Mixed pug and Chinese Crested: features of an extravagant pet

A cross between a Pug and a Chinese Crested, this is a creature that looks funny to some and repulsive to others. It resembles a fairy-tale gremlin - a plump body on crooked legs, and a peculiar mohawk on its head - something you don’t often see on the street. These creatures are considered representatives of the designer breed.

This trend developed at the end of the twentieth century, when it became fashionable to cross dogs of two different species in order to obtain a kitten with strong characteristics from both varieties. It all started innocently - a poodle was crossed with other four-legged animals in order to produce one whose fur would be hypoallergenic.

This is how the Labradoodle appeared, but its cubs did not retain this characteristic, but genetic diseases appeared, which are characteristic of both poodles and Labradors. Over time, experiments helped produce a very funny mestizo, which will be discussed in this article.


Genetics is not a toy, so sometimes a mestizo can inherit not the best, but the worst qualities of both ancestors. Therefore, be careful if you decide to get such a puppy - he may suffer from many diseases. In any case, you will need to take very good care of him and have regular checkups with a veterinarian.

As you might guess, the hero of this material appeared thanks to the crossing of a classic pug and a Chinese crested dog , resulting in an unusual result. The descendant of these parents turned out to be bald, with hair only on some parts of the body, and with a large crest on the head. Its skin in some places looks like sandpaper, and its “mohawk” is hard and sticking up.

The muzzle of such creatures is pug-like, characteristic, but slightly less flattened. They have a massive lower jaw, small eyes, and wheezing breathing . There may be increased salivation. The movements are impetuous, clumsy, the paws are crooked and short in length. The neck is practically absent.

With Chinese Crested

Proponents of interbreeding claim that puppies inherit the best qualities of their parents' breeds. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to predict in advance what kind of exterior the young animals will have. The character and behavior of the animal are also unpredictable. In addition, individuals have rather poor health and a short life expectancy.

Cute little pugs have become one of the favorite objects of designer selection. They were crossed with representatives of many breeds. In particular, with the Chinese Crested Dog. Metis was called Khokhlomops or Pugese. It is distinguished by an unusual type of skin: skin with folds and tufts of wool.

The photo shows a cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested


Despite their appearance, such dogs tend to have a kind disposition. They are affectionate and friendly , happy to make contact with people and get along with other animals. On the street they can behave cockily - run after cats, bark left and right, but with good upbringing all this comes to naught.

Such “punks” are characterized by a highly developed intellect , they are smart and inquisitive, they love to play and have fun. They need to devote a lot of time, otherwise they may begin to feel homesick and sad. It is better not to leave them at home alone for a long time.

These pets are very sensitive and emotional; as soon as they hear a rude remark or criticism addressed to them, they almost cry and look at you with eyes full of sadness. Treat them kindly and lovingly, speak in a calm voice, and don't let anyone make fun of their appearance - at least not in their presence. They perfectly catch mocking intonations and begin to suffer.

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Pugs are classified into the ninth breed group of companion dogs and belong to the Small Molosser section. Working tests are not required for representatives of the breed.

FCI breed standard: No. 253

The Pug looks stocky, well-fed and square in shape. He is collected, proportional and does not give the impression of a short-legged or long-legged dog. Carries himself with self-esteem and pride.

The pug's head is large and voluminous, round in shape. The skull is not deepened; the skin on the forehead forms folds, pronounced, but without exaggeration. The muzzle is black, short and blunt, ending in a black nose with large nostrils and a small fold above it. The fold above the lobe should not cover the dog's eyes or otherwise interfere.

The pug's jaws close with a slight bite. The lower jaw is wide, the incisors are located on the same straight line. A misalignment of the jaw, as well as visible tongue and teeth when the mouth is closed, are undesirable.

Pug - description of the dog breed from A to Z

The eyes are large, round, but not bulging. When looking at a dog from the front, the whites of the eyes are not visible. Eye problems are unacceptable. The look is attentive and lively, the eye color is dark.

Pug ears can be of two types:

  • button or button - the ear is laid forward and covers the ear canal;
  • rose - a folded ear cloth that does not cover the ear canal.

