West Siberian Laika - everything about the dog from A to Z, maintenance and care, diet and training features + photos and videos in the review!

How much does a husky puppy weigh at two months?

A puppy weight chart can help you estimate how big that cute bundle of fur will be when he's an adult.
However, it is not one size fits all, it depends on the size of the breed. So if you are asking yourself how big will my puppy be or just want to know the normal weight for a puppy by month? These puppy weight charts should help you out. Are you concerned that your puppy is growing at an alarming rate? Or do you want to know how big your puppy will be when he grows up?

If yes, then here is a table of puppy weights for each breed size category, which should answer the question “puppy weight by month!”

You'll also get an idea of ​​how much weight the average puppy gains each week, as well as what weight to expect at each stage. By using these charts, you'll know exactly what to expect as you get older.

Key points in training

It is necessary to train a puppy as soon as it is brought to its new home, because this breed is quite stubborn. We must immediately show who is in charge.

Training usually begins at about 10 months. Training begins with basic commands. Laikas are highly trainable. This is due to the habit of unquestioning obedience to the owner .

If the dog's owner is a hunter, then training is best carried out at special sites. Here the pet can get used to the light from the car headlights, the sound of gunshots and learn a lot of things that are necessary during the hunt.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

What to do if you have a mixed breed puppy

If you have a mixed breed puppy, you may feel like you are completely in the dark about knowing, or even just guessing, what weight your dog should be.

You can do this in two ways. You can take a look at all the weight charts on this page and see which chart is best for your puppy. Or if you wanted to be more precise, use a DNA test to see what breeds your puppy mixes with. Then you will know which puppy weight chart to use.

Wisdom Panel is a simple cheek swab test that will determine which breeds your puppy is crossed with, and there are over 250 breeds, types and varieties of dogs.

It can identify purebred ancestors going back three generations, giving you a good idea of ​​what your puppy's weight will be.

Features of choosing a West Siberian husky puppy

Buying a dog is not that difficult, but first you must understand why you need it. If you want to use a husky for hunting, it is best to buy it from a hunter. However, before making a final decision, you should observe the animal . To prevent you from getting a sick husky, make sure that it remains active throughout the day and has a well-groomed appearance.

It would be useful to get to know the parents in order to understand, based on their qualities, what to expect from their offspring. The living conditions of the animals are no less important. In some cases, hunters can provide valuable advice on training or conditioning a puppy. This option will be most preferable for you, since you will imagine what their parents are capable of. As a result, you will have confidence that her puppies will be little different from them.

You can search for a West Siberian husky puppy by looking for an advertisement. Typically, sellers can, in addition to a description of the dog, post a photo of the puppy being offered. Please note that the seller may not always be able to provide the animal's pedigree . However, if you have no plans to take part in exhibitions, you should not pay attention to this.

An important issue for the buyer is the cost of a West Siberian husky puppy. The photo will be useless to you, so you need to look at it live. If you want to have a guarantee, then you should contact a nursery, where they can offer you a West Siberian husky puppy for 20 thousand rubles. If you want to save money and buy a puppy second-hand, you will have to pay about 2-5 thousand rubles for it. However, such a difference in price does not mean that this puppy will differ in quality. After all, there are different situations when, for example, a hunter simply wants to quickly place his offspring. Therefore, when choosing a West Siberian Laika, do not focus too much on the cost. The qualities of the puppy should be of much greater importance to you.

Before purchasing a husky, consider the future consequences of this choice. Please note that you will not be able to turn her into a couch dog , because at the genetic level she inherited the love of hunting from her ancestors.

However, this drawback easily outweighs all its other advantages. These are very friendly and cheerful creatures that are quick-witted and have excellent hunting skills. Having them in your home, you will not experience problems with maintenance, training and care.

Weight of dwarf breed puppies

Let's start with the smallest quadrupeds. Toy breeds include, but are not limited to: Chihuahua, Chinese Crested, Maltese, Papillon, Pekingese, Pomeranian, Shih Tzu and Yorkshire Terrier.

On average, toy breeds gain approximately 5 - 10% of their body weight daily, which equates to approximately 30-150 grams per week. These tiny cuties grow much faster than larger dogs and usually reach the weight of an adult dog before they are eight to nine months old.

Below is a table that calculates the possible weight of your toy breed puppy based on birth weight, weighted by month.

