Details about the duration of pregnancy in dogs by day

A dog's pregnancy is a very exciting period. Responsible owners always calculate the due date in advance in order to be well prepared for this significant day. Then everything goes without complications and with minimal stress for the pet.

Our online calculator will help you make an approximate calculation of the gestation period and date of birth of your dog. You will receive all the necessary information in just a couple of clicks. Using the calculator will not cause any difficulties, even if you are not good with a computer.

General description of the condition and duration

In dogs, pregnancy normally lasts from 60 to 70 days. At the same time, completely viable babies can be born as early as 58 days. If childbirth occurred earlier, this is considered a pathology. Premature birth can be caused by injuries, a hidden course of the disease, a very young or old body, as well as the exhaustion of the female or her excessive obesity.

If babies were born before 72 days, this is considered normal. This is due to the fact that the duration of gestation may vary slightly among different breeds. If childbirth does not occur on the 73rd day, a consultation with a veterinarian and a caesarean section is necessary. To perform it successfully, you need to accurately determine the location of the puppies in the stomach of a pregnant dog.

It is worth noting that the first pregnancy can be unpredictable, so it is very difficult to determine when a dog is due to give birth. The timing may be affected by the following factors:

  • breed of animal;
  • weight;
  • the number of puppies, as well as their sizes.

Small breeds of dogs usually bear offspring for 60 days. In this case, there can be 3-4 babies in a litter. In large breeds, puppies are often born on the 65th day of pregnancy. A litter here can consist of up to 15 puppies.

The more babies there are, the longer they will be born. At the same time, the development of the fetus in dogs by day almost does not depend on the breed. Therefore, owners of any breed of dog can use standard charts to track the condition of puppies in the womb. The location of the fruits does not vary much depending on the breed.

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International Veterinary Center for Reproduction and Artificial Insemination of Small Animals

The calendar is compiled for a pregnancy duration of 62 days. The 5-day variation is due to the time of ovulation in the female. The mating dates are indicated in the cells shaded in gray, and the expected range of birth dates is indicated in the corresponding cells of the same row.

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Nikitina Irina Igorevna reproductologist e-mail: petreproduction [at] gmail [dot] com

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What are the first signs of labor?

If your pet gives birth, you will notice the signs listed below:

  • Anxiety;
  • Possible difficulty breathing and walking;
  • Decrease in body temperature to 37.3-37.6 degrees (as indicated by the thermometer).
  • As the contractions become more severe, your pet will lie on his side and you will be able to see his abdominal muscles contract.

This usually means the first puppy or kitten is on the way.

Note. Purposeful labor should last no more than 30 minutes for dogs and 60 minutes for cats.

If the birth process exceeds this time without the onset of labor, contact your veterinarian immediately.

the health of your bitch.

An unhealthy bitch should never be bred to supposedly “improve” her health. Such a statement by some “veterinarians” will have the opposite effect for both the bitch and her offspring. Considering that we coexist with our pets very closely, we do not have separately built enclosures and other premises for our dogs - the requirements for health, cleanliness, and hygiene must be the strictest so as not to affect the health of our children and loved ones. We will not dwell in detail on the well-known procedures for keeping and caring for a dog; we will only draw your attention to the additional requirements for preparing a bitch for mating.

First of all, the bitch must be in normal condition (not too thin or fat). An overfed, obese bitch will never produce healthy, strong offspring and will have problems in the postpartum period. Optimal condition is the key to mating success; an overfed bitch sharply worsens the prospects for pregnancy. There is no point in dwelling on the problems associated with a viscous, thin and underfed breeder.

In addition to improved coat care and increased walking, which strengthens the muscles, the fitness of which is conducive to successful labor, the bitch should be examined by a veterinarian before mating. Freed from worms. To increase the immunity of future puppies (preferably before mating), it is necessary to vaccinate the bitch again against distemper, leptospirosis, parvo- and adenovirus and do a blood test for brucellosis, toxoplasmosis, campylobacteriosis, and then if the test results are positive, you will have the opportunity and time to treat the bitch, and if the results are negative, you will find peace of mind for the litter, the health of the dog and your family. Such a blood test is quite complex, requires specialist qualifications and sophisticated laboratory equipment, and is done in several special institutions, the direction and address of which will be given to you by a breeding advisor in your club.

Before mating, it is not recommended to change the feeding diet if the bitch is in normal condition, but additional vitamins and mineral supplements should be introduced, since the formation of future puppies will require a large amount of macro- and microelements. To prevent possible complications during childbirth in the form of eclampsia and puppy convulsions, it is advisable to increase the supply of calcium supplements in the form of calcined cottage cheese, especially for long-haired dogs. Which empty days are the most effective for mating? - a question that faces every breeder.

The most effective days for mating vary significantly not only among different dog breeds, but also individually within the same breed. There are too many reasons causing such variability, and they are strictly individual for each bitch. In dog breeding practice, there are several methods for determining the exact day most appropriate for mating, which is determined by taking swabs from a loop, but these methods, although very effective, are very labor-intensive. You should still resort to them if the bitch is bred for the first time and has an expensive trip to a foreign manufacturer. The most optimal days are considered to be 12-15 days of emptying (counting from the appearance of the first drop of blood).

As a rule, bitches remain empty only due to the fault of the breeder, who incorrectly calculated the days for mating or does not know the peculiarities of the emptying of his bitch. A common reason for the birth of a small litter is early mating (on days 9-10), which increases embryo mortality. Some dog breeds, for example, Shar-Pei, Chow-Chow and others, are mated at later dates, while small breeds are mated somewhat earlier. The optimal days for mating are purely individual for each bitch.

