Hunting dog breeds. Descriptions, names and types of hunting dogs

Advantages of smooth-haired dogs

Unlike many other breeds, smooth-haired dogs have obvious advantages:

  • absence or less seasonal shedding;
  • simple coat care;
  • tangles do not form on the body;
  • shine of wool;
  • easier to clean the apartment.

Despite their short hair, dogs in this group require proper and regular care, and can also cause allergies if they are individually intolerant.

American Cocker Spaniel

  • Height: from 34 to 39 cm
  • Weight: from 7 to 14 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years
  • Temperament: mischievous, sociable, balanced, trusting

The American Cocker Spaniel is one of the most popular dog breeds. They are sporting hunting dogs , and as the name suggests, American Cocker Spaniels are closely related to their English cousins. The only difference is their accent and the spelling of certain words... just kidding.

Their round heads, square faces, cute nose and low-hanging ears combined with their playful, sweet and expressive personalities make them an absolute favorite with families with children.

They have long and silky hair all over their body, even on their feet, and this is their distinguishing feature. This also means that they require regular grooming to keep their hair from becoming tangled. the Jolly Cocker this breed can be your ultimate source of joy and happiness.

Small smooth-haired dog breeds

Small breeds of dogs are ideal for keeping in an apartment. They do not require complex care and require minimal physical activity and grooming.

Basenji, or African non-barking dog

The oldest dog breed, formed in Central Africa. The uniqueness of the Basenji is that they cannot bark, but make sounds reminiscent of purring and yodelling. The dog has not only a strong immune system, but also an extraordinary intelligence and affectionate character. This is an active and agile animal; it is better to choose coursing or agility as an activity. Behavior on the street may differ from at home - many representatives have a hunting instinct, so obedience training is mandatory from puppyhood. Cost from 50,000 ₽.

Jack Russell Terrier

Until the 20th century, the Jack Russell Terrier was used as a burrowing dog; today they are kept as a pet. This is a typical representative of the group of small terriers; despite their compact size, they have an explosive temperament and a huge amount of energy. Within the breed there are wire-haired and smooth-haired varieties, differing in their hair care features. When choosing a breed, it is important to consider that a large amount of physical activity is required, and loud barking can cause conflicts with neighbors. Price from 15,000 ₽.


A smooth-haired breed of decorative dogs brought to Europe from China. The Pug is easy to recognize by its characteristic appearance - a slightly angular body, a short and flattened nose. This feature leads to severe snoring and frequent problems with the respiratory system. The dog is great for first-time owners and families with small children. By their nature, they are not prone to aggression, are easy to train and do not require complex care. To avoid problems with the coat, it is enough to wash and dry the folds weekly. You can buy a puppy from 15,000 ₽.

Parson Russell Terrier

The breed was bred in England for burrow hunting of badgers and foxes. Today the dog has practically lost its working qualities, but has become popular as a pet. This is a small and active animal with a complex character. Like other terriers, they have endless energy, a love of play and a tendency to be aggressive towards other animals. The dog behaves friendly with people, becomes attached to one owner and the family in which it lives. Two-tone wool can be hard or smooth, the second option is easier to care for. The Parson Russell Terrier is recommended for active, experienced owners. Cost from 20,000 ₽.

Prague rat

In the past, dogs were used to hunt rats in urban environments, which is reflected in the name of the breed. Today the Prague rat is a popular pet with companion qualities. Despite its small size (only 2-2.3 kg), the dog feels confident in the role of a watchman and can hunt birds and rodents. They love to be the center of attention and are highly trainable. The smooth-haired Prague rat is suitable for keeping in a small apartment and adapts well to life in the city. When choosing this breed, you should remember that participation in international exhibitions is impossible - there is no FCI recognition. Price from 10,000 ₽.

Russian toy terrier

Despite its toy appearance and miniature size, the dog has many problems. They are difficult to train, prone to a number of diseases and often get injured. The Toy Terrier is perfectly adapted for living in an apartment; keeping it in a private house is not advisable. Care is simple, but regular walks and physical activity are recommended to prevent obesity. The cost of puppies is from 15,000 ₽.


