Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai) - external characteristics, choosing a puppy, maintenance and care, diet, dog diseases + 74 photos

Review author: “ZooVita”

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog, or Turkmen Alabay, is an ancient breed of dog that was formed naturally in the vastness of Asia.

Legend says that once upon a time in the steppes of Central Asia there was a terrible five-toed, cunning and treacherous beast. One day the shepherds found his puppies and took them for themselves.

The main purpose of these animals is to herd livestock and protect from wolves; they have innate protective and security qualities.

In the Central Asian steppes with harsh conditions, only the strongest individuals survived. As a result, a breed of strong and fearless dogs was formed that skillfully spend their strength.

At first, dogs with a certain color were called alabai, now this is what all Central Asian shepherd dogs are called. There are several regional varieties within the breed.

In Turkmenistan, purebred Alabais are bred, which are called Turkmen wolfhounds. They are recognized as a national treasure, and in 1990 the breed was officially registered in the republic. In Turkmenistan they like to hold dog fights with the participation of Alabais, although these are not fighting dogs. They let the enemy go after winning and do not try to finish him off.

It is believed that the Alabai is related to the Tibetan mastiff and the Mongolian wolfhound.

Soviet breeders were breeding the breed for use in the protection of government facilities. Difficulties with training and training forced them to abandon this idea.

History of the Alabai breed

The animal is several thousand years old. The very first description of Alabai dates back to 1121 BC. In ancient times, the Central Asian Shepherd was used for driving livestock and guarding homes. The animals were regular participants in dog fights, during which the character of the breed was formed.

Distant relatives of the Alabai are considered to be Tibetan mastiffs, aboriginal breeds of herding dogs and Molossoids of Central Asia. Experts from the International Canine Association officially recognized the breed in 1989.


Asian Shepherds have good intelligence. Their development is at the level of two- to three-year-old children. However, the Alabai has one feature that can create the wrong impression regarding the intellectual characteristics of this dog: it thinks for a very long time.

Despite this quality, the Asian Shepherd is far from a stupid animal, although the first impression may be the opposite. Alabais are intellectually superior to their closest relatives - Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. Therefore, the behavior of these dogs is dictated not by instincts, but rather by reason.

It is impossible not to notice that this particular trait of the breed can create certain problems regarding submission and obedience: the Central Asian Shepherd Dog tends to make decisions on its own. That is why the dog is unlikely to comply with a stupid, empty or simply illogical demand of the owner.


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Breed standard

The dog has a rough build, massive bones and strong muscles. The height of a male dog can reach up to 70 centimeters. The dog's weight reaches 80–90 kg (in some cases, Alabai weighs more than 100 kg). The skull is of considerable size and has highly developed zygomatic arches. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is slightly pronounced. The nose is large, with wide nostrils. The neck is short and strong.

The ears are small and triangular in shape. Dog ears are usually cropped at a young age. The eyes are set wide apart and have a round shape. The jaws of the Alabai form a scissor bite. The chest has considerable width and depth.

The back is straight and wide. The lower back is strong. The tail is set high and crescent-shaped. It is usually stopped at an early age. The forelimbs are parallel, with massive forearms. The joints of the hind limbs are somewhat straightened. The paws are large and oval in shape.

External signs of the Central Asian Shepherd

The photo of the Central Asian Shepherd shows that it is a rather large and tall dog, with a muscular body that is in harmony with its proportions. Bitches tend to be slightly smaller in stature, and cables have broad, large chests and “hard” shoulders.

A male dog reaches a height at the withers of 70 centimeters, but greater height is possible. His weight is at least 50 kilograms, and the female is slightly weaker in proportions.

You need to know that this breed should not have extra pounds against the background of fatty tissue, that is, only muscle mass predominates.

The head and muzzle are standardly close to a rectangular shape, the forehead is wide, separated by a shallow groove. The bite of the teeth is correct and not crooked, and the teeth themselves must be present in the mouth in full. The color of the dog's elastic, dense coat allows for any color.


The dog is fed the following foods:

  • Boiled meat (veal, chicken, turkey).
  • Thick porridge (rice or buckwheat).
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and fermented milk products.
  • Meat broth.
  • Boiled egg yolks.
  • Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, zucchini).
  • Sea fish (it must be deboned before serving).
  • Offal (tripe, lungs, heart, liver, etc.).

The diet of the Central Asian Shepherd can include professional feed mixtures, which are enriched with special vitamin supplements. The animal needs plenty of clean drinking water.

