Advance dog food: analysis of components, reviews

Premium dry dog ​​food Advance is a popular brand in Russia. Many owners have chosen this particular food. The manufacturer promises a balanced composition that includes all the necessary minerals and vitamins. Advance does not belong to highly advertised products, we can conclude that the composition and experience of use speaks for itself. In the article we will analyze in detail the composition of the Advance diet, find out the advantages and disadvantages compared to other premium foods, and take a closer look at the brand’s line.

About the manufacturer

Currently, Advance food is produced at the factories of the Spanish company Affinity, which has been producing balanced diets for tailed pets for half a century. The brand was purchased by her from the giants Waltham® Pet Nutrition and Royal Canin.

A distinctive feature of Advance food is that production is located in the EU. The food is not produced on the territory of our country, which speaks in favor of quality - many owners and veterinarians, in reviews of other diets, note the difference in the composition and quality of dry food. In Spain, the brand occupies a leading position in sales and is one of the seven most popular feeds in Europe.

Price and where to buy

You can buy Advance dog food in many pet stores, for example:

  1. "Yandex Market" ():
      Packaging 0.8 kg - from 365 rubles;
  2. Packaging 3 kg - from 998 rubles;
  3. Packaging 7.5 kg - from 1925 rub.
  4. "ZooPassage"():
      Packaging 0.8 kg - from 365 rubles;
  5. Packaging 3 kg - from 1169 rubles;
  6. Packaging 7.5 kg - from 2365 rub.

The prices indicated are valid as of mid-September 2022 and may differ depending on the option and change over time. For exact prices, see the store websites using the links above.

Feed composition

In the descriptions of different stores you can find different interpretations of classifying food as one class or another: premium or super-premium. The manufacturer itself does not focus on the class of food, noting the quality and safety of its products.

Advance medium adult (10-30 kg)

The ingredients that come first determine the quality of the food:

  • protein. The source of animal proteins in Advance is: chicken (20%) and dehydrated poultry proteins. But during the cooking process, chicken meat loses moisture, the percentage indicated is relative to the raw meat product. This means that the real percentage of chicken meat will be 10;
  • vegetable protein: wheat, corn gluten meal, corn. Not the healthiest ingredients that cause allergies;
  • carbohydrates: rice, which has a high index of saturation and allergenicity, corn and corn flour;
  • fats. The manufacturer lists the vague ingredient “animal fats” without disclosing the origin. It is difficult to trust the quality of such a position. The composition also contains fish oil - a useful and affordable element, but it is in ninth position on the list. This means that its percentage is very small;
  • fiber - beet pulp;
  • spices in Advance - salt. The spice enhances the taste of the kibble, but makes dogs very thirsty;
  • other components: egg powder (not equal in composition to a whole egg), plasma proteins, yeast - rich in vitamins and regulate metabolism.

In general, the rich composition of Advance food contains a number of controversial ingredients that are not recommended for consumption by veterinarians.

Advance food for cats

Advance is food for cats and dogs that is produced in Spain. The manufacturer of these foods is Affinity Petcare SA. This company was founded in 1963. At first, Affinity Petcare SA produced only dog ​​food, but in the late 90s, products for other animals appeared. The main production plant for Advance is located in Spain, but there are also subsidiaries in France, Italy and other countries. In addition to Advance, the company also owns other brands: Premium, Brekkies, Ultima, etc.

Affinity Petcare SA produces not only Advance, but also other pet foods

Advance: premium or super premium

Cat food is divided into 4 classes:

  • economy - the cheapest food, which may not contain meat;
  • premium - may contain some meat, but may also contain artificial additives (dyes, preservatives, etc.);
  • superpremium - they have practically no “chemicals”, they contain meat (including fresh), but there are also cheap ingredients - cereals, potatoes, rice, etc.;
  • Holistic is the most expensive food, containing up to 90% meat (there are no synthetic components), but you can only buy it from official representatives.

"Advance" belongs to the super-premium class, but some veterinarians call it a premium segment product. The manufacturer clearly distinguishes the ownership of its products. Thus, Advance food is presented as super premium, Premium brand food is positioned as premium, and Brekkies products are positioned as economy class food.

How much does it cost and where to buy

Advance can be purchased in a specialized store or on an online platform. Important: delivery from an online store may require a fee (on average, from 300 to 500 rubles). The price of food depends on the store chosen, the type of food and the volume of packaging:

  • packages of 400 g - from 150 to 200 rubles;
  • packages of 1.5 kg - from 600 to 780 rubles;
  • packages of 3 kg - from 950 to 1250 rubles;
  • bags of 12 kg - from 3000 to 5500 rubles.

I try to buy the food that is available in the pet store (so that I can see with my own eyes the composition indicated on the package). My sister orders food on the Internet. She pays for delivery, but she doesn’t have to go anywhere. And if you order several packages at once, you can also save money. And several times stores gave her gifts for orders. Among my friends there are also professional breeders. One of the breeders orders exclusively large bags of food (this is understandable, there are a lot of animals). In this case, the savings are up to 30–40%.

The cost of food depends not only on the store itself, but also on the type of food, as well as on the volume of packaging

Advantages and disadvantages of food

The main advantages of Advance food:

  • Components of animal origin are mainly used as a source of protein;
  • a wide range (in addition to everyday food, there is preventive food);
  • “children’s” recipes with increased amounts of nutrients have been developed;
  • the feed contains a lot of vitamins and minerals;
  • affordable price (from 300 rubles per 1 kg).

The main disadvantages of Advance:

  • inaccurate composition (the main part of the components is indicated in the form of groups: “chicken”, “dry proteins”, etc.);
  • some components are not specified (for example, there is a general wording “antioxidants”);
  • part of the protein in the feed is vegetable proteins (for example, corn gluten);
  • there is no wet ruler;
  • ingredients that cause allergies (yeast) were used to produce the food;
  • In addition to rice, the feed contains barley - a filler grain.

The main disadvantage of Advance food is the imperfection of the composition.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other dry food, Advance has advantages and disadvantages that are highlighted by veterinary specialists and owners.


  • wide range of feeds;
  • the presence of animal proteins that are easily digestible;
  • rich complex of vitamins and minerals.


  • several types of allergenic grains in the composition;
  • controversial components: salt and animal fats of unknown origin;
  • the feed contains only 2% fiber, 3-6% is considered normal;
  • difficult to buy in stores.

Advance dog food reviews

Advance dry food is widely distributed and has been sold in Russia for a long time. However, there are few reviews about them on the Internet, especially new ones. We've shared a few of the ones we found below.

Customer Reviews

Alexandra writes:

The dog eats with pleasure. The size of the food granules is not small - medium, convenient for my dog. The package does not have a zipper, so after opening I close it with a paper clip

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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