The dog's neck is curved and massive, the body is stocky and dense. The back line is straight and does not sag. The sternum is wide, with arched ribs. The tail is set high and curled into a double ring.

The front legs are straight, with sloping shoulders, and moderately long forearms. The toes are well separated, the claws are black. The hind legs are strong, of moderate length, set under the body, with pronounced angulations of the hock joints. When viewed from behind, they are placed parallel.

The pug moves confidently, with a good reach of the front paws, without twisting the pasterns, and pushes off quite strongly with the hind paws.

A disadvantage is any deviation in appearance from the standard. The issue of disqualification is decided depending on the severity of the defect. Aggressive or excessively cowardly dogs are definitely disqualified.

Dimensions, weight and height of the breed

The ideal weight for a pug is 6.3-8.1 kg, and it should have well-developed, sculpted muscles. Dogs of this breed are prone to obesity - excess weight is unacceptable at exhibitions.

The optimal height is not specified in the standard, but on average it is 25-30 cm for females and 30-33 cm for males.

Possible colors

The pug has a thin, close-lying coat that is soft in texture. She can't be fluffy or rough.

Possible colors:

  • beige;
  • black;
  • apricot.

In any color variant, there should be a noticeable border between the main color and the mask on the face.

The mask on the face and the “belt” - a black stripe from the back of the head to the tail, should be as black as possible.

The pug is the best dog breed for children. Care instructions and photos

Puppy weight by month

To prevent obesity, feed your pug according to its diet and adjust its diet if you notice that the sides become difficult to palpate. Weight values ​​may vary for different dogs.

The average weight and age are given in the list:

  • 1 month – 1.1 kg;
  • 3 months – 2.8 kg;
  • 4 months – 3.7 kg;
  • 6 months 6 kg;
  • 7 months – 6.3 kg
  • 9 months – 6.9 kg;
  • 12 months – 8 kg.


The pug lives on average up to 13 years. Among the representatives of the breed there is a record holder included in the Russian Book of Records - the dog Martin, who lived up to 17 years.

Most often, health problems in pugs arise due to overfeeding - continuous molting, obesity, heart failure.


A pug can cause allergies - it sheds just as much as other dogs. If you suspect an allergy, check for a negative reaction by contacting your doctor. Get tested for allergens and make sure that your pug's fur, skin, saliva and sebum secretions are safe for health.

To finally make sure there is no reaction, visit the breeder and explain the situation to him. Ask to socialize the puppies for a day or two. If there is no reaction, you can buy a dog.

Pug photo, breed description, care, reviews, video, dog character


What you won't have with this pet is a lot of hair in the house. They do not need to be cut or combed, only the crest needs to be given attention. They should be bathed with a special shampoo, and then immediately wrapped in a warm towel and warmed up. If you wish, you can train them to use a tray, but you will still need to go outside from time to time - they need fresh air.

Regularly you will have to carry out the following hygiene procedures, which are best taught to your puppy from childhood:

  • Clean your ears with a special liquid and a cotton pad,
  • Brush your teeth with a dog brush and toothpaste so that in old age they don’t hurt or fall out,
  • Trim claws as they grow,
  • Comb your bangs
  • Wipe your eyes and put medicine in them if they are watery,
  • Visit your veterinarian for a routine checkup.

Due to the special structure of their mouths, these dogs often snore , which can make you nervous. You need to prepare for this in advance, and if you understand that you cannot come to terms with it, choose another type of animal.

The body of these animals is folded, and they should be cleaned from time to time - wiped with a cotton pad soaked in chlorhexidine. Pay special attention to the folds on the face, because food, debris and all sorts of discharge from the nose and mouth get into them. This should be done once a month and whenever it gets dirty.

With Pekingese

The hybridization of the pug with the Pekingese is not a tribute to a newfangled tradition, but a return to the original roots. Both varieties are of ancient Chinese origin. Residents of the Celestial Empire use the general term “Narra dog” to designate them, which means “waddling”. Until the 19th century, Pekingese dogs were called Pekingese pugs in Europe. Thus, emphasizing the connection between the breeds.

