The largest dog in the world - TOP 10 with photos and their features

In June 2022, Guinness World Records officials recognized the Great Dane, nicknamed Freddie, as the largest dog in the world. The dog's height at the withers is 1.035 m. He is slightly lower than the previous leaders: the blue Great Dane named George and the Great Dane Zeus. Giant George was entered into the Book of Records in 2010 with a height of 1.10 cm and a weight of 110 kg. However, in 2013, the dog died, giving way to a new record holder.

Today, the Great Dane named Freddy is the leader among other breeds that claim the title of “The Biggest Dog in the World.” We will tell you in more detail who else is on this list.


Average height and weight:

76 cm / 65 kg.

The Hungarian herding breed is very friendly, responsible and always collected. These are loyal dogs that grow up to be wonderful companions and reliable watchdogs.


Small dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)

Russian greyhound

The breed is characterized by its height of about 80 centimeters, restrained muscles, narrow body shape and grace. This dog is perfect for hunting because it has excellent eyesight, runs fast and has an excellent sense of smell.

The breed is also distinguished by its docile nature. This breed is simply adored by painters, poets and sculptors.


Anatolian Shepherd

Average height and weight:

81 cm / 68 kg.

The Turkish breed came to America, and there it finally acquired its modern shape. Presumably, the history of Anatolian Shepherds goes back more than 6 thousand years. Because of its hard, thick fur, it appears even larger and more powerful.


Irish Wolfhound

This breed descended from the Irish greyhounds and at one time almost disappeared. After the Irish Wolfhound Club was formed in 1885, this breed was literally resurrected. After 12 years, this breed was officially recognized and registered by the American Kennel Club.

These dogs are distinguished by unique behavior, which is defined as a sheep at home, and a lion on the hunt. Dogs, together with hunters, chased wolves and deer. The modern Irish Wolfhound is capable of becoming a real companion for the owner who practices morning or evening jogging in the fresh air.

These are strong, intelligent and fairly tall dogs, reaching a height of 70 to 80 centimeters, depending on gender. Irish Wolfhounds have a harmonious appearance and an easygoing disposition, which is what attracts dog breeders.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Average height and weight:

72 cm / 74 kg.

The name of the breed speaks for itself - the dog was bred to be large and powerful, but at the same time agile and energetic. Now they are very kind and loving pets.


Fighting dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)

Scottish Deerhound

This breed is also called the Reindeer Hound. It is believed that the breed was born back in the 16th century, although it received official recognition only in 1892. The Scottish Deerhound is included in the list of the largest dog breeds due to its height, at least 72 centimeters and weight of about 46 kilograms.

This breed has a very even temperament and only gets angry or barks in extreme cases. It is believed that the breed is able to respond to the mood of its owner. These dogs adore babies and are always ready to take care of them. The breed is quite trusting, so it is not suitable for guarding various objects.

Saint Bernard

Average height and weight:

90 cm / 80 kg.

The breed was bred in the mountain monastery of Saint Bernard, and was actively used for rescue operations. A dog named Benedictine broke all possible records, gaining more than 166 kg. And the St. Bernard Major became the longest dog in the world - 2.69 m from the tip of the tail to the nose.


Tallest dog in the world

The Guinness Book of Records is constantly looking for new record holders - the tallest and largest dogs. Great Danes have long occupied the leading position. Even today, representatives of these breeds share the honorary title on the pedestal of giants.

Great Dane Freddy

Great Dane Freddie
Dog from the English village of Whiting was able to break two world records. Freddie's dimensions impressed experts and observers who were able to see the pet. The Great Dane weighed 90 kilograms and was 103.5 cm tall at the withers . If Freddie stood on his hind legs, his height exceeded 213 cm.

Freddie's grocery bills were $15,000 a year . His owner Claire Stoneman admitted that the dog himself had grown to such a size. The pet ate dry food, fried chicken and toast with peanut butter.

Freddie had a miniature sister - Fleur the Great Dane .

Freddie is officially considered one of the longest living Great Danes on the planet. On May 17, 2022, the dog turned 8 years old. At the beginning of January 2021, Freddie, unfortunately, passed away.

Great Dane Gibson

The dog lived in the USA and was considered the tallest dog from 2004 to 2009. The record was recorded by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records after preliminary measurements and research. According to official data, Gibson's height was 107 centimeters at the withers, and his weight was 82 kilograms. Height on hind legs is 2.19 meters.

