Dogs with a fold: which dogs are the most wrinkled

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Dogs with wrinkles are unusual and cute. There are few such breeds, however, you can choose both a large and a small dog with folds on the skin.

  • 2 English Mastiff
  • 3 Bullmastiff
  • 4 Bloodhound
  • 5 Cane Corso
  • 6 English Bulldog
  • 7 Shar Pei
  • 8 Basset Hound
  • 9 Pug
  • 10 French Bulldog
  • 11 Pekingese
  • 12 How to care for your dog's folds

    12.1 Video: how to clean a pug’s fold

Keeping puppies

All breeds with flattened muzzles were bred artificially; targeted selection reinforced the desired trait.
The result was a modified shape of the skull, which entailed both positive and negative results. All breeds suffer from specific health problems and therefore require special care. The structural features of the respiratory tract make it difficult to inhale and exhale. Representatives of the breed may feel worse as a result of a congenital mutation that is not provided for by the standard. Dogs may suffer from heart failure due to increased pulmonary artery pressure

It is important that one minor problem can lead to quite life-threatening diseases. The characteristics of the breeds must be taken seriously

Protect your dog from extreme heat, exercise, and stress.

If the heart rate increases, you should immediately calm the animal. In this condition, the body requires more oxygen. Air flows in only in limited quantities due to the narrow airways. As a result of prolonged stress, the animal may lose consciousness. If the animal is still small (up to 1.5 years), then it is worth protecting it from any stressful situations.

It is worth monitoring the weight of a dog with a flattened muzzle. If an animal is obese, it gets tired faster and feels worse in the heat. All this negatively affects breathing. Puppies should be fed on a schedule and in doses recommended for the dog’s age.

This rule is especially important for pugs who have a very good appetite and do not like active games.

Choose the right collar so that it does not squeeze your throat. It is generally recommended to use a harness for walking. Do not make sudden jerks with the leash, which could result in choking, loss of consciousness, or even death. During hot summers, it is worth reducing the number of walks. Take your dog outside only early in the morning and in the evening when the air temperature drops.

Special rules for keeping flat-faced dogs include a number of nuances.

  1. It is necessary to visit the veterinarian annually for consultation. The examination should include not only external diagnostics, but also an ultrasound of the heart, x-rays, examination of the larynx, and listening to the condition of the lungs and heart. Such measures will help detect diseases or pathologies in the early stages.
  2. It is worth contacting a specialist if the animal makes uncharacteristic sounds or has changed significantly in its habits.
  3. Regularly inspect the condition of the ears, eyes, folds near the nose and the respiratory canals themselves.

Brachycephalics cannot fly on an airplane - it is contraindicated for them. Changes in pressure, heat, stress can lead to the death of a pet. Moreover, it is quite hot on board an airplane, which also leads to heat stroke. If you are planning a trip, make sure you have someone at home to look after your dog.

Watch the video below for veterinarians' opinions on dogs with flat faces.

Dog breeds with a flat muzzle are called brachycephalic in veterinary medicine. In such animals, the skull is modified as a result of artificial selection. Their muzzle is short and flat, which makes dogs susceptible to certain physiological problems related to breathing.


According to experts, the causes of obesity in a four-legged friend can be triggered by factors such as:

