Feeding puppies and adult East European Shepherds

Before getting a service dog, you should understand what Veo puppies eat. There are different opinions, but most likely you will have to focus on the physical condition of a particular puppy and his preferences. The peculiarity of feeding an East European Shepherd puppy is that this animal needs products that strengthen its bones. The dog will grow large and massive, and will have to carry a lot of weight.

Feeding the puppy Veo

The puppy goes to new owners from a breeder who has already given the kids a certain type of food. If the dog has eaten commercial food, then the same type of food should be given to it. A sudden change in diet will harm the young body. It’s the same with natural food. When a breeder keeps puppies on meat and porridge, even high-quality drying can lead to disastrous results.

At first, you need to continue the diet of the former owner, gradually transferring the baby to convenient food. After a year, the dog can be switched to an adult diet.


Lack of vitamins and minerals in food will also have a bad effect on your dog’s health. It is better to buy ready-made special complexes in tablets and powders, because even with natural nutrition it is difficult to achieve the balance of the necessary substances on your own. And be sure to consult with a veterinarian or breeder about what is best for your dog.

Here is a list of vitamins and substances that should be present in a puppy’s diet:

  • Glucosamine and chondroitin
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • B vitamins
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D3
  • Folic acid

Veo dry food for puppies

The convenience of dry food can hardly be overestimated, especially with a large dog. A balanced product saves time: no need to clean out bowls of dried porridge. There are other advantages of dry feeding:

  • food can be bought for future use;
  • the stores offer a large assortment from different manufacturers;
  • a conscientious manufacturer indicates the dosage and age of the dog on the bag;
  • good “drying” does not require additional feeding;
  • high-quality nutrition does not cause stomach problems;
  • The shepherd is not inclined to gain weight on such a diet.

And the only condition for such nutrition is a bowl of clean water next to the food.

Vitamin supplements

When naturally fed, a VEO puppy needs additional vitamins. The following complexes will help you develop fully:

  • Irish Cal is a calcium supplement from Beaphar;
  • Vi-Min Bosch – a combination of vitamins, minerals, microelements for puppies;
  • 8 in 1 Polydex Polivit Calcium;
  • 8 in 1 Brevers – vitamins with brewer’s yeast;
  • 8 in 1 Polydex Gelabon plus;
  • 8 in 1 Glucosamine.

If the puppy eats high-quality dry food, additional feeding is not needed.

Feeding the East European Shepherd dry food

Concentrated feeds are presented in 4 categories: economy, premium, superpremium and holistic. They differ in price, composition and suitability for feeding animals. Advertised economy class food contains little protein and a lot of grains. They include low-quality by-products, aromatic and flavoring additives, as well as preservatives. They cannot be used for veo.

The premium class is slightly better in composition, there is more meat, less by-products. The food contains a lot of grains, there are aromas and flavoring additives, but there are fewer of them than in the previous food. This type of food is already divided according to the specific characteristics of the animals, for example, to improve wool, etc. The manufacturer adds vitamins and minerals to such food. Its price is higher than that of cheap food, but not as high as that of high-quality “drying”. You can use such food temporarily if there are no other options.

The super premium class has a balanced composition. They use high-quality meat, the composition is described in detail, indicating the percentage composition of each element. This is complete nutrition, but you can only find it in specialized stores: chains do not sell such food. It has a high price, but the daily intake is less than previous feeds. It is not scary to feed an animal with such food. It can be recommended as a constant food. Holistic is a high quality food, it is perfectly balanced.

What foods are contraindicated

In addition to foods that are not suitable for all dogs, an East European Shepherd puppy should not be given meat or offal, cut into large pieces. Do not feed large amounts of cereal. All this can lead to volvulus, bloating, and worsen the functioning of the pancreas.

The following foods are also contraindicated for puppies:

  • salted, smoked, peppered;
  • sweets, confectionery;
  • salo;
  • fat meat;
  • raw liver;
  • River fish;
  • bones;
  • fresh bread;
  • potato;
  • grape.