Gibson was a therapy pet. He and his owner were frequent guests on popular American television shows such as The Oprah Winfy Show and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The dog managed to become a representative of large companies and published a book about his life called “Gibson Speaks.”

Great Dane Zeus

Great Dane Zeus
Zeus is the absolute record holder among giant dogs. The pet received its title in 2011. The length from the nose to the tip of the tail was 2.23 m. The achievement was officially recorded and has not been broken.

Zeus ate more than 14 kilograms of food per day. It was transported by truck. The owners purchased it specially.

With impressive performance, Zeus had a small weight - only 70 kg . The dog suffered from heart failure and had serious health problems. The record holder was a therapy pet. Visited hopelessly ill people in hospitals and hospices. Zeus passed away in 2014 .

Big dogs are amazing creatures. They are people-oriented and trainable. They have specific content. Do not have a large pet in an apartment or small house. The owners and the pet will experience discomfort. Giant dogs suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They require diet and proper exercise.

If you have problems with training, you will need the help of a dog handler. But don't be afraid of big dogs. Behind the formidable appearance there may well be a sincere and loyal companion. The main thing is to love your pet, and he will be devoted to you for the rest of his life.

Pyrenean Mastiff

Average height and weight:

77 cm / 80 kg.

Another mastiff on this list - and another impeccable watchdog and shepherd. The dog is very independent and freedom-loving, but at the same time very kind and balanced.


Large dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)


This breed is also called the Asian, Turkmen Wolfhound, and also the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. Many experts point to the fact that this is one of the most ancient breeds, while being practically undamaged by breeding work.

One of the most intelligent, wayward and independent representatives of the Alabai lives in the Stavropol region. The dog's name is bulldozer and he is already 12 years old, so he is on a well-deserved rest. His weight is about 130 kilograms, although he is on a diet. At one time he was considered the biggest dog in the CIS, as evidenced by various awards and titles.

This breed is always loyal to its owner, but is aggressive towards strangers. Therefore, until the last breath he protects everything that belongs to his owner, such as a house, relatives, children, etc.

Tosa Inu

Average height and weight:

70 cm / 90 kg.

This rare fighting breed is considered a great treasure of Japan. Tosa Inus can be merciless and fearless, but when properly raised at home they are very calm and friendly.


The largest dog breeds: photos with names

Large purebred dogs weigh from 50 kg . They belong to a separate canine group “giants”. Remember, large sizes do not guarantee the dog’s good nature and complaisance. Before you get an animal, make sure you have enough time for daily training and education. Below are the largest dogs with photos and names.


The Scottish deerhound or deerhound is the name of the oldest hunting dog family. The animal was on the verge of extinction more than once. His external characteristics: height - 70-81 centimeters, weight 45-50 kilograms . The character is kind and calm. Loyal character. Deerhound loves children. Easy to train, hardy, but not suitable for protecting the yard and territories.

English Mastiff

The menacing appearance of the English Mastiff is deceptive. The giant can be called a real English aristocrat. The dog needs constant communication and is not suitable for novice dog owners.

The height of the animal at the withers is 76 centimeters and above, and the weight is 68-72 kilograms . He prefers to be at home and does not like long walks. The Mastiff has a dominant character, so a firm hand from the owner is needed. Not suitable for families with small children. Animal friendly. It has pronounced protective qualities.

Saint Bernard

According to the description, he is a good-natured, non-aggressive big guy. He is distinguished by his irresistible appearance and has repeatedly appeared in films. You can see handsome men in the films “Beethoven” and “Cujo” .

External characteristics: at the withers -70-80 centimeters, weight 65-120 kilograms . She just loves children. An excellent, dedicated lifeguard. He has a developed intellect, but is stubborn. Hardy.


The diver is a real “bear”. His spectacular appearance attracts everyone's attention. Any walk guarantees admiring glances from people and compliments. Its external characteristics are as follows: the animal’s height is 66-70 centimeters, weight 60-70 kilograms .

Newf loves to swim and play with water. Not aggressive, on the contrary – friendly. Very loyal, calm, distinguished by developed intelligence. A diver is able to predict people's actions. Does not tolerate corporal punishment or criticism.

Spanish Mastiff

One of the largest breeds on the planet. Bred by the Spaniards, where they were used for a long time to protect farmlands.

Characteristics of the Spanish Mastiff: height 88 centimeters, weight reaches 100 kilograms . Strong, has lightning-fast reactions, hardy. The Mastiff is loyal and calm. He needs mandatory training. He is also capable of making decisions himself.

