Medicine Propalin will help cure urinary incontinence in dogs

Urinary incontinence (incontinence) develops in 20% of spayed dogs as a result of weakening of the sphincter muscles. First of all, this defect annoys the owners: puddles and the smell in the house are annoying. But the pathology also threatens complications for the pet: due to constant moistening of the perineum, bacterial inflammation of the skin or infection of the lower urinary tract is possible.

To treat incontinence, Propalin for dogs is almost always prescribed. From the review you will learn: how effective the drug is, in what cases it is suitable, how to give it, what side effects and contraindications there are.

At the end of the article you will also find answers to your questions, real reviews from animal owners and a list of analogues.

Instructions for use

The required dosage of the suspension is calculated by the veterinarian based on the weight and general health of the dog.
In order to minimize the occurrence of unpleasant side effects, the entire daily volume of the medicine can be divided into 2-3 doses. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Remove the protective cap from the bottle of suspension.
  2. Insert the dosage syringe with the piston fully pressed into the bottle.
  3. Slowly pull back the plunger until the medicine in the syringe reaches the desired level. If there is very little liquid left, you can carefully twist the bottle to collect the remaining liquid from the very bottom.
  4. The suspension may be mixed with food. But to be sure that the entire prescribed dose has entered the animal’s body, it is better to hold the dog’s head between your knees and pour the drug from the dispenser directly into the throat.

Advice! To prevent the appearance of air bubbles in the syringe, and thereby not reduce the dosage calculated by the doctor by a few milligrams, it is necessary to draw liquid from a bottle tilted at an angle.

After the dog swallows the medicine, you need to monitor the animal for at least 3-4 minutes. Sometimes the pet burps the drug literally immediately after taking it. After completing the procedure, you need to screw the bottle tightly and rinse the dispenser syringe thoroughly under running water. Propalin must be stored in a clean, cool and dry place. However, cooling the suspension below 15 degrees is prohibited, so you should not leave the drug in the refrigerator. If the drug has not been completely used three months after opening the bottle, it must be thrown away.

Storage conditions

The storage requirements for Propalin are similar to the standard rules for most drugs:

Keep the drug out of reach of children.

  • you need to keep the product dry and dark;
  • optimal storage temperature is from 15 to 20 °C;
  • in a closed package the drug retains its properties for two years;
  • After opening, it is permissible to use the medicine only in the first three months.

Caution: Propalin, containers and syringe dispensers from under it must be stored where small children cannot reach them.

Characteristics of Propalin

This medicine is made in France. The drug, produced in syrup form, enhances the tone of the smooth muscles of the bladder. It normalizes the function of the urethral sphincter.

The main active ingredient of the drug is phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride. This substance acts on alpha-adrenergic receptors and enhances the contractility of smooth muscles, increases the tone of skeletal muscles and constricts blood vessels. In addition, Propalin stimulates the central nervous system and increases blood glucose levels.

Indications for prescribing the drug to dogs are weakness of the urethral sphincter or bladder. The maximum concentration of phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride in the animal’s blood is reached one and a half hours after taking the medicine. By enhancing the contractile function of the urogenital diaphragm, normalizing the tone of the urethral and bladder sphincter, the drug helps dog owners solve problems with the smell of animal urine in the house.

This medicine does not accumulate in the body. It is excreted along with urine. Therefore, the drug can be used for a long time without harm to the health of the patients or the appearance of side effects.

The drug is used for minor urine leakage in female dogs, which intensifies during the period of estrus; age-related weakening of the pelvic muscles; urinary incontinence during emotional stress or after sterilization. In the latter case, many veterinarians recommend another operation. But surgical interventions are harmful even for a completely healthy dog. Therefore, Propalin successfully solves the problems of leakage in sterilized bitches.

There are also some restrictions on the use of veterinary products. This is whelping and lactation. The instructions prohibit giving this medicine to dogs simultaneously with drugs of a similar effect. Sometimes allergic reactions are possible in dogs to Propalin.