The breed has an interesting appearance - an elongated body, short legs and disproportionately long ears. The dachshund combines pet charm and hunting skills. Advantages include their focus on people; they love communication, get along well with children and love playing together. Within the breed, there are long-haired and smooth-haired varieties of dachshund, which differ in appearance. It is important for the owner to remember that due to the structure of the spine, diseases of the support system often develop. Price from 10,000 ₽.


A small smooth-haired hound dog. They easily develop enormous speed, which is still often used in hunting hares. The Whippet has a harmonious build, well-developed muscles and short hair. They are valued for their compact size and ease of training, lack of aggression towards humans, which makes them an excellent companion. In winter, it is recommended to wear a warm cape to avoid hypothermia, since there is no undercoat. You can buy a puppy from 20,000 ₽.

Fox terrier

Among small terriers, they have the most violent character, which complicates the upbringing and maintenance of these dogs. Originally bred for hunting, fox terriers have not lost their instincts today; they show aggression towards birds and other animals. The dog is valued for its beautiful appearance - a compact body with square features, smooth or wire-haired exterior. The breed is recommended for experienced owners; early socialization is required. Cost from 25,000 ₽.

miniature pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is a German breed of smooth-haired dog. Despite their compact size, they have well-developed muscles and limbs. The diminutive size hides the character of a watchman, so when kept in an apartment, barking must be stopped from puppyhood. With proper upbringing, the miniature pinscher becomes a true family friend and companion. He loves fun games, children and spending time together. Grooming is simple, but it is advisable to wear warm clothes in cold weather. You can buy a puppy from 10,000 ₽.


A Mexican breed of smooth-haired and long-haired dogs that has gained great popularity as a pet. The Chihuahua is distinguished by its miniature size, developed intelligence and social qualities. They are great for keeping even in a small apartment, but daily physical activity is recommended to prevent obesity. It is important to consider that Chihuahuas are prone to a number of diseases and require regular veterinary examinations. Price from 10,000 ₽.

French Bulldog

A breed of smooth-haired dogs with a friendly character. French Bulldogs are family friendly, they get along well with other animals and are great with children. From its fighting ancestors, the bulldog adopted a stocky physique, developed muscles and a powerful skull, but aggressiveness is unusual for the breed. Due to the structure of the nose, severe snoring is possible, which can be corrected by plastic surgery, and a tendency to allergies is also common. Cost from 20,000 ₽.

English toy spaniel

  • Height: from 23 to 28 cm
  • Weight: from 3.5 to 6.5 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 14 years
  • Temperament: affectionate, playful, gentle, mischievous, loving

This is the smallest spaniel, its small size makes it an ideal dog for city apartments. The gentle, cheerful and playful English Toy Spaniel originated in the Far East , and later appeared in England. These sweet and affectionate family companions enjoy playing with children and other pets.

Did you know that the English Toy Spaniel was a favorite of Queen Mary Stuart of Scotland? They say that he refused to leave his mistress even on the scaffold.

This compact breed with short legs and a small body has a long, shiny coat in four different colors. Its abundant coat is easy to maintain and only needs brushing once every two weeks.

Medium-sized smooth-haired dogs

A versatile group of breeds, the wide variety includes companion dogs, hunters and family pets. The medium size is suitable for both apartments and private houses.

American Staffordshire Terrier

The second name of this smooth-haired dog breed is Amstaff. The formation of the exterior was completed by 1972, today it received official recognition from the FCI. The Staffordshire Terrier has a stocky build; the beauty of its muscles is especially revealed with constant training. Their character combines opposite qualities - strength and affection, assertiveness and sensitivity. A dog always strives for its own safety; if threatened, it can even attack a loved one. Strict upbringing and mandatory training are required. Price from 25,000 ₽.

English bulldog

A short-haired breed of dog that has suffered enormous changes in appearance due to uncontrolled breeding. The ancient English bulldog was distinguished by excellent immunity, developed muscles and fearlessness. Today, representatives of the breed have health problems and a tendency to obesity. From their ancestors they have retained short hair, a massive physique and an innate calmness. The breed is recommended for keeping in an apartment; exercise is required to prevent diseases. Frequent washing and thorough drying of body folds are required. You can buy a puppy from 50,000 ₽.

