Pit bull is a killer fighting dog: varieties, description and breed standard, character, upbringing, owner reviews. What are the purposes of the Pit Bull Terrier dog breed? What can you call a pitbull maiden?

What are the purposes of the Pit Bull Terrier dog breed?

What are the purposes of the Pit Bull Terrier dog breed?
The Pit Bull Terrier dog is distinguished by good physical strength, it is fearless and strong-willed. What are the purposes of the Pit Bull Terrier dog breed?

  • Such a dog will be an excellent hunter and a wonderful companion during the hunt.
  • With it you can go after small predatory animals and wild ungulates: wild boar, ram, goat, saiga and others. This dog will also be a good helper when hunting game.
  • In addition, pit bull terriers are raised for fighting in the ring, as rescuers, bloodhounds, or simply for exhibitions.
  • This companion breed is a close relative of the Staffordshire Terrier. These dogs will be next to their owner everywhere: you go into the swamp, and she will follow you, you will go to rest in the forest or hunt, and she will run after you along the edge.

Despite its stern appearance, this dog is kind and sociable.

Pitbull - killer fighting dog: varieties

Pit Bull - Killer Fighting Dog: Varieties
Many people believe that the Pit Bull Terrier breed has several varieties. But there is only one standard for this breed; it is not divided into any varieties. Albanian, French and bulldog types of pit bulls have been bred, but among experienced breeders one type of pit bull is valued - the American Pit Bull Terrier .

  • Pit bull is a popular name for the pit bull terrier that began to be used in the 90s.
  • Since that time, this breed began to be considered a killer fighting dog , although in fact, if you raise the puppy correctly from childhood, the dog will be kind and sociable.
  • Danger and mental problems can be expected from stray dogs . Uncontrolled and inept breeding leads to this. Therefore, it is important to purchase a purebred dog from experienced breeders.

Pit bull terriers can differ in coat color and eye color.

John Colby's contribution to the development of the breed

It is worth noting that the greatest contribution to the development of this breed was made by John Colby, a resident of Ireland. He was a breeder of American pit bulls of the old family, but at the same time he believed that they should become the main link in breeding work with other lines. However, this opinion is still subject to criticism. Many modern breeders completely disagree with this policy. They believe that it was necessary to breed only the Red Nose line of American Pitbull dogs.

However, Colby's policy was correct. In 1900, he brought to America several of the best representatives of the named breed. And later he raised many legendary dog ​​fighting participants.

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In those days, it was quite difficult to create a reliable description of the American pit bull breed. The reason for this was the impossibility of controlling the number of dogs brought into the country, as well as the variety of their colors. In addition, the main thing was not the appearance of the animal, but its predisposition to participate in battles. However, there are documents confirming the development of the breed after 1900.

It is worth noting that the policy introduced by Colby was quite actively used by breeders who began actively breeding American pit bulls. By the way, this is why the term “American” appeared in the name of the breed.

Description and standard of the pitbull dog breed - dimensions, weight, character of the pitbull

Description and standard of the pit bull dog breed - size, weight, character of the pit bull
Pit bull terriers are usually divided into two classes: working and show category . When the dimensions of a dog are assessed, the reference point is weight, which ranges from 12 to 36 kilograms. Height can vary and depends on the proportionality of the body and weight. Often, when assessing a dog, no attention is paid to its weight; it is important that it is harmoniously built with a characteristic color.

Below you will find a description and standard of the pitbull dog breed, as well as what its size, weight and character should be:

  • The head is square in shape, with a flat and wide forehead. The cheeks are elastic, slightly saggy, without folds, the cheekbones are wide. There should be a pronounced, characteristic curve from the forehead to the nose. The area of ​​the bridge of the nose is smooth, but there may be a furrow between the eyes.
  • Teeth - strong and deep jaw. When closed, it creates a rectangular muzzle shape. The bite is scissor-shaped, the teeth are close to each other and close together in a tight lock.
  • Ears are set wide apart and high in relation to the muzzle. Ears are cropped unless prohibited by law. In many countries, docking is prohibited.
  • Eyes : Round, oval or almond shaped. The eyes are set wide apart and low in relation to the forehead.
  • The nose has large and open nostrils. The structure of the nose is dense.
  • The torso is rectangular, the neck is not too long, with well-developed muscles, and has a slight curve. The shoulders are set wide, the shoulder blades are slightly raised, the chest is deep. The back is wide, the groin area is taut. There are no folds on the body.
  • Paws are set wide apart, of medium length. Wide paw bones add stability and roundness to the appearance. Thanks to this, the dog’s stance turns out beautiful and confident.
  • The tail is set low and short. In a calm state it is lowered, in an excited state it is slightly raised and continues the line of the back.
  • The coat is rough and there is no undercoat.
  • Height - 43-49 cm.
  • Weight - 20-30 kilograms.

