Funny photos showing how the dog is another child in the family

Which dogs are the friendliest? Who to have if there is a child in the family? Should you choose a large or small dog, shaggy or smooth-haired? If the desire to have a dog is so strong that you are ready for early walks, tufts of fur in the corners and half a cutlet, a piece of which you still have to give to your FUTURE dog, it’s a small matter. Let's get acquainted with the list of candidates for the role of a four-legged family friend.

If you already have a dog, then undoubtedly this is the best. And your personal list of the best family dogs will start with her, you will give a thousand and one arguments in favor of THIS particular breed in order to tell the whole world that she is “the best”. You can't argue with that.

In England there was a custom: when a baby appeared in the house, they got a puppy. If a second child appeared, a second puppy also appeared in the house, so that each baby had its own companion.

Family dog ​​#1: Golden Retriever

As a happy owner of a Golden Retriever, I will start the list of the best family dogs with this breed. So, let me introduce... The Golden Retriever, “Golden Retriever,” as the owners affectionately call these dogs.

Why is this breed so popular? Personally, I am impressed by the immeasurable kindness, the desire to please and love ALL people, ALL dogs, the WHOLE world. Goldyasha doesn’t understand how anyone can be afraid of him, so “golden”? He is a wide-open soul; at the sight of a person on the horizon, he rushes to pay his respects, lick and expose his belly to “scratch me, scratch me.” Zero aggression! No fights with other dogs, unless in extreme cases he will come to the defense when all “peaceful” methods have already been tried.

You can’t hear the dog in the apartment, it won’t whine and bark, yelp and growl. This is a huge plus for the neighbors! Living with a Golden is a real pleasure. A sea of ​​positivity from this “smiling dog” is guaranteed to the owners, family guests, and random passers-by who find themselves even for a minute next to the retriever. They are very patient with cats, so two animals in the house are not a problem; they will get along and make friends.

The retriever is an excellent nanny - affectionate and attentive to detail. Dogs of this breed have a soft grip, so you should not be afraid that your golden dog will snap its teeth or hurt your baby during play. Even a small child can take his favorite ball out of his golden’s mouth with complete “impunity” or play “fetch the stick” with him. Retrievers are easy to train, obedient and flexible, and learn throughout their lives.

Children and Golden Retrievers have a lot in common: both of them are not averse to fooling around, but don’t feed them bread, let them fool around. The dog will be happy to accompany the child in all games and activities, be it making Easter cakes in the sandbox, going for mushrooms in the forest, swimming (they love this!) or drawing.

The golden will be happy to swim anywhere: even in a puddle near the house, even in a river. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that both the child and the dog will measure all the “reservoirs” after the first rain. A significant advantage in this case is that the retriever’s coat is self-cleaning: as soon as the dog dries, everything “falls off by itself.” It’s a pity that you can’t say the same about a child))).

In America, a Golden Retriever puppy is considered a traditional Easter gift for a child. A model American family, as the saying goes, should consist of parents, children and a golden retriever.

The retriever is simply made for cuddling! You can always stroke and squeeze him, and it is not yet known who will receive more pleasure from this. Because of its “loving nature,” the golden is not at all suitable for the role of a guard dog.

Dogs of this breed are used as “medicine” in rehabilitation centers when working with autistic children, children with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, etc., as companion dogs for the elderly, and as guide dogs for the blind. Due to their good hunting qualities, these dogs can work as rescuers, helping to find drugs, weapons, and explosives.

Family Dog #2: Labrador

Labs, as these dogs are kindly called, are the best choice for families with children. Everything that concerns Golden Retrievers can also be attributed to Labradors, they are only slightly different in appearance: less shaggy, more stocky.

Great enthusiasm to be always and everywhere with the owners, boundless friendliness, sincere curiosity, patience and kindness - this is just a minimum of the advantages of this breed. More than anything else, Labradors love to eat and play.

The developed parental instinct makes this breed an excellent nanny: if the child does something wrong, something threatens his health, the Labrador is always on the alert.

Family Dog #3: Newfoundland

You don't see dogs of this breed very often, but those who decide to get a Newfoundland probably won't regret it. The kindest of dogs, does not show aggression towards people or other animals, is very patient with children, phlegmatic by nature.

Newf is a big clumsy bear. His appearance is not only not scary at all, but on the contrary, it makes you want to pet this dog, bury yourself in its fluffy fur, hug and warm up... Newfoundland owners will tell you that this is just a LOT of kilos of happiness, sincere dog devotion and tenderness . Of course, there is also a lot of wool on the floor, but if you are not a completely spoiled pedant and neat freak, you will be able to make friends with the Newfie.

