Husky - description of the breed, character traits, care and health + 90 photos
Abstract description of the Husky breed Shedding occurs twice a year. Generally moderate, but in
pug photo
Pug - breed characteristics, health, care and maintenance
The Pug is a small, mischievous dog with a funny appearance and a centuries-old history. Once upon a time dogs like this
Savarra - Super premium cat food
Although it is the choice of responsible owners, natural food without additional additives
Food "Fest Choice": can it be called the best food for domestic cats?
Every pet owner puts a lot of effort into providing their pet with quality nutrition. Useful
Pomeranian Spitz breed
Weight and size of a Pomeranian Spitz depending on gender: how to measure a dog’s height and the development of a puppy up to a year
Pomeranians are small, very beautiful and fluffy dogs that may appear somewhat larger.
A dog's teeth in two rows is a reason to contact a veterinarian
During the first year of life, the dog's teeth are completely replaced from milk teeth to permanent ones. Usually
Description of the striped raccoon
Raccoon gargle animal. Description, features, lifestyle and habitat of the striped raccoon
The striped raccoon is one of the few predatory mammals that survives exposure to
Funny photos showing how the dog is another child in the family
Which dogs are the friendliest? Who to have if there is a child in the family? Choose large or
The Petit Brabançon (or Smooth-haired Griffon) is a small toy breed of dog bred in the Brabant province of Belgium. Hence the telling name
Petit Brabançons are incredibly sociable and friendly animals.
The Petit Brabançon (or Smooth-haired Griffon) is a small toy breed of dog bred in the province of Belgium.
Kurilian Bobtail: description, characteristics, advantages of the breed
The very nature of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands played a role in the breeding of cats of the Kuril Bobtail breed. These
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