Norwich Terrier dog breed: characteristics of the breed, maintenance and care, reviews

Breed characteristics

Short description
Origin:Great Britain
Conditions of detention:In an apartment, in a house
Purpose:Hunting, pet
Color:Red; Black and Tan; Wheat; Black and gray
Wool length:Short to medium length (determined by body part)
Adult dog size:Height at the withers - 25 cm. Weight and gender differences are not established by the FCI standard.
Average life expectancy:14-16 years old
Walk:Twice a day
Physical activity needs:Moderate
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group No. 3 Terriers; No. 2 Small size terriers
Puppy price:30,000-65,000 rub.
Pet class – 30-40,000 rubles.

Breed class – 40-50,000 rubles.

Show class – 50-65,000 rubles.

Health and disease of Norwich Terriers

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by good health and resistance to colds. Proper housing conditions and a balanced diet will turn your Norwich Terrier into a small copy of the Terminator! Despite the dog’s excellent immunity, certain ailments are more common than others. These include epilepsy and various pathologies of the respiratory system. Often, Norwich Terriers suffer from brachycephalic syndrome, when a hypertrophied soft palate prevents free breathing.

Remember: routine vaccination is the key to your pet’s longevity! The first vaccination is given at 2 months of age, followed by revaccination after 3 weeks. At six months, the “Norwich” is vaccinated against rabies, not forgetting the complex vaccine against parainfluenza, plague, adenovirus and parvovirus. The latter involves revaccination once a year.

History of the origin of the species

In their homeland, these dogs were used by farmers for burrow hunting and protection from rodents . Rats, foxes, badgers and other small predators became his prey. Due to the nature of its use, selection was focused on obtaining a stocky, small dog with a decisive disposition. Bushy eyebrows protected the pets from lumps of earth getting into their eyes.

Information about Norfolk first appeared in the 19th century. Representatives of the breed were kept mainly by residents of the city of Norwich, Norfolk County.

Presumably, the following breeds were used to create such dogs: Dandie Dinmont, Glen of Imaal and Cairn Terrier.

Then in one litter there could be dogs with the same appearance, which had both erect and hanging ears. The breed was recognized in 1932, without division into separate species. It was only in 1964 that dogs with drooping ears received the name Norfolk and formed their own group, and dogs with erect ears began to be called Norwich.

What kind of owner does a griffon need?

The breed can be recommended to people who want to have a lively, energetic, fairly hardy dog ​​with whom they can both walk in the fresh air and have a pleasant conversation at home.

A Griffon can even be taken as a first dog. They are easy to care for and train, and their wonderful character is difficult to spoil.

Breeder's recommendation: It is better to take a male as a pet. The bitch goes into heat twice a year, and this creates certain inconveniences and restrictions.

Distinctive features

The FCI rules establish the following requirements for the exterior of dogs of this breed:

  • The head is strong, the skull is slightly rounded, wide, and goes into a wedge-shaped muzzle . The stop is well defined. The muzzle is one third shorter than the skull.
  • The bite is dense, only scissor-shaped. The teeth are quite large.
  • Eyes with an alert expression, rich brown or even black iris, oval in shape.
  • The neck is of moderate length but strong.
  • The ears are of normal size, in the shape of a triangle with a rounded tip. They hang along the skull, pressed to the cheekbones.
  • The tail is straight, normal length or docked. Quite thick, but tapers towards the tip.
  • Body with strong bones, compact body and straight back line. The ribs are well defined.
  • Legs are straight, with well-defined muscles. Dogs have wide, sloping shoulder blades and short forearms. The stifles are well defined and the hocks are low. Paws are round in shape.
  • The movements are creeping, accompanied by an elastic push of the hind legs. The front girdle of the limbs moves in a straight line from the shoulder. The hind legs follow in its wake.
  • The coat is hard and feels like wire. A short layer covers the head and ears, a long layer covers the neck and shoulders. There are “sideburns” and “eyebrows”.


The Ratler breed should not cause any particular trouble for the owner and require excesses in living conditions. These dogs can withstand various climatic conditions due to their hunting endurance.


Pets of this breed can be kept both in rural areas and in a house or apartment. Caring for Norwiches is quite easy. A dog can live quite tolerably in an apartment, provided it is given long walks outside. These animals are also attractive to many people due to their small size, since decorative terriers are easy to train to a tray or diaper. Despite the ability to train to a tray, the Norwich will need walking.

It will be useful for you to learn: about the characteristics of estrus in dogs, how dogs are mated, and also what inbreeding and crossbreeding in dogs are.

At the same time, maintaining rags in a village or private home looks quite attractive. Of course, walking your dog without any restrictions is a big plus, but there is also a small nuance.

The pet will have the opportunity to hunt whatever it catches up with - cats, hares, rats, snakes. A ratler without the necessary skills can even be harmed by a mole, not to mention cats. Rats can carry rabies and many dangerous infections. A dog's tendency to dig may allow it to wander off-site. Therefore, in rural areas, do not leave your pet unattended.


Taking care of a dog's fur is not such an easy task unless you are a professional. Norwiches are special in that their coat is constantly growing, and it itself is quite tough. Therefore, in addition to regular combing, you will need a grooming procedure in a special salon. A haircut is not necessary for this breed, however, if you want to maintain the beautiful appearance of your pet, as well as participate in exhibitions, you cannot do without a haircut.

