Coton de Tulear dog. Description, features, types, care and price of the breed

Description and features

It is believed that the ancestor of the Coton de Tulear dog was a female of an unknown breed brought to the island by pirates. She was bred to Aboriginal males, resulting in the birth of an adorable whitish bundle of joy. According to one of the common versions, its purpose was to catch ship rats.

Rodents have always caused people a lot of trouble. They ate food supplies prepared for a long voyage, gnawed on ships, etc. Since rats and mice reproduce quickly, cats could not completely exterminate their population on ships. They needed the help of more massive and agile animals. This is exactly what the Coton de Tulear were.

So, supporters of this version believe that pirates, who actively exploited them to hunt ship rodents in the 17th and 18th centuries, should be thanked for the spread of the dog around the world. But there is another vision - the animals ended up in Madagascar after the miraculous rescue of the sinking French fleet off the coastline of the island.

The breed does not require prolonged outdoor activity

Be that as it may, already in the 19th century, representatives of this breed were actively discussed in Europe. The fashionable ladies of that time liked the appearance of the dogs so much that they carried them with them everywhere. Even then, the animal was included in the list of “status” animals. Only wealthy people could afford to buy it.

The intellectual potential of representatives of the Coton de Tulear breed is enormous. Animals are incredibly savvy and self-confident. For example, there are stories in which they deftly crossed lakes inhabited by crocodiles.

In order to swim across a dangerous body of water and stay alive, the dog first distracted the predator by barking, and then lured it into shallow water. Then, he quietly ran to the other edge of the lake and dived into the water. The crocodile did not have time to grab the dog, as he swam very quickly.

At the end of the 20th century, the animal began to be shown at exhibitions. It was remembered for its sophistication, pampered gait and unforgettable appearance. Poor people did not buy such a dog because they knew they could not afford it.

However, the person’s material condition did not bother her at all. Coton de Tulear gave a warm welcome to everyone. A kind word or a light pat on the head could “buy” his devotion. At the same time, international dog clubs determine the breed standard.

Research has been conducted to confirm the fact that this charming dog's family included breeds such as the Italian lapdog and the Bichon. If you look at them all, you can certainly see the similarities. Today, Coton de Tulear continues to grow in popularity. The dog is common in almost every country in Europe. The owners dote on him.

Breed standard

The Coton de Tulear dog is a small breed. Its weight is maximum 7 kg. A dog whose weight exceeds this mark is not allowed to participate in exhibitions. Height – up to 32-33 cm. Females are slightly smaller, up to 28-30 cm.

Despite its miniature size, the animal is very hardy and strong. The color of his delicate fur is snow-white. The ears and some areas of the muzzle may have a beige tint. This is not considered a deviation from the standard.

The dog is well built. Its body has a rectangular shape, slightly elongated. The body structure of the dog resembles a dachshund. There is no bend in the lower back, the back is straight, without bulges. The ribs and dorsal bones are well defined. But, due to the fluffy fur, they are completely invisible.

The head is small, the forehead is slightly rounded. The nose is large, black, and triangular in shape. The eyes are deep-set and have a dark tint. A light iris is considered a deviation from the standard. The dog's ears are set near the frontal line, high. They are very thin. The peculiarity of this part of the body is touching the cheeks.

The animal has very strong muscular legs, the front ones are several centimeters shorter. The tail is not long, thickened at the base. When the dog is calm and not excited, it is lowered. The length of the Coton de Tulear's tail is 15-17 cm. The dog's coat is soft, like a toy's, slightly wavy.

Distinctive features

This breed is considered very rare among breeders. More often, however, Maltese and French lapdogs are found. But recently interest in Cotons has increased. Clubs are trying to breed clown dogs all over the world.

They are small in size, up to 28 cm at the withers, weigh up to 7 kg. The genotype is weakly expressed: girls and boys are similar in appearance. A distinctive feature is fluffy long white fur with or without characteristic wide ash spots.

