Cesar Milano and his methods of raising dogs. Causes of death of Cesar Milano

Although the science of animal behavior is advancing by leaps and bounds, unfortunately, there are still “experts” who do not want to learn and adhere to views on dog training that were acceptable only during the time of the Inquisition. One of these “specialists” is the so-called “canine translator” Caesar Millan.

Photo: pixabay.com

Childhood on a farm

Working with animals is very difficult. But Milano is called not just a dog breeder, but a dog trainer. Those who met with a professional and watched this person’s programs say that he understands the language of his four-legged friends.

The world famous coach was born on August 27, 1969. His homeland was the Mexican state of Sinaloa, the city of Culiacan. Since childhood, Cesar Milano lived with his grandfather on a very ordinary farm. The boy had no toys, the family lived poorly. The only entertainment he could afford was to run around the house and watch the amazing life of animals.

The grandfather had a particularly strong influence on the baby. The old hardworking Mexican instilled in him a love of animals. The man taught to respect other people's lives, even if we are talking about animals.


I started this journey in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico and grew up working with animals on my grandfather's farm. Since I got along great with dogs, they followed me everywhere. The other children constantly teased me, calling me “el perrero” - “the dirty dog ​​walker.” However, I tried my best to drive away bad thoughts from myself, and on my thirteenth birthday I made a wish to become the best dog trainer in the world. (Watch the documentary about me, “The True Story”).

Everyone knows that I set foot in the United States at the age of 21. Then I didn’t speak English and didn’t know anyone. Having no place to live, I wandered the streets for two months until I started working part-time, cutting hair and walking other people's dogs. Just imagine: a young Mexican man was walking 30-40 dogs without a leash. Back then, I had no idea that it was illegal to walk dogs on the streets without a leash.

Finding the meaning of life

Dogs are the best guards for a household. That's why there was a whole flock of them running around on grandpa's farm. Young Caesar Milano could find a common language with the dogs, so they constantly trailed after him. Because of this, other children laughed at the boy. Often the future coach was insulted and called names.

It should be noted that he did not immediately want to connect his life with this work. At first the guy planned to become a singer, but he didn’t have a voice. Then he was interested in an acting career, but here his appearance let him down. There was a time when the teenager seriously considered selling drugs. It is typical that he wanted to be the best in any profession.

At that time, the series “Lassie” was broadcast. After some time, the boy realized: his calling was to train dogs. Cesar Milano, who was only 13 years old at the time, told his mother that he would become the No. 1 coach in the world. She replied that her son would succeed in whatever he wanted.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among animal owners who have fed their pets pauchi or pates under the Cesar brand, there are different opinions about its pros and cons.


The advantages of this product include:

  1. general availability, the ability to purchase in most pet stores;
  2. good appearance of feed;
  3. attractive to dogs who eat the offered canned food with appetite.


There are also a number of obvious disadvantages that cannot be ignored:

  • the manufacturer does not provide customers with detailed information about the ingredients included in the feed;
  • Some breeders, due to the strong odor, talk about the presence of a large number of flavors in the product;
  • The recipe does not take into account the age and breed characteristics of dogs.

Unique show

Thus began the career of a famous trainer. At first, it was very difficult for cameramen and scriptwriters to get used to four-legged actors. But over time, the project went on air under the title “Caesar Milano: Dog Translator.” The program showed how a person interacts with animals. The first episode was released on September 13, 2004. The seventh season is currently being successfully filmed. The audience liked the idea, so more than 80 countries around the world are broadcasting this product.

The author of the technique teaches people to play the role of the leader of the pack. The owner acts as a protector. A pet can understand this only through physical exercise. The next step towards harmony between human and pet is discipline. And only after that comes love.

The key to success is training. Cesar Milano works with various dogs in his programs and applies the same rules to each of them, regardless of breed.


In 1994 I got married, a year later my son Andre was born, and in 2001 my second son, Calvin. But in June 2010 I received the news of my divorce while I was in London and my whole world came crashing down. I felt trampled, with a mixed feeling of guilt and failure. My boys were next to me, but I still lost heart. Never before have I felt so bad emotionally and psychologically. In addition, this was my first summer without my father, who died in February of that year after sixteen years of living side by side with him. In fact, my father helped Andre learn to walk, and he came to my rescue when I was rehabilitating dogs and training dog walkers. He also helped me choose my protégé, Junior, who joined the pack as a puppy in 2008 and grew up to be a calm and gentle pit bull. His help was especially important in working with aggressive dogs. Even though Junior was attacked, he never responded to the aggression. He simply stood calmly in place, thereby defusing the tense situation.

His energy was positive, and it was exactly what I needed during that difficult summer period of 2010, although I still spent two more years trying to master myself and settle down. Then there was a leap in my development, which led to significant changes in me and my pack.

My son Calvin lives with me; he is as good with dogs as I am. What particularly touched me last year was that on his thirteenth birthday, he made the same wish I did: to become the best dog trainer in the world. I absolutely loved working on Danny Skillet's video about a dog translator, where he played my son in the Spanish version. My personal life has also moved forward: I am dating a wonderful woman named Jahira. Darling and Calvin accompanied me together to the Annual Impact Awards Gala, where I was recognized as the founder of the preeminent reality show in the media that shines a bright light on the Latino experience.