Important! Since Rattlers have practically no shedding fur, they are convenient to keep in an apartment. This is especially important for people with allergies to dog hair.

Regular care for a dog's coarse coat also includes trimming. Trimming a Norwich Terrier involves plucking dead fur hairs in a dog salon according to a special pattern. Trimming is best left to a professional. Because he knows exactly the age of the fur by touch, and knows the anatomy of the animal well.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

Even though your dog's eyes and ears are not prone to disease, they still need to be examined and cleaned regularly. Watch especially for symptoms of plaque and strong-smelling discharge. If the dog is regularly walked and given the opportunity to run, the claws do not need to be trimmed separately, but are simply ground down. It is also worth remembering some nuances about the animal’s teeth.

Did you know? An incorrect bite can lead to damage to teeth that are not involved in chewing. Some problems can arise when a puppy's baby teeth are replaced with permanent teeth.

Watch for any unpleasant odor coming from your pet's mouth. This can be caused by several factors: poor diet, problems in the mouth and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In the first case, you will have to teach the dog to eat only good foods, in others, you need to contact a veterinarian.


It is recommended to bathe your pet not very often, although with this species (terriers) this is almost impossible. These active little urchins always strive to rummage in the ground, jump into swamps and mud, and search more often. In rainy weather, it is recommended to use water-repellent clothing for your pet instead of bathing. In summer and spring, instead of bathing, you can use special brushes to clean wool.


Rattlers need long walks accompanied by games. It will be great for your pet to walk for more than an hour during the day. A dog can also spend energy in an apartment due to its small size. But it’s still better to walk her outside.

You can play hide and seek with the Norwich, catch up, throw a ball or a stick.

It will also be useful to pay attention to the mental development of the animal. The more commands you learn with Rags, the higher his intelligence level will be.


This breed is unpretentious in nutrition. True, you also need to remember some subtleties. Thus, rags do not like pork, since this meat is poorly absorbed by their body. They need to be fed poultry, beef, vegetables and porridge. If you choose porridge for your pet, take: oatmeal, rolled oats, buckwheat. Among vegetables they prefer cabbage, potatoes and beets. Low-fat dairy products, kefir, and cottage cheese are also suitable.

Photo of an adult dog

Common diseases

There are no diseases specific to this breed. Ornamental griffons are susceptible to the same pathologies as other miniature pets and brachycephalics: dislocation of the kneecap, hip dysplasia, breathing problems, etc. The main “enemies” of the breed are eye diseases and difficult childbirth.

Griffons have bulging eyes, so they can be easily injured. Very often, irritation occurs due to long hair getting on the mucous membrane or improper eyelash growth. Interfering hairs need to be trimmed regularly. For other problems, you should contact your veterinarian.

Check your griffon regularly to make sure there is no fur in its eyes.

The Griffon is not a dog that can be safely left alone during childbirth. In 90% of cases, the pet fails to give birth to puppies on its own. It is highly recommended that you have your veterinarian come to your home so that he can perform a caesarean section if complications occur.

Griffons have a high mortality rate at an early age. This happens due to strict natural rejection: dogs suffer most diseases in childhood. For breeders this is a huge minus, but for buyers it is a significant plus. The likelihood of purchasing a healthy puppy increases.

Photos of puppies

Deviations from the standard and disqualifying features

Any deviation from the standard is interpreted in terms of its severity, so not all developmental defects are related to marriage. In cynology, there are such concepts as permissible deviations and defects that disqualify a breed.

Permissible deviations:

  • reddish color in color;
  • fused fingers;
  • dewclaws;
  • a small amount of white hair on the chest.

Signs that are absolutely not allowed in Belgian Griffons include:

  • cowardice, excessive timidity and aggressiveness;
  • lack of pigmentation on the nose;
  • sticking out tongue with closed mouth;
  • distortion of the lower jaw;
  • protruding beyond the lower upper jaw;
  • coat color different from that described in the standard;
  • White spots;
  • silky or curly coat;
  • high lift of the forelimbs;
  • short or kinked tail.

Features of character and behavior

Despite its small size, this dog is a real terrier. He is active, courageous and determined.


  • They are energetic, lively and playful dogs. They will be happy to accompany their owner on trips to nature and will appreciate active entertainment in the park. They easily find contact with children, who become good play partners for them.
  • Norfolk is patient and can tolerate not very careful attitude from kids, although it is better to protect him from such behavior.
  • Norfolk has a strong character, he will never cowardly retreat. Despite its small size, the dog will resolutely enter into a fight with a large dog or come to the defense of its owner if strangers encroach on him.
  • Norfolks lack aggression and are not excitable or hyperactive. At home, he is a fairly calm dog, balanced, affectionate and responsive.
  • He explores the space with curiosity, watches the family and demands his share of love. He is loyal to his owner and usually follows his commands.
  • He is good-natured towards strangers and can go after them if the owner is distracted.


