Georgian Shepherd - mountain shepherd, helper and protector

The Georgian Mountain Shepherd, or Nagazi, is a representative of the Molossian group of dogs. Dogs helped the aborigines protect their sheep herds from predators and were reliable guards in human habitation. The species has been recognized as a separate breed since 2000.

History of the species

The Georgian Shepherd is the result of folk selection. The first representatives of the breed appeared in the northeast of the country. The species originates from the Tibetan mastiff and was bred for population tasks. Nagazi accompanied the shepherds, helping them take care of their herds. Their main task was to drive away wolves and bears from the sheep. Georgian Shepherds were trusted to guard homes. There is a legend according to which, while protecting the youngest member of the family, the Nagazi tore to pieces a wolf.

Since until a certain point no one identified the Georgian mountain as a separate breed and did not care about the preservation of the species, the number of nagazis gradually decreased. The species was on the verge of extinction. In 2000, the Georgian Cynological Federation officially adopted a single standard. The description includes all information about the breed and permissible deviations from the norm. Today, a union of specialists is working on the development of the species, and the herding dog is gradually gaining popularity outside the country.

The breed standard allows for some deviations due to the fact that the number of purebred Georgian Shepherds is extremely small

Historical reference

The breed is well known and popular in its homeland and is almost unknown in the wider world. The Portuguese Mountain Shepherd is a dog of ancient origin, whose history is shrouded in myths and folk versions. It is known that the bone structure of the Estrela Shepherd Dog is very similar to the ancient herding and guard dogs of Portugal. The exact age of the group is unknown. Dogs most likely came to Portugal during the dawn of Ancient Rome. As you know, Molossians served in the Roman army. There is no written or other factual confirmation of this version, but this particular story seems logical.

The Estrela Shepherd is naturally formed, which gives the breed endurance. The breed was bred to suit the needs of the local population, climate, landscape, pace of life, etc. The uniformity of the livestock is ensured by the fact that there were simply no more hardy and hard-working dogs on the territory.

Pedigree breeding of Portuguese Mountain Shepherds was so conserved that even in the 20th century the existence of the breed (outside Portugal) was known only by hearsay. The indigenous population of Portugal valued endurance and dedication to work, but exhibitions and shows were considered a whim and the lot of “refined foreign breeds.”

The first shepherd dog was shown in the big world only in 1908. Several fans of the breed brought their favorites to see their working qualities. The Estrela Shepherd Dog was shown working with herds of cattle and what was seen greatly impressed both the judges and the audience.

Over the next 10 years, Portuguese Mountain Dogs became regular competitors. It’s interesting that the conditions for victory became more and more tough, but the four-legged animals completed the tasks with ease every time.

In 1922, a black version of the breed standard was developed in Portugal, which was approved after complete stabilization of the exterior. In the first version of the standard, very important breed characteristics were missed, which set pedigree breeding back several steps. Thanks to enthusiasts who spared no effort, no money, no time on educational work, a more complete standard was created.

Since the 1950s, professionals have taken up the breeding of Estrela Shepherd Dogs, who were concerned not only with the practical side of the issue, but also with the uniformity of the livestock. Representatives of the breed group began to appear frequently at shows, and since the appearance of the dogs is truly impressive, this fueled the interest of experts and the public.

Breed characteristics

The head shape of the Georgian mountain dog is close to a rectangle, and its size is proportional to the body. The skull is flat, oblong and deep, the forehead is flat, the occipital protuberance is developed, but hidden behind bulky muscles. Moderately pronounced brow ridges. Wide black or brown nose with developed nostrils. The muzzle is wide, shorter than the skull. The neck should be short and powerful.

The Georgian Shepherd is distinguished by its massive, large build and moderately elongated format. The muscles are clearly expressed, without relief.

The teeth are white, set close together without gaps. A scissor bite is considered normal for the breed; slight deviations are acceptable. Ears are traditionally cropped. The eyes are medium-sized, oval and deep-set. Usually dark, but for dogs with white ears and light colors, light shades are acceptable.