The American woman R. Mons decided to revive the long-standing traditions and conducted several matings of two purebred animals. The offspring were given the nickname lo-shi pug (short pug).

The exterior of puppies looks more squat due to short limbs. Reminds one of its parents by the presence of folds on its face. Dogs delight their owners with their funny appearance and friendly disposition. Mestizos have good immunity, immunity to most diseases.

Animals combine:

  • the attractiveness and determination of the Pekingese;
  • the complacency and positive attitude of the pug.

Thanks to their qualities, they quickly find owners.


If you are planning to buy or have already taken such a dog into your home, but don’t know what to name it , listen to our advice. Too sonorous and pretentious names are unlikely to be suitable, because she looks funny and awkward.

It's better to choose something fun, sweet and short, like Zizy or Iggy. The names of rock stars - Flea, Ozzy, Janice, Sid, Paul - may be suitable for such creatures.

You can also be inspired by literary characters or movie heroes - Hercules, Circe, Zelda or Smith.

Don’t get carried away with too cool names, you may quickly get bored with it, and then there’s no escape from it. Walking Quasimodo or Cockroach on a leash may be fun for the first week, but after that it will be awkward. It’s better to call the four-legged one John or Maggie, so you can calmly call him on the street without catching strange glances. Options such as Rocky, Denny, Hank, Mike, Hooch, Georges, Kevin, Sarah, Emma, ​​Nelson, Xena or Rey are also suitable.

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It is interesting to name dogs in honor of heroes of the mythology of any nationality, it looks both bold and beautiful - what do you think, for example, the dog Zeus or the girl Hera? And then there are Loki, Freya, Yarilo, Svarog, Veles, Mara, Makosh, Lada and Jupiter. In addition, you can use English words modified in the manner of the name - Sweet, White, Big, Little, Haer, Gray.

Valuation in money

Now we just have to find out how much a pug costs. Its cost also depends on what class the dog you choose belongs to. This is the main parameter for assessing a dog in monetary terms. As the analysis showed, the gender or color of the pug does not matter here. The price is set by class. Pet-class puppies are much cheaper than dogs intended for breeding or exhibitions.

Slight downward price fluctuations depend on the geographical location of the breeders. However, often they themselves offer delivery of puppies to the place completely free of charge.

In Moscow and other large cities, prices range from 250 to 750 dollars. Accordingly, the initial amount is the cost of pets that do not participate in breeding or exhibitions. The final one is for future champions.

In central Russia and the south, the cost of pugs for show does not exceed $450, and the countdown starts at $160. This dispersion of numbers is not at all due to the fact that puppies in the provinces are worse. It is simply much more difficult to realize offspring in remote and sparsely populated areas.

At almost half the price of a breeding nursery, you can buy a good puppy from a private owner. Also, the price increases as the puppy grows up, if it has the mark and pedigree of the RKF.

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There are a variety of reviews about representatives of this species. Many owners are delighted with their pets, because they are very peaceful, friendly and funny, others say that some family members at first did not like the appearance of such animals, but over time, having gotten used to them and learned their character, they fell in love with them.

Owners living in small towns often complain about excessive attention to the dog from passers-by and neighbors. Some frown in disgust, some even make offensive comments. You need to accustom yourself not to pay attention to such ignoramuses, especially since intelligent and creative people will always be able to appreciate the extravagance of a creature.

Some owners of Chinese Crested and Pug crosses say that the individuals are prone to genetic diseases. This is true, and you need to be prepared for anything in advance. But those who were lucky claim that there were no problems with the pet at all, and his health never let him down. Everything is individual.

How to distinguish a pug from a crossbreed?

The standard can only be met if two purebred pugs are used for mating. Offspring from crossing with other breeds are classified as mestizos, regardless of their close external resemblance to pugs. They focus on the main parameters of purebred individuals:

  • square body proportions;
  • coat color is black, silver or fawn;
  • muzzle with jowls, symmetrical wrinkles and a fold above the nose;
  • dark mask;
  • The character is friendly and calm.


