What kind of Chihuahua mestizos exist: appearance, character traits and care rules + photos of these crossbreeds

Recently, mixed breeds of various breeds have become popular.

Mixed breeds are dogs obtained by crossing two purebred breeds.

Such dogs are much cheaper if you buy from a reputable breeder.

In order not to be deceived, you need to know what a crossbreed looks like and be able to defend your point of view.

In this article we will talk about what kind of Chihuahua mestizos exist. We will also show photos of the most popular ones.

Popular types of mestizos

Mixed chihuahuas and other breeds are now very popular. They are cute and small.

However, these crosses are the most popular:

  • Chihuahua and Yorkshire Terrier - Chorkie;
  • chihuahua and toy terrier;
  • Chihuahua and Pomeranian Spitz - rush;
  • Chihuahuas and dachshunds - Chiweenie or Chihuaxa;
  • chihuahua and pug – chagi;
  • Chihuahua and Jack Russell Terrier - Jack Chi.


It is important to understand the characteristics of these mestizos, to know what conditions they need and what kind of maintenance. Only in this case will the dog be healthy and happy, because if the dog is not purebred, this does not mean that it needs to be given less time and attention.

General information about mestizos

Mixed breeds cannot be called purebred dogs, since no one purposefully creates them. Most often, such puppies are obtained due to mistakes by breeders. Among the main features of such dogs are:

  • Light weight. The body weight of adult individuals rarely exceeds four kilograms.
  • Cute appearance. Such small dogs often look quite cute. Especially if they were the result of a cross between a Chihuahua and a Papillon.
  • Calm character. The dogs are quite obedient and amenable to training.

Additional Information. Representatives of this hybrid breed have poor health, as they inherit the diseases of their parents.

Mixture characteristics

A cross between these breeds has the characteristics of both of its ancestors.

. But each individually bred puppy may differ in the brightness of its expressed features from its descendants.

In one case, the animal receives most of its characteristics from the pug, such as excessive playfulness and affection, and in others, from the chihuahua.

As a rule, in the second case, the dog does not like stroking its mane and excessive attention from its owner.

The size of the dog obtained from crossing is small, but quite massive at first glance

. The coat color can range from pale cream to anthracite black.

Albinos are born extremely rarely. And the mixed pedigree of the breed looks specific. A distinctive feature can be called a snub-nosed muzzle, characteristic of natives of the East.

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The appearance of a pet in an apartment invariably promises a good mood and joy for all family members. If you follow all the rules of care, they will delight you for many years.

Bathing your pet is one of the most important procedures in caring for the appearance of the animal. If the fur is clean, it will be easy to comb without causing discomfort to your dog. Let's see how Oscar likes to swim.

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Designed to make cleaning easier, they can make the procedure less unpleasant for the animal.

Chihuahua and Yorkie mix

This is perhaps the most popular breed mix and is the most in demand.

The dogs look very much like Yorkshire terriers; they inherit practically nothing from the Chihuahua. They are very well built - a small compact and fit body, a small head held high and thin legs.

It is impossible to determine the color of a mestizo before birth. Puppies are usually black or golden in color - these are Chihuahua genes. But as they grow older, their color can completely change. The length of the coat also varies, but generally the crossbreed has a long coat, like a Yorkie.

Dogs usually weigh at least two kilograms, and the maximum weight reaches four.

Chorkies are very smart dogs, but difficult to train. They have a slightly arrogant character, so they are wary of everyone except their owner. They love to play, but can cross the line and bite during play.

What breeds are similar to Chihuahuas?

There are several breeds that closely resemble the Chihuahua in appearance. These include:

  • English toy terrier. This is a small, smooth-haired dog that can often be seen at exhibitions. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their miniature size, impulsiveness and increased mobility.
  • Russian toy. This is a small dog, whose height rarely exceeds 30 cm. The Russian Toy weighs a little - 3-4 kg. Most often, these dogs are long-haired. Their coat is black with gold spots, like some shepherd dogs.
  • Russell Terrier. These dogs have short and coarse hair that is colored white. Some representatives of the breed may have yellow spots on their coats. Males grow up to 35 cm in height, females - 5-7 cm lower.

