Puggle: a small "mastiff" with a friendly personality

Puggle (piggle, mogl) is a decorative hybrid breed, the result of mating a pug and a beagle. This strange name is formed from combining the abbreviated names of the parent breeds. Puggles are sometimes called “miniature mastiffs” due to their resemblance.

History of the origin of the breed

The Puggle breed is young, its history goes back less than thirty years. The first dogs from the mating of a pug and a beagle were obtained in the USA in the late 1980s by accident. Over the next ten years, the breeds were crossed on purpose, and as a result they got a third one, which quickly became popular. The first breeder was Vols Havens from Wisconsin. He gave the breed the name “puggle” and tried to register it with the American Kennel Club of Hybrids.

He failed; his work was recognized as “not meeting the criteria for genetic experiments.” In the 2000s, his breeding work was suspended and banned in 2008. Now this is a breed unrecognized by cynological associations; it does not have its own club. Existing puggles are descendants of the first generation beagle and pug. Alternative names: mogl, puggle.

Photo: flickr.com


Among the advantages of the breed, owners highlight:

  • Playfulness, activity;
  • Affectionate, loving, friendly;
  • Sharp mind, ability to learn;
  • The ability to adapt to the owner (they will both watch TV and go on a hike);
  • Good relationships with children, small rodents, cats;
  • Not conflict.


Each owner sees different disadvantages in a pet. For some, barking is a funny song, but for others it is an annoying noise. Puggles are difficult to raise; they need professional behavior correction at the selective level. Owners are often annoyed by:

  1. Mischief;
  2. Touchiness;
  3. Laziness;
  4. Stubbornness;
  5. Constant thirst for attention.

Description of the breed

As a result of crossing known breeds, the puggle is considered a decorative dog. The Puggle's appearance shows signs of both "parent" breeds. The “folded” face was “given” to him by a pug, the tail, ears and height were given to him by a beagle. Due to variations in the combination of genes in each case, the conformation of the dogs varies, but breeders strive to incorporate the best of both parent breeds into the Puggle.

Puggle is a medium-sized dog: at the withers they reach 30-35 cm and weigh 10-12 kg. There is a toy variety of the breed, its weight is 4-8 kg. They live 12-15 years.

The breed standard is not documented, so the appearance of puggles varies depending on the appearance of the parents. The head shape of puppies can be either a pug or a beagle. Variations in the shape of the body and ears are also the norm. However, these dogs have a stocky, athletic body with a high, curled tail, and floppy ears like a beagle. The coat is short and thick, most often colored brown-yellow, brown or black. The eyes are dark, deep-set.

Similar breeds

  • Size: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Japanese Spitz, Beagle, Small Poodle.
  • By character: hounds, dachshunds, terriers, pinscher, husky, setters, border collies.
  • By type of face: Pekingese, Shih Tzu, bulldog, pug, boxer, griffon.
  • By hypoallergenicity: West Highland white terrier, whippet, shih tzu, giant schnauzer, mini poodle, Hungarian shepherd.

Popular types of mestizos

Already in ancient times, interbreeding was widely practiced by breeders interested in obtaining a high-quality and healthy stock of their dogs. Most modern breeds, in fact, are descendants of those same mestizos.

And later, when it was necessary to improve the working qualities of dogs of a breed that had already managed to form, specialists also resorted to interbreeding.

Malamutes have been bred in Eskimo tribes for a long time and the purity of their blood has been respected since ancient times. Strong, hardy dogs, designed to transport sleds with heavy loads, were necessary for local residents and they were not interested in in any way changing the exterior or working qualities of Malamutes by crossing them with other dogs.

However, after the breed was officially recognized and these dogs began to be used in sports, there was a need to improve the speed qualities of Malamutes, for which they were actively crossed with dogs of other sled breeds, but with a faster gait.

As a result, such a breed group as, for example, Alaskans - mestizos of Malamutes and Huskies - was born. These dogs, having the same endurance and almost not inferior to purebred Malamutes in strength and endurance, are at the same time distinguished by an incomparably faster gait, which makes them universal sled dogs, suitable for both moving heavy loads and racing at speed.


The popularization of Malamutes and their use as companion dogs has led to the need to improve their watchdog and security qualities.

To achieve this, Malamutes were crossed with service breed dogs, such as the German Shepherd.

