Labrador coat care: at home and in the grooming salon

Grooming your Labrador's coat becomes important if the dog lives in an apartment. You can brush the hair daily, but your pet continues to shed hair. During the shedding period of a retriever, fur is everywhere in the apartment, despite daily cleaning.

Photo. Labrador coat care at home.

When to start caring for your Labrador's coat?

Care for your Labrador's coat should begin at an early age. If you do not teach the puppy to patiently withstand the procedures in time, then it will be difficult to cope with an adult dog. Therefore, teach your puppy to obey. He must understand that you will decide when to start or end care procedures. You must be firm in this matter. There is no need to bathe your baby with shampoo without good reason. It is enough to wipe the fur with a damp cloth from the pet store. But you must learn to stand still while combing.

To protect the fur from dirt while walking, you can wear overalls for your pet. Then you won't have to spend a lot of time washing after going outside.

Purpose of slickers

The fur coat of most types of Spitz continuously changes undercoat. Falling out, it lingers in the main

wool A slicker helps get rid of dead hair.

Which powder brush is better to give preference when choosing:

  • the ideal option is a slicker of medium size and hardness;
  • there should be no droplets at the end of the cloves;
  • The length of the bristles is 15-30 millimeters.

During periods of intense shedding, it is recommended to use large slicker brushes for more productive brushing of the dog.

This type of comb is ideal for combing fur on the paws, cheeks and behind the ears. Many owners also use slicker brushes when blow-drying their pet's coat.

Labrador coat structure

The retriever's coat is straight. It consists of a topcoat and an undercoat. The upper guard hair is longer and shiny. The undercoat is short and dense. The protective oily layer repels water and prevents the undercoat from getting wet. Therefore, after the rain, the dog shakes itself off - and now it’s dry. This coat structure protects Labradors from frost and cold water. Retrievers are able to swim in cold rivers because the breed was bred to hunt ducks.

Caring for your Labrador's coat begins with proper nutrition . Because the appearance of the dog’s coat also depends on the health of the dog. Therefore, follow the rules for feeding your retriever. To keep the coat smooth and shiny, vitamins must be present in the diet. For example, A, E, RR. Minerals are also important. For example, calcium and magnesium.

Problems you may encounter

Very often, Spitz owners complain that the dog does not allow itself to be properly brushed. The main thing here is not to succumb to provocations and continue the procedure, holding the pet tightly and calming it down.

It is very important that the procedure becomes pleasant for the baby, and for this you need to choose good tools that will not tear out fur and scratch the skin.


Be sure to moisturize the pile so that it does not tangle. Then combing will be not only quick, but also comfortable.

If the dog does not allow itself to be brushed, start doing it in parts. First, comb the back, a little later - the sides, and so on until you have completely combed the dog. For obedience, be sure to reward your Spitz with a treat.

How to brush a Labrador's coat

The retriever's coat does not tangle or tangle. Therefore, caring for Labrador hair is not difficult. To keep the coat looking attractive, comb it 1-2 times a week with a brush with metal teeth. You can use a massage brush. To do this, alternate movements in the direction of the fur with those in the opposite direction. The brush helps remove street dirt and insects. For example, detecting ticks on a dog.

Pet stores sell furminators for combing fur. However, experienced breeders do not use them. And they do not recommend it, because they believe that the furminator cuts the spine and injures the hairs of the coat.

Types of combs for dogs

It is a mistake to think that choosing a good comb for your pet’s fur does not matter and you can scratch it with improvised means or use your old one. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on how correctly the accessory is selected. In addition, using the wrong comb can injure the animal. Today, manufacturers of pet products offer a variety of devices for combing wool:

  • A slicker brush is a brush with thick teeth made of thin wire. The ends are slightly curved and may be sharp, but are often covered with small rubber or plastic balls to prevent scratching the dog's skin.

  • A comb is a metal comb with one row of teeth, resembling a small rake. You can purchase several of them - with different lengths of teeth and distances between them. You can find double-sided combs on sale that replace 2-3 combs.

  • Massage brush - in appearance it can resemble a slicker brush or a human brush (comb or even a clothing brush), with a handle or strap for putting on your hand. Its teeth are made of natural bristles or wood, plastic, rubber and metal.