  1. The hunting instinct does not always make it possible to live with other animals, especially small ones. The attitude towards cats can be lenient if they were raised together from childhood.
  2. Norfolks are also capable of bullying large dogs, especially of their own sex, while walking. Dogs of this breed can be jealous of other animals or strangers.
  3. If you miss training your dog at a young age, you can end up with a spoiled and unbalanced creature.
  4. The dog will often bark for no reason, ignore the owner’s demands, and spoil things. It is better to start training from the moment the baby appears in the house.
  5. The Norfolk is prone to digging, so it's a good idea to keep him on a leash or away from your neighbor's lawn.

Education and training

Since Norwich Terriers are capable of taking a leadership position in the “pack,” it is important to determine the rules of behavior from the first day the pet arrives in the house. First, set the boundaries of the territory where your pet is allowed to be. Do you think that a bedroom or a nursery is an unsuitable place for a dog? Let your Norwich Terrier understand that a closed door is a good reason to stop at the threshold and wait patiently for the owner.

It is important to instill good manners in your pet. During your walk, stop the slightest pursuit of cats or pigeons, and do not allow the terrier to jump on strangers (especially children). Ideally, a pet should not pay attention to passers-by: this will help to avoid accidental conflicts due to dirty paw prints on a stranger’s clothes or shoes.

There is no point in preventing a dog from communicating with its relatives: early socialization is important for representatives of this breed. You should choose only friendly dogs to be your pet's friends. In this case, the age and gender of the animals are unimportant.

It’s worth knowing: dog experts recommend walking the “Norwich” only in the company of burrowing terriers. These breeds are united by a characteristic feature - friendly biting on the face. Other dogs may perceive the “gesture” as a threat, so be prepared to stop the animal fight in a timely manner.

The Norwich Terrier is a breed with above average intelligence, so it is quite easy to train. During the learning process, you should be consistent and patient. A dog can be stubborn despite its desire to please its owner. Arouse your pet's interest in the new team - and training will go like clockwork! Motivate your terrier only in positive ways: treats or praise. Rudeness and cruelty will forever undermine the dog's trust in you.

The main problem of Norwich Terriers is responding to the owner’s call if the animal is passionate about something. A nickname is the last thing you should count on: the terrier will simply ignore it. If possible, do not move too far from your pet or use a leash regularly, especially near busy highways.

Norwich Terriers often participate in freestyle competitions, agility and other types of “dog” sports. In this case, the intervention of a professional trainer will be required. Regular training and encouragement for successfully performed tricks will turn your pet into a real champion!

Care and maintenance

The Norfolk Terrier does not require much care. The coat must be combed and trimmed. Due to the fact that dogs have floppy ears, a favorable microclimate is created inside the shell for the development of inflammation. Also, under such conditions, it is easy to miss the appearance of a tick. Therefore, ears need to be examined at least once a week, and also done immediately after visiting the parks.

The claws usually grind down on their own, but it is better to have them inspected monthly and trimmed if necessary. Eyes need to be checked once a week, and if inflammation occurs, rinse with chamomile infusion.


The nutrition of Norfolk Terriers can be natural or organized with the help of professional food. The only rule is not to overfeed the dog and dose treats . This breed loves to eat, so it tends to gain excess weight.

Considering the Norfolk's tendency to allergies, you should avoid foods that are dangerous for your pet; all new ingredients should be included in the diet little by little and the reaction should be monitored.

If the choice is made in favor of professional food, then it is better to buy brands of at least premium class, and ideally, holistic. High-quality ingredients are used for their production, and they contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The choice of a specific brand depends on the pet’s taste preferences and the state of its health and coat after eating the food.

A natural way of eating involves feeding lean meats, offal, and cereals. Vegetables, unsweetened fruits, fermented milk products, sea fish, eggs will be useful. You should avoid eating bones, fatty, smoked, spicy foods, chocolate, as well as options containing excess salt.

The frequency of meals is determined by age. Adult Norfolk dogs are fed 2 times a day, and puppies are fed according to the following scheme:

  • 2-4 months – 5-6 times a day;
  • 4-6 months - the daily norm is divided into 4 doses;
  • 6-10 months - three times a day.

We recommend that you read a detailed article on the topic: “How and what to feed a dog: types and characteristics of nutrition.”


Pets of this breed have some health problems. Mandatory vaccination is required.


Vaccination with special vaccines is designed to organize immune protection against major diseases characteristic of dogs. Such problems include:

  1. plague;
  2. coronavirus;
  3. parainfluenza;
  4. trichophytosis;
  5. hepatitis;
  6. rabies;
  7. leptospirosis;
  8. parvovirus enteritis.

Vaccination is carried out at 8-9 weeks in puppies, then repeated at 3 months , and subsequently it is carried out once a year . Proper preparation includes giving anthelmintic medications a week before vaccination and monitoring the pet’s health. You cannot vaccinate an animal with a fever or other signs of illness.

For puppies, after vaccination, quarantine must be established for 2 weeks . At this time, children should not go outside or communicate with their relatives. It is also necessary to monitor the dog’s health. If the little Norfolk becomes lethargic, inactive, and his body temperature rises, then you need to contact a veterinarian for help.

Important article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about dog vaccinations.”