Owner reviews

Pavel: “Several years ago we got a cross between a Rottweiler and a mongrel. They took her in as an adult: before that, the dog lived on the street, where she caught a cold “like a woman,” after which she was picked up by volunteers and sterilized. This summer we noticed that the dog was worried: it turned out that it was “leaking.” We flew to the veterinarian: the doctors prescribed antibiotics, but they did not help. Later we switched to Propalin and in 3 days all the problems disappeared. Now we’ll eat him for life.”

Sofia: “I gave my old lady Altochka Propalin syrup for 3 days. It didn’t help, because the dog started having terrible diarrhea. The veterinarians didn’t believe it at first: this happens extremely rarely and, unfortunately, my lady fell into this category.”

Natalya: “I have a female miniature pinscher, 6 years old. After the removal of the uterus, urinary incontinence began at night. This is a huge problem: the dog sleeps in the same bed with us. The veterinarian prescribed Propalin. We pour the solution from a syringe, since it is very bitter, and the dog does not eat it itself. I stopped peeing after a week. We drank for a month and took a break. Now we give the medicine as needed: the girl hardly urinates, only from stress.”

Indications for use and mechanism of action

Propalin is prescribed to dogs for urinary incontinence caused by physiological disturbances in the functioning of the sphincter.

These problems are:

  1. Congenital. Observed in dogs of the following breeds: Husky, Labrador, Newfoundland, Siberian Laika, English Bulldog. In male dogs it is diagnosed in 20% of cases when visiting a veterinarian.
  2. Purchased:
      occur in pets during the postpartum period. Due to the fact that after numerous whelpings or during the birth of a large litter, muscle tone in the urethral area is lost;
  3. appear in old age in dogs;
  4. are a consequence of infectious diseases.

The remedy is effective only in case of disruption of the sphincter.

The remedy is effective only in case of sphincter dysfunction

If another disease develops in the animal, leading to urinary incontinence, the drug will not be effective. In this case, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease that contributed to the onset of the disease.

The mechanism of action of the drug is due to the properties of phenylpropanolamine. The substance affects the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for unconditioned reflexes. After taking the drug, the pet's sphincter begins to tighten more strongly around the urethra, and urine stops involuntarily flowing out.

The active substance reaches its maximum concentration in the blood plasma an hour after entering the body. It is excreted unchanged in the urine.

Composition and expiration date

Propalin is available in the form of a solution. The liquid is in plastic bottles of 30 and 100 ml. The kit includes a dosing syringe.

Propalin acts as the active component. It is a derivative of phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride. It is of synthetic origin.

The use of the drug prevents spontaneous leakage of urine. After taking the medication, the functioning of the sphincter normalizes.

The active substance is quickly absorbed by the intestinal walls. Reaches maximum concentration in the blood after 1-2 hours. No accumulation of propane is observed.

The suspension is stored in a dry and dark place at room temperature. Must be kept away from children and pets. The drug is valid for 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Composition and release form

The drug is produced in the form of a solution in a volume of 30 ml; containers for longer use contain 100 ml of the drug. For simplified use of the product in the required quantity, a dosing syringe is included in the kit.

Propalin for dogs should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

The active component of Propalin is phenylpropanolamine mixed with sweetened syrup. The product is a transparent solution without separation into fractions.

Analogues and substitutes

The active substance of Propalin, phenylpropanolamine (norephedrine), is an alkaloid and is a stereoisomer of cathine. Included in the “List of Narcotic Drugs...” and prohibited for sale in the Russian Federation.

Unfortunately, despite all the effectiveness of this remedy, it is often necessary to use its substitutes, or at best, analogues.


Analogs are drugs in which the active ingredient is phenylpropanolamine:

  • Trimex – 1 tablet contains 75 mg of phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride.
  • Dietrin - 1 capsule contains 75 mg of phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride and 9 mg of benzocaine.
  • Orinol - 1 capsule contains 75 mg of phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride and 8 mg of chlorpheniramine maleate.
  • Effect – 1 capsule contains 50 mg of phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride and 8 mg of chlorpheniramine maleate.