Pyrenean Mastiff

If you need a reliable guard, a loyal friend, then the Pyrenean Mastiff is the best candidate. The harmoniously built Spaniard is friends with all family members. Its characteristics: withers - up to 82 centimeters, weight reaches 70 kilograms . The mastiff is fearless, can fight with any opponent, but at the same time he is affectionate and unforgiving. Has excellent security qualities. Loyal, but can be stubborn.

Tibetan mastiff

A rare, expensive variety, impressive in its incredible size. Hero of Tibetan myths and folk tales.

Characteristics: at the withers up to 66 cm, weight – 78 kg . Gets along well with children and animals, but requires early socialization. Does not tolerate noise, strangers and animals. A private home is suitable for keeping, as the mastiff barks loudly. Prefers night walks.

German dog

The Great Dane is majestic and irresistible. It holds the record for growth among species.

Characteristics: at the withers 74-90 cm, weight 60-80 kg. Calm disposition, appreciates solitude. Affectionate, sociable. An excellent defender and guard. Loves children very much. Not suitable for keeping in the yard, as it does not tolerate cold and heat well.

Dogue de Bordeaux

Muscular, handsome, loves communication and long walks. The variety is not very popular among dog breeders due to the rarity and high cost of puppies.

According to characteristics at the withers it reaches 60-67 cm, the weight of the animal is 70 kg . Friendly, but needs early socialization. Can't stand loneliness. Calm. It is distinguished by good health and does not require special coat care.


A fearless representative of the shepherd dogs of Central Asia, which has survived to this day unchanged. Alabai has pronounced protective instincts and will not allow himself, his owner, or family members to be offended.

Characteristics: height 70 cm, weight 50 kg . Alabai is very devoted to his owner. He is an excellent guard, but requires constant training and long walks. Hardy. Very touchy, does not tolerate corporal punishment. Easy to care for.

Tosa Inu

Samurai dog, was bred by the Japanese for fighting. The fighting past left a strong imprint on the character of the animal. Finding a common language with Tosa-nu is difficult.

Characteristics: 60 cm at the withers. Weight 50-90 kg . Tosa is strong and resilient, insensitive to pain. These pets are capable of making independent decisions. Tosa is a perfect watchman and does not tolerate strangers. He needs long walks and exercise. Easy to care for.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A fearless watchman, ready to stand for life and the owner’s property until his last breath. The plush appearance of the Caucasian Shepherd is deceiving. This is a reasonable, calm dog who does not tolerate encroachments on his territory.

Characteristics: at the withers 71-75 cm. Weight 70 kg . The dog is very loyal to family members, but does not like strangers. He needs professional training. It easily tolerates long separation from its owner and is not afraid of the cold. Such dogs easily endure long separation from their owner and have an explosive character.

Swiss Mountain Dog

The property of Switzerland. Suitable for families with small children and for protecting the territory.

Characteristics: height 68-72 cm. Weight up to 70 kg . Balanced and calm pet. He gets along well with people and animals. The Sennenhund is active, hardy, loves games, and therefore is suitable for keeping outside. His strong point is high communication skills.


The oldest shepherds with excellent responsibility. The Kangal is called the Turkish Wolfhound , as it is the only species in the world that can fight a wolf.

The characteristics of the Kangal are as follows: height 89 centimeters, weight 69 kilograms. The nature of such pets is calm, they are quite sociable, but are not suitable for keeping as a pet. Kangal is hardy and needs physical activity. It is trained successfully and is highly valued for its rare barking.


German dogs with a curious history. In the 19th century, the shaggy, noble Leonbergers were used as draft power. Today it is a completely domestic pet, oriented towards family life.

His features: height 74-80 cm, weight 60-77 kg . The pet is very loyal, suitable for protection. Easy to learn. Leonberger is strong and resilient, and is not afraid of loud noises. Loves children very much.


He is of Hungarian origin. Dog handlers call Kuvasz real intellectuals.

External features: height 65-76 centimeters, body weight - 40-52 kg .

He learns quickly, remembers complex commands, understands human speech well and is generally very sociable. Not aggressive, his disposition is calm. Kuvasz is touchy and does not tolerate separation from its owner. It can be kept in an apartment, but long walks are required.

American Akita

Despite his cute appearance, he has a stubborn disposition. Needs a fair owner with a firm hand.