I took over all rights to my website and transformed it into something more than just an entertainment platform - it became a complete resource that die-hard dog lovers in need of help with dog training problems could turn to; Here they could openly and sincerely discuss topics related to dog ownership and receive practical advice on how to make their life happy and fulfilling with a dog. The number of interested people using the site, Facebook page and Twitter is incredibly huge. 2.3 million users joined on Facebook, 450,000 on Twitter; I have never met more educated, passionate, and enthusiastic fans on the global network.

Basics of education

Many viewers noticed that the man was kicking the dog. But the trainer himself states that in fact he lightly touches the animal to focus its attention on himself. Thus, the four-legged friend switches to the man and remembers that he must restrain himself. In fact, the trainer suppresses some specific desire of the tailed pet.

Cesar Milano often grabs dogs by the neck. To an inexperienced observer, it seems that the person is strangling the dog and thus forcing the animal to succumb. In fact, it imitates a bite. The four-legged friend perceives the hand on the throat as a jaw. The thumb presses on the skin, and the dog has the feeling that the fangs are about to shrink.

Another technique that a coach often uses is influencing the psyche. This helps to develop other habits in the animal, and then find harmony with it. Subconscious methods are especially effective when it comes to aggression and large breeds, which in a fit of anger can greatly harm even the owner.

Why is it worth using other methods of training and correcting dog behavior?

Punishment and the so-called “immersion” method are not methods for correcting behavior. Such methods can only suppress behavior - but temporarily. Because they don’t teach the dog anything. And sooner or later, the problematic behavior will appear again - and sometimes with even greater force. At the same time, a dog that has learned that its owner is dangerous and unpredictable loses trust, and the owner experiences more and more difficulties in raising and training the pet.

A dog can “misbehave” for several reasons. She may feel bad, you may have taught your pet (albeit unwittingly) “bad” behavior, the dog may have had negative experiences associated with a particular situation, the animal may be poorly socialized... But none of these reasons “ cured by dominance.

Other, more effective and humane training methods, based precisely on scientific research into dog behavior, have long been developed. Having nothing to do with the “struggle for dominance.” In addition, methods based on physical violence are simply dangerous both for the owner himself and for those around him, because they create aggression (or, if you are “lucky” (not the dog), learned helplessness) and are expensive in the long run .

You can teach your dog any skills necessary for a normal life, solely using rewards. Unless, of course, you are too lazy to create in your dog the motivation and desire to interact with you - but this is much easier to do than many people think.

Many well-known and respected dog training professionals such as Ian Dunbar, Karen Pryor, Pat Miller, Dr. Nicholas Dodman and Dr. Suzanne Hetts have repeatedly harshly criticized the methods of Cesar Millan. In fact, there is not a single true professional in this field who would support such methods. And the majority directly warn that their use causes direct harm and poses a danger to both the dog and the owner.

Difficult breakup

The program “Caesar Milano: Dog Translator” is a series that teaches people how to dominate their pets. The author of the idea did not come up with anything new or cruel. He uses techniques that existed in nature long before man domesticated the animal. If the owner begins to control the pet, this does not mean that the dog will stop being happy. On the contrary, from now on your four-legged friend will have a protector you can rely on.

The popularity of the show is very high. The presenter gives simple but good advice on how to overcome your pet’s bad habits. In addition to being informative, the program is also interesting for people who do not have dogs.

Recently the world was rocked by the news that Cesar Milano had died. The cause of death is suicide.

However, this information is not true. Journalists did not check the data. In fact, the man was going through a difficult separation from his wife, with whom he had two children. The death of my father was also a terrible blow. The emotionally and spiritually exhausted coach began to give up. Therefore, I decided to commit suicide. But then the doctors saved him.

Psychological Center for Dogs

One of my achievements that I am most proud of is the Psychological Center for Dogs. This was my dream while growing up as a dog trainer in South Central Los Angeles. At that time, I was surrounded by drug addicts, the buildings around were all covered in graffiti, and society was completely consumed by negativism and bad mood. Making the dream come true in such an environment was unthinkable. However, thanks to the support of friends and family, and being in the right place at the right time, the dream began to come true.

These days the dog center has changed a bit. It is located in the hills of Santa Clarita. It was scary to even dream that one day I would become the owner of a center where dogs could be brought in packs for their general rehabilitation. Over time, dramatic changes have occurred, and now I am ready to return to rescuing dogs, providing them with medical or other help to restore their health, and then finding worthy homes for them. I would like to recreate the experience of being on a farm during my childhood days in Mexico and invite children to teach them about life in nature, including the peculiarities of farming. In addition, I would like to open a facility for other dog trainers to attend this community's meetings to learn together.

Continued work

After an unsuccessful suicide, the professional began a new life. He fell in love again and today travels with his youngest son and his girlfriend to different countries where he conducts seminars.

The trainer writes books, appears on television and acts as an animal advocate. He created a charity foundation and a rehabilitation center where homeless animals are helped to find new owners.