Puppy weight chart - dwarf breed

Use this simple chart to determine how big your little puppy will be. Simply find the weight closest to your puppy's age and move down that column to see the age at 12 months, which is likely to be his adult weight.

Weight of medium breed puppies

Medium breed puppies typically reach 99% of an adult dog's weight by nine to ten months of age.

In general, the average category consists of breeds that weigh between 10 and 20 kg.

There is some overlap with small breed size at the lower end of this scale and large dogs at the upper end.

Medium breed puppies consist of, but are not limited to: Border Collie, Bulldog, Cocker Spaniel, Corgi, English Springer Spaniel and Whippet.

Maintenance in the city

Living close to nature, there are no problems keeping huskies.
The dog is absolutely unpretentious and can survive in almost any conditions. Sub-zero temperatures are not a problem for her. If necessary, she will find the right food herself. It’s a different matter when living in a city apartment. Many owners claim that she begins to get bored, her appearance becomes dull, and she becomes covered with excess fat. In the end, he completely loses his zest for life. Sometimes there is a manifestation of excessive aggression towards household things. All this is due to the fact that the dog needs to work, move a lot, and be constantly in contact with wildlife.

Hunters who take their dogs out into the wild do not have problems keeping their dogs. On the contrary, they say that the dog at home is very obedient and disciplined, and is completely unpretentious in food.

Important. All owners of this species agree on one opinion - the dog is very friendly towards people, especially children

The main thing is to provide the dog with the opportunity to move. Laika is capable of running almost continuously. Another passion of these dogs is that they will gnaw on everything that comes nearby. And finally, the dog will be hot in the apartment. Therefore, experienced dog breeders give them a place on the balcony.

Giant breed puppy weight

In general, the giant breed category consists of breeds weighing more than 45 kg, but at the lower end of the scale there is some overlap with larger breed sizes.

Large breed dogs consist of, but are not limited to: Bernese Mountain Dog, Bullmastiff, Newfoundland, St. Bernard, Great Dane and Irish Wolfhound.

Typically, giant breed dogs take longer to reach their adult dog weight, at least 12 to 18 months. Giant breeds that are on the higher end of the scale (ie Mastiffs, Great Danes, Newfoundlands, etc.) can even continue to grow until they are 2 or 3 years old!

These giant dogs usually gain about a kilogram per week, however the large puppies that are at the top end of the scale (i.e. Newfoundlands) gain approximately 1 – 2.5 kg per week).

Weight of giant breed puppies by month - table

To predict how much your giant breed puppy will weigh when he grows up, use the chart below to get a rough idea based on his current weight.

Puppy parameters from 1 to 12 months (table)

Puppy ageHeightWeight
1 month20-25 cm3 kg
2 months30 cm5-6 kg
3 months40 cm9-10 kg
4 months45-47 cm11-12 kg
5 monthsabout 50 cm16-17 kg
6 months52-55 cm18-20 kg
7-9 months53-58 cm21.5-24.5 kg
10-12 months53-60 cm23-25 ​​kg


West Siberian huskies have well-developed hunting instincts. This breed was bred for the purpose that these dogs would be able to pick up a scent and live in the harsh conditions of the Urals and Siberia. As a result of long-term work on crossing and selecting suitable animals, the international standard for this breed was formalized by two main groups - Khanty and Mansi dogs. Representatives of the first differ from the second in that they have a dense body, a wide head and a short muzzle. Animals from the second subgroup are more sinewy and their muzzles are somewhat longer.

According to international standards, the West Siberian Laika is a dog of medium height with a strong body and well-developed muscles. Its average height at the withers is about 50-60 cm, but not more than 80 centimeters. The head is in the form of an isosceles triangle with erect triangular ears. The muzzle can be long, but the skull is always wide.

The eyes are oval or almond shaped and brown or brown in color. Chest with a strong muscle corset, toned stomach. The paws are strong and powerful. They are located almost parallel to each other. The tail is of medium length. An adult dog weighs on average 16-22 kg.

Wool of medium length. The thick undercoat layer is well defined. Around the neck the cover is stronger and thicker, forming a kind of “collar”. The coat color can be white, gray-white, gray-red, piebald, fawn, and also black and white.

