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Swedish-made food is practically unknown on the Russian market, despite the comparative proximity of Sweden to the borders of our state. One of the few bright representatives of the Swedish feed industry on our pet market is the Magnusson brand.

The design of Magnusson packaging is minimalistic and made in a natural style. The combination of natural colors prevails here - different shades of green and brown.

Among the diets of this brand there is dry food for adult dogs of all breeds Magnusson Meat & Biscuit, which translates as “meat and biscuits”. In fact, its granules look quite ordinary, so the name is more of a marketing ploy. The annotation for the food says that the food is also suitable for large growing dogs.

Let's look at the composition of Magnusson Meat & Biscuit Adult Dog in detail, describing in detail all its pros and cons - so that the overall assessment and rating of the food looks reasonable.

Dog food manufacturer Magnusson and its official website

The manufacturer of Magnusson feed is a Swedish company with more than half a century of experience in working with animals in the field of breeding and feeding. Magnusson Petfood AB was officially founded in 1995 and represents a group of like-minded people involved in the family business.

The food is made from environmentally friendly raw materials - no antibiotics or growth hormones are used in raising animals. There is also an emphasis on a special technology for preparing food - the granules are baked in ovens at fairly low temperatures and for a long time, which allows the maximum benefit from the raw materials to be preserved.

The company's products are known in many countries in Europe and America, as well as in Russia, where they can be purchased not only on store shelves, but also ordered online on the websites of Russian suppliers. The official website of the Swedish company is www.hundmat.com. Russian-language information can be obtained from the distributor’s website https://kormipravilno.ru/.

Magnusson feed range

The Magnusson food range cannot be called rich, but the list includes products that cover a wide variety of pet needs. Dry food is divided into two lines: Original and Meat&Biscuit. Both lines are baked and therefore safe for your pet's teeth.

Both lines are of good quality, but differ significantly. In addition, there is an assortment of treats.

Meat & Biscuit

The Meat & Biscuit series is made from fresh beef. The basis is minced meat, which contains 2/3 water. When drying (baking), water evaporates from the meat, as a result of which its volume decreases by 2/3. Simply put, from 100 gr. minced meat, taken as a basis, the feed contains 44–45 grams. dried meat.

Magnusson Grain Free is a grain-free food for adult dogs with normal activity levels.

Magnusson Grain Free is a grain-free food for adult dogs with normal activity levels. The product is suitable for both adult and growing pets. The product is characterized by high palatability, which can be considered a plus.

The food contains beef and does not contain meat and bone meal or by-products – this is also good. Contains chicken eggs and carrots (a source of vitamin A). Carrots are a source of coarse fibers that have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sweet potatoes and peas serve as a source of carbohydrates in the feed. This is a good solution, since properly processed potatoes contain microelements and have a positive effect on water-salt metabolism. Peas serve as sources of carbohydrates, vegetable proteins and coarse fibers - an excellent combination.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 24% – satisfactory.
  • Fats 12% – satisfactory.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3.5% – good.
  • Carbohydrates 44.5% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 9% is good.
  • Calorie content 1430 kJ/100 g. (341.78 kcal/100 g.) – satisfactory.

Note! Magnusson Grain Free food contains berries, a source of vitamins.

Magnusson Adult - for growing and adult dogs

Magnusson Adult – for growing and adult dogs with normal activity levels. The food can be used to feed a large breed teenager. According to the manufacturer, the products have a strong, meaty aroma.

The composition includes up to 44% fresh beef and whole grain flour. The use of flour is justified by high energy requirements. It contains eggs, barley flour, carrots and potatoes.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 24% – satisfactory.
  • Fats 12% – satisfactory.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3% – satisfactory.
  • Carbohydrates 45.5% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 9% is good.
  • Calorie content 1450 kJ/100 g. (346.5 kcal/100 g.) – satisfactory.

The calorie content of the feed significantly exceeds that of proteins. However, whole grain flour is not a pure carbohydrate; it contains plant proteins and microelements. Barley flour, which is part of the product, is not well tolerated by all animals; allergies are possible.

Magnusson Work - complete nutrition for adult dogs with high activity levels

Magnusson Work is a complete nutrition for adult dogs with a high level of activity. The main protein element is beef pulp. The food contains no meat and bone meal or by-products. Like other foods in this line, Magnusson Work includes: carrots, potatoes and eggs.

Coarse wheat is included in the feed as a source of carbohydrates. In addition to carbohydrates, wheat is a source of coarse fiber; it has a beneficial effect on the synthesis of amino acids in the body.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 28% – good.
  • Fat 18% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3% – satisfactory.
  • Carbohydrates 35.7% – good.
  • Moisture up to 9% is good.
  • Calorie content 1577 kJ/100 g. (376.9 kcal/100 g) – good.