The cost of such a funny creature depends on many factors - on its character, appearance, health and whether it was specially bred or obtained thanks to the free love of its parents. In the latter case, they are given away free of charge or for a symbolic price; such advertisements can be searched on the Internet.

But if a mestizo was planned, its price could range from five to twenty thousand ! This is not surprising, because they are now in fashion and are able to demonstrate the originality and non-standard taste of their owner.

If you want to buy a puppy just for the sake of fashion and the desire to show off your extravagant taste, think twice! After all, this is a person with his own character and individual characteristics, who can feel and understand a lot.

She will suffer if you treat her like a stylish toy. Cubs and adults need sincere love, care and attention. If you know that you can give it to them, go ahead, such a baby will definitely make you happy!

Useful video

Video clip about the Chinese Crested Powder Puff breed:

Chihuahuas were bred as toy dogs. Such animals were created not to protect the home from ill-wishers, but to “decorate the house.” Although, their character is special, even such kids need training and care.

Crossbreeds of Chihuahuas with other species, ranging from pugs to huskies, have now become popular. Funny Chihuahuas will delight their owner no matter who they are crossed with.

Recently it has become fashionable to breed Chihuahuas and Yorkies. Many breeders are chasing profit without thinking at all about the future fate and health of the poor animal, in an effort to get a funny puppy of a “new species”.

Unfortunately, hybrids do not live long due to poor genetics. Sometimes such crossings result from the fact that the breeder did not keep track of the pets; as a result, outbred puppies have to be sold at a reduced price.

A mixed breed of any two breeds is considered an outbred individual, since only an animal with a large pedigree and documents confirming the breeding value of this individual can be considered purebred.

With such a pet you can go to exhibitions, produce new offspring with other purebred dogs of the same breed.

If you decide to buy yourself a hybrid of two breeds, that is, an outbred animal, never pay money for a puppy. If a breeder offers you to pay for a puppy without a pedigree, in which two species are literally mixed, refuse. Otherwise, it will turn out that you paid the poacher and such a business will continue to flourish.

A cross between a Spitz and a Chihuahua was bred relatively recently, but is already considered an independent breed and is called a “pomchi”. Externally, it combines the characteristics of both breeds. The height of the dog usually does not reach 20 centimeters, normal weight is from 2 to 4 kilograms.

This little creature, thanks to the mixture of two species, received a dense and muscular body, small round ears and a funny muzzle shape.

The dog has small and short legs, an elongated muzzle, and a small tail that curls up into a ball.

The coat of a cross between these two breeds varies depending on the dominant gene. In the first case, the coat can be fluffy and thick, like that of the Pekingese.

And in the second, you may come across a puppy with smooth short fur that fits tightly to the body, like representatives of the Chihuahua breed.

If you decide to get a mixed breed so that your child can play with him, this is a bad idea. Doesn't get along well with children. Loyal to her owner, she is distrustful and wary of strangers, she loves to play only with her owners. However, puppies are affectionate and friendly by nature.

The pet is perfect for keeping even in a small apartment; it requires little care. Best suited for single people and families, without children or pets. The dog will be a devoted and faithful companion for its owner, giving him affection and care. Any type of cross between a Chihuahua and a Spitz will be affectionate towards its only owner.

Where is the best place to buy

You can buy a pug cheaply at the poultry market. But you will not receive any guarantees that the dog is healthy, was born and raised in good conditions. Unscrupulous sellers pass off purebred dogs as pugs, and when your pet grows up, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise.

The second option is the Internet. The sites offer many advertisements. Kutyats are often sold by people who already have pugs at home, and regularly bring puppies. The dogs are in good conditions, but often they do not have a pedigree or vaccinations.

The most reliable place is a specialized nursery with a good reputation. Advantages of purchasing:

  • the puppy is taken care of from the moment of its life in the womb, mothers provide optimal conditions and diet for bearing the fetus;
  • specialists provide lifelong consultations;
  • there is an opportunity to look at the dog’s parents;
  • the seller provides a full package of documents.

