Why does a dog smell like a dog, how to get rid of the smell?

Other reasons not related to diseases

  • Poor nutrition. If a dog receives an unbalanced diet and low-quality products, this will primarily affect the quality of the coat and skin.
  • When the coat becomes damp, the dog smells stronger than usual. This is especially noticeable after a walk in damp weather or when in winter a pet, after “bathing” in a snowdrift, comes home and the snow melts on its fur.
  • During a walk, the dog may roll in other people's feces or carrion.
  • Rare hygienic bathing of the pet or the use of shampoos of dubious quality.
  • Stage of the reproductive cycle - in a female during the period of estrus, the smell intensifies. This is how they attract males.

Most of these factors can be influenced by the animal owner. In some cases, training will be required, in others more careful and high-quality hygiene and adherence to a diet.

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Hygiene procedures and nutrition

The fault for the appearance of unpleasant behavior from a dog as a result of failure to comply with hygiene procedures and improper nutrition lies with the owner.

The following factors lead to problems:

  • no ear cleaning once every two weeks;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • lack of water procedures;
  • the use of shampoos and gels for humans when bathing, which dry out the dog’s skin and coat;
  • a large amount of protein in food or switching the dog to a fish mono-diet gives the urine a strong ammonia smell.

When is it necessary to take your pet to the veterinarian?

Hygienic procedures will only help if the appearance of dog odor is not a consequence of pathological provoking factors. Knowing how to remove dog odor from a dog, you need to act immediately and the measures taken should be regular, especially if the breed has a predisposition to emit unpleasant animal odors.
But if adjusting the diet, ensuring proper hygienic care and thoroughly cleaning the premises does not give a positive result and does not help remove the unpleasant odor from the premises, the pet must be shown to a veterinarian.

Often, the stench of a dog from a dog is a symptom of a number of diseases. The exact cause can only be determined by undergoing detailed diagnostics.

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Functions of the glands

In the animal kingdom, smells are a tool for protection and communication. Any animal has a unique scent, thanks to which another predator can identify it. Domestication of canines did not contribute to the disappearance of this marker.

Often, owners of four-legged animals are faced with an unpleasant odor emanating from their pets. Studying the mechanism of its formation will help solve the problem. The theory of excessive sweating does not work in the case of dogs because they do not sweat much. The only exception is the area of ​​the paw pads. In most cases, the repulsive aroma is formed in the glands located in the epidermis.

The characteristic odor of wool is not associated with excessive sweating

Any animal has aromatic glands that produce certain substances. Depending on the state of the body, the degree of their intensity changes.

Table 1. Types of glands

Type of glandCharacteristic
SkinProduces lubricant for hair. The total number and sensitivity determine the level of “odor” of the pet. Pets living in extreme natural conditions have a larger number of fatty glands. The skin of short-haired pets also has a dense layer of fat. Dogs without undercoat produce a large amount of lubricant, which makes the smell of wet fur more intense.
SweatLocated between the paw pads. Many owners note a specific aroma of the limbs, which intensifies in summer and winter. At best it resembles popcorn, at worst it resembles dirty socks. These sweat glands produce odorous substances that form the individual trace of the animal.

Wool protects the body from external influences and enhances the heat-insulating qualities of the epidermis.

The skin of animals is lined with hairs that interact with hair follicles. Each root is connected to the sebaceous glands, with the help of which toxins are removed from the body. If the animal is sick or is taking medication, the smell intensifies. These glands also produce pheromones - external secretion products that attract the opposite sex.

How to properly clean wood floors from dog urine

While the most unpleasant formations can be removed from the carpet quite quickly, the pungent dog “aroma” from a wooden floor is a dangerous problem. The appearance of dampness (if the dog peed in the same place several times) can lead to damage to the varnish and swelling of the laminate or parquet. Initially, dog urine is removed using a napkin or towel. You need to blot the puddle, wash the floor with clean water, and wipe dry. Next you can do the following:

  • rub the laminate with lemon peel;
  • make a paste of soda and water (change when dry);
  • neutralize the stench by washing the flooring with a floor cleaner that smells of lavender and mint.

The use of ordinary bleach or powder is unacceptable: they will not help remove dog urine from the floor and will damage the coating (suitable only for light-colored linoleum). To prevent your dog from peeing on the floor again and the room smelling like urine, you can try a weaning spray. True, it rarely helps. If the dog begins to go to the toilet in the room due to old age, you will have to lay oilcloths or a medical diaper on the floor. Difficulties are also possible when an adult dog marks the territory due to the appearance of a cat.

How to eliminate dog smell?

Once you find out the cause of the stench, you can take specific measures to prevent your dog from smelling like dog. If the exact reasons are unclear, you need to follow the most extensive algorithm to eliminate risks as much as possible. Is the dog sick? It needs to be cured and during this period the smell should not bother you. Is your pet healthy?

