How to trim a poodle at home with scissors. Grooming Basics for Beginner Poodle Owners

The poodle is a decorative dog, a companion and friend of children. France is considered its homeland.
And the name comes from the German word “paddeln”, which means splashing in the water.

The dog's weight is from 2.2 to 30 kg (depending on the size variety), height at the withers is 24-50 cm, life expectancy is 14-18 years.

The dog has unsurpassed intelligence, artistry, and inexhaustible energy.

A distinctive feature of the breed is its thick coat, which requires careful grooming, and the absence of shedding.

Properties of wool

Do not rush to pick up a clipper or other hairdressing tools until you become familiar with the characteristics of the animal’s fur.

The poodle has a unique coat! In addition to length and thickness, it is characterized by the absence of shedding.

The dead fur falls out but remains in a lush “fleece.” Only a few dog breeds have this feature; they are called big-breasted.

For this reason, the poodle is ideal for allergy sufferers, and clumps of wool will not be scattered throughout the room.

For the only time in its life, a pet does shed. A puppy under the age of 10 months changes its “baby” fur to an adult one.

If teenage fur is not combed out, your pet will become covered with a dense “armor” of dead hair, in which case the growth of new fur stops.

If this happens, then the only way out is a clipper, with which the dog needs to be trimmed “to zero.”

Haircut, bathing and combing are the 3 most important! It is important not to miss the moment when the old cover dies off!

Compliance with this rule guarantees your pet a well-groomed and neat appearance.

Today there are many haircut styles for this breed.

Classic versions reflect the history of dogs.

When they were hunters, they were most often cut like a lion.

Other styles evolved from the “lion version.”

Now the following variations are considered “classics”:

  • English saddle;
  • Scandinavian and English lion;
  • continental;
  • modern

The technique is based on the basic “lion” haircut, but the fur is not removed from the head; a kind of “tail” should be obtained.

In addition, two symmetrical “islands” in the form of hemispheres are made on the right and left sides of the spine in the sacral zone.

The diameter of such rounded figures can vary from 4 cm to 10 cm.

At home, you can give your pet a haircut no worse than at the hairdresser! Just stock up on knowledge, tools and patience!

Which machine should I choose?

It should be said right away that dog clippers differ in a number of parameters.


  • Price.
  • Operating time without overheating.
  • Durability.
  • Weight.
  • Ergonomics (more expensive models are more comfortable and the hand gets less tired when working).


If you always groom your dog at home or have several pets, then it is better for you to purchase a professional device with an electric motor and gearbox.

If you have one pet, then a machine with rigidly fixed knives and a vibration drive will be enough for you.

But, at the same time, the machine must have a function for adjusting the length of the wool in the range from 0.5 to 3 mm.

It’s even better if the device is equipped with special attachments that allow you to expand the range from 0.3 to 15 mm.

The most popular manufacturers of dog clippers:

  1. Moser (Germany). The devices of this company are considered one of the best in the world. They are distinguished by their reliability and high quality of haircuts performed with their help. There are two types of such machines - vibrating and rotary (more powerful).
  2. Wahl Clipper Corporation (USA). Their machines are of high quality, and their main feature is durable and sharp knives.
  3. Oster (USA). Oster clippers are characterized by high power, which allows you to cut several pets at home at once.
  4. Aesculap (Germany). The clippers produced by Aesculap are designed for dogs of any size; they can be used to cut both toy and large poodles.

Where can I cut my Yorkie's hair without being able to do it myself?

Professional grooming can be done both at home and in a pet salon. That is, in both cases the master will work. This is necessary if you do not know how to trim a Yorkie's face at home on your own. It should be noted that in salons (in addition to the bill for the main work) a fee is charged for safety, disinfection of each device, quality assurance and a comfortable waiting room for the owners. Moreover, in a specialized hairdressing salon you can always complain about a careless hairdresser if he accidentally ruined your Yorkie’s exterior instead of turning him into a handsome man. There is a special book of complaints for this purpose, thanks to which you can get a refund of the money spent. Some salons can please you with pleasant bonuses to make up for the unfortunate hairdresser. That is, everything is for you for your money.

There is also another option for professional grooming: go to the master’s home or call him to your place. Here you will pay only for the services of his high-quality work. By the way, the dog will feel much calmer in its native territory, so it is better to carry out the procedure in your home. However, during the haircut, the owner will have to leave the dog alone with the master. After all, the dog, like a child, will constantly be distracted and rush towards you, which will interfere with establishing contact with the guest and greatly complicate his work

Therefore, it is important that the pet gets a little used to a stranger, and does not take off at the sound of its owner’s voice

Photo gallery

Owners of dogs of this breed have the opportunity to constantly experiment with their pets' hairstyles. You can see examples of some haircuts in our photo gallery.

There are some dog breeds that require haircuts periodically. Otherwise, their appearance will be sloppy. A professional poodle grooming is performed at a dog grooming salon. But many dog ​​breeders prefer to trim their pets themselves. How to properly cut a poodle's hair and what haircuts exist for this breed will be discussed in this article.

Most people believe that there is no need to cut poodles, since a trimmed pet looks unnatural and pompous. However, an unclipped domestic poodle has an unsightly appearance.

In addition to beauty, a haircut also has a functional meaning. All modern hairstyles existed during the appearance of this breed. Previously, poodles were used as hunting dogs. They had to not only run fast, but also swim, chasing their prey. Long hair bothered them. Therefore, the animals were shorn “like a sheep,” removing an even layer of wool throughout the body.

The paws were trimmed to facilitate movement, and the fluffy chest was left to protect the respiratory system from hypothermia. The tassel on the tail is protection from damage when the dog moves through thickets of plants.

A properly done haircut makes caring for your pet easier. If the fur is not trimmed, it quickly begins to form unsightly tangles.