  • Mitten - small thin wire teeth located on the inside of the mitten, similar to a slicker. The advantages of the mitten are that the surface area to be combed is larger, the pet is not afraid of the brush in his hands, and the procedure itself resembles stroking.

  • The glove, unlike mittens, is made of soft silicone or rubber, the teeth are thick and short, more like spikes. Suitable for combing delicate areas - stomach, groin, inner thigh, neck.

  • The Furminator is a relatively new device on the market, but it has taken a strong lead among dog combs. A metal comb with short, flat, wide, closely spaced teeth. It looks like a clipper blade.

Separately, there are special accessories for various procedures:

  • To comb out fleas, use a comb with very fine teeth. Helps get rid of parasites after washing and treating your pet. Use this comb only for its intended purpose, as needed. The size of the teeth is selected based on the length and quality of the dog’s coat.
  • Professional for trimming and grooming - stripper, comb with a knitting needle, with a blade, tangle cutter and groomer. These devices for cutting fur and getting rid of tangles require special skills and ability to handle them, as they can easily injure both the pet and the owner.

Labrador coat care during shedding period

Normally, retrievers shed twice a year. Firstly, in the spring. During this period, they are freed from their winter “coat”. Secondly, in the fall, i.e. before the winter cold. In bitches, shedding may be related to the level of hormones in the blood. When the apartment is hot from radiators, the wool becomes dry and crumbles more. To improve skin and coat condition, add saturated Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet.

If the fur is constantly shedding, think about the dog's health. You need to have your pet examined by a veterinarian.

Proper care of your Labrador's coat will allow you to reduce the shedding period. To do this, you need to comb the fur thoroughly. You can bathe your dog with shampoo as needed, 2-3 times a year. Use hypoallergenic shampoos for large breeds. It is better to dry your dog without a hairdryer, so as not to dry out the coat. But, if the room is cold, a hairdryer will speed up drying. Don't let your dog get cold. To dry the wool, you can use 2-3 bath towels. Change them when they get wet.

If after bathing there is an unpleasant odor from the fur, it may be due to an illness in the dog. For example, vitamin deficiency or fungus. This means you need to consult a veterinarian.

Manufacturer brands

Vitamins for dogs 8 in 1 from Excel for fur

Some of the most popular brands of brushes for short- and long-haired dogs include:

  • Artero. Dog rake combs, used for both combing and removing fleas. There are models on sale with beveled teeth, as well as with two rows. Mainly used for medium and large breeds;
  • Maxi-Pin. Beech combs with metal or wooden pins, the length of which ranges from 21 to 35 mm. Available in three sizes, including a pocket version;
  • Trixie comes in a wide range. These are rake-scrapers with a metal handle, rotating or double-row teeth. Combs are available with or without handles.

Labrador coat care in a grooming salon

Since the retriever's coat does not tangle, it does not require grooming. However, during the shedding period, going to a grooming salon can make your life much easier. Because only there will they carry out procedures that will speed up molting. After the salon, you will be able to forget about wool in your apartment for three months.

How to bathe a retriever in a grooming salon

First, the master washes the dog with professional shampoos and conditioners. Bathing a Labrador takes place in several stages. The wool is first steamed so that dead hairs fall out better. At the end of the procedure, the dog is rinsed with cool water. During bathing, the retriever loses a large amount of hair. All this fur clogs the drains. In the grooming salon, all this is provided in advance. But in your apartment, you need to be careful not to clog the pipes. Therefore, be sure to install metal strainers on your drains.

How to comb a retriever in a grooming salon

After bathing, the groomer begins caring for the Labrador's coat. To dry the dog and get rid of hair, the master turns on the compressor. With the help of air flow, the wool flies out in all directions in clumps. Brushing removes both the top coat and the undercoat.

You will never be able to carry out such a procedure at home.

After this, the dog is thoroughly combed with a brush. The entire procedure for grooming a Labrador retriever lasts 3 hours. After this, the dog will still lose hair for 2 days. But, after the remaining excess hair falls out, the dog will no longer scatter hair around itself. And the new coat will look even and smooth.

If you want to take care of your dog's fur yourself, you can rent a grooming salon. Then this procedure will cost you less.

Watch the video on how to care for your Labrador's coat.