  • The head is short, when viewed from above it forms a wedge (triangular shape), the skull is not convex, flat, the occipital and frontal parts are outlined, the stop is deep.
  • The muzzle is approximately equal in length to the skull, the bridge of the nose is straight. The jaw is strong, the set of teeth is complete (42), the bite is scissor, the lips are thin.
  • The nose is small and black.
  • The eyes are round, set deep, wide, at stop level. The color of the iris is dark.
  • The ears are set high and wide, hanging down on cartilage, thin, of medium length, close to the cheekbones. The fur on the ears is long.
  • The body is rectangular, well let down (squat), the top line is straight. The back is short and level, the loin is convex, the croup is sloping. The chest is wide and voluminous. The neck is short, strong, without dewlap.
  • The tail is long, a continuation of the croup, and hangs below the hock. Thick at the base, tapering towards the tip.
  • The limbs are short, muscular, thick. Placed parallel, straight. The toes are short, the paws are rounded. The movements are light and springy. A characteristic feature is a jump with four limbs, and not with two.
  • The coat is long, wavy, fluffy, and of medium hardness.
  • Color – white with smoky spots.


The Coton de Tulear in the photo is always depicted as cheerful and cheerful. This visual portrait is completely true. The animal is active, inquisitive and always friendly. It's hard to imagine a small decorative dog that would growl at people.

The dog always listens to people. She is trusting by nature. However, she is characterized by self-confidence. The dog knows his worth and will not ignore the insult. It's hard to believe, but he is even capable of protecting the plot of land on which he lives. Moreover, it is not worth teaching him this.

Yes, the Coton de Tulear's appearance is pretty and not at all threatening, however, he can become furious when an intruder tries to enter his territory. An intelligent dog, not without protective potential, will always protect the owner’s house if he is not around. If the owner is present, the animal will not show aggression. Of course, you shouldn’t expect him to seriously repel attackers.

The dog very quickly gets used to the household. She shows tenderness to everyone who speaks to her. She has a “playful” feature - calling on her owner to spend time together, she pushes off the ground with her hind legs and jumps high.

Activity is the main trait inherent in representatives of this wonderful breed. They never lie idle, like pugs, for example. The Coton de Tulear's favorite pastime is to follow its owner. He loves “his” person so much that he wants to always be with him. A dog is made happy not only by touching, but also by playing together. He always shows tenderness and needs similar treatment.

Peacefulness is another trait characteristic of this animal. It absolutely cannot stand conflicts, especially between family members. When someone in the household screams or throws things around, the dog goes to seek solace from someone calmer. He is greatly upset by the manifestation of emotions such as anger, hatred, suspicion, etc. He needs affection and a caring attitude.

The Coton de Tulear does not like to be ignored. He needs regular emotions, so he always prefers to be around people. By the way, he likes human company much more than animal company.

A dog can cheer up even a very sad person, and in a short time. It’s enough to watch her cheerful play, and your soul will immediately feel better. She charges everyone around with her positivity.

The animal has a minus that many will find touching. It cannot stand separation from loved ones. The dog needs regular contact with them. Accustoming him to loneliness is difficult, almost impossible.

When the owner leaves such a dog alone at home, it begins to whine, run in circles, tear at objects lying on the floor, that is, behave destructively. This is not good, however, almost every family that has a Coton de Tulear has encountered this problem.

At home, the dog behaves like a cat. Tired of the fun game, he will lie down on the sofa and appreciatively begin to watch what is happening around him. The dog’s favorite place in the house is a soft sofa. They are much more comfortable on high ground, so they won't mind if you offer them a soft pillow.

The dog never loses its vigilance. In the house she feels like a proud watchman, whom, as they say, a mouse will not slip past. Strangers who come into the house are often distrusted. It is believed that small dogs perfectly sense the intentions of people; nothing can be hidden from them. Therefore, the evil and treacherous parishioners of Coton de Tulear will definitely bark.

Rodents are a particular source of anger for this little dog. We strongly advise against keeping a Coton de Tulear for those who love pet rats, as it can kill them. We are also intolerant of dogs and cats.

