Kerry blue terrier dog. Description, features, types, care and price of the breed

Description and features

The dog selection process was long and full of difficulties. The reason is that the issue of its removal was dealt with by people without the appropriate education, that is, by non-professionals. Well, how did simple medieval farmers know how to properly crossbreed dogs in order to produce a good working specimen?

However, their experiments ended in success. The skills of the then Kerry Blue Terrier were immediately appreciated. But the World Canine Association recognized the breed only in 1923. Therefore, officially, she is relatively young.

The functionality of this dog is non-standard. She not only protects livestock from predators coming from the forest, but also brings them back if they escape. At the same time, no damage is caused to the animal.

A dog can persistently kick a sheep with its muzzle to make it go in the right direction, but it will never bite it. His owner could go about his business without fear. He understood that the herd was under the care of a responsible dog with excellent working abilities.

In itself, the breed is not much different from a sheep, of course, in appearance. She is just as curly, massive and sedentary. However, in a stressful situation, the dog reacts instantly. By the way, he has good makings of a watchman.

He treats his territory with reverence, even with love. The animal becomes strongly attached to a specific place, not wanting to leave it. It won't let anyone down! As soon as an attacker steps onto the ground guarded by a Kerry Blue Terrier, he will immediately be attacked by it.

Interesting ! An intelligent and well-mannered dog will never attack a stranger if he enters the house while its owner is present. She completely relies on the owner and understands that he is responsible.

In the first half of the 20th century, dogs began to be actively bred in Ireland, and then in other countries. People involved in farming wanted to purchase them to make their lives easier. They understood that having a skilled shepherd dog is very profitable.

Even then, the animal gained popularity by taking part in exhibitions. However, it was shown there in its original form. Grooming and combing the Kerry Blue were not necessary for a long time. Now the situation has changed.

Breed characteristics and character

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a working breed with a unique appearance. A mistaken opinion is to consider a dog to be decorative and keep it in the house as an exotic dog. However, over several decades the dog came to terms with this role. But from time to time he shows character.

The animal's homeland is Ireland, and the name of the breed comes from the place where the first representatives appeared - County Kerry. The second name – “blue terrier” – is associated with the original tint of the fur. The first mentions appeared more than 150 years ago.

Kerry blue terrier on a walk

The first functions of these dogs were to hunt small rodents and birds, not only those found on land, but also waterfowl - ducks, drakes. In addition, they guarded herds and flocks. The breed gained popularity only in the last century. Around the 20s, the standard was officially approved, and the dog changed its hunting functions to decorative ones.

The character of the dogs is friendly and affectionate. These four-legged friends of man are endless optimists with a colossal charge of energy. Energy requires a release, so the best conditions for keeping a dog would be a cottage or a country house with a garden plot.

But if the dog lives in a city apartment, he needs a quality walk with good physical activity. Perhaps it will be training, perhaps entertainment such as frisbee or agility. One way or another, the dog requires a lot of attention, and therefore it should not be owned by people who are too busy and busy with work.

Kerry blue terriers of various colors

Other characteristics include pride and sensitivity, and at times touchiness. The dog does not like shouting, does not accept rudeness and, especially, physical violence. You need to communicate with him on equal terms, tactfully. To prevent a dog from behaving aggressively, it is necessary to accustom it to society from childhood. His attitude towards strangers and strangers is wary, but his love for his family knows no bounds.

Breed standard

The Kerry Blue Terrier can be classified as a medium-sized dog, distinguished by its muscular body and very strong paws. Its body weight is up to 17-19 kg. Overweight is not allowed. Height – up to 48 cm. Bitches are slightly lower than males, up to 43 cm.

The fur of this animal, like that of a sheep, is curly and very soft. It's nice to touch her. It is long on the muzzle and short on other parts of the body. His body is rectangular and oblong. The paws are stable and strong. The tail is small and stands straight or horizontal. The dog's chest is clearly visible. She is very muscular, so she leans forward while walking.

The neck is long, the head is elongated. The breed has a special feature - instant agility. It is associated with massive jaws and very tenacious teeth. The dog's nose is completely hidden behind the long hair at the tip of the muzzle. The forehead is not expressed at all. The ears are small, inclined towards the head.