Each breeder should keep a notebook to record the dates of the first and subsequent breedings, their duration and the intervals between them. Describe their characteristic features. The days and months of vaccinations performed and test results are recorded in the notebook. In the future, the dates of mating, childbirth and the postpartum period are entered into it. Such a diary is necessary in your practice, as it will help compare the results of subsequent matings, evaluate and coordinate your successes or mistakes.

With the appearance of the first drop of blood, you will have to complete mandatory procedures related to the official registration of the future litter and its recognition in the organization where your breeding bitch is registered. Pedigree and puppy cards for your puppies can only be issued by the organization that issues the official referral of the bitch for mating. You must appear on reception days to the club livestock specialist or breeding adviser with a club membership card, once again discuss candidates for partners for your bitch and receive an official form for a referral for mating to a specific and agreed upon sire and his understudy. The referral must be signed by an official and bear the seal of that institution. It indicates the breed, the name of the bitch and the last name of its owner. The name and coordinates of the main manufacturer, the address and telephone number of the owner, the club in which this manufacturer is registered, and the backup. On the back of the referral form, the date of the mating and control is recorded. Signatures of the owners of both partners are required. After the mating is completed, the referral must be submitted to the issuing club no later than five days, where the mating will be registered, and, consequently, the future litter and its official recognition. Otherwise, the puppies will be considered unplanned and left without pedigrees. But before these formalities there will be negotiations with the owner of the selected manufacturer, and if he is registered with another club or kennel, then with the breed advisor of the manufacturer’s club, since all the interests of its club members and breeding producers are carried out by his canine organization, and the interests of the club manufacturer may not coincide with your plans. If the issue of timing, payment for mating and the consent of the male owner is resolved positively, then the referral from your club is exchanged for the same referral from the manufacturer’s club and remains as a document guaranteeing the agreement on this mating. You hand over the exchanged and completed manufacturer’s club referral to your club.

Such seemingly bureaucratic measures not only guarantee payment for mating, but also exclude the substitution of the manufacturer. If payment for the mating is made immediately, and this is usually done if the partners belong to different clubs, then the owner of the sire is obliged to immediately hand over to the owner of the bitch a photocopy of the dog’s pedigree, certified by the signature and seal of the breeding adviser.

Now is the time to think about a knitting instructor who will help you make it happen. Each breed club has such specialists, and owners of male dogs, as a rule, have contact with them and invite them to breeding. Payment for the instructor is carried out by both owners." Protect the pregnant bitch for the first two weeks after mating.

Is it possible to change this indicator with the help of medications?

If your body heat increases or decreases during, before or after childbirth, do not self-medicate. Contact your doctor immediately or invite him to your home ; perhaps the dog is cold or too hot; you need to wrap it up, lower the temperature in the room, or wipe the dog with cool water. In this case, you can use any medications only after the recommendation of a doctor.

Having familiarized yourself with the pedigree of the manufacturer you have chosen

, the adviser will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of his ancestors and the compatibility of genetic traits with the pedigree of your bitch, and will suggest the most successful combination specifically for your bitch, which will prevent a possible marriage in the litter. You can agree with him or remain unconvinced, but you should still listen to the advice of a specialist. Such a consultation will save you from future disappointment and pointless work and costs. It is advisable to select two applicants in case of various unforeseen circumstances.

Caring for a dog during pregnancy

A pregnant pet needs special care from the first days of mating. The animal must be fed properly. It is better if you consult a veterinarian who will give the necessary recommendations on the bitch’s nutrition during this important period. Perhaps a specialist will recommend special food, as well as supplements and vitamins. Walking your pet should also be given great importance. You need to know that a dog can run and jump during the first month of bearing puppies, but in the future you should avoid sudden movements, running and jumping.

Also, if possible, you should avoid bathing and washing your dog. You should not allow your pet to lie on damp and cold ground or grass to avoid hypothermia of the animal’s body.

Veterinary clinic on Galichskaya - assistance to pregnant dogs

If it is important for you that your pregnant dog bears healthy puppies, and that the birth is successful and without complications, then by contacting our clinic on Galichskaya you can count on the help of qualified specialists. Our veterinarians will conduct the necessary examination of the animal, give all the necessary recommendations for care and feeding, and also ensure that the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies or complications.

You can purchase all the medications, food, vitamins and supplements needed during your dog’s pregnancy at the veterinary pharmacy at the veterinary clinic.

take a closer look at the male dogs at shows

, ask about their origin, the place they occupy in the rings, but do not be hypnotized by his high titles and titles, they do not always coincide with the true value of the sire, and he may not be the best partner for your bitch. If you have a choice ready, or are unsure of your competence, now is the time to seek advice from a breed specialist. You may have to put aside your ambitions for the sake of business and follow the principle: “a mind is good, but two are better,” especially since a qualified advisor for the breeding of this breed has information about the producers not only of his country, but also the development of the breed as a whole.

Further care

After your first-time dog has finally given birth to her puppies, it's time to give her a thorough cleaning. But don't give her a full bath or she'll catch a cold. It is also advisable to take your pet for a walk

Pay special attention to caring for newborn puppies: stock up on cotton diapers and wash them regularly. It is better to avoid woolen bedding and fabrics made from other materials at first, since it will be much more difficult for you to keep them clean

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Cotton diapers can be safely soaked in “Whiteness” or an alternative product. Thus, you will take care of the health of babies susceptible to external infections. Pregnancy with a young German Shepherd will not be too burdensome for you if you prepare in advance to care for your pet at home.

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