  1. Insufficient motor activity of the dog. This is especially true for those of them who live within the city. A short walk on a leash, a complete lack of physical activity and games in the fresh air, all this leads to excessive accumulation of fat under the skin. The situation is aggravated by the fact that owners do not pay enough attention to such an important issue as the daily amount of calories consumed by the animal in relation to their consumption. That is, the dog eats a lot, but has nowhere to use the energy received from food.
  2. Incorrectly formulated diet and disruption of the feeding process. The most common mistakes made by inexperienced dog breeders include overfeeding and not maintaining a balance between fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the food consumed by the dog. Moreover, sometimes these factors are intertwined with each other, when the owner fills the dog’s bowl to the top with food, then feeds it from the table, and even with fatty food. This inevitably leads your four-legged friend to obesity.
  3. Burdened heredity. Breeds that are genetically predisposed to excess weight include the pug, dachshund, labrador, bulldog and Rottweiler. The owners of these dogs must be twice as careful in preparing their diet and ensuring that they get enough physical activity. Otherwise, the pet will quickly turn from a slender and beautiful dog into a flabby animal that will move with great difficulty.
  4. Hormonal pathologies. Dysfunction of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland leads to an imbalance of hormones that provoke metabolic disorders in the dog. Over time, dogs with obesity tend to develop a “background” disease such as diabetes. And this is a direct threat to the life of the pet.
  5. Stress disorders. Oddly enough, a dog can also “eat up” strong, traumatic emotions, just like a person does. A long separation from the owner, fear, aggression - all this causes uncontrollable bouts of hunger in the animal. If the influence of stress is regular, then the process of gaining excess weight is only a matter of time. Animal psychologists note that obesity from stress is typical for stray dogs that are adopted into families. They are so afraid of the return of hungry days that they are able to eat to the point of vomiting.
  6. Parasites. There is an opinion among people that if a dog has worms, then he will be thin. But this is not entirely true; sometimes the toxins produced by helminths slow down the metabolism, which leads to the opposite effect, making the animal excessively fat.

Prague rat

An ancient Czech breed, another name is Ratliki. Rat dogs are recognized as the smallest smooth-haired dogs of European origin.

Colors – black, brown with rich tan, sand or red. The breed includes dogs with short and semi-long hair.

Rat dogs are lively, tireless dogs without serious flaws. They behave friendly with family members, and wary with strangers. A fragile pet is not left to play with a preschooler unattended. A child may accidentally injure a dog. The breed is recognized by kennel clubs in some countries, including Russia. FCI is still looking closely.

Features of caring for white pets

White color is a symbol of purity and charm, but when it comes to dogs, you have to think about the possible difficulties of care. There are a number of maintenance features that will help keep your pets' fur in perfect condition.

  • Each breed has its own coat type, so you need to select grooming products individually for your dog.
  • Problem areas that require the most attention are the muzzle, belly, groin area and paws.
  • Watch your nutrition! If the food is not suitable for the dog, this immediately affects the quality of the coat; some pets change color.
  • There is no need to bathe your dog often, even if it has long hair. Follow the water regime. To keep the coat clean, comb it more often using special brushes.

When choosing a breed, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of its coat. It is believed that furry dogs are a lot of trouble, but in fact, nature has made sure that human participation in maintaining the hygiene and beauty of the animal is minimal

Pets with white fur are more susceptible to allergies than others, so special cosmetics are needed for care.

“Dirty” streaks under the eyes, tail, and on the paws are the result of increased acidity of the fluids produced by the body. To deal with the problem “from the inside,” you need to contact a veterinarian who will prescribe medicine. Stains on fur are removed with special products for dogs. Some dog breeders use hydrogen peroxide to bleach stains on fur, but this liquid can cause a burn if it gets on mucous membranes.

Extreme care must be taken to avoid harming the animal.

Grooming and trimming are terms of English origin. These are professional care procedures for dogs' eyes, teeth, ears, coat and claws, which are much more effective than home bathing and haircuts.

They protect:

  • from parasites;
  • formation of tangles on wool;
  • blockage and inflammation of the tear ducts.

Tendency to diseases

The most common disease in English Bulldogs is obesity. The reasons can be trivial from improper or excessive feeding, to metabolic disorders as a side effect of a more serious disease. Obesity caused by excess nutrition or lack of activity can be easily overcome on your own; otherwise, contact your veterinarian; timely consultation with a specialist can save your pet’s life.

Another problem with the breed is dermatitis. The origin of the disease can be different; self-treatment is not recommended. Monitor the condition of your skin carefully, do not neglect hygiene procedures, and in cases of outbreaks of disease, do not delay treatment.

Adult bulldogs and puppies have very poor thermoregulation, so heat strokes are common in the summer or when the heating is intense.

The frequency of other “canine” diseases in the breed is no more frequent than in others.