Basset Hound

An English breed of smooth-haired hounds with a long, massive body and a sad expression in the eyes. By its nature, the Basset Hound is a born hunter, characterized by excitement, mobility and aggression towards animals. They adapt to any conditions, but keeping them in a country house is preferable. These are smart dogs that need not physical, but also intellectual exercise. Despite their love for a person, with the wrong approach to education, they can become aggressive and uncontrollable. When choosing a puppy, it is important to consider that the breed is prone to many diseases. Cost from 30,000 ₽.


This typical English hound with its distinctive tri-color coat, muscular build and mischievous personality has become popular as a family pet. The Beagle is unpretentious in terms of maintenance and living conditions and gets used to the urban environment. Dogs of this breed require a lot of activity, which should be diluted with intellectual exercises. The main problem of the breed is frequent and loud barking, which can complicate life in an apartment. Price from 25,000 ₽.


One of the largest smooth-haired breeds of the hound group. The breed was formed in Belgium, where it is still used in service. Dogs have a phenomenal sense of smell and the ability to follow a scent, which is important to use when training. Despite its formidable appearance, the Bloodhound has a good-natured character. The disadvantages include innate stubbornness, which an experienced owner can cope with. When caring, it is important to pay special attention to the folds on the body and the eyes, which are prone to disease. You can buy a puppy for 15,000 ₽.

Bull Terrier

This smooth-haired breed has received a bad reputation, which in fact turns out to be wrong. Bull Terriers require strict training, but with the right approach, they become true family friends. They are able to show amazing affection, warmth and love to play together, but at the same time they do not tolerate loneliness well. The animal needs frequent physical exercise, without which they become overly active and uncontrollable. Today, standard and dwarf varieties have been bred, differing in size. Price from 50,000 ₽.

Hungarian Vizsla

A smooth-haired dog breed that combines elegant appearance and hunting qualities. They are loved by their owners for their golden coat that is pleasant to the touch, their chocolate-colored nose, docile nature and unpretentiousness. For a comfortable life for an animal, regular exercise and communication with the owner are required. The Hungarian Vizsla can often be found not only at exhibitions, but also in agility and coursing competitions. The breed is suitable for families and first-time owners. Cost from 50,000 ₽.


The American Pit Bull Terrier is an example of a sociable dog with pronounced protective qualities. Originally bred for fighting, the pit bull is today used as a family pet. He is distinguished by a strong-willed character, a penchant for independence and love for people. The breed is recommended for experienced owners; proper training, plenty of physical activity and early socialization are important. You can buy a puppy from 25,000 ₽.

Thai Ridgeback

The oldest breed of smooth-haired dogs, which are the national treasure of Thailand. This is an amazing animal that combines strength, a balanced psyche and intelligence. The Thai Ridgeback is easy to train, but regular training is important to keep in shape. The dog easily gets along in a small apartment with daily walks. The dog does not tolerate loneliness well; in the absence of its owner, it howls and damages furniture, which is important to stop from childhood. Price from 40,000 ₽.

Pharaoh Hound

According to the FCI classification, this smooth-haired breed is classified as both a greyhound and a primitive dog. The dog has elegant exterior features; its head is often compared to Anubis. Height can reach 63 cm at the withers, but larger sizes are achieved thanks to long limbs. Caring for a Pharaoh Hound is simple, but it requires insulation in winter during walks, since the undercoat is not developed. Representatives of the breed are easy to train and unpretentious in maintenance, which makes them excellent companions. Cost from 50,000 ₽.

Shar Pei

Originally a universal dog breed, today they are more often adopted as a companion. The Shar Pei has a remarkable appearance - an unusual head shape, signature folds on the body and a dark shade of the tongue. Despite their plush appearance, these smooth-haired dogs have a complex character. These are stubborn animals prone to independence. Training requires a lot of effort, because the Shar Pei will do what he wants. The dog requires early socialization and careful care of the folds. Price from 15,000 ₽.

Estonian hound

Despite the small distribution of the breed, these smooth-haired dogs are highly valued among hunters. They combine unique unpretentiousness and working skills. The Estonian Hound is easy to train and quickly learns all standard commands. Caring for a smooth coat is simple - you just need to wash it and occasionally comb out dead hairs. The dog has no tendency towards aggression and destruction, and easily finds a common language with children. You can buy a puppy from 10,000 ₽.

