How to feed a husky correctly: menu for puppies and adult dogs

Home Questions and Answers Dogs Dog breeds West Siberian Laika

Breeders' opinions on what to feed West Siberian huskies vary. Some believe that natural food is best suited for feeding hunting dogs. Others, supporters of the modern approach to dog feeding, advocate the priority of special dog food. Still others probably believe that both the first and second are partially right, and choose mixed feeding for their huskies. The choice of type of food and food is made easier by the fact that West Siberian huskies are not picky eaters.

It’s worth saying right away that creating a balanced natural diet is not easy. And with mixed feeding, you cannot give industrial dry food and natural products at the same time.

Among the variety of ready-made industrial food for feeding huskies, it is best to choose super-premium complete dry food. For working dogs, food labeled “Energy” is recommended. They are focused on the needs of dogs with high energy expenditures. For West Siberian huskies that are kept in an apartment and do not receive enough exercise, food labeled “Standard” is recommended. Depending on the age of the husky, you should select food of the appropriate category (for elderly dogs, puppies, etc.). Super-premium food is usually not supplemented with any other food, food or vitamins.

Among natural products, raw or slightly frozen lean meat is especially useful. It forms the basis for natural feeding. You should not give your huskies pork, meat with long bones (chicken, for example), or boiled meat. Meat with bones, films and tendons is more beneficial for dogs than tenderloin. You should not cook meat, as in this case most of the beneficial substances are destroyed. To somehow protect yourself, you can immerse the meat in boiling water for a couple of minutes or scald it with boiling water. Once or twice a week, it is useful to include fish in your diet (preferably from the salmon family), but not freshwater or bottom fish. By-products can also be given to West Siberian Huskies. They can be added along with meat and vegetables to porridges cooked in water. Cereals for porridges should be coarsely ground. Unsweetened fermented milk products are good for dogs, especially cottage cheese. They can be given every day. It is worth considering that dogs do not digest plant foods in large quantities. With mixed and natural feeding, it is advisable to add additional vitamins and minerals .

The most dangerous food for huskies is scraps from the master's table. Food for people (especially sweet and fried food) is tasty for dogs, and therefore desirable, but it has no value for the dog’s body, and sometimes harms it.

You should not give West Siberian huskies salty, spicy, pickled, sweet, or fried food.

Adult West Siberian huskies are fed twice a day at the same time, 1.5-2 hours before a walk. Very young puppies under the age of 2 months are fed 6 times a day ; in the period from 2 to 4 months huskies are usually fed 5 times , then the number of feedings continues to decrease, but the portions begin to increase. From 4 to 6 months, dogs are fed 4 times a day, from 6 to 12 (sometimes up to 18) months - 3 times , then huskies are transferred to adult meals twice a day .

The portion mode is most often selected individually by the owners. The guideline in this matter is the instructions on the packaging of a particular food, the weight of the dog, its condition, level of activity and level of health.

Laika is a breed known for transporting across snowy areas. Currently, these dogs are distributed much wider than the borders of the Far North. Beautiful, stately, intelligent dogs have long been used not only for transporting goods, but also for protecting houses, specific sports, hunting, and pleasant communication.

To preserve the husky's flair, endurance, strength, and friendliness, it is necessary to feed it correctly. Without proper nutrition, tailed animals are susceptible to disease and weakness. A balanced diet for the breed follows special rules. Nutrition should not only satisfy the needs for microelements, but also support the dog’s body during changes in season, age, and condition (for example, during pregnancy).

Basic rules for feeding huskies

Before feeding your husky, it is worth knowing some of the characteristics of the breed. Its representatives are distinguished by their ability to efficiently digest heavy substances. They are absolutely not picky in gastronomic terms, they tolerate hunger well for several days, and gorge themselves on small amounts of food.

To preserve the husky's flair, endurance, strength, and friendliness, it is necessary to feed it correctly.

At the same time, due to their omnivorous and sociable nature, representatives of the breed can swallow everything that is offered to them. Therefore, it is important to establish a measure, a feeding schedule and not to overfeed your pet.

A portion of food for a husky at home is no more than 3% of its own weight. With an increase in activity (hunting trips, competitions), the volume of the contents of the dog’s plate increases by a third.