The Kerry Blue Terrier looks a little wary in the photo. This is due to the presence of tiny dark eyes, slightly squinted due to the fur falling over them. This creates the false impression that representatives of the breed are overly suspicious. It's not like that at all. Their seemingly unfriendly look is only a feature of the exterior.

Since the selection of this dog took place over several years, changes were made to its standard many times. An animal cannot be allowed to participate in a competition or exhibition if it has one of these deviations:

  • Uneven back (presence of a bend or hump).
  • Having an extra finger.
  • Bright pink mouth.
  • Narrow body.
  • White or beige claws.

According to the standard, animal fur cannot be rare. It should have a neat appearance, be thick and silky to the touch. Several colors are allowed: gray, brown, light gray, blue. Most often, Kerry puppies are born pure black. As they grow older, they may change color. The white, brown, brindle, spotted Kerry Blue Terrier is not a purebred.

How to choose a puppy

Do not forget that all representatives of the breed are born with a black coat color. If you are afraid of being deceived by the seller, get ready to buy one and a half year old animals - by this age Kerry Blue Terriers acquire the traditional blue color.

  • Choose country kennels where dogs lead a relatively free lifestyle, and are not locked within four walls by ruthless breeder sellers.
  • Find out what kind of food the breeder gives to his charges. If this is a cheap “drying”, do not expect to purchase a healthy animal from such a “thrifty” specialist.
  • Assess the overall grooming of the litter. Are the puppies thin, how clean are their fur and areas under their tails, are there any fleas on their bodies.
  • Even if the Kerry Blue Terrier is not purchased for exhibition, check out the pedigree of its parents. This will allow you to better understand the potential of your future pet.
  • It is not always possible to diagnose a predisposition to hereditary diseases in advance. But if the breeder reports that his sires have been tested for at least genetic joint dysplasia, this is a big plus.


This is a very cheerful dog. He always strives to share his positive energy with others by running and performing various maneuvers. However, excessive activity is not typical for him.

Most of the day, the dog is in a playful mood. She likes communication with household members, especially children. The animal simply loves them! He can be alone with the baby for more than an hour and not lose interest in him.

At home, Kerry Blue Terriers are sociable, playful, friendly and very sweet. They do not show aggression towards parishioners in the presence of the owner. On the contrary, they are also trying to lure them into spending time together. If you are planning to go to the house where this dog lives, rest assured that he will not leave you alone.

The animal likes everything new. From strangers he receives fresh impressions, which he really needs. But, as soon as one of the parishioners harms the owner of the dog, she immediately attacks him. Loyalty is one of the main traits inherent in this breed.

The owner is the main person for this animal, for whom he would, without hesitation, give his life. It warns of an approaching threat with a loud bark. By the way, the dog often raises his voice, and for any reason.

He will bark at birds that fly into his yard, a person who comes into the house, and even his beloved owner who returns from work. Of course, this behavior of the dog does not indicate its aggression. Barking is a way of self-presentation, expressing a strong emotion, and it is not always negative.

In the blood of terriers there is intolerance towards cats and some dogs. Kerry Blue is not behind its ancestors in this regard. He does not favor cats, rats, or guard dogs. But he treats his own kind cordially.

Advice ! Dog handlers recommend leaving four-legged pets alone. In play, they reveal their potential, communicate and behave naturally. They enjoy communication with members of their own species.

Like other terriers, Kerry Blues enjoy attention. He cannot stand loneliness and always demands respect. Household members should take the dog in their arms, play with him, go for a walk, etc. Communication is the main component of his life. Without regular communication, the animal becomes sad, apathetic and uninterested.

In addition to its advantages, the breed has one significant drawback - egocentrism. Yes, this dog is a proud egoist who will not forgive anyone for ignoring him, especially his owner. She needs love and care, and is ready to share the same in return.

The owner of a purebred dog must remember that he himself shapes his character. Without regular human interaction, the terrier will become angry, suspicious and not at all playful. But if you pay attention to the dog every day and take care of it, the picture will be the opposite.

An important point: owners of other dog breeds will only have to socialize them with a Kerry Blue Terrier puppy . An adult who genetically hates man's other four-legged friends will never get along with them.