Substitutes are drugs used to treat urinary incontinence, but having a composition different from Propalin:

  • Driptan - 1 tablet contains oxybutine hydrochloride 0.005 g. It has an antispasmodic and myotropic effect, relaxes the detrusor of the bladder and increases its capacity, thus allowing control of urination.
  • Proginova - 1 tablet contains 2 mg of estradiol valerate. This is an estrogen that eliminates common disorders caused by insufficient function of the sex glands.

Dogs that develop incontinence present an unpleasant surprise to their owners. Bitches are more often susceptible to the disease; defecation can occur when the animal is suddenly happy in the most unexpected situations and can spoil the mood over and over again when playing with the pet.

Propalin is a product from a French manufacturer.

Propalin, an artificial product from a French manufacturer, is called upon to combat the problem. The drug is aimed at stimulating the corresponding muscles, including the sphincter that closes the urinary system, and can effectively relieve the animal of incontinence.

  • with uncontrolled excretion of urine during sleep in puppies and adult dogs;
  • for problems caused by sterilization or surgery;
  • with incontinence due to old age.

The remedy must be prescribed by a veterinarian, and it must be used either for the recommended period or until a stable, noticeable effect is achieved.

Price and analogues

The cost of propalin is approximately 700 rubles for 30 ml and 1,700 rubles for 100 ml.

Analogue – Dietrin.

In the article I talked about the drug Propalin for dogs. She explained in what form it is produced, how it is used, why it is prescribed, and how the dosage is calculated. She described the side effects and contraindications for taking it. I wrote how the medicine is stored, how much it costs and what analogues there are.

Those who are kept in apartments suffer from incontinence. One cannot turn a blind eye to such a problem, so pet owners turn to a veterinarian. Today we will talk about the drug, discuss the instructions for use, and indicate other necessary information that you need to know when using the medication for your pet.

Reviews about the drug "Propalin"

Despite the possibility of negative side effects, the drug "Propalin" is today considered one of the safest methods of treating urinary incontinence in dogs. What do owners whose pets receive treatment say about this drug?

  • "Propalin" gives good results with a long-lasting effect;
  • the first results of therapy are noticeable after 7-14 days from the start of treatment;
  • no unpleasant aftertaste of the drug: when adding “Propalin” to food, dogs do not refuse to eat;
  • There are practically no side effects stated on the packaging.

The complaints of dog owners most often relate not to the quality of the medicine, but to interruptions in the supply of Propalin to Russian veterinary pharmacies and to the rather high price of the product. At the beginning of 2017, the retail price varies from 460 rubles per 30 ml package to 1,300 rubles per 100 ml unit of the drug.


Taking into account the reviews of owners of “problem” dogs who use propane to eliminate uncontrolled urination, a positive effect can be established. The drug allows you to get results almost from the very first use and first dose

The effectiveness of weeding becomes a real salvation for owners of sterilized bitches and older dogs. Thus, we can talk about a quick result, which, in addition to eliminating the problem of the direct problem - urine leakage, can save the dog from moral torment

The drug allows you to get results almost from the very first use and first dose. The effectiveness of weeding becomes a real salvation for owners of sterilized bitches and older dogs. Thus, we can talk about a quick result, which, in addition to eliminating the problem of the direct problem - urine leakage, can save the dog from moral torment.

An adult, who, by definition of her age, needs to defecate on the street, will feel embarrassed and guilty, due to the understanding that the puddle has already been made. The dog is constantly under stress, which aggravates his condition.

Propalin analogues

Owners who have not yet found the clearings in veterinary pharmacies, as a rule, are trying to find something alternative, more affordable.

Dietrin is suitable. The composition of the drug includes a similar active substance - phenylpropanolamine. Regardless of the packaging method - capsules, most veterinarians recommend replacing propalin with dietrin.

Propalin as a medicine is in the category of accessibility, however, most people are still trying to find an alternative, either from an economic or moral point of view. Let's look at several options for replacing the weeds.

In a situation where it is not possible to purchase propalin, it is recommended to replace it with dietrin containing phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride. The capsule form of Dietrin is sold in pharmacies, but before purchasing it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the composition of the medicine. The American manufacturer of dietrin takes into account the calculation of dog dosages according to the content of substances present in one capsule. Each capsule is equivalent to 1.5 ml. Propalina.

