Description of the Petit Brabançon breed, history, standards, pros and cons of an adult dog

  • Companions
Sizesmall (up to 10kg)
Main features
  • Sheds little
  • Excellent health
  • Good obedience
  • Very devoted
  • Friendly
  • Little barks
  • High intelligence

One can say about representatives of the Petit Brabançon breed: a small dog, a puppy until old age. These strong, robust creatures with an upturned short nose and large eyes are famous for their cheerful and playful character. In addition, the expressive, monkey-like face of the Brabant Griffon, this is the second name of the breed, perfectly shows emotions: sadness, joy, curiosity.

The Brabançon breed is well known and popular in Europe; city dwellers often get compact and easy-to-keep dogs. But in Russia, cute and friendly Brabant Griffon dogs are still a rarity. Perhaps the reason for this is the high cost of Petit Brabançon puppies. But honestly, they're worth it.

What is the beauty of Petit Brabançon dogs and does it have any disadvantages? If you want to know, keep reading.

History of the breed

The history of the breed is interesting and confusing. The first mentions of it date back to the 15th century. Similar dogs are depicted in paintings and engravings of the Renaissance. Petit Brabançon has absorbed the collective image of various dog breeds.

In his appearance, the genes of the German wire-haired Affenpinscher are clearly visible; from the short one he inherited a short “monkey” muzzle. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel gave the breed an elegant color. Brabançon got his coat from mating with Pugs.

Thus, dogs appeared that captivated the crowned heads. The new breed quickly gained the status of a favorite. Funny dogs lived in palaces, rode in carriages, slept on silk pillows and had servants. On cold nights they warmed their owners, and during leisure hours they entertained them with fun games.

It was soon noticed that the Petit Brabançons showed a keen interest in catching small rodents. From that time on, they began to play the role of brave guards of the royal chambers and carriages, catching rats and mice.

In 1880, Petit Brabançon took part for the first time at the World Dog Show held in Brussels. He won a standing ovation and high ratings . Thus began his first ascent to the podium of fame. However, unfortunately, in the pursuit of profit, careless breeders increased the number and lost the quality of the exterior of the royal dogs.

In the first half of the 20th century, Duchess Henrienta Marie Charlotte Antoinette made a great contribution to the rehabilitation of the Petit Brabançon breed. Thanks to her, the purity of the livestock was restored. The sale of elite puppies was allowed abroad.

The years of World War II threatened all miniature dog breeds with extinction. Of course, Petit Brabançons were no exception. Thanks only to the fact that some dogs lived in the UK and the USA, they managed to avoid complete extinction.

Through the efforts of breeders, the unique breed was preserved. However, “designer” changes have occurred to it. It is in this guise that the smooth-haired Petit Brabançon has survived to this day.

The official breed standard was adopted on September 11, 1990 and recognized as the property of the state of Belgium.


In breeding I use exclusively functionally and clinically healthy animals that meet the breed standard. Finding a suitable dog in Russia is quite difficult - Petit Brabançons are just gaining popularity.

It is allowed to cross representatives of different types of griffons with each other. It is first necessary to study the pedigree of the partner - puppies with obvious flaws will be difficult to sell.

Fully formed animals that are 1.5 years old are allowed for mating. Typically, mating of griffons is carried out after the onset of the third heat. The dogs are introduced on neutral territory, then the bitch is brought to the male. To increase the likelihood of conception, a control mating is carried out the next day.

Petit Brabançon pregnancy lasts from 56 to 72 days. Childbirth is more difficult for small dogs than for large breeds.

Belgian Smooth-haired Griffons most often require a caesarean section - you should arrange the operation with your veterinarian in advance.

There are 4-6 puppies born in a litter, and they can have different types of coats.

Description and breed standard of Petit Brabançon

Petit Brabançon is distinguished by its eccentric appearance. It contains an organic combination of originality of forms, grace of movements, seriousness of appearance and childish fun. The breed standard has individual exterior features:

Square type body. The back is straight. The length of the back is equal to the height at the withers. The sternum is of medium width, well developed. The front ribs are convex. The shoulder region is muscular and wide. The withers are defined and pronounced. Smooth and sloping croup. The stomach is pulled towards the body.

The head proudly carries itself, large, round in shape. The line of the forehead, sharply turning into the front part. The muzzle is short, the bridge of the nose is 1.5 cm long. There is a clear upturned nose. The lobe is black pigmented, the nostrils are of medium size. The lips are black, fit tightly to the jaw, and there are no jowls.