Russian Toy is a breed that looks like a Chihuahua.

How to care, general recommendations

Pekingese are quite unpretentious to their living conditions. However, there are a number of nuances that can ensure maximum comfort for your cute pet.

Many of them are related to the animal’s exterior:

Sensitivity to heat . The presence of a thick undercoat and a short nose does not allow the Pekingese to cope with environmental influences.

At elevated temperatures, the dog's body overheats, which, with prolonged exposure, becomes the cause of heat stroke.

When deciding to get a pet of this breed, it is important to ensure that there is air conditioning in the apartment.

If your home does not have climate control equipment, it is recommended to lay a wet towel on the floor for the animal during hot weather.

The animal's fur needs special attention. Being thick and long, it needs regular combing, as otherwise it quickly falls into tangles.

The animal must be combed at least 2-3 times a week.

The number of procedures depends on the type of coat, and there are two of them: hard and long with a small undercoat, or fluffy of medium length.

In the second case, combing is carried out more often, since caring for such an animal is somewhat more difficult.

Nail cutting . Few dogs are calm about such a decision. Therefore, if you want to carry out your plans yourself, you need to use special scissors.

If the necessary skills are missing, you can entrust the work to a veterinarian.

Water treatments . The animal should be washed with warm water using special shampoos (for long-haired dogs). You can use a hairdryer to dry the wool after bathing. The procedure is carried out by directing warm air against the fur.

Examination and cleaning of ears . Removing wax from the ears is performed using special preparations that can be found in pet stores.

Designed to make cleaning easier, they can make the procedure less unpleasant for the animal.

The process of combing should not be accompanied by irritable behavior of the animal.

This can be achieved by accustoming the dog to the procedure from childhood. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

If you have no desire to deal with the appearance of the Pekingese, you can cut it.

Of course, you shouldn't do this yourself. A salon specialist will help you choose haircut options.

Petit Brabançon care

There are certain features of the Petit Brabançon breed in care. All procedures boil down to:

  1. Regular daily brushing to remove loose hair. It is better to choose a brush specially made for wire-haired breeds with natural bristles.
  2. Periodic bathing and washing paws after a walk.
  3. Eye and ear hygiene. Petit Brabançon puppies, like adults, are susceptible to diseases of these organs, so you need to be especially careful about their cleanliness. In the morning, it is better to wipe your eyes with a clean, lint-free cloth soaked in chamomile infusion. The ears are also treated with damp cotton pads. If you can’t remove all the dust and dirt this way, you can carefully use cotton swabs.
  4. Your dog's teeth should be brushed at least 3-4 times a month with toothpaste and an appropriately sized dog brush.
  5. Trimming nails with a nail clipper for small breed dogs. Sharp edges can be rounded off with a nail file.

What is the best food to feed your Petit Brabançon?

The Petit Brabançon dog is very picky when it comes to food. The pet will only eat the food it likes. Experienced breeders recommend accustoming your puppy to the right diet from the first days of his arrival in the house. You can choose one of two power plans:

  1. Feeding with dry food
    . However, cheap “drying” is not suitable for the breed. It is worth buying only super premium or holistic nutrition. Veterinarians advise buying food for small breeds from the following brands: Grandorf, Acana, Orijen, Farmina, Canidae.
  2. Natural nutrition
    , in which it is important that every day the dog receives a variety of foods and vitamin and mineral complexes. The Petit Brabançon's diet should include: lean meat, cereals: rice, millet, oatmeal, eggs, boneless fish fillets, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products.

How often can you wash your Petit Brabançon?

