We train your pet to go to the toilet in the right place or on a walk

It is generally accepted that well-mannered dogs go to the toilet only on the street, but in recent years, various devices used for the home toilet of animals in the apartment have begun to be used by dog ​​breeders. As a rule, this applies to small and medium breeds, but there are exceptions. Naturally, in order to use trays correctly, the dog has to be trained. In this article we will tell you how to choose the right potty that is suitable for a puppy, and what to do to train the animal to go to the tray in the designated place.

What is a dog litter box?

This is a great problem solver. Of course, in order for your dog to get used to the new tray, you will need nerves of iron, Olympian calm and hellish patience! Of course, there are pets that can understand their owner at a glance. And there are those with which the owner will have to spend a lot of time to achieve the desired result. The tray is a galvanized or plastic tray with a rubber mat or grill inside.

There are also trays with high sides and a special slot for the pet to enter. For male dogs there is a special tray in which a special post is installed.

What breeds can go in the litter box?

It is generally accepted that a tray in an apartment is needed only for puppies or adult dogs of small breeds, but many large pets also successfully master this method of walking.

Typically, a toilet is installed in a house with:

  • chihuahua;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • dwarf or Pomeranian Spitz;
  • Chinese crested;
  • Russian toy terrier;
  • pug;
  • spaniel;
  • Shih Tzu.

Among larger dogs, sedentary bullmastiffs, chow-chows and English bulldogs are distinguished by their ease of getting used to the tray. Of course, for them you will have to select toilets of appropriate sizes, which, given the size of the apartment, is not always convenient.

Important! The breed characteristics of the dog can help in choosing a tray. For active and cheerful animals, you can purchase a container covered in the form of an artificial lawn, while for small and shy pets, a closed toilet, left in a secluded place, is better suited.

How to train a dog to use a litter box?

First you need to purchase a toilet from a pet store. When you choose it, be guided by the size of your dog (focus on the size of an adult dog). Don't buy a small litter box; dogs don't like to relieve themselves in cramped conditions. It is best that the tray does not have high sides, and that its grid is level and tight, because... if the grate dangles, it may scare away your pet. The cat litter box is not suitable for dogs in all respects. Although sometimes owners manage to train their dog to use the cat litter box.

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There are two types of tray:

  • With diaper clip
  • With grill without using a diaper

If someone in your family suffers from allergies or you are away from home for a long time, then choose a tray with a diaper, because... It absorbs liquid and odor well and prevents the odor from spreading throughout the house.

The option with a grill (plastic or rubber) is more economical, because will not require regular purchase of various absorbent bedding. Dog urine will flow into special grooves under the grill and your dog's paws will be clean and dry.

But if you have a male dog, then it is better to choose a special tray for dogs with a post, because nature will take its toll and force the boy to “raise his paw.” And if he doesn’t have such an opportunity in his toilet, he will start doing this on the corners and walls of the room.

Brand overview

Among the many different manufacturers, it is difficult to choose a quality tray. Let's look at the most popular brands and their features:

  • Maxi Bella Cabrio is a composting toilet with odor protection, the kit includes 2 carbon filters. There is a wide container with high sides for the filler and a large door. Suitable for small breed dogs.
  • Vipet. — the brand offers a wide selection of trays for dogs. All of them are low, there are products with a column and a wall, as well as models in the Japanese style. There are simple silicone mats for defecation. The choice of shades is varied, the cost of products is from 1000 to 3000 rubles.
  • HomeCat DeLuxe - dog friendly, roomy, deep. High walls on three sides allow the animal to go to the toilet without littering. Inside there is a protective grille and a large tray for filling. The practical and convenient tray can be easily removed for washing.
  • Homepet is an inexpensive dog litter box. Three high sides, a column in the center. A mesh is provided to protect your pet's paws from moisture. There is enough space for the filler. At first glance, it seems that the plastic is not of high enough quality.
  • Ferplast is represented on the market with a huge range of products for animals. In particular, closed dog toilets. Based on user reviews, we conclude: the quality of the plastic is high, there is no smell, and it is durable. It’s convenient for animals and gives them the opportunity to dig through the litter to their heart’s content. Aromas from the consequences of actions in the pot are present, but not critical. The cost is a little confusing, about 4,000 rubles.