In addition, attempts have been made to improve the hunting qualities of Malamutes, since, despite their innate instincts, these dogs hunt only for themselves and only when they themselves want it. In order for the Malamute to become a faithful hunting assistant, attempts were made to cross it with various breeds of husky.

Lately, so-called designer dog breeds have been gaining popularity, in which the purpose of interbreeding is, first of all, the unusual appearance of mestizos.

Of course, the beautiful appearance of a purebred Malamute cannot leave anyone indifferent. However, some breeders began to think about how to make these dogs even more unique and original in terms of appearance.

For this purpose, Malamutes were crossed with breeds such as Chow Chows, and, indeed, such mestizos became the owners of a very interesting and unusual appearance.

Character and behavioral characteristics

The puggle is a stubborn dog, but it can be raised and trained using positive methods (rewarding with words, treats, or play). Obsequiousness may be present, but this is not a necessary character trait of the dog. Puggle loves to follow his owner with his tail. The puggle gets along well with adults, children and dogs without any aggression. Only small animals take risks: puggles love to run after them. You won't make a dog into an evil guard, but he can warn you about the arrival of a stranger.

Puggles are smart, energetic dogs with a lot of energy. If dogs are healthy, you will not see them melancholic. The beagle also gave them a characteristic howl, and this can become a problem in an apartment. Walk your puggle in the morning and evening for at least half an hour. Long, active walks will make your dog calmer and quieter at home.

Here in the video you can see how a puggle drives!

Basic moments

  • The Beagle constantly needs company and therefore does not tolerate loneliness well.
  • Representatives of the breed are endowed with quick wit and flexible intelligence - and all this combined with stubbornness.
  • The dog is always energetic and cheerful, loves to run and frolic in the fresh air.
  • The main problem with beagles is their loud barking, so be prepared for possible disputes with your neighbors.
  • Animals gain weight easily, so they need regular exercise and proper feeding.
  • Dogs are friendly even with strangers and therefore are not always good guards.
  • The Beagle gets along well with children and becomes a devoted friend to them.
  • It is not recommended to keep a beagle in the same apartment as cats or small ornamental animals.
  • Not suitable for beginner dog owners due to its independent nature.

The Beagle instantly captivates with its remarkable charm. A dog's hazel eyes look straight into your soul, especially if the animal intends to beg you for a tasty morsel. The charming appearance of the fidget is in perfect harmony with his character, so you should not expect meekness and calmness from the beagle. Despite its moderately short legs, the dog can develop high speed when chasing a pigeon or a neighbor's cat. Beagles are very active by nature. For this breed, there is no better entertainment than a walk in the city park. Bring a frisbee or tennis ball with you and your dog will be happy.

Education and training

Do not keep your dog alone, for example, in the yard of a private house. Puggle is very sad without people, he may develop bad habits (barking, howling, digging holes). To get a pleasant, friendly dog, introduce it to other animals, people, places, smells, sounds from childhood. The more complete the socialization and training during puppyhood, the fewer behavior problems the dog will have as an adult.

Teaching a puggle commands is only possible with encouragement; Punishments will only increase the dog’s stubbornness and damage its psyche. But even a trained puggle will run away if it smells an unusual odor. Therefore, walk and play with your pet in a fenced area or on a long leash. An unvaccinated puppy cannot be walked, so he needs to be accustomed to a diaper or tray, and later to being walked.

Photo: wikimedia.org


Puggle is a new breed, so mating outside the club is not only pointless, but harmful to the species branch. It is important to register all puppies to monitor litter quality, genetic defects and diseases.

To carry out the official procedure, it is necessary to wait until the female's third heat and the male's 2nd year of life. The owner of the girl must contact the club a few days before the start of the cycle to receive certificates directing her to mating and contact information for a suitable partner. Dog owners sign a contract, determine the time, place and cost of the procedure.

The optimal mating time for a female is 13-15 days from the start of estrus. Around these days, the egg matures and is released. You can determine a girl’s readiness by her behavior (throws her tail) and by the nature of her discharge (light, abundant).

The puggles are small, one room is enough for them. Therefore, on the appointed day, the female is brought to the territory of the male. If the girl is ready, the male will do a cage and stand in the lock. Owners need to monitor the process, hold their pets, guide them, and place them comfortably. Repeat the procedure after 48 hours. Pregnancy can be monitored from the 3rd week at an ultrasound center or using a test.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”


The Puggle is a hybrid and therefore generally healthy breed of dog, but some of the common sores found in Pugs and Beagles may appear.