Russian-European. Description of representatives

The Russian-European Laika is a dog of medium height (52-58 cm), strong build and lean constitution, agile and lively, with well-developed muscles. She has a wedge-shaped head with a wide skull, the muzzle is shorter than the length of the skull, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is hardly noticeable, the cheekbones are clearly defined. The eyes are cheerful, oval, with a slight slant, and the ears are triangular and erect. The legs are straight and level, the tail is curled and pressed to the back or thigh. The coat is coarse and thick, long and straight, with a dense soft undercoat. There is a lush collar of wool and scruff on the neck, shoulders and withers. On the hind legs the hair is longer and shaped like pants. Colors include black, piebald, white, red and zonular.

The dog has a very friendly character, is very independent and balanced, it is characterized by agility and playfulness, devotion and loyalty to the owner. It should be washed and bathed only when necessary, since dogs are very clean and tidy.

What and how to feed?

A properly selected menu for a puppy is an important task for the owner, since his health and development will depend on what substances and products are included in the baby’s diet.

The menu should be balanced and complete. Food must contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other useful substances - vitamins, mineral compounds. The puppy can obtain proteins and amino acids necessary for intensive growth from meat, eggs, dairy products, fish, offal and cereals. Fats come into the body from fish or fish oil. They are necessary for the growth of cells and tissues.

Sources of carbohydrates are porridge. Vegetables and fruits are necessary to obtain vitamins. The important point is to have enough fresh, clean water in the bowl.

You must remember that you cannot feed the puppy food from the owner’s table. This is due to the fact that seasonings are harmful to a dog's stomach. In addition, the list of prohibited products includes:

  • smoked meats;
  • spices;
  • spicy;
  • flour and sugar;
  • fatty meats (for example, pork);
  • tubular bones;
  • mushrooms.

There are three options for feeding puppies. The first is that ready-made feed is used. This method is convenient due to its simplicity, since most feeds contain all the necessary components in the required quantities, and are also adapted to the age needs of the animal. The second approach is that the puppy is fed only natural products. However, not everyone has enough time to cook separately for their pet several times a day. The third option is mixed. It is most often recommended by dog ​​breeders.

The number of meals depends on the age of the baby. During the first months, the puppy gains weight and grows actively. Therefore, he is fed quite often - every 3-3.5 hours.

Then, by 3 months, the interval between feedings is 4 hours, and the number of meals is reduced to 6. At 4 months, it is enough to feed the dog 5 times, and then until 8 months - 4 times a day, and already at 8 months of age the puppy is transferred to Three meals a day.

How to walk?

Spacious enclosures or booths are better suited as housing for the West Siberian Laika. The puppy can also live in an apartment, but it must have its own place. Walks should be quite long in time and intense in activity. The necessary elements are running and games (for example, with a ball, a stick). Command training can also take place in the fresh air. It is important to remember that the husky needs a change in activity - the puppy is given the opportunity to simply run, walk on a leash, and play. After all, he is still a child, and it is difficult for him to focus his attention on one thing.

Experienced dog breeders recommend walking your pet on a leash. However, it must be long enough for the puppy to be able to run.

Pros and cons of the breed

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed:

Good healthWalks should be long
Easy careOften stubborn
Excellent HunterChases cats and other animals

With proper upbringing, this characteristic can be corrected.

Hygiene procedures

Typically, caring for huskies does not cause any particular problems. However, there are rules and peculiarities here.

When your dog is shedding, you should be prepared for the fact that thick fur may be in different places in the apartment. Therefore, you need to carefully comb the puppy with a stiff brush. It is important to bathe him, but not often. However, if the dog’s fur is white, then this procedure must be carried out as the pet becomes dirty.

You need to visit a doctor at least once a year for a preventive examination, and also undergo regular vaccinations.


This product should be included in the diet one to two times a week. It is best to give preference to representatives of the Salmon family. Such fish contains enough fatty acids that will give the dog energy for hunting and an active lifestyle. It is also worth noting that fish significantly improves the quality of animal fur, so it is worth including it in the diet unconditionally. However, it is better to refrain from freshwater representatives, namely: crucian carp, roach, perch, tench, and so on. Such fish will be too fatty for huskies.

How to train?

As a rule, training a puppy begins from an early age and from the first days of the arrival of a new pet in the house. This helps him settle in better. Raising a 2-month-old baby helps to establish a bond between owner and pet. it includes active games, as well as learning the commands “near”, “to me”, “sit” and so on. An important nuance is the regularity of classes.