Both the puppy and the adult Petit Brabançon do not need frequent bathing. The optimal washing regime is as soon as it gets dirty or no more than 1-2 times a month. It is imperative to use shampoo without softening additives, which does not affect the structure of the coat, for example Veda Fitoelita, Mr. Bruno No. 3, Biovax for wire-haired dogs. After washing, it is important to dry the coat well with a towel and leave the pet in a warm room without drafts so that the dog does not catch a cold. After walks, you can simply wash your pet's paws or wipe them with a damp towel.

Chihuahua and Pinscher mix

This mixed breed is not particularly popular; it is almost impossible to meet him on the street and from breeders. However, they also find a response in the hearts of some owners.

This dog grows larger than a Chihuahua, has a black and tan color, large and pointed ears and a short tail (a long one is extremely rare) - all these are the genes of the miniature pinscher. But there are also golden mestizos.

The dog has unusually thin legs and moves with special grace and dignity. The coat of a crossbreed is always short, they practically do not shed.

The dogs have a strong character, despite their small size. They tend to subjugate the owner, so only a person with leadership qualities can own such a dog. These are the traits of a pinscher; from the Chihuahua, the dog inherited fearlessness and unfriendliness towards everyone except its owner.

In general, such a dog is not suitable for a family with children, but it will share the delights of a bachelor's life.

How to identify a Chihuahua mix by appearance

To distinguish, for example, a mixed breed of French bulldog and Chihuahua from a purebred purebred dog, you need to carefully examine the head. It should have a clear transition from the nose to the forehead. In this case, the muzzle should be slightly flattened. In mestizos it is most often angular.

On a note! The eyes should not be too close to each other. In purebred dogs they are black and slightly convex.

A mixed-breed Chihuahua is a dog resulting from crossing representatives of two different breeds. People who want to get such a dog should familiarize themselves with the characteristics and varieties of these dogs.


For breeding in general, there is a certain problem, which most acutely concerns the crossing of the pug and chihuahua breeds. The fact is that breeders can never accurately predict the final result of such work.

The exterior in each new case turns out to be different, and the balance of the balance of common features of appearance and character from both progenitors of a given breed is never maintained. Mixed breeds are not considered full-fledged new breeds, since it has not yet been possible to consolidate the characteristic qualities of the pug and chihuahua in subsequent generations.

Hybrid dogs are affectionately called “chops” or “chihuaps” by their owners.

Chihuahua and Pekingese mix

Such mestizos are called pekachi. Dogs look like both parents. They have long and dense hair with undercoat, drooping ears, but other indicators are more similar to Chihuahuas - the size of the body, head, eye color. It is impossible to determine the color of the coat before birth, but usually pekachi are golden.

Like all small breeds, it is an indoor dog. It requires proper care - its thick coat needs to be combed and trimmed often, and in winter it must be taken out into the cold only in special clothing.

Small stature is not a hindrance for a dog to express itself during a walk. Therefore, be careful when walking. A dog can easily throw itself at another dog or under a car and get hurt.

The pekachi is also attached to its owners, but, like most small dogs, it doesn’t get along well with children.


Inheriting the flattened muzzle of the Pekingese and sometimes short legs, mixed breeds are faced with diseases of the bones and joints, as well as the respiratory system.

Petit Brabançon and Pug - comparison

According to the description of the breed, the Brabant Griffon is somewhat similar to the pug:

  1. Both breeds are small in size.
  2. Dogs with proper upbringing have a balanced character. Get along with other family members and animals.
  3. Smart and quick-witted, easy to train.

The differences between pets include:

  1. Activity
    . Pugs are more phlegmatic, while griffins are cheerful until old age.
  2. Attachment to the owner
    . Pugs are more loyal to short-term separations from their owner.
  3. Health
    . Pugs are more susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system and joints in adulthood; if they are not properly cared for, their fur will rot under the folds.