Where to buy a purebred dog?

If you decide to buy a puppy, then you will certainly have a question about where to buy a purebred Alabai. You can buy an animal at a bird market, but you will not have evidence that it is an Asian Shepherd. The nursery will be ready to give you a puppy for 15-40 thousand rubles. Naturally, the breed of an animal purchased at a special institution will be documented. In addition, the puppy will have the right to participate in various competitions and exhibitions.

Care and maintenance

Alabaevs are usually kept in enclosures that have an insulated booth. It is better to make the enclosure fence from thick reinforcement. The height of the fence should be 2.2–2.5 meters. An animal can be kept in an apartment, but it will have to be allocated a significant area.

The thick coat of the Alabai needs to be brushed periodically with a slicker brush. A dog's hair has the ability to self-clean. You should not bathe your dog often.

Alabai's teeth need to be brushed with a brush and a special paste. The animal's ears and eyes need regular examination. They should be periodically wiped with a clean cloth or cotton pads soaked in warm water or disinfectant lotion.

Alabais require regular physical activity. They need to be walked 2-3 times a day for 1.5-2 hours. If you walk with your dog in crowded places, then it must be muzzled and on a leash. The owner must have sufficient physical strength to hold a 70-kilogram animal.

Smooth-haired and long-haired dogs

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs have a coat consisting of 3 layers: dense undercoat, outer coat, and guard hairs. The hairs are thick and hard, dense and erect.

The area of ​​natural residence of the Alabai affects their appearance, including the length of their coat. Depending on the length of the hairs, Alabai are divided into two types - long-haired and smooth-haired.


Alabais living in mountainous areas are more massive, their subcutaneous fatty tissue is better developed, and the outer hair of such dogs is longer - 7-10 cm, fluffy. They have a well-developed mane and decorative hair on the withers, behind the ears, in the riding breeches and on the back of the tail.

Thanks to their low center of gravity, these dogs can maintain balance during mountain treks. They have a balanced nervous system, a well-developed vestibular apparatus and do not need constant contact with humans.

Long-haired Alabai do not require an insulated enclosure in winter; they tolerate any frost well.

The long-haired Central Asian dog is common in Turkmenistan, but it has not yet been recognized as an independent breed; officially it is a mongrel.


Dogs living in steppe regions have lighter bones and higher legs, they are more mobile and have a smooth (3-5 cm in length) coat. The short-haired Alabai has a more active psyche, it is more sociable and easier to train.

Their coat is uniform throughout the body, shortened on the front side of the paws and slightly lengthened at the withers.

Education and training

Alabai training should begin at an early age. The dog needs strict discipline. A shepherd dog must undergo a general training course (general training course). Desired behavior should be reinforced with praise and treats.

The dog must follow basic commands both in close proximity to the owner and at a considerable distance from him. If the animal refuses to obey, then it can be slightly tugged with a leash or directed by hand in the desired direction.

An adult Alabai will not allow himself to be raised; he will become the head of the family and will impose his will on the owner. Raising an Alabai requires persistence and patience. Some shepherd dogs are willful and slowly obey the will of their owner. That is why they are not used in law enforcement agencies (attempts to make a service dog out of the Alabai were made in the USSR).


Let us immediately note that the Central Asian Shepherd is not an easy dog. She is willful, proud, prone to leadership and primacy. But, once in the hands of an experienced dog breeder, she becomes obedient and working.

The character of the animal has been developed by breeders over several centuries. The forefathers of the breed sought to breed a dog that would protect people and hate other four-legged animals.

These qualities would allow the dog to become universal. It was used by farmers, animal fight organizers and ordinary people in need of a kind pet. Courage is the main quality of this proud animal.

It is not afraid of absolutely anything, but there is one thing that can agitate the Alabai - a long separation from the owner. The owner is the main person for him. The attitude towards him determines the dog’s behavior in any area. If there is respect for the owner, the dog will be obedient and well-managed, and vice versa.

The Central Asian Shepherd will not allow anyone to offend the people who live with it. Even in the absence of respect, she will fiercely defend them if the situation demands it. We are talking about physical injuries.

Yes, the Alabai breed can attack a person if it feels threatened by him. Trying to protect her household, she will stop at nothing. Therefore, such a dog can be called an excellent protector.

He loves and protects his family, but is fierce towards strangers. In the absence of competent upbringing from an early age, the dog will become a serious threat to others. In some countries of the world it is considered a cold weapon.