Features: height 60-70 centimeters, weight 50-70 kg . Akita is a reliable watchdog and an excellent hunter. Has a stable psyche. Loves communication and does not tolerate loneliness very well. At the same time, Akita recognizes only one owner. Suitable for keeping in a private home. One of the important conditions is early socialization.

Japanese Akita

A legendary breed that originated in Japan in the early 17th century . Akita Inu are amazing animals; their personality combines that of a fearless hunter and a devoted friend.

Features: height – 60-70 cm, body weight – 40 kg . He loves active games. Shows friendliness and affection. The intellect is very developed. Akita Inu is emotional, loves to bark, grumble, howl, and is very hardy and energetic. Not suitable for beginners and requires early socialization.


It is of true Italian origin. Differs in developed intellect. The animal is absolutely independent, capable of making decisions without human intervention.

Features: height 54-58 cm, weight up to 40 kg . Not afraid of weather changes, easily tolerates heat, rain and cold. Bergamasco is an ideal shepherd. Has a keen sense of smell and hearing. Hardy and loyal. The pet needs serious physical exercise. He is willful and cannot be kept in an apartment.


A dog with a complex character, he requires regular training. External calm quickly disappears if a stranger crosses the threshold of your home.

Features: height 60-70 cm, weight 50-59 kg . The animal is very loyal and chooses one owner. The Bullmastiff is reserved with children and does not like animals. Suspicious of strangers. Snores loudly.


Expensive Hungarian Shepherd. It has an unusual appearance due to long strands reminiscent of dreadlocks.

Physiological characteristics of the Komondor: height 65-80 cm, weight – 45-60 kg . He is smart, knows how to make independent decisions and is easy to train. The Komondor is peaceful. He's calm. The pet loves long walks and active games. It is quite hardy and proves to be a good watchman.


The South African Boerboel is a true fighter. Having won the dog's respect, you will find a loyal friend and protector for life.

Features: height 60-70 cm, weight 50-80 kg . The Boerboel is fearless, freedom-loving and hardy. This is a wonderful guard who is also patient with children and animals. The Boerboel is capable of moving large loads. It is easy to provoke a pet into aggression.

Irish Wolfhound

Some of the highest representatives in the world. This fearless dog can successfully hunt large game, elk, and bear.

Features of the Irish Wolfhound: height 80-90 cm, weight 50-55 kg . The Irishman loves human attention. Incredibly loyal to his owner and smart. He loves children and treats animals calmly. In general, the wolfhound is sociable and sociable.

Mastino Neapolitan

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a calm, balanced dog. Proper upbringing turns a stern giant into an easy-going friend, ready to rush to the defense of the family at any moment.

Physical characteristics of Mastino Neapolitan: height 75 cm, weight 74 kg . The pet is smart, affectionate, good with children and animals. He does not like long walks and is generally very slow and unhurried.

Black Russian Terrier

Strong, hardy terriers were bred in the USSR for service purposes. Today, former guard dogs are considered excellent companions.

Their features: height 66-72 cm. Body weight – 50 kg . The terrier is hardy and in good health. He is not afraid of low temperatures. Not aggressive and very cunning. The Black Russian Terrier is easy to train and needs long walks.

Bukovinian Shepherd Dog

They were brought from the Romanian Carpathians. For many years it was used as shepherds.

Features: height 68-74 centimeters, weight up to 90 kilograms . The Bukovinian Shepherd is fearless, hardy, and loyal. She is a wonderful security guard who doesn't like strangers but loves children.


The Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound is an indigenous species. In ancient times, they accompanied the nomadic tribes located on the territory of modern Buryatia. Physical features: height 75 centimeters, weight 45-70 kilograms . Calm, affectionate, balanced. Not afraid of loneliness. An excellent watchman who knows how to make independent decisions.

American Bandog

The modern bandog is a relatively new variety. Appeared in the 20th century as a result of crossing the American pit bull, Staffordshire terrier and Mastino Neapolitan.

Features of the bandog: height 70 cm, weight 50-60 kg . An excellent, devoted guard and a one-woman man. Hardy, active, mobile. He loves physical activity very much.


Their ancestors are dogs from the Arman Highlands . Translated from Armenian, gampr means “large” or “powerful”.

Characteristics: height – 60-84 cm. Body weight from 45 to 85 kg . Life span is 11-13 years. They have a wayward character, but are loyal and obedient. Gampr is suitable for experienced owners. Very careful around other animals and children.