General appearance: The forelimbs are straight and parallel when viewed from the front. Vertical when viewed from the side. Shoulders: Smooth and moderately muscular. The angles of the humeroscapular joints are well defined. Elbows: Strong and close to the body, allowing free movement. Forearms: Straight and of good length. Pasterns: Slightly sloping, strong and flexible. Feet: Very small and oval, with well-spaced but not splayed toes (neither hare's nor cat's feet). The claws are well arched and moderately long. The pads are well developed and very elastic. Dewclaws are not desirable.

Hind limbs:

General appearance: The hind legs are muscular with long bones, vertical and parallel to each other, with good angulation of the hip, knee and hock joints, in harmony with the angulation of the forelegs. Metatarsals: hocks are short, with well-developed Achilles tendons; when viewed from behind, straight and vertical are well spaced from each other. Feet: Very small and oval, with well-spaced but not splayed toes (neither hare's nor cat's feet). The claws are well arched and moderately long. The pads are well developed and very elastic. Dewclaws are not desirable.


The steps are long, elastic, energetic and active, with good reach of the front legs and drive of the hind legs. When viewed from behind, the hind legs should move almost parallel to each other, so that the tracks of the hind legs coincide with the tracks of the front ones. With increasing speed, there is a tendency for the center of gravity to shift (single step). The movements are stable, free and springy, without visible effort, the head is raised, the back is straight.


Smooth and tight fitting throughout the body.

Description of the Petit Brabançon breed

Reading the description of the Petit Brabançon breed, you understand that this is a real companion dog with an expressive muzzle and a sharp mind. These pets have several names: Petit Brabançon, Smooth Griffon, Small Griffon, Brabant Griffon. The word “griffon” in the name of the breed does not at all mean similarity to a mythical creature. The term is translated from French as “wire-haired,” and the prefix “petit” means “small, small.”

The breed was bred in Belgium, like two similar ones: the Belgian and Brussels Griffon. The Petit Brabançon differs from them in the absence of a characteristic beard on the muzzle and in its smaller size. The weight of these dogs varies from 3 to 6 kg, and the height at the withers can be from 16 to 25 cm. With proper care, the life expectancy reaches 12-15 years, during which the pet becomes the best friend of the family, getting along well with children and other animals in home.

History of the Petit Brabançon breed

The Griffon or Petit Brabançon dog began its history in Belgium around the beginning of the 19th century. It is believed that this is the result of breeding between the German Affenpinscher and mongrels. Small, stocky dogs with well-developed muscles were first bred to fight rats and mice in port warehouses, stables and poor neighborhoods. Over time, the nobility drew attention to the little ones. Rich ladies bought puppies for entertainment, as “salon” toys. Particularly attractive was the calm disposition of the pets and the absence of a large amount of hair during molting, which stained dresses.

The breed was loved by Queen Marie Henriette of Belgium. The monarch did her best to increase the population of Petit Brabançon by supporting annual exhibitions. Living in rich houses significantly reduced the hunting qualities, agility and endurance of these dogs. In addition, they were crossed with other breeds, trying to develop new elite colors. The Second World War made its own adjustments to the population of pets. Thanks to the efforts of several breeders, the breed was preserved. However, even today the number of dogs is not equal to that in the pre-war era.

Petit Brabançon breed standard

The Petit Brabançon breed standard has changed several times. It was first adopted in 1904, and the latest addition dates back to May 2003. The appearance of a breeding dog, according to the new rules, must be:

  1. Round wide skull in the shape of a dome.
  2. The entire head is covered with short, coarse hair without adorning hairs.
  3. The muzzle is short, the black upturned nose has a large lobe with open nostrils.
  4. When viewed in profile, the forehead, nose and chin are located on the same axis.
  5. Jaw with an undershot. The lower row of teeth overlaps the upper one.
  6. The Petit Brabançon has large, wide-set eyes without pronounced whites. Eyelids with a black border and long black eyelashes.
  7. Small semi-erect ears are set high.
  8. Powerful, strong body with a broad chest and muscular back.
  9. The length from the shoulder to the ischial tuberosity should be approximately equal to the height at the withers.
  10. The straight, medium-length paws have compact pads and black nails.
  11. The tail is set high and saber-shaped. The tip should be directed towards the back, but not touching it or curling. It is allowed to dock the tail by 2/3 of its length.