English Mastiff

Despite their fighting roots, mastiffs have a calm and docile character. They get along well with children, but due to their large size, it is not recommended to let them near babies and toddlers under 1-1.5 years old. Smart, reasonable, sociable, with a sense of self-esteem and inner nobility. They do not belong to the category of playful dogs, they prefer gentle training methods and absolutely do not accept physical punishment. In the family they play the role of protector and will never let a stranger in until they are sure of the safety of their household members. They practically do not bark, but they “sin” with loud snoring and drooling.

Average weight - 80-100 kg, height - 70-85 cm. The massiveness of the dog creates some inconvenience in grooming. The coat needs to be brushed daily as the breed is prone to heavy shedding.

It is also important to trim your nails on time and keep your ears and eyes clean. Bathing - as needed

You should not demand too active behavior from a mastiff; they are lazy by nature and do not show much interest in games. They do not tolerate heat well.

Stocky, strong men, with languid cherry eyes and a playful tail curled into a donut. The coat is short, smooth and shiny. The color is predominantly beige, apricot or black. Cheerful, sociable dogs, radiating friendliness and openness with their entire appearance. Despite their love of games, pugs are very lazy and prefer not to deny themselves this pleasure. They love affection and if there is insufficient attention (in their opinion), they can become jealous and restless. They get along well with children, supporting them in all their entertainment, and also serve as ideal companions for older people. They cannot stand loneliness.

The average weight of dogs is 6-10 kg, height -25-37 cm. They often exceed the age limit of 15 years. The breed belongs to the category of heavy shedding animals, so the animals need to be combed regularly (without excessive pressure on the comb). Scheduled bathing - usually once every three months

It is important to wipe the folds on the face with a non-alcohol lotion at least once a week to avoid creating a favorable environment for the appearance of various infections, fungi and bacteria. It is also necessary to systematically clean your ears, teeth and trim your nails.

Serious, balanced and calm dogs are natural philosophers. Natural slowness and inhibition can at first be mistaken for laziness, but experienced breeders know that bulldogs are simply prone to “detailed” thinking about a command before executing it. Despite their outward equanimity, animals have a leadership character and must understand who is boss in the house. They become very attached to certain family foundations and have a hard time moving to a new place. But when traveling they become an excellent companion, they are assiduous in cars and other vehicles. They are patient with children, but are not ready for too active games. They snore and “scatter” saliva around themselves.

Average weight - 20-25 kg, height - 30-40 cm. The wool needs systematic combing. A sufficient interval is 2-3 times a week with a stiff brush. The folds on the face are wiped with damp cotton pads soaked in boiled water or a special lotion. To avoid allergies and other skin irritations, the use of soap and synthetic detergents is not recommended. Frequent bathing is not required; water procedures are performed as needed. Due to their tendency to become obese, dogs need at least minimal physical activity, even if they themselves do not show this desire. They do not tolerate temperature changes well.

A true Belgian is intelligent, reserved and a little shy. Until he breaks out into the street and smells an interesting smell. The dog is able to follow a trail that is 3-4 days old along the entire “route”, regardless of the total mileage. The breed is not aggressive and gets along well with children, even too well. With excessive children's attention, the Bloodhound must be protected from unnecessary encroachment on his kindness and patience. Very friendly and equally happy with both family members and strangers

They are a little stubborn and willful, so it is important to train them as early as possible. They have an insatiable appetite and are able to eat anything that falls into their mouth.

Average weight - 37-50 kg, height - 58-70 cm. It is convenient to comb the fur with a rubber glove, giving the dog the feeling of ironing. Due to the anatomical features (long, drooping) ears need regular cleaning, especially in the summer. Be sure to walk the animal a lot and often, giving it a lot of physical activity. The breed is very hardy and without the proper release of energy it can get sick.

Italian spinone

  • Height: from 55.9 to 68.6 cm
  • Weight: from 29 to 39 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10 to 12 years
  • Average cost: from 1200 to 2000 dollars

These coarse-coated dogs were specially bred to hunt game in the dense thickets of the Italian maquis. Notably, the Italian Spinone is capable of hunting on land and in water . He will be delighted at the simple opportunity to bring back the thrown ball.

