What does a Goldust Yorkshire Terrier look like: description of the breed and character traits

The Yorkshire Terrier is a decorative breed with long silky hair and a mischievous disposition.

Currently, they are one of the smallest dogs.

But they do not lose ground in their popularity all over the world.

They are cheerful, kind and very friendly.

There are several types of Yorkies, but the Golddust is the “white gold” among the rest - it is so rare.

So what makes it so unique?

Let's find out more about this.

Origin story

The dog’s homeland is Germany, because the first puppies of a white and gold color, so unusual for Yorkies, began to be born there in the 80s of the last century.

But the history of the breed itself officially begins on December 12, 2007.

It all started when the creator of the breed, Werner Biewer, received a refusal from experts to bring his “golden” charges into the ring.

Then he began to improve his own breed standard, which later became known as the Golddust Yorkshire Terrier.

It is no coincidence that the word “golddust” is translated as “gold dust”, because representatives of this breed are famous for their amazingly white-golden coat (shown in the photo).

It was possible to register Golddust Yorkies only in 2007, and their first official representatives were the dogs Alicia Goldschatz vom Klosterbach and Anjalie Goldschatz vom Klosterbach.

This breed has existed in Russia since 2010 . However, she is still deprived here.

The breed was recognized by the International Kennel Union (IKU; SCOR), uniting the CIS and Baltic countries, and its representatives can take part in exhibitions, but not be nominated for Best.

But the RKF and FCI still refuse to recognize Golddusts, because there are only a few nurseries in Russia that breed them, and it is still very difficult to find a purebred puppy.


The homeland of these dogs is the Hunsrück district in Germany, where in 1984 the first puppy was bred from breeders named Biewer: a girl named Snowflake of a color atypical for Yorkies. The baby gained popularity after one of the babies was presented as a gift to the famous German artist Margot Eskens, since then the prefix “A la pom pon” has been added to the name.

There is a lot of speculation regarding the origin of beavers; allegedly, in their creation, breeders used Shih Tzu or Maltese individuals. But there is no documentary evidence of blood fusion.

The standard characteristics of the Biewer breed are its color. There are 2 groups of colors: spotted and coated. The predominant colors are white, gold and black, and puppies often have charcoal markings, which turn a steel blue hue after three years of age. White color should occupy no more than 80% of the body. Although today there are individuals with atypical short hair or brown and tan color.

In the description of the beaver, experts include the following characteristics:

  • compact;
  • bony;
  • head with strong, well-developed jaws;
  • muscular body;
  • broad forehead;
  • durable silky wool.

Description of dogs

Golddusts are Yorkshire Terriers with a luxurious white and golden coat. Due to their small size, they are easy to keep in an apartment.

This breed has a well-balanced body with harmoniously developed muscles, short legs and a cute face framed by a mustache and beard..

Separately, it is worth mentioning wool. It is long, straight and, in its silky texture, very similar to human hair. A purebred Goldust Yorkie's coat is always golden with a white tint. The standard does not allow any extraneous shades.

Distinctive features of Mini Yorkies

In general, they are considered a defect of the breed, for this reason they do not participate in exhibitions. A terrier is considered mini if ​​it weighs no more than 1.8-2 kg. Such pets get sick more often than standard ones. They require a more delicate handling due to the high risk of injury. Even the fontanelle in mini-Yories closes much later. You should not get them if there are already large dogs or small children in the house, who could accidentally harm the pet. Other features:

  1. They are even more attached to their owner. Being without it for a long time can cause psychological trauma for pets.
  2. The temperament of this species is calmer, although capriciousness and stubbornness are noted.
  3. The cost of mini dogs is much higher compared to standard terriers.
  4. Animals eat little, but may not see enough in their food, so their diet must be carefully monitored.

Pet character

Golddusts are true extroverts . They are affectionate, playful and love communication in any form.

Their temperament combines everything that is most beautiful for a small dog: a perky disposition, kindness, sensitivity, friendliness, an inquisitive mind and curiosity about everything that surrounds them.

With such a character, he will become the best friend for a child.

Read more about the Yorkie's personality here.

A big plus in Golddust’s behavior is his ability to get along with other family pets . He doesn't hurt cats, but he can sometimes come into contact with other dogs. This happens when the representative of this breed is a male. So he dominates. With females, you can forget about this problem.