This is an artificially created, genetically fixed defect of the puggle. Reason: congenital deformation of the skull bones, reduced volume of the nasal cavity with a normal mucous membrane. Air passes through the narrowed nostrils with difficulty, the dog breathes with a whistle or wheezing, quickly gets tired, coughs, loses consciousness and suffocates.

Noisy breathing is not normal for a puggle. If you notice this in your pet, contact your veterinarian. In most cases, treatment is surgical widening of the nasal passages.

Hip dysplasia

A malformation of the skeleton of the limbs, in which abnormal friction in the joint destroys the cartilaginous lining, causing pain to the animal. Symptoms: lameness, unsteadiness, x-shaped rear legs, fatigue, painful rise from the litter.

Puggles have a hereditary predisposition to underdevelopment of the acetabulum, but this defect does not necessarily appear in all representatives. Good nutrition and adequate exercise during puppyhood reduce the risk of dysplasia. A severe type of defect requires surgical intervention.


Periodic seizures in a dog. Puggles can inherit it (~ up to 3 years), or they can get it as a result of injuries, infections, poisoning, diseases of internal organs (kidneys, liver), malnutrition, parasitosis or prolonged stress (from 4 years and older). If your dog experiences his first seizure, consult your veterinarian. This disease is incurable, but can be corrected with medications. Write down the dates and duration of attacks: your doctor may need this information.


Lack of thyroid hormones can be congenital or acquired. Due to congenital conditions, the Puggle may develop dwarfism and cretinism. If a pregnant bitch had an imbalance, then her puppies will also show endocrine diseases. Acquired hypothyroidism develops due to autoimmune diseases, tumors or dystrophy of the thyroid gland, diseases of internal organs, infections, and lack of iodine in the diet.

It manifests itself as weakness, a tendency to obesity for no apparent reason, high fatigue, disruption of the sensory organs, inflammation of the eye tissue, paralysis of the muscles of the muzzle, larynx, regurgitation, swelling of all layers of the skin, poor regeneration and blood clotting, infertility.

Patella luxation

This is a hereditary or acquired disease. It is caused by pathologies of the development of the musculoskeletal system or injuries of the hind limbs. Symptoms of a luxated patella: lameness, abnormal shape of the joint, the dog leans little or not at all on the affected paw. The veterinarian will diagnose the dislocation, determine its severity and prescribe medication (for the first and second) or surgical (for the third and fourth degrees) therapy.

Photo: flickr.com

Puggle food

The owner of a dog of any breed always has a choice between factory-made dog food and home-made balanced nutrition. If you decide to stick to homemade food , it is highly recommended to provide your dog with meat and offal. Your daily diet should include a variety of whole grain cereals, fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits, as well as a vitamin-mineral mixture.

Do not feed your puggle fatty, spicy or salty foods.

If you choose factory feed , approach this issue with great seriousness and attention. Only armed with knowledge, approach the feed rack in a specialty store.

Also keep in mind that not every high-quality food is suitable for your dog . Most likely, it will have to be selected experimentally. When you are sure that your pet feels great and has good stool, this is the right choice.

A puppy under the age of three months should be given food three times a day; upon reaching three months, you can switch to two meals a day.


The puggle's short coat requires minimal grooming: 5-10 minutes of brushing every day with a stiff brush and bathing once a month. Keep the skin folds on your dog's face, eyes and ears clean. Untidy, these places become an excellent breeding ground for infections.

Regular removal of fleas and worms is a must. The Russian climate is a little cold for the puggle: buy or sew clothes for him for the winter. The dog won’t like the cold at home either: place his bed in a warm, dry place, closer to you.

Photo: flickr.com

Distinctive features

There is no standard for Puggles, only recommendations for breeding. Considering that they try not to breed dogs with each other, there is no need for a detailed description of the breed. Usually the animals are medium-sized, stocky - up to 35 cm at the withers, up to 12 kg in weight . A characteristic feature is a wrinkled muzzle, often with a black mask.