Although still prized as hunters in their homeland, Italian Spinones have a gentle disposition and make excellent family dogs. Their cute, expressive faces will melt any heart.

The Italian Spinone's coat needs to be hand brushed occasionally and brushed about once a week to prevent mats from forming. Although they shed little, their beards may need to be brushed daily.

Caring for dogs with folded skin

It is clear that dogs sweat during intense exercise and in hot weather. Microorganisms develop on the discharge, and a fungal skin disease may begin. Therefore, hygienic care of animal skins must be systematic. It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it later.​

Many are touched by the amazing big-headed dog, whose skin is gathered in soft folds. This is a Shar Pei and he is the most striking representative of the folded dog breed.

Shar Peis have a long history. They were bred in China more than two thousand years ago and performed both hunting and fighting functions. The Shar Pei's ancestors were mastiffs and chow chows. The color of the tongue indicates the relationship with the latter. In both the Chow Chow and the Shar Pei, it is dark blue in color. The ancient Chinese rejoiced at this sign, believing that when a dog barks, it drives away evil spirits with its blue tongue.

It is difficult to grab because of the layer of subcutaneous fat. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, Shar Peis protected farms from predators and also took part in battles. Just 30 years ago, the Shar Pei was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest dog breed in the world. Only a few representatives of this breed were known at that time. The reason was that in China, in its homeland, the folded dog was actively exterminated in the 40s of the 20th century.

Then the communists, who came to power, issued an order to destroy all domestic animals. Only 30 years later, a group of American dog lovers began to actively revive the breed, searching for surviving individuals throughout China and transporting them to Hong Kong for breeding. Now the breed has been completely restored and is quite common throughout the world. True, American Sharpews have slightly shorter paws and softer fur. In addition to the folded skin, the Shar Pei has other features in its appearance.

So, he seems to have no neck, and his massive head seems to grow straight out of his body. Due to the deep set of dark almond-shaped eyes, the expression of this dog's muzzle looks gloomy. Dense small ears are pressed to the head towards the eyes, and a thick and long tail is curled into a ring.

Due to its too deep-set eyes, the Shar Pei has poor peripheral vision and therefore is often frightened by sudden movements. By nature, Shar Peis are calm and balanced, very loyal to their owner, but wary of strangers. They do not require increased attention to themselves and are able to perfectly protect their owners and home. True, today these dogs are most often bought simply as a companion, or even a decorative dog.

Shar Pei

(Chinese 沙皮, pinyin:
, pallial:
, literally: “sand skin”) is a breed of guard and hunting dogs, and in ancient times fighting dogs, originally from China, one of the oldest breeds.
It is a type of Molossoid dog and is known for such distinctive features as unusually deep folds of skin and a blue-black tongue.

An active and strongly built medium-sized dog. The folds on the skull and shoulders, small ears and “hippopotamus” face give the Shar Pei a unique appearance. In 1978, the Shar Pei was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed in the world at that time.

Shar Pei character

This folded dog is an excellent guard and watchman. She can become a devoted friend to the family. She is calm by nature. May show aggression towards unfamiliar dogs.

You should start training from a very early age (from about three to four months). This breed has fighting tendencies, so it is very advisable that the owner and the dog go through obedience school.

Slugi and Saluki

Incredibly fast Arabian greyhound from North Africa. Outwardly, Slugi resembles an Azawakh: the same tall, lean, long-legged. Colors are shades of red, from light sand to reddish.

The slug's fur is so smooth, thin and short that it is almost invisible.

In Russia, purebred Slugs are rare. The only nursery operates in St. Petersburg.

Shorthaired Salukis.

Due to their external similarity and consonant names, the Slugi is sometimes confused with another Arabian greyhound, the short-haired Saluki. But DNA studies have proven that these are two separate breeds.


This four-legged friend sees the meaning of his life in serving his owner. In fact, the Bloodhound is a hound dog. He has an amazing sense of smell. He is able to find prey in the most incredible conditions. The bloodhound's skin makes it nearly invulnerable under extreme circumstances.