Despite its harsh appearance, a dog can be the best nanny for children. Pitbull loves to play with children in their games, but for this it needs to be properly trained and raised.

What to feed and how to raise a pit bull at home?

What to feed and how to raise a pit bull at home?
The Pit Bull Terrier has its own characteristics in terms of nutrition. If you are just dreaming of owning a dog of this breed, then check out the pitbull menu. What to feed such a dog so that it is healthy, well-fed and cheerful? Here are some tips:

  • Make a choice right away - feed your dog natural food or specialized natural food . You cannot feed pita with waste from your table; he can have natural meat, cereals that are suitable for feeding dogs, with the addition of vegetables and herbs. Every day the dog should be given at least 400 grams of lean beef, lamb or rabbit. You also need to give cottage cheese (40 grams per day), eggs (1-2 pieces) - 2 times a week. The diet must include fish, vegetables and herbs (a little). Cheese - about 100 grams, once a week.
  • Cow's milk can be fed to a puppy weaned from its mother.
  • It is important to exclude flour products, sweets and animal fats (butter, sour cream, etc.) from the pit bull terrier’s menu . Protein is replenished with natural meat. This must be taken into account, since pit bulls have special skin and are prone to the formation of subcutaneous wen. If at least one formation appears, you should radically reconsider the dog’s menu, eliminating fatty and sweet foods.
  • Do not overfeed your dog , he will begin to gain weight and become lazy.
  • Do not starve the pet , the pet will be irritable and restless.
  • Food should be warm - not cold and not hot.
  • When refusing food, show your character . Perhaps the dog is hoping for more tasty food and begins to be capricious. At this time, it is important for the owner to show character and let the pet fast for 1-2 days.
  • You can start feeding your pit bull dry food at 3 months of age. Such food is contraindicated for very young puppies.

Important: After eating, allow your pet to rest for half an hour. This is necessary to improve digestion.

How to raise a pit bull at home?
The dog should receive light food in the morning, and more nutritious meals at lunchtime and in the evening. Thanks to this, she will gain muscle mass well and become a strong and strong dog.

How to raise a pit bull at home? Adviсe:

  • Adequate daily training and training will help turn a fighting dog into a loyal pet. Remember that a cute puppy will turn into an active dog in just a few months, and the sooner you start training him, the better.
  • From the first months of life, instill in your dog skills that will help the pit bull to adequately perceive all external stimuli.
  • The pet must know who is his master , and he must obey his commands unquestioningly.
  • In raising a dog of this breed, affection and patience are important. Aggression is unacceptable.
  • Accustom your pet to yourself : feed it, walk it and play with it. The "whip" method is not suitable for training this dog.
  • Perform initial training from 2-3 months . At this time, the puppy will be able to perfectly master the basic commands: stand, sit, and so on.
  • Control your dog's behavior. Pranks or disobedience must be stopped immediately, and a correctly executed command must be rewarded: with a stroke, a kind word, or something tasty.
  • The dog must feel the dominance of the owner . In the house where a pit bull lives, certain rules must be established: it is forbidden to sleep in the master’s bed, and you cannot bark or growl at household members. Control over aggression must be constant.
  • Constant energy expenditure is a success in reducing the animal's aggressiveness. You need to walk your dog at least 2 hours a day. Physical activity and games are important.

Important: If you see that the dog is not trainable and does not obey you, then entrust the training of the pit bull terrier to professional dog handlers. Listen to their advice, and your pet will grow up to be a kind and loyal friend.

How can you call a pit bull a girl and a boy: the best beautiful nicknames

If you have already adopted a pit bull terrier puppy, then you now need to name the pet. You should choose your nickname so that you can pronounce it well. This is important in raising this breed of dog. What can you call a pit bull for a girl and a boy?