Fat and carbohydrate levels are slightly increased. The fat content of the food affects the liver, but for adult, active dogs, the excess is insignificant. It is a little alarming that wheat was used as a source of carbohydrates, since it can cause an allergic reaction.

Magnusson Light - food for adult dogs prone to gaining excess weight, as well as for dogs with a low activity level

Magnusson Light is a complete food for adult dogs prone to gaining excess weight, as well as for dogs with a low activity level. The products are intended for dietary nutrition and maintaining normal weight after weight loss. The food is considered as a preventive product for maintaining joint and heart health.

Main ingredients: beef, chicken eggs, carrots. The source of carbohydrates is wheat. Cereals are processed by coarse grinding, which preserves coarse fibers and microelements. The food contains a basic complex of vitamins, which allows you to gradually reduce the portion of food consumed per day.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Protein 20% is bad.
  • 8% fat is bad.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3% – satisfactory.
  • Carbohydrates 53.3% – bad.
  • Moisture up to 9% is good.
  • Calorie content 1359 kJ/100 g. (324.8 kcal/100 g.) – satisfactory.

Very interesting indicators for dietary food. Exceeding the norm of carbohydrates, against the background of a significant decrease in protein content, is the wrong decision.

Reducing calories is achieved by reducing the fat content of the feed - this is not bad. In addition to coarse wheat, the feed contains barley flour. Both products can cause allergies. Note that in most dietary foods, rice is taken as the carbohydrate base.

Magnusson Junior - complete nutrition for puppies, young dogs, pregnant and lactating bitches

Magnusson Junior is a complete food for puppies, young dogs, pregnant and lactating bitches. The food is suitable for raising young, athletic dogs. The main components of the feed: beef, wheat and barley flour, carrots, potatoes.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 26% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 14% is good.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3% – satisfactory.
  • Carbohydrates 41.8% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 9% is good.
  • Calorie content 1493 kJ/100 g. (356.8 kcal/100 g) – good.

The food contains reduced protein content - which is very bad for puppies, young dogs and lactating bitches. Otherwise, the food is suitable for everyday consumption, provided that the dog is provided with adequate walking.


Original is a series of foods that are made from dried meat. The composition contains dehydrated meat, that is, dehydrated is good. The amount of protein products can be assessed immediately by their composition.

Magnusson Kennel - complete nutrition for adult dogs

Magnusson Kennel - complete food for adult dogs. The product is suitable for large breed teenage dogs. Main ingredients: whole grain flour, animal protein, potato fiber, brewer's yeast, minerals, vitamins and microelements.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 25% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 12% is good.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2% – bad.
  • Carbohydrates 45.5% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 9% is good.
  • Calorie content 1493 kJ/100 g. (339.4 kcal/100 g.) – satisfactory.

In the first place in the composition, cereals are bad. The source of protein is not indicated (presumably beef and poultry) - this is also not good. Yeast is a source of B vitamins and amino acids, an antioxidant and a good supplement.

Magnusson Latta - food for adult dogs with low energy intake and dogs prone to gaining excess weight

Magnusson Latta is a complete nutrition for adult dogs with low energy intake and dogs prone to gaining excess weight. Main ingredients: whole grain flour, animal fat, vegetable and rapeseed oil, potato fiber, yeast.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Protein 20% is bad.
  • 8% fat is bad.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2% – bad.
  • Carbohydrates 54.4% – bad.
  • Moisture up to 9% is good.
  • Calorie content 1350 kJ/100 g. (322.7 kcal/100 g.) – satisfactory.

Given the reduced calorie content, it is unclear why the carbohydrate content in dietary food is significantly higher. The conclusion is that the calorie content is reduced due to the low fat content. Consequently, the dog will lose muscle mass rather than fat.

Magnusson Den Naturliga Hundmaten - for dogs prone to allergies

Magnusson Den Naturliga Hundmaten – for dogs prone to allergies. The main ingredients are KRAV certified - that's good. The product is recommended as a starter feed when transitioning from natural nutrition. Naturliga contains no yeast or preservatives.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 22% – bad.
  • Fats 12% – satisfactory.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.2% – bad.
  • Carbohydrates 48.5% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 9% is good.
  • Calorie content 1350 kJ/100 g. (344.2 kcal/100 g.) – satisfactory.

Main ingredients: organic wholemeal flour, beef, vegetable oil, organic rapeseed oil, potatoes. There are no questions about the allergenicity of the composition; the only thing that confuses us is the lack of a list of grains. The nutritional value of the food is questionable, because if a dog is allergic, this is not an indicator of low activity and need for animal proteins.


Magnusson treats are crackers that can be used for rewards, such as training purposes. The composition of the treats is similar to food, but they are softer and convenient for use on a walk.