Representatives of this type of dog need to be cut to participate in exhibitions. In this case, the dog needs to be trimmed once every 2 months. If the animal does not participate in exhibitions, this manipulation is carried out once every 3-4 months, when their fur grows well.

Today, several types of hairstyles are especially popular. Let's take a closer look at them.

a lion

This haircut allows the pet to participate in a wide variety of exhibitions. A pet wearing this hairstyle will have a trimmed back part of the body (from the tail to the ribs). Fluffy pompoms remain on the tail and paws. The fur in front of the dog is only trimmed with special scissors. Must have a mustache on the upper lip. At the ends of the ears the hair is cut off.

There are several varieties of this hairstyle:

  • "English lion" Characterized by a narrower belt. It is cut at the animal's waist. Not wide “pants” are formed on the hind legs. The length of the “mane” should reach the elbows of the forelimbs;
  • "Scandinavian lion" Suitable for dogs with non-ideal body proportions. A cap is formed on the dog’s head, and pompoms are formed on the tail and paws. On the front of the animal, the fur is cut in a semicircle.


In appearance, this hairstyle is very similar to a lion haircut. Here the fur is removed from the back half of the pet's body. She is also neatly trimmed on her face, paws and tail.

The most profitable haircut option for dogs of this breed. The hairstyle here is almost the same as the “lion” one. The front of the poodle is only neatly leveled. The length of the fur on the back of the animal should not exceed 2 cm.

On the tail, the pompom should occupy most of its length. On the heels, the hairs are shortened to 10 cm. The mustache is trimmed, and above the forehead the hair is gathered into a topknot.


The “modern” haircut is one of the most popular today. The haircut begins from the back - from the back. The fur on it is cut off gradually. A pompom is cut on the tail. To give the animal the desired look, a special machine and scissors are used. The length of the hair on the cut part is at least 1 cm.

You can trim the fur between the toes with scissors or a clipper. “Panties” are formed exclusively with scissors. Males can have a beard.

Types of haircuts with photos

Scandinavian lion

When cutting the “Scandinavian Lion”, the hair on the dog’s head is cut straight to the neck, while the eyes should be visible.

The result is something like a crown. In the area of ​​the muzzle, the hair is completely removed; if desired, a small mustache can be left on the lips.

On the ears, the hair is slightly trimmed, but left long . On the body (up to the last rib), neck and chest, the hair is left long, and the hips, croup, lower back, and shins are (partially) processed using a machine.

As a result, the dog resembles an elegant lion with a mane and pom-poms on its paws and tail..


In this case, the muzzle, paws, throat and base of the tail are trimmed to zero.

At the same time, the hair on all other parts of the body is shortened. In this case, the length of the coat according to the standard should not be shorter than 1 cm.

There are many varieties of “Modern” , so when performing exhibition grooming, the master must know all the requirements of the standard, since any mistake will lead to the disqualification of the dog .


At first glance, this model is very similar to a lion, but there are still some differences. The overall outline of the hairstyle is reminiscent of the Lion haircut, but the back is cut a little differently.

On the rump, in the groin, on the lower back, the hair is not shaved to zero . On these parts of the body, a fur coat approximately 1.2 cm long is left, and the tail is decorated with a pompom.

The fur on the face and throat is completely cut off . Particular attention is paid to the hind legs; at the request of the dog’s owner, beautiful bracelets of the correct shape are cut on the bottom.


A Korean haircut is usually a hairstyle based on a sheep's haircut, but the fur on the face is cut in a special way, after which the dog looks like a plush teddy toy and takes on a very cute appearance.

This hairstyle is done quite simply; the body, paws and neck are processed with a machine, while its length remains the same on all parts of the body..

According to the standard, it should not be shorter than 2.5 cm, longer hair is acceptable. The length of the hair on the head can be longer than on the body, but the transition should be very soft and unnoticeable.


As a rule, a classic haircut is done on animals that have a very neglected appearance. In this case, the hair on all parts of the body (head, muzzle, chest, back, front and hind limbs) is completely cut off.

This hairstyle requires extreme concentration from the artist, since wounds, abrasions, and other skin damage can be found under the tangles . Usually such a haircut is performed as a last resort, if there is no other way out.

The second type of hygienic haircut is maintaining shape. In this case, the master simply trims the contours of the hairstyle using a machine and scissors.

If, after a hygienic haircut, wounds and abrasions are found on your pet’s skin, they should be immediately treated with special solutions..

And after the procedure, you need to urgently show the dog to the veterinarian.


The Continental is a show cut . Here the groomer’s task is to create the ideal image of the dog.

In this hairstyle, the head, body, front and hind legs are styled in the same way as in the “Lion” haircut.

The only difference is 2 round pompoms on the animal’s rump.


The Japanese (Asian) haircut gives the dog a very cute “toy” look. The main features of the Japanese style are neatly trimmed fur on the face and attention to detail.

Brightly colored strands, hairpins, bows and other decorations are all unique elements of Japanese style . As a result, the dog has a slightly cartoonish and cute appearance.

Another difference between the Japanese style and all others is its individual approach.

Here the haircut is tailored to the pet's character and is done very professionally . After this, the coat will be easy to care for, and the dog will have a neat appearance for a long time.

Basic Rules

If you decide to trim your pet at home, then you need to know the basic rules so that your poodle is trimmed neatly and so as not to harm the animal.

So, the basic rules for cutting a poodle:

  1. Before you start cutting, decide on its shape. When starting the procedure, you must know what needs to be done and in what order.
  2. Before the procedure, be sure to bathe your dog and dry its fur. It is highly not recommended to cut your dog's hair if its coat is dirty or wet.
  3. After bathing, it is advisable to treat the coat with a balm appropriate to the type of coat for easier combing.
  4. If your pet does not want to get a haircut, snaps or bites, postpone the procedure for several days.
  5. The dog is groomed in a standing position.
  6. Any haircut always starts from the back, gradually moving down.
  7. The dog's face and belly should be trimmed extremely carefully, as the skin in these areas is especially delicate.
  8. Particular attention should be paid to the hair between the toes, as matted clumps can cause pain to the dog. Whenever you groom, be sure to trim the hair between your toes.
  9. The dog should not be turned during the procedure. You will have to walk around it yourself.
  10. During processing, the clipper and scissors should move parallel to the cutting area and follow the anatomical contours of the dog.
  11. The haircut should always be done in the direction of hair growth, with the exception of the front paws, here the hair is cut against the growth.
  12. If you are planning a short haircut, then you should not remove all the hair at once, do it in stages so as not to injure your pet.
  13. The pet's belly and paws must be treated, regardless of the hairstyle.