If the main deficiency is identified as a hormonal deficiency, pelvic muscle weakness is often based on a lack of estrogen. Replacing Propalin with Ovestin or another drug containing cosimifugu is possible.

In some cases, eliminating the problem of urinary leakage is tied to personal homeopathic treatment, which differs in each specific situation.

Despite the general opinion that Propalin is outdated and does not provide the required amount of effectiveness for most countries, it copes well with animal diseases, which is why it is prescribed by veterinarians. It is not possible to obtain a similar effect from a similar product for animals, so propane can be called irreplaceable. It can quickly and without any side effects eliminate urinary incontinence.


The use of propalin is not recommended for pregnant dogs and individuals with intolerance to the components. Mixing the drug with sympathomimetic, anticholinergic drugs, and antidepressants is also not recommended.

Owners of sick pets are inclined to conclude that the use of Propalin as a medicine actually has an increased level of effectiveness:

The owner of 5-year-old Alma (a lapdog) tells her story.

“About six months ago, a situation arose when my pet needed veterinary care - sterilization. The result of the operation was successful, but a month later urine leakage began to appear. I had to go to the veterinary clinic again. According to the doctor, the symptom often occurs in bitches, so Propalin was prescribed. After researching the product, I purchased it and started giving it to my dog. It is worth pointing out that the drug does not affect the pet’s appetite. Secondly, there is an almost complete absence of contraindications. After two weeks, all symptoms will stop.

Contraindications and side effects

Since Propalin is a synthetic medicine, it is not suitable for everyone. In particular, the medicine is prohibited from being given to pregnant and lactating females.

The drug is also used with caution in animals with diabetes, Cushing's syndrome and kidney or liver disease, and can also provoke the development of the following side effects:

  • diarrhea or soft stools;
  • the appearance of unreasonable restless behavior in the animal;
  • a sharp increase in heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath.

Most side effects go away on their own immediately after stopping treatment. However, it is worth considering that the effect of the drug does not last long, and after a long break in taking the medicine, involuntary urination may reappear.

Attention! In case of an overdose of the drug, side effects that are more life-threatening to the animal may develop. In particular, the dog may experience convulsions, tremors and even lethargy. You also need to pay attention to the fact that Propalin can negatively interact with some medications

In particular, the drug can provoke the development of severe side effects if the pet undergoes additional treatment:

You also need to pay attention to the fact that Propalin can negatively interact with some medications. In particular, the drug can provoke the development of severe side effects if the pet undergoes additional treatment:

  • beta blockers;
  • atropine;
  • insulin;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Propalin can also weaken the work of drugs that normalize urine pH. You should definitely consult a veterinarian before giving your animal any medication (including vitamins).

Since disturbances in the tone of the urethral sphincter cannot be completely cured with oral medications alone, the animal will have to be given Propalin throughout its life. Even if the animal has completely stopped suffering from involuntary urination upon adoption, it is still necessary to visit the veterinarian at least once every six months. But if any side effects occur, you must immediately make an emergency appointment. We also must not forget that the dosage of Propalin is calculated based on weight, individually for each animal. Therefore, it is recommended to weigh your dog periodically. If there is a sharp increase or decrease in weight, you should consult your doctor to recalculate the required dose of the medicine.

It must be remembered that even if a pet suffers from urinary incontinence, this does not mean that he cannot lead a normal life. Firstly, you can purchase special veterinary diapers. Secondly, if functional insufficiency of the urethral sphincter is confirmed, it is necessary to regularly give the dog Propalin. Thanks to two simple rules, even if an incident happens to an animal, the carpets and furniture in the apartment will not be hopelessly damaged. The medicine quickly enters the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract, but is also quickly eliminated from the body. Therefore, it is imperative to give Propalin to your dog at least 2-3 times a day.

Dogs that develop incontinence present an unpleasant surprise to their owners. Bitches are more often susceptible to the disease; defecation can occur when the animal is suddenly happy in the most unexpected situations and can spoil the mood over and over again when playing with the pet.