English cocker spaniel

  • Height: from 36 to 43 cm
  • Weight: from 12 to 16 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years
  • Temperament: Playful, affectionate, friendly, loyal, easy to train, quiet

The English Cocker Spaniel is an old breed of land spaniel used for catching and retrieving game from dense cover. Today, the hunting nature of English Cocker Spaniels is evident when they begin to chase birds, butterflies and squirrels in the park. Charming, isn't it? But this is also the reason why you need to be careful when you take this breed out into public. Putting a collar on them is the safest way.

This is a cheerful and affectionate dog whose tail rarely stops wagging. The loyal and charming English Cocker Spaniel is an excellent companion for families with children . Thanks to its balanced temperament and easy trainability, this breed can adapt to various living conditions.

IMPORTANT! The English Cocker Spaniel is not suitable for owners who lead a sedentary lifestyle. He requires daily exercise, because he is naturally prone to obesity. However, the English Cocker Spaniel may become frightened by intense and harsh training. Everything should be in moderation.

Breeds of large smooth-haired dogs

Large and giant breeds are recommended for experienced owners. Keeping is recommended in a private house or large apartment. There are also disadvantages - the need for a large volume of feed, shorter life expectancy.


The German Boxer is a smooth-haired breed of working dog. They are often kept as a pet because of their calm nature, love for people and unpretentiousness. With the right approach, a boxer can become a nanny, a security guard or a companion. Intense endurance exercise and daily walks are recommended. Short hair is easy to care for, requiring only weekly washing. You can buy a puppy from 35,000 ₽.


A young breed of smooth-haired dogs of the Molosser group, bred in England at the end of the 19th century. This is a large and strong animal with developed muscles, due to which they create an intimidating appearance. Despite their powerful dimensions, they are distinguished by dexterity and agility. The Bullmastiff is not prone to aggression, but there are cases in history of attacks on people, so strict training is required. The color of the short coat can be red, fawn or brindle. Price from 15,000 ₽.


Among gunhounds, the Weimaraner is distinguished by its aristocratic appearance and unique silver shade of coat. This is an obedient, trainable and intelligent dog. She is often kept as a pet; care for the animal is minimal. To prolong life and avoid the development of obesity, serious physical activity is required. This smooth-haired breed is suitable for both beginners and experienced owners. You can buy a puppy from 30,000 ₽.


Croatian breed of smooth-haired dogs with a contradictory character. At the height of the popularity of the children's film, Dalmatians became popular, which led to their uncontrolled breeding. This has affected the overall health of the breed; today many puppies are born with serious pathologies. The Dalmatian is suitable for experienced owners; despite their developed intelligence, they are prone to stubbornness and aggression. They need a lot of exercise and frequent walks. Price from 5000 ₽.


A smooth-haired breed of working dog that combines strength, grace and fearlessness. The natural intelligence of these animals allows them to cope even with complex exercises, and physical activity is often used in competitions. Despite the Doberman's amenability to training, a strict approach is required; if you let the dog go, it can become dangerous to others. The dog does not require care, but you need to pay attention to the condition of the joints and kidneys. The cost of a puppy is from 10,000 ₽.


This smooth-haired breed is a typical pointer - a dog for gun hunting. Over many years of breeding, they have not lost their working instincts and are still used by hunters. This is a slender and lean animal with a spotted color and short coat. The shorthaired pointer is famous for its efficiency, unpretentiousness and focus on people. In addition, they enjoy good health. Price from 40,000 ₽.

Dogo Canario

A rare breed of guard dogs with a formidable guard appearance. These are smooth-haired animals weighing up to 65 kg. They are valued for their even-tempered nature, self-confidence and ability to learn. Despite their fighting background, they are not prone to unmotivated aggression and, when trained, often demonstrate phlegmatic behavior. In cold climates, indoor keeping with regular walks is recommended. You can buy a Dogo Canary for 50,000 ₽.

Cane Corso

The history of the breed begins in Ancient Rome, the exterior and working qualities of the Canne Corso were restored artificially. These are large animals weighing up to 50 kg, with developed muscles. The dog has a balanced character and protective instincts, but in recent years they are more often taken into the role of a companion. Cane Corsos are phlegmatic, but in their work they demonstrate strength and activity. When choosing this breed, it is important to carefully study the litter and the parents of the puppies; congenital pathologies may occur. Cost from 35,000 ₽.