Maintenance and care

Every pet needs not only attention, but also appropriate care. This breed should be bathed monthly in the bath or shower. It is recommended to choose a high-quality shampoo, perhaps with tar extract. After using it, your dog's fur will smell nice. By the way, it should be combed periodically.

You cannot use laundry soap or human shower gel to care for the fur of a purebred dog. The substances contained in such products will have a negative effect on the animal’s skin.

Claws require special care. Because terriers often dig in the ground, dirt accumulates in the pads of their feet. You can remove it with a cotton swab moistened with water. It is enough to simply wipe the surface of the pad with it and “walk” between your fingers. If the claws grow quickly, it is better to cut them off. But, as practice shows, there is almost no need for this.

Washing is a basic procedure necessary for the Kerry Blue Terrier. There is a regular discharge in his tiny eyes that needs to be disposed of. Otherwise, a pathogenic virus may enter the dog’s body through the eye mucosa.

His teeth need to be brushed if plaque forms on them. It is easy to get rid of with a regular brush.

If you find parasites, such as fleas, on an animal’s body, you must urgently take medical measures. The vital activity of these unpleasant creatures shortens the lifespan of your pet, so you will have to fight them. The simplest option is to give the dog medication.

Now about the content. It is better to live with any terrier in a house with a large plot of land. They love to run around, watch other animals, watch people passing along the fence, etc. All these things make the dog happy. However, he will find something to do while walking on a leash.

Therefore, if you live in an apartment, this is not a reason to refuse to buy this beautiful animal, the main thing is to provide it with comfortable conditions. Some tips for keeping a Kerry Blue Terrier:

  1. Cover the sofas with a blanket, as it will likely stain them. If you do not plan to allow your dog to lie on home furniture, this is not necessary.
  2. Place a rug near the front door for your dog to lie on from time to time. All terriers are observant. That is why they prefer to spend a lot of time in the area where guests arrive, that is, at the door leading to the street or entrance.
  3. Change the water in your dog's bowl daily.
  4. Buy her some toys, such as rubber ducks.
  5. Treat yourself to sugar-free cookies from time to time. The dogs love him very much.


The foods your pet eats should give him energy and strengthen his immune system. Therefore, make sure that his diet is balanced. The puppy should eat boiled or raw chicken fillet and drink fresh milk (boiled can be used). These are the basic products his body needs. It is not necessary to feed an adult dog with them, since its body has already developed and needs only basic nutrients.

Hot soup, fatty meat broth, borscht, minced meat of unknown origin and fried foods are things that should absolutely not be given to the Kerry Blue Terrier. Consuming this will cause digestive dysfunction in the dog.

The best option is to give her 300 grams of dry food (premium class) twice a day. It contains microelements, vitamins and immunostimulating substances that are well absorbed by the dog’s stomach. We do not recommend saving on food.

Reproduction and lifespan

Kerry blue terriers live from 12 to 14 years. They are characterized by endurance, strong immunity and excellent guard abilities. The breeder of this breed should know that puberty occurs early in them: in females - up to six months, in males - at 7-8 months.

Theoretically, a young, psychologically immature female can become pregnant. However, we advise breeding only adult dogs that are over 2.5 years old. During this period of life they are as active as possible, therefore, they are excellent for mating.

The mating of a male and a female should occur in the middle of her menstrual period, from approximately the 4th day of estrus. It is advisable to organize this process either in the male’s house or on neutral territory, the main thing is not in the female’s house. The following symptoms indicate that your dog is pregnant:

  • Rapid growth of the abdomen.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Character change.

A pregnant Kerry Blue Terrier bitch becomes more affectionate when interacting with people. She greatly needs their care and attention.


The cost of an animal depends on several factors: its functionality, exterior, degree of distribution, etc. Shepherd dogs have always been highly valued not only by farmers who actively exploit them, but also by the highest nobility. They were willing to pay a lot of money for them.

The price of a Kerry Blue Terrier in modern Russia in 2019 ranges from 20 to 27 thousand rubles. But purebred shepherd dogs, originally from Ireland, who have won a single title, can be sold for 1-1.5 thousand dollars.