The best beautiful nicknames for pit bulls for boys:

What can you call a pit bull boy: the best beautiful nicknames

The best beautiful nicknames for pit bull girls:

How can you name a pit bull girl: the best beautiful nicknames

Pit bull and pit bull terrier: is there a difference?

Pit bull and pit bull terrier: is there a difference?
As mentioned above, the name of the breed “pit bull terrier” may have abbreviated versions: “pit bull” or “pit”. Therefore, there is no difference between a pit bull and a pit bull terrier - they are one and the same.

Important to know: Professional dog handlers and breeders of these dogs claim that representatives of this breed cannot be called pit bulls, since this word translates as “fighting bull”, and this is considered incorrect. Therefore, in professional circles, dogs of this breed should only be called pit bull terriers.


The Pit Bull is a great breed for those who are willing to exercise it and who prefer a healthy lifestyle to spending time at home. It is very likely that representatives of this species have fallen victim to stereotypes, since they were indeed bred for fighting, but this should not stop those who liked this breed. The reason is obvious: this dog has everything that any breeder needs, and it requires just as much care as any other animal. Therefore, if you do not forget about the dog’s individuality and the fact that it requires care, everything will be fine.

Pitbull and Amstaff or Stafford: what is the difference, who is better?

Pitbull and Amstaff or Stafford: what is the difference, who is better?
In Europe, a ban on dog fighting displaced pit bull terriers as a breed. In America, they, as combatants, are banned.

  • At the beginning of the 20th century, a new generation of pit bulls appeared - Staffordshire Terriers - Staffords. Dogs of this breed are also called Amstaffs (American Staffordshire Terriers).
  • This breed differs from pit bulls in appearance and other characteristics.
  • Staffords were approved by the American Kennel Club as a standard back in 1936.
  • The Stafford is a larger dog than the Pit Bull Terrier. She has longer legs and a different shaped head.
  • The Pitbull is an aggressive dog , just like the Stafford, but the latter will lose in a fight , since it has no desire to destroy the enemy.
  • Pitbulls are intended for service work , while Staffords or Amstaffs are a show breed .

Connoisseurs of Staffordshire terriers are still confident that this breed is the future of dog fights.

Origin story

The first mentions of the ancestors of this breed date back to the period before the 18th century. And England became their homeland. Everything happened according to a rather funny pattern, which is quite actively reflected in the customs and principles of many modern states.

So, the point was that peasants were forbidden to have large dogs. It doesn’t matter for what purpose, protection or hunting. Animals of this size could only be kept by the nobility for the purpose of tracking and catching large game. As a result of this, ordinary residents had to get the following dogs:

  • small terriers - for hunting;
  • bulldogs - to protect the territory.

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To meet size requirements, the two breeds were crossed and only the smallest puppies from the litter were kept for home. Later, these individuals were used for breeding purposes. This mixture led to the appearance of a dog that was fearless, like a bulldog, but at the same time agile and agile, like a terrier - the bull terrier.

However, the animal received its full name “pit bull terrier” under extremely unpleasant circumstances. Somewhat later, a rather bloody form of entertainment became popular in England – dog fighting. Animals were pitted against each other in a pit and fought to the death. And since pit is translated from English as “pit,” the name was appropriate.

What is the bite force of a pit bull, how to unclench the jaws of a pit bull?

What is the bite force of a pit bull, how to unclench the jaws of a pit bull?
The pit bull has the strongest jaws. The bite force of this dog is up to 126 kg/sq.cm.

  • It is believed that it is almost impossible to unclench a pit bull's jaws when it is in a fight. This statement does not exist because this dog is bloodthirsty and cannot let go of the enemy, it has such a peculiarity in the way its jaw works.
  • There are many cases when, in a fight between a pit bull and dogs of other breeds, the pit clings so tightly to the enemy that neither the owner’s blows, nor the gas from a spray can, nor the electric shock can help separate the animals.
  • It seems that nothing will help in such a fight and the enemy is doomed.

