How much does a Dachshund puppy cost: features and pricing

With the well-known energy of the Dachshund breed, it is its red representatives that create the impression of the greatest love of life, because the red color symbolizes fire, and these dogs are truly “with a spark.” Dachshunds can be entirely one color or have a bicolor coat, and you can also see dogs with spotted colors - in total, on this basis they are divided into 3 subspecies. This characteristic is not the most important in the classification of dachshund species, of which there are 9 - not every breed can boast of such diversity and attention of breeders.

Smooth red dachshund

More significant features in the classification of dachshunds are size (standard, mini, rabbit) and coat type (smooth, hard, long). Smooth-haired dachshunds with a red coat are the most popular of the entire dachshund family and are much more common than their tan and merle relatives with wiry or long hair. The smooth-haired red dachshund can be found in almost every park of any city, because they are truly beautiful and very loving creatures. It is noteworthy that some owners keep their pets on leashes - the reason for this is the same irrepressible over-activity of the animals, which, by the way, makes them very hardy.

What does the price depend on?

You can buy an animal at different prices. The cost is formed under the influence of such factors:

  1. Age.
  2. Type of coat.
  3. Purity of the breed.
  4. Availability of pedigree.
  5. Sales region.
  6. Availability of a veterinary passport.
  7. Health status.
  8. Place of purchase.
  9. Type (dwarf, standard or rabbit).

The older the dog, the lower the price it will sell. The most expensive purchase is from professional breeders, and the cheapest from ordinary people at the pet market.

Content recommendations

  • Dogs with increased mobility require more carbohydrates and other nutrients, so the diet should be varied (especially when feeding natural products) and regular - strictly on a schedule. A routine is important for dachshunds, otherwise they can easily get fat, which is highly undesirable for small dogs.
  • You also need to take them outside according to a schedule - at least 3 times a day, although dogs would probably prefer to go for walks more often. An expanse for a dachshund would be living in a private house with a fenced area and the possibility of catching rodents. Attention - dachshunds are excellent at digging the ground, so with insufficient supervision of their owners, they are even able to dig under the ground and get into the neighboring area.
  • No matter what happens, you should never scold or punish your red-haired friends. It’s also not worth pampering, but with shouting and swearing, and even more so with physical impact, they can become offended and lose their cheerful mood, so punishments should be more related to restrictions - in affection, games, etc.
  • When getting a dachshund, you need to know the important characteristics of the breed’s character, as well as follow the basic rules of care: regularly brush and bathe, trim nails, brush teeth and ears. Dogs with long hair require additional grooming measures, and wire-haired dachshunds require trimming - these are special hair care procedures that are carried out in animal care salons.
  • And once again about attention - dachshunds need to devote time and be prepared not to let them get bored. Pets need to be provided with comfortable conditions and maintained with enthusiasm and positivity. By the way, based on these character traits, as well as external data, red dachshunds are usually given bright and ringing nicknames.

Approximate prices

In Russia you can buy a dog for approximately the following amount of money:

  • At the pet market - for 3 000-4 000.
  • According to the announcement - for 2 000-5 000.
  • In a single-breed nursery – from 25,000 (with pedigree, not for exhibitions).
  • In a multi-breed nursery - from 25,000 (with pedigree, for exhibitions).
  • For a professional breeder - about 30,000 rubles .

People who have a dachshund at home can give away their puppies for free.

Cost depending on breed:

  • Long-haired - from 15,000 .
  • Shorthair – from 5,000 .
  • Dwarf - about 2,000 .
  • Rabbit - from 20,000 .
  • Standard - from 30,000 rubles .

Price depending on age:

  • Two-month – from 5000.
  • Five-month – from 4000 rubles.

The price of puppies that do not have vaccinations and pedigree varies between 2,000-5,000 rubles . The cost of animals that fully meet breed standards, have vaccinations, and have a pure pedigree starts from 20,000 rubles . A descendant of titled parents can cost from 50,000 to 60,000 rubles .

Why do you dream about a red dachshund - dream book

A red dachshund in a dream is a good omen. It symbolizes success and good luck, a surge of strength and energy. Like any dog ​​in a dream, a dachshund means a friend or someone you happen to meet. The red dachshund is a kind and cheerful dog, so in this case such a meeting will bring bright emotions, and maybe also benefits in terms of financial well-being.

All these facts once again confirm that owning a red dachshund is a great idea. This dog will bring many bright moments to life and become another source of joy for its lucky owners!

Types of purchases and how much they cost

Depending on age, you can buy:

  • One month old.
  • 1.5 month old.
  • Two months old.
  • 4-6 month old animal.

Usually puppies begin to be sold after two months. But we must take into account that many of the dog’s shortcomings can only appear by 4-6 months.

Depending on the place of purchase:

  1. In a market that specializes in the sale of pets.
  2. From the breeder.
  3. In the nursery.
  4. According to an advertisement on the Internet.

The most expensive puppies come from people who professionally breed dachshunds. The high price is due to the high costs of raising dogs, caring for them, and completing documentation. The cheapest animal can be bought at a pet market or through an advertisement.