Propalin is a product from a French manufacturer.

Propalin, an artificial product from a French manufacturer, is called upon to combat the problem. The drug is aimed at stimulating the corresponding muscles, including the sphincter that closes the urinary system, and can effectively relieve the animal of incontinence.

  • with uncontrolled excretion of urine during sleep in puppies and adult dogs;
  • for problems caused by sterilization or surgery;
  • with incontinence due to old age.

The remedy must be prescribed by a veterinarian, and it must be used either for the recommended period or until a stable, noticeable effect is achieved.

Veterinarian's findings

Preparations based on phenylpropanolamine are the best for treating incontinence in dogs. In 75-90% of cases they completely remove unpleasant symptoms.

The leader among such medications is Propalin, the second most prescribed is Uristop. Over several years of practice, I have used both drugs: they are completely identical and equally effective. But the second one costs a little less, so I prescribe it more often.

Usually one Propalin or Uristop is enough to get rid of urinary incontinence after sterilization. Otherwise, female sex hormones (Ovestin) or antibacterial agents are additionally prescribed if incontinence is caused by infection. All medications, dosages and dosage regimens are prescribed only by a doctor: the medications used have strong side effects.

If any drug treatment is ineffective, they resort to surgical intervention: collagen injections under the urethral mucosa or colposuspension - tightening the vagina to the pubic bones with suture material.

Dosage and method of administration for dogs

"Propalin" is a French medicine used for involuntary urination and urethral leakage in female dogs during estrus as a result of:

  • past infectious disease;
  • weakening of the bladder tone;
  • with age-related changes;
  • adverse reaction after sterilization of an animal.

"Propalin": composition

An important active substance is phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride. This substance acts on receptors that promote contraction and increase the tone of smooth muscles, and also constricts blood vessels.

Propalin is produced in the form of a syrup, which makes it easy to add to food. Each package contains a dispenser syringe. The drug is available in dosages of 100.0 ml and 30.0 ml.

Treatment with Propalin begins only as prescribed by the attending physician. It is safe for dogs and is excreted in feces and urine. The effect occurs a few hours after taking the medicine.

Operating principle

After taking the drug, the drug is rapidly absorbed into the blood. After 2 hours, the active substances begin to have a healing effect on the smooth muscles of the bladder and urethra, toning them and stimulating the contraction of muscle tissue.


The dosage is prescribed taking into account the weight of the pet:

  • 3 drops of medicine are given to a dog per 4 kg of weight (twice a day);
  • for 2 kg of weight - 1 drop three times a day;
  • for a pet 25 kg and heavier - prescribe 0.75 ml per 25 kg of weight 2 times a day.

Increasing the dose does not improve the effectiveness of treatment, but leads to complications.

Recommendations for use:

  • The drug is given along with food;
  • The duration of treatment is determined solely by the veterinarian;
  • The opened drug is ready for use within 3 months if stored correctly. The recommended temperature is not lower than 15 ° and not higher than 25 °.

When using the drug you must adhere to:

  • rules of personal hygiene;
  • Dispose of empty bottles and dispensing syringes immediately after use and do not use them in domestic conditions;
  • keep away from children in protected places.

This drug is prescribed by a veterinarian, who must warn the dog owner about possible complications and contraindications.

The drug is contraindicated in:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. if the dog has hypersensitivity to the components included in the medication;
  3. if the dog has previously taken antidepressants.

Dangerous complications can occur if the dose is not followed. This may lead to:

  • shortness of breath;
  • pupil dilation;
  • the dog becomes aggressive and irritated.

If complications occur, you should immediately consult your doctor.

The dosage and course of treatment are determined by the veterinarian based on the clinical picture of the disease and the weight of the animal.

On average, medication intake is calculated as follows:

  • when used three times for dogs of small and medium breeds - 2 drops per 1 kg of dog weight in 1 dose;
  • with a double dose for dogs of small and medium breeds - 3 drops per 1 kg of weight in 1 dose;
  • when used three times for large breed dogs (over 25 kg) – 0.5 ml of the drug per dose;
  • with a double dose for dogs of small and medium breeds (over 25 kg) - 0.75 ml per 1 dose.