Haircut price in Moscow

The cost of the master’s work depends on the type of hairstyle desired and the size of the poodle.

Poodle typeHygienicScandinavian lionModernAnglo-SaxonKorean

If you trim your pet incorrectly, you can ruin the hair structure. This can cause skin diseases, as the poodle will become more susceptible to the fluid and bacteria in it.

Therefore, if the owner is not sure that he will do everything correctly, it is better to seek help from a professional or take a course for groomers.


Step-by-step instruction

To understand how to trim a domestic poodle, you must first read the appropriate instructions. If you do everything correctly, then in your own home you can give your dog a haircut that is in no way inferior to a professional one. Although the first time it may not come out very neatly. But constant practice will allow you to hone your movements and next time your hairstyle will definitely turn out perfect.

To work you will need the following tools:

  • hair dryer, shampoo and towel, as well as cotton swabs;
  • scissors;
  • nail clippers;
  • hair clipper;
  • brush and metal comb.

During grooming, a puppy or an adult dog should stand still. This is the main condition for the formation of a high-quality hairstyle. It is best to secure your pet with a leash or a special collar.

First, the animal should be bathed and dried. After this, carefully comb his fur with a brush and a metal comb so that all tangles are broken. Now you can proceed directly to cutting.

Head and neck

The ears are folded back, and the muzzle is taken in the hands. The movements of the machine are performed from the base of the auricle and go along the cheek to the nose. The hand should move firmly. The fur is neatly trimmed around the eyes. Next, we lift the dog’s head up and cut the hair from the neck. You can leave some long hairs on your chin.


The paw is taken in the hand so that the thumb is on top. The hairs are cut with a clipper along the entire length of the limb. The fur between the toes is removed with a machine, and it can be trimmed with scissors.


On the tail, movements with the machine are made from the base to the end. A pompom is formed at the tip. Next, the hair is removed from the opposite side of the tail (it rises). The area between the hind legs is also treated.


Raise the dog's front paws and move the clipper, starting from the navel and ending on the paws, reaching the thick fur. The wool is removed according to the chosen hairstyle pattern.

A proper haircut for any type of poodle will not only give the animal a beautiful and neat look, but also save on the services of a professional hairdresser.

How to correct behavior

The reasons for aggression can be very diverse, but the symptoms almost always manifest themselves in the same way: the pet bares its teeth, growls and bites. Correctly identifying the factors that provoked inappropriate behavior will help change the attitude of an angry animal towards the grooming process.

The main reasons for a dog’s negative attitude towards trimming are:

  • fear of the procedure;
  • excessive nervousness;
  • pathological desire for dominance;
  • psychological unpreparedness.

Also, the pet may become angry and try to resist the haircut by any means if it experienced discomfort during the first procedure.


In most dogs, especially toy breeds, aggressive behavior is caused by fear. Most often, this is a consequence of the fact that the first haircut was performed incorrectly and greatly frightened the pet. Subsequently, the owner’s mistakes were repeated, and the animal’s behavior was reinforced. Fear-based aggression is very difficult to eliminate. To do this, the owner must:

  • understand what actions cause fear in your pet;
  • show maximum calm, patience and endurance to change this attitude.

To determine that anger and hostility during grooming is due precisely to fear, it is necessary to compare the dog’s behavior in other situations. If your pet always behaves calmly and only becomes angry when someone tries to trim it, then this means that this procedure scares it.


It is also difficult to trim an angry dog ​​at home, which in everyday life shows excessive excitability due to improperly formed behavioral skills. A pet who is already constantly nervous becomes lost during the grooming process and does not know how to behave. The only option is aggression, which is directly related to the owner’s emotions.

When a person knows that it will be difficult to trim an animal, he involuntarily begins to worry, and the dog feels this and worries even more. The solution to the problem in this case is the complete calm of the owner himself and the ability to find an approach to his pet.

Dominant behavior

Excessive anger in a domestic dog is nothing more than an attempt to dominate. An animal with such behavioral skills bares its teeth at the slightest provocation, trying to become the “master of the house.” The desire to dominate everyone is manifested in the fact that the pet does not allow anyone to approach the bowl or take a toy.

It is very difficult to trim an angry dog ​​with dominant behavior at home. To do this, it is necessary that the owner be much more confident in himself than the pet. The animal must feel that the leader of the pack (family) is a person who must obey.

Psychological unpreparedness

When a usually calm dog shows hostility when trying to touch certain parts of the body, it thus expresses its distrust of the owner. Therefore, before you trim an aggressive dog at home, you need to ensure that it begins to completely trust the owner. To do this, choose a time when the pet is relaxed, and begin to affectionately stroke, praise, and unobtrusively turn it from one side to the other, carefully touching the “forbidden” areas. If the animal does not interfere with such treatment, treat it with a treat and encourage it with approving words.

If such manipulations are performed regularly, the dog will quickly get used to it and begin to caress itself, demonstrating a trusting relationship. After this, similar exercises are carried out with a brush, and when the animal gets used to it, they gradually move on to a comb.

At moments when the pet becomes angry, starting to growl or bare its teeth, the procedure is not stopped immediately. First, bend his neck a little, lightly rein him in and continue stroking him.

It is very important that everything ends solely on the initiative of the owner! Over time, the dog will get used to this relationship and will no longer show hostility when trying to trim the hair.