Dogo Canario

The breed is classified as a guard herder. The Dogo Canario appeared on the islands of the archipelago of the same name. The import of dogs into the territory of several states is prohibited - the Great Dane is considered potentially dangerous.

Height – 56-65 centimeters. Weight – from 50 kilograms. The lifespan of the Dogo Canario is 9-11 years. Has a reduced level of aggression. The Dogo Canario is ready to faithfully guard the family. But their level of friendliness is low.


The German breed is suitable for experienced owners who know the peculiarities of training active breeds. The main rule of upbringing is constant socialization. Belongs to the service class.

Height – 56-69 cm. Weight – 35-60 kg. Their life expectancy is 8-11 years. The Rottweiler is an excellent guard dog and is easy to train. Has a developed intellect.

Cane Corso

The ancestors of the Cane Corso are the fighting dogs of Ancient Rome. The Cane Corso has well-developed guarding qualities. Suitable for security.

Their height is 60-68 centimeters. Weight – 40-50 kilograms. Life expectancy is 9-11 years. The breed is not aggressive, except for invading a stranger's territory. Cane Corsos love active games.

Brazilian Fila

These are serious, powerful dogs. They are aggressive towards strangers. They are loyal, devoted to their owners, ready to protect them at the cost of their own lives.

Height – 60-75 centimeters. Weight – 50-90 kilograms. The lifespan of Fila is 12-15 years. The breed is banned in some countries due to its aggressiveness. He is affectionate towards his owners, like cats. Fila has good intelligence.

Moscow watchdog

The breed was bred from the mating of the Caucasian Shepherd and St. Bernard. It was developed in the USSR. The breed gets along well with children and other pets.

Belongs to tall dog breeds - 65-75 centimeters. Body weight – 45-65 kilograms. Average life expectancy is 9-12 years.

Moscow watchdog family friendly pets. They are calm, unpretentious, and have excellent protective qualities. Maintenance is expensive for the family.

Greek Shepherd

This is a herding dog, the ancestors of which are unknown. Initially, dogs performed security functions. To do this, the owners got a couple of animals at once - a male and a female. The breed's security characteristics are excellent.

Their height is 60-75 centimeters. Weight – 35-55 kilograms. Average life expectancy is 10-12 years. Greek Shepherds are phlegmatic, intelligent and smart. In addition, they are friendly to children and animals.


The breed is not at all suitable for beginners. Alabai is a strong and stubborn animal, it is able to prove its superiority to a weak owner. By weakness we mean not only physical strength, but also a person’s gentle character.

The Central Asian Shepherd requires constant supervision. Representatives of the breed are intelligent and independent, they will not follow the owner’s command if they think it is inappropriate. Alabais can make decisions that are contrary to the will of the owner. A weak person will be indignant and try to subdue the dog by force; the apotheosis will be the dog attacking him. Alabai is physically stronger, he will win. For a person, the battle will end in tears, at best - with bites, at worst - with death.

After reading such a description, you can get scared. A dog looks more like a monster than a man's friend. This is a deceptive impression, because with proper, consistent training, a representative of the breed seems very docile. He is friendly towards his owner and his family members, gets along well with children and tolerates other pets. The breed was bred for protection; the dogs have an appropriate attitude towards strangers. As soon as the Central Asian Shepherd sees a stranger on its territory, it will immediately turn into a formidable fighter. Seeing adequate behavior on the part of an outsider, he will refrain from attacking and warn of his intentions with a menacing growl. For a reasonable person, this is enough to stop his journey through the territory of the largest shepherd in the world.

A representative of the breed begins to be raised from childhood; he needs socialization. They are trained only on treats or toys; Central Asian Shepherds do not tolerate physical pressure and quickly stop it.

South African Boerboel

Classic guard dog. She comes from Africa. It has excellent endurance and excellent health. It is worth noting that the South African Boerboel has many opponents. The reason is that these dogs often attacked people, the consequences of their attack were severe. Yes, this is a serious animal, bred specifically to protect people and territory, however, with the right approach to its upbringing, it will not grow up to be aggressive.

Advice! When training a Boerboel, you can use harnesses for large breed dogs . If he starts to resist following you, they need to be tightened further. The height at the withers of the animal is 65 cm, it weighs about 85 kg. The dog has a large, wide muzzle. The color of the short coat is fawn, less often brindle.

