.1 “Bichons”).

The Maltese has a long, silky, heavy coat that is prone to quickly tangling and matting. Grooming your Maltese is an essential part of comprehensive grooming, regardless of whether your pet takes part in shows.

Why do you need to cut your Maltese?

The Maltese as a breed was specially bred to have such a long and rich coat, so caring for it is very important. At exhibitions, dogs are presented carefully combed, washed, and treated with special products for the coat. Before the performance, the babies are kept on pillows in special cages so that their fur remains perfectly clean. In principle, you can keep your pet in this form at home, wearing various overalls for walks so that it does not get dirty.

Maltese dogs have a beautiful white coat

However, if you do not plan to exhibit the animal, it is better to trim it. This provides convenience for the owner and relief for the dog. In addition, this allows for better hygiene.

For your information! The choice of coat length depends on the preference of the owner and his ability to care for the dog. It is better if the dog has a short and well-groomed coat than the presence of tangles and dirt.

Features of grooming lap dogs

The hanging ears of Maltese dogs require careful care, so they need to be treated with hygienic drops and lotions 1-2 times a week.

A dog's long white fur brings a lot of trouble to its owner. Tear tracks may appear in the eye area, which do not decorate the pet. This is often due to the dog’s poor diet, so first of all you will have to reconsider your pet’s diet. Special bleaching agents are used to remove tear tracks.

Only professional cosmetics are used for hair care. Be sure to use balms after washing. It is better to choose a whitening shampoo; it will give Maltese’s fur coat a chic look.

The lapdog is a kind and beautiful dog, but it can shine and arouse the admiration of others only with proper care. Owners of show Maltese should be especially careful when choosing a haircut and cosmetics. If caring for your pet on your own is difficult, you can always turn to a qualified groomer for help.

Options and types of haircuts for the Maltese dog

Shih Tzu puppy haircut: how to cut it at home

A variety of Maltese dog haircuts allows you to choose the one that best suits the pet and the owner.

Exhibition haircut emphasizes the beauty of the dog

Home (everyday)

If the dog does not participate in exhibitions and competitions, then it can have any hairstyle. In most cases, owners prefer to give their baby a daily haircut, which allows them to maintain proper hygiene rules. In this case, long hairs are removed near the anus and genitals, on the stomach, between the toes.

Note! The rest of the body is trimmed as desired to the required length - medium or short.

Maltese puppy haircut

Scissors are used to cut a Maltese like a puppy. The main difference is that the length of the wool is left the same everywhere. Longer hairs remain on the face, ears and bangs. The result is an adult shorn Maltese with a coat of equal length all over the body.

Important! The hairstyle is great for summer. However, in winter you will have to put a suit on your pet so that he does not freeze.

Maltese mini puppy haircuts turn into the cutest animals, very similar to teddy bears.

Haircuts for participating in dog competitions

Two indicators are very important for the exhibition - the length and quality of the wool. In this case, groomers do not shorten, but only trim the hairs, creating a harmonious appearance for the dog. Ideally, the hair on the head is collected in several ponytails, which gradually turn into a straight parting along the entire back. Additionally, be sure to trim the hair between the toes and in the groin area.

In show hairstyles, the hair between the eyes is not trimmed.

A puppy haircut visually turns an adult dog into a cute baby.

For your information! Kawaii is a very popular Korean style haircut, but it is also the most complex. It is impossible to do it on your own or with lessons; it is better to contact a groomer who specializes in this particular area.

Grooming a Maltese puppy

Maltese puppies have a soft and fluffy coat, but its length is still far from what adult dogs have at shows. For children, only a hygienic haircut is used, trimming the hairs in those places where it is necessary:

  • from 1.5 months the hair around the paw pads and anus is removed;
  • From 4.5 months, you can trim the hairs on the body as desired, but you should not cut it short. During this period, hair growth slows down, so the procedure will have to be repeated no earlier than after 1.5 months;
  • From 6–8 months you can practice shorter haircuts, but only if the dog tolerates it calmly. You can even remove the bangs, but many people prefer to leave them alone and tie bows so that the dog gets used to them. The frequency of haircuts from this age is 2–2.5 months.

Preparation for the procedure

Before you trim your lapdog at home yourself, it is recommended to perform some preparatory procedures that will make the process of creating a hairstyle easier:

  1. The pet needs to be bathed using a special shampoo and balm for easy combing.
  2. Then the animal is carefully dried with a hairdryer in the direction of hair growth.
  3. The dog is combed, unraveling the tangles.

Maltese mini and micro: differences from the standard

After these procedures, you can start grooming the dog.

Note! If the dog shows aggression, it is recommended to put a muzzle on it. However, it is better to accustom your pet to such procedures from an early age.

Care and maintenance

It is possible for a Maltese to live in both a large house and a small apartment, but the first option is still preferable. This way the pet can have constant contact with its owners. The peculiarity of the Maltese, like other small dogs, is that the animal can be trained to go to the litter box.

To maintain the elegant appearance of a lap dog, owners will have to put a lot of effort at home. Moreover, this requires not only time, but also material costs. Animal care comes down to the following points:

  1. Combing. The dog practically does not shed, but the coat needs daily combing to maintain a neat appearance.
  2. Bathing. The animal should be bathed using special shampoos and balms designed for long-haired dogs. Sometimes you can use care products to prevent the formation of tangles.
  3. A haircut. If the owners do not plan to participate in exhibitions with the dog, they can do a daily haircut. A shorn dog wears short hair, with the length kept to a minimum. Also popular are hygienic haircuts, in which most of the hair is shortened on the genitals. Grooming a dog once for a show is not enough. This procedure must be repeated at least 3 times a year.

There is a summer version of a puppy haircut that improves heat exchange in the summer. This grooming allows owners to spend less time caring for the coat.