History of the Kerry Blue Terrier breed

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a dog with an impressive, but not very clear history.
Experts still cannot establish the real ancestors of the animals and are limited to unconfirmed guesses regarding the degree of relationship of Kerry Blue Terriers with other breeds. For example, it is generally accepted that the first bearded dogs were born from the mating of Irish wolfhounds with black and tan English terriers, which were later replaced by Bedlingtons and wheaten terriers. At the same time, the Irish, greedy for legends and sensations, continue to believe that the ancestor of the breed was a blue Portuguese water dog, rescued from a sinking Spanish ship and picked up by farmers on the Emerald Isle. In the 19th century, owning a Kerry Blue Terrier was mandatory for Irish peasants. However, practical villagers did not want to keep animals “for their beautiful eyes,” so the four-legged pets were forced to do any feasible work – catching water rats, herding sheep flocks, guarding the owner’s property. Kerry Blue Terriers began to master breed exhibitions at the very end of the 19th century. Along the way, the dogs were involved in field tests, in which they achieved good results. As a result, it came to the point that a dog that did not show its success in catching and presenting an animal at an exhibition could not claim the championship title. But enterprising breeders got their bearings here too, and began to deliberately cultivate malice in their charges, for which the Kerry received the nickname “blue devils.”

In the 20s of the 20th century, Kerry Blue Terriers were standardized, and their owners began to unite in clubs. In 1922, the “Irish” were registered in England, and two years later the American Kennel Club followed the same procedure. The breed entered the USSR in the 60s. These were mainly individuals from Germany, which periodically appeared at all-Union exhibitions and even gave birth to offspring. As for the formation and development of Russian carry lines, the pioneer is usually called the Soviet breeding specialist A.I. Kozlovsky. On his initiative, the first collective kennel of the Irish Hippie breed in the USSR was created, from which several generations of healthy, impressive in appearance and mentally stable champions emerged.

Education and training

Representatives of this breed are loyal and friendly friends. They are always ready to come to the owner's aid in case of danger and comfort him. But in order for a Kerry Blue Terrier puppy to grow up to be a good working dog, they need to be trained.

Remember the main thing! Relationships with a purebred guard dog should be built exclusively hierarchical. She will trust the owner only if she does not doubt his authority.

This is an attentive and observant breed that is well adapted to guard and herding work. There is no need to teach her to guard her, however, we recommend encouraging some “guard” moments.

For example, if a dog barks at another dog approaching his house, this deserves praise. But raising your voice to parishioners is not. The dog should not get angry at strangers when they come to visit the owner.

These dogs love to hunt! They skillfully attack squirrels, weasels and foxes, happily bringing them to their owner. At such moments, you should definitely encourage them. Pets are always seeking approval, so don't ignore them.

Regardless of your area of ​​residence, you should take your Kerry Blue Terrier out into the yard every day. This is necessary for them to gain new vivid emotions and, of course, experience. Remember: you cannot let him off the leash. The dog will probably lose his head if he encounters a cat or other animal. At these moments, he should be given the command “nearby” and kept near him.

We advise you to use the biological principle of reinforcement in training your dog. According to him, there are 2 types of energy direction - positive and negative. If an animal does something good, for example, brings a stick, it should be rewarded. In this case, positive reinforcement works.

And, conversely, if it has committed an offense, it cannot be ignored. You should punish a disobedient dog, teach him a lesson - negative reinforcement. We recommend training your Kerry Blue Terrier for at least 20 minutes daily. The rest of the time you can play with him or just relax together, lying on the bed.

Character of the Kerry Blue Terrier

When describing the character of Kerry Blue Terriers, it is customary to quote E. S. Montgomery, who argued that the breed is distinguished from the inhabitants of Ireland only by the fact that its representatives do not smoke pipes. In all other respects, the “sparkling” temperament of the animals completely copies the mentality of the inhabitants of the Emerald Isle. Playful, quick to start, loving daring fun and fights, Kerry Blue Terriers are the type of pets with whom your whole life is spent waiting for a surprise.

A true Kerry Blue Terrier is, first of all, a human-oriented creature. A puppy brought into the house quickly joins the family and learns to get along with each of its members, without appointing one person as a confidant. Children are pleasant companions and playmates for animals. By the way, unlike large breed dogs, Kerry dogs do not see children and teenagers as a lower caste, whose representatives should be treated condescendingly, but whose demands should not be responded to. Moreover, the natives of green Erin will willingly go with your heirs to the training ground and listen to the commands given by their young masters.

