Hill's dog food - main characteristics of dry and wet food, manufacturer's line

Hill's dog food is a premium food recommended by veterinarians and breeders. The main advantage of the company's products is a wide selection of different diets. You can tailor food to suit any pet’s needs, even if he has health problems.


Hill's Prescription Diet range was developed by veterinarian Mark Morris. This man passionately loved animals and believed that they needed to be looked after in the same way as one’s own children - carefully and hourly, paying special attention to nutrition.

The turning point was a meeting with a blind guide dog: the dog had a serious kidney disease, from which the animal suffered greatly, and its owner turned to a veterinarian for help.

Morris, realizing that the animal feed available at that time was unbalanced (contained too much phosphorus), decided to independently develop food - not only tasty and nutritious, but also healthy.

Morris was joined by his wife Louise. The food was prepared in the basement of our own house and offered to all friends and acquaintances. The first batches were stored for a short time; a little later Morris began canning food.

In 1948, the first contract was concluded with the Hill Packing Company (Kansas), and in 1951 the doctor was able to open his own laboratory. In 1968, they began producing food for cats.

Today, Hill's food is available in 86 countries around the world, and owners involve both veterinarians and nutritionists in their work.

On every day

The Hills company produces 3 lines of food for daily consumption:

  • Science Plan – a diet developed for completely healthy animals and taking into account age characteristics, breed size and special needs.

  • Nature's Best – feed of improved composition, consisting only of products that are healthy for animals. Components that potentially provoke allergies are excluded from the formula.

  • Ideal Balance – completely balanced food for cats. Some of the products in this line include brown rice, a grain that is most natural for cats. Other foods are completely grain-free.

Important! Grain-free foods are not always well absorbed by cats and can cause constipation. Despite the prevailing opinion that such a diet is optimal for pets, it is important to closely monitor the animal’s reaction and well-being.

Dry food forms the basis of the cat's menu; in addition to it, the manufacturer supplies the market with wet canned food and meat pieces in pouches.


There are 2 lines of food on sale: Hill's Prescription Diet and Hill's Science Plan.

Hill's Prescription Diet is a medical nutrition diet. Includes the following formulas:

Hill's Prescription Diet z/d is suitable for individuals with sensitive stomachs and food allergies.

Contains hydrolyzed animal protein, fish oil, prebiotic fiber. Strengthens the skin barrier. Energy value: 3765 Kcal/kg.

Hill's PRESCRIPTION DIET i/d food with chicken. A complete diet with clinically proven effectiveness. Thanks to Hill's ActivBiome + technology (enriched with a mixture of probiotics), it has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, improves bowel movements, and restores energy balance.

The S+OXSHIELD complex minimizes the risk of struvite and calcium oxalate uroliths. Easily digestible, contains Omega-3 and Omega-6, B vitamins, electrolytes. Suitable for both adults and kittens.

PRESCRIPTION DIET i/d has 2 flavor options: chicken or salmon. This food can be given to both older and younger children. Contains the S+OXSHIELD complex, supports the immune system and digestive organs. The antioxidant complex has a clinically proven effect. Absorbed without problems. Protein - 37.4%, fats - 21.9%, carbohydrates - 28.8%.

In PRESCRIPTION DIET c/d Multicare you can also choose from two flavors: ocean fish or chicken fillet.

The ingredients help cope with uroliths, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids help with inflammatory processes of the skin. Maintains optimal urine pH level. Fiber -0.7%, calcium - 0.83%, phosphorus - 0.72%.

PRESCRIPTION DIET Metabolic is a formula that helps maintain optimal weight. Clinically proven: 80% of animals lost weight within 2 months. Calorie content: 3476 Kcal/kg.

PRESCRIPTION DIET m/d - it has a lot of protein and few carbohydrates: what else is needed to maintain cat health? If your pet has diabetes or is overweight, this is the formula that will help him feel better. L-carnitine maintains muscle mass by burning fat, antioxidants destroy free radicals. Taurine - 0.32%, vitamin C - 115 ppm, vitamin E - 612 IU/kg, L-carnitine - 556.2 ppm.

PRESCRIPTION DIET Gastrointestinal Biome provides microbiome balance and supports healthy microflora of the digestive tract. Contains a lot of dietary fiber and Omega-3 fatty acids. Potassium - 0.92%, sodium - 0.3%, magnesium - 0.078%.