Norfolk Terriers have some health problems. Typical diseases of the breed include:

  • Epilepsy is a congenital problem of cerebral circulation, manifested in periodic seizures.
  • Demodicosis is a parasitic disease in which the pathogen lives under the skin, causing persistent itching and hair loss.
  • Cataract is a violation of the transparency of the lens, due to which the surface appears bluish and cloudy. Leads to decreased or loss of vision.
  • Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that leads to destruction of its tissue.
  • Corneal ulcer – destruction of the epithelial layer of the ocular surface.
  • Cryptorchidism is a genetic abnormality in which the testes in males do not descend to the designated place.
  • Polydentia is the simultaneous presence of primary and molar teeth.
  • Monorchidism is the absence of a testicle on one side of the male.
  • Tumors.
  • Cardiovascular problems.
  • Respiratory diseases , including aerobic insufficiency.
  • Skin irritations, allergies.


This is a moderately active dog. She needs at least 2 full walks of 30 minutes a day . You can spend time outside playing frisbee, ball, or searching for hidden objects.

Due to the developed hunting instinct and the tendency to organize provocations of other dogs, it is better to keep your pet on a leash while walking, and release it only after unquestioningly practicing the basic commands. It is also worth avoiding flower beds and lawns; the Norfolk may try to find “hidden” prey in the ground.

Read a useful article on the topic: “Dog walking law, what you need to know about prohibitions and fines.”


The coat of pets of this breed requires combing with a metal comb 1-2 times a week. It is often undesirable to bathe it; it is better to wipe it with a damp cloth or rinse with water without shampoo.

Norfolk also needs trimming . For pets it is done twice a year, for show dogs much more often. You can determine the need for this procedure by grabbing a tuft of hair with your fingers and pulling. If the hairs need trimming, they will be easily removed.

The exhibition category of dogs requires trimming that is not too short, but carried out in accordance with all the rules. Treatment varies depending on coat texture and color. Grooming of show dogs is not allowed, because... it leads to poor wool growth, softening and thinness.

Norwich Terrier personality

Representatives of the breed have long earned the love of dog breeders due to their friendly nature. These brave kids know how to stand up for themselves, but rarely get into a “squabble” with their relatives. Norwich Terriers are sociable animals, and therefore need the presence of their owner. Of course, the dog will get used to the work schedule, but putting up with constant absence is a no-no! The terrier will certainly bark protractedly, so be prepared to talk with disgruntled neighbors.

“Norwich” have an amazing sense of the weather in their home and lighten the atmosphere with a funny prank at the right time. Dogs love all family members equally, but they treat their owner with special reverence. Respect for a terrier is not easy to achieve for those with a gentle character, so the breed is suitable only for those dog breeders who can easily take the position of leader in an impromptu pack. The Norwich Terrier is able to distinguish between the intonation and mood of the owner, so it will not create trouble for a person with extensive experience in keeping dogs.

The protective qualities of the breed are still in doubt. On the one hand, little rat catchers are very vigilant and love to bark in response to extraneous sounds. On the other hand, this kind of foresight is “broken” by the friendly disposition of the animal. A terrier would rather wag its tail with joy than charge at a stranger. You shouldn’t expect the dog to frantically guard property: some Norwich Terriers are ready to turn a blind eye to the machinations of a thief in response to affection or a tasty treat. Training with an experienced dog handler will improve the situation, but this terrier still cannot be made into an excellent watchdog. If guarding qualities are important to you, pay attention to other breeds: Giant Schnauzer, Doberman Pinscher or Boxer.

The Norwich Terrier's playful spirit is the main reason why these dogs feel comfortable in families with children. The older the child, the better: the animal will not tolerate disrespectful treatment. The pet will not bare its fangs in response to a random poke, but it will not continue the fun game with its little friend.

Representatives of the breed do not object to four-legged neighbors. Terriers are tolerant of dogs, but they will tolerate the company of cats only if there is no reason for jealousy. It is better to avoid the company of decorative rodents and birds: the hunting instincts of Norwich Terriers do not obey even the strict orders of the owner. Isolation and punishment will also not have the desired effect. The dog will start a real hunt that will end in success - but, unfortunately, not for your little friend.

Please note: Norwich Terriers tend to exaggerate their importance. This feature is fraught with regular clashes between male dogs and larger relatives. If the intervention of a professional dog handler does not help, you should resort to extreme measures: castration (relevant for non-working males).

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their mobility. Rare walks and lack of physical activity are a direct path to damaged furniture and other destructive entertainment for the Norwich Terrier. Keep your pet busy chasing a ball or frisbee, searching for hidden objects, or navigating an obstacle course. The terrier will happily throw out the pent-up energy and will not bother you with his whims during the rest of the evening.


It is better to plan a meeting of future parents when they reach 2 years of age. Both must have a pedigree and sufficient achievements in exhibitions; only compliance with these factors will guarantee the production of healthy offspring that meet the requirements for the breed.

You can find a pair for your pet at an exhibition, having met the breeder of the candidate you are interested in, or at a kennel club where Norfolk is registered. Before introducing the future parents, it is necessary to carry out deworming and trim their nails.

The dogs are not fed before the meeting, but are given a good walk. Acquaintance is carried out on the territory of the male, where he feels comfortable and can organize courtship of the female. Re-mating is carried out every other day, sometimes a third meeting is organized after the same period of time.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Cutie looks attentively

Photo 2. Norwich mother and puppies

Photo 3. Norwich after haircut

Photo 4. Well-fed terrier resting

Photo 5. Saffron milk cap on the grass

Photo 6. Norwich walking in the snow

Key points in training

Norfolk Terriers are quite smart and can easily learn commands. However, they are often distracted by external stimuli and show stubbornness or cunning. Following commands is not intended to earn praise, but rather to get a treat or play. Therefore, consistency and patience are necessary in education and training.