These are dogs that are always drawn to people, but show true devotion only to their owner.

For the sake of his praise, they are always ready to be obedient and responsive. In his company, golddusts show their best qualities - optimism and intelligence in any situation.

At times, these doggies can be independent and stubborn . And therefore, starting from 2 months of age, the Golden Terrier, like any other dog, should begin to be trained.

These should be simple commands, knowledge of which will make life easier for both the pet and its owner.

Yorkies and Spitz

Both of these breeds are cute. Accordingly, their offspring have a simply charming appearance. Amateurs and breeders very often breed Yorkies with Spitz dogs. The popularity of such mestizos is explained primarily by their good health. In addition to their pretty appearance, such dogs usually adopt the best character traits from their parent breeds.

Photos of Yorkie and Spitz mixes can be seen above. In any case, these creatures are very kind, soft and gentle. These dogs also love to play. Another distinctive character trait of this mestizo is its devotion to its owners.

In most cases, adult dogs of this species are small in size, but sometimes they can reach medium size. All other external characteristics of these mestizos are not precisely defined. The color of their coat, its length and color, as well as their body shape can be anything you want. Yorkie and Spitz mixes may or may not need constant brushing or grooming. Each time they are crossed, these dogs end up with a unique set of characteristics. This, according to many pet lovers, is their undeniable highlight.

Defining characteristic

The main defining feature of the breed is the characteristic golden-white tone of the coat..

But babies with such fur were born earlier, before the official recognition of the breed standard - they were born to Biewer Yorkies - tri-colored Yorkshire terriers.

Then how to explain such an unusual coloring on the golddust?

Golden color is a change at the gene level in the skin, in which a black or brown pigment (emelin) is formed and remains invisible.

And another pigment (famelanin), which gives the skin a golden tint, on the contrary, becomes visible with this mutation.

German biologist Kirsten Sanchez-Mayer came to this conclusion when she began studying the “golden” coat of this breed and found a pattern in the birth of puppies with this color.

To obtain it, both potential parents must have white-golden hair..

They must also be Biewers or Yorkshire Terriers and, in turn, be carriers of that recessive gene responsible for the shade of skin and coat.

What is the difference between a Golden York and a standard one?

The main feature that makes it easy to see the difference between two Yorkshire terriers is the shade of the coat:

  • The goldust has a uniform, golden-white or golden coat. The presence of any other shades is not allowed. White gold Biewer - this is how the representatives of the breed were originally called, since 1989; since 2007, another name has been approved - Goldust Yorkshire Terrier, based on the characteristic shade of the hairs. In dogs of this variety of Yorkies, the brown and black pigment becomes invisible, and against the background of a gene mutation, the phaemelanin pigment appears, due to which the skin and hairs acquire a pleasant golden (not red) tint;
  • In the Yorkshire Terrier, the ancestor of the breed, colors of other shades are acceptable as standard: the body is a bluish-steel shade, the long coat is a combined, light brown shade. The muzzle must be light.

Breed standard

Outside FCI classification:

  • Origin: Germany
  • General appearance: small dog with long hair parted along the spine;
  • Head: small and flat;
  • Muzzle: not long;
  • Ears: small, erect, V-shaped, abundantly covered with not too short hair;
  • Eyes: Medium size, green-brown to dark brown;
  • Nose: black;
  • Jaws/Teeth: Correct scissor bite with even teeth;
  • Torso: well built and proportional torso;
  • Legs: not too long;
  • Paws: rounded;
  • Skin: pink skin with golden spots;
  • Tail: set high, undocked, with long hair;
  • Color: white-golden or golden;
  • Coat: long, without black hair (puppies may have black fur at the ends), clean and white on the chest, belly and paws;
  • Weight: up to 5 kg (in females a little more is possible);
  • Height: from 20 to 25 cm at the withers.
  • Faults: light eyes, floppy ears, wavy or curly coat, malocclusions, uncolored nose.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Before you get a baby Golddust, you need to understand what intentions you need it for: whether it will be just a family pet, the founder of a kennel, or a show dog. The breed is not numerous and, if you plan to participate in exhibitions and breed, it must meet the standard. The Golddust is ideal as a pet, because it combines the best features of a decorative dog: beautiful exterior, cheerful disposition and good-natured character. And he, unlike other representatives of dwarf breeds, has a psyche that is resistant to external stimuli.