Increasing the dosage of the drug above the recommended norm does not lead to an improvement in the therapeutic effect, but causes a large number of side effects.

The medicine is given orally during feeding. To reduce the risk of side effects, the daily dose of the drug is divided into several doses. The medicine must be given regularly, at the same time. It is not recommended to skip doses to avoid a decrease in the therapeutic effect.

Weakness of the sphincter muscles cannot be treated with medications. Therefore, the effect of propalin occurs only during treatment.

When the medication is discontinued, the dog's involuntary urination resumes. In this connection, propalin is prescribed to pets for life.

Contraindications for use

Like any medical drug, Propalin has contraindications, which will not only avoid negative consequences, but also make the treatment effective.

  • It is recommended not to give the drug to dogs during pregnancy.
  • Bitches who feed puppies with their milk should not take the medicine.
  • Animals sensitive to certain components of Propalin may suffer from allergic reactions.
  • Do not combine treatment with propalin with other medications. Be sure to consult your doctor if you are giving your pet other medications at the same time.

Where to buy Propalin in Moscow? As in other cities, it is recommended to purchase medicine in specialized veterinary pharmacies

Be careful when shopping online, as there is a risk of purchasing a counterfeit

The medicine must not be used if:

  • pet pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

Before using propalin simultaneously with other medications, you must consult your veterinarian.

It is forbidden to use propalin together with:

  • atropine;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • beta blockers;
  • insulin.

The principle of action of the drug

The drug is available in the form of syrup

Propalin causes increased tone of the smooth muscles of the bladder and urinary ducts, helps to normalize the functioning of the urethral sphincter and bladder. The active ingredient of the drug is phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride

. By acting on alpha-adrenergic receptors, the drug enhances the contractility of smooth muscles, increases the tone of skeletal muscles, and constricts dilated blood vessels. Being a sympathomimetic, Propalin stimulates the central nervous system and increases blood glucose levels.

The maximum concentration of the active substance in the dog’s blood is reached within an hour and a half after oral administration of the medicine. By enhancing the contractility of the genitourinary diaphragm, the tone of the urethral sphincter and bladder, Propalin helps with urine leakage.

Since the medicine does not accumulate in the body and is excreted primarily in the urine, the drug can be used for a long time without side effects or harm to the health of the animal. Contraindications are pregnancy and lactation; the likelihood of allergic reactions is minimal, but still possible. It is prohibited to give the medicine simultaneously with similar drugs.

Are there any restrictions for taking Propalin?

Any medicine always has at least one limitation - individual intolerance to the substances that make up the medicine.
In the case of Propalin, there are a number of contraindications that are important to observe for the tailed patient:

  • expectation of offspring by a dog;
  • breastfeeding newborn puppies;
  • treatment of other diseases, including the use of sympathomimetics, anticholinergics or antidepressants (Propalin can be given after completion of therapy with these drugs).

Apart from allergic manifestations, no other side effects are observed, as well as other complications. The main condition is to comply with the dosage of syrup.

There is another medication that can successfully cope with an unpleasant problem. It is called Dietrin, and is sold in regular pharmacies intended for humans. The composition of the medicine is absolutely identical (phenylpropanolamine) to Propalin. The only difference is the release form (pills). In the absence of syrup for dogs, you can use Dietrin capsules without compromising the results.

Please note: contraindications, overdose

It is important to remember: a veterinary clinic doctor should prescribe the drug “Propalin” for dogs (an analogue with the same active ingredient), and also determine the dosage in each individual case. The same specialist will definitely warn you about existing contraindications to the use of Propalin. The drug in question is not prescribed in the following conditions:

  • the animal's hypersensitivity to the main components that make up Propalin was revealed (a visible side effect may occur - various allergic reactions);
  • during pregnancy (lactation) of an animal;
  • if anticholinergic drugs, antidepressants, or any sympathomimetics have been previously prescribed and are currently being used.