A distinctive feature of the Georgian Shepherd is its head: it has the shape of a rectangle with a flat forehead and a powerful nape.

The nagazi has muscular withers, which are well defined and raised above the line of the back. The straight and wide back goes into a short and powerful loin. The croup is round, close to horizontal. The chest is wide and slightly rounded. The lower chest line is at elbow level. The stomach is moderately tucked. The tail is thick at the base and set high. The movements of the Georgian mountain bike are free, sweeping and balanced. The breed is characterized by a short trot, which turns into a heavy gallop when running.

Males of an adult Georgian Shepherd reach a height of 65 cm at the withers. Females are shorter, the norm is a height of 60 cm. Weight ranges from 50-70 kg. The length of the legs to the elbows is slightly more than half the height. The angle of the pleural scapular joint is 100°. Forearms are straight and strong.

There are no requirements for coat color in the breed description. Nagazi fur is shiny, close to the body, short with a thick undercoat. In the area of ​​the neck and withers, an increased length of the pile is permissible.

The Georgian Shepherd can be any color

The character of a nagazi includes:

  • distrust of strangers;
  • courage;
  • highly developed protective instinct;
  • calm;
  • Confidence in your strength.

External calm and slowness are replaced by decisiveness at the first sign of danger. The breed is characterized by a tendency to dominate, so training a Georgian Shepherd requires persistence and patience from the owner. Training and socialization should begin at an early age.

Social qualities

Due to its natural endurance, the Georgian mountain dog has increased performance. She is not afraid of low temperatures and high loads. The Georgian Mountain Dog is suspicious of strangers. The pet looks calm and slow, but makes decisions quickly and reacts with lightning speed to any circumstances. Nagazi is able to assess the level of danger and is instinctively disposed to protect those who are weaker. Based on these characteristics, the breed can be defined as suitable for guard duty.

The Georgian Shepherd is a leader by nature. In the family where she grew up, she does not show aggression, but her wayward character requires a strong-willed owner. Nagazi obeys only one person unquestioningly; the rest will have to negotiate with her.

Nagazi easily finds a common language with children. The dog is able to distinguish small ones from adults. She enjoys participating in children’s games and clearly controls her strength. Tolerant of the pranks of children, tends to patronize those who are weaker.

The pet may show aggression towards animals that the Georgian Shepherd does not consider part of the pack. This is also true for dogs living in close proximity to four-legged animals of other species.

The Georgian Shepherd gets along with other pets, including cats and birds. The breed was bred to guard herds, so there is no aggression towards animals in it. With dogs, regardless of breed, leadership disputes can arise. This is a temporary phenomenon that goes away as soon as the relationship between the animals is clarified.

Moscow watchdog

This breed is quite young and belongs to the dogs bred by Soviet breeders. A very large dog with a bright, expressive appearance.

Such dogs are very self-confident and disciplined, and at the same time independent. They perfectly protect both the entrusted housing and the life and safety of the owners, and all family members.

Unlike many breeds, the Moscow Watchdog does not choose in favor of one of the owners. The dog's fur is thick and warm, which helps it survive the winter cold well. The breed does not require special coat care. However, feeding such a dog can be difficult. It should be remembered that representatives of the Moscow Watchdog species are prone to food allergies and should be careful when choosing a diet for their pet.





Contents and features of care

The lifespan of a Georgian Shepherd is about 15 years. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by good health. Proper care and quality nutrition allow your pet to live comfortably into old age.

A nagazi will only obey his master

Common problems:

  • joint diseases;
  • disorders in the cardiovascular system;
  • obesity.

A large and active dog needs movement to maintain health. It is advisable to keep it in a private house, in a fenced area. It is uncomfortable for a Georgian mountain dog to stay in an enclosure or on a leash for a long time. If there is an urgent need, the pet must be accustomed to a limited space gradually.

The diet may include natural products, mainly meat with the addition of cereals, or special food. The wool is resistant to dirt and does not require regular brushing.

Which ones are in good health?