A dog can get caught on a twig in the forest or be attacked by a large animal. In this case, the hanging skin saves the animal - it can easily escape and subsequently successfully heal its wounds.

The Bloodhound should not be overlooked on walks. Pets are carried away by someone else's smell and can run to the object that interests them. In general, representatives of the breed are not aggressive and even bark quite rarely.

The Bloodhound is an excellent protector of small children. He is noble, kind and invariably patient with kids. They get along well with other pets, even cats, and quickly become members of a large happy family.

Bloodhound skin care is easy. Sometimes it needs to be wiped with a damp, clean cloth. According to experts, the animal does not cause problems for allergy sufferers.

Basset Hound

Short-legged dogs have a charismatic appearance and a friendly character. Translated from French, “bas” means “dwarf”, “low”, so the name of the breeds speaks for itself. It is impossible to confuse basset hounds with other dogs - only they can have such a sad and melancholy look, long ears that drag on the ground and “fleshy” wrinkled sweets on the neck. Magnificent hounds that accurately follow the scent even in the most difficult weather conditions. They are sociable and flexible in everyday life. Quite stubborn and capricious, as well as pathologically slow. They are difficult to train, but they smooth out this deficiency with their curiosity and peacefulness. When alone, they usually sleep.

Average weight - 23-27 kg, height - 32-38 cm. It is not easy for them to learn to go to the toilet on the street. They are among the “drooling” dogs and require constant hygiene around the mouth. It is also necessary to monitor folds and ears, wiping them with disinfectant solutions and lotions. Basset hounds are prone to obesity, so they need exercise and daily walking. Often animals have to be literally forced to run and jump against their will. Due to the disproportion of their body, they often carry a lot of dirt and dust. They shed moderately and do not require frequent brushing.


The Belgian hunting breed has now acquired all the qualities of a domestic pet. The breed is characterized as large:

  • individual weight - 50 kg;
  • height at withers - 65 cm;
  • character is capricious.

However, if you are lucky enough to purchase a Bloodhound puppy, it will be a family member whom everyone loves. He is active and will play endlessly with children, affectionate and patient with adults. It seems that he is a full member of the family and understands the situation without words.

The dog does not know how to be offended; the dog knows how to behave hospitably. At exhibitions he evokes universal admiration. A beautiful, well-mannered dog is the pride of the owners. That is why the breed is common in aristocratic houses all over the world. Such dogs are raised only with affection; violence is an unacceptable method.


This dog breed is also called the “ big gentleman ”. As a general rule, the larger the dog breed, the friendlier and better the temperament.

If the Bullmastiff is raised correctly, it will never become a threat to its human companion or family. In fact, he will become your best caretaker and best friend. You just need to be a little careful as they don't have full control of their weight and strength and can be a little stiff when you play.

His wrinkles are mainly on his face and neck , which softens his strong and daunting presence.

Dogs with folds - features

Currently, there are several breeds that have this feature. Among them, the most popular ones should be highlighted. These are, in particular, such breeds as:

  • pug;
  • English bulldog and mastiff;
  • bloodhound;
  • Shar Pei.

Let's now look at them in more detail. The cutest of all the breeds listed above are, of course, pugs. She was bred thanks to the efforts of German breeders. The ancestors of the pug are Chinese dogs with bulging eyes and a flat muzzle. Adult dogs rarely grow above 30 centimeters. The normal weight for this breed is 7 kilograms. At the same time, pugs live up to 15 years. A distinctive feature of these dogs are the folds on the muzzle, forming a peculiar pattern. At the same time, they have very funny facial expressions. One gets the impression that a pug can depict on its face the whole gamut of feelings it experiences. It is especially interesting to watch them when a small dog begs for something tasty - she does it so touchingly that it is simply impossible to refuse. Well, the hilarious, slightly wagging gait is a completely different story.