Advice ! To prevent your dog from conflicting with other animals in the house, never encourage his aggression towards them. At the moment of his roar, raise your voice and cover the animal with which he is angry. So the dog will let you know that other pets are under your protection and will not attack them.

But they become attached to the children, especially the owner’s, very quickly. The dog loves cheerful and active babies, so he never growls or bites them.


According to one version, the Coton de Tulear breed is a type of lapdog. We will not confirm or refute it, we will simply emphasize that, according to the latest genetic studies, it has been established that the Italian lapdog is one of the distant relatives of representatives of this breed. At the end of the 20th century, their single standard was confirmed.

The coat of the Coton de Tulear is very fluffy, similar to cotton.

Care and maintenance

Caring for lap dogs is not easy. Yes, they are cheerful and playful, however, they can get sick if their owner does not know the basic rules of caring for such dogs.

Important ! Remember, you will have to take care of your Coton de Tulear regularly, preferably every day. Especially if you want to make money from it by taking part in exhibitions.

This is one of the few breeds that loves water treatments. It’s not for nothing that she is compared to a cat. But in order to certainly rid the dog of the fear of becoming wet, we recommend bathing him in the first year of his life. Shampoo for long-haired decorative dogs should be used as a hygiene product. It is better to buy it after consulting a veterinarian.

After the water procedure, the dog should be combed. If this is not done, knots and tangles will appear throughout his body. It is important to comb it before the fur dries. In situations where the appearance of tangles could not be avoided, they need to be cut off with scissors. But don't worry, your dog's coat is renewed regularly.

The need for daily brushing of a miniature dog is also associated with shedding. During this period, no matter where he stops, he will have long, wavy, white fur. It can get on furniture, electronics, and even in food.

It is more pleasant to care for a representative of the breed than a representative. The female is more affectionate and loves when the owner attaches hairpins and other jewelry to her. Of course, this can be done with a male, but he is unlikely to react to this in any way.

We recommend getting a Coton de Tulear for large families. The animal is very active and needs space. Without “spectators” he becomes sad and withdraws. Therefore, the best option for keeping it is in the house. However, a dog will also feel great in a small apartment. For comfort, in addition to territory and people, she needs a sleeping place.

It is advisable to choose a small soft lounger for your dog, preferably one with sides. In such a “house” he will feel warm and cozy. The dog will feel free and easy only in a house where there is an atmosphere of friendliness. This is the only way he can feel protected.

Advice ! We recommend placing your dog's bed near the front door. So, you will give him the opportunity to function as a watchman. Lying near this territory, he will be able to quickly react and give the owner a signal about the approach of a person or animal.

Grooming requires daily brushing


Almost every toy dog ​​is predisposed to gastric dysfunction. But this problem will never arise if a person takes a responsible approach to planning her menu. You cannot feed your Coton de Tulear any food! An illiterate approach to feeding your pet can kill it.

Any product you give to such a dog must be heat treated. We are talking specifically about boiling. The food he eats should be rich in proteins. The Coton de Tulear puppy especially needs this element, as his body matures quickly. Give him:

  • Chicken eggs.
  • Semolina, buckwheat and wheat groats.
  • Milk.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Steamed or boiled vegetables.
  • Low-fat first courses, such as soup.

We do not recommend experimenting with the animal’s diet. Before completely switching to dry food, give him only these dishes and products.

Important ! Be sure to ensure that your dog's second bowl is always filled with purified mineral water. There is no need to limit his drinking regime.

Never give your dog:

  1. Potatoes (in any form).
  2. Hard-to-digest grains, such as corn.
  3. Fatty meat - pork, lard.
  4. Barley.
  5. Peas.
  6. Semi-finished products.

All these products take a long time to digest. Eating them will likely cause vomiting and nausea in your pet.

Possible diseases

The breed is considered tenacious and healthy. But problems with the musculoskeletal system cannot be ruled out. We are talking about dislocated kneecaps. This is the problem with many small dogs. You need to make sure that the dog does not jump from high surfaces. Dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints is also possible. Usually the problem is passed on genetically. Arthritis can progress with age.