But experienced dog handlers have one way that helps unclench a pit bull’s jaws:

  • Place the collar on the dog so that it is not on the neck, but slightly higher towards the head, almost near the ears.
  • Begin to lightly choke your pet . Although this sounds scary, you will not cause any harm to the dog.
  • Tighten the leash until the dog unclenches his jaw . However, keep your wits about you and don't pull too hard as you might choke your dog.

Thanks to this technique, the pet will unclench its jaws and let go of the victim. Watch the video for more details:


It was already said earlier that the final behavior of a dog depends only on how and under what conditions the owner raised it. Dog trainers do not recommend training a dog to be a protector too actively. Growing up with an attitude of aggression, the American pit bull becomes the embodiment of all those scary stories that are told about him. Even though the proportion of attacks of this breed on people from the total number of cases is extremely small.

The problem is that, brought up as a fighter, this dog does not just intimidate and try to grab more painfully - when attacking, he aims strictly at vital places, digging into them with a death grip. Similar cases occur when a dog ends up with a person with a level of intelligence lower than its own.

A properly raised pit bull reveals a completely different side. Such animals take an active part in various competitions, together with their owners:

  • completing an obstacle course against time;
  • tug of war or rope;
  • hanging on a rope, etc.

Pit bull terrier dog: reviews from owners

Pit bull terrier dog: reviews from owners
If you are just planning to get a pit bull terrier, then you probably doubt whether to take a pit bull terrier or still give preference to a dog of another breed. Reviews from the owners will help you decide whether you can have a pit bull terrier dog at home or not:

Peter, 31 years old

As an experienced pit bull breeder, I can say for sure that it is better for beginners not to adopt a dog of this breed. She needs special training, this is the only way the pet will grow up friendly and obedient.

Irina, 35 years old

We have had a pit bull for 3 years now. But we gave him to an experienced dog handler for training. He showed us how to treat such a dog. He explained that you shouldn’t hit her or even scream, the dog could become aggressive. We have two children who adore Rimbaud (that’s our pete’s name). He is also friendly to them.

Svetlana, 30 years old

I've always dreamed of having a pit bull. This breed attracts with its strength and beauty of exterior characteristics. When I contacted the breeder for a puppy, I was told that it would be better for a novice breeder to take a female dog. She will be kinder and less aggressive. But it will be necessary to deal with mating and offspring, since a female dog that is not taken to mating and does not produce offspring can become aggressive. Naturally, I follow all the breeder’s recommendations; there have already been two litters of puppies. I can’t imagine what I would do without my Bella, a beautiful and kind pit bull. And I also make a profit from selling puppies.


  • Minimal care . Of course, the health of pit bulls must be monitored. Be sure to provide sufficient walking time so that an active dog can burn off its energy. A pit bull should be treated the same as any other dog, but this breed does not require additional care. For example, you won’t have to regularly brush your pit bull’s hair – it’s a short-haired dog and doesn’t need such care.
  • High intelligence . Like many fighting dogs, the pit bull is distinguished by high intelligence, allowing representatives of the breed to grasp new knowledge on the fly. For owners, this means that training and raising such a dog is very simple, although it cannot be done without a strict hand.
  • Playfulness . There is never a dull moment with such a dog. Not being spoiled, not wanting to attract too much attention to itself, the pit bull always readily responds to the owner’s desire to play active games, without responding with aggression. Of course, there are exceptions to this too - but, most likely, if the dog does not want to play, this is a reason to think about whether he feels good. If not, what is the reason for this. One way or another, a pit bull will be fun for both adults and children.
  • Friendliness . Although this may sound surprising, it is true: the pit bull is a very friendly dog ​​that can get along with both children and other animals. Hostility awakens in a pit bull only when the need arises to protect its family.
  • Unpretentiousness in food . We can say that the pit bull is an omnivorous dog, so it will eat everything that its owners can buy for it. The tastes of a breed representative are individual only when the dog requires a special diet - for example, for medical reasons. In all other cases, we can safely say that his tastes are quite unpretentious, and it will be very easy to please him.
  • Low cost . Many of those who are interested in dogs, even puppies, know how difficult it is to find a purebred dog at a low price. For individuals with a pedigree you can pay up to 100,000 rubles! With pit bull puppies, everything is somewhat simpler: the average cost starts around 15,000 rubles and ends at around 25,000. For a dog that can participate in competitions and exhibitions on an equal basis with everyone else, this is not a lot of money.

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