The neck is of medium length. Smooth.

Overshot teeth. The jaws close tightly, with the lower jaw protruding forward. The incisors are vertically located. The chin is longer than the nose.

The eyes are round, large, and set wide apart. There is no obvious bulge. The color of the pupils is brown. The eyelids are dark in color and dense.

Ears are naturally drooping, set wide and triangular in shape. The tip of the ear is directed towards the muzzle. Ears can be cropped in puppyhood and have a erect V shape. But keep in mind that ear cropping is prohibited in many EU countries .

The limbs have developed muscles. Set wide apart. The hind legs are laid back in a standing position. The thigh is not long, proportional to the body. The hock joints are strong.

The paws are round in shape, tightly compressed into a ball. Paw pads and claws are dark in color. Fusion of the fingers is undesirable.

The tail is set vertically, may have a tip curled towards the back, and does not touch the croup. Tail docking is not provided for by the standard; if the breeder decides to shorten its length, then docking is done by 2/3.

The coat is smooth, shiny, short. The guard hair is thick and of medium hardness. The maximum length of the coat is 2 cm. The undercoat is short. The hair on the face, ears and forelimbs is much shorter than on the body.

Acceptable colors: bright red, reddish, black. Any color other than black must have a black “mask” on the face.

Height at withers is from 16 to 26 cm, weight is 3.5-6 kg. Lifespan up to 14 years.

There is no classification of the Petit Brabançon breed into “mini” and “maxi”. The parameters of a dog depend on the pedigree genes.

One of the main assessments of an animal is the moving facial expressions. By analogy with a monkey, a dog shows surprise, seriousness, bewilderment and joy.

How to choose a puppy

Before purchasing, you should learn more about Petit Brabançons. It is advisable to talk with the current owners so that they point out the features of caring for these animals, the pros and cons of the breed.

Be sure to find out from the breeder:

  • when and what vaccinations were given to the pet;
  • what the puppy was fed;
  • whether there are any health or mental characteristics of a particular individual.

Healthy Brabançon puppies are curious and active. Animals have a shiny coat without an unpleasant odor, clean eyes and ears, and a moist and cool nose. Lethargy is the first sign of illness. It is better to refuse to buy such pets.

A responsible breeder will tell you everything about the breed - not only its advantages, but also its disadvantages. Along with the puppy, the new owner is given:

  • metrics confirming the origin of the animal;
  • veterinary passport containing notes on vaccinations and deworming of the puppy.

To participate in exhibitions, they buy mature puppies that are at least six months old. At this age, it is already possible to assess the animal’s compliance with the standard and identify significant flaws in appearance or character.

Intellectual abilities, education and training

In terms of intelligence, Petit Brabançon can be compared to a three-year-old child. The dog knows how to listen, understands human words and gestures . At the subconscious level, he senses the owner’s mood. He can be jealous, capricious and even make grimaces. Willfulness and stubbornness are not characteristic of him.

You can start training your Petit Brabançon puppy at three months of age. He will like the game form of training the most. The little representative of this breed is a good student. He quickly learns everything that is required of him, what is possible and what is not.

Early socialization is important for a Petit Brabançon puppy. Walking in the fresh air, playing with a ball, getting to know representatives of flora and fauna and, of course, love, patience and care are the key to growing an obedient four-legged friend.

Do not demand the impossible from a dog of this breed: display protective qualities and perform circus tricks. Her main task is to be close to people and delight them with her presence and obedience.

Health and illness

As already mentioned, Petit Brabançons retain their cheerful puppy habits even into adulthood. These dogs live on average 14-15 years. If the owner feeds the pet properly and monitors its health, the period may be longer.

The agile Brabant griffons usually do not complain about their health. However, due to regular overfeeding and lack of exercise, they can gain excess weight. And obesity contributes to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Some owners of dogs of this breed note that their pets have an allergic reaction to certain foods. Therefore, something new should be introduced into the diet gradually and carefully.

Brabançons do not have an undercoat, so you need to protect them from drafts and cold. When hypothermia occurs, the dog's immunity decreases and it may catch a cold.