Basically, it is recommended to grind all types of products into small pieces or almost to a puree. In this form, food will be digested faster, and the pet will be able to start activity almost immediately after lunch. It is worth remembering that too liquid food discourages dogs from feeling the measure of what they eat and stretches the stomach.

Veterinarians strictly recommend not keeping food in bowls all the time. Normal eating behavior is developed through routine feeding. Only clean water should always be freely available. If your husky suffers from gastrointestinal problems and has a habit of drinking heavily while eating, the water should be removed during lunch and returned 20 minutes after it ends.

Veterinarians strictly recommend not keeping food in bowls all the time.

It is forbidden to give dogs pieces from the table. Most dishes prepared for people cause allergic reactions in huskies, leading to obesity and impaired carbohydrate metabolism.


This product is recommended to be given raw or slightly frozen. In this case, it is worth giving preference to low-fat varieties. Meat is the basis of the entire diet, so its quality must be high. Tubular bones and fatty pork are contraindicated for representatives of this breed. It is also undesirable to feed your four-legged friend boiled meat products, since they lose most of the beneficial microelements during the cooking process.

It is advisable to include in the diet meat on the bone, which contains tendons and a little film. Such products are much better for dogs than regular tenderloin. To prevent infection by parasites, it is recommended to scald meat with boiling water or immerse it in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Be sure to cool the product before giving it to your husky, otherwise the dog may burn its tongue.

What should be included in the diet

The husky's food should be rich in the right fats, minerals, and vitamins. The main necessary types of food are protein, meat, complex carbohydrates. The diet must include fiber, calcium-containing foods, and sodium.

The daily schedule for an adult looks approximately as follows:

  • Protein – 400 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 300-400 g;
  • Animal fats – 15 g;
  • Fiber – 200 g;
  • Sodium – up to 15 g.

Calcium levels vary depending on the age and condition of the dog.

Barking Heads with lamb and rice Dreams of lamb 12kg

The food belongs to the premium class. Contains organic lamb meat, which was raised on natural products, vegetables, and medicinal herbs. Veterinarians recommend food for small and medium breeds. Ingredients: freeze-dried lamb meat - 20%, fresh meat - 30%, oats, rice, trout, potatoes, animal fats, a mixture of medicinal herbs, algae, vitamins, minerals.


  • Made from natural ingredients;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Improves the condition of the skin, coat and joints;
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • It has a good taste and smell.
  • Suitable for pets with sensitivity to allergens.


  • Overcharge.

What foods should you not feed?

When deciding the issue of diet, you should not forget what you should not feed your husky:

Spicy chicken bones are strictly contraindicated for huskies.

  • sweets, rich pastries - harm the liver;
  • smoked meats, spices - load the kidneys and liver;
  • pork – carries a high risk of infection with worms;
  • peas, corn, large amounts of potatoes - have a negative effect on the intestines;
  • tubular, small, prickly bones - injure the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract organs.

Veterinarians express a cautious opinion regarding dairy products. These products are not needed for the daily nutrition of an adult dog - they are very heavy for the body of a mature dog.

However, there is also a need for a higher content of light protein with calcium, when fermented milk products cannot be avoided. Some of these cases will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

Arden Grange Sensetiv Ocean White Fish and Potatoes 12kg

The food belongs to the super premium category. Contains the necessary natural ingredients for dogs: pieces of meat, fish oil. When consumed, dogs' endurance increases.


  • Has a rich vitamin and mineral complex;
  • Does not contain GMOs, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Does not contain cereals;
  • Added antioxidants;
  • The label shows the feeding schedule;
  • Economically used;
  • Has a good smell and taste;
  • Improves pet's health.
  • With long-term use there is no addiction to the composition;
  • Suitable for dogs with a sedentary lifestyle and those in old age.


  • Some of its types contain corn, and this ingredient should not be in the super premium class.

Deciding on the type of food for your husky

Different breeders have different opinions about what to feed a husky. Some people consider natural nutrition to be the only correct way. Others give priority to dry food. There is an opinion that dry ready-made food in large quantities is harmful to this breed due to the vulnerability of the kidneys and liver.

This rumor has its basis in the form of low-quality options with excessive salt content and chemical additives. High-quality feeds are balanced in microelements and do not lead to diseases if there are no contraindications to their use.