Chronic overeating can lead to poor health consequences. If your puppy has regular watery eyes, ear discharge, rashes or diarrhea, then you have prepared the wrong diet.

Natural feeding of the East European Shepherd

It is not advisable to combine natural food with dry food: this can affect the dog’s health.

It is strictly forbidden to fill the “drying” with dairy products or broth or mix it with porridge.

As a last resort, you can give “drying” at another feeding, but it is better to stop at one thing.

As a rule, an adult veo is fed meat, vegetables, lactic acid products and cereals with water or broth. There is an opinion that it is better to reduce the amount of cereals to a minimum. However, raw meat will not cover all the needs of a shepherd.

What types of meat are recommended?

Among the existing types of meat, we can recommend beef. It is useful for an adult East European Shepherd to give it raw, frozen. You should not buy tenderloin for a large game. High-quality trim and inexpensive flank will please your pet no less. Puppies are given finely chopped meat. For kids, you can scrape the meat with a knife. You can give shepherds lean lamb or rabbit meat, as well as turkey. Chicken meat is an allergenic product, but this does not apply to poultry.

By-products can be given boiled. You should be careful with the liver, which is not only rich in vitamins, but also accumulates toxins. The lung can cause a laxative effect, and the udder is an excessively fatty product. Unpeeled tripe is a good addition to your dog's diet and can be fed raw.

What kind of porridge can you feed your dog?

Shepherd porridge can be cooked in water, broth or vegetable broth. The dog should get enough protein, so you shouldn’t overuse cereals. They make up a small part of the diet. Buckwheat and rice are best suited for feeding. Occasionally you can add rolled oats. Bran will enrich food with B vitamins and improve intestinal motility. Babies can be given milk porridge as a transition to solid food. Buckwheat and rolled oats can be steamed with boiling water instead of boiling to preserve vitamins.

How many times a day should you give fermented milk products?

Fermented milk products should not be given together with meat products in the same feeding.

Meat and vegetables are combined with each other, but cottage cheese, kefir and organic products can only be combined with bran. It is advisable to give milk only to small puppies up to two months, or, in extreme cases, up to three or four months. At a certain point, the dog stops digesting fresh milk and reacts with an upset stomach.

The fat content of fermented milk products should be from 2.5 to 9%. The best option is about 5% fat. In addition to store-bought products, you can make unsweetened yogurt or cottage cheese at home. And for puppies - calcined cottage cheese.

Popular brands

Popular super-premium brands include Hills, Eukanuba, and Royal Canin. The brands Orijen, Akana, and Grandorf are popular among holistic practitioners.

These manufacturers are sensitive to the quality of their products. Proteins take first place in recipes. This is natural meat, ocean fish. The developers use healthy grains: rice, oats. There are completely grain-free lines. The composition is supplemented with vegetables, fruits, and medicinal herbs.

Dry formulas

The American company Eukanuba and the French manufacturer Royal Canin offer separate foods for East European Shepherds. Choose food for large breed puppies from other manufacturers:

  • Hills Canin Grove;
  • Eukanuba Pappy;
  • Royal Canin Junior;
  • Akana Pappy Large Breed;
  • Pronature No. 28;
  • Grandorf for puppies with lamb or chicken.

Wet food

Canned formulas are used as a delicacy to add variety to the diet.

You should not feed your puppy only wet food, otherwise he will begin to refuse dry kibble.

The following brands of canned food are suitable for growing VEOs:

Veo puppy diet

Food for a baby depends on his age. The composition of the daily diet must be balanced. A puppy needs meat for muscle growth, carbohydrates for energy and plant fiber for proper intestinal function. Lactic acid products contain calcium, so they must be present in the diet.

It is forbidden to feed babies from the table: it could cost them their lives.

How to properly feed a two-month-old puppy

East European Shepherd babies at two months still need milk feeding with a small addition of meat. The total volume of food is 150-200 g. Gradually, this amount should be increased to 300 g. Food should be given 4-5 times a day in small portions. If the baby has not finished eating it, then after waiting for 10-15 minutes, the bowl must be removed.