What is necessary?

Essential Tools for Grooming a Poodle:

  • High quality dog ​​clipper with sharp blades. Moreover, the blades can be designed for cutting any breed of dog.
  • Sharp scissors, preferably hairdressing scissors.
  • Special nail clippers, since during a haircut it is advisable to immediately trim the dog’s nails.
  • Shampoo.
  • Towel.
  • Hair dryer.
  • Comb or comb.

You should also prepare a well-lit place . A table with a flat surface and a rubber mat to prevent your dog's paws from slipping is best.

Video “Poodle Grooming – Scandinavian Lion”

From this video you will learn what the Scandinavian Lion poodle haircut looks like.

On the pages of our website we have already talked about dogs of such breeds as. In the article, we paid special attention to caring for the coat of this pet - after all, in order for your poodle to look neat and well-groomed, it must be trimmed regularly. But, taking into account the fact that visiting a groomer and hairdresser for animals is not always an accessible service for everyone, we decided to tell you how to cut a poodle’s hair yourself

, and offer you a choice of several options for stylish haircuts that will turn your pet into a conqueror of human hearts and an object of everyone’s attention.

So, how to cut a poodle's hair - detailed instructions for beginners...

Required Tools

Have you decided to become your dog's personal groomer and don't know where to start? Let's go to a virtual dog beauty salon and study it from the inside, purchase cosmetics and hygiene products, and also equip our workplace with everything necessary. Here's what we need:


Groomer table. It is theoretically possible to carry out the grooming procedure on any table, but it is not convenient. You will need an anti-slip table equipped with a bracket. It can be of various sizes, with or without wheels. It is more convenient to buy a folding table for home use.


You need a powerful hairdryer, especially if you want to dry a dog with a thick undercoat. In salons they use a special compressor, but at home you can get by with a high-quality household hair dryer with 3-4 operating modes.

Scissors set

Grooming scissors are an important tool. There should be 4 of them: straight, curved, with blunt ends and thinning.


Cosmetics and care products. The minimum set is zoo shampoo and conditioner. They should be selected according to the dog's coat type.

If finances allow, you can pamper and buy for the care of your beloved pet’s coat: a nourishing mask, styling gel, oil for silkiness and shine, tinting paints, various sprays and aromatic perfume.


We choose other tools depending on the breed of the dog. If we are talking about decorative fluffy breeds, then most likely you will need: combs with frequent, rare and rotating teeth, a slicker brush, a massage brush, a furminator, a trimmer and a tangle cutter.

It would be a good idea to buy a special bathtub for washing dogs, but only if you have space in your apartment to store it.

Well, that's basically all. Now let’s calculate how much such an undertaking will cost us:

NameApproximate average price
Grooming table with bracket10 000
Hair clipper (trimmer)4000
Scissors set10 000
Other tools4000
nail clipper300
Basic cosmetic set2000
Additional cosmetic set2000
Storage case1500
Total:40 300

Perhaps the final figure will surprise you with its magnitude. Let's continue the calculations: multiply the minimum number of groomer services per year by their cost and by the life of the dog 4 x 1500 x 15 = 90,000 rubles and subtract the investments 40,300 = 49,700 rubles - this is exactly the amount you will have in the family budget. Whether it is profitable or not is up to you to decide.

In addition, you can save significantly on investments in the following ways:

  1. Equip a regular table with a rubber backing and purchase a holding bracket for it.
  2. Buy used equipment.
  3. Refuse to buy work clothes and a case for storing tools.
  4. Use mid-priced hair care products.
  5. Do not use additional cosmetics or choose them from a more budget-friendly option.

You cannot skimp on the quality of scissors and clippers. They must be the best, always new and factory sharpened.

Only such tools will give you pleasure in your work and pleasant sensations for your dog. Don’t chase products from the economy class category, they will only bring disappointment.

How much does grooming cost?

Prices for poodle grooming in rubles:

A haircutToy poodleMiniature PoodleSmall PoodleRoyal Poodle
Scandinavian lion2300240025003800

Prices for poodle grooming may vary depending on the region, the level of grooming and the professionalism of the groomer.

Instructions for model haircuts

All haircuts should be performed following the general rules. Here is a description of the most popular haircuts that can be done at home.

Scandinavian lion



The nature of the haircut depends on the condition of the laces. For a well-groomed poodle, the hairstyle can be simply adjusted:

If the poodle has not been clipped and its fur has become matted, the entire coat is completely clipped. Scissors will only be needed to process the space between the fingers.


Features of the poodle's coat

Before you and I arm ourselves with scissors and other tools that we will need to give our poodle a neat and well-groomed appearance, let’s remember the peculiarities of the coat of these dogs. So, the poodle, as well as several dogs related to these breeds - they are called big-chested, have a special coat, the like of which no longer exists in nature. Do you have any doubts? Then what do you say about that

No other animal on our planet, especially predatory ones, has long, thick, non-shedding fur evenly distributed throughout its body?

In addition to all this, the poodle has exactly the same thick and long hair growing on its face as on other parts of its body, it is even in the ear canal, and the lower part of their paws is also covered with the same hair as throughout the body. In other words, inside the ears, on the toes and between them, the hair on a poodle can grow the same length as on the tail, on the head and on the back...

Some experts put forward a very interesting theory, which claims that such shaggyness of poodles is an echo of the fact that at one time they lived in very harsh times on Earth, when mammoths roamed it, and that it was this feature that saved these dogs from death.

Who knows, but perhaps there is still some truth in this bold historical statement.

Also, when talking about the characteristics of a poodle’s fur, one cannot fail to note that it is not dog’s, nor wolf’s, but... sheep’s. What does this mean? Only that it grows in bushes from one hair follicle and is absolutely the same in length and structure throughout the dog’s body, although even in sheep it is smooth and not so long in the area of ​​the muzzle and legs. Such hairiness, quite obviously, causes a lot of trouble for the dog owner, especially if he is interested in ensuring that his faithful dog does not look like a shaggy “monster” of an unknown breed, but looks like an elegant and strict poodle. In order to achieve this, you need to try hard.