In 2014, newspaper headlines again reported that Cesar Milano had died. The cause of death this time was a heart attack. The news spread very quickly around the world, and millions of fans of the dog tamer began to utter words of sorrow on social networks. But very soon the false information was refuted.

The talented person still has many plans. He actively conducts seminars and continues to work on television. His show featured stars such as Will Smith, Nicolas Cage, Oprah Winfrey and Vin Diesel.

Cesar Dog Food Review

Dog spiders Cesar (Caesar) are produced in Russia, and canned food is produced in Australia. The brand itself belongs to the American corporation Mars. The official website is https://cesar.ru, where, naturally, this food is praised as much as possible. But we will study the composition and reviews to understand how good or bad it is.

Read about other foods:

  • Go Natural holistic dry food - composition, price, reviews.
  • Genesis Pure Canada food - reviews, composition analysis, price;
  • Gemon dog food - reviews, composition analysis, price.

Composition of Caesar food for dogs

First, let's look at the composition of Caesar food in bags, since it is more popular. Let’s take “beef pauchi with vegetables” as an example, here is a photo of the back of the package:

The main ingredient is “meat and offal”, 40% of it and almost half of this should be beef. Not bad for cheap wet food. In second place are vegetables 4%, then come: cereals (source of carbohydrates), fiber, vitamins, minerals.

Nutritional value (per 100 g):

  • proteins - 9 g;
  • moisture - 80 g;
  • fats - 4.5 g;
  • vitamin A - 150 IU;
  • ash - 2 g;
  • vitamin E - 1.2 mg;
  • fiber - 0.5 g.

You might think that the indicators are bad, but we are not talking about dry food, but about spiders, in which the main component is moisture. In addition, spiders are only a supplement to the diet, and not the main food.

If you are wondering what kind of white dog is on Caesar's food - it is a West Highland White Terrier breed.

The composition of Cesar canned food is not very different from spiders; below is a photo of the back side of the plastic packaging of the “Lamb fricassee with vegetables and rosemary” option:

As you can see from the photo, the production is Australian, not Russian.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include:

  • the basis of the composition is meat ingredients;
  • presence of vegetables, vitamins and minerals;
  • widely distributed, available in most regular and online stores;
  • relatively low cost.

Among the disadvantages:

  • the by-products used are not specified;
  • the cereals used are not specified.

Video “Production of animal feed”

This video explains how animal feed is made.

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Features of the food

Cesar canned super premium dog food can be suitable for both small puppies and fairly adult dogs. The food is distinguished by the presence of a large amount of meat, vitamins, and other useful elements. Canned food provides your dog with satiety when eating a small portion. Therefore, they are very economical and prevent the pet from overeating.

There are dogs that can pick at food, that is, they categorically do not like some tastes. For this reason, food with different flavors is produced under the Cesar brand. The taste depends on the type of meat that is added to the food: chicken, lamb or beef. One of the main advantages of food is its caloric content and nutritional value. The calories and energy value of the products used are calculated specifically so that your four-legged friend receives the necessary energy, but does not gain excess weight.

Pets love Cesar dog food primarily because the pieces in the gravy taste like meat, so they think they're eating real meat. This is true, because the basis of canned food is meat, and various additives in the form of herbs and phytocomponents only add vitamins to the meat. Cesar canned food can be used not only as the main food, it can be mixed with some other dry food to soften the granules or given alternately. Various minerals, nutrients and fortified components serve as excellent support for the animal’s physical well-being and tone throughout the day.

Since small breed dogs lead a sedentary lifestyle, Cesar food is an excellent choice for them. The pet will not gain excess weight or overeat, but will receive all the necessary vitamins and, most importantly, meat. Even one can weighing 100 grams will serve as a complete food and an excellent reward for your four-legged friend. The physical parameters of the pet do not affect the weight of the portion for it.

In order for the food to have an effect, it must be given regularly, dosing correctly. Cesar food will help any dog ​​owner keep his dog healthy and in good physical shape. A special food has been developed for pets over 10 years old. Its peculiarity is that it is easily digestible, so it can be given to dogs that lead a sedentary lifestyle. The vitamins contained in canned food help support the immune system of older animals.


Cesar food contains various vegetables, meat products, healthy herbs and essential vitamins. They contain at least 20% beef, which provides healthy and wholesome nutrition. They also contain chicken and about 3% high-quality cheese. The food is enriched with nutritional supplements that enrich the dog’s body with essential vitamins and components. They strengthen the dog’s body and ensure healthy and uniform growth. Vegetable oil and minerals contained in canned food contain substances important for the dog's body, which most dog foods lack.

Cesar canned food has a pleasant aroma and is loved by pets. This smell comes from dill and meat products. 100 grams of food contains about 80 grams of moisture, 4 grams of fat, about 9 grams of protein and less than 1 gram of fiber. Canned food has excellent energy value for small breed dogs - approximately 80 kcal. It is recommended to serve them at room temperature. It should be stored at air temperatures from +5 to +34 degrees, air humidity should not exceed 76%. The storage period should not exceed 2 years.

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