To better understand how to raise your dog, dog breeders recommend contacting experienced dog trainers. They will tell you how to instill hunting skills in a dog, how to properly train it to pick up a scent and properly care for it. Complex and special training should not be carried out until the puppy reaches 8 months of age. Before doing this, it is important to make sure that your pet has mastered the basic commands.

If something doesn’t work out in self-training, you can always visit a dog handler and consult with him.

You can look at the beautiful Laika puppies below.

Rules for feeding two-month-old puppies

Have you thought about how to feed a husky puppy from 2 months and up? It is worth noting that not only the development of the dog, but also its life expectancy depends on a well-organized process. This procedure should be approached wisely if you want to show yourself as a caring and loving owner.

What to feed a two-month-old husky puppy? A young hunter needs to be accustomed to adult food over time, gradually introducing into the diet those dishes that we talked about at the beginning of the article. However, a properly balanced diet is only part of caring for your pet. It is also necessary to follow the basic rules of feeding a young husky.


Pointed ears, thick fur, a piercing, sad, slightly pensive look, a ring tail, a strong physique - the first thing that catches your eye. It is difficult to find a replacement for such an animal in the northern latitudes, because this is a real hunter who is taken with them to hunt bears, fur-bearing animals, game and other forest animals. This dog is endowed with remarkable intelligence and the ability to survive in extreme conditions. Thanks to such qualities, the ancient breed has come to our century almost in its original form. In general, the concept of “husky” is very broad, since there are many varieties that differ from each other in color, size, etc. For example, the Tungus dog is very different from the Karelo-Fin, etc. Some individuals are medium-sized dogs (38 cm in withers), others - to larger ones (63 cm at the withers). The largest representative of the breed is the East Siberian variety.

Breed Features

Previously, they were called exclusively “northern wits.” It was the sharp ears that clearly distinguished this dog from the dog tribe. Laika is a kind of prototype of the Spitz; as a separate species, it became of interest to dog handlers only in the 19th century. However, many difficulties arose in the classification, since the diversity of animals was amazing - so many nationalities, so many varieties. Nevertheless, the result was summed up: the breed was divided into two main groups. This division was literally correlated with geography. The main standards were announced only in 1952.

To what age do they grow?

The puppy begins to grow up very early, and by 18 months it turns into a full-fledged adult dog. This period is enough for adaptation, education and study, which is carried out in several stages “from simple to complex.” However, it is sometimes too early to talk about final maturity at 18 months. A large individual can grow up to 3-4 years, which depends on the species to which it belongs.

The husky matures gradually, overcoming several periods:

  • neonatal - the period of infancy, when the puppy needs warmth and good nutrition, it lasts until the 12th day;
  • transitional - a period of obvious physiological changes: the eyes open, the first teeth appear, the puppy stands on its paws and begins to move, lasts until the 20th day from the moment of birth;
  • the period of understanding - when the puppy begins to feel like a part of the world, a very important period, at this moment the psyche is formed, separation from the mother at this time is unacceptable, lasts until the 28th day from the moment of birth;
  • socialization - the period when the puppy becomes a dog, subject to the necessary discipline, it lasts until the 7th week from birth;
  • “human” socialization - the period when a connection with a person is established, the most favorable for introduction to the future home, corresponds to 7 - 12 weeks from the moment of birth;
  • the period of exposure to fear - the period when the baby is very timid, afraid of everything new, special attention is required here (for example, when visiting a veterinary clinic), lasts from the 8th to the 11th week from the moment of birth;
  • “Age of Reduction” is a period of reduction in dependence, which coincides with a reduction in the number of teeth, at this time the puppy decides for itself the issue of leadership, the duration of the period is 13-16 weeks;
  • instinct of “flight” - the period of teething, when the puppy tries to feel completely free, the period is characterized by unpredictable actions, disobedience, it lasts about 4 months, at the age of 4 to 8 months;
  • the second period of exposure to fear is another moment of growing up, fear of uncertainty, during this period patience and wisdom are required from the owner, the period occurs between 6 and 14 months;
  • By 18 months, the puppy is fully formed, but does not stop growing, as mentioned above.

Sizes of different types of huskies

Laika is a medium-sized dog. Each variety has its own size and individual characteristics.