PRESCRIPTION DIET c/d Urinary Stress + Metabolic is best given to cats over 7 years of age. Milk protein hydrolyzate and L-tryptophan help cope with stress and maintain optimal urine levels.

Omega-3 fatty acids help fight inflammation in the body. Energy value: 3411 Kcal/kg.

PRESCRIPTION DIET y/d and PRESCRIPTION DIET s/d are dietary foods that help dissolve struvite stones and correct hormone levels. Literally before the eyes of cats, both the skin and coat improve. It is not recommended to give them to kittens under one year old.

PRESCRIPTION DIET t/d helps maintain oral health: relieves inflammation from the gums, removes plaque and prevents the formation of tartar. Calorie content: 3517 Kcal/kg.

An original formula that improves animal mobility - PRESCRIPTION DIET j/d. The manufacturer claims that in just 28 days your pet will become much more active and cheerful. Contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), Omega-3 fatty acids. Maintains cartilage health due to the content of eicosapentaenoic acid, chondroitin and glucosamine. Calorie content: 4024 Kcal/kg.

Each formula also contains canned food in tins, as well as a small amount of spiders.

Hill's Science Plan line also has a lot to choose from.

Food for kittens up to one year of age:

  • spiders and Science Plan dry food with chicken;
  • dry food with tuna;
  • Hill's Science Plan 1st Nutrition Chicken and Turkey Mousse;
  • spiders with turkey and ocean fish;
  • Hill's Science Plan dry food for sterilized cats over 6 months of age with duck.

For individuals in their prime and the elderly (over 7 years):

  • dry food PERFECT DIGESTION with chicken and brown rice; with duck; with lamb; with tuna;
  • similar wet food.

Daily feed requirements

On the packaging, the manufacturer indicated approximate serving sizes. The owner should take into account that all animals are different. The dosage of food is selected individually, based on the condition and needs of the pet.

Weight, kg Portion, g
7 or more90 and further for each kg of weight add 12 g of feed


  1. Meat ingredients, fish.
  2. Cereals.
  3. Oils and fats.
  4. Flax seeds, beet pulp.
  5. Vitamins and minerals.

Dry or wet?

Veterinarians recommend choosing Hill's dry food as the basis of nutrition:

  • it is nutritious, contains all the necessary nutrients;
  • the granules are small, as can be seen in the photo of Hill's food for cats, they are easy to chew even for animals with weak teeth;
  • helps strengthen teeth, prevent oral diseases and the formation of tartar.

Wet food is higher in calories because it is enriched with fats. It is best used as an additional food - a treat for domestic cats.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The price is affordable, so almost anyone can buy Hill's Prescription Diet food.
  • Sold in all pet stores (even small ones). In addition, they are easy to find in large supermarkets and grocery centers.
  • Hill's range is wide: you can choose a nutrition option for a particular disease, as well as for animals with special needs.
  • Contains meat products and animal protein.
  • In the formulas, cereals come first, and cereals are allergens. These are wheat and corn, which are not beneficial, but can cause health problems.
  • The percentage of components is not indicated.
  • Few plant elements.

Get to know interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia:

  • Devon Rex;
  • Somalia;
  • British Longhair;
  • Javanese (Javanese);
  • Bambino.

General characteristics of the feed

Hill's company produces food for regular and therapeutic use. She divides them according to the pet's age, weight, activity and other characteristics. The range includes dry and wet products.


The company's head office is located in the USA; food is also produced in Holland (Netherlands). Hill's Pet Nutrition company appeared in Russia in 1995. The representative office is located at: Moscow, st. Krylatskaya, 17/1, Krylatsky Hills business park. For all citizens of the Russian Federation there is a free hotline 8 (800) 200-11-11, where you will be advised on any issue of interest. Official website https://www.hillspet.ru.

Feed class

The company compares food with the super premium class, but some experts prefer to classify Hills as premium.

Read the article about premium food for kittens.

Advantages and disadvantages of Hill's food

Pros of Hill's food:

  • availability;
  • acceptable price;
  • rich assortment;
  • carefully selected composition.

The negative points include:

  • low fiber content in feed;
  • a large number of plant components, including vegetable protein, which can affect weight gain and the health of the pet;
  • lack of composition percentage on the packaging.
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