Please note that when purchasing, in all three cases, you can meet a good or bad seller, receive real or fake documents. You should not overly trust reviews on the Internet; it is better to buy a pug through someone you know. If this is not possible, carefully study all the documents and have a detailed conversation with the seller.

Content Features

Breeders of mini-pugs should remember that such dogs actively shed, so this breed is not recommended for allergy sufferers. Dwarf animals do not require any special expenses, but you will still have to comb and wash your pet regularly. If properly maintained, these dogs can live up to 12 years.

When buying a mini pug - a defective breed, it is important to weigh the pros and cons

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The dwarf pug variety has a shorter lifespan

What to feed a small pug

It is recommended to feed such pets with specialized foods:

  • Royal Canin PUG ADULT is a dry food for pugs containing special highly digestible proteins;
  • Pure Luxe - dry food with natural additives to strengthen the immune system;
  • Hills - food containing natural fruits and vegetables necessary for digestion;
  • Acana is a dry food containing fish fillets and by-products.

Royal Canin PUG ADULT is designed specifically for pugs

In addition to dry food, which is not more than 100 g per day for a dwarf pug, the animal’s diet should include the following products:

  • milk - you can give no more than 100 ml once a day (preferably separately from other food);
  • beef, chicken, duck and fish - make up a third of the diet (should be given boiled);
  • cottage cheese with low fat content - up to 50 g per day;
  • rice and buckwheat - up to 70–100 g per day, boiled;
  • offal - up to 100 g per day;
  • vegetables - carrots, turnips, beets - up to 50 g per day, boiled (can be mixed with food).

Pugs benefit from boiled chicken and other types of lean meat

Your toy pug should always have clean water. It is best to give your animal a filtered drink. If the water is too hard, you can also boil it. A puppy from 1 to 7 months should be fed 4 times a day. An adult dog needs to be taught to eat three times a day.

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What is prohibited for small pets:

  • sweets;
  • pasta;
  • bakery products;
  • smoked meats;
  • spicy dishes;
  • mushrooms;
  • grape;
  • chocolate;
  • bones.

Sweets are contraindicated for mini pugs

How often to wash and comb

Small dogs should be washed at least once every 6 months, provided that the pet is rarely outside. In this case, it is enough to clean only the paws. If the animal often walks, then it should be washed once every 3 months. Since mini-pugs actively shed, they need to be brushed twice a week with stiff bristles.

A mini-pug can be bathed once every six months.

History of the breed

There are many stories about the origin of hairless dogs. Archaeological finds each time force scientists to come up with a new version of the origin of hairless dogs in Asia, America and Africa. However, most likely, the gene causing the lack of hair is found in dog populations in different regions. Most of these dogs are found in hot regions, where the lack of hair allows them to better adapt to the climate. Most often, randomly born hairless puppies are discarded as they are considered freaks, but in some cases the gene is selected and original dog breeds appear.

The Chinese Crested is distinguished from other hairless breeds by the presence of the longhair gene. This is what determines the luxurious growth of exhibition specimens.

Despite the fact that unusual hairless dogs appeared periodically in Europe, the path to the emergence of a new breed was long. The first Chinese Crested was shown in 1896 by V.K. Taunton on display at the Crystal Palace. But then they didn’t pay much attention to her.

The real boom occurred in the 60s of the last century. The society of purebred dog lovers “Sankta Santkrum” began to show Chinese crested dogs at its exhibitions, and this produced the effect of a bomb exploding. The English Chinese Hairless Dog Club was formed in 1976.

It is curious that many exhibition champions of the breed have height and weight exceeding the standard requirements.

Cobby-type dogs are more balanced and calm, while deer-type dogs are more excitable and gentle.

Hairless dogs of this breed are never full-toothed. This is how the pleiotropic (multiple) effect of the bare skin gene manifests itself. This allows you to distinguish a real hairless dog from a shaved one.

Powder puffs are always used in breeding. This keeps the breed healthy, as dogs that have two hairless genes are not viable. They usually die in utero. Only heterozygotes survive, in which one gene is naked and the other is downy.

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