Petit Brabançon character

By its nature, the Petit Brabançon is an excellent family pet:

  1. The dog has an independent and proud character, which does not prevent it from sincerely becoming attached to the family, and especially to its owner.
  2. The dog will never upset the owner and will not be annoying in showing his love.
  3. The pet subtly senses the owner’s mood and experiences the same emotions as the owner. All the dog’s feelings are easy to read thanks to the expressive muzzle and active facial expressions.
  4. There is no aggression in his character, so the dog gets along well with children and other animals.
  5. This dog is not timid. The pet is fearless and will try to protect its owner from danger.
  6. The dog has a developed sense of humor. She will not remember bad jokes for a long time and take revenge for them.
  7. The pet's playful and restless disposition persists into old age. A dog will always be an active companion in children's games.
  8. The Petit Brabançon is very attached to its family and does not tolerate separation from it well. It is better to take your pet with you on trips and vacations, without leaving them with relatives or in dog hotels.

Petit Brabançon colors

The short, coarse coat of the Petit Brabançon mini breed, with a hair length of no more than 2 cm, a shiny and close-fitting coat, can be dyed in different colors. This diversity is explained by the abundance of breeds involved in the breeding of these favorites. Color can be:

  • black;
  • deer;
  • black and tan, in which the tan can be red, red or fawn);
  • mix, involving a combination of the above shades.

Does Petit Brabançon shed?

One of the undoubted advantages of the smooth-haired griffon breed is that the dog’s short coat changes smoothly throughout the year, without obvious periods of shedding. With proper and regular care, the fur will not be noticeable in the apartment on the floor, upholstered furniture and clothes of the owners. For this feature, the dog is chosen by families with small children, pensioners and even some allergy sufferers.

Chihuahua and Spitz mix

Pomchi, like all mestizos, has the characteristics of both of his parents. This is a small dog - usually no higher than 20 cm - on thin legs with long or short hair, most often white or golden in color. The tail, like a Spitz's, is curled into a ball, and the ears are also small and round.

Metis loves to play with his owner and spend time outside, but he doesn’t get along well with children and may bite.

Grooming involves combing and cutting the coat, as well as having special clothing for cold weather.

Since the mixed breed looks very attractive, many breeders try to pass it off as a separate breed and increase the price of a dog that, in fact, is not purebred.

Raising Petit Brabançon

The intelligence of the Petit Brabançon breed is often compared to that of a three-year-old child. From the moment a puppy appears in the house, it is important to regularly educate and train it in order to develop all the positive qualities of the breed and combat the shortcomings:

  1. The pet becomes strongly attached to the owner and quickly grasps the boundaries set for him. Such a dog easily undergoes a general training course and can participate in agility competitions.
  2. The Griffon must know the disciplinary commands, for the implementation of which rewards will initially await. In variable actions, full scope of the owner’s imagination is allowed.
  3. Brabançon can show persistence and aggression, which must be nipped in the bud, but without corporal punishment.

Weight table by month

The most reliable and accurate forecast of how much a pet should weigh can be given by its pedigree. Size, like some other parameters, is inherited. But to determine the approximate weight, you can use the weight table for Chihuahuas.