The next block is ophthalmological diseases, the leader among which is retinal atrophy. This is a hereditary disease that can lead to complete blindness. Many diseases are detected before the dog is two years old. In this regard, dog experts do not recommend starting breeding puppies until their parents are 24-25 months old.

Lifespan and reproduction

With proper care, a dog will never die prematurely. These adorable creatures live between 13 and 14 years. When an owner loves, respects and pampers his pet (in a good way), his service will be pleasant and long-lasting. Stress, poor nutrition and illness are the 3 main factors that can shorten its duration.

Remember ! A sick dog, suffering, for example, from joint dysplasia, should not be selected for breeding. Only sexually mature, healthy individuals are allowed to reproduce.

We do not recommend breeding Coton de Tulear under 2 years of age. Such animals are not considered adults, and accordingly, their ability to produce offspring that are complete in all respects is very doubtful.

After 2.5 years the dog is ready for mating. The owner of the bitch should wait until she goes into heat. You should not plan to conceive on the first day of menstruation, since her egg will only leave the follicle on the 3-5th day. This stage of the canine cycle is called “ovulation.” When it comes, you can go to the house where the male lives.

After mating, each of the dogs needs rest. How to understand that a bitch is pregnant? Already 2 weeks after mating with a male dog, her abdomen will become noticeably convex. It is better to limit the physical activity of a pregnant dog. She must eat a lot of eggs, cereals and cottage cheese in order to give birth to strong, strong puppies. The duration of canine pregnancy is 69-74 days.


So, have you decided to become the owner of a status cute and very beautiful dog? Well, Coton de Tulear is an ideal option. However, buying a purebred Madagascar dog of this breed in Russia is extremely doubtful. If you are a pedantic dog breeder who wants to become the owner of such a pet, then you should definitely go abroad for it. Buying a dog will cost you $1500-2700.

The price of Coton de Tulear in the CIS countries is much lower. However, be prepared for the fact that you will not find a purebred representative of the breed that fully meets the standard here. It varies between 27-35 thousand rubles.

How to choose a puppy

The main rule when choosing a puppy is not to take a cat under 2 months old. Until this moment, the puppy is not yet completely ready for a change of environment, immersion in a new unfamiliar family. Such a drastic change can greatly upset him and drive him into depression. At the same time, it is worth understanding that if you take an overly mature cat, it will be quite difficult to change something in its character, since adult dogs are more difficult to raise. Therefore, the pet will behave as it was raised before it came to the owner, and will be less submissive and devoted.

To select a purebred puppy, the breed standard is used, which describes the main characteristics of a real Coton de Tulear. The main provisions are:

  • snow-white coat color, comparable to delicate flax to the touch;
  • black, miniature nose;
  • black, round eyes;
  • small paw size.

The main color of the coat should be white, but the appearance of gray or brown spots on the ears cannot be ruled out.

Education and training

Since the Coton de Tulear is a very smart dog, it is easy to teach him even complex commands. However, his coach must be consistent. You always need to start small. When the owner brings a dog into the house, he should be introduced to every living creature, even aquarium fish. Communication is an integral part of his socialization.

The dog gets along with all family members and pets

The dog needs to get to know people, other pets and even neighbors. She will quickly understand who should be included in her pack and who should be included in someone else's. As soon as she learns to respond correctly to specific people, you can start training her.

The main and first task of the owner of a decorative and guard dog is to teach it obedience. Firstly, you can’t take liberties with her. Every time an animal behaves too intrusively or aggressively, it should be reprimanded. Do not allow your dog to bark at every yard dog or lunge at strangers. She must react adequately to others.

Advice ! If a Coton de Tulear tries to grab your leg, roll up a newspaper and slap it very lightly on the face, saying “No!” They will associate this command with a ban.

Every human pet should have a name. This is not someone’s whim, but an educational necessity. While the dog is small, repeat his name every day while playing. This way he will learn to come when you call.