  • The head is wide, square, with a rounded skull, and a deep frontal groove.
  • The muzzle is shorter than the skull, surrounded by thin symmetrical wrinkles. Scissor bite, full set of teeth.
  • The nose is black and wide.
  • The ears are set wide and low, semi-erect (on hard cartilage, curved, shaped like an inverted triangle);
  • The eyes are round, large, set wide and slightly slanted;
  • The body is dense, muscular, rectangular in format. The chest is narrow, not deep. The back is level with a convex croup. The belly is not tucked in. The neck is thick, short, surrounded by skin folds.
  • The tail is set high, curled over the back (1 curl);
  • The limbs are long, thin, not muscular, parallel.
  • The coat is two-layered: soft undercoat, short, hard guard hair.
  • Colors: black, yellow, brown and tan.


An active puggle needs a lot of energy to play continuously. If the dog is inactive, then with a good appetite, he quickly gains excess weight. Choose high-class industrial dry food (super premium, holistic).

In your dog's natural diet, include 50% protein (lean meat, fish, dairy products, eggs), the rest - cereals and vegetables with fruits. Don’t forget about multivitamin complexes, since dogs most often lack vitamins and microelements in natural food.

Puggle puppies need feeding 4-5 times a day, adults - 2-3 times a day (relatively calm dogs need to be fed less often). Make the serving size appropriate for the age and weight of your pet. Make sure he eats it quickly and without leaving a trace. If you left it, be sure to remove it before the next feeding.

They are very energetic! Look at Mafi Daria Dontsova!

Raising chickens

Taking into account the impossibility of breeding chickens of the Hercules breed “in itself”, there is no question of the correct selection of producers in this case. But due to the large distances, many buyers prefer to take the egg and hatch Hercules chickens in their own home incubators. Therefore, the issue of raising chickens is very relevant.

With proper transportation, 80-90% of chickens hatch from purchased eggs. In the first days the brooder should be 30°C. Gradually the temperature is reduced to normal street temperature. Due to their rapid growth, chickens require large amounts of high-protein feed. If it is not possible to use specialized starter feed, chickens should be given a finely chopped boiled egg. Chopped greens must be included in the food. Some people prefer to give green onions, believing that they disinfect the intestines. But there is still nothing to disinfect the gastrointestinal tract of freshly hatched chickens. Therefore, you can give chopped parsley with the same success. If you're not too lazy, you can cut grass picked from the street.

Cereals provide a large amount of carbohydrates, but have very little protein. If you feed chickens with crushed grains, including corn, then you must add meat and bone meal to the diet.

Legumes are also suitable for providing protein. You can buy alfalfa meal at pet stores. Alfalfa contains a significant amount of protein and can replace peas or soybeans.

How to choose a puppy

Before getting a puggle, assess your preparedness for possible problems associated with the character, behavior and hereditary diseases of the puggle. If possible, choose a puppy personally, but with puggles this is difficult, since most of these animals are brought from abroad “to order”.

The dog must be active, clean, healthy, with shiny fur and clean eyes and ears. Ask the breeder about the health of the puppy’s parents and any hereditary diseases they have. As part of the documents, the puggle must have a veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations and treatments performed.

There cannot be an official pedigree or metric issued by any canine organization, since the breed is not recognized by any of them.

Price and where to buy a puppy

A puggle puppy costs $500 and up. In Russia this breed is not practiced professionally, but abroad, for example, in America, there are enthusiasts of this business. American dog breeding regulations prohibit crossbreeding between puggles and puggles, and if you're looking to buy a puppy in the US, you'll likely have to agree to that rule, too.

Varieties of Pugs

As a rule, pugs have a light shade of fur and a black muzzle.
These are the representatives of the breed that we most often meet on the street. It's rare, but you can still find black pugs. They are rare and therefore more expensive. The recognized colors of the breed are:

  • beige (the most common, the coat is a warm beige shade with a slightly darker spine line, the muzzle and nose are completely black);
  • silver (very light coat with a silvery cold tint);
  • apricot (a warm yellowish shade with a transition to bright orange, often also called peach);
  • black (anthracite shade is very rare, but such dogs are considered the elite of the breed and are in demand at exhibitions).

Other possible shades are considered non-standard. Such representatives of the breed cannot participate in exhibition activities and produce officially registered offspring.

Owner reviews

Sergey: “Funny dogs have fallen, it’s true. Very active, to the point of outrageousness, so much so that it seems they won’t be able to live in an apartment. And a loud howl... The neighbors can no longer stand it.”