Age/Weight of the newborn, gr.708085100110120130145155
1 Week106113142156184198227255269
4 weeks (1 month)198227269312369452482539595
8 weeks (2 months)312369454539610680765822936
12 weeks (3 months)425539624737851936104911621276
16 weeks (4 months)56770985196411061247138915311673
20 weeks (5 months)680851992116213041474164418141985
25 weeks (6 months)7659461134133215031701189920702269
18 months90811351362158918162043227024972724

Estimated weight by one and a half years at a weight of 2 months:

Weight at 2 monthsFinal weight of an adult dog
0.30 kg0.90 kg
0.36 kg1.15 kg
0.45 kg1.35 kg
0.55 kg1.60 kg
0.60 kg1.80 kg
0.70 kg2.05 kg
0.76 kg2.25 kg
0.93 kg2.71 kg
1.10 kg3.18 kg

Chihuahua and Dachshund mix

The Chiweenie looks more like a dachshund than a chihuahua. They have an elongated body, shortened legs, most often drooping ears, but there are also highly protruding and pointed ears. The color is inherited from the Chihuahua - black or golden. The tail is long.

This mestizo seemed to have absorbed the best traits from his ancestors. Chiweenies are incredibly gentle and affectionate, but at the same time, they inherited endurance and restlessness from the hunting dachshund. They even treat children patiently and condescendingly, preferring to simply leave if they don’t like something.

Their coat is short, so it does not require special care. The dog's temperament makes it a wonderful companion.


Due to the difference in height between the Chihuahua and the Dachshund, the mixed breed may experience joint problems.


Any deviation from the above points should be considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog. • Missing teeth. • “Double teeth” (preservation of temporary teeth). • pointed ears. • Short neck. • Long body. • Humped or sunken back (lordosis or kyphosis). • Beveled croup. • Narrow or flat chest. • Tail: incorrectly set, short or curled. • Short limbs. • Loose elbows. • Narrow set of hind legs.

Features of daily care

When deciding to get a Pekingese, you need to be prepared that the appearance of the animal will correspond to the time spent on care and maintenance.

Daily care for the Pekingese plays a major role. The beautiful appearance of a dog largely depends on compliance with the following rules:

Daily eye care . The use of cotton wool or fleecy materials is contraindicated.

To remove deposits, use a special cloth, which you can buy in a specialized store.

If there are problems (one eye protrudes more, heavy discharge appears, etc.), before going to the doctor, it is recommended to drop a 1% solution of boric acid into the eyes.

After this, you should rinse your eyes with 1-2 drops of castor oil.

Dental examination . Food debris can accumulate in the spaces between teeth, destroying the enamel and causing an unpleasant odor.

You can maintain health and eliminate “odors” by periodically giving your dog a piece of stale bread.

Toilet . Pekingese respond best to the litter box. However, if desired, the dog owner can teach the animal to relieve itself during walks.


The positive characteristics of dogs obtained from pugs and chihuahuas include:

  • compact dimensions;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • getting along with other domestic animals;
  • friendly disposition;
  • cheerfulness;
  • unpretentiousness in food.

Dogs of this crossbreed also have disadvantages:

  • hybrids live less due to poor genetics;
  • snore;
  • There are frequent allergic reactions in people to the fur of these pets.

Pros and cons of the Petit Brabançon breed

Like any other dog, the Petit Brabançon has positive and negative characteristics. The advantages of these pets include:

  1. Kindness and friendliness with other animals.
  2. Strong attachment to the owner.
  3. Developed sense of humor, lack of rancor.
  4. A dog can be a great companion for an individual or a family.
  5. Sharp mind and high learning ability. The Griffon is easy to train and can participate in various programs to demonstrate its skills.

The disadvantages of griffins include:

  1. The dog cannot be left for foster care. She will show all the symptoms of boredom, refusing to eat and not listening to new people.
  2. A bad habit of pets is that they like to pick up everything from the ground. It takes a lot of time to wean your pet off of this.
  3. The breed has a tendency to eye and skin diseases and difficult childbirth in females.
  4. The downside is how much Petit Brabançon costs. It is not so easy to find a breeding puppy that meets all breed standards, and the price starts at $320.
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