A healthy dog ​​is, first of all, a dog that is well looked after and cared for, fed with healthy food, and regularly taken for walks and to the veterinarian. But heredity is also important: there are breeds that, according to veterinarians, rarely get sick and do not have congenital pathologies.

Which dogs get sick the least? Important: according to statistics, the best health will be in a breed from the primitive group - that is, those in the process of whose formation humans practically did not interfere.

When looking for a healthy pet, you should not chase beauty and a fantastic pedigree; it is better to prefer an active and happy life with your pet.

There is no specific classification of dog breeds with the best health. But, thanks to the observations of veterinarians, it is possible to identify breeds that have a longer life expectancy and are less likely to have health problems. Who is one of them? Four-legged friend: 34 dog breeds for children


Nagazi or Georgian Mountain Shepherd is a national Georgian breed, considered one of the oldest in the world. The dog is balanced and calm, hardy, and feels great in different climatic conditions.

In Georgia, representatives of this breed were used to protect sheep from predatory animals.


The Nagazi dog was first remembered in the literature of the 14th century; it was described as a fighting and hunting dog.

In the works of V. Bagrationi, a specialist in the study of the traditions of Georgian sheep breeders, it is recalled that strong and fearless mountain shepherd dogs protected the herds from wolves and leopards, and bears were afraid to approach the territory where they sensed the presence of brave dogs.

The average height of males is 68-77 cm, females 63-72 cm.

The average weight of males is 60-75, females 50-65 kg.

Distinctive features


The skull is large, the forehead is wide. The head is oval. The stop is moderately pronounced. The muzzle is shorter than the skull, deep and wide.


The teeth are strong and fit tightly together. Scissor bite.


The ears are hanging and set high. Sometimes they are docked.


The eyes are oval, deep-set. The preferred color is dark, but light shades are also acceptable.


The chest is deep, the lower chest line extends to the elbows. The back is straight and wide. The stomach is moderately tucked.


The front legs are straight, set parallel. Forearms are strong and straight. The hind legs, when viewed from behind, are straight and parallel. When viewed from the side, the angles of the hock joints are clearly visible. The paws are oval, collected in a dense ball.


The coat is short, coarse, with undercoat. The coat is shiny and longer at the withers and neck. The color can be any.


Nagazi are calm, balanced and non-conflict. Despite these qualities, the Georgian Mountain Shepherd is an excellent watchdog.

The dog treats strangers with distrust and caution, even if the owner communicates with a stranger, the nagazi will be wary. If threatened, the mountain shepherd will rush to protect its family without hesitation.

Representatives of this breed are friendly and get along well with the owner and his family. The dog enjoys playing with children and can look after the little ones.

Despite the dog's affectionate attitude towards children, parents should not leave them alone. A dog can reluctantly harm a baby due to its large size.

The dog adapts well to any conditions and can withstand both cold and heat well. Nagazi is easy to train, but will only listen to the owner; he is friendly towards the family, but will follow the commands of only one person.

Interesting fact

The Georgian Mountain Shepherd gets along well with other animals, with the exception of waxy dogs. At the sight of such an animal, the nagazi’s instinct will kick in and she will attack the “enemy.”

Russian greyhound (Russian wolfhound)

  • Origin: Russia
  • Height: from 68 to 85 cm
  • Weight: from 34 to 40 kg
  • Life expectancy: 7 to 10 years
  • Temperament: calm, affectionate, courteous, intelligent, independent

Russian Wolfhounds have the elegance and grace of a greyhound, and are able to run quickly like hounds even in very cold climates. They have the body type of a greyhound, which is necessary for running at high speed, but this breed is larger and stronger than other greyhounds. The long, silky coat, which can be smooth, wavy or rather curly, provides protection from cold and snow.

The Russian Greyhound was bred by the Russian aristocracy hundreds of years ago. Her ancestors were known in Russia back in the 13th century . In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, they decided to improve the breed by crossing racing hounds with bear hounds and with tall Russian shepherd dogs to increase the size and length of the coat necessary for hunting in cold climates.

