Husky - description of the breed, character traits, care and health + 90 photos

Abstract description of the Husky breed

Molting occurs twice a year. Mostly moderate, but during the shedding season a large amount of hair falls out, so you will have to brush your dog daily.

Huskies do quite well in apartments, provided they have the opportunity to exercise. The ideal place to keep it is a private country house.

If the animal does not find an outlet for its violent energy, it will begin to chew the slippers. In the courtyard of a country house, huskies will dig holes under the fence and loosen the ground.

Husky dogs practically do not bark, even when someone unfamiliar approaches their home territory. Therefore, this breed is not used as a guard dog.

Due to their stubborn nature, these dogs are not suitable for novice dog owners. They certainly need a leader in the person of a strict master.

Since huskies are curious, they often get injured and get lost when leaving their home.

These good-natured animals are ideal pets for families with children.

When buying a husky puppy, you should find out about its diet. They generally don't need a lot of high calorie food.

During walks, it is recommended to let the animal off a leash to give it the opportunity to chase small representatives of the fauna.

Some historical data

The Siberian Husky breed is one of the oldest, the genomic composition of which differs little from that of a wolf.

The first to tame and domesticate these dogs were the Chukchi.

People in Chukotka used these animals as riding, guard and shepherd animals. Long years of natural selection have produced a healthy, hardy dog ​​breed.

Huskies were first introduced to the states in 1908. During the “gold rush” season, the team with huskies came third to the finish line. After this event, this breed began to be taken more seriously.

The most famous feat performed by this dog occurred in 1925, when the husky dog ​​Balto, in harness with other brothers, along a difficult path of 1085 kilometers, delivered the long-awaited vaccine to the city in order to save the local people of Alaska.

However, over time, the Siberian Husky lost primacy in the races to other breeds. Today the entire breed is divided into working, racing and show class representatives.

Description of the breed

Having studied the description of the Siberian Husky breed on dog breeding sites on the Internet, we can highlight the following main features:

  • harmony of addition;
  • muscle development;
  • endurance.

At the withers, the Siberian Laika Husky can reach 0.6 m. As for weight, it varies from 16 to 27 kg in an adult. Moreover, males are larger in size.

The photo of the Siberian Husky clearly shows the external features:

  • The head is medium in size, slightly rounded at the top and tapering towards the eyes. The transition from forehead to muzzle is clearly pronounced.
  • The color of the nose can range from black to brown. You can also find specimens with a “snow nose” with pinkish veins.
  • The muzzle is not pointed and not square, of medium length.
  • The teeth are strong, white, scissor bite.
  • The eyes are distinguished by their almond shape. May be blue or brown. Possible disagreement. The look is attentive, intelligent, and can be filled with friendliness and mischief.
  • The ears are triangular, high-set, erect with slightly rounded tips.
  • The chest is of medium width. Strong and deep. The tail resembles a fox's. In a calm state it hangs down, in an excited state it bends in the shape of a sickle.
  • The coat is “double”. Represented by undercoat and medium length hair.

All of the above are standard characteristics of the breed, which for the most part can be noticed in puppies from birth.

If you want to have a husky, it will be interesting to know that they have the blood of ancient northern dogs mixed with wolves. Here's another amazing fact: these animals were domesticated much earlier than deer.

Breed Traits

The main value of dogs of this breed is intelligence and unprecedented endurance. It is important for them to engage in various types of work throughout their lives in order to feel like the happiest creatures.

Without mental stimulation, the Husky dog ​​becomes bored and destructive.

These are naturally predatory animals, so they deftly and skillfully track down and pursue small fellows.

For huskies, it is important to maintain a clear hierarchy, showing who is the leader in the pack, because this dog always tries to assert superiority. These are very family animals with a cheerful, playful disposition.

If a small husky is taught to live with other animals in the house, then in the future there will be no problems with family pets living together.

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Thanks to its mobility, the representative of the breed will be an excellent companion for active, cheerful people.

The husky's peculiarity is expressed in the ability to open doors, jump over and undermine fences and in search of adventure, as a result of which they can get lost and wander.

Judging by the numerous photos of huskies with people, the fashion for this breed is growing every day.

However, before purchasing a pet in the form of a husky, you should carefully study the characteristics of the character and maintenance of these animals.


Siberian Husky puppies come in approximately twenty different colors. White color is considered the rarest. Such dogs belong to the show class or racing families.

The most common are huskies with gray and white fur. At exhibitions you can see representatives of the breed of the following colors:

  • silver-white;
  • copper;
  • red;
  • fawn;
  • wolf gray;
  • sable;
  • marble;
  • black-and-white;
  • isabella;
  • black;
  • black and white, etc.

Husky photo

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