ORGANIC HUND GODIS KEX – cookies with beef in the form of large bones. Main ingredients: whole wheat flour, beef, chicken eggs, carrots.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins – 13%.
  • Fats – 7%.
  • Fiber (fiber) – 4%.
  • Carbohydrates – 63%.
  • Moisture – up to 9%.
  • Calorie content – ​​1450 kJ/100 g. (346.6 kcal/100 g).

The calorie and carbohydrate content is greatly overestimated, even taking into account the fact that we are talking about a delicacy. Typically, treats contain more meat and no grains . In terms of composition, ORGANIC HUND GODIS KEX is a dense snack, so you need to treat your dog with cookies wisely and not too often.


ORGANIC EKOLOGISKA HUN DKEX is absolutely similar in composition to ORGANIC HUND GODIS KEX, but is made in the form of small, crispy bone-cookies. The products can be used as a reward or a hygienic treat. To prevent plaque formation, after eating, the dog is given several treats.

Note! All components of the treats are certified by KRAV. Simply put, the ingredients are naturally grown, reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

Magnusson food range

Distinctive features of the company's products:

  • The range of Magnusson food is not very large, which is explained by a special approach to food production, which produces fragile biscuit granules suitable for dogs with any jaw size.
  • The manufacturer emphasizes that all products contain high-quality protein in a high volume, which is extremely important for dogs, whose diet should consist of at least a third of meat.
  • The list of ingredients is not long, but it is optimal for feeding dogs and contains all the necessary components for proper development and harmonious growth.
  • The croquettes are not covered with fat, which is usually done for preservation and to increase palatability. This serves as a guarantee of feed quality and increases confidence in the technological process.

The shelf life of Magnusson food and treats is 10 months from the date of sale. Storage conditions are normal (room temperature), but it is better to keep the bags closed to prevent the attractive smell from dissipating.

Other Magnusson feed ingredients

The third ingredient in the diet is Eggs, that is, eggs. This component was translated into Russian as “fresh eggs,” although nothing is said about this in the English-language composition. It must be admitted that on the front side of the pack there is a mark “fresh eggs”, but this is not reflected in the English label. As a rule, there are very few eggs in diets - rather, it is a protein nutritional supplement.

4% rapeseed oil is added as a source of fat. The diet does not contain any isolated sources of animal fat.

As for fiber, we found carrots (Carrots) in this food - in the Russian version it is designated fresh, as well as isolated potato fiber. It’s good that there are not so many of these components in the composition.

All vitamin and mineral balancing supplements are listed in detail on the label - this is convenient for understanding the composition as fully as possible. But we couldn’t find any information about what exactly the diet was preserved with.

Magnusson feed composition

The composition of Magnusson feed is different in different categories, but in any case, the production uses meat from animals that were not raised with antibiotics or growth stimulants, and all products are environmentally friendly, certified by KRAV (Swedish quality control of agricultural products).

All brand products have a small ingredient composition, but the company’s position is that dog food should not consist of a long list of products if those items that are available are able to meet the nutritional needs of animals.

What exactly Magnusson food consists of will be discussed using the example of Meat&Biscuit Adult daily food for adult dogs.


  • 44% fresh minced meat (beef and pork (no more than 5%))
  • wholemeal wheat flour, barley flour
  • fresh eggs,
  • cold pressed rapeseed oil, rosemary oil
  • fresh carrots, potato fiber
  • minerals
  • vitamins and microelements

Guaranteed analysis:

  • Proteins 24%
  • fats 12%
  • fiber 2%
  • carbohydrates (NFE) 45.5%
  • minerals 6.5% (of which 1.3% calcium and 1% phosphorus)
  • water 10%

As you can see, the food contains a sufficient amount of fresh meat that has not been frozen or preserved, and another useful source of animal protein is fresh eggs. Sources of fat are vegetable sources, suppliers of carbohydrates and fiber are wheat and barley, as well as vegetables.

The considered composition provides the dog with a sufficient amount of animal protein, as well as fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. This food does not require feeding your pet with other products.

Magnusson dog food - reviews

Review of Magnusson dog food, writes Elena. Good afternoon. We have been eating Meat and Biscuit for adults for a long time now (two Chinese Crested dogs) - the appetite is good, the weight is stable, the stool is normal. The dogs have water at all times, but they don’t have a strong thirst for food (they ate, drank a little and that’s it). The food has a fairly faint odor, indicating the absence of flavorings. Everything suits both me and the dogs, so I recommend it!

Review of Magnusson dog food , writes Nadezhda. My dog ​​ate Magnusson Meat&Biscuit Junior food for about two years - the excess weight disappeared and Puffy (for some reason she funny named her pet) became more muscular. I really liked the food and would still feed it, but when the ruble exchange rate dropped significantly, I had to switch to cheaper food

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