The first standard was described in the 1600s in a book of rules for hunting with greyhounds. Hundreds of serfs cared for dogs on vast estates; the hunt itself was a grand event. More than 100 greyhounds could take part in the hunt.

Fun fact: By the 1800s, there were seven different subtypes of Russian greyhounds in Russia. The Russian Tsar often presented greyhounds as gifts to royal families. After the Russian Revolution, the times of the nobility ended and the breed began to lose popularity.

Representatives of this Russian breed of dogs behave quietly and obediently indoors. Outdoors, they run with wild abandon and will chase any running animal. Russian Greyhounds are independent but very affectionate with their family. Although they are generally good with children, they may not be playful enough for them. Some may even be timid and shy away from strangers.

Russian Wolfhounds need opportunities for daily exercise. While a long walk can satisfy most of their needs, it should be combined with sprinting in a large, safe area. The coat, which is usually thicker on males, needs brushing two or three times a week; At times the dog sheds a lot.


Today the Nagazi is a fairly popular breed. You can find official nurseries in Russia and the CIS countries.

Before purchasing, you should study the breed standards to be sure that the puppy you are purchasing is purebred.

Also, before purchasing, it is worth checking the breeders’ documents to ensure the integrity of the seller.

Puppy cost

The average cost of a nagazi puppy is from 60 to 100 thousand rubles.


Upon reaching two years of age, the Georgian Mountain Shepherd is considered fully formed. At this age, mating is carried out; younger dogs will not be able to produce healthy offspring.

Before mating, dogs must be treated for parasites, since a pregnant dog cannot be given anti-helminth medications. It is also recommended that your pets be examined by a veterinarian to ensure their health.

There are dogs in the male's territory. Mating is repeated 2-3 times with a break of 24 hours.

Giant Schnauzer (Bavarian Wolfhound)

  • Origin: Germany
  • Height: from 60 to 70 cm
  • Weight: from 25 to 48 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years
  • Temperament: strong, smart, kind, loyal, strong-willed, dominant

This is a larger and more powerful version of the standard Schnauzer. It has a strong, compact and almost square body, combining great strength and agility. The Giant Schnauzer's double coat consists of a soft undercoat and a tough, dense outer coat—a combination that once allowed them to withstand harsh alpine conditions . Their signature beard and eyebrows combine with elegant contouring to create a striking figure.

The Giant Schnauzer originated in rural areas of Bavaria and Württemburg. Cattlemen there were impressed by the small standard schnauzer and sought to produce them on a larger scale that would be suitable for herding cattle. It is likely, although not documented, that they crossed the Standard Schnauzer with the local larger smooth-coated mushers. Later crossbreeding took place with rough-coated shepherd dogs, Great Dane and Bouvier des Flandres, and even crosses with the black poodle, wolfish spitz and wirehaired pinscher were proposed.

Did you know that this intelligent dog was previously known as the Munchener . The created breed received little exposure until the First World War, when it was proposed to train them as police dogs.

The playful, boisterous Giant Schnauzer may be too boisterous for small children, although he is otherwise very good with the children in his family. Giant Schnauzers are brave and loyal to those close to them and reserved with strangers. Bavarian Wolfhounds can be assertive towards other dogs. This energetic breed is a good choice for an active person looking for an adventure partner, although sometimes the Giant Schnauzer may try to become a leader.

The Giant Schnauzer needs daily exercise and entertainment. His exercise needs can be met through vigorous play and long hikes or walks. Your pet's coarse coat should be brushed once or twice a week and trimmed two to four times a year. Shaping the “hair” is best done by professional groomers.

Maintenance and care

Nagazi are not picky about their care, but still require attention.

  • It is optimal to keep the dog in a private house, where it can freely go out into the yard.
  • It is not recommended to keep your dog in an enclosure or on a chain; mountain shepherds love freedom.
  • Mountain Shepherds have short fur and do not require special care. It is enough to comb it once every couple of weeks. During the shedding period, the dog is scratched more often.
  • You should bathe your dog only when it gets dirty, no more than 2-4 times a year.
  • The dog's eyes and ears are examined weekly.
  • Trim nails as necessary.