The appearance is complemented by a ringed tail and shiny, smooth fur. It's no surprise that these animals are children's favorites. However, pugs reciprocate their feelings because they have a good-natured and playful character. If you adopt such a dog, remember that it needs very careful care. Firstly, pugs are prone to obesity and allergic reactions, so you will need to monitor their diet

Secondly, special attention will have to be paid to the condition of the pet’s eyes due to the anatomical features of the dog. Thirdly, pugs are contraindicated for serious exercise, so you need to walk with them at a leisurely pace

The English bulldog, as you can easily guess from the name, came to us from Foggy Albion. These dogs are very good guards, despite their small size. Bulldogs are quite trainable, but you need to work with them patiently, without any displays of force or aggression, since the dog will not tolerate such an attitude towards itself. If you have children in your family, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth getting a representative of this breed. Bulldogs have a peculiar character and do not like to share a room with anyone else.

They quickly become aggressive, so you need to be very careful when playing with representatives of this breed. Often, owners simply cannot predict what thought will come to their pet at one time or another.

The English Mastiff has its roots in Central Asia. It is from there that the ancestors of these dogs, the ancient Dogo de Milo, come from. These dogs are excellent hunters and have a fearless character. For example, they are not afraid to engage in combat with an opponent who has a significant superiority in size. Another characteristic feature of mastiffs is their lightning-fast reaction. They have a fighting character combined with serious power, and if you decide to get such a dog, be sure to take this point into account.

The Bloodhound is a breed developed in Belgium. Its representatives are quite large dogs. Height at the withers is about 65 centimeters, average weight is about 50 kilograms. Blandahounds have a rather capricious character, so if you decide to get one as a pet, be patient in advance. On the other hand, representatives of this breed understand the owner even by looking at them, and at the same time get along well with children. Due to their rather playful disposition, Bloodhounds become family favorites.

When raising such a dog, you need to remember that it does not tolerate aggression and the use of force, so during the training process it is important to be extremely correct. But with the right approach, you will get a loyal friend and reliable protector

Today, the Shar Pei is, first of all, a devoted and faithful friend for humans.

At the same time, these dogs cope well with the function of a guard, bravely defending the territory, while possessing good mental abilities. They are distinguished by a very calm character, but often show aggression towards their four-legged relatives

It should be especially noted that Shar-Peis are fighting dogs by nature, so special attention should be paid to their education. However, with the proper approach, representatives of this breed are quite good-natured with their owners.

Breeds of small short-haired and smooth-haired dogs: list, photos

Small short-haired dog breeds look beautiful even with minimal grooming. Moreover, they will never leave clumps of fur in the apartment. The length of the coat usually does not exceed 2-2.5 cm. They have a rather sparse undercoat or it does not grow at all. However, twice a year the cover is renewed, and then it remains on the upholstery and carpets. Let's find out which smooth-haired and short-haired breeds are the most popular.

10th place. miniature pinscher

miniature pinscher

These are slender dogs with well-developed muscles. Their height does not exceed 25-30 cm. They are black and tan and plain red-brown. The gait of these dogs is similar to that of circus horses. They are active and inquisitive, and are easy to train. They get along well with children, but with kids they lack gentleness and patience.

9th place. Prague rat

Prague rat

This breed is Czech. They are also called warriors. Rats are considered the smallest breed among the smooth-haired. These dogs do not exceed 21-23 cm in height, and they weigh no more than 2.6 kg. There are several colors. These are lively dogs that are very active

They are friendly, but they are wary of strangers. It is better for small children not to play with them unattended so that they do not injure the dog.

8th place. Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier

These terriers are distinguished by their versatility. They behave delicately and obey their master. They always clearly grasp his mood and will not impose themselves. This breed is also trusting of strangers, so they do not make watchmen. Dogs weigh up to 11.3 kg.

7th place. French Bulldog

French Bulldog

Representatives of the breed grow no more than 24 cm, and their weight reaches 8-14 kg. Up to 5-6 years old, these bulldogs are active and capable of playing at any time. As they age, they begin to show restraint

They are not inclined to carry out commands on demand, and therefore it is important to start raising a pet from the first day

6th place. English miniature bull terrier

English miniature bull terrier

Their appearance resembles standard bull terriers, but their height does not exceed 35.5 cm. These dogs are loyal, friendly and stubborn. They want to be in charge of everything

It is important to deal with the behavior and education of your pet, otherwise it may become aggressive.