Training and education features

The Golden Yorkie is a dog with a well-developed intellect that quickly grasps and remembers new commands. Unlike the standard Yorkie, the golden pet is more diligent, making training much easier.

In education, the emphasis should be on showing the pet who is the boss. If this is not done, the Yorkie will try to dominate.

Attention! Raising a golden dog should be done from the first weeks after its birth. The older the dog, the more difficult it will be to retrain it.

Difference from a regular Yorkshire Terrier

When comparing the Golddust with the Yorkshire Terrier, one cannot fail to mention the coat.

The difference between him and a simple Yorkie is only in its color..

It should be exclusively white and golden. This half-tone of the coat is expressed in more or less warm transitions from gold to white.

He no longer has any other tones, such as red or black and gray, even at the ends of his hair.

How much do puppies cost?

The Goldust Yorkshire Terrier is a rare breed. Buying purebred puppies is not so easy. Sometimes you have to wait several months until the bitch whelps.

A show dog is worth more than just a pet. After all, a show Golddust Yorkie must meet the breed standard. For example, a purebred dog can cost about $2,000, while a representative of the breed or pet class can cost at least $1,000. A Goldust Yorkie with minor flaws and inconsistencies with the breed costs about $200-300.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this breed are:

  • Loyalty and friendliness;
  • Complete absence of any aggression towards people;
  • Love for children;
  • Ability to learn quickly;
  • Cleanliness - Golddust goes to the litter box without any problems if there is no time for a walk;
  • Hypoallergenic wool that practically does not shed;
  • No need for particularly long walks;
  • A small amount of feed, but a very careful approach to the choice of diet;

However, like any other breed, the Golddust is not suitable for everyone.

There are a number of the following negative aspects in its acquisition and maintenance::

  • Difficulties in finding a decent kennel and high price for a puppy;
  • Plenty of time for careful grooming;
  • The need for clothing and shoes in the autumn-winter period due to susceptibility to even small drafts;
  • The need for frequent attention, as these very fragile dogs can jump unsuccessfully and damage their bones;
  • Weak digestive system requiring special nutrition.

How to toilet train

A miniature dog can relieve itself both on the street and at home, in a diaper. Taming to the home toilet occurs as follows:

  • take a small moisture-absorbing diaper;
  • A few drops of your pet’s urine are applied to the diaper;
  • the material is placed in a tray with low sides;
  • bring the dog to the tray and let her sniff the diaper;
  • put your pet in the tray every time he eats.

After a few days, your Yorkie will learn to wear a diaper on his own.

Attention! You can walk your dog outside only after it has received all the necessary vaccinations.

To train your Yorkie to go outside to the toilet, you need to take him out into the fresh air after each feeding and say the command “walk”. As soon as the dog has done all its business, it must be praised and immediately brought home. It is necessary to walk your Yorkie along the same route so that he can smell his urine. This will help the dog understand why he was taken outside.

Physical activity when spending time in the fresh air should be moderate

Life expectancy and health

This breed established itself relatively recently, and therefore it is difficult to say with accuracy about the life expectancy of its representatives.

Breeders agree that the Golddust's lifespan is 12-15 years, the same as for any Yorkshire Terrier.

Speaking about the health of the Golddust, it should be noted that they, like all decorative dogs, are very fragile.

This applies to both bones and internal organs, especially the pancreas.


Most often, the health of representatives of this breed suffers from colds and allergies to certain foods.

They are also susceptible to ear, eye and musculoskeletal diseases.

The most common are patella dislocation and hereditary elbow dislocation..

By the way, Yorkshire terriers are also susceptible to them. To avoid this, you need to carefully monitor your pet during games and walks.

Other mestizos

Yorkies are most often crossed with the breeds described above. In all these cases, the puppies turn out to be quite attractive in appearance and healthy. But sometimes these dogs are bred with representatives of other breeds. For example, Yorkie and Poodle mixes look quite interesting. They are called Yorkshire strudels. These dogs look quite cute. Their muzzles are more like Yorkies, and the structure and color of their coat is like that of poodles.