No less dangerous is the incorrectly calculated amount of the drug used at a time. The consequence of this may be an overdose. This phenomenon can be determined by the following signs:

  • the dog has shortness of breath;
  • the animal's pupils are noticeably dilated;
  • The dog is acting restless.

If one or more of these symptoms are detected, the owner must immediately take the pet to the veterinarian.

What can be replaced

Veterinarians often prescribe the use of Propalin, but it is not always found in pharmacy chains. At the same time, Propalin is ideal for treating dogs and copes with the task as gently as possible.

If you have not found the medicine you need, it is permissible to use any of its closest analogues: Dietrin or Ovestin:

Drug nameDietrinOvestin
DescriptionThe product, produced in the USA, can be purchased at a regular non-veterinary pharmacy chain. It is used to treat incontinence problems in humans, but will also help your dog. Used in the treatment of a number of gynecological diseases.
Release formCapsulesThree options are available: ointment, suppositories and tablets.
Active substancesThe same as in Propalin, phenylpropanolamine and benzocaine in the amount of 75 and 9 milligrams, respectively. That is, the capsule contains the same amount of active substance as one and a half milliliters of Propalin. Natural estrogen
Mechanism of actionYou will have to calculate the dosage yourself (it makes sense to consult a veterinarian). The principle of therapeutic effects of Propalin and Dietrin is similar; the latter is also given to dogs before weighing. Estrogen (female hormone) contained in the drug eliminates age-related problems and hormonal deficiency, including restoring tone to the corresponding muscles of the dog.
PriceIf you buy an analogue of Propalin, you can spend 1500-2000 rubles.

About the manufacturer

The manufacturer of the veterinary drug Propalin is the French pharmaceutical giant Vetoquinol. Founded in 1962. The headquarters of the organization is located in MANY-VERNOIS LUR (France).

The company's field of activity is the production of pharmaceuticals, including veterinary products. VETOKINOL has production bases in 6 countries and its products are distributed on all five continents. The main principle of the team of professionals of the corporation, which has managed to maintain the status of a family enterprise, is constant concern for the health of animals. VETOKINOL is among the Top 10 global manufacturers of veterinary drugs.

Why does Propalin help?

This preparation has the consistency of syrup, it has a uniform structure and a colorless, opaque shade. Packaging in plastic bottles is very convenient: you can choose from 30 ml or 100 ml (depending on the weight of the dog, the consumption of the medicine is quite economical). Each package comes with a dosing syringe for precise dosing of the suspension.

Why does an animal experience urinary incontinence? It's simple, the muscles of the urethra weaken and do not retain waste in the bladder. The active component of Propalin is aimed precisely at restoring the tone of the smooth muscles of the dog’s urinary system. This component is hydrochlorinated phenylpropanolamine (50 mg per 1 ml of syrup).

Quickly absorbed into the circulatory system, the drug reaches its intended destination and within a couple of hours begins its beneficial effects:

  • tones the smooth muscles of the bladder and urethral canal;
  • normalizes muscle function and stimulates contraction;
  • restores the interaction between brain cells and bladder;
  • the animal gains lost control over the process of coping with minor needs.

Residues of the drug are removed from the animal’s body along with urine during urination.

Price and analogues

Propalin is sold in veterinary clinics and online pharmacies. The average price for a 100 ml bottle is 1226 rubles, 30 ml – 420 rubles.

Finding a cure is not always possible. Therefore, we have to look for similar drugs.

This list includes:

  1. Dietrin. Made in the USA. Available in capsules. The dosage is calculated taking into account the dog's body weight.
  2. Ovestin. Treats gynecological diseases. There are several forms of release - ointment, tablets and suppositories. Contains natural estrogen. The active substance improves muscle function. The drug fights age-related changes in the body's functioning.
  3. Palin. Belongs to the category of antibacterial agents. Prescribed to animals if incontinence was caused by a bacterial infection. A good remedy for cystitis, which is available in capsules, tablets and suppositories.

Which is cheaper?

Analogues will cost on average 1500-2000 rubles. They can be purchased at a regular pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Propalin is an effective treatment for puppies and dogs of various breeds. Most often prescribed to females. Easy to use. Quickly restores the functionality of the sphincter. Within a few weeks of starting treatment, symptoms of urinary incontinence disappear.