It is difficult to consider the advantages of a particular toilet; each owner has his own priorities, the absence of odor is important to one, the comfort of the pet to another. When choosing a tray, it is difficult to recommend any brand, especially since the shape and contents of the products are identical for all manufacturers. Differences can only be in color and shape, but otherwise the same. The quality of the plastic is also difficult to see on the pages of an online store, so when buying a pot on ebay, you can be sure that it will smell.

The most correct decision would be to visit the store and analyze the assortment. Before purchasing, read the reviews about the model again; it won’t take much time, but it will help you save money if the chosen tray is not suitable for your pet.

Dog tray with post

This tray is designed specifically for male dogs. He will teach kids to go to relieve themselves “correctly”; an adult dog will feel comfortable using a specially designed post, and not furniture that may come in his way.

A tray with a post for dogs is larger and deeper than a cat's; the filler is a hygienic diaper, not sand. The grid that is attached to the top of the tray helps keep your dog's paws dry and clean. The column is not rigidly fixed; it can be installed anywhere in the tray. The material from which this tray is made does not cause any allergies and it is non-toxic, does not absorb odors and is easy to clean - these are, of course, the main advantages of this type of tray. In order for the dog to consider the tray his own, you need to place it near the bedding or bowl of food.

For an active pet, a large dog litter tray is more suitable if the size of the home litter box is not suitable. As a rule, large breeds of dogs are walked outside, and trays that fit them in size will only come in handy when your dog is sick.

Advantages and disadvantages

These diapers have many advantages:

  • when done well, they emit a pleasant herbal aroma;
  • they can be used both at home and when traveling or visiting;
  • they do not slip on the floor;
  • reusable options can be used for up to 1 year;
  • even a disposable product can be used 2-3 times.

A small puppy will not choose a place, and where he feels the urge, he will pee there, and while he is small, he will pee very, very often

These diapers come in different sizes and softness.

Such products also have their disadvantages:

  • reusable diapers can only be washed by hand;
  • after washing in hot water they may emit an unpleasant odor;
  • the cost of reusable quality products is still high.

An alternative to diapers is a tray. You can find out what is best for your dog here:

Tray for dogs with grass

With the help of such a toilet, you will teach your puppy to go to one place, and after it the dog will be able to go for a walk on the street, because the grass is the same as on the street. This toilet will help you replace winter walks with decorative dogs. A mat with a herb simulator will give your pet special pleasure, after which the dog will relieve itself without fail.

This toilet's system will prevent odor from escaping for up to seven days. Covering the toilet will allow you to clean up your dog's feces without problems, and you will save money on previously offered diapers.

Currently, there are many modifications of dog trays on the market. However, it is quite possible to make such a device yourself.

To the diaper

Depending on age

It is important to start the learning process as early as possible. All behavioral characteristics are formed in the animal up to 6-7 weeks. If by this moment the dog has not understood where to pee and why he will be scolded, it will get worse in the future.

1 month

You can’t do without mistakes at this age: the puppy still doesn’t really understand what’s happening to him and sits down wherever he wants. Imagine a human baby - how to teach him? Only gradually. Therefore, at first, watch where the puppy pees and put diapers in this place.

At first, the puppy will pee indiscriminately: both on the floor and on the diaper. But soon everything will change: the puppy will like a soft and moisture-absorbing place more than a bare floor. This way, a habit will gradually develop. And don’t forget to praise for every hit! In a couple of weeks, the baby will be wearing a diaper even at night, on purpose.


At the age of 2 months, the puppy will begin to urinate less frequently: only after feeding, sleeping and active play. Try to put him on a diaper immediately after these processes, see that the animal does its business. If it understands you and listens, praise it. You also need to take the puppy to the diaper when he starts to spin, whine and look for a place.


At 3 months old, a puppy is already growing up and must learn to find the toilet on its own. Stop wearing it, reduce the number of diapers to 1-2. There is no need to remove everything at once; it is better to remove one at a time every few days. If you make a mistake, you need to scold your pet a little in a stern voice.