On the command “Fas”, the dog will attack a person and can kill him. He is often driven by a bloodthirsty instinct. However, this does not make him a killing machine. Do not forget that domestic dogs are controlled creatures.

Representatives of service dog breeds become especially attached to one person, in whom they see a leader. In the absence of one, the breadwinner becomes their owner, that is, the person who fills their bowl with food.

Alabai will never treat him with respect, since he perceives him as a being who caters to his primary needs. In this case, the dog treats the owner as a consumer. What should its owner be like?

A person who is going to have such a pet must be strong in all respects. Under no circumstances should you show him weakness, otherwise the beast will consider that he is more important, since he is not afraid of anything.

Dog handlers insist that the owner of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog should be a man. Practice shows that a formidable dog is more loyal to the stronger sex. However, with the right approach, even a physically weak woman can win his trust.

This is one of those breeds that does not like excessive noise and commotion. Its representatives like peace. Alabais are home guardians of silence, only they can break it. If one of the household members starts a quarrel with another, the dog will probably move away from the epicenter of events and go in search of a quieter place.

He likes walks. A well-mannered large dog on a leash can also be manageable. Being on the street, he strives to fully comprehend the world around him. A problem will arise if he meets cats on his way. Central Asian Shepherds hate them. However, a well-mannered pet will not chase an animal because it knows that this will upset its owner.


The dog is given its first vaccination at the age of 2 months. After 3 weeks, the vaccine is given again. The next vaccination is given after 6 months. Further, vaccinations are given once a year. All medical procedures must be performed by qualified professionals.

Injections can only be given to a healthy dog. After vaccination, you must comply with the quarantine regime (water procedures and heavy physical activity are contraindicated). For injections, it is better to use high-quality polyvalent vaccines that meet international quality standards.

Alabaev mating

Female Central Asian Shepherd dogs estrus once a year (the duration of estrus is 21 days). By the time of estrus, it is advisable to decide in advance the question of the father of future puppies. It is better to entrust the choice of a male to your pet's breeder.

Both parents must have all the necessary documents (pedigrees, veterinary passports, etc.). Mating is best done 11–17 days after the bitch begins to estrus. Payment for mating is carried out according to the terms of the contract (it can be made in money or puppies).

Reproduction and lifespan

Breeders of large breeds often experiment with puppy colors. For example, they breed dark males with light females. In the case of Central Asian Shepherds, this is acceptable, since the standard allows for a large number of color options for puppies.

The main requirement for candidates for mating is health. Dogs should not have parasites, otherwise they will definitely be passed on to future puppies. The male and female must be strong, healthy and fit. The optimal age for their reproduction is 2 years.

Before accepting the owner of an Alabai bitch into his territory, the owner of a male dog should give him milk. According to experts, this will increase the chances of conception.

It is possible to accurately determine a dog’s pregnancy only a month after mating. Her tummy will become noticeably rounder. At the stage of bearing offspring, care should be taken to organize a protein diet for her. You need to include cottage cheese, cheese and milk in your dog’s menu. Alabai faithfully serve the owner from 10 to 14 years.

Choosing a puppy and prices

You can purchase Central Asian Shepherd Dog (CAO) puppies only from specialized nurseries that have an FCI/RKF certificate. At the time of purchase, the little Alabai must be 2 months old. The breeder is required to provide a certificate of origin and a veterinary passport. It is also worth paying attention to the presence of a mark and a special chip that is implanted under the skin of the animal.

If possible, try to get to know the puppy's parents. You should be satisfied with their character and appearance. Observe how the Alabai puppy behaves in a group. He should actively play with other dogs and strive to take a leadership position.

Examine your puppy's teeth; he should have a scissor bite. The animal's fur should be dense, soft and shiny. The dog should not be afraid of sharp sounds and sudden touches. He must have a good appetite, clean eyes and ears. The cost of a SAO puppy ranges from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.

Health and illness

Purebred Central Asian Shepherds inherited excellent health and excellent immunity from their ancient ancestors. But these strong and hardy animals are also not immune to illness. Diseases of Alabai are associated with genetic factors and improper maintenance.

The most common problem among Asians is musculoskeletal disorders. This occurs due to their large mass. Due to increased loads, the knee and hip joints are seriously damaged.

With short walks, the dog becomes obese, which will lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system and various forms of arthrosis or arthritis. The latter are accompanied by severe pain, which means that your pet will experience unbearable suffering. To effectively prevent obesity in Alabai, it is necessary to properly organize its diet: the feed must contain the required amount of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other microelements. Be sure to pay attention to the dog’s physical activity.