Photos of main colors

Among the single-color colors of the long-haired dachshund, red (the most valuable), red, fawn and brown are common, which are also not without dark hairs. Regarding the white color, the situation is not clear; on the one hand, this color is not desirable, but rare white spots are still acceptable.

Among others, marble and tiger colors are often observed. In marble, a dark shade predominates (gray, red, black) and small beige and gray spots are welcome. The brindle color is based on red or fawn.


The value of a color is determined by its saturation.

Accepted standard

The table below shows the standard characteristics of a longhaired dachshund:

HeadTriangular in shape, but not narrow. The forehead is wide, with a marked transition to the muzzle. Developed and strong jaws.
EyesSmall, evenly placed. The predominant palette is brown; pearl and blue are also found.
NoseThe lobe is oval in shape, colored brown or black.
EarsWide, drooping and with rounded tips
TeethComplete dentition. The teeth are white, even, with large fangs.
BodyMuscular, strong, with a deep or pear-shaped chest.
LimbsWell developed joints. The front legs are set closer together than the hind legs.
TailContinues the line of the spine and is not restricted in movements.

Character traits

The character of the long-haired dachshund does not differ much from other representatives of the breed. Along with other relatives, this species is not devoid of hunting traits and is ready to play the role of a guard along with other dogs.

Well oriented in space. This can be understood by the speed with which the dog takes up all the warm and cozy places in the house.

She is also not devoid of a sense of ownership. Therefore, if the owner, without good reason, reaches out to the object the dachshund has chosen, be prepared for a warning growl. A sense of ownership also manifests itself in relation to territory. Most dachshunds show genuine wariness when welcoming new guests into the house.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

The first thing that strikes you is character. While other dachshund cousins ​​are stubborn, the long-haired dachshund is characterized by a delicate approach. But, despite its gentleness, the dachshund remains true to its nature and can compromise its principles if circumstances contribute to this. For example, danger. After all, the dachshund is a territorial animal.

How to choose a puppy?

Nowadays, it is not difficult to purchase a red dachshund. Minor difficulties may arise only when searching for a long-haired rabbit or miniature dachshund.

But in any case, you need to remember that only buying a puppy in a nursery or from a breeder recommended by the club can guarantee that the pet is a dachshund, and not a mestizo or mongrel.

It is very important to carefully consider the choice of nursery or breeder, as well as the line from which the future pet comes. Even before purchasing it, you need to try to find out as much as possible about its parents; also, if this is not the first litter from this couple, it would be nice to look at their already grown puppies.

When choosing a baby dachshund, you need to pay attention to the fact that he looks strong and well-fed.


Some dishonest breeders deliberately underfeed standard puppies in order to pass them off as miniature or rabbit dachshunds.

These babies grow less well and are more susceptible to infections, so you need to be especially careful when buying a puppy of a smaller variety of this breed.

It is also very important to check how the puppy hears and how freely it moves, since stiffness in movements may be evidence of problems with the spine or deformation of the chest.

A good dachshund puppy is interested in people and does not show aggression or fear towards its littermates or adult kennel dogs.

Grooming at home

Before you start, it is advised to take care of the location where grooming will take place - be it a special table or a floor covered with a towel.

The fur is moistened with an even layer of a mixture of water and conditioner in a ratio of 3/4 to 1/4 and carefully combed out using a comb-brush. Then using a flat comb, a slicker brush and a bristle brush.

During the molting period, it is recommended to use a furminator.

Bathing is carried out with the participation of shampoo and conditioner (in turns), which are finally thoroughly washed off so as not to damage the dog’s skin.

After bathing, grooming scissors are used to trim the ends of the tail. Using regular scissors can lead to thinning hair, so be careful.

Selection rules

It is better to buy a dog when it is a puppy, since it is easier to raise a dachshund than to retrain it.

When choosing a pet, pay attention to such signs as:

  • healthy ears, clean eyes;
  • saber-shaped tail without curvature;
  • smooth, without humps and deflections, the line of the back;
  • smooth, glossy coat.

The puppy you like should be moderately well-fed. The dog's behavior is active and playful. Carefree mobility is a sign that the puppy has no health problems.

History of the breed

The pedigree of elongated dogs goes back a long way. Even in the tablets of the ancient Egyptians there is a mention of the dachshund. The name of the breed appeared much later and translated from German means “badger dog.” The first short-legged creatures began to be bred in Germany.

At first it was culling hounds. The dogs were not suitable for running long distances and could not participate in driving the beast. But thanks to its amazingly sensitive sense of smell, the breed began to be used in another type of hunting - norn.

Here the combination of short legs with an elongated body came in handy. Rejected hounds easily penetrated the holes of badgers, foxes and other animals. The fishing turned out to be so successful that it became the reason for selection. Thus a new breed of slow-moving hounds appeared.

The first representatives of the species are short-haired individuals. After crossing with spaniels, the shaggy dachshund was born, which immediately gained popularity among hunters due to its gentle disposition.

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