It is important to socialize a dog early; it must clearly distinguish who its family is and who needs to be protected. Representatives of this breed are easy to train.


You can feed the nagazi with dry food marked “for large dogs” or natural food. The health of mountain shepherds depends on nutrition.

To keep your pet healthy, the menu includes:

70% protein foods: meat with a minimum of fat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese;

20% porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal or rice;

To provide the dog with all the vitamins and microelements, it is given vitamin supplements.

It is also important to add vitamin complexes during pregnancy, so as not to overload the body; alternate several complexes containing 4-5 vitamins.

The dog should not be given:

otherwise problems with the digestive system will begin.

Interesting fact

It is important to monitor portions; for every kilogram of a dog’s body weight, 20 grams of food are required. Nagazis tend to gain excess weight, which has a negative impact on their health.

Health and illness

Georgian mountain dogs are distinguished by good health. With proper care, young dogs almost never get sick. Individuals over 7 years of age often suffer from:

  • 1

    problems with the cardiovascular system;

  • 2

    joint diseases;

  • 3

    obesity, this disease is caused by poor diet.

Interesting fact

It is important to identify diseases in a timely manner; for this reason, you should visit a veterinarian every 6-12 months.

How long do they live?

Life expectancy depends on the care and care you take for the animal. On average, they are able to lead a full-fledged existence for twelve years, but with careful treatment they can live longer. Particularly vigilant care is required:

  • Skin condition. The breed is prone to skin diseases,
  • Eyes. Possible cataracts
  • The cardiovascular system,
  • Oncology. Complete preventive examinations in a timely manner,
  • Diseases of the digestive system. Nutrition is one of the most important guarantees of health.

To ensure that your pet receives a complete diet, you can trust manufacturers of specialized food and buy specially developed dry food for Caucasians.

If you are one of those owners who prefer to feed their pet natural products, then monitor the freshness and quality of the meat, do not forget to take a vitamin course at least once a year and under no circumstances feed your animal flour products.

Detailed description of the breed

The Wolfhound, also known as the Georgian Caucasian Shepherd, is extremely popular in many countries. In English, the name of the breed sounds like Georgian mountain dog. In Russia, in the Caucasus - nagazi (nagazi) - a native Caucasian shepherd. This name was used for a dog that guarded sheep for many centuries. The oldest breed, which was bred by shepherds of the Kazbegi, Dushetsky, Leninogorsk, Tianetsky, Tushetsky districts.

Beneficial climatic conditions, mountain air, and vast meadows contributed to the development of herd livestock farming. In parallel with this, formation and modifications took place in the development of dogs for herding and protection. The Georgian Shepherd has become an integral part of the development of sheep breeding. And a faithful assistant to a person.

In nature there are two types of Georgian Mountain Shepherd:

  • Kazbek smooth-haired (short-haired) - kazbegian or nagazi;
  • long-haired Georgian mountain dog.

This is an ancient aboriginal, working breed. Individuals are physically strong, hardy, large, muscular, with massive bones. They have a large head, powerful paws, and well-developed muscles. The dogs are unpretentious, adapted to any climatic conditions, courageous, independent. The massive, large Georgian Shepherd was bred specifically to protect shepherds' homes, courtyard areas and flocks of rural animals.

Where to buy a Nagazi puppy, price

You can buy purebred Georgian Mountain Shepherd (Nagazi) puppies from breeders, kennels, from fanciers, through advertisements on Avito and OLH. How much does nagazi cost? The price of a puppy in Russia on Avito and in Ukraine on OLH ranges from 500 to 1,000 dollars. The cost, of course, depends on the pedigree, boy or girl, and other factors. For a purebred pet with a good pedigree, you will have to pay significantly more. There are also forums, groups on VK (VK, VKontakte), Facebook (FB), where pets are given inexpensively, free of charge, into good hands, for free (if someone agrees to accept the gift). To begin with, we recommend watching a video with this animal, a photo (there are many cool photos with a person), reading reviews from satisfied owners, articles on Wikipedia, and making a choice.