Photo and video review

There is a wide variety of poodle hairstyles. But the first independent procedure brings a lot of trouble. But if you follow the rules and constantly practice, you can become the best groomer for your pet.

Pretentiousness is not a human whim

Some people do not like the cropped individuals of this breed, because they believe that such an animal looks too pretentious and aristocratic.

But a beautiful poodle haircut is not only a tribute to mannered aesthetics, but also practicality and functionality.

In past centuries, curly-haired dogs were used as hunters to drive down prey.

The hairstyle was a kind of “workwear” for the pet, and not a decorative factor.

They often swam in ponds, and their thick fur was an obstacle to rapid movement through the water.

The legs were cut to improve the swimmer's qualities, but the chest was left full to protect the lungs from the cold.

The fluffy ball at the tip of the tail prevented skin injuries when the dog moved through difficult thickets.

How to properly comb a poodle

To prevent combing from causing pain to your pet, it is important to choose the right combs. For the procedure you will need:

  • A brush with soft bristles. It is better that the cord is springy or on a curved base. Dogs should not be brushed with brushes that have bleach (white droplets at the tip of the bristles). They tear hair, which is painful for your pet.
  • Metal comb with round and non-sharp teeth.

To see if the brush will scratch your skin, run the bristles over your hand. If it gets scratched, it's better to choose another one. The length of the comb teeth and the size of the brush itself are selected individually depending on the size of the dog.

It is best to brush your dog on the table. It is better to start from the neck, gradually going down to the stomach. Movements should be smooth, against the growth of hair from the roots.

To unravel the tangle, you can apply oil or a special spray to it. The final step is to comb your hair with a comb to check for any tangles.

You can brush your pet once a week. If you find a tangle, it is better to immediately remove it with your hands or a comb.

Poodle shedding

We wrote earlier that poodles do not shed. This is true, but the change of a child's coat to an adult one still occurs in a dog, and this happens when your teenage puppy is 8-10 months old. Then the child's coat dies off and is gradually replaced by an adult coat. If you skip this moment (many owners simply do not know about it) and do not comb out the child’s hair, then the poodle’s body will be covered with a solid dense felt consisting of dead hair, which will block the growth of new hair. The way out of this stalemate is to shave the dog's head.

The poodle never sheds again in its life. And, although theoretically the change of coat continues to occur throughout its life, the poodle sheds itself - that is, its fallen dead wool does not fall out of its “sheep fleece”. In order to remove it, the owner will need to comb out.

If during such combing you find that there is a lot of hair that has fallen out, consult a veterinarian - this may be a symptom of some disease.

If you ignore this hygiene procedure, the wool will very soon get tangled and turn into felt.

So, bathing and combing are the two pillars on which the poodle’s coat care program is based. If the owner does not do this, the dog will look unkempt and unkempt, and then there is no point in thinking about any participation in exhibitions (o). Moreover, tangled fur can cause discomfort and pain to the pet, and this can affect its health and behavior.

What to do with combed poodle hair?

Very often you hear this question from owners? You can use it for... knitting. Yes, yes, poodle hair is easily spun and can be used to make beautiful felt for insoles and therapeutic belts, which will have a good warming effect.

Given this feature of the poodle’s coat, there are even special “farms” where dogs of this breed are raised and special felt cords are grown on them. Before changing the baby's coat, the dog is still combed, and after that it stops, allowing the coat to curl into natural curls. Such curls are sorted out by hand every day so that they do not get tangled, and gradually, new and old wool is knocked together into felt cords, which are sorted out once a week. Once the cords have reached their final length, the poodle is simply trimmed...

Well, based on everything that has been written, we can conclude that the poodle will not be able to take care of its coat on its own and how long it will be.

. Therefore, this mission falls on your shoulders. And now we will tell you how to turn your “overgrown felt intellectual” into a well-groomed and tidy dog ​​at home.

Complications after haircut

A dog that is not accustomed to standing still during a grooming, even in the skillful hands of a groomer, can twitch at a crucial moment and provoke a cut or other trouble.

The cut will be treated with an antiseptic, but the aftereffects of other troubles can make themselves felt after some time and scare the owner with the pet’s strange behavior.

There was a case when, after another visit to the salon groomer, a Pekingese couldn’t go “big” for a day - he sat down during a walk, “put his tail” under himself, whined pitifully and looked reproachfully at the owner. The owner's heart was breaking; she did not understand at all what was happening to the dog. Later, experienced “colleagues” suggested that this strange behavior was a reaction to damage in the groin area during haircuts, as well as hair cut too short in the genital area. It took a week of treatment with antiseptics, persuasion and caresses during daily hygiene procedures to remove the consequences of an unsuccessful visit to the salon.

Important: for some dogs, especially males, it is not recommended to shave the hair in the groin area very short, “to zero.”

Similar behavior of the dog - strange sideways jumps, constant squats, a desire to hide - was also described by the owner of a cocker spaniel. Each time after a haircut, the dog needed time to recover.

He didn’t have any pain, he just felt uncomfortable with his hair cut, he was embarrassed and suffered from the “humiliation” he experienced.

But the essence of a proper haircut is precisely that the dog should not experience humiliation and psychological discomfort. And there should be extremely pleasant sensations. And this is achieved in only one way - love for the animal, and with the only message - to do well for him: so that his eyes look, his ears don’t itch, his paws don’t hurt, nothing bothers him anywhere, and they turn around after your dog in admiration: “Ah! What a beautiful girl!"

And kind words, as you know, are pleasant to a dog.

Bathing and drying

Bathing and drying a poodle is a simple process, but it does require some skill. Bathe your dog with warm water, rinsing off the shampoo thoroughly, as skin irritation may occur where it remains during drying. Since the poodle has a dense coat, it can take a long time to wash off.