The dog will not appreciate rudeness and the use of force; it is better to build training in the form of a game, encouraging the execution of commands with treats.

It is better to select a variety of exercises so that your pet does not get bored with them, and also to limit the time spent practicing one command to a short period of time.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”


Brussels Griffons are not particularly healthy; their life expectancy is 12-14 years. They have a predisposition to certain diseases. As a rule, pathologies of the organs of vision are especially common among them. Griffons are susceptible to the following diseases:

  • cataract;
  • narrowing of the nostrils;
  • eyelash growth;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • prolapse of the eyeball;
  • hydrocephalus.

Another feature of the breed is difficult childbirth, often ending in caesarean section.

How to choose a puppy

Kids of this breed should be very active, but balanced. When meeting representatives of the litter, it is worth attracting the attention of the puppies and assessing their behavior. A suitable pet should not be afraid, hide among others, or show aggression or excessive excitability.

A Norfolk baby must have a registered certificate of origin, as well as a veterinary passport, which indicates the vaccinations and dewormings performed. He cannot have discharge from the eyes, matted hairs, or skin irritations. It is worth considering that a baby’s fur is softer than that of an adult dog. His parents must have pedigree and exhibition achievements.

To buy a suitable pet, you should contact a specialized breed nursery. Only healthy dogs with a pedigree can guarantee the origin of the puppy, its health and conformity to the exterior.

A pet bought secondhand can grow into a dog that is not even remotely similar to a Norfolk.

Brussels Griffon - reviews

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I dreamed of a dog for a long time, and finally decided. The long days of choosing a breed have arrived. It was important to me

  • dog size (since I was a student and studied in another city)
  • unpretentiousness in care (I was not ready to spend money on caring for the Yorkshire terrier’s coat)
  • breed suitable for beginners (first dog)
  • friendly character
  • lack of predisposition to hereditary diseases
  • "not fragility" of a dog

While looking through advertisements for the sale of puppies, I came across the outlandish Griffon breed. By that time, I had not seen dogs of this breed in person. After reading information about the breed on the Internet, I made a choice, because the Griffon was ideal for me.

So I had Rory - a friend, a child, a companion. Mom said he was scary when she first saw him. And now he visits him more often than me.

I digress, about character and habits a little later, but for now about the characteristics of Rory by which I looked for him and how applicable they were to him:

  • Size: he is almost 7 years old and weighs 5 kg. Traveling by car or bus goes well; many passengers do not immediately realize that there is a dog in the cabin. Rory falls asleep on his lap or quietly munches on treats. There are no problems on the train either.
  • Unpretentiousness in care: the only specific care is combing the beard and trimming. After moving to the village, I cut Rory’s hair using a clipper for people’s hair growth, which is a good alternative to trimming.
  • The breed is suitable for beginners.
  • Friendly character. He has never bitten anyone (seriously). Loves children. My friends, although more correctly than ours, he remembers and experiences an indescribable feeling of joy when meeting them, sometimes he does not want to leave them, forcing them to stay longer.
  • No tendency to hereditary diseases. I only partially agree, since Rory has food allergies. And he tolerates hot weather much worse than other dogs, I think due to the lack of a nose (brachycephalic).
  • Not the dog's fragility. Griffons have a wide chest, but the body is proportional. He looks more like a puppy than a small, fragile dog.

Other features identified after meeting:

  • He snores when he sleeps, grunts when he sniffs - not always, but often. Sometimes he grunts to get attention.
  • Recognizes one owner: won't go for a long walk with mom or husband if I'm at home, only to the toilet and home.
  • A wonderful actor and ladies' man.
  • Silent. Doesn’t bark or howl just like that, only if there’s a knock on the door or doesn’t like something (for some reason he doesn’t like a head of cabbage)
  • Not a coward, he considers himself a big dog.
  • More human than dog. Does not rely on smell, recognizes people by face and sometimes clothing (once he confused my mother with a similarly dressed woman)
  • When I was a puppy, I was confused with a monkey.
  • Excellent memory, including for those who offended.
  • Learning ability: still learning something new
  • Heat-loving (will prefer the floor next to the heater to his bed)
  • In Siberia you will need clothes and shoes. Sun cap in summer, down jacket and boots in winter.
  • Communicative.
  • Suitable for people of different ages and rhythms of life. Except for being too active (Rory loves to run, but hates jogging).

The Griffon is a dog with a sense of self-esteem that will adapt to your rhythm of life and will follow you everywhere. He will be happy just to have you around.

Sometimes he looks like a toy with shiny button eyes, asking to be held at the end of a long walk. Sometimes like a brownie with tousled hair, begging for a tidbit. Sometimes like a lion protecting you from a suspicious person.

This is all later, because most likely when you see him for the first time you will think he is “scary”, and then he will win your heart.


So we have this charming dunce.