Particular attention should be paid to the eyes, where dirt regularly accumulates due to tearing. In this case, the eyes become red and dark tracks appear under them.

This can happen for various reasons:

  • influence of external factors (dust, wind, etc.);
  • internal processes in the body (estrus, change of teeth, postpartum period);
  • allergy;
  • inflammation associated with disease (for example, conjunctivitis).

If your eyes are running, you must first determine the cause that caused this condition. Typically, most are temporary or can be resolved with medication.

When feeding your lapdog, it is important to consider the following points:

  1. Do not overfeed. Representatives of the breed are prone to obesity, so overeating threatens gastrointestinal, heart and digestive diseases. You can understand that an animal is overeating not only by rapidly gaining weight. At first, the dog’s stomach is churning, as the gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with the volume of food received.
  2. Do not feed human food. Many foods from the household table, for example, sausages, canned food, sweets, can lead to digestive disorders. Also, such snacks can throw off your eating schedule.

If the owners are going to feed the animal with dry food, the brand should be at least premium. Moreover, the food is intended for miniature dogs.

If the food is natural, then the pet’s menu should include:

  • lean meat (boiled beef or chicken);
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • porridge (buckwheat or rice);
  • apples;
  • eggs.

If the food is not suitable for the pet, this can be determined by the condition of the coat. When the coat becomes dull, brittle, or dandruff forms, these are signs of improper feeding.

What to feed a puppy

Puppies can also be kept on natural food or commercial food. There are usually no problems with the latter. Babies can be given dry food starting from 1 month. It can be slightly soaked in water beforehand for better chewing.

When feeding naturally, the puppy's menu should contain:

  • porridge with added meat;
  • pure meat (beef, rabbit or turkey);
  • sea ​​fish without bones;
  • vegetables and herbs;
  • cottage cheese.

At the age of 2-4 months, babies should eat 4 times a day, at 4-6 months - three times a day. From 8 months, the puppy gradually becomes an adult dog, so feeding should be done twice a day.

Grooming Maltese in the salon

Maltese (Maltese): description of the breed

In the salon, the dog will be provided with comprehensive services, which include the following procedures:

  • bathing with special means;
  • drying;
  • haircut of the owner's choice;
  • trimming nails;
  • removing hair from ears.

Some salons may offer to clean the anal glands. It is recommended to carry out a similar procedure up to 2 times a year.

The cost of all procedures is often fixed depending on the salon. However, if the coat is heavily soiled and tangled, groomers may increase the price slightly.

Tools, accessories, preparations. Prices for salon procedures.

For home grooming you need to purchase the following tools:

  • tangle cutter;
  • furminator;
  • machine with attachments;
  • thinning and straight scissors;
  • metal combs;
  • crest;
  • wool polishing brush;
  • nail clipper;
  • hairdryer

To keep grooming accessories clean, you will need a disinfectant. During the procedure, periodically treat your hands with antiseptics.

To wash and give the wool a well-groomed appearance you will need:

  • whitening shampoo;
  • Coconut oil;
  • balm;
  • moisturizing shampoo;
  • styling mousse;
  • spray for grooming;
  • hygienic ear drops;
  • means for lightening tear tracks.

Use only professional products, they are expensive, but the effect will be appropriate. If you wash your lapdog with regular shampoo, the fur will most likely become tangled and stop shining. Using cheap products can lead to the formation of tangles.

The price for a set of procedures in the salon will differ depending on the city where the owner and the animal live. On average, creating a new image will cost the owner 1200-1500 rubles.

How to trim a Maltese at home

It is quite difficult to cut a Maltese haircut at home, but you can try. First of all, the baby should be given a good walk so that he spends maximum energy. Then the dog is bathed, mats are removed and carefully combed. After this, start cutting:

  1. The dog is seated in a suitable place.
  2. First of all, the bangs are cut - the required length is removed from the eyes and the cap is cut off.
  3. Then the area between the ears is cut. It is important to ensure that the haircut is symmetrical.
  4. Then the back is cut. If you need short hair, use the clipper in the direction against hair growth. In other cases, they cut only in the direction of growth.
  5. Next, the sides are processed, starting from the head and gradually moving towards the tail.
  6. After the body, the limbs are trimmed, and then the tail, which can be slightly trimmed.

Important! Don't forget about the extra hairs on your paws and ears.

The grooming of the Maltese lap dog ends with the processing of the muzzle, the hair is cut neatly. Use thinning scissors to straighten everything out.

The length of the Maltese coat allows you to do any hairstyle

Possible mistakes when cutting your own hair

Inexperienced owners can make various mistakes when grooming a dog at home. The most common of them are:

  • using household scissors. Such an object is more blunt than professional ones, so it tears and wrinkles the wool. As a result, the haircut turns out to be ugly. In addition, it can cause discomfort to the dog.
  • using a machine without attachments. In this case, the coat remains very short, which deprives the professional of the opportunity to correct anything in case of failure;
  • Trying my first haircut myself. It is better to go to a grooming salon for this purpose in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and not irritate the dog.

Note! Such mistakes often cause disappointment in the results of grooming your pet on your own.

It is better to take your Maltese to a specialized salon for his first haircut.

Tips and Tricks

To get excellent results, you should follow some tips:

  • if necessary, you can use a muzzle;
  • the acceptable direction of cutting tools is along the growth line, parallel to the body;
  • the muzzle is cut away from the eyes;
  • the inguinal and anal areas are cut only with scissors;
  • minor damage is treated with hydrogen peroxide;
  • After grooming, it is recommended to bathe the dog.

Grooming a Maltese dog is an important and responsible task. If you are not confident in your abilities, then you should contact specialized salons. For your first haircut, it is better to visit a hairdresser.

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