Take your time and carry out the procedure carefully. Make sure that water and shampoo do not get into the eyes.

You can treat the area around the eyes with petroleum jelly or mineral oil. After shampoo, use dog conditioner, which will make the coat more manageable. Squeeze out excess moisture, dry your pet with a towel, let it shake off and proceed to blow-drying.

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Is it possible to cut a poodle's hair yourself?

It is better to entrust a show dog to a specialist. Any mistake will not allow the pet to take part in the competition.

It is not recommended to cut your poodle's hair yourself. This haircut may turn out to be unsightly, since the poodle's coat is very specific and requires special training.

In addition, it is dangerous because haircuts are performed using a sharp instrument, which requires certain skills.

In our pet salon, we currently give poodles a home-style haircut.

Haircut options for a poodle

If your dog does not participate in professional exhibitions, and you do not have the opportunity to take it to a professional dog groomer (read more about), you can cut your dog’s hair at home. It is recommended to carry out this procedure once every 3-4 weeks, after you have bathed the dog. Thus, your pet will look well-groomed, and from the hygienic side of the issue - it will be better for him and for you.

Today there are a huge number of options for how to cut a poodle's hair, but we would like to focus on the classics of the genre. Leo haircut and modern haircut. These haircut options are suitable for dogs of this breed, regardless of their size and gender. And, if you follow our next instructions, cutting your dog’s hair this way will not be difficult for you.

How to prepare a poodle for a haircut

Before you try on the role of a hairdresser for your pet, be sure to bathe the dog using a special shampoo for dogs, dry its hair (if the poodle is not afraid of a hair dryer, you can use this device), comb it thoroughly and carefully, trying not to hurt it, and disassemble use your fingers to remove all tangles (there is no need to pull or trim them) and do a hygienic haircut, which involves shortening the coat on the poodle’s face, on the tips of its paws, on the stomach, in the tail and genital area.

Your preparatory work can be considered completed at this point, but now we proceed to the most important thing. How and with what we will cut the dog's hair.

If a hygienic haircut is carried out with sharp scissors, then electric clippers with a 1-millimeter attachment are suitable for decorative haircuts (you should not use smaller attachments - they can cause pain to the animal and scratch its skin). If this is not your first time cutting a poodle, you can also use a mechanical clipper...

Please note that the hair on the face should be trimmed in the form of a triangle, the imaginary line of which will run between the inner corners of the dog’s eyes, from the outer corners of the eyes to the ears, and from the sternum to the ears.

Leo haircut for poodle

This hairstyle or haircut, whatever you want to call it, is one of the hairstyles that comply with FCI standards. That is, a dog in this appearance may well take part in an exhibition. So, with this haircut, the back of the poodle’s body is cut to the ribs, the paws are trimmed in the form of cuffs or bracelets (it’s up to the owner), and a tassel in the shape of a longitudinal or rounded pom-pom is left at the end of the tail. If you keep the fur on your pet's front paws, it will look as if the poodle is wearing bloomers. But you shouldn’t cut the fur on the front part of the dog’s body - you just trim the hair with scissors and remove all the hairs sticking out above. It is worth leaving a mustache on the upper lips, but it is better to cut off the hair from the tips of the ears. You will get a miniature lion poodle.

People who are ignorant of the aesthetic beauty of dog breeds are often very dismissive of poodles, believing that grooming a poodle (photos will be posted below) is a more mannered activity than a useful one.

However, even among the breeders of this breed, few people know that previously poodles were cut not for the sake of exhibition appearance, but for the convenience of the animal

, while hunting waterfowl.

Today, the excessive “fluffiness” of poodles is more a tribute to elegance than functionality. The dog lives in the house, and the pet’s pretentious haircut is now the owner’s way of self-expression. However, there are classic rules and features of poodle haircuts.

It should be noted that dogs of this breed take the grooming process calmly. Poodles are so accustomed to living next to people that they do not perceive the groomer as a threat, receiving real pleasure from the procedure. the poodle is not even fixed, he sits with dignity, flawlessly following the commands of his owners.

An exquisite poodle is a representative of the secular canine society, so its appearance should always be at its best. It is almost impossible to properly cut such a dog on your own; there are a lot of options for “hairstyles”, and new trends appear all the time.

The basic “Lion” haircut appeared in the distant hunting past; all other effective methods are only its modifications.

To keep the coat in excellent condition, it needs to be groomed regularly. For this, owners will need:

  • brush with a rubberized base;
  • sparse comb;
  • slicker;
  • tangle cutter

Puppies should be brought to the groomer as early as possible.

and update forms constantly. Before starting the process, the dog must be bathed and the fur thoroughly dried.

Curls appear on poorly dried wool, which makes it difficult to give the desired shape when cutting.

Which haircuts are best for puppies, miniature and toy poodles?

Initially, poodles were not cut for beauty. Long hair prevented dogs from hunting and entering holes.

Haircut options for small dogs:

  • Puppies are treated hygienically, leaving hair as short as possible. The “puppy” or “clown” option is suitable.
  • Miniature poodle haircuts are divided into classic and model. If an exhibition is planned, it is necessary to clarify the recommendations of the commission members.
  • Various options are suitable for toy poodles - teddy bear or urku, puppy, sports and others.

It is important to accustom your dog to using a hairdryer when drying wool from puppyhood.

Poodle haircuts: nuances you need to pay attention to

Classic variations: “pappy clip”, “lion”, “English saddle”, “modern”. With them, dogs are admitted to international exhibitions, all other images are considered domestic.


The description of the mechanics highlights only the main points that require attention.

"A lion"

The technique is simple, just stick to the silhouette
described by the standards:

  • parts of the body that are cut to zero are processed using a machine;
  • cut off the face. Two-thirds of the throat is occupied by an oval or V-shaped neckline up to the ears;
  • pom-poms on the front legs, in the hock area of ​​the hind legs and on the tail.