One of the most famous nurseries where Nagazi dogs are bred is the Pride of Georgia nursery, where the most intelligent, beautiful and healthy pets are raised. You can purchase a puppy from this kennel and order its delivery to the following cities:

Ukraine: Kyiv, Odessa, Lviv, Dnepr, Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Khmelnitsky, Uzhgorod, Chernigov, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk;

Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Novorossiysk, Kirov, Kemerovo, Orel, Tver, Tula.


Mountain Shepherds are one of the largest dog breeds. In males, the height at the withers reaches 75-85 cm, in females - 65-75 cm, weight - 65-85 kg, depending on gender. By the age of two years, the dog is considered mature and fully formed.

They tend to be brave and vigilant. Confident and courageous, these dogs are designed specifically for protection from predators, as they have an active defensive reaction. The Georgian Shepherd is distinguished by its distrust and aggression towards strangers and strangers, while it is friendly and affectionate with its owner and his family.

RAW power system

Another popular method of feeding domestic dogs is RAW, which is also based on natural raw food. Unlike the BARF system, this method involves feeding the animal meat not in a cut state, but in the form of a carcass or half-carcass. The meat should have bone and blood. There is a taboo on foods that have undergone heat treatment, as well as on chopped bones.

The RAW diet includes offal and sea fish, preferably whole and fresh. But dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits are completely excluded from the daily menu of a dog eating according to the RAW system.

By the way, RAW and BARF nutrition is inappropriate for feeding dogs of decorative breeds, since their body is not adapted to assimilate food familiar to predators in the wild.

Psychological portrait, main characteristics

The dog has fighting qualities, fearlessly enters into battle with predators, and is capable of making decisions independently. Despite her distrust of strangers, she is very calm and peaceful, attentive, and balanced. In the modern world, it has gained a reputation as a reliable guard and protector. The Mountain Shepherd is distinguished by its friendliness, devotion and tender love for its owner and children, and can look after the kids in the absence of their parents.

The main advantage of the breed is the ability to adapt to any conditions, including severe cold and heat. It is easy to train, but will only obey its owner. Well-developed defensive instincts and a stable psyche.

Disadvantages of the breed

Like any other dog, this one has its drawbacks. The description of the Georgian Shepherd breed allows us to assert that in the behavior of the Nagazi one can observe active aggression towards strangers or the presence of a certain wariness, turning into timidity.

However, if the dog notices that the owner perceives a stranger as one of his own, aggression is replaced by suspicion. He will not growl, but will keep the guest's behavior under control. Under no circumstances will a nagazi obey the commands of an outsider.

How active is the Caucasian Shepherd?

This is such a big dog that it is, of course, not adapted to apartment life; it needs a large house where it has room to move and at least a large yard.

The Caucasian is not very physically active, but he does require a certain level of exercise to keep him healthy, and he is surprisingly agile for his size when needed.

He also needs a lot of mental stimulation. He should get one or two long walks a day, some off-leash time somewhere safe where he can be tied, and training will need to include strict leash walking rules to ensure he never pulls on you.

Training and education

The most important thing in raising a mountain dog is its socialization. It is necessary to teach the dog to calmly react to an abundance of all kinds of stimuli: other animals, cars, strangers, etc. You should introduce your dog to different environments. But under no circumstances should you expand your social circle too much. From an early age, she must clearly understand what a master and a family are. These are the ones he must obey and protect.

You can include relatives and close friends in your circle of confidential communication. But it is not advisable for them to pet and feed the dog. To raise a guard, there are special games that develop guard qualities.


By the end of the 90s, sheep breeding in Georgia fell into decline, and the breed was on the verge of complete extinction. The Georgia Federation of Dog Trainers took the breed under supervision in 1999, and planned breeding of the mountain dog began. They also compiled and approved the breed standard “Georgian Mountain Dog” (Georgian Nagazi).”