Sometimes on the market you can find mixed breeds of this breed, obtained from Pekingese. Such puppies look as cute as Yorkies, and at the same time they also have an aristocratic character. But unfortunately, in most cases these mixed breeds (Yorkineses) are not in excellent health. Some breeders and fanciers sometimes cross Yorkies with Shelties as well.

Content Features

The main feature of caring for a Goldust Yorkie is taking care of its coat, which gains sufficient thickness when the puppy reaches 6 months..

It couldn’t be easier to take care of a fur coat, because it doesn’t get fluffy and doesn’t get tangled. It will be enough for the owner to comb and wash it regularly.

It’s worth mentioning separately about bathing your pet. The need to carry it out is 2-3 times a month .

More often it is impossible, otherwise the fur will lose its natural lubrication. It will become dry, brittle, lose its radiance, and the skin will soon begin to peel.

Having a special shampoo for long-haired dogs is a must . You will also need a balm to maintain the mirror shine of long hair.

If you don’t have any time to care for the fur, then the smartest thing to do is to give your pet a stylish haircut with the help of a groomer.


Continuation of the family depends on the male and female. It is advisable that the male be 12-13 months old at the time of mating. Males can mate no more than once a month. Otherwise, the quality of sperm will deteriorate and the offspring will be sick.

Bitches are allowed to breed only when they are two years old. However, a dog’s first heat can begin at 12 months. If mated early, the bitch will produce underdeveloped or sick offspring. And the body itself of such a young mother can suffer from too early pregnancy and childbirth.

It is advisable that the dog becomes pregnant for the first time before the age of 3 years. Over the entire period of life, pets can give birth 6 or 7 times without harm to the body. If a bitch gives birth every six months, then her health leaves much to be desired.

Bitches are mated between the 7th and 18th day of estrus. The heat itself occurs once every six months. When the dog is ready to mate, the discharge becomes colorless, it moves its tail to the side and lets the male near.

Before mating, you need to get all the vaccinations and give the dog anti-helminth medications. It is advisable to help inexperienced animals at the time of their first mating.

Feeding and diet

In this matter, it is easier to say what a representative of this breed can eat than not.

Of course, it is easiest to feed him with specialized food, but such a uniform diet is unlikely to be useful.

Golddust's diet must contain the following products::

  • Meat. Everything boiled: chicken, veal, lean beef. And also some offal: heart or liver, also boiled;
  • Cereals: rice, buckwheat and rolled oats – boiled and without oil;
  • All vegetables, except starchy ones, but mainly: carrots, cauliflower, zucchini and pumpkin. It will be useful to season them with vegetable oil.
  • Fermented milk products: low-fat cottage cheese and kefir;
  • Fish: tuna and flounder;
  • Fruits: apples, bananas, persimmons and watermelon.

Up to six months, golddusts eat 4-5 times a day, and at an older age - 2-3 times.

Feeding should be carried out only with natural and fresh products.

Rules of care

Even though Yorkies are not usually prone to shedding, they still need daily grooming. Having long and silky hair requires frequent brushing to prevent tangling.

The hair on the head is most often tied with an elastic band or ribbon. This way his bangs won’t interfere with his ability to see everything around him. As the fur grows, you need to trim it yourself or take it to a grooming salon.

You should pay attention to brushing your teeth

How to feed them properly. The dog should eat half a cup of natural dry food per day. It is necessary to divide this portion into several doses. Worsening or improving appetite may be related to the size, age, structure, metabolism and energy level of the dog.

It is important what quality of food the dog eats. The higher quality it is, the more nutrients it contains and the less it is needed.

It is recommended to monitor the dog's shape, feed it 2 times a day and not leave a bowl of food in an accessible place.

What to look for when choosing a puppy

Before buying a dog, you need to get acquainted with its characteristics and physical characteristics. First of all, you need to make sure that the puppy is purebred. To do this, you can ask the breeder to present documents for the animal. You should also follow these tips:

Since Yorkies do not do well when separated, it is recommended to buy them at a young age. Before purchasing, you need to visit several nurseries

Pay attention to what plates they eat from, whether they are clean and in what enclosures they are kept. Take a good look at the puppy. Make sure it's clean, playful

There should be no abrasions, scratches or rashes on his skin. You need to ask the breeder to provide a document indicating what vaccinations the dog has received.