Particular attention is paid to the “crown”, choosing either a “cap” or a standard cut shape. There are variations with “mittens” and the American “Lion” (standard for the royal poodle).


The standards establish that with such a haircut, hair is removed from the muzzle, cheeks, throat, paws, part of the abdomen and a third of the tail.

. They leave whiskers and fur on the ears. The crown is cut from the ear and given a semicircular shape. Haircut principles:

  • the hair of the scruff is cut so as to create a soft transition to the back and sides;
  • short hair remains on the body, the chest and buttocks are cut off;
  • leave a short length from the withers to the sacrum;
  • the tail ends with a round pompom;
  • the feet are trimmed, the claws should be visible.

There is a variety of "Modern" called "puppy". This is how young poodles are cut without touching or changing the contours of the mane.

Anglo-Saxon haircut or "English saddle"

The most advantageous option for poodles:

  • the front part of the body is cut according to the contours of the “Lion”;
  • the fur of the sacrum and groin is no longer than 2 cm;
  • the pompom occupies two thirds of the upper part of the tail;
  • the forearms are completely bare to the middle, two horizontal “cuts” need to be cut on the hind legs;
  • hair on the heel at least 10 cm long;
  • the hair of the head above the forehead gathers into a top-knot;
  • “antennae” is not left behind.

The Anglo-Saxon haircut comes with “sleeves and pants”, then the forearms are not cut.

"Pappy Clip"

Previously, dogs under the age of 15 months and participating in junior exhibitions looked like this. Now this is one of the most fashionable haircuts for adult poodles.


  • the muzzle is cut very short;
  • the hair on the dog’s paws and body is only slightly shortened;
  • the hind legs are trimmed so that the “pants” do not hide the bend of the joints;
  • a “helmet” is cut on the head, the presence of a forelock at the owner’s choice.

Useful video

In the video below you can visually see the process of professional poodle grooming:

If your pet does not attend exhibitions, then you can cut it in any way you like, combining styles and techniques. Usually owners give preference to practicality. But poodles need to be cut not so much for beauty, but to facilitate hygiene procedures. A show dog visits once every 2 months, a domestic companion - once every 4 months.

Many beginning poodle owners ask questions: how to cut a poodle's haircut, how to make a hairstyle for a poodle, what poodle haircuts to use

are allowed to the exhibition and what kind of haircuts. We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

It turns out that not all haircuts are suitable for poodles that participate in exhibitions. In FCI countries, only poodles with Scandinavian Lion, Continental, Modern, and English Lion haircuts are allowed. And for puppies - pappy clip - the first and second puppy haircuts.

Rules for preparing a poodle for a haircut:

1. The poodle should be very well combed.

2. The dog should be washed with a good shampoo.

3. The poodle should be blow dried. Blow-drying your dog should be combined with brushing it.

"Pappy Clip"

This haircut is intended for puppies up to one year old. The peculiarity of the haircut is that the poodle's hair is shaved only on the paws, muzzle and at the base of the tail. The rest of the hair is trimmed evenly over the dog's entire body.


The haircut looks quite nice. Poodles do not take part in exhibitions there. But the haircut is popular among non-show poodles.

"Scandinavian Lion"

Considered the most classic and popular show haircut. The advantage of this haircut is that it can be used to hide some imperfections in the poodle's anatomy. At the same time, a skillfully done “Scandinavian lion” haircut emphasizes many of the dog’s advantages.


It is very popular in the USA; most poodles there have just such a haircut. But for this haircut, the dog must have ideal proportions, since with this haircut it is no longer possible to hide imperfections. The dog is cut Continental starting from 12 months. This cut takes a little less time than the Lion and Puppy cut. However, this haircut is quite challenging.

"Modern" and "Lion"

According to the standard, poodles with “modern” and “lion” haircuts perform at exhibitions. These haircuts are simpler.

“Modern” is a lightweight version of the “Scandinavian Lion”, and

“Lion” is a lighter version of “Continental” (there are no pompoms at the end of the back). The disadvantage of simplified haircuts is that it appears that the poodle has short hair... If the dog does not have any awards or titles, then it may be mistaken for a poodle with a bad coat.

Grooming Basics for Beginner Poodle Owners

Grooming Basics for Beginner Poodle Owners

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Any novice owner who has chosen a poodle dog consciously takes on the responsibility of caring for the rich, elegant coat of his pet. So that these duties are not too tiring, especially for an inexperienced owner and a small puppy, a young gentleman named Jasmine from Fleeting Vision will demonstrate those simple steps for basic poodle care that you can afford in an ordinary apartment. To give the coat a model look or prepare a poodle for an exhibition, it is better to invite a professional master or visit a groomer in a salon. At the same time, remember that, if possible, you should contact a specialist in the breed so as not to fall into the hands of a vandal.

First of all, a novice owner should master the obligatory haircut, which is called hygienic, since it not only decorates the animal and gives it a neat appearance, but also ensures its full functioning, leaving natural openings (anus, ears and eyes) open. The puppy should be accustomed to this haircut from the age of three weeks and should be done regularly, at least once every 3 weeks.

Our Jasmine at 3 weeks

Now Jasmine is 5 months old, and he takes all procedures completely calmly.

In addition to a hygienic haircut, we will show you such mandatory procedures as washing and drying, which are also carried out at least once a month.

Depending on the thickness, adult fur should be combed with a moisturizing detangling spray every 1-2 weeks. And show animals are washed once every 2 weeks using professional cosmetics. In this case, no additional combing is required. I prefer to always wash combed wool, as under-combed wool becomes even more tangled when wet. If the coat is clean enough, it is better to perform a hygienic haircut BEFORE washing, so that shaving and microscopic particles of wool do not irritate the skin. If the coat is dirty, it is better to wash the dog first.