Our guy is smart, it feels like sometimes he understands more than he needs to. My husband and I try not to say certain things in front of him)).. At the new place, I immediately realized where to go to the toilet, that you can’t climb on the bed (although it happens sometimes). On the street he tries not to go far, but for now he runs away in euphoria to meet other dogs (we are trying to train him to respond to the owner’s call). And when he deigns to come running in response to an angry cry, he asks for forgiveness and spins around his legs with his tail between his legs.

He's not picky about food, but we don't indulge either. If he doesn’t eat, it means he doesn’t want to.

Ours is not particularly tame, he loves to be close to his owner, but he won’t sit in his arms for long, and he may not go to strangers at all. But at the same time, if he is picked up out of necessity (as he feels), for example, to the bus or to cross the road or dirty, then he sits calmly in his arms. In principle, we did not take a kitten, so that suits us.

Not for small children. He loves to play and be naughty. But he won’t allow himself to be squeezed like a toy.

It’s convenient in winter, when he curls up near his feet and warms him with the warmth of his body)) and in summer he just lies next to him, spreading his legs like a frog.

Almost does not shed, if you comb him for 10 minutes at least once every 1-2 weeks, then there will be no hair at all. There is no smell from them. Ours still smells like milk (6 months).

Ours is frozen, but I don’t consider this a particular drawback, because... This does not appear during an active walk. And if you stand still, then everyone can freeze.

Will not leave anyone indifferent))


I've never had a dog. Only in childhood did my parents have a dogess. Very beautiful and smart, but more on that later.... About 3-4 years ago, a boom in small-sized dogs began. As a “fashionable” girl, I really wanted such a miracle for myself. I thought about it for a long time, and recently (a year ago) a female friend gave birth to a puppy. They called and asked if I needed a certain griffon. Without even knowing what breed it was, she said: Yes. Let's go and pick it up. I was as big as a palm. I hoped. that he will be like this))) But, now he is a year old and he has become very big. One and a half times more than mother and sisters. From here the conclusion is that the cables are much larger... The dog is very gluttonous, but does not eat EVERYTHING. Very picky. He always eats meat, doesn’t accept soups at all (even with meat), doesn’t eat porridge or anything like that. Loves cucumbers and fruits (almost everything). Walking around big and small was taught to walk outside quite quickly. The little one went to the patch (since it was winter, we didn’t go outside with him for a long time). They took me out once. so he immediately caught a cold. We decided not to take any more risks. In general, he is a quick learner. One might say, he understands perfectly. Looks into the mouth. Walks on his heels like a tail. You can't be at home alone. That's why they gave him a cat as a child as a friend. He still can't get used to it. But the cat thinks it’s mom. Very loyal, always there. Jealous. Although he quickly gets used to other people. Barks at people selectively. I like it, I don’t like it. He can run after what he likes). My griffon's name is Theo. And I love him very much, no matter what (even that he is not small at all :)) It is impossible to imagine a better friend. Attaching photo.


Brussels Griffon dog named Chip.

When the question arose about choosing a breed, it was necessary to choose a reliable friend for a 3-year-old little girl, so we settled on the Griffon. This is an affectionate, kind, sweet dog! Wouldn't hurt a fly! He gets along well with the child and with all family members. Chip is still a puppy; in May 2016 he will turn one year old.

The dog is obedient, from the first days he waits and endures until walking. Very smart, understands even the owner’s gaze, captures the mood. Since childhood he has been accustomed to dry food, but he loves to eat tasty things (meat, carrots, apples, cereals). True, when introducing a new food (we introduce a new product, gradually (once a week), it becomes weak, loose stools appear. Therefore, we try to give only special foods and those that are more expensive.

The dog needs to be cut periodically. Griffons are being trimmed. And once every two months a hygienic haircut is done: nails are trimmed, ears and teeth are cleaned more often. In summer and during tick season, we treat the dog with a special spray rubbed into the skin. This is reliable protection against all parasites.

These dogs do not shed at all and do not leave their fur on clothes or furniture. This is one of the breeds to which there are no allergies, which is very important, because a small child is constantly in contact with a dog.

Chip is our favorite and family member, our daughter treats him very kindly - like a little brother


Not long ago I lost the love of my wonderful sweet and best dog in the Archibald...he was a Pekingese...

the emptiness in my soul was simply incredible...

I wanted to fill it somehow... half a year has passed since his death... and something else was simply needed….something completely new…different…. I wanted the same emotions... I wanted the same dog...

I automatically searched for advertisements with Pekingese dogs for sale... roared... and looked again... for something close... something dear... and couldn’t find it...

and as they say - I saw THIS... This is a wonderful miracle... black with bulging eyes... little one... it was our Fenka...

We went to “have a look”….they just didn’t know what kind of breed it was, it’s not popular in our city….

the first impression was simply stunning - our Fenka’s mother... from Brussels... loved us so much... literally and figuratively... right from the doorstep... right off the bat... it's simply indescribable... it feels as if we live together and came home from work…. rushed at us with her joy... the owner took her to another room so that she would let us interact with the puppies...

the puppies are the same... three, 2 Brussels dogs and a Belgian, attacked us with their simplicity and spontaneity... licked, jumped, caressed... such weirdos... indescribable feeling... from this crazy energy...

By the way, we came to see the dog with our one-year-old daughter... the whole family...

so they rushed around us like 3 little tops.... giving their joy and friendliness...

At that moment I felt better...