East Siberian Laika

This breed is one of the largest. Cables larger than bitches: 57 - 70 (cables), 53 - 65 (bitches). The average weight for both sexes is 25 - 35 kg. The dog is powerful, muscular, there is something wolfish about him. Unlike other dogs in this group, it has a longer body. Main color:

Brown color can be of different shades.

Sometimes other colors are found: blue, harlequin or saddleback, but they are not typical for this type of dog.

The dog is incredibly hardy, smart, and adapted to hard work in harsh conditions. For hunting, he is trained on a wild or decoy animal.

West Siberian (ZSL)

This is the most common variety, known throughout the world. The West Siberian Laika is not only a passionate hunter, but also a good companion. Her ancestors are taiga dogs of Western Siberia. As a born hunter, this dog can live in the forest for a long time, waiting for prey. It is used in raid, single or pair hunting. But this animal is universal, because it is strongly attached to people. The dog is endowed with powerful intelligence and temperament. Education is of utmost importance, since mistakes entail a weakening of the natural instincts that are highly developed in them. In the 20th century, breeders became interested in the West Siberian variety and subsequently formed standards for the species.

The color is often solid, but white spots are possible. Black or brown color is also allowed.

Laika is not a specific breed, but a single term that unites all northern hunting dog breeds. There are quite a lot of varieties, they all differ not only in appearance, but also in working qualities. In general, huskies are very friendly and well-mannered, they get along well in families with children and are attuned to their owners, although they are somewhat capricious. These are sedate, balanced and purposeful dogs.

Education and training

The Russian-European Laika is difficult to train. However, it is necessary to make it clear to the puppy from childhood that he must obey his owner unquestioningly. Laikas are very stubborn and freedom-loving, so you should not break their character by resorting to punishment or force. The relationship between a dog and a person should be based on mutual respect.


If the family already has a dog, then a husky puppy will get along with it. In adulthood, aggression towards other dogs appears. It is better not to have cats and other small animals, because... The husky begins to hunt them.

It is important to teach your husky to walk on a leash; in urban environments, it can wander far and get lost. You can teach a dog standard commands, but professional hunters believe that there is no need to teach a husky unnecessary

After all, the breed was bred for one purpose - to hunt.

If the dog lives in an apartment, then in addition to the general training course, it is necessary to satisfy its hunting instinct. You need to come up with replacement exercises and training. In this case, the husky will suffer less from the lack of the main type of activity inherent in it genetically.

When using a dog for its intended purpose, you need to start training the dog after it is physically formed. During its training, the husky must learn to pick up the animal's trail and confidently follow it.

In addition, the dog is taught to bark and hold onto the prey until the hunter arrives. There are no special training methods. The dog itself learns to follow its innate instincts and work in tandem with a person. There are special baiting stations for baiting huskies.

Breed Features

This dog breed is one of the oldest in history. Living for centuries in the north of Eurasia, they help people not only in hunting, but also in moving goods and exploring new territories. They are true, very faithful companions and still often warm the northern peoples with the warmth of their bodies in national homes.

Important! In the past, the selection and mixing of different breeds was not closely monitored. Most likely, this is what explains the variety of varieties of dogs of this breed.

Today there are 3 types of huskies:

  • sled dogs (help transport cargo over long distances even in the most severe frosts);
  • livestock protection dogs (great for protecting livestock from bears, wolves and other predators);
  • hunting (indispensable in the northern regions, they help a person obtain food for his family).

The first official descriptions of the breed date back to the 19th century. Before this, there was a lot of evidence of the existence of dogs of this breed for thousands of years. Today, likes are also common in our country and abroad. It is noteworthy that in other countries they are classified as one group - Spitz.

West Siberian Laika and its character

will find a faithful assistant in this animal .
Although they resemble a wolf in appearance, their behavior completely disproves any connection with it. West Siberian huskies are balanced creatures that do not show any aggression towards humans. Throughout their lives, they remain very active and energetic, easily getting along with children and other pets. These creatures are very friendly and flexible. They easily establish friendly relations with the owner and members of his family. But sometimes there are specimens that are distinguished by disobedience, trying to demonstrate their stubbornness and perseverance at every opportunity.

The main feature for which Western Siberian Laikas are respected by many owners is their fearlessness. They acquired it thanks to their wonderful past, because their ancestors hunted many large animals, including bears. Laikas are quite understanding, smart and self-confident . Many hunters who have chosen these dogs as their assistants have never been disappointed in their choice. They are easy to raise and train, even at home.

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