For a hygienic haircut, we will need a clipper and a nail clipper. For professional groomers, I recommend machines from Oster (USA) or Mozer (Germ.) models 1225 (Professional) or 1245 (Max) with removable knives, for beginners Mozer models Optima or Rex with a non-removable but adjustable blade in length. First, shave the face dogs, mentally drawing lines and placing “dots”. The bridge of the nose is shaved from a horizontal line, mentally drawn between the inner corners of the eyes, to the nose. Then the muzzle is shaved under the eyes and on the sides in the direction of the lobe. After this, we shave the cheekbones along a horizontal line from the upper corner of the ear to the outer corner of the eye. We shave the lower part of the muzzle-chin. From the lower corner of the ear, we move the machine down in a semicircle, achieving a “shirtfront” shape, to the lowest point, which we mentally designate as 1/2 from the distance under the jaw to the sternum (where the sternum protrudes). Jasmine demonstrates how the face and neck should look after shaving. The fur inside the ear is carefully shaved or cut off with small scissors. And when fluff begins to grow there, it is better to carefully pull it out with your fingers and pluck it out. To make it easier to remove hair from the ear and eliminate the dog’s feeling of discomfort during this rather unpleasant procedure, there is a special antiseptic powder. If you leave fur inside the ear, wax will inevitably form there, an unpleasant odor will appear, ear plugs may form, or otitis media may occur.

We continue the hygienic haircut. We carefully shave the dog's belly with a wide strip from the point of the navel (it is visible on the belly due to small curls of hair) to the testicles in a male or the loop in a female. Do not shave the fur on the inside of your legs too much! The male and female genitals should also be neatly shaved. The hair around the anus and at the base of the tail is also shaved about 2-3 cm so that the remaining hair on the tail forms a pompom.

The next stage is shaving the paws. Each paw is shaved on the outside just above the point where the toes separate, between the toes and on the inside between the toes and pad.

Then you should trim the claws with a special nail clipper. They come in two types - side and “guillotine”. I prefer the latter. The apricot poodle's claws are usually brown, so the light shows where the vessel ends, the so-called “live part.” The remaining part of the claw is cut off. If you accidentally damage a vessel, do not panic, but blot the blood with a cotton pad and sprinkle the bleeding area with any hemostatic powder. For example, I always keep on hand the homostatic powder Algistab, which dentists use.

When shaved, the foot looks like this.

The poodle's teeth should be checked at every hygienic grooming. If plaque becomes noticeable on them, it should be removed with a regular brush and toothpaste for dogs. And if tartar has formed, it is better to contact a veterinarian, who will remove the stone using a special dental instrument.

Bathing a poodle.

For bathing we will need shampoo, a synthetic suede cloth, balm and a good terry towel.

Carefully wet all the dog's fur with warm water. I don’t cover my ears when washing, I simply direct a stream of water from the shower onto my head from above, while covering my ears with my hand. The ears themselves are also thoroughly soaked and soaped. Then the entire body and limbs are soaped.

If the shampoo is highly concentrated, then it should be diluted strictly according to the instructions in the required proportion in a ladle or jug.

If the fur is poorly washed, then you will have to soap the dog twice.

After the shampoo is completely rinsed off, conditioner is applied to the coat. It is left for a few minutes and washed off thoroughly. Excessive balm residues make the wool heavier and “greasy”, so it is necessary to wash off the balm. We first wring out the wet wool with our hands, then blot it with a special rubberized napkin.

This is a synthetic chamois that will absorb all the excess moisture and reduce the dog's drying time, especially for an adult poodle with a full mane.

Next, we wrap our clean poodle in a towel and keep it there for several minutes so that it does not freeze after the “bath”.

The next important stage is thinning out the wet wool. It will require a powerful 1800-200 W hair dryer and a good slicker. It is best to purchase slickers, "Doggy Man" or "Show Tech"

It is necessary to remember that thinning does not simply involve drying with a hairdryer as blowing out moisture, but the obligatory pulling of the fur using a slicker (slicker). The more carefully the wool is pulled, the longer it will retain its shape and the less it will tangle.

Drying should begin with shorter areas (croup, hips), then moving to the stomach, sides, chest, head, back and legs. At the end, we dry the ears, since they retain moisture the longest (if, of course, there is a lot of hair on the ears).

The wool should “crumble” under the stream of air from the hairdryer, showing through the skin. If this does not happen, perhaps the wool is tangled and you are simply “smoothing” it on top. This technique is incorrect and ineffective.

So, our Jasmine is trimmed and ready for a model haircut. Before you start trimming the body, you should decorate the dog’s head with a top note; in an adult show poodle, the mane and ears should be placed in curlers.

Jasmine has only one rubber band of hair on her head, but it must be placed above her eyes so that her eyes are not closed. The poodle must see the white light!

Of course, at the very end, Jasmine was completely trimmed. This is the result we got!


Should you cut your hair yourself or leave it to a professional?

If you have certain skills, you can do a simple hygienic haircut yourself . This requires tools and a little skill.

But, when preparing your pet for an exhibition, a home haircut is indispensable. A professional is needed here. Moreover, the master must have extensive experience working with poodles.

As for hygienic haircuts, if you have little experience and are afraid of injuring your pet, you should also contact a grooming salon . An experienced hairdresser will not only show you how to cut your pet’s hair, but will also give recommendations.

Features of dog/animal clippers

Often, inexperienced pet owners make 2 typical mistakes in grooming: they try to trim their pet themselves with scissors or a human trimmer. Why you shouldn't do this:

  • There is a lot of fuss with scissors, it is time-consuming and unsafe, because... you can injure the animal with sharp ends and catch the skin;
  • human hair and animal fur have different quality, so the settings of the knives, the angle of contact with the skin, the width of the working area, the working time - everything is different, this threatens microtrauma to the animal (plucking tufts of fur, burns from overheated knives), rapid dulling of the knives, inconvenience in work with wool.
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