My husband and I found what we wanted...

in the end, after 2 weeks they took our beauty... They chose the calmest...of the three...Belgian black and tan....our Fenka....

They brought her home... and then it began...

in still waters... there are devils.... this awl in the butt jumps like a mountain goat, carries everything, tears everything, gnaws everything... climbs everywhere, climbs on tables, steals from under your nose.....

I still don’t understand how, after my imposing Archibald, I could fall in love with this louse???!!!

She is so friendly, sweet, spontaneous, she loves my daughter so much... and my daughter loves her that I just don’t have a choice - I “have to” love her)))))

About the facts: - very intrusive, and without exaggeration - very loving and do not understand that not everyone is happy with them.

- absolutely harmless... I never saw any aggression from her.... to no one...

- super dogs for families with children - you can be 100% sure that your dog will never offend your child... he will tolerate pulling his ears, paws, tail, and kissing your child... he tolerates everything and is very sincerely loves….I have never met anything like this….

— active-super-active….

- very bouncy - mine climbs tables... without a twinge of conscience..

- very smart - naive, kind, but very smart...

- great in terms of care - no hair in the apartment...if trimmed on time....

- miniature - mine weighs 4 kg... but there are also larger ones...

- eats everything - pencils, children's toys, linoleum, upholstered furniture... flowers, apples - everything in a row

— they absolutely do not understand weight categories; they communicate with large breeds on equal terms, which makes them shocked….

- sleeps where it’s warm and nice - in the nightstand, on the table, pulls your things from the closet and lies down in them... will climb on your head and settle down….. the main thing is that you are nearby….

- she always loves you and does not remember insults - you can scold... 5 minutes will pass and she will love you very much again..... she will jump on her knees, climb on her shoulder, and will lick you.....


do not take this breed if you are not ready for the fact that you are loved very much, if you need a calm, balanced animal that will only come to you when you call... this is not about the Griffon...

don't take Griffon if you don't like animals...

do not take a griffon if you are not ready to wear it in winter - they get very cold...

do not adopt a griffon if you are not prepared to wash your beard every time after the dog eats…. she is very dirty... her whole face is dirty after eating...

don't get a griffon if you want a dog that doesn't bark - they bark! and very loud!

don’t take a griffon if you don’t like it when they jump on your lap when you’re not in the mood….they want communication, they are kind, sincere and naive…. they will be sad and not receive attention…. and it’s not their fault that you’re not that kind of person...

teach your children not to hurt animals... griffons are patient and will not harm them... but children are small and do not understand that they can hurt a dog...

Now my fenya is lying on my knees in a ball.....and I love her...even though she bothered me today...

She's a beauty to me)



companion dog, small, suitable for apartments


a lot of wool

Belgians are often confused with Brussels Griffons. In general, they all belong to the group of small Belgian dogs, which includes Brussels, Belgians and Petit Brabançons. In essence, their appearance is similar; they are small, stocky dogs with a strong body, a lively expression on their faces and very different characters. It is impossible to put all dogs under the same brush. The main difference between Belgian Griffons is the color of their coat. They, unlike the Brussels, have a dark color, even black, although tan marks are allowed - areas of red fur. Like the Brussels breed, they are required to have a haircut that emphasizes their appearance, with a mandatory beard and trimming. Our griffon has a black and tan color; the tan spots, by the way, sometimes grow red, and then after another haircut, black fur grows in their place. I have already said how many dogs, so many characters. Our dog's character is quite downtrodden, but we adopted him at the age of one and a half years from an owner who could not properly care for him. This dog is too thin and has long legs, which indicates a sedentary lifestyle and insufficient nutrition during the period of intensive growth. They need to move, especially girls (they tend to be overweight) and especially during the period of growth, because they have a rather square constitution, which is the key to future health and strong bones. In the photo of our dog, his ears and tail are undocked and he is overgrown, but you can see that he has very long paws. In principle, if the weather is bad outside, the griffon can do without a walk if he is accustomed to it. The dog is small, it doesn’t reach 5 kilos. Ours will certainly rush outside in any rain or snow, but we trained him in the house, no, no. You also need to monitor nutrition - any problems are reflected in the coat, and it is supposed to be smooth and shiny. These dogs are actually lively and friendly, but require attention. Our dog is shy and gibberish, to be honest. But he’s not a coward. If he considers it necessary to protect himself or his own, then he will rush at any opponent. He recognized only one owner and trusts only him; everyone else is subject to mistrust, even if they are constantly in the same house. And as soon as you leave for even a week, you become a stranger. Letting the owner go for a couple of days is a real disaster. This is the problem. Are there any problems with these dogs? Perhaps yes, but not much. First of all, wool. They will leave wool all over the house. Although these are dogs with hard hair that are trimmed, they still have a lot of hair, even though the dog is small. In general, this most often indicates some kind of problem, with health or with hair, if it falls out a lot, but the main thing is that the dog does not go bald. If everything is fine, then don't worry too much. It’s just that it won’t be very pleasant to clean up the wool. Snore. A nose turned inward and a short muzzle do not contribute to a different state of affairs. Sometimes there are problems with dewclaws on the front legs. There are owners or breeders who remove these toes completely; they don’t know how much this can be done if the dog is a show dog, but if they are present, the condition of the claws on them must be monitored. They are easily damaged, too. Sometimes these dogs have their tails and ears docked, and sometimes they don't. But in any case, if the ears are undocked, then they are semi-erect, and their condition must be monitored. Ears are a weak point for any dog. Would I get such a dog if it were not for chance? Perhaps I always liked her outwardly. But after we got her, I definitely won’t get a new griffon. Our griffon appeared by accident; the dog had to be rescued. This is a breed for those who fell in love with it once and for all.