Propaline for dogs, analogues

“Propalin” is a medicinal product that is in great demand among dog owners
and is very often difficult to find. In addition, the price of this drug is not low.

When purchasing an analogue, you must consult a veterinarian.

For a temporary or permanent replacement of “Propalin”, “Dietrin” is suitable, which contains phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride.

The substitute should be used after reading the instructions, following the dosage and recommendations of the veterinarian.

There are two forms of Dietrin

"- one dietary supplement made from natural herbal ingredients (this medicine will not benefit your pet). And “Dietrin”, which includes phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride.

There is another drug that can replace Propalin - Trimex. But there are difficulties in purchasing it, since it is sold only with a doctor's prescription.

As a last resort, you can replace it with the antispasmodic “Vizikar”, it reduces the muscle tone of the urinary tract. “Driptan” and “Sibutin” give the same effect.

There are cases when none of the above drugs gives a positive result, or they are difficult to get, and then female hormonal drugs come to the rescue:

  • "Ovestin";
  • "Marvelon";
  • "Livial."

The effect of these drugs occurs by increasing the tone of the bladder sphincter, and the bladder also relaxes, which leads to rapid recovery.
But when taken, a number of side effects may occur that occur with hormonal therapy. It is imperative that you consult your veterinarian before giving these medications. Dogs that develop incontinence present an unpleasant surprise to their owners. Bitches are more often susceptible to the disease; defecation can occur when the animal is suddenly happy in the most unexpected situations and can spoil the mood over and over again when playing with the pet.

Propalin is a product from a French manufacturer.

Propalin, an artificial product from a French manufacturer, is called upon to combat the problem. The drug is aimed at stimulating the corresponding muscles, including the sphincter that closes the urinary system, and can effectively relieve the animal of incontinence.

  • with uncontrolled excretion of urine during sleep in puppies and adult dogs;
  • for problems caused by sterilization or surgery;
  • with incontinence due to old age.

The remedy must be prescribed by a veterinarian, and it must be used either for the recommended period or until a stable, noticeable effect is achieved.


When a small puppy appears in the house, puddles are normal. Therefore, owners may not pay attention to the pathology. Grown-up and adult trained dogs are able to control the emptying of the bladder, relax the necessary muscles in the place and when it is possible. In some animals, urinary incontinence is not a sign of bad manners: when the muscles weaken, the dog is unable to control the physiological process and may make a puddle at home.

There are several reasons for this:

  • congenital sphincter pathologies;
  • consequence of injury;
  • weakening of reflexes in old age;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Aging, overweight (obesity), spaying and castration, and other factors that lead to changes in hormonal levels in a pet's body can cause incontinence. In addition, the decreased sensitivity of neurological receptors that accompanies spinal cord diseases can also cause weakening of the sphincter muscles.

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Involuntary emptying of the bladder can be congenital, caused at the genetic level. In males, pathology is recorded only in 20% of cases. Large females and representatives of certain breeds are more often susceptible to it, including:

  • poodle;
  • collie;
  • Airedale;
  • Doberman Pinscher;
  • setter;
  • Golden retriever;
  • Labrador;
  • husky;
  • Newfoundlands and some other breeds.

The owner of an animal can suspect the incompetence of the urethral sphincter even when the dog suddenly makes a puddle at uncharacteristic hours for walking. You should contact your veterinarian immediately if:

  • the dog used to ask to go outside, but then stopped;
  • the pet does not tolerate walking until the usual time and makes puddles in the house;
  • when urinating, the animal’s behavior does not change (as if the dog does not feel that it is defecating);
  • if the dog can urinate during sleep, play, or movement.

As a pathology not caused by diseases of the internal organs, incontinence can be observed in hyperactive, active and nervous animals. Propalin, acting on the nervous system of animals, is able to normalize the physiological process of emptying the bladder.

Important! Only a veterinarian can determine the nature of incontinence, so you cannot “prescribe” or give your dog medicine on your own.

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