Rada: “I received a puggle as a birthday present from my husband. It was such a surprise. I have been “enjoying” him for three years now, and for all three years Zhorik has been howling, ruining his favorite flower beds, running almost without breaks and snoring. But he’s loyal, and he has a funny face.”

With a beagle

A mix of a beagle and a native of China is called a puggle. The exclusivity of the appearance is given by folds on the muzzle, hanging ears, and a straight tail. The first individuals of this unusual variety appeared in the 90s. last century. Their unique appearance and cheerful character quickly won the hearts of people.

Puggles love to play and run. Keeping a dog is preferable for active people. Animals need to be walked a lot and undergo regular training.


Photo: wikimedia.org

Photo: wikimedia.org

Photo: wikimedia.org

Puggles are in heat

The timing of the onset of the first heat depends on the age and breed of the dog. In small breed bitches, discharge appears at 7-9 months.

The main and clearly visible sign of estrus is the appearance of blood on the floor, carpeting and furniture in the places where the dog sits. Blood is released from the so-called loop. For a bitch, such discharge is absolutely painless, but the animal’s mental system can react in a way that is most unexpected for the owners.

Small breeds of dogs may experience an unexpected surge of strength; the bitch will begin to feel the need for a minute-by-minute change of environment. The animal may exhibit:

  • irrepressible joy;
  • to be sad;
  • possible drooling;
  • dilated pupils;
  • violation of orientation in space.

During the first heat, dogs begin to ask to go to the toilet more often, and after that they carefully lick the loop. For many bitches, the onset of discharge coincides with the first shedding. The dog begins to mark its territory while walking, which immediately arouses interest on the part of males.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. The Puggle is a little-known, unrecognized breed of dog, a cross between a Pug and a Beagle.
  2. These dogs are friendly, very active, loyal but stubborn, and love to bark and howl.
  3. This breed is predisposed to brachycephaly, dysplasia, patellar luxation, hypothyroidism, and epilepsy.
  4. It is difficult to choose a puggle puppy, since they are bred mainly abroad.

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Who is the dog suitable for?

Puggles are considered hypoallergenic dogs, which is why they are loved by families with small children . It is worth noting that the puggle’s disposition is also very childish, so he will become a faithful friend to the baby in games and mischief.

The size of the puggle makes it easy to keep him in a city apartment , but he will also be comfortable in a country house (provided he lives indoors). These dogs are very sociable. Puggles get along well with other pets. Due to their affection, they can hardly stand loneliness and require constant company .

Nurseries in Russia

In the Russian Federation, Shar Pei can be purchased in the following nurseries:

  • "Ave Concord" (Moscow)
  • "Adamant Chazar" (Perm)
  • "Amaneku" (Volgograd)
  • "Aster Amos" (Krasnoyarsk)
  • "Bellshaw" (Moscow)
  • "Jemmaris Jam" (Novosibirsk)
  • "Jean Yuks" (Volgograd)
  • "Golden Fish" (Moscow)
  • “From the House of Kesler” (St. Petersburg)
  • "Ingram Ray" (Moscow)
  • "Kotmarian" (Novorossiysk)
  • “The Legend of Pleskov” (Pskov)
  • "Nevsky Han" (St. Petersburg)
  • "From Panda Charm" (Ekaterinburg)
  • “From the White River” (Belorechensk, Krasnodar region)
  • "Fentai" (Krasnoyarsk)
  • "Helavis" (Ekaterinburg)
  • "Hollens Stone" (Khabarovsk)
  • "Qing-Lun" (Nizhny Novgorod)
  • "Black Chizh" (Moscow)
  • "Shat Shyun" (Moscow region)
  • "Shulvi Rozan" (Moscow)
  • "Sheng Fu-Xing" (Essentuki)
  • “BE ONLY JOY” (Sevastopol, Crimea)
  • "Sunrise Breeze" (Bryansk)

Interesting Facts

Lack of belonging to a noble family does not prevent mongrels from achieving fame and recognition. Stories of such dogs are reflected in literature; mongrel animals have been in space. They even erect monuments to mongrels. The most famous mongrels are, of course, Belka and Strelka. The legendary astronaut dogs successfully flew into space. The history of the Great Patriotic War knows a huge number of dog feats, when fearless dogs looked for mines, blew up tanks, and carried the wounded. Mikhail Bulgakov, Eduard Asadov, Anton Chekhov used the image of mongrels for their brilliant works.

In the next video you will find interesting facts about the mongrel.


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