What kind of Chihuahua mestizos exist: appearance, character traits and care rules + photos of these crossbreeds

Recently, mixed breeds of various breeds have become popular.

Mixed breeds are dogs obtained by crossing two purebred breeds.

Such dogs are much cheaper if you buy from a reputable breeder.

In order not to be deceived, you need to know what a crossbreed looks like and be able to defend your point of view.

In this article we will talk about what kind of Chihuahua mestizos exist. We will also show photos of the most popular ones.

Mixed Chihuahua - with Toy Terrier, Pekingese, Pug and Lapdog

Mixed breeds have begun to become popular among many dog ​​breeders. These are quite unusual dogs that appeared as a result of crossing two breeds. A person who really needs a Chihuahua mix should become familiar with the characteristics and varieties of such dogs in advance.

Chihuahua mixes are the result of crossing two different breeds of dogs.

Popular types of mestizos

There are seven varieties of mestizos, the descriptions of which every dog ​​breeder should familiarize themselves with.

Toy Terrier and Chihuahua mix

Most often, dogs obtained by crossing these breeds grow small and short-haired. The color of the coat can be varied. They often have white, red or black fur.

The result of a mixture of Chihuahua and Toy Terrier is a dog with a calm character. They are distinguished by their affection for their owner, playfulness and cheerfulness. Also, such animals need constant attention, and therefore they should not be left alone for a long time.

Yorkie mix

A mixture of a Chihuahua and a Yorkshire Terrier allows you to produce compact dogs weighing about four kilograms. Their distinctive features include a small head and a small body. The coat of such mestizos is quite long.

The dog has a difficult character. She does not tolerate loneliness well and is very jealous. Therefore, people who have little free time should not have such mestizos.

Pinscher mix

A mixed breed of Chihuahua and Pinscher is not very common, as it is not particularly popular among dog breeders. These dogs are distinguished from other varieties by their small tail, large ears and long legs. Mixed breeds have a short coat. It can be painted in the following colors:

Dogs have a complex character. They do not get along well with other animals, and therefore, apart from them, there should be no other pets in the apartment.

Pekingese mix

Dogs resulting from a mixture of Chihuahua and Pekingese are usually called peccachi. These dogs absorbed the genes of their parents in equal quantities. They have long and fairly thick fur. Their paws are small and their faces are flat. The Pekingese-Chihuahua mix needs proper care. The pet must be washed regularly and also take care of its fur.

Spitz mix

Mixed chihuahuas crossed with a lapdog and a spitz are called pomches. These are compact dogs with thin legs. They grow up to 18-20 cm in height and weigh no more than four kilograms. These dogs differ from other mestizos by their rounded ears and pointed muzzle.

Despite the fact that this dog is small, it has well-developed muscles. Also, the distinctive features of such a dog include a short tail and unusually beautiful eyes.

Dachshund mix

Representatives of the Chihuahua-Dachshund mix have a fairly long body and small paws. At an early age, such mestizos have short fur. However, it gradually lengthens every month. Dogs have very long ears, which can be drooping or raised up. The dog's character is calm. She is affectionate, kind and very loyal to her owner. This mixed breed loves to play, and therefore is ideal for a family with small children.

Pug mix

Mixed breeds obtained from Chihuahuas and pugs are most often called chagi. Such hybrid dogs appeared quite recently. However, despite this, many dog ​​breeders have already fallen in love with them. The Chihuahua/Pug mix has a flattened face, short fur, and a rounded tail. Their body is the same as that of pugs.

Varieties according to body shape

Here are described the varieties of the breed, the differences of which are in the shape of the body.


Representatives of this type have a rather stocky and dense build. They have a large head with a convex forehead and a shortened muzzle, widely spaced large and at the same time bulging eyes. The ears of these dogs are relatively small and widely spaced.

The neck is strong and muscular, the back is strong and wide enough for an animal of such small size. The chest is deep, wide and powerful. The preferred tail for a cobby is saber-shaped, not thin and not too long.

The limbs should also not be long; they are strong and well-muscled, with well-defined angles of articulation. The movements of representatives of this type should express the strength and energy inherent in the Cobby Chihuahua.

This type of build is often called “deer build.” Deer-type Chihuahuas are more refined and sophisticated than Cobby-type dogs.

They have a medium-sized and rather narrow head with an elongated muzzle and a less convex forehead. The ears are large and set quite high.

The physique is neither powerful nor muscular - the back is narrower, the chest is also not so deep and not so wide.