No to German Shepherds

The German Shepherd has been one of the most popular dogs in Russia for many years. And the first reason why I don’t recommend starting one is this banality. Well, everyone is German. Despite the fact that they have long proven themselves to be good, their protective qualities, coupled with their shortcomings, do not favor their acquisition. It is unlikely that a small child will be able to play with such a dog, and even this terrible dog smell. It's no secret that German Shepherds are very smelly. Well, there can be no question of any hypoallergenicity.

Family dog ​​#4: Bernese Mountain Dog

The television series “Happy Together” and its four-legged actor Baron undoubtedly added to the popularity of this breed. The faithful tricolor friend won the title of best family breed due to his character.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a farm dog. She is very sociable and kind. The Burnses love children and pets. They not only nurse them well, but literally shepherd “these foolish two-legged creatures.”

A distinctive feature of this dog can be called laziness. She will not frantically chase a bicycle, racking up kilometers; she will enjoy a simple walk with a cane in the company of her owner. Living in your home is the greatest joy for her. She will conscientiously guard the property, and, like a brownie, will rejoice at everything new that you bring into the house.

Winter Games

You can turn a simple walk in winter into a whole series of original photos.

Play snowballs with your pet, make a snow angel, make a snow dog, be “scared” by a big icicle - believe me, the pictures will be amazing!

It's a good idea to take your dog with you to the skating rink . Of course, he doesn’t know how to skate, but he will have fun gliding along the ice after you.

Try giving him various commands and use it in an interesting plot.

Don't forget about winter fishing, skiing or sleigh rides. Take your dog with you - it will definitely help you take fun and unusual photos.

Family Dog #5: Bullmastiff

Speaking about bullmastiffs, I would like to say “iron nerves”, “piercing gaze”, “self-confidence”. These are the words associated with this breed. The owners would say something like this: “The bullmastiff does not belong to Us, but we belong to the bullmastiff.” Indeed, this dog becomes a full member of the family.

Bullmastiffs are very patient towards children, they have a high pain sensitivity threshold, so the bully doesn’t even blink an eye at children’s pranks such as riding on horseback, pulling ears, stepping on the tail and other “minor troubles”. Naturally, you should not leave a small child alone with a dog (this applies to any breed) and you should always explain what can and cannot be done. For example, never approach the dog’s bowl while the dog is eating, don’t wake him up when he’s sleeping, and don’t bother him if the dog doesn’t want to play.

The Bullmastiff, like all the other dogs described in this article, is a large dog, so it can unknowingly push or knock down a child, whatever one may say, but it is bulky and quite heavy, even a banal sharp turn of the head to the side is already a push.

“The Bullmastiff is a true lion in the dog world, massive, majestic, powerful and courageous. He's truly an underrated king of dogs." (David Hancock, "Dogs as Companions")

These are excellent guards and defenders. If there is a bullmastiff in the house, you are in no danger!

New Year's photo shoot

Themed New Year's photos can't turn out badly. In the hustle and bustle of the holidays, there are many moments that may turn out to be good photo ideas for a family album.

Let your pet “help” decorate the Christmas tree, set the table and unpack the gifts. Don't forget to dress him up in a masquerade costume as a New Year's deer, Santa Claus, or elf.

Family Dog #6: Miniature Schnauzer
A bearded dog with thick eyebrows - this is him - a miniature schnauzer, a true German. Initially, this breed was used on farms to catch rats and as watchdogs.

The Miniature Schnauzer loves to be the center of attention, he is a sociable and very cheerful dog, smart, but quite noisy. Even the slightest change in the environment will be accompanied by barking. Miniature Schnauzers are obedient, but stubborn dogs: with all their desire to follow the owner’s command, they will still take a minute to do it their own way, drive and check what interests them.

The main rule in keeping this dog: a tired Miniature Schnauzer is a good Miniature Schnauzer.

Dogs of this breed get along well with children, are friendly, brave, assertive, and have exceptional hearing. If you decide to get a miniature schnauzer, you will get a true friend.

Family Dog #7: Setter

In a canine beauty contest, the setter would undoubtedly take one of the first places. Stunning coat, elegant gait, good-natured disposition - just a wonderful dog for a family with children. For hunting lovers, the setter is simply a godsend.

A fiery lively dog, a ball of energy - this is how one can characterize an active setter. The fiery “Irish” need long walks; for them, any weather is a blessing, just to wear themselves out.