Important Rules

  1. Teach your dog to listen to your intonations. Strict “Fu” should become law.
  2. If possible, buy diapers with filler that turns into gel. It will stay dry all day and prevent your puppy from getting his paws wet. He'll really like it.
  3. Place turf, dog droppings, or a rag used to wipe up urine on the diaper or in the tray - this will indicate that the need is being dealt with here.
  4. It is very important to reward your puppy for good behavior. This point is key in training. Every time your puppy behaves as expected, praise him. This is especially important in the first few months, when the baby is just learning how to behave correctly.
  5. If the puppy stubbornly refuses to wear a diaper, change the material, try newspaper.


  1. Don't yell at the animal or hit it. This way you will only weaken the baby’s psyche and end up with an embittered, aggressive animal. If the puppy does not understand your strict intonations, it is not his fault . Try to work on your voice, achieve your goal calmly but steadily.
  2. You cannot poke your puppy's muzzle into an abandoned puddle. This is especially true for large, guard breeds: they are smart and will perceive this punishment as an insult. You will destroy trust from the very beginning.
  3. Don't over-praise. By 3 months, the puppy should already understand that going to the diaper is his responsibility, and you can’t beg for a treat every time. You don't want to feed your 5-year-old dog because he peed in the right place, do you?

You cannot scold the puppy if you discover a puddle after a while . The pet may misinterpret the output: it peed in the wrong place, the owner discovered it and scolded it. Therefore, it is necessary to hide the “traces of the crime” more carefully!

If you can maintain your temper, work patiently with the animal and not make these mistakes, complete victory awaits you.

Depending on the breed

Let's look at how to diaper-train puppies of several of the most popular breeds. The principle of training will not be different, but there are some features.


At an early age, the Chihuahua has an accelerated metabolism; the dog will go to the toilet immediately after eating. Therefore, take the animal to the tray as soon as it has eaten. So that the baby understands that he needs to do his business in the tray, help him: pour a little water on the diaper lying inside, then put the puppy there. The baby will feel wet and urinate. Chihuahuas are very sensitive to the mood of their owners. So, if you show him your dissatisfaction, he will learn extremely quickly.


It is better to accustom a puppy of this breed to a diaper by fencing off the space. Do not think that it is inhumane to limit his movement area. It is inhumane to leave a baby in a huge, by his standards, unfamiliar space. The puppy can get hurt, eat something dangerous, and worst of all, they can step on him, because baby Yorkies are very restless and hover around their owner all the time.

Important: the diaper must be pressed down, otherwise the Yorkie will use it as a means of play..

Otherwise, this breed is very easy to train, especially in a play format. So you won't have any problems.


If the baby was purchased from a nursery, then he is most likely already accustomed to the toilet-diaper. It’s just that, finding himself in a new place, he was a little confused. Your task is to help him remember the skill. With this breed it is also better to use the fence method.

Pomeranian Spitz puppies are very active, inquisitive, they climb everywhere (it is simply impossible to wean them off this). You will have to cover the entire floor in the enclosure with diapers so that babies urinate without interrupting their play, and only gradually reduce this space to one diaper.


It's not that simple. Until six months, a husky puppy is unable to control its own physiological processes. Until this age, their mother takes care of them. Well, if you tear the baby away from the mother too early, you will have to be patient. When you start toilet training your husky, you should use newspaper rather than a diaper. Otherwise, due to habit, the husky will mark the bed and carpets in the future.

Huskies are extremely clean, so change the newspaper often. And keep in mind that this is definitely not a breed that can be litter trained - they need to move a lot and be outside often


This is a very smart dog, so you can immediately show what you want from it. As soon as the baby sits down to pee, say “NO” loudly, pick him up and carry him to the diaper. Hold there (but not too much) until he does his business. If everything worked out, vigorously express your approval. I broke free and ran away - no big deal, after a while everything will repeat itself and be remembered.

Tray with sides

Let's take a closer look at what a tray with sides is and how convenient and necessary it is for your dog.

A dog tray with sides is convenient for males who raise their paws when going to the toilet. In this case, a stream of urine often hits the surface of the wall, and when it drains, it ends up on the floor, which adds inconvenience when washing the tray and removing the smell.