The limbs are less muscular, thinner and visually look longer than those of the Cobby. The tail is long and thin. Such a dog moves easily, as if barely touching the ground; there is almost no sense of strength or power in its movements.

How to identify a Chihuahua mix by appearance

To distinguish, for example, a mixed breed of French bulldog and Chihuahua from a purebred purebred dog, you need to carefully examine the head. It should have a clear transition from the nose to the forehead. In this case, the muzzle should be slightly flattened. In mestizos it is most often angular.

A mixed-breed Chihuahua is a dog resulting from crossing representatives of two different breeds. People who want to get such a dog should familiarize themselves with the characteristics and varieties of these dogs.


Accepted standard

The Chihuahua is a small, graceful, well-proportioned dog. For males, a square body format is preferable, while for females a slightly higher elongation index is acceptable.

The head is rounded, with a pronounced transition from the forehead to a rather short muzzle, tapering towards the nose.

The ears are large, erect, triangular in shape, widely spaced and turned forward.

The eyes are large, round, and their most preferred shade is dark brown.

The color of the nose can be either black or the same color as the main color.

The neck is quite thin and long, but not excessively. The back line is straight, the croup is slightly sloping. The chest is deep, with convex ribs, the stomach is tucked.

Toy Terrier and Chihuahua mix

This crossbreed is notable for the fact that until it is a year old, it is impossible to understand which parent it will resemble.

You can read about the comparison between the Chihuahua and Toy Terrier breeds here.

The dog incorporates the personality traits of both of its ancestors, but in most cases they have long, black and tan coats. It is also impossible to guess about the size - whether the dog will grow to 3 kg or will remain a baby. From toy terriers, mixed breeds inherit an elongated muzzle. The dog has long and graceful legs and a medium-length tail.

Mestizos are also different in character, since they inherit the character traits of both parents. All of them are united by devotion to the owner, fearlessness, unusual for such a small dog, and difficulties with education. But this dog loves to walk, she is cheerful and playful.

These mestizos catch cold easily and need extra clothing for walks. They are also not suitable for children, because children can accidentally injure them, which will cause aggression.

Overall, this is a good companion dog that will cheer you up on a sad day and share all the joys of a walk in the fresh air.

History of the breed

The Chihuahua is considered one of the oldest breeds in the world. Researchers suggest that dogs similar to modern short-haired Chihuahuas appeared in Mexico at the end of the Paleozoic. These were small dogs, among which there were both dogs with fairly long hair and those completely hairless.

The Spaniards, who saw Chihuahuas during the conquest of Mexico in the 16th century, mentioned them more than once in their chronicles, however, by that time these dogs were no longer sacred animals - the Aztecs ate them and considered them the most ordinary dogs.

The conquistadors destroyed temples and palaces, which had an extremely negative impact on the number of Chihuahuas. Many of these dogs ran into the jungle and became wild.

Only in the middle of the 19th century did Europeans rediscover this amazing breed, which later received its name from the Mexican state where it was discovered.

The National Breed Club in the USA was founded in 1923, at the same time the first standard appeared, according to which Chihuahuas could only be short-haired. And only in 1954, in Britain, a standard was developed for the long-haired breed variety.

Read more about the history of the Chihuahua breed here.

Currently, both types of breed are popular in the world, but short-haired dogs are still more common.

Photo gallery

The appearance of a pet in an apartment invariably promises a good mood and joy for all family members. If you follow all the rules of care, they will delight you for many years.

Bathing your pet is one of the most important procedures in caring for the appearance of the animal. If the fur is clean, it will be easy to comb without causing discomfort to your dog. Let's see how Oscar likes to swim.

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Designed to make cleaning easier, they can make the procedure less unpleasant for the animal.

Chihuahua and Yorkie mix

This is perhaps the most popular breed mix and is the most in demand.

The dogs look very much like Yorkshire terriers; they inherit practically nothing from the Chihuahua. They are very well built - a small compact and fit body, a small head held high and thin legs.

It is impossible to determine the color of a mestizo before birth. Puppies are usually black or golden in color - these are Chihuahua genes. But as they grow older, their color can completely change. The length of the coat also varies, but generally the crossbreed has a long coat, like a Yorkie.

Dogs usually weigh at least two kilograms, and the maximum weight reaches four.

Chorkies are very smart dogs, but difficult to train. They have a slightly arrogant character, so they are wary of everyone except their owner. They love to play, but can cross the line and bite during play.