We carry out the following procedures:

  • Bathing without shampoo or with laundry soap . Please note that if your dog is afraid of water, the smell may become stronger after bathing. The results can only be judged after the wool has completely dried.
  • Bathing with shampoo to eliminate odor , if the previous point did not help. Do not blow-dry your dog or dry it with cold air; when heated, the skin produces more lubricant.
  • Replacement or cutting of litter.
  • Wash overalls and other clothes, if any.
  • Wiping paws after every walk, even if there is no dirt outside.

In addition to the complex:

  • We clean your pet’s ears once every 2-3 weeks.
  • We perform preventive teeth cleaning once every 2–4 weeks.
  • We clean the wool as often as possible, do not comb it, but lightly comb it and wipe it with a dry, hard towel.
  • We comb the coat well 1-2 times a week to remove dead hair.

A few notes about bathing. You should not overuse this procedure, otherwise you will achieve the opposite effect. If you want to wash your dog, do not use shampoo. If you cannot stand the smell, use special and high-quality fragrances for wool after washing with clean water.

When, how and what to wash your dog so that it doesn’t smell like dog

  1. The first and perhaps most important method: wash the dog. You need to purchase a special shampoo . Some dog breeders also buy coat conditioner. But it all depends on the pet’s coat. Your veterinarian will tell you exactly how to wash your dog so that it doesn’t smell like dog. The product should not only mask the odor, but completely eliminate it. First of all, you need to understand that the shampoo must be designed specifically for dogs and have the appropriate acidity level (ph) . Your pet needs to be bathed at least once a month.
  2. Does your pet often smell like dog? What can I do to avoid this? Carry out hygiene measures. For example, clean your ears . Do you know that dirty ears are a common cause of bad odor? By the way, unkempt ears can lead to various diseases, inflammation of the auricle and canal.
  3. It is not necessary to wash your dog once every six months and assume that it will not smell like a dog. Additionally, you need to comb the coat every day. Dirt and debris found on the wool will be removed, and, accordingly, there will be no odor.
  4. Brushing your pet's teeth will help prevent bad odors. The ideal option would be if cleaning was done every day. But this hygiene procedure should definitely be carried out several times a week.
  5. It is not recommended to spray your pet with perfumes , deodorizing and scented products. This will only mask the odor for a short time and will not eliminate it permanently.

If you didn’t smell a specific aroma from your pet before, but now this smell has appeared, then you need to reconsider diet . Some additives found in cheap food can cause digestive problems. If the food is suspicious, it needs to be replaced with an expensive and high-quality one. It is advisable, at a minimum, to purchase granules that at least will not harm the body. Ideally, it is better to buy premium food.

There is no clear answer to the question of what to do to prevent your beloved dog from stinking. All activities must be carried out as a complex. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve success in this difficult task.

Why does the house smell like dog?

Before you start fighting an unpleasant odor, you should understand the root cause of its occurrence. The stench can appear both from the pet’s body and from secluded corners where it can quietly “bury a bone” or “mark its territory”; the same applies to cat odors in the house.

Important! Often the main reason is the laziness of the owners, because timely walks with the four-legged dog and regular wet cleaning can solve the “fragrant” problem forever.

  • Odorous rocks. There are no dogs that smell like flowers and vanilla. For example, shepherd dogs and spaniels smell much stronger, but crested Chinese chubs begin to “smell” only if they have not taken a shower for a couple of months.
  • Hygiene. As you know, your pet should be washed. If the animal is indoor, once a month, and if it is a yard species, then less often. The thing is that the fats that accumulate on the dog’s fur begin to smell unpleasant over time. Your pet should be accustomed to bath days from infancy.

  • Unsuitable bathing products. Remember that human shampoos are not suitable for dogs. The acidity level in such products is absolutely not suitable for the fur of a four-legged animal. Don't skimp on shampoos; buy dog ​​shampoos for your pet. Cheap compounds will not remove the stench, but will only dry out the skin and ruin the coat. If you use an alkali-based bath product and do not use a balm, this can lead to disruptions in the production of sebum, as a result of which the dog smells like a dog.
  • Blockage of the anal glands. If you notice that the animal diligently licks the area near the anus, tries to bite its butt and rolls on it, and besides that it itches and looks worried, then these are direct signs that it is time to clean the glands. Otherwise, inflammation may occur and this will cause an odor.

  • Otitis media or earwax. If the animal is not accustomed to regular ear cleaning, then the scent will haunt you constantly. The odor from a dog’s ears is much stronger during otitis media. In any case, play it safe and consult your veterinarian.
  • Bad breath in dogs can be prevented by teaching your puppy to brush his teeth. In addition, food and special toys that remove plaque and bad breath from a dog are perfect.

  • Seborrhea. It is observed in hunting dogs, as they have an increased production of fat as protection from getting wet.
  • Digestive problems. The excretion depends on the feed. Accustom your animal to proper, balanced nutrition.