German dog

One of the largest smooth-haired dogs in the world, males can grow up to 90 cm at the withers. Despite its formidable appearance, the Great Dane is a balanced and obedient animal that is easy to train. They do not express aggression towards people, love communication and get along with children, but due to their size they can cause injury to them. The Great Dane is easy to care for, but requires veterinary supervision to prolong its life. On sale you can find fawn, brindle, merle, black and blue puppies, price from 50,000 ₽.

Neapolitan Mastiff

A massive and powerful dog, notable for its thick, folded skin. Behind the menacing appearance lies a pliable animal that cannot imagine life without its owner. The breed is not recommended for beginners; in the early stages, training requires a lot of time and skill - the mastiff can express stubbornness and independent behavior. When caring, it is important to pay attention to the condition of the folds in which water and dirt accumulate. Cost from 30,000 ₽.


A German breed of smooth-haired dogs bred for work. Due to their versatility, they are highly valued among breeders, and puppies are often chosen as family pets. The Rottweiler learns quickly and has a stable psyche. They are unpretentious, but intense training is a must. Price from 18,000 ₽.

Tosa Inu

The birthplace of the breed is Japan, where the Tosa Inu has been bred for fighting since ancient times. Today these are rare animals that are kept as companions. These are large, smooth-haired dogs weighing up to 90 kg, distinguished by a combination of fearlessness and self-confidence. The Tosa Inu has a complex character; it requires proper upbringing, early socialization and serious physical activity. Puppies with excellent pedigree can be purchased in Europe and Japan.


  • Height: from 20 to 28 cm
  • Weight: from 3.2 to 4.5 kg
  • Life expectancy: 13 to 15 years
  • Temperament: smart, mischievous, friendly, energetic, attentive

When Josh Billings said, “A dog is the only creature on the planet that loves you more than itself,” he must have been talking about the Papillon. Papillons, also known as continental toy spaniels, will be your loving four-legged companions until the very end. But these are not the dogs you should get if you are away from home for a long time.

These dogs are naturally blessed with adorable ears with fringed edges, giving them the name "Papillon", which means "butterfly" in French. And it is right! These dogs are bright, outgoing and energetic, making them ideal companions.

Papillons are overly friendly and will get along well with other pets. But don't let their small size fool you. Their watchful nature, typical of guard dogs, will easily drive away all the small rodents from your garden. Although Papillons are not hunting dogs, they do have a "spaniel instinct" that can be mitigated with proper training.

Smooth-haired dogs for apartments

When choosing a breed of smooth-haired dog for an apartment, it is important to take into account not only its appearance, but also its temperament and size. For active owners, medium and large dogs that need training are suitable, for example, Rottweiler, all smooth-haired terriers and hounds, pit bull, Thai Ridgeback.

For a small apartment, it is best to choose miniature smooth-haired breeds: Chihuahua, Prague rat or pug. If you live in a big house, then you can safely get any giants and large dogs, for example, Great Dane, German boxer, mastiff.

Welsh Springer Spaniel

  • Height: from 43 to 48 cm
  • Weight: from 16 to 25 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years
  • Temperament: active, affectionate, stubborn, friendly, loyal, playful

Welsh Springer Spaniels are excellent hunting dogs and absolute favorites of athletes. The hard-working Welsh Springer Spaniel is a strong, muscular dog with a strong sense of smell, a waterproof coat and webbed feet to help them swim. This medium-sized breed has a unique dark reddish-white coloring.

Did you know that this ancient hunting breed dates back to 7000 BC. The Welsh Springer Spaniel was so named because it "jumps" on game when hunting.

This is one of the most affectionate, intelligent and loyal spaniels. This gentle, loyal and sensitive companion has earned the nickname "Velcro Dog" because he feels happiest when he is close to his family. However, their hunting instincts make them unsuitable for apartment living. A little fresh air, some open space and a rabbit or two to chase is all a Walsh Springer Spaniel needs to be happy!