They also inherited fearlessness from Chihuahuas. For this reason, they should be walked on a leash to avoid unforeseen situations.

Many mestizos are calm and patient, but in the same number there are those who will not tolerate any bullying from others. So, they react coldly to children, are very touchy and do not like to be left alone. This leads to whining and barking.

Chorkies are suitable for people leading an active lifestyle - they like outdoor games. But, like all small breed dogs, they will need warm clothes in winter.

When raising a mixed breed, it is worth remembering that it will be quite difficult to retrain him, so it is better to immediately teach the dog all the necessary skills.

Body Options

There are officially 2 types of Chihuahua, Cobby and Dir. But there are also so-called false types. They are brought mainly from Mexico. Their difference is a sharp muzzle and eyes and ears located close to each other. This is an aboriginal type dog and does not fit the breed standard.

There is also an English type. He has a rough bone structure, a massive build, and is heavier than the standard Cobby weight. Their muzzle has a pointed shape, the head is not quite round in size, and there is a small distance between the eyes and ears.

The extreme type, on the contrary, is too miniature, less than the dir type. Their distinctive feature is their overly bulging eyes and incredibly thin legs. Compared to the standard, they are pure dwarfs.

The exotic version differs in its miniature size even from the extreme type. In terms of body structure, they are similar to the dire type, but with a longer muzzle and a modified skull shape.

How to care, general recommendations

Pekingese are quite unpretentious to their living conditions. However, there are a number of nuances that can ensure maximum comfort for your cute pet.

Many of them are related to the animal’s exterior:

Sensitivity to heat . The presence of a thick undercoat and a short nose does not allow the Pekingese to cope with environmental influences.

At elevated temperatures, the dog's body overheats, which, with prolonged exposure, becomes the cause of heat stroke.

When deciding to get a pet of this breed, it is important to ensure that there is air conditioning in the apartment.

If your home does not have climate control equipment, it is recommended to lay a wet towel on the floor for the animal during hot weather.

The animal's fur needs special attention. Being thick and long, it needs regular combing, as otherwise it quickly falls into tangles.

The animal must be combed at least 2-3 times a week.

The number of procedures depends on the type of coat, and there are two of them: hard and long with a small undercoat, or fluffy of medium length.

In the second case, combing is carried out more often, since caring for such an animal is somewhat more difficult.

Nail cutting . Few dogs are calm about such a decision. Therefore, if you want to carry out your plans yourself, you need to use special scissors.

If the necessary skills are missing, you can entrust the work to a veterinarian.

Water treatments . The animal should be washed with warm water using special shampoos (for long-haired dogs). You can use a hairdryer to dry the wool after bathing. The procedure is carried out by directing warm air against the fur.

Examination and cleaning of ears . Removing wax from the ears is performed using special preparations that can be found in pet stores.

Designed to make cleaning easier, they can make the procedure less unpleasant for the animal.

The process of combing should not be accompanied by irritable behavior of the animal.

This can be achieved by accustoming the dog to the procedure from childhood. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

If you have no desire to deal with the appearance of the Pekingese, you can cut it.

Of course, you shouldn't do this yourself. A salon specialist will help you choose haircut options.

Chihuahua and Pinscher mix

This mixed breed is not particularly popular; it is almost impossible to meet him on the street and from breeders. However, they also find a response in the hearts of some owners.

This dog grows larger than a Chihuahua, has a black and tan color, large and pointed ears and a short tail (a long one is extremely rare) - all these are the genes of the miniature pinscher. But there are also golden mestizos.

The dog has unusually thin legs and moves with special grace and dignity. The coat of a crossbreed is always short, they practically do not shed.

The dogs have a strong character, despite their small size. They tend to subjugate the owner, so only a person with leadership qualities can own such a dog. These are the traits of a pinscher; from the Chihuahua, the dog inherited fearlessness and unfriendliness towards everyone except its owner.

In general, such a dog is not suitable for a family with children, but it will share the delights of a bachelor's life.

The article was prepared specifically for the Pekingese Portal.

The following questions very often appear on our forum: - I began to be overcome by doubts, do we really have a Pekingese, or not? I looked at all the photos here, and Pekingese puppies on the Internet... They seem to be smaller and fluffier at this age? - When will my Pekingese grow hair like yours? What needs to be done for this, maybe give me some vitamins? — I bought a dwarf Pekingese, is that true? — I bought a Pekingese puppy, he is 1 month old (alternatively, the breeders said to urgently pick up the puppy as soon as he turns a month old).