Veterinarians note that it is impossible to constantly mix dry and natural diets. You should switch from one type of food to another gradually; replacing your usual food is possible only in extreme conditions, for example, long trips.

Dry food for huskies

There are different classes of industrial feeds.

They differ in composition, quality and price:

As the main diet for huskies, you can give preference to dry food of at least premium class.

  1. Economy - the most advertised brands (Chappy, Pedigree, Darling, Our Brand, Darcy). They are known for being cheap, but cannot please you with quality. The composition contains flavorings, hormones, and a large amount of salt. Instead of meat, they contain processing waste (ground bones, feathers, skin), soy, beans and wheat. NOT RECOMMENDED BY VETERINARIANS, except in isolated cases when the dog urgently needs to be fed and there is nothing else at hand.
  2. Premium - sold in supermarkets and pet stores (Pro Plan, Royal Canin, Hills, Advance, Purina, ProBalance). They contain some meat, but the basis is offal and rice. Chemical additives are practically not used. They cannot be the basis of nutrition, but they can compensate for lunch on trips. Average price category.
  3. Super premium - can be purchased at pet stores (First Choice, Optima, Porcelain, Brit Care, Eukanuba, Origen). Composed of meat, poultry, fish, a small amount of offal and legumes. They have natural vitamin supplements of berries, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Does not contain chemicals. Allowed as the main food, they can saturate the dog’s body with microelements. They do not require simultaneous intake of dietary supplements. Expensive feed.
  4. Holistics - available in veterinary centers and large pet stores (Acana, Now Fresh, Innova, ANF, Canide, Grandorf). An improved premium class, containing exclusively meat without by-products, a vitamin complex of grains, berries and vegetables. Can serve as a regular meal. The most expensive food.

In addition to the class, you should pay attention to the markings:

  • Energy – food for competition periods and huskies with heavy workloads on weekdays,
  • Standard – for individuals living in apartments without constant activity.

IMPORTANT: Feeding dry food requires keeping a sufficient amount of water available at all times. The granules absorb a lot of liquid, which can lead to digestive problems without extensive soaking.

Natural feeding: what to include in the menu

The composition of the natural diet of this breed largely depends on the financial capabilities of the owner. It is permissible to vary the types of protein, fiber and carbohydrates, adhering to the general cooking rules.

Laika can be fed raw meat, offal, cereals and vegetables.

Sometimes you can add small amounts of potatoes, bread or bread crumbs to the porridge. This is mainly practiced during hunting trips. For heavy loads, it is recommended to put a raw egg (1 chicken or 2-3 quail) into the porridge.

Once a week and before heavy exercise, add a raw chicken egg to the bowl.

You can also mix 1-2 tsp into prepared cereals. vegetable oil, if the required amount of fat is not obtained from meat and fish.

Acana Adult Dog Heritag 17 kg

Holistic class food without grains, allergic substances. Contains different types of meat, fish - 55%. It contains eggs, medicinal herbs, vegetables, fruits, fermentation products, vitamin and mineral supplements. Does not contain GMOs.


  • Suitable for any dogs;
  • It has useful composition and properties;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • Rich in fiber;
  • Has good taste;
  • Has a low glycemic index;
  • Economical.
  • When eating, there are no problems with the skin, vision, joints, or gastrointestinal tract.


  • Sold in large packages;
  • Not all stores have it.
  • Contains legumes, which increases gas formation.

How to feed a husky in winter and summer

Feeding your husky must be adjusted according to the time of year. In different temperature seasons, the breed's diet will differ.

Dog's summer diet

In summer, vitamin deficiency is compensated, the undercoat changes, and appetite decreases due to hot weather. During this period, it is necessary to add more vegetables, berries, fruits, and herbs to the diet. Fiber will help the coat renew itself, becoming smoother and glossier. More water is needed.

How to feed a husky in winter

In winter, a lot of energy is spent on keeping warm, especially if the dog spends most of its time outside. It is necessary to increase the amount of protein and reduce the proportion of fiber. It is recommended to compensate for vitamins through special dietary supplements.

In winter, it is necessary to increase the amount of protein in the husky's diet and reduce the proportion of fiber.

The diet includes an increased proportion of meat (up to 80% of daily food), porridges are cooked in meat broth, with a small amount of vegetables. Trimmings and tripe are regularly issued. Eggs and vegetable oil are added 1-2 times a week.