He should be taught traditional commands in the first half of the year of home socialization. These cute dogs are easy to train. They follow the following commands: give paw, sit, freeze, fetch, lie down, etc. They really like to bring the ball to the owner.

But, in this seemingly simple and carefree game, there is an important nuance - never allow the dog to take the toy from you and take it away. This behavior may make him think about primacy.

A dog prone to dominance is uncontrollable and problematic. Therefore, when the animal wants to play fetch with you, do not allow it to leave with the object that it was supposed to return.

The Coton de Tulear loves to walk with its owners in nature. The dog is smart and territorial, so you can safely let it off the leash. But, make sure that she is not kidnapped. The appearance of these animals often attracts the attention of criminals who steal them.

Since the animal is not at all afraid of water, when it is with its family in nature, it will not only rush around every person, jumping merrily, but will also gladly go into a pond to swim.

Well, the last moment. Get your dog toilet trained before he is 3 months old. Every time he starts sniffing the floor in search of a “latrine place,” send him to the litter box (if you live in an apartment) or let him go outside.

Key points in training

Despite the fact that Cotons are decorative, they need to be trained and educated from childhood. Puppies are taught the rules of behavior in the house. This breed trains well, accepts all instructions from its owners, and listens to members of the household. Therefore, problems with education do not arise if it is structured competently and in a timely manner. From the age of 2 months, the pet is told what is possible and what is not; They are forbidden to sleep in bed with the owner and chew human things.

It is prohibited to use harsh methods of punishment or brute force. To show a dog that it is wrong, all it takes is a stern tone, a look, or deprivation of a treat or toy. The best teaching method remains motivational - stimulation with goodies.

These dogs are often called circus dogs or clowns; they really do all the tricks easily. Not all Cotons are taught to carry out any special commands, but any dog ​​needs to know the basic signals: “sit”, “lie down”, “place”, “no”, “voice”, “near”. By 3-4 months, the puppy should know its name .

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

You can resort to the help of a kennel club or conduct group training with other dogs. This way the pet can learn from the example of others and socialize.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

It is important to see your decorative dog at the veterinary clinic annually. If she was sick, then the number of preventive examinations can be increased. Unfortunately, the Coton de Tulear, like many small breeds, is very sickly. As soon as they eat something wrong, their entire digestive system will immediately become upset. The following symptoms indicate gastric dysfunction in a dog:

  • Vomit.
  • Loose stools.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • Suspicious discharge from the anus.
  • Weakness.

The possibility of food poisoning should not be ruled out. In this case, the dog should be given a sorbent, for example, Atoxil, and show it to the doctor. To eliminate the risk of this problem, never allow people to come into your home to feed it. Explain that eating the “wrong” treat can be harmful to the animal’s health.

Also, representatives of the breed cannot boast of stable functioning of the heart muscle. This organ is weak, so any psycho-emotional shock can kill them.

Like many other dogs, the Coton de Tulear often suffers from cataracts. If you notice that your dog is losing coordination of movements and has poor vision, urgently take him to the hospital. The continued development of cataracts can cause complete loss of vision in an animal.

They also have weak kidneys. Therefore, never ignore your furry pet's urge to go to the toilet. Vitamin complexes help maintain dog health. They can be purchased at a veterinary clinic or pet store.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:House, apartment (room)
Purpose:Decorative dog, companion
Color:White with smoke spots (or plain)
Wool length:Long
Adult dog size:The height of the female is 23-25 ​​cm, the male is 26-28 cm; male weight – 4-6 kg, female – 3.5-5 kg
Average life expectancy:14-19 years old
Walk:Walking twice a day is recommended
Physical activity needs:Average physical activity needs (40-minute walks recommended)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 9: Toy and companion dogs; Section 1: Bichons and related breeds
Puppy price:35000-45000 rubles.
Without pedigree – 35,000-38,000 rubles, pet class – 40,000 rubles, breed class – 42,000-43,000 rubles, show class – 45,000 rubles
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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