5th place. Patterdale Terrier

Patterdale Terrier

Strong and quite hardy dogs. Their height reaches 25-28 cm, and their weight reaches 5-9 kg. They have short fur with a thick undercoat. This breed is valued for its hunting passion, tenacious grip, as well as good instincts and tenacity.

4th place. Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhound

Previously, this breed was very popular among aristocrats. At the same time, Italian greyhounds were often taken hunting. The dogs look elegant, but they are not weak at all and have good endurance. Representatives of the breed reach a height of 33-38 cm, and their maximum weight is 5 kg. At home, Italian Greyhounds are gentle and show restraint. They always adapt to their owner’s mood, and also get along with children and other pets.

3rd place. Tenterfield Terrier

Tenterfield Terrier

The breed was created by crossing miniature fox terriers and aboriginal small dogs. Their average height is 30 cm. They have smooth and soft fur, as well as a white color. They are restless and have a lot of energy, and they are also stubborn.

2nd place. Beagle


A breed with a hunting instinct and a developed sense of smell. Often these pets are hired to search for drugs in the USA and Australia. On average, they reach a height of 33-40 cm. They are loyal and charming animals. However, they require complex care. The fact is that beagles always need to be occupied with something. If they don't get enough attention, they start chewing furniture, ruining things and barking. Even basic commands are difficult for them due to stubbornness. And on the street, if the dog is carried away by a new smell, it does not listen to the owner.

1 place. Puggle


Piggles are quite adorable pets, but they are the result of a mating between beagles and pugs. At the same time, they inherit all their diseases. They grow up to 30-35 cm and weigh up to 12 kg.


The old breed originated from the ancient Dogo de Milo from Central Asia. The Mastiff was considered a hunter and warrior. He could replace two legionnaires in battle and engage in mortal combat with tigers and bears. The powerful animal uncontrollably went into battle. With the soldiers, like a precious trophy, the dog came to Britain.

The size of the quadruped is impressive. With folds hanging from the muzzle and body, it weighed 100 kg and its mass could immobilize anyone. The heavyweight has excellent reflexes, which makes his attack much more effective.

A typical representative of the folded breed is the Neapolitan Mastiff. It is he who has wavy skin that can be pulled back and folded. The dog is huge, reminiscent of a rhinoceros, walking slowly and imposingly. It is impossible to look at this passing miracle without smiling.

However, the breed in Britain acquired other qualities, and the habits of an aristocrat appeared. The Mastiff carries itself with dignity next to its owner. He does not pay attention to his brothers and with all his appearance makes it known that he is peaceful. But his dormant fighting qualities will make him a fierce defender of the family at any moment. Probably, watching the walk of the owner and the pet, a strong determination arose that the dog resembles the owner. The mastiff barks extremely rarely.

Reverse sneezing

This phenomenon is often observed in brachycephalic dogs. It looks like this. The dog spreads its front legs, tenses, and makes a series of snorting sounds for a minute. After the attack he behaves as usual. It could also be different: the dog inhales, makes a loud sound and freezes, stretching his neck.

Such sneezing can be caused by strong odors, emotional reactions, and dust getting into the nose. It is not a pathology, and its features are caused by the specific structure of the muzzle. But such a phenomenon should be distinguished from brachycephalic syndrome, and therefore it makes sense to film the attack and show it to the veterinarian. As a rule, no additional measures are required during an attack; the sneezing goes away on its own.

Features of short-legged dogs

Each stocky breed is characterized by "compressed" but straight bones in the paws. The body proportions of low-slung pets are non-standard - they have a relatively large body and head. The fingers have thick pads that soften the load on the animal's musculoskeletal system. Puppies of short breeds take much longer than others to learn to control their bodies and are more likely to get injured.

Video: mini bulldog trying to get the ball

If you think that short dogs only walk on level ground and are not able to climb to heights, then I will refute such a misconception. Climbing mountain slopes and hilly terrain is a common thing for them. And at home, short pets can easily stand on their hind legs to explore the assortment of food on the kitchen table. And the bed is not an obstacle to soak up on it next to the owner.