50% of the baby’s diet should consist of cottage cheese and milk, 20% should be meat, about 10% boiled vegetables, 20% porridge, 1 tsp. vegetable oil per day and 1 yolk per week. You need to add the vitamins that were fed before.

Feeding and care at three months

The number of feedings at this age should be reduced to 4 times a day. In this case, the volume of each feeding should be increased to 300 g. Meat comes first here. The baby should receive about 300-400 g per day. You should give 200-300 g of cottage cheese, and no more than 200 g of cereal. 1 tbsp per puppy per day. l. vegetable oil and 100 g of vegetables. Milk or kefir is still a significant part of the diet. It must be poured at least 400-500 g per day. No more than 2-3 times a week you can replace meat with offal. The latter must be cooked. The amount of offal should be greater than meat due to its lower nutritional value. Twice a week you can exchange meat for fish. Boiled, low-fat sea fish without small bones is perfect for a Veo puppy.

If the baby has already begun to go outside, then you can feed him no earlier than after 30 minutes. after a walk. If you have already fed the puppy, then you can walk it after 1.5-2 hours.

From the age of 3 months, a dog’s teeth may begin to change. The gums become inflamed and itchy, and the baby needs to chew on something. At this time, you can give him large beef cartilage and mineral supplements.

What to feed an East European Shepherd at four months

At this age, it is customary to feed a puppy 3-4 times a day. Children continue to change teeth. The amount of food per day should be correlated with the baby’s activity. Overfeeding affects bone formation because excess weight puts pressure on joints.

The composition of the daily diet is the same, but there are some differences. Some vegetables should be given in grated raw form:

  • carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini.

Tomatoes need to be finely chopped, the same goes for greens. Beets and pumpkin should be given boiled. There is no need to give cabbage and potatoes. Sometimes children are given garlic to drive away worms. In spring, you can collect dandelion leaves and nettles in clean places. Nettles must first be scalded with boiling water.

If changing baby canines is difficult, give the dog a large beef bone, which will help part with the primary teeth. Some puppies will happily chew on a large carrot to scratch their gums.

The main food product is still meat. It can be 500 g in the diet, cottage cheese comes second - 400 g. Kefir and porridge - up to 300 g and 1 tbsp. l. oils Eggs should appear “on the table” 3 times a week, 1 piece each. You can replace them with quail ones.

What to feed babies at five months

From 4 to 5 months, the diet of babies is practically no different either in the number of meals or in composition. Feedings should be individually adjusted according to the dog’s needs.

How to feed a shepherd from six months

Up to eight months, a teenager’s diet consists of 600-800 g of meat. You can give 200 g of kefir and vegetables and up to 300 g of cereals. An animal can eat 300 g of cottage cheese and, as before, the dog needs 1 tbsp. l butter and 1 egg 3 times a week. The older the dog, the more differences and individual characteristics there are. The diet needs to be increased gradually. We must not forget about vitamins and mineral supplements.

Veo nutrition from 8 months to one year

As the puppy grows, one serving can reach 1000 g. The composition can be approximately the same as for up to 8 months, but the amount of meat reaches 800 g. The amount of food depends on the condition of the animal and the level of physical activity.


The East European Shepherd (VEO) belongs to the category of service dogs and is characterized by its large size. Males with a height of 75 cm at the withers can weigh up to 60 kilograms, females - up to 55 kg with a height of 73 cm. Indicators are achieved due to the rapid increase in muscle mass with proper nutrition.

A correctly formulated diet will allow you to achieve indicators corresponding to the breed. Let us remember that the East European Shepherd was bred by Soviet dog handlers from the German breed; the breeds are similar, some differences are noticeable in behavior and character. The main differences between VEO and the German Shepherd:

  • growth and size are larger;
  • the chest is wider;
  • the back has no obvious slope;
  • the color is predominantly light with tan marks;
  • calmer character;
  • service quality is better.

As for proper nutrition, the differences are only quantitative, but not in the composition and principle of feeding.