But Kerry Blue Terriers have a “C” level of understanding with their fellow tribesmen. Maybe because, seeing another dog, the “Irish” will not miss the opportunity to show off and demonstrate his own invincibility. Actually, 90% of conflicts with four-legged brothers begin with such provocations: the carry teases, the enemy makes a warning “R-rr!” – and a senseless fight flares up. There is an opinion that Kerry Blue Terriers are desperate cat haters, but clarification is required here: dogs only chase unfamiliar kitties. A purr who shares living space with a dog from an early age has the right to count on leniency.

As for the watchdog abilities of the breed, you can completely rely on them. True Kerry Blue Terriers do not suffer from idle talk and if they bark, it is for a reason. Of course, we are not talking about ill-mannered pets who use their voices out of boredom. Some carries are able to let a stranger into the house, but certainly not let them out of it. Usually the dog blocks the exits from the premises and carefully studies the behavior of the stranger. The reaction to any threatening gesture (waving a hand, trying to push away the tailed guard with a kick) should be harsh and immediate. By the way, the breed’s bites are painful and deep.

The Kerry Blue Terrier is incredibly jumpy and morbidly curious, so there are no forbidden places for him in the apartment, there are simply underexplored ones. At the same time, he is neat in everyday life and even despite the habit of gnawing something hard in his spare time, he does not suffer from destructive behavior and does not entertain himself by howling. In the absence of the owner, the pet is able to find a peaceful activity or take a sweet nap on the carpet until one of the family members appears in the house. And the Kerry Blue Terrier is a born humorist, easily transforming into a clown with a wild imagination and an inexhaustible supply of practical jokes. Be mentally prepared for funny pranks, strange tricks with surrounding objects and an amusing pantomime with the participation of a four-legged minion.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

The health of these dogs is excellent. They are strong, robust and very active. But, like all human pets, they need a preventive veterinary examination. Once a year, dogs are given medication for ticks, fleas and worms.

Even if there are no parasites on their body, it’s worth being safe. Don't forget about regular vaccinations! The vaccine is prescribed only by a veterinarian. If the dog is not fed correctly, he will have problems with his intestines or stomach. The following symptoms indicate them:

  • Constipation or diarrhea.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • Whining.
  • Weakness.
  • Intense thirst.
  • Vomit.

If you notice that your pet is unwell, we recommend taking him to the hospital. Specialists will take care of him there. Kerry Blue Terriers have a predisposition to otitis media, a specific ear disease. If it is present, the dog will rub its ear on the floor, thus trying to drown out the pain.

Otitis media is treated with drops. Cataracts are also often found in representatives of the breed. You cannot treat these diseases on your own! Following preventive dog care tips will help significantly extend its lifespan. Let's call them:

  1. Treat your dog promptly if he gets sick.
  2. Take him regularly for vaccinations.
  3. Wash your dog's face, wipe his eyes with damp cotton wool, and clean his mouth.
  4. Give her vitamins to strengthen the body's defenses.

Possible diseases

Kerry Blue Terrier dogs rarely get sick, and their immunity is usually strong. This is achieved in most cases by the fact that puppies are fed with mother's milk for up to two months. The animal has strong bones, so they happily avoided problems with the musculoskeletal system. Rickets is also not typical for these dogs.

But diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract may occur. These include bloating, as well as volvulus of the stomach and intestines. These are dangerous conditions that require immediate hospitalization. Otherwise, the outcome could be very disastrous.

The Kerry Blue Terrier breed resistant to various types of infections. However, this does not mean that you should relax and forget about treatment for seasonal parasites such as ticks and fleas. They are carriers of allergic dermatitis, which can be difficult to get rid of. And vaccination must be carried out on time, according to the schedule.

However, there are two ailments that occur most often in dogs - otitis media, which occurs due to the abnormal structure of the shell, as well as dysplasia. Moreover, the latter are rather hereditary. However, it could also be a lack of vitamins.

Ophthalmological diseases are 100% hereditary. The most common among them is cataracts. Most often it manifests itself in old age. But if it occurs already at the age of 4-6, it can be treated with medication.

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