Bull Terrier

The Bull Terrier is a fairly well-known breed. The unusual appearance of these dogs, especially the egg-shaped head with small slanted eyes, causes many people to have negative associations with rats. Bull Terriers are often called “killer dogs”, attributing to them excessive bloodthirstiness. In fact, these animals can be quite cute companion pets and personal bodyguards. However, Bull Terriers need to be raised and trained to suppress the fighting skills of the past. It is not recommended to keep these dogs with small pets.

Overview of large breeds

Large breeds with folds always attract attention. They give the impression of wise and stern animals, but at the same time very cute and charming, which you can admire endlessly. However, a stern appearance does not always correspond to their character: most pets are distinguished by their kind disposition towards their family and willingness to play like small children

However, a stern appearance does not always correspond to their character: most pets are distinguished by their kind disposition towards their family and willingness to play like small children.

English Mastiff

This breed was bred for fighting, but despite its past, the dogs are valued for their calm and obedient nature. The pet is good with children, but leaving the animal alone with the child is not recommended. This is due to the large size of the dog, which they do not always feel

And they can cause some kind of injury to a small child simply through negligence

The Mastiff is distinguished by intelligence, prudence, self-esteem and nobility. This dog is not endowed with playfulness and needs gentle training. It is not recommended to use physical punishment against your pet. For this reason, such a dog should not be owned by hot-tempered people who cannot patiently educate and are prone to aggression.

The English Mastiff is a protector who is always wary of strangers. He will not allow a stranger to be on the territory until he is sure of the safety of his possessions and household members. Such a dog will not vocalize again, but at night (due to the structure of its muzzle) it snores loudly. Drooling is another pet flaw.

The dog grows to 70-85 cm at the withers and weighs 80-100 kg. Due to its massiveness, the breed can create some inconvenience. This is primarily due to the need for free space. A mastiff is not suitable for a small apartment.

Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitano is a large dog that has a nobility and calm temperament. The dog will be a good protector; next to him, all household members are safe.

The origin of the breed has ancient roots that stretch back to the typical Molosser from Ancient Rome. When the great empire began to fall, dogs began to be crossed with other Italian breeds and by the middle of the 20th century there were only 8 dogs left in Sicily. The revival of the Neapolitan is the merit of Skonzane, a cynologist who was able to get an ideal male dog in his kennel, who became the progenitor of the modern standard.

Such a dog is distinguished by specific folds that hang from the head and belly. The peculiarity of their appearance allowed the animals to receive protection in battles. The folds acted as a kind of shield: they protected the vessels with muscles from injury in battles.

Impressive appearance, confidence, calmness and vigilance are the advantages of the Neapolitan Mastiff. The pet is distinguished by endless loyalty to its owner. The animal accepts only one owner. He is so devoted to him that he will not leave him even one step. At the same time, the dog will not be annoying.


Another folded variety of dog. The breed was bred in Belgium for hunting. Currently she is used as a pet. The dog grows up to 65 cm at the withers, weight is 50 kg.

Bloodhound is a capricious dog, but not touchy

In the family, he is always the center of the universe, attracting attention with his activity, desire for games and affectionate temperament. The pet gets along well with children and is patient with adults. The dog fits into the home atmosphere and is a full member of the family, understanding all household members perfectly

The dog fits into the home atmosphere and is a full member of the family, understanding all household members perfectly.

The Bloodhound is a hospitable dog that always behaves well. She knows how to present herself, which is why she is valued in aristocratic families.

Border Collie

The Border Collie is a British herding breed. It is sometimes called the English Shepherd. Outwardly, it resembles a mix of a shepherd and a collie. Despite its medium size, the dog has high endurance and is able to overcome up to 80 km over rough terrain. The dog has an excellent sense of smell, which allows it to sense danger from afar, quickly responds to the shepherd’s commands, and is able to keep all members of the herd in sight.

Border needs constant communication; her instincts push her to chase any moving objects. Therefore, she will not ignore passing cars, cyclists, or children running by.

The dog is docile, occasionally displays stubbornness, wanting to attract the owner’s attention.

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