Let’s figure out what a balanced diet is for your pet right away in order to prevent health problems or obesity in your dog at an early age. The puppy is growing quickly, rapidly gaining weight, and developing muscle definition. The amount of nutrients should be appropriate, without excess. The main thing to remember is that the change in the diet of babies occurs gradually - from the usual puppy diet to the constant diet of an adult dog.

Physical exercise

Muscles need to be exercised, so run, jump and play to your heart's content. In addition, a puppy, especially a teenager, needs to walk a lot. Precisely at a walk or a calm trot. This strengthens the ligaments better. To train the pasterns, walking along gravel paths and climbing stairs are required. Of course, this does not mean that the poor puppy needs to be chased up and down the steps for the entire two-hour walk. One or two small and leisurely climbs are enough.

In the summer - definitely swim. Dogs, as a rule, love to bathe, and it’s hard to imagine a better way to develop the chest.

Alternate exercise with rest. If you see that the puppy is tired, let him lie down or quietly go about his business. Training should be fun.

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Character and temperament

Initially, the Eastern European was bred as a service breed for military dog ​​breeding. She works in the police, border troops and army, because her character corresponds to the tasks performed in these structures. Other distinctive character traits of the East European breed type shepherd dog:

  1. Sensitivity. Even with this quality, VEOs are not the best guards, because they do not inform the owner about strangers.
  2. Security qualities. The pet will be the best guard. The animal protects its family and territory to the end. Anyone who wants to offend the owner will first have to deal with a powerful and purposeful dog.
  3. Goodwill. With proper socialization, the dog does not show aggression towards other animals. Although it all depends on the character of a particular representative: some are not at all interested in other pets, others, on the contrary, attack any four-legged animal.

High intelligence and balanced character

The East European Shepherd is highly intelligent. They have good learning abilities, are very obedient and are not prone to escape. The pet happily obeys all commands of the owner. In terms of trainability, this dog is considered simply magnificent, otherwise it would not have been accepted into the army and special services. For an East European type shepherd, there are practically no tasks that it cannot perform. In addition to high intelligence, the dog’s character is distinguished by its complaisance and restraint. The animal experiences pleasure from serving humans.

Table of growth dynamics of the lengths of the body, front legs and head

Age (in months)Oblique body length (cm)Chest (cm)Front paw length (cm)Pastern girth (cm)Head length(cm)Muzzle length (cm)

The table shows that the completion of the formation of different parts of the body of a dog of this breed occurs at different periods of life.

How old do East European Shepherds grow?

The East European Shepherd grows most actively during the first year of life. The dog’s appearance changes, its proportions are formed, it matures and gains body weight. The animal also grows in height. Moreover, from the very first days, male dogs differ from girls of the same age - they are larger, more powerful.

Until seven or eight months, the most noticeable thing is how their height and weight increase. A table of animal growth during different periods of life will help you analyze whether this process is happening correctly in your pet. It shows the weight of the VEO puppy by month.

At 1 year old, the dog already looks quite grown up. She acquires the weight of an adult VEO, which should not change for the rest of her life.

Deviations of parameters indicate physiological changes in the body. In bitches this happens during pregnancy, feeding puppies, and childbirth. Sometimes a slight decrease in weight is observed due to ignored estrus.

Height and weight are the main indicators of puppy development

Important! After spaying and neutering, pets may begin to gain excessive weight. There are known cases of obesity after surgery.

If the weight of the East European Shepherd changes without an objective reason, this indicates:

  • disease;
  • incorrect content.

However, even after a year, East European Shepherds are still growing, as the body is being formed. They become adults at 2 years old. Some individuals grow up to 3 years, enlarging their chest.

How the East European Shepherd grows: height and weight by month

The owner of a four-legged pet is always interested in how correctly his pupil is developing. Therefore, the question of how old a dog of this breed grows is not idle. Every owner also needs to know how many grams a puppy should gain monthly and how many centimeters it should grow. The pet's parameters must match the average.

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