Calcium control is necessary, it is possible to include fermented milk products (cottage cheese, sour cream) with cereals, 2-3 tbsp. once every few days. With high activity, portions increase. If the dog lives outside, replace the water with clean snow.

IMPORTANT. When giving your husky dairy products, you need to monitor the state of its digestion. Adults often react negatively to such food. It is necessary to exclude intolerance.

Go Fit + Free salmon, duck, turkey, chicken 2.72 kg

Holistic food without gluten. It contains more than 70% meat: turkey, chicken, duck, salmon fillet. Does not cause allergies. It is universal and designed for dogs of all breeds and ages.


  • Does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • Enriched with nutrients, microelements, vitamins, oils, lactobacilli;
  • Available in different packages;
  • The package indicates the daily intake;
  • Optimal ratio of price and quality;
  • Does not contain by-products;


  • Poorly stored;
  • When opened, it becomes weathered and loses its beneficial substances and properties. For long-term storage, pour into a closed container;
  • Metabolism and the release of digestive products are enhanced.
  • Increases fecal mass.

How to feed old huskies

After 8-10 years, huskies spend much less energy. The caloric content of the diet must be reduced to avoid obesity and kidney overload. The need for daily fats and carbohydrates drops by a third, and protein by a quarter. The share of meat is reduced in favor of easily digestible fish and fermented milk products.

Older huskies are prone to obesity, so the caloric content of the diet must be reduced.

Heavy cereals (barley) are excluded. It is important to leave enough vegetables to promote normal digestion. All food is thoroughly chopped (the consistency is like through a meat grinder, very small pieces). When allergies develop with age, the diet is adjusted by a veterinarian.

If your dog has postpartum toxicosis

In the first months of pregnancy, toxicosis is considered normal, but sometimes it can occur after the birth of offspring. In this case, the health and life of the new mother is at risk. Small breeds, such as terriers, are often susceptible to the disease.

Symptoms of postpartum toxicosis:

  • disorientation in space;
  • increased heart rate;
  • convulsions;
  • rapid breathing;
  • vomit;
  • unsteady gait.

If you observe any of these symptoms, you should take your dog to the vet.

Note! Postpartum toxicosis is rare. Large dogs (huskies, shepherds and others) are least susceptible to it.

Vitamins and mineral supplements

Sometimes it is preferable to increase the amount of microelements with the help of special supplements. B vitamins, calcium, fish oil and phosphorus are especially important for huskies. Don't forget about probiotics.

The correct complexes can only be purchased at pet pharmacies. It is recommended to first consult with a supervising veterinarian who knows the strengths and weaknesses of the pet.

If you decide to get yourself a husky, the first thing you must decide is what food you will feed it. There are two fundamentally different opinions among breeders. Some argue that a natural diet is better for huskies, while others insist that dry food, which contains a balanced amount of all elements and vitamins, will be the best choice. Still other dog breeders choose mixed feeding and alternate between self-prepared food and factory-made dry food.

According to notes from the site, where you can buy inexpensive dog houses, it’s worth saying right away that if you choose a husky among all dog breeds, you can Be calm, these animals are not picky eaters and what you initially teach them to eat, they will eat with pleasure in the future. In support of dry food supporters, it must be said that if you are new to keeping dogs, then it will simply not be possible to create a balanced natural diet on your own. It is also worth noting that if you adhere to mixed feeding, you cannot give natural products and dry food at the same time.

If you decide to feed your animal dry food, then for huskies it is better to choose a complete premium diet. Despite the fact that it is somewhat more expensive than other types of dry food, your dog will eat less of it because it is more filling, which means the end result will be approximately the same amount spent on food for your pet. In addition, when using premium food, you will be calm that your animal will receive the full amount of all necessary microelements, so you will not have to travel to veterinary clinics in the future and spend money on treating various abnormalities and diseases in your pet.

If you decide to keep your husky on natural food, then you should know that the healthiest thing for this dog is lean, dry and slightly frozen meat. Boiled meat will be absolutely useless for the husky, and pork may even be harmful. Under no circumstances should you give this dog meat with long bones, because they can injure its esophagus and clog its stomach. It is also good for huskies to eat fish, but remember that huskies cannot eat freshwater fish; it is better if you buy fish from the salmon family.