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Smooth-haired dog breeds are easy to care for; there are no tangles left on the body, and shedding occurs to a lesser extent.
  2. All smooth-haired dogs can be divided into three groups according to size: small, medium and large.
  3. When choosing a dog to keep, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the breed, your needs and living conditions.
  4. Many smooth-haired dogs need clothing when walking in winter; street keeping is not recommended due to the lack of a pronounced undercoat.

What is the best breed of smooth-haired dog? Share your opinion in the comments to the article.

Sussex Spaniel

  • Height: from 33 to 38 cm
  • Weight: from 16 to 20 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years
  • Temperament: cheerful, friendly, loyal, sociable, sociable, calm

If you enjoy hunting, hiking, or even long walks, the Sussex Spaniel is the perfect dog for you. Although this breed has a dark, serious expression, it is actually friendly and lively. The Sussex Spaniel has a balanced temperament and is gentle and affectionate with his family.

IMPORTANT! This breed is fiercely protective of its family and barks non-stop at any visitor. Before your neighbors start complaining about the constant barking, it is important to teach your pet the command “enough.”

Overall, Sussex Spaniels make great companions if you lead an active lifestyle and need a cute little friend to keep you company. These short-legged dogs have a massive, rectangular body with large, long ears and a thick coat that can be smooth or wavy.

Did you know that the Sussex Spaniel originated in the 18th century? The name of the breed is given in honor of Sussex, England, where the first Sussex Spaniel kennel was founded by Augustus Fuller.


There are a large number of unusual flat-faced dog breeds, and many of them suffer from breathing problems. International kennel clubs are trying to eliminate these shortcomings. They introduce breeding rules and regulations aimed at maintaining and improving the health of animals, so when choosing a new family member, you should not be afraid of brachycephals.

If you decide to adopt a dog with a flat face, contact reputable breeders who focus their work not only on the appearance of the animal, but also on the condition of its body.

Based on materials from


Small hunting dogs used for hunting burrowing animals and more. They can freeze in a stance when tracking, and are distinguished by their keen sense of smell and intelligence.

Wirehaired dachshund

The wire-haired dachshund has a hard coat with a soft undercoat and is not afraid of frost. The dog has good hunting qualities. He works judiciously and never sacrifices himself for the sake of production. They successfully fight with burrowing animals, willingly go into the water and feed any game.

Smooth-haired dachshund

Smart and quick-witted dog. He cannot go on long walks with his owner without attention. The dachshund is a burrow hunter and its appearance is associated with this feature. It has an elongated body and disproportionately short legs. Colors can be varied.

Rabbit dachshund

The smallest representative of dachshunds. It is used for hunting small burrowing and fur-bearing animals, and is capable of penetrating their difficult-to-pass burrows. Due to its size, unpretentious and affectionate nature, it is perfect as a pet, which can be kept even in an apartment, subject to regular walking.

Features of the health of brachycephalics and care for them

Brachycephalic dogs are prone to a wide range of pathologies. The most common of them include:

  1. Brachycephalic syndrome (BCS).

    Accompanied by chronic snoring, increased gas formation, increased salivation and fainting. In severe cases, it can lead to death from suffocation, pulmonary edema or cardiac arrest. It is treated with rhinoplasty or palatoplasty.

  2. Tracheal collapse.

    Develops due to the congenital softness of cartilage tissue. The anomaly leads to narrowing and sagging of the trachea, which can lead to partial or complete cessation of breathing.

  3. Frequent overheating.

    Short nasal passages prevent the rapid cooling of air from the environment. Because of this, flat-faced animals do not tolerate too long walks, intense exercise and hot weather.

  4. Skin diseases.

    Dogs with folded skin primarily suffer from dermatitis. Dirt and moisture quickly accumulate in it, promoting the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

  5. Eye diseases
    (dry eye syndrome, entropion).
    The main reason for their occurrence is bulging eyes, which increases the likelihood of injury to the mucous membranes.
  6. Obesity.

    Excess weight puts enormous stress on joints and often contributes to the development of dysplasia.

  7. Dental diseases (premature tooth loss, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease).

    They develop due to too short jaws and a specific bite.

  8. Reverse or reverse sneezing.

    It is not an independent pathology, but can act as a harbinger of it. It is a chronic irritation of the larynx due to retraction of the soft palate. Accompanied by sharp inhalation and sneezing. Veterinarian help is required only if attacks are too frequent and prolonged, as well as in the presence of accompanying symptoms.