How to cut a Labrador

The retriever does not need a haircut. However, pets are sometimes trimmed to participate in exhibitions. For example, the hair is cut off from the sides and tail. Trim the edges on the hind legs and muzzle. However, such haircuts are not required according to the rules of the exhibition.

Grooming your Labrador's coat will keep it smooth and shiny. But if the fur falls out in patches, smells unpleasant, or dandruff appears, contact your veterinarian. Because an unhealthy coat indicates that the dog is sick. In this case, you need not only proper care for the Labrador’s coat, but also treatment for the dog.

Criterias of choice

Our site reminds you: brushes are chosen for the specific type of coat and characteristics of the dog. The functional classification describes the types of tools for a particular task. For example, the Afghan Hound needs brushes with natural or wooden bristles and an antistatic effect. For the smooth-haired Great Dane, models in the form of rubber mittens are ideal.

It is important to pay attention to the material of the product; wooden ones usually prevent static electricity from appearing and do not delaminate the hair. For coarse wool, it is better to choose synthetic models that are durable. The fluffy hair of the Samoyed dog is removed with a slicker brush with sparse teeth and a wide base. Also, the ends of metal or synthetic bristles should have drop-shaped tips. The longer the teeth, the thicker the wool they can process. Small brushes are suitable for dogs of modest size.

Combing rules

For a good result of combing a dog, certain conditions must be met:

  • The choice of tool is selected according to the type of dog's coat;
  • Manipulations should be performed carefully and carefully so as not to injure the skin;
  • Do not scratch against the grain;
  • Comb the entire animal: body, head, limbs, tail.

It should be remembered that the combing process is carried out from the head to the back and down to the paws.

The earlier the better

Accustom your Spitz to brushing from the first day it arrives in your home. A puppy can be placed on your lap, an older dog can be placed on a table. To prevent her paws from moving apart, cover the table with a cloth or rubber mat. Do not allow your pet to jump from your lap or table, otherwise he risks injuring himself. In addition, by encouraging his independence, you provoke bad behavior in the dog in the future.

If your pet resists the procedure, postpone it for a couple of hours. To help your dog get used to it gradually, try brushing for only 5-6 seconds, repeating the steps several times throughout the day. The dog can be distracted by giving it a hard-to-chew treat: an edible toy made from offal or a bone made from pressed sinews.

Original FURminator

The company produces furminators from durable stainless alloy, so the combs have been used for years. The handles do not deform, do not break, the teeth do not bend, the sharpness remains sharp for a long time, and the comb does not fall off. Manufacturers provide a 10-year warranty.

There is the right size for an animal of any size:

SizeRidge width, cmDog weight, kg
X-Small3up to 4
Small44 – 9
Medium7 9 – 23
Large10 23 – 40
X-Large13 40+

Combs marked Short hair are used for short-haired dogs with hair length less than 5 cm, and those marked Long hair are used for long-haired animals. In the first version, the teeth are slightly shorter. All FURminator models have a button to reset the combed hair.

Classic instruments with manual hair removal are no longer produced. In the new models, only the design has changed: the body has become more streamlined, the working surface remains the same.

Popular brands

Professional combs for German Spitz are produced by the following manufacturers:

  • Artero;
  • Chris Christensen;
  • MaxiPin;
  • Show Tech.

The Artero line includes regular and double-sided slickers, slicker combs, and combs of different sizes for long-haired breeds.

Chris Christensen is an elite series of grooming tools. Chris Christensen 004 handmade comb is considered one of the best for Spitz. The slicker brush from this company, the Mark X-Tiny Slicker Brush, has also proven itself well. It is ideal for Spitz fur.

MaxiPin specializes in massage combs for dogs. When choosing a brush for your orange, it is better to choose the Keller MaxiPin model 216*33 mm or 185*48 mm with 2.7 cm teeth.

Show Tech produces professional, high-quality combs, massage combs and slickers. The assortment also includes hair cutters for dogs.


Various worms that have found refuge in the dog’s digestive system release harmful substances that provoke permanent poisoning in the animal. In addition, uninvited guests absorb nutrients, creating their deficiency in the Spitz's body.

Mites living on the surface of the skin or a fungal infection usually provoke itching and, as a result, wounds and scratching. Hair falls out. Bald spots may appear, in some cases covered with crust or scales.

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