The sides can be quite high - this is more convenient for slightly larger dogs; trays for small dogs have lower sides. However, when purchasing a toilet for a dog with sides, you should carefully observe how your dog will use it, whether it is comfortable for him and whether he experiences discomfort when using this type of tray.

How to train a dog at home? Techniques and tips.

Why is ringworm dangerous in dogs and how to treat it, read here.

Dog breeds for apartment living:

How to care for your pet's toilet

Caring for the container where the dog goes is no less important than food and walks. Plastic surfaces are quickly damaged by claws and microcracks appear in which fungi and pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply. You need to wash the tray after each act of defecation, and it is strictly forbidden to use strong-smelling chlorine-based products. It is better to use simple home remedies, baking soda, vinegar. After washing, the box is thoroughly rinsed with clean running water and wiped dry.

Diapers and fillers are thrown away immediately. A dog is not a cat, if you do not throw out the litter completely, after a few hours the smell will be noticeable, and after a day it will become unbearable.

In order not to spend money on expensive special diapers, you can buy regular medical diapers in pharmacies. They are no different, but cost less.

Wood fillers are also inexpensive, so there is no need to skimp on this.

It is recommended to replace the toilet once every six months. Even if the old container is still in good condition, cracks and chips are already full of bacteria. The inability to treat with strong chemicals makes the walls dangerous for curious dogs.

How to make a dog tray with your own hands

When making a litter box for a dog, keep in mind that the size of the tray should be large enough for the dog to feel comfortable in it. The stability of the tray is also important so that on the first visit the dog does not get scared and visits the tray with pleasure. In addition, the tray must be made of a material that is resistant to moisture, because the tray is a place where moisture often enters.

There are situations when your four-legged friend, for some unknown reason, refuses to go to the tray intended for her. Why did the dog stop going to the litter box , what to do in this case?

Dog's refusal to use the litter box

Let's list some reasons and solutions when a dog refuses to use the litter box:

  • Inconvenience of use – the tray is unstable or your dog doesn’t like it for some other reason. It is necessary to understand what exactly deters a dog from using its toilet. Perhaps she is not satisfied with the filler? Try another one. Change the napkin to grass, set up a post for your dog.
  • The sides are too high for a small lap dog - your dog may find it uncomfortable to climb into a high litter box. Try using a tray with lower sides.
  • Maybe your dog has grown up and is showing himself to be a leader? Installing a post can help solve this problem.
  • A likely reason for this behavior may be your lack of attention. And your pet is trying to attract your attention to itself. Not the most pleasant way... What to do? Spend more time with your pet, show your love for him, and scold him as little as possible for his mistakes. And even more so, do not punish the dog after violating the rules of decency - by humiliating your pet, you will only alienate him even more and will not solve the main problem.

By being attentive to your pet, you will be able to promptly notice any mistakes in your pet’s behavior and promptly resolve any issues that arise. After all, it is the owner who knows his dog better than others and can better understand the reasons that prompted the pet to act this way.

But when resolving any issue, be it choosing a tray or resolving the issue when your dog refuses to use the tray, be as patient as possible with your four-legged friend, show love and gentleness towards him. After all, a dog is a friend, a companion, and a comrade who loves you, but cannot tell you about his love or his problems.

Video about how to train a puppy to go to the litter box.

We teach the dog to ask to go to the toilet outside

Requiring your puppy to go to the toilet only outside is completely pointless . Up to 4 months, the dog physiologically cannot tolerate walking, and up to 6 months, incidents can happen at home. In addition, until all vaccinations have been completed, the puppy must be in quarantine and walking it means endangering its health.