In order to prevent the above pathologies, it is recommended not to expose your pet to excessive stress and walks during the heat, and also to carefully monitor its hygiene, physical fitness and well-being.


It is recommended to use a harness when walking a brachycephalic cat. It does not put pressure on the neck and makes breathing easier.

Bichon Frize (French lap dog)

A charming, obedient, sociable and very cheerful Bichon Frize breed. It looks like a dandelion (if you care for the coat properly).

The dimensions of the Bichon Frize are as follows: weight on average 5.5-6 kg, height according to the standard up to 30 cm.

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The great advantage of this breed is its unobtrusiveness, i.e. if the owner does not have time to play with him, the bichon will not pester him, he does not need excessive attention.

Bichons are fearless towards both people and large dog breeds. They are trusting and loving, and will approach anyone with a good attitude. They love to go for walks and are ready literally 24 hours a day. If you are outside the city, you will practically not be able to drive it into the house. Clothes for walking are an optional attribute for a Bichon, even in cold weather. In addition, clothes are harmful to the wool. The coat requires special care: washing with shampoo and conditioner, drying with a powerful hairdryer and combing, but again, this is if you want your dog to be literally admired as if it were a white fluffy dandelion. It is necessary to wash and cut it once every 2 months, just bathe it once every 10 days.

Diseases that a French lap dog may have: luxation of the kneecap, cataracts, dysplasia.

Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Bull type terriers

Selected breeds of dogs of the “Terrier” group, with accentuated fighting qualities.

Bull Terrier

Short-haired, stocky dog. The height of the individual is 53-55 cm, average weight is 27 kg. Appearance is noticeable: the head is elongated, shaped like an egg; the neck is elongated, the body is squat, taut. The dog is characterized by high intelligence, a fighting character, and great physical strength. Puppy price: 20-60 thousand rubles.

Miniature Bull Terrier

In appearance and character it is similar to an ordinary bull terrier, but its height at the withers cannot exceed 35.5 cm.

American Staffordshire Terrier

A muscular fighter with instant reaction and a tenacious grip. It grows up to 50 cm and weighs about 30 kg. The fur is smooth and dense, the skin stretches, protecting against lacerations in battle. Dogs are smart, loyal to their owners, balanced, but require proper training and a lot of physical activity. Puppies of this breed are valued at 20-40 thousand rubles.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

A strict guard, a reliable rescuer, a devoted companion. The physique is powerful, height at withers 38 cm, weight 17 kg. Dogs are active, brave, determined, with high intelligence. They love their family and are vigilant towards strangers. The cost of an individual is 30,000-70,000 rubles.

Unofficial varieties of terriers

Finally, there are many species not recognized by the federation. Regarding terriers specifically, the following unofficial breeds are most often called:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier;
  • Patterdale Terrier;
  • American Hairless Terrier;
  • American Toy Fox Terrier;
  • Biewer Yorkshire Terrier;
  • Irish Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Plummer Terrier;
  • Old English Terrier;
  • Rat Terrier;
  • Teddy Roosevelt Terrier;
  • Tenterfield Terrier;
  • Toy Fox Terrier.

The Siberian and Dock Terriers are also sometimes mentioned, as well as other types of selection. But their distribution halo is insignificant, so we will focus on the top 50 representatives of the Terrier group.


  • Height: from 35 to 40 cm
  • Weight: from 9 to 11 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 14 years
  • Temperament: intelligent, active, dexterous, friendly, alert

Kooikerhondje dogs are the perfect combination of athleticism and friendly demeanor. They enjoy hunting as much as they enjoy licking the faces of their favorite family members.

The Kooikerhondje has large ears with black tips, which are a characteristic feature of this breed. Their auburn or chestnut-white coats are naturally dirt-repellent and waterproof . Amazing, isn't it? No more trying to get your dog into the bath every other day!

Kooikerhondje are friendly, well-mannered and easily open up to strangers, but do not let their guard down. A little exercise and a lot of attention is what Kooikerhondje needs to be happy and healthy.


Long-haired hunting dogs, which date back to the 19th century, are intelligent, friendly, loyal and reliable. They perform especially well when hunting birds.