Like many dog ​​breeds with a brachycephalic skull structure (short muzzle and flat nose), Petit Brabançons are prone to specific eye diseases. They may suffer from entropion of the eyelids, prolapse of the eyeball (proptosis), distichiasis (rotation of eyelashes), and retinal atrophy. They can also get injured in the cornea while running or playing.

The special jaws of the Brabant Griffon also provoke genetic pathologies. Puppies may experience growth of molars when the milk teeth have not yet fallen out, or a cleft palate (this is an incomplete fusion of the palate).

Buying a puppy for a home

The appearance of a four-legged friend in the house is not a decision for a single day. When choosing it, you need to pay attention to many nuances.

Price for puppies and adult dogs

The pricing policy for Petit Brabançon puppies in Russia varies from 15 to 80 thousand rubles. It directly depends on the genetic line and pedigree regalia.

It’s easy to buy a pet for the soul, that is, without documents, for 10-15 thousand. He may be quite healthy and even charming, but his show career is prohibited.

For 20-25 thousand rubles you can buy a puppy of the “breeding class” category, with a brand and with documents, but no one guarantees its display at international exhibitions.

Elite puppies are valued at over 35 thousand rubles . The blood of parents with a rich exhibition past flows in them. Such kids are able to show themselves as Champions of exhibitions at any level.

Puppies are considered adults when they reach sexual maturity. When choosing a dog older than 8 months, you should understand that it already has certain habits and training skills of the previous owner. The price of an adult dog will undoubtedly be cheaper, from about 10 thousand rubles.

Where to buy a puppy

The main nurseries for breeding the Belgian Petit Brabançon are located in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg. Except in nurseries, a Petit Brabançon puppy can be purchased from private breeders who confirm the “purity” of the puppy with appropriate documents and a brand. To avoid buying a crossbred puppy, experts advise choosing only trusted sellers, those who have positive reviews and recommendations.

What to look for when purchasing

It is advisable to pick up a Petit Brabançon puppy when it reaches three months of age, after the second vaccination. In addition to the puppy card, he must have healthy eyes, shiny fur and odorless ears. The puppy must be active and moderately well-fed.

Don't forget to check for overgrown fontanels and dewclaws. Other parameters: color, bite, muzzle shape, body, tail must also match the standard.

Exhibition conformation indicators in dogs develop at approximately 4-6 months. No breeder can give a 100% guarantee that this or that pet will grow up.

Tips for choosing a puppy

You should not buy a puppy without a pedigree. Such Petit Brabançon puppies are cheaper, but they are often resold. These poor creatures are kept in poor conditions, they are taken away from their mother a month, or even earlier, often these puppies are sick. By saving on the price of a dog, you can spend an amount significantly exceeding its cost on treatment, and in the best case, you will become the owner of a sickly low-breed dog without documents, and in the worst case, the treatment will not help, and the puppy will die from an infection. In such cases, there is no one to file claims with; the puppy seller has received his money and washed his hands of it.

Choose trusted nurseries, where you can get full advice on the breed and puppies, view and check all documents. Puppies from a good breeder are clean, well-fed and active, have an RKF puppy card, a brand and a veterinary passport with their first vaccinations. They are already eating premium food, they have clean ears and eyes that look at you with curiosity.

It is better to buy Petit Brabançon puppies at the age of 2-3 months, when they are no longer breastfed and are completely ready to go to a new home.

The sex of the future pet is the owner’s choice, but both females and males have a wonderful character. Males are not dominant, but females are affectionate. Aggression is not typical for the breed, but you should not choose a timid puppy. It is very difficult to determine the quality of a puppy’s coat - the situation will become clearer when the baby grows up.

Interesting photo


Petit Brabançons are sensitive, kind, cheerful and flexible creatures by nature. They are moderately active and not annoying, cannot stand loneliness and are ready to follow their owner everywhere .

Their cheerful disposition and endless devotion to their owner are touching. They behave neutrally with strangers, showing neither love nor aggression. With children they are affectionate and playful until old age. They don't bark or bite unless necessary.

Under special circumstances, they are able to defend themselves and their owner, regardless of the scale of the threat. Fearlessness is in their blood, but this should not be encouraged.

Baby Petit Brabançon gets along with pets without problems, be it a cat or a dog. Outside the home, he behaves with a sense of self-respect, trying to ignore other animals.


The Belgian Smooth Griffon was originally bred to guard and catch mice. Nowadays these animals are bred as companion dogs.

High intelligence and natural agility allow the pet to successfully participate in sports competitions, for example, agility.