If the owners of such dogs are very lucky, they have so-called old-type Pekingese dogs; if they are unlucky, they have mixed breeds or mongrels.

Let me start with the fact that not a single conscientious breeder will give you a Pekingese puppy at one month of age. You can buy him, but until he is two months old he will live in his nest until he gets stronger and gets his first vaccination. There are exceptions when, well, they really, really persuade, with tears in their eyes and so on (I don’t recommend this method, the puppy’s life is on your conscience). But if the breeder says, without persuasion, take it and does not offer to let the puppy grow up, and you have definitely decided to buy a Pekingese, you can safely turn around and leave. Usually, the smaller the puppy, the more it looks like something purebred, and when it grows up, the truth clearly becomes “written on its face,” which is why breeders try to sell the puppy as early as possible (a person who does not understand purebred dogs will not understand that he was deceived). And in purebred puppies, the older they are, the more pronounced their pedigree is.

The old-type Pekingese (in common parlance, Pekingese) is not a true Pekingese, but in appearance they resemble the Pekingese that were bred in the USSR (behind the Iron Curtain), or 100 years ago. Such dogs have not met modern requirements for the breed for a very long time and not only the blood of the Pekingese ancestors flows in their veins (maybe a great-grandmother sinned with someone, or some other “relative” (and most likely not even one) for all the time of diligently obtaining puppies “for health "or for the sake of profit).

Dwarf Pekingese is a special “brand” under which any one-month-old mongrel is bought with a bang. There are no breeds or varieties of dwarf (Imperial and others) Pekingese. There is just a breed of Pekingese, which very rarely can give birth to a sleeve Pekingese, but you can read more about this in another section.

Metis - it seems like there was a Pekingese, but it’s not clear where, when and with whom. In this case, by Pekingese, we can most often safely say that we mean the same “old-type” Pekingese that you read about just above.

I think there is no need to explain who mongrels . I can only say. That a friend of mine, the owner of a mongrel, proudly calls her breed Sharbo. It sounds beautiful and doesn’t seem to deceive anyone, because according to him, the breed of a dog is determined by its fathers: Sharik and Bobik.

Such dogs will never grow hair like a purebred Pekingese, even with any vitamins. If it’s not genetically determined, it won’t grow.

But there are people who prefer Pekingos. Below I will give the pros and cons of purebred Pekingese and Pekingese.

I have described only those differences that are immediately noticeable. In fact, there are many more differences; you can understand them by studying and understanding the breed.

Character of dogs

A Spitz crossed with a Chihuahua, with proper upbringing and training, will give a person a wonderful and faithful friend. At the same time, the animal needs to be given a sufficient amount of attention and care from a young age. Otherwise, the dog may grow up to be aggressive.

Chihuahua: description of dog breed, character

Pomchi themselves are sociable and playful animals, especially this goes nicely with their small size. They love to spend time with their owner, engage in outdoor games and sleep close by.

A character trait is that the mestizo does not like loneliness. He needs to see his loved one as often as possible, otherwise the animal may withdraw into itself and refuse to communicate with anyone.

They do not require much physical activity, but the dog will happily go for a walk and frolic if a person decides to play with it. They love tactile sensations and affection. However, in this matter one cannot go too far. The dog may decide that it is the boss of the family and behave accordingly.

Important! The dominant habits of a dog can cause a lot of problems for the owner, so from the first days you need to indicate to the animal who is in charge in the house. Otherwise, the pet may begin to manipulate its own owner.

These dogs absolutely love affection.

Chihuahua and Pekingese mix

Such mestizos are called pekachi. Dogs look like both parents. They have long and dense hair with undercoat, drooping ears, but other indicators are more similar to Chihuahuas - the size of the body, head, eye color. It is impossible to determine the color of the coat before birth, but usually pekachi are golden.

Like all small breeds, it is an indoor dog. It requires proper care - its thick coat needs to be combed and trimmed often, and in winter it must be taken out into the cold only in special clothing.

Small stature is not a hindrance for a dog to express itself during a walk. Therefore, be careful when walking. A dog can easily throw itself at another dog or under a car and get hurt.

The pekachi is also attached to its owners, but, like most small dogs, it doesn’t get along well with children.

Inheriting the flattened muzzle of the Pekingese and sometimes short legs, mixed breeds are faced with diseases of the bones and joints, as well as the respiratory system.


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