Golden retriever

One of the cutest and kindest canine animals. He is bred as a companion dog, but the blood of a hunter flows in the blood of a retriever. He is affectionate and attentive with his family members and his master's pets.

A dog always senses when its owners are in a bad mood. In this case, she tries in every possible way to console them, for example, putting a sad face on her lap or poking her nose approvingly. Thanks to this behavior, the dog began to be used in psychotherapy.

People who are in a state of neurosis or depression can spend time with him, after which they feel a little better. And the hunting instincts and excellent sense of smell made the golden retriever a rescue and search dog. It is used by the police to search for drugs.

You should not expect such a dog to display protective qualities. The retriever will warmly welcome every person who comes to his home, even if it is an intruder. Aggression is alien to him. These cute animals have bright thick fur, a long fluffy tail, a slender body and very kind eyes.

Curly (curly-coated retriever)

An excellent swimmer with a soft grip, which is valuable in duck hunting. Curlies need constant movement. dege and active games.

Toller (Nova Scotia Retriever)

Toller has the gift of luring game birds into the hunter's line of fire, for which they are often called "duck whisperers." Dogs are smart and easy to train. Nova Scotia Retrievers are medium-sized, robustly built, and fiery in color. Does not tolerate loneliness and lack of attention.

Classification of the Terriers group according to FCI

The International Canine Federation (FCI) is authorized to register species and approve standards for dog breeds. According to the organization, all breeds in the Terrier group are distributed as follows:

  • Large and medium dogs;
  • Small Terriers;
  • Bull Terriers;
  • Toy terriers.

A total of 34 varieties are officially recognized. But for a number of reasons, some existing terrier breeds are classified into other groups or are completely deprived of official recognition. Therefore, the full classification takes into account two more points:

  • Terriers classified in other groups of the dog family;
  • Varieties of terriers that have not undergone the procedure of official registration in the FCI.

Thus, more than 50 representatives of this genus can be counted. Let's get acquainted with each type separately.

How to choose a puppy

It's no secret that a purebred bull terrier puppy should be purchased only from trusted breeders or kennels specializing in fighting dogs.

Before choosing a puppy, you need to decide on its gender. Bitches and males are each individual in their own way. If there are more than seven puppies in a litter, they may not have enough mother's milk.

Puppies can be taken from their mother at the age of one and a half months. By this time they should be vaccinated according to age. Puppies should be cheerful, with clean, shiny fur and no signs of skin rashes. The mucous membranes have a pink color, the tail is without creases.

The legs should be the same length, standing parallel to each other. There should be no discharge from the eyes and ears, the ears should be clean, the eyes should be clear, the nose should be shiny and wet.

Note! The appearance of baby bull terriers is very comical, reminiscent of a newborn piglet.

Newborn babies

Maltese (Maltese)

The Maltese or Maltese has a high degree of intelligence and excellent memory, is very intelligent and intuitive, as if “catching thoughts.” At the genetic level, the Maltese has love and devotion to the owner, adapting to his type of temperament and character.

Maltese are sociable and loving dogs, they are very gentle with children.

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You need to be careful with Maltese, they are very fragile.

One of the most common diseases is connective tissue dysplasia.

They do not need colossal physical activity, but leisurely walks in the air will not hurt them.

The dimensions of the Maltese are as follows: weight is 3-4 kg, height for a male is 21-25 cm, for a female - 20-23 cm. Life expectancy is on average 12-14 years.

American Water Spaniel

  • Height: from 38 to 46 cm
  • Weight: from 11 to 20 kg
  • Life expectancy: 13 to 15 years
  • Temperament: Smart, friendly, energetic, obedient, protective, easy to train

As you may have guessed from the name, American Water Spaniels are very skilled swimmers with a waterproof double coat. They are excellent swimmers even in rough waters , using their tail as a rudder. Primarily bred as hunting dogs, American Water Spaniels can also make fantastic family companions if given enough space to run and exercise.

Did you know that the American Water Spaniel is one of the rarest American dog breeds, with only about 3,000 registered dogs.

They are intelligent, energetic and eager to please pets. They make excellent watchdogs, but that doesn't mean they aren't affectionate. However, if left alone for long periods of time, they can become destructive and stubborn.

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