When the dog reaches the age when the main vaccination has been carried out and the dog can physically tolerate walking, street training should begin:

  • Set aside a few days to develop the habit of asking your dog to go to the toilet. It only takes a few days to practice the skill – it doesn’t have to be a vacation, you can choose a weekend and devote it to training your puppy.
  • Stock up on treats . Any correct action of the dog should be rewarded - with food or play, but rewarding is mandatory.
  • So, as soon as the puppy begins to show anxiety, you immediately need to take him outside. It is advisable that the walking area be far from busy roads and public places - nothing should distract the dog from the purpose of walking.
  • If the puppy is walking on a leash, the leash should be slack, the dog should not be distracted or tugged on the leash . If the puppy is walking without a leash, he must be released so that nothing distracts him from the toilet.
  • As soon as the dog does its business, at the same moment, this is important, it needs to be praised and encouraged with a treat or game.
  • And under no circumstances should you end your walk immediately after using the toilet. If you go home immediately after the dog has done its business, the dog remembers the toilet-house chain, which means that in order to take a walk and frolic, you need to be patient. And until the last moment she will jump and run around on the street, not doing her main business - for her, the toilet will be associated with the end of the walk.

Accustoming a puppy to walking is quite simple and requires only a few days and systematic implementation.

It will be more difficult with an older dog . In general, training and habituating an adult dog is no different from training a puppy, with the exception that an adult dog can and should be scolded for incorrect behavior. But as soon as the dog begins to whine and show restlessness, just like a puppy, it must be immediately taken outside, praised after relieving itself, and not interrupted the walk immediately after using the toilet.

Training an adult dog may take a little longer than a puppy, but this is all very individual and depends only on the dog’s abilities and the patience of the owner.

How to properly walk your pet outside

According to the law, dogs must be on a leash and muzzle in public places. In urban areas it is quite difficult to find places for walking dogs, but at a dog walking area you can let your dog off the leash and, of course, remove the muzzle.

There are several rules for walking a dog:

  • As soon as the dog has gone to the toilet, you cannot immediately take it home.
  • You only need to walk your dog in an urban environment on a leash - this will protect not only the nerves of passers-by, but also the dog from aggressive dogs and negativity from people.
  • At the dog walking area, you can let your pet off the leash, but if the animal shows aggression towards other dogs, the muzzle cannot be removed.

At what age should you train a puppy?

Until all age-required vaccinations have been completed, you cannot walk with your pet for medical reasons.

  • From about 3 months , when the vaccination quarantine ends, you need to accustom the dog to walking outside.
  • From 4 months, the dog can tolerate walking 3-4 times a day. It is important to remember that up to six months a puppy cannot always endure the next walk and you should not scold him if things have already been done and time has passed.
  • From about 6 months of age, the animal can tolerate walking 3 times a day.

Methods of influence

There are only two methods of influence - positive and negative reinforcement.

  1. Negative reinforcement can only be used with an adult dog. Under no circumstances should you scold, much less spank, a puppy, so as not to lose contact with the animal.
  2. Positive reinforcement is a treat, a game, praise from the owner, a clicker, etc. something that will cause an extremely pleasant reaction and memories in the dog.

Magic bell

To develop the skill of asking to go to the toilet, you can use a bell. Its function is that when the dog wants to go to the toilet, it rings the bell.

  • First you need to accustom the dog to the sound of the bell so that it is not afraid of it and associates it with pleasant associations.
  • It is not difficult to teach her to ring a bell with her nose or paw - when she performs the desired action, immediately reinforce this action with a treat.
  • When the dog is no longer afraid of the sound, the bell should be hung on the door handle. And in the case when the dog restlessly asks to go to the toilet, you need to bring it to the bell and show it that you need to touch the bell with your paw so that the sound is heard, and then, immediately after performing the correct action, go for a walk. The dog will quickly understand the bell-street connection and will subsequently communicate the desire to go outside using the bell.
  • Another way to teach a specific action is a command that encourages action - for example, “toilet”, “pee” or any other word that will be associated with physiological processes.

It is not difficult to develop a command - as soon as the dog runs out into the street to relieve itself, immediately give the command, and, having completed its business, be sure to praise it by giving it a treat and repeating the command.

What could go wrong

It is not very difficult to train a dog to walk or go to the toilet in a diaper; the main thing is to have patience. If the dog owner cannot cope with the dog, you should contact a training professional - perhaps the dog requires the intervention of a specialist and this is not the owner’s fault.

All dogs are trainable, but different dogs require different amounts of time to learn a skill and remember a command.

Teaching a dog to properly walk and use the toilet is not a very difficult task, especially for the owner of a puppy. But any training requires the attention and patience of the owner - only in this case will success be quick and lasting.

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