Due to an unbalanced diet, metabolism can also be disrupted, which can lead to diabetes. Always remember that food from a human table poses a risk to the health of your four-legged pet. In addition, it is necessary to select specialized dog food very responsibly, since some of them cause allergies in animals.

The presence of helminths in the animal’s body is another serious problem. A dog infected with parasites becomes lethargic, loses appetite, and loses weight. To avoid such problems, the pet must be dewormed twice a year.

Ticks and fleas can also cause a lot of serious troubles such as demodicosis and other diseases. An effective method of protection against these dangerous blood-sucking insects is a special collar to combat ectoparasites. And also for the prevention and treatment of such diseases, a variety of drugs are used for external and internal use. However, it should be borne in mind that all of them are very toxic, so they should be used under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Nicknames for Alabais

Alabai is a large dog with a fighting character. The nicknames of Central Asian Shepherds should reflect the psychology of the animal and emphasize its advantages.

Nicknames for male dogs: Hammer, Bear, Atlas, Antey, Hercules, Ram, Boar, Mars, Whirlwind, Executioner, Watch, Athlete, Abrek, Khan, Shah, Bai, Buran, Hurricane, Diamond, Assault, Guardian, Vulcan, Leader, Mamai, Udar, Sherkhan, Shaman, Uranus, General, Trap, Blade.

Nicknames for bitches: Armor, Zarya, Dream, Blizzard, Thunderstorm, Rose, Storm, Cannon, Dream, Gerda, Myna, Mira, Puma, Panther, Attack, Hera, Fury, Wall, Mine, Bomb, Arch, Gyurza, Palmyra, Mamba, Dora, Queen, Mile, Tower, Heat, Race, Victory, Strength, Fairy Tale.

Pros and cons of the breed

The undoubted advantages of the breed are:

  • Developed protective instincts and menacing appearance.
  • Good health.
  • High level of intelligence and good memory.
  • Unpretentiousness.

Obvious disadvantages of alabai :

  • Willful and independent character.
  • Doesn't get along well with pets.
  • May show unmotivated aggression towards passers-by and other dogs.
  • Maintaining alabai requires significant financial investments.
  • The dog is of impressive size and takes up a lot of space in the apartment.

Photos of popular species and their descriptions

Alabai is a common dog breed, especially in Asian countries. And each of them has its own vision of the ideal representative of this breed. Additionally, the appearance of each breed variety varies depending on its natural habitat.


The Tibetan Alabai is a large, shaggy and muscular dog with harmonious proportions and a moderately elongated body. Males grow to at least 70 cm at the withers with a body weight of 50 kg, females are 65 cm tall and weigh 40 kg.


They are considered the descendants of Tibetan mastiffs, which, after entering Central Asia, began to acquire features characteristic of modern Alabai.

These are guard dogs, not fighting dogs, but they can fend for themselves and protect their owner. They have a tendency to dominate and can get along with other animals only if they recognize their leadership qualities.

Turkmen Alabai
are fierce and independent, but also loyal, self-confident and have a balanced character and stable psyche.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are freedom-loving animals that will not obey anyone except their owner, in whom they will see the leader and leader. They are much more aggressive and impetuous than the Turkmen Alabais.
They do not require special care and live an average of 14-15 years. Height at the withers is about 65-75 cm, and body weight is 50-75 kg. Most often these dogs are used for protection. Due to their high degree of aggressiveness, such dogs must be kept with the utmost care.

Turkish Kangal

Representatives of the Turkish Kangal breed have been used since ancient times as fighting dogs, protectors and hunters.

These are obedient dogs, distinguished by speed, courage, endurance, vigilance, distrust and the ability to make decisions independently, assessing the situation. They are kind and flexible and get along well with other animals.

Height at the withers reaches 70-80 cm, weight – 55-65 kg. The coat can be gray-yellow or gray-brown.

Kyrgyz wolfhound (debit)

The breed is on the verge of extinction.

These wolfhounds were used primarily for herding. These are large, powerful animals with thick and straight hair; they can be either short- or long-haired. They have a calm character and are obedient. They grow up to 70-76 cm at the withers and weigh 40-70 kg.

Uzbek buribasar

Compared to other varieties of Alabai, the Uzbek Buribasar has a miniature stature, an elongated body and an elongated muzzle.