If you decide to buy a puppy, you need to remember that they are very small and fragile. At first they will not be able to detect danger, so they need an eye and an eye. And when getting up to drink at night, you must be sure to watch your feet so as not to accidentally step on the puppy. The Yorkshire Terrier is a great breed.

Suitable for both living in your own apartment and in a house. They like to be in backpacks or special bags, so it’s convenient to travel with them. They also calmly endure the road while sitting under the car seat. They perform a good watchdog function, instantly notifying with their barking about guests in the house. In addition, they are very cheerful and loyal dogs that do not need to be walked for a long time.

Price range

In Russia it is difficult to find a purebred Golddust Yorkie; in Europe, too, there are few kennels worthy of attention . And in the USA there are even fewer - only a couple of official ones.

In 2015, the average price for a Golddust puppy was 50 thousand rubles and above.

Here it is worth saying that you will have to pay more money for a girl than for a boy.

Is it worth buying

If a Yorkie mix dog does not belong to the designer group, you can purchase it for a very low fee. Most breeders consider such dogs, even if they are born from purebred parents of different breeds, to be ordinary mongrels. However, mestizos are often very nice. Moreover, it is in this way - by crossing dogs of different varieties - that new interesting breeds are ultimately obtained.

Of course, for those people who want to have a four-legged friend, but do not have enough money to buy a dog with a pedigree, it is worth purchasing an inexpensive crossbreed. It is often impossible to predict what the appearance of a mixed-breed Yorkie puppy will be like from a representative of another breed. But even the ugliest dogs in most cases become real family favorites for many years.

The only thing is that sometimes mestizos can adopt not the best qualities from their parents, but the worst. In this case, the dog may grow up unhealthy. This, as already mentioned, often happens with crosses of Yorkies and Pekingese.

How to choose?

Due to the fact that at present this breed remains rare, the breeder more than once advises the potential owner to think carefully about what purpose the puppy is needed for?

In the case of a gift to a friend, relatives and, especially, a child, it is important to check with them whether the dog will become a burden and whether there will be time to provide it with proper care.


In the case when a Golddust is purchased for breeding, it is important to familiarize yourself with the breed standard.

When there is a clear confidence that the dog will really be loved and surrounded by attention, then you can begin to choose a nursery where they engage in high-quality breeding of this breed.

And, most likely, the future happy owner will have to wait a couple of months (if not more) until the baby is born.

There is a high chance that the breeder may refuse to sell the puppy, because there are few purebreds. And he himself, as a loving owner, does not give a damn into whose hands the baby falls.

Now that many answers have been received about such a breed as the Golddust Yorkshire Terrier, you should once again think about all the pros and cons of buying a puppy.

Yes, the breed is quite rare, but no matter how “golden” the dog is, it requires care, love and education . A Golddust puppy in the house is not a toy.

It may be difficult to acquire, purebred and expensive, but it is much more important to preserve and raise it.


This species is often confused with Biewer dogs; their differences from Biro are minimal and not always noticeable, because in 2004 the first puppies of the new selection appeared from Biewer-Yorks. Today this is one of the rarest breeds in the world; only a few nurseries on the planet breed it.

According to the standard, the characteristics of the Biro breed are spots of deep chocolate color instead of the black or blue usual for their ancestors; beautiful golden tints are barely noticeable on the head of the terriers. The description of the appearance of these kids can be formulated in a few words: beauty, aristocracy and elegance. Luxurious long fur, which can be easily trimmed if necessary, a tiny flat head, a brown nose, erect V-shaped ears and extremely intelligent eyes - all this distinguishes them from others.

Useful video

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video and photos to clearly recognize and see the lovely Yorkshire terriers.


Before you decide to get a Yorkshire Terrier, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons.


  • York Terriers are loyal, intelligent creatures. They are active, playful, determined, and do not require daily walking, as they can be trained to use a litter box at home;
  • the breed is considered hypoallergenic;
  • dogs do not shed and do not have an unpleasant odor.

The disadvantages include:

  • need for special care;
  • additional expenses for purchasing clothes (shoes are even recommended in winter);
  • high price;
  • poor health. Terriers are prone to colds and have fragile bones.

The owners note that these dogs make excellent household members. They get along well with other animals and do not take up much space. Sometimes Yorkies can be capricious, but they have a good-natured character.

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