To turn a puppy of this breed into a well-mannered, balanced dog, he needs to be regularly monitored in order to correct his behavior. If he barks at every person who comes, there will be a need for a light punishment. You cannot hit a Boerboel, like any other dog, as this will make him angry and overly suspicious. This is an intelligent breed that responds to the emotions of its owner.

Dogo Argentino

If your territory needs protection, then you cannot find a better dog. The Dogo Argentino is a traditional watchdog that rarely gets sick and is almost easy to care for. The dog's height is 65 cm, weight is 60 kg. The Dogo Argentino boasts well-developed muscles. He has a massive and slender physique. Most often, the short fur of this animal is colored white.

This is not only hardy and strong, but also an inquisitive and active dog. Unfortunately, it is difficult for her to get along with other pets, since, by nature, she is very jealous. The Dogo Argentino will not forgive its owner for betrayal or neglect. It requires regular attention and care.

If you raise such a dog, raising him with love and respect, he will serve faithfully. Well, if you offend him and don’t pay attention, on the contrary, the dog will become embittered and distant. Important! Large breed dogs should be delivered by a professional. A pregnant animal should be taken to a veterinarian after its water breaks.


Regardless of size, all dogs need training, but this is especially important for giant breeds. Misbehaviors that people may find "cute" when they happen to small dogs aren't so cute when your dog is a giant. These animals can outweigh many people when they grow up, so it is important to start training as early as possible. Training should always be fun and positive.

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If you're comfortable with all of these potential problems and still believe that bigger is better when it comes to dogs, one of these breeds may be right for your family.


The breed was bred in England to hunt large animals. Greyhounds are distinguished by their huge long legs, thin body and elongated snout. Such a dog can easily catch a fox or a hare.

He is distinguished by incredible devotion, sharp mind and quick reaction. Despite the impressive size of the animal, it is not at all dangerous to others, even to small children. However, with his owner’s other pets, the dog behaves quite reservedly.

To feel comfortable, the Greyhound needs a large territory. He needs to be walked daily, even if you live in a private house. And if you want to teach this dog commands, prepare a treat, because without reward, he will not carry them out.


A rather rare breed, which was bred by crossing a shepherd and a wolf. From the first she inherited friendliness and intelligence, and from the second she inherited a developed sense of territoriality and the need to communicate with similar individuals.

Despite the fact that the wolf-dog has dog genes, it is completely different from this canine. Their gait, appearance and even their gaze were borrowed from the wolf. At night, he may even start howling at the moon. To raise a puppy of this breed into a well-mannered dog, he needs to be trained daily. Any behavioral resemblance to its wild counterpart must be condemned.

The wolf dog is a strong, morally stable breed that does not know fear or retreat. He will never allow his owner to be harmed. However, an inexperienced dog breeder may have difficulty raising this pet. The fact is that the dog is prone to dominance, and this quality must be fought. Otherwise, it will become uncontrollable.

Bull Terrier

Representatives of the breed are popular family dogs due to their unusual appearance - a football-shaped head and an animated facial expression. Both Miniature and Standard Bull Terriers have high energy levels and do well with active owners whose lifestyle suits the dog's needs.

These animals are very affectionate and can melt the ice in anyone's heart.


Known for its loud bark and unrivaled sense of smell, the Bloodhound also has such distinctive features as plenty of skin, drooping ears and an impressively sized muzzle.

The strong sense of smell of these dogs makes them indispensable assistants during search and rescue operations, as well as operations to detect narcotic substances.

Bloodhounds are suitable for family life, but owners should take into account that these pets are somewhat lazy and can be stubborn.

Doberman Pinscher

Everyone knows this short-haired black dog with long straight ears. Dobermans are wonderful companions, excellent watchdogs and protectors. They have a well-developed sense of territoriality, they easily learn and adapt to new conditions.

Doberman is a wayward breed of dog that chooses one owner for its entire life. He does not forgive insults and evil towards himself. The dog is very demanding of the people around him and tends to dominate. For this reason, it should only be trained by an experienced dog breeder.

Among the advantages of the breed:

  1. Easy care.
  2. Sharp mind, quick learner.
  3. Observation.
  4. Fast adaptation.
  5. Friendly attitude towards others.

The Doberman Pinscher has not only fans, but also opponents. There are many known cases of their attacks on people, some even resulting in death. However, it is known for sure that in the absence of provocation, these dogs do not attack. It is worth remembering that the Doberman is a watchdog, therefore, without the owner’s permission, you cannot enter his territory.

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