Rating of the 10 best dry food for the Karelo-Finnish Laika

PlaceNameRatingPrice, rub.
1Acana Adult Dog Heritag 17 kg9.9 / 106 724
2Go Fit + Free salmon, duck, turkey, chicken 2.72 kg9.8 / 101 548
3Orijen Adult Dog Freeze-dried food 0.45 kg9.8 / 101 781
4Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Dermatosis 12 kg9.8 / 106 149
5Barking Heads with lamb and rice Dreams of lamb 12kg9.6 / 104 638
6Arden Grange Sensetiv Ocean White Fish and Potatoes 12kg9.6 / 105 341
7Applaws with chicken 7.5 kg9.5 / 103 683
8Proseries Holistic Feed with lamb and rice 12.9 kg9.4 / 105 500
9Royal canin medium adult 15 kg9.2 / 105 019
10Grandorf Duck with sweet potato all breeds 12 kg9.2 / 105 046

Dry dog ​​food is a complete nutritious diet for a pet, developed taking into account the physiology and characteristics of the animal. It contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and amino acids in a balanced state. When choosing, pay attention to the composition. The product must contain fats of animal and plant origin and natural ingredients. This is what dogs should receive to be healthy and cheerful.

Royal Canin medium adult 15 kg

Super premium food, created for a dog’s balanced nutrition and all its taste needs. Its composition: cereal flour, dehydrated pork, rice, fats of vegetable and animal origin, yeast. A vitamin and mineral complex has been added to the product.


  • Widely distributed throughout the Russian Federation;
  • Has good taste;
  • Well digested by the body;
  • When consumed, the immune system is strengthened and the appearance of the skin and coat improves;
  • The product has medicinal properties.


  • Contains grains;
  • Lots of crafts. The original is made in France.

Proseries Holistic with lamb and rice 12.9 kg

Holistic class food. It has a composition suitable for feeding dogs of all ages and breeds. It does not contain ingredients that help cause allergies: soy, corn, wheat, chicken. Instead of meat, they included fish, animals, and vegetable fats, which are well absorbed by the pet’s body.


  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Balanced composition of natural ingredients;
  • Strengthens the immune system, supports the animal’s musculoskeletal system;
  • Improves blood circulation and appearance of the pet;
  • Serves as a source of protein for dogs suffering from an allergic reaction to meat products;
  • It passed all tests in America and Canada and, according to their results, it was recognized as a complete, balanced product to ensure the health of dogs at any age;
  • The composition of the product is selected to pay maximum attention to the health of the dog.


  • Difficult to find in pet stores;
  • Strong fishy odor;
  • Contains grains.


Puberty, along with the first estrus, occurs in West Siberian husky bitches before one year. But this is a very early age for mating. You should not breed a dog of any gender before 18 months of age.

For good and healthy offspring, it is necessary to carefully choose the cable for mating (it is advisable that the partner has documents).

Before estrus, the female usually begins to behave restlessly, or, on the contrary, she will be too calm. Also, the pet will often ask to go outside. Another two signs of imminent estrus are enlarged genitals and spotting. But before mating, you need to wait until clear discharge appears.

  1. First, the dogs need to have a first date, which will take about 15 minutes . The best time is morning. Pets should not be fed before mating. The entire process must be under the control of both owners.
  2. Sexual intercourse of huskies can last up to 45 minutes. But the next morning you will need to repeat the procedure.
  3. It happens that the bitch does not allow the cable to come near her. This means that she needs more time to get to know each other. And it happens that she simply doesn’t like her partner. And then you won’t be able to breed dogs.
  4. If the husky mating was successful, then after about three weeks you will notice a rounded tummy on the pet. The pregnancy itself can last up to 2.5 months . And in the first month there should be no changes in the dog’s life. After all, pregnancy is not a disease. When you enter the second month of pregnancy, you can increase your diet to three meals.
  5. It is better to arrange an enclosure in one of the rooms, and place the expectant mother there about a week before the birth. The main thing is that the room is warm and dry. It is necessary to place a box with a diaper in the room. And during pushing, make sure that the pet is in the bed. Because during the first birth, the dog may get scared and start looking for a hiding place.

After the first puppy appears, you cannot touch the bitch. After giving birth, it is necessary to wipe the pet's genitals. After feeding the puppies, she can be taken outside for a short time for natural reasons.