A special expedition was organized to the Kazbek region in 2002 for representatives of a unique breed. Thus began the official breeding. Many farmers from Australia, America, Russia, and New Zealand stood in line for such a pet. Georgian dog handlers began to actively advertise the breed on television and in print media. In order to popularize the Georgian Shepherd breed as quickly as possible, photos were placed in magazines, newspapers and television programs describing the life of a shepherd.

Who are Georgian Mountain Dogs?

The Georgian mountain dog is the oldest indigenous breed of dog, which was bred by shepherds in Georgia. These are large dogs, physically stronger, muscular with massive bones, large heads and powerful legs. These dogs were bred to guard sheep flocks and shepherds' homes.

In 1999, the Georgian Cynological Federation decided to take control of this breed and began systematic breeding. By this time, the breed was on the verge of extinction. In the same year, the Breed Standard “Georgian Mountain Dog (Georgian Nagazi)” was compiled and approved.

After such an important decision for this unique breed to save the Georgian aborigines, an expedition to the Kazbegi region was organized in 2002. This year, dogs of the Red Khoda, Aptara, Tugo, Boko and Dzhgrino lines were brought to Tbilisi

In the same year, Georgian breeders purchased a dog named Khasbi (Bely Khoda line). After this, breeding began along different lines.

Kennel 'PRIDE OF GEORGIA' is the first kennel of Georgian mountain dogs in Ukraine. Our Georgian mountain dogs Buga and Burma are full members of our family. Buga was brought to Ukraine from Georgia in 2009. Buga has the following exhibition titles: CAC, BOB. (Best male Georgian Mountain Dog in Ukraine) Also, Buga Vice is the Champion of Ukraine in wolfhound testing in 2012. His father, Tuga, was a very famous dog in Georgia. Tuga is a three-time Champion of Georgia 2007/2008/2009, best sire of the breed 2010. Grand Champion of Georgia. Burma was brought from Georgia in 2015. Burma has the following exhibition titles: CAC, BOS. (Best representative of the breed in Ukraine) Her father, Maho, Champion of Georgia 2010, 1st place. Maho was also one of the best fighting dogs in Georgia.

Burma and Buga are fearless and brave dogs with a stable psyche.

Georgian Mountain Dogs are confident and courageous native dogs, accustomed to making their own decisions. They have protective and fighting qualities. They boldly enter into battle with the Caucasian bear and wolves.

These grateful giants will do everything to win the respect and tenderness of their owner. The Georgian Mountain Dog will melt even the harshest heart and find its special place in it.

We are pleased to announce that this year Buga and Burma became parents of amazing puppies!

I have no doubt that you will fall in love with this wonderful breed at first sight, just like I did. To this day I never tire of admiring their proud aboriginal beauty, strength, courage and devotion.

The Georgian Mountain Dog is not just a dog, it is a state of your soul...


Nursery "Pride of Georgia"

In the early 2000s, kennels of Georgian mountain dogs appeared not only in Georgia, but also in Russia and Ukraine. The most titled representatives of the breed were selected for breeding in accordance with the standard accepted by dog ​​handlers.

Fearless, courageous, courageous dogs can win the trust, respect and affection of a person. A responsible approach to education will allow you to raise a reliable protector and guard. The Georgian Shepherd is a mountain dog breed that makes contact easily and completely trusts its owner.


If people prefer to choose small, affectionate and friendly pets for a city apartment, then for suburban real estate completely different requirements are imposed on the pet.

Not every dog, even a large and aggressive one, can be chosen to guard a private home. It should be noted that the following breeds are absolutely not suitable for security activities:

  1. Hunting breeds - these four-legged animals have a pronounced hunting instinct, which can be a big hindrance if there is poultry on the estate.
  2. Fighting dogs are also not suitable for protecting houses.
  3. Smooth-haired breeds. Such a dog must winter in a warm place so as not to become overcooled in severe winter frosts.
  4. Rescue dogs can only be scary because of their size. In fact, these are the most good-natured bumpkins of all dog breeds, which are unlikely to stop real intruders.
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