  • Seasonality. An intensification of amber is observed in summer. Because of the heat, the animal tries to plunge into all the nearest puddles. This makes the wool smell sourish and pungent. And in wet wool, microorganisms multiply much faster.
  • Physiology. Hormones, excess weight and other diseases. At the same time, we note that males stink stronger. The only exception is the period of estrus in females. Use special dog perfumes or ear deodorants that are impregnated with an anti-parasite compound.

If you follow all the rules of hygiene, but your dog still smells, consult a doctor; perhaps there has been a problem in your pet’s health and he is sick. For example, if your dog’s mouth smells “antifreeze” or sweet, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Fishy smell

There may be situations when your pet begins to smell like musty fish. In this case, there may also be several reasons. In the first case, it is a disease; a similar specific smell appears if there is an illness in the oral cavity.

  • These are diseases of the teeth, gums and gastrointestinal tract. Also, such a smell can appear from blockage of the anal glands, but it is not possible to find out the cause on your own.
  • Also, the cause of the odor may be due to poor nutrition. Not all food is suitable for dogs, and owners love to pamper their pet with food that is not suitable for him. As a result, the sebaceous glands work with double force, which causes an unpleasant odor.

We must not forget that dogs of all breeds need to brush their teeth regularly to remove food particles and prevent the formation of tartar.

Food must be selected carefully, for the specific breed and characteristics of the pet. To choose the best option, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian, he will advise on the issue of diet planning.

Folk recipes

To restore a favorable atmosphere in the house, where there is no place for depressing aromas, some proven methods from folk practice can come to the rescue:

  • Cut the apple into 2 parts and apply the cut side to the area that emits the smell of dog urine. After 5-6 hours, the fruit will completely absorb it.
  • Sprinkle cornstarch on the flooring and vacuum it up after a few hours.
  • Pour warm water into a spray bottle, add 3-4 drops of any essential oil and shake well. This product is used to spray the living space, furniture, curtains and other things. Thanks to this, the air is filled with fragrance. The advantage of this procedure is that, along with aromatization, an antibacterial effect is noted.

How to fight

There are other reasons why your dog stinks. My dog ​​smells like dog, what should I do? Review your pet's hygiene. You may be breaking the rules. Maybe the animal should be washed more often, because basically the most common sources of foul odor are the mouth and fur. You forget. This can be done with regular children's toothpaste.

There is a way to eliminate the smell: you can bathe the animal, and then apply a solution of water and vinegar, in a one-to-one ratio, to the fur. Vinegar does an excellent job of removing odors and eliminating them. Keep your pet's ears clean, treat them; there may also be an unpleasant “aroma” concentrated here. There is no need to spray your dog with your own hygiene products, deodorants, straighteners, eau de toilette, or perfume. This may cost your pet a sense of smell. After a walk, it is better to wash your dog. Here are simple rules, failure to comply with which can lead to the dog having an unpleasant odor.

The second common point is that a dog may smell bad due to poor nutrition. Let the animal be the same as you. The animal's menu should be balanced, containing all the necessary elements. If you wish, you can contact a veterinarian, he will select a special diet for your pet in accordance with the nature and characteristics of the dog. Do not give your dog raw meat and fish. Fried foods should also not be given. This can lead to infection with worms. It's better to steam your dog.

Where to look

The unpleasant odor itself can come not only from the fur, but also from various organs: the mouth, ears, dirty paws, the area under the tail. Buy your pet, as well as yourself, toothpaste and shampoo! The pet also needs to brush its teeth and bathe several times a week. After each walk, owners should wash the dog's paws.

The unfortunate smell can also come from such unexpected places as the ears and eyes. In such cases, in these places you will be able to observe some kind of discharge from your pet. This is already a reason to contact the veterinarian. As you can see, a dog’s smell can also appear due to health problems. It’s not for nothing that there is an opinion that a healthy, well-groomed dog will not smell bad! A balanced diet is important, with all vitamins and minerals, the correct ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

The smell depends on the breed, some animals smell more, others less. The presence of odor is also affected by the gender of the animal; male dogs (males) smell much stronger.

Remove dog odor from parquet and laminate flooring

Wooden or laminate floors require careful care and maintenance. Aggressive detergents damage the floor, so try substances purchased at the pet store on an inconspicuous area of ​​the flooring. The leader among natural methods of removing dog odor is vinegar. An aqueous solution in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 immediately reduces odor. If you add a couple of drops of aromatic oil to the liquid (citrus scents are especially good - orange, grapefruit), the stench will be replaced by a soothing aroma.

If you have a four-legged friend

Preventative measures are a sure way to avoid dog smell in the house.

Daily vacuuming of sofas, carpets and floors will help prevent the presence of a strong stench.

Essential oils, which can be added to a spray bottle and sprayed around the perimeter of the apartment, will help freshen the air in the apartment.

The dog grooming industry offers a variety of grooming products: combs, brushes, furminators.

Regular visits to the veterinary clinic will allow you to prevent the disease in time.

Minutes of joy spent with your beloved pet compensate for all the additional time and effort spent on maintaining order and cleanliness in your home.

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