Preparing for the birth of a dog: setting up a place for the bitch and puppies

A week ago we gave birth to a litter of Jack Russell Terriers - 3 boys and 2 girls .

The whole family was looking forward to the joyful event, so everyone prepared for the birth as best they could. The female part of the family read forums and watched a useful video “How to give birth to a dog , collected a first aid kit and even bought marker collars for newborn puppies . The male half was puzzled by the creation of a special place for the birth of a dog .

What does a dog's maternity box look like?

At first, we had the idea of ​​​​buying a ready-made nest (some people also call it a den) for dog births via the Internet. We even found a nice option that is made to order in 4-7 days and 3 thousand rubles:

However, then our men decided that the design of a maternity box for a dog is quite simple, just a box without a bottom with a small border around the perimeter from the inside. Therefore, having the necessary materials, it is quite easy to build it yourself!

Complications during childbirth

Even normal childbirth is a difficult and exciting process. Unfortunately, sometimes complications arise that make it completely dangerous.

Weak labor

Too weak contractions and attempts can appear both immediately with the onset of labor and after the birth of, for example, three puppies. This happens in weakened dogs, emaciated or, conversely, overweight, deprived of the necessary physical activity, and in old age. Another reason is the presence of a hernia - it must be removed no later than 6-7 months before mating.

What to do in this situation:

  1. Give the bitch an injection of ascorbic acid intramuscularly - 2-3 ml. Also intramuscularly – 10 ml. calcium gluconate. After this, try to enhance labor with massage.
  2. Using light pressure, move your hand from the dog's head to the tail. Feeling the push, move your hand after this muscle wave, as if helping and strengthening it.
  3. Using circular movements, massage the tail at the base.
  4. Lubricate your fingers with rich cream and massage the area of ​​​​the body from the anus to the loop.
  5. Insert one finger, lubricated with a greasy disinfectant ointment or Vaseline, into the loop, massage the vagina from the inside, stroking its walls. It’s good to lightly massage your dog’s belly at the same time.
  6. Express some colostrum from the mammary glands - this stimulates uterine contractions.

Do-it-yourself place for giving birth to a dog

As luck would have it, we found a few extra tiles of laminate, which were perfect for making a place for the dog to give birth, and several bars measuring 4*6 cm.

Laminate is an absolutely smooth material, so it is easy to clean - this is a definite plus. It is also moderately heavy, and it fits perfectly into our interior!

As you can see in the pictures, our
dog birthing box has the following dimensions : the height of 2 laminate dies is 40 cm. The width of the place for giving birth to a dog is 55 cm, and the length is 85 cm. In my opinion, these dimensions are optimal for Jack Russell Terriers.

Childbirth process by stages

The following stages of normal childbirth are distinguished:

  1. Contractions are contractions of the muscles of the uterus.
  2. Attempts to contract the muscles of the abdominal wall. The water breaks and the puppy is born.
  3. Expulsion of the placenta.

Contractions last from 2 to 24 hours. The second and third stages of whelping occur and end many times, depending on the number of cubs. During a normal birth, 15-30 minutes after the placenta leaves, the next baby is born. After the appearance of 4-5 cubs, there is a break and the next series of puppies comes out.

The bitch herself frees the baby from the shell, gnaws the umbilical cord, licks the newborn, who immediately finds the nipple. The owners help the pet: free the baby from the placenta, cut the umbilical cord, bandage it, burn the stump with alcohol or brilliant green.

Features of the design of a maternity box for a dog.

If you decide to make a maternity box for a dog with your own hands , do not forget about the mandatory design element - a limiting bar around the perimeter on the inside of the box.

It is attached approximately at a height of 10 cm from the floor and is designed to prevent the bitch from accidentally crushing the newborn puppy with her weight, pressing him against the wall of the box.

When we were making a place for the dog to give birth, we assumed that our mother would be located along the long side, but in the end it turned out that she is periodically happy to be placed across it as well!

Please note that the entrance to the maternity box should not be high, literally 10 cm. We came to this conclusion already during operation - the dog should be able to calmly enter, and not jump inside, so as not to accidentally fall on the puppy at this moment and not harm him!

Signs of the onset of labor

Before birth, changes in the animal's behavior appear. The pressure in the abdominal cavity increases, weak contractions begin, causing anxiety and pain. The dog begins to worry, look for “shelter,” hide, or, conversely, keep up with the owner in search of support. Appetite changes.

External changes also occur: the stomach drops and pits on the sides become visible. About a day before whelping, whitish or gray discharge is possible.

The main and most important indicator is the change in body temperature. About a day before birth, it decreases by 1-2 degrees and averages 37 degrees.

Just before giving birth, the puppies “freeze”—they stop moving.

Be careful: if all the signs are present for more than 24 hours, and contractions have not yet begun, you need to consult a doctor - complications are possible.

The period of preparation of the dog’s body for childbirth lasts from 2 hours to a day. If this period is extended, the animal may be in danger.

Why does a dog need a “nest”?

The birthing place is made, first of all, so that the bitch feels protected during the birth process, and also in the future when she raises puppies in it.

The need for a den for childbirth among predators is genetically determined, so the task of caring owners is to create comfort for the woman in labor and not conflict with nature!

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