Smart, flexible, reserved dogs.

Kazakh tobet

Strong, hardy, large animals, reaching a height of 77 cm and a weight of about 45-65 kg. The coat is coarse and thick, piebald or spotted color is acceptable. They get along well with other animals and have a good guard instinct.

At the moment, the species is on the verge of extinction.


The Siberian Alabai is a cross between a German Shepherd and a Siberian Husky. A large dog with thick fur. Characterized by a high level of intelligence, sociability, obedience and developed security and protective instincts.


These dogs are larger than the Turkmen Alabay, have a heavier shape and resemble St. Bernards. Good-natured and reserved animals, good shepherds and loyal friends.

Alaskan Malamute)

There are 2 types of Malamutes: Kotzebue (with a wolf-colored coat) and M'Lut (coat of black and white, sable and white, white and blue). They grow up to 77 cm at the withers and weigh 55 kg. Friendly, intelligent, but sometimes overly stubborn dogs.

Armenian (Gampr)

These are viable, independent, self-sufficient dogs with short or long coats. Height is 65-78 cm, weight is approximately 60 kg.

Alabai from Afghanistan

One of the oldest dogs with a refined body, up to 75 cm tall and weighing 30-45 kg. Wool can be black, white, red, blue and other colors. Willful animals with a tendency to dominate.

Bad habits of Alabai

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs can bark and howl at night . This feature of the animal causes a lot of concern for the owner and neighbors in the house. Central Asian Shepherd puppies periodically chew shoes and clothes. Sometimes it gets to the feet of the owners. The dog needs to buy special toys so that it can exercise its jaws.

Alabais, which the owners keep in their summer cottages, can do “earth work.” They will begin to spoil the beds and trample the flower beds. The owner must protect the plants with a strong net or make a fence.

As a sign of protest against the owner’s orders, the animal may relieve itself in the wrong place. Such behavior should be stopped with a condemning tone. Most of the problems associated with keeping Alabais can be solved through proper education and training.

Owner reviews

The owners of Central Asian Shepherds claim that this is in fact the best watchdog. Alabai can live peacefully in a booth and enclosure. He is not picky about food and unpretentious in care. Such a dog, according to reviews from the owners, will not allow a stranger into the territory and will not offend the household.

Before buying an Alabai, you need to consider all the pros and cons of this breed.

There are also negative aspects of the breed. Alabais are capricious, therefore they require constant training and a strong hand. In addition, without long walks and jogging, the dog quickly loses shape, which in the future threatens obesity or joint pathologies. This should be taken into account by those who are just preparing to purchase for themselves a reliable guard in the form of a Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

Interesting Facts

  • In Turkmenistan, alabai are considered a national treasure. They cannot be exported outside the country.
  • An adult dog can eat up to 3–4 kg of food every day.
  • All Alabai are born with blue eyes. Over time, the color of the iris darkens.
  • The world's largest alabai lives in Stavropol. The dog weighs about 120 kg and has a body length of about 2 meters. The animal's nickname is very eloquent. Breeder Alexander Khudyakov named his four-legged friend “Bulldozer.”
  • The name of the breed “Alabai” is translated as “motley” or “multi-colored”. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has other names. In Uzbekistan, dogs are called buribasar (wolfhound), and in Kazakhstan - tobet (dog on the top of a mountain).
  • Alabais are completely prohibited in Denmark. Ukraine and Russia have added the dog to the list of dangerous breeds.
  • The dog can successfully repel an attack by a snake, scorpion or other poisonous animals that are found in abundance in Central Asia.

Who is stronger: Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd

Fans of huge, large dogs often ask the question: “Who is stronger and more powerful: the Alabai or the Caucasian Shepherd?” The answer is simple - both dogs are quite strong. They both have very capricious characters at times.

  • The Caucasian Shepherd is an independent, stubborn, balanced dog. Her calling is to protect sheep from attacks by predatory animals. She is extremely wary of strangers. This animal, as a rule, has no fear.
  • The Caucasian requires a lot of attention from the owner. She will faithfully serve her master and adore the whole family. She treats children very kindly.

The main thing is to properly raise and train your pet. After all, if there is insufficient upbringing, the dog will take advantage of the owner’s weaknesses, and perhaps it will want to dominate. Training should begin from puppyhood.

Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherds are similar in many ways. Therefore, when choosing, it is better to be guided by personal preferences, and not by the strength and endurance of animals. After all, each animal is individual.

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