Pros of the breed

Petit Brabançon has a set of positive and negative characteristics. The advantages include the following parameters:

  • Kindness of character and friendliness;
  • Love for a person;
  • Lack of aggression and cowardice;
  • Emotionality;
  • An excellent companion;
  • Well trained;
  • High level of intelligence and socialization;
  • Prostate care;
  • Quick adaptation to the conditions of detention.

The main disadvantage of the breed is its predisposition to serious congenital diseases.

Breed characteristics (on a 5-point scale)

Here are the approximate characteristics of Brabançons:

  • Aggression - average (3 points).
  • Activity - high (5 points).
  • Tolerance of loneliness is low (1 point).
  • Maintenance cost is low (2 points).
  • Intelligence - average (3 points).
  • Security qualities - low (1 point).
  • Health - average (3 points).

The dog practically does not shed, so it can be kept even in a small apartment. Allergy to wool occurs extremely rarely in people.

Features of care and maintenance

The Petit Brabançon breed is easy to care for; a set of standard hygiene procedures is enough for him:

  1. Check your ears once a week and clean them of wax with ZOO products.
  2. Regularly wipe your eyes from dust with chamomile decoction or drinking tea.
  3. Monitor the condition of your teeth. To prevent plaque and caries, treat the animal with cleansing treats and add an anti-plaque agent to the drinking water. Brush your teeth with ZOO toothpastes.
  4. Trim nails 2 times a month.
  5. Check paw pads for cuts and splinters.
  6. Brush 1-2 times a week with rubber brushes or combs with soft bristles. During molting, you can use a furminator.
  7. Wash 1-2 times a month or as needed. When washing, it is advisable to use special shampoos.
  8. At a temperature of -5C, walk in clothes.

As a pet, the breed is suitable for apartment keeping and owners of private houses. It will undoubtedly be better for her to frolic in the garden than to lie on the sofa all day.

Key facts

The Petit Brabançon, or Brabant Griffon, is a curious and sociable dog that is not characterized by groundless aggression. The pet is not vindictive, loves children, and since its intelligence corresponds to the level of development of a three-year-old child, this dog will be an excellent playmate. The characteristics of the Brussels Griffon breed also say that he is not jealous and accepts other animals in the family well.

The Brabant Griffon is very attached to the family and, in particular, to its owner, whose mood is easily read. He is always ready to console if the owner is upset and rejoices with him. This breed does not tolerate being transferred to another family or even being left in foster care very well. If possible, take your dog with you on your trip.

The description of the Petit Brabançon breed says that the dogs are easy to care for and have good health. These dogs love to be the center of attention and are great companions. The life expectancy of the Petit Brabançon is long and can reach up to 15 years.


Petit Brabançon is suitable for premium industrial food “for decorative and small breeds of dogs.” Its benefits lie in the balance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Some Petit Brabançons are quite picky about food and refuse dry food .

Preparing natural food is problematic. It must be of super high quality and always fresh. You will need to add a multivitamin. For anyone who is not too lazy to prepare it, we can recommend a set of the following ingredients:

  • cereals: rice and buckwheat;
  • meat: beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken breast;
  • vegetables: carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli;
  • fermented milk products with low fat content;
  • high quality by-products.

All other products are prohibited. Food from the human table is strictly prohibited. You cannot mix or alternate dry food and natural food. This can cause pancreatic disease!

How does it differ from the Belgian and Brussels Griffons?

The Petit Brabançon is often called the Brabant Griffon. Having common roots with griffons, it differs from them not only in its coat, but also in the elegance of its exterior.

Belgian Griffon: medium-length, hard coat, solid black or tan color.

Griffon Brussels: medium-length hard coat, solid red color.

All Griffons are characterized by shaggy eyebrows, mustaches and a long beard.

Unlike them, the Petit Brabançon is smooth-haired and does not have a beard or mustache. On his face is an elegant black “mask”. The color of the Brabançon coat can be the same as the above breeds or be red-wheaten.

How much does a smooth coated griffon cost?

The cost of a puppy depends on many factors (degree of thoroughbred, presence or absence of documents, prospects for further use at exhibitions, etc.). The average price of a Belgian Griffon ranges from 30,000 to 80,000 rubles. The cost of show-class Brabançons is 50,000 - 100,000 rubles (i.e., elite class, for participation in major exhibitions).

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