Grandorf Duck with sweet potato all breeds 12 kg

The product belongs to the super premium class. It has the following ingredients in its balanced composition: duck, turkey, sweet potato, dried herbs, fruits and vegetables. Made using technology that preserves all the properties of the ingredients.


  • Made from natural ingredients;
  • Has good taste, smell, color;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Contains a digestive bioregulator;
  • Does not contain preservatives, GMOs, artificial colors;
  • Well absorbed by the body;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Has a good effect on the pet's health;
  • The food has a balanced composition and is suitable for daily nutrition of dogs of all breeds;
  • Can completely replace the dog’s need for meat food;
  • Ideal for pets with severe allergic sensitivities.


  • Difficult to find in veterinary stores;
  • Has a laxative effect on the pet.

Above are ten of the best dry foods for medium dogs. Choosing the right food for dogs is important; it takes into account the health characteristics of the pet and its preferences. Each of them is good, but out of all of them I will single out only two that are at the top positions of the rating and deserve increased attention: Acana Adult Dog Heritag and Go Fit + Free salmon, duck, turkey, chicken.

They both belong to the holistic class, are suitable for everyday nutrition, and have few disadvantages. The composition does not contain grains or products that contribute to the occurrence of an allergic reaction, which is often found among medium-sized dogs.

They contain a rich vitamin and mineral complex. By consuming these products, your pet will receive the necessary substances and will enjoy good health and longevity. These 2 high-quality products fully meet your pet's need for a healthy and balanced diet. Those who give these brands of food to animals are happy and do not want to look for new food.

Selection of ready-made food

The modern market offers 4 main classes:

Most feeds on the market are economy class and contain soy.

  • economy;
  • premium;
  • super premium;
  • holistic

Most feeds on the market are economy class and contain soy. They are affordable, but have low nutritional value, which makes it difficult for your pet to get enough. It is advisable to pay attention to the last three groups. They are more expensive, but the quality of the products is much better.

Distinctive features

According to the standard, representatives of the West Siberian Laika must have the following breed characteristics:

  • Size and Weight: Cables can grow up to 63 cm and weight can reach 22 kg. Smaller females – height up to 60 cm, weight up to 20 kg.
  • Head: dry, sharp wedge shaped. Length is greater than width.
  • Muzzle: Elongated. Expands starting from the fangs.
  • Eyes: small. The color is exclusively brown.
  • Ears: erect, triangular. The lobe is underdeveloped.
  • Nose: black (brown nose is allowed in light-colored dogs).
  • Cheekbones: underdeveloped.
  • Neck: dry, with well-developed muscles, set at an angle of up to 55˚.
  • Paws: front straight, long, set wide. The hindquarters are muscular and set parallel.
  • Body: strong, muscular. The chest is deep, wide and long. The back is straight.
  • Tail: covered with a thick layer of wool, curled into a tight ring thrown over the back.
  • Coat: hard, with a thick and soft undercoat. Evenly distributed.
  • Color: White, grey, red (sometimes with white spots), fawn and black.

History of the origin of the species

The West Siberian Laika originates in the harsh part of Russia: Siberia and the Urals. The origin of the breed is divided into two parts:

  1. Formation of the breed by natural selection.
  2. Bringing the breed to the standard.

Laikas were classified according to the names of the tribes that bred the dogs. The West Siberian breed was bred from the Zyryan, Mansi and Khanty species . The qualities of the first and second species attracted the attention of breeders. Therefore, the West Siberian breed is divided into two subspecies: with Khanty and Mansi qualities. The first ones are stockier, and their muzzle is short. The latter have a lean body and an elongated muzzle. For the most part, they resemble a wolf.

The first stage for the formation of the breed was the most severe. Cold climate, lack of constant food and terrible attitude of the owners. This killed weak and poorly adaptive individuals. Thanks to such strict selection, hardy dogs of medium height, with a strong build and thick coat, under which there is a warm undercoat, appeared. Later they received the common name “Laika”.

The second stage starts at the beginning of the 20th century. The breeders were attracted by the breed's ideal obedience and its constant readiness to take on any kind of work. Breeders began the long work of shaping the breed to the standard. In 1970, the breed characteristics of the West Siberian Laika were fully formed. In 1980, the breed received recognition from the International Canine Federation.

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