This dog's heart melts at the sight of children. They are excellent nannies and play companions. The setter can caress 24 hours a day, and also follow its owner with its tail.

The setter is an intelligent and kind-hearted person by nature. A small flaw - he can steal something tasty while no one is looking, but this is due to his excellent hunting instincts, and not the malicious intent to leave you without lunch))).

Studio Adventures

You can also go the simple route - use studio photography. But, it is advisable to first introduce the photographer to the dog so that the pet feels calm and relaxed.

Most often, the photographer himself comes up with the plot and gives the necessary details, but there are some general tips:

  • It’s better to take your dog’s favorite toys rather than use studio ones;
  • choose a time for a photo shoot when the dog is most active and ready to communicate.

Family dog ​​#8: collie

Collie is a herding dog, it is not suitable for those who spend a lot of time outside the home, as it loves communication very much. Natural responsibility makes the collie an excellent nanny. This shepherd loves children. She is calm and intelligent, flexible, and easy to train.

...not keeping a collie means missing out on many admirable canine traits that cannot be found in any other breed...

If you've never had a dog, a collie is a great option. She will become a faithful family friend and will always accompany your children in everything.

The best dogs for homes and families with children.

The idea of ​​writing this article has been brewing for a long time and I finally got around to it. The realities of living in your home today are a little different from previous decades. In the nineties and two thousand, dogs were kept in their homes as guards and no one was very worried about children, family and their relationship with the dog. Today, when people move into their home, they try to choose an interesting dog that they can take for a walk on the street with their children and bring into the house. At the same time, it should not smell like a dog and should not cause allergies. I will present all the arguments in order. Let's start with the breeds that I do not recommend having in your home today.

Family dog ​​#9: Husky

Husky looks very similar to a wolf, but has no family ties with it. This is an intelligent, hardy dog ​​that you can safely get if you have a child in the house. A husky is completely devoid of aggression, so if you explain to a child what can/cannot be done with a dog, there is nothing to be afraid of. With a husky you can run races together, ride a bike, sled, go on a hike - it’s not yet known which of you will get tired first.

The Husky is an active dog and enjoys running a lot, so if your family prefers movement and an active lifestyle, this is the best option for you.


Together with a dog, you can take pictures while walking in the park or in the forest. It's a win-win for good weather.

You can take pictures with your pet both in winter and autumn, but spring and summer photo sessions can be the most successful.

For the background, choose a beautiful landscape, a picturesque meadow or the shore of a pond. Let the autumn leaves be in the frame, and the spring pictures be decorated with blooming gardens.

Family Dog #10: St. Bernard

Saint Bernard is one of the largest and heaviest dogs. If we look at history, we can find out that St. Bernards sense approaching avalanches well, save people from rubble, warm them with their warmth, and can move heavy objects.

When the name Beethoven is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind for many is the image of a big and kind dog, and only then “Moonlight Sonata” and “Symphony No. Beethoven is not the only St. Bernard to become a celebrity. Many of his relatives with honor carried and carry the title of the best family dog.

Saint Bernard is a true gentleman: no matter what the child amuses himself with, he will silently and patiently present his muzzle, open his mouth and endure everything that fate has in store for him. These dogs love children and are not offended by their pranks.

The Saint Bernard has a good-natured appearance, deserving of trust and respect. The main purpose of these dogs is to save people, so being part of a family is a great joy for a St. Bernard. He will be happy to be a nanny for big and small owners.

The undoubted advantage of this breed is that these dogs are quiet and will bark only when absolutely necessary. Despite their affection for their owners, St. Bernards are distrustful of strangers, therefore, having such a dog, you can be sure that a real watchman lives in your house.

Dear readers! Whatever dog you choose as a family dog, remember that we are responsible for those we tamed. Even an ordinary courtyard “nobleman” will bring many positive moments into your life. Patience to you and boundless puppy love! Let the living creatures in the house bring joy, teach your children kindness and loyalty, instill care and love for our smaller brothers.

Water treatments

A photo with a wet dog is an original, bright and rich photo. It doesn't matter where you find water. It could be a river, a fountain, the sea, a bathtub or a water hose in the garden - you will still be able to create a whole series of interesting shots!

Such photos with fluffy and shaggy dogs are especially effective.

Don't forget to film the moment when your pet shakes off the water. You will be surprised how funny your four-legged friend looks at this moment.

As a result, you will get not only wet clothes, but also a good mood!

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