Girl Morozzz

Good afternoon

What associations do you have with the word griffon? Personally, about 10 years ago, my eyes flashed to the creatures decorating the Bank Bridge in St. Petersburg, as well as chocolates from the Krupskaya factory

But it’s been 6 years since this association was replaced by another - a small restless dog with a harmful character, who settled in our apartment and changed our entire way of life, and two years ago she got the same friend

So... griffons can be roughly divided into three breeds

  1. The Belgian Griffon has a charming beard and medium-length, coarse hair. Color: black or black and tan
  2. Brussels Griffon - differs from the Belgian only in its color, namely wheaten, red, and may have a black mask on its face
  3. Petit Brabançon, also known as Petit Brabançon, is short-haired, beardless, but comes in all sorts of colors: black, black and tan, red

And also... just shh... there are griffons and Petit Brabançons of chocolate color, they are currently quite rare and not recognized (they are formalized by breeding marriage everywhere except the USA, England, Australia and Holland), but they are quite charming.

Griffons differ somewhat in size, some are larger, some are small...

On average, their height at the withers is 24-28 cm, and their weight is 3.5-6 kg

Before taking the first dog into the house, we chose a breed, we needed a small dog so that if something happened, she could run around the house. You must agree, a huge Great Dane in the Khrushchev-era building doesn’t move much, it’s quite smart and trainable, friendly and not noisy, you can guess how audible it is, a nice addition was that supposedly griffons do not shed much, as they require trimming

So, we have two girls living with us, meet me

This is Dusya Reiko’s documents ) - the eldest, this cute little devil weighs 5 kg, has been terrorizing me since the first days of our marriage (for 6 years), we took her as a little girl as soon as she was 1.5 months old. The color is standard black and tan, the body type is rectangular. But sheds too much

The girl is fearless, loves to eat, but doesn’t really like to obey, to find some disgusting disgusting tasty treat on the street and try to run away with it and hang herself before the owners take it away - this is sacred. He imagines himself as the main defender of the house and people from everyone and everything, namely, he resounds the entire entrance with an uncontrollable bark, hearing any rustle, he can quite easily throw himself at people on the street, but does not bite. After the appearance of the younger dog, she learned the skill “Check what’s on the table, if they don’t look at it, then you can eat.” At home, I have chosen an authority, it is not me, who defends me, including, in the end this “friendly” one rushes and periodically bites quite strongly. They didn’t lie about the intellect, the madam is smart, she knows the names of the toys, if you ask for something specific, she will bring it.

And this little monkey Lyalya (according to the passport U La Lya ) is our youngest dog, of an unusual chocolate and tan color, miniature size, weighs only 3 kg, although she is already “big”, she is 2.5 years old, and has a square build. Almost no shedding

This is a companion dog, if there is a person in the house, then what should he do? That's right, hold it in your arms, carry it around the apartment or take it to bed. Sweet harmlessness that doesn’t growl or bite people, I told people that if she doesn’t like something, she will bite the eldest. Quite timid, afraid to walk without a protector, does not pee in unfamiliar places, falls over on the road if she takes an unfamiliar route. At first she didn’t bark or look for “sweets” on the street, but the eldest taught her. There was a period when I tried to climb on the table (probably for a month, but this was enough for the eldest to study). She has the appearance of a “fool,” but she is quite smart, moderately obedient, and also loves to eat. Being too playful, he will poke the toy until he wins. And also a little cliptomaniac, she loves to steal into her house what she thinks you need, and at the same time she leaves with the loot in a businesslike run, but if you don’t pay attention, she will most often bring the treasure back. Unfortunately, she’s still a freezing creature, so she’s always crawling under the blanket, and in winter she walks around in a fashionable down jacket with boots

I'll show you the girls' sizes in comparison

A little winter walk

When the youngest is hiding, you have to look for her...

And this is a photo of the youngest at the groomer, so you can understand what the dog is like before and after trimming and what she thinks about you after that) (who doesn’t know, during trimming, the hair is removed from the roots, a kind of dog hair removal). We take the youngest one to the master, no hair in the house, a few hours and the dog is “ready”. The eldest undergoes these procedures at home, stretching out the pleasure for a couple of weeks

These are the bearded faces that live in our house... Think, maybe your house needs a griffon brownie?)

Well, since we’re talking about our beauties who love and sometimes hate walks, these are the helpers we have for this - wonderful tape measures from Flexi and inexpensive keychains-flashlights for collars

This is how we tried to deal with stress, panic and fear

And so they escaped on walks during the eldest’s heat (she has now been sterile for almost 2 years)


If you are in doubt about whether to get a dog or a cat, buy a griffon. This is a completely special breed, a cat dog. He will be happy to accompany you on walks, joyfully greet you at home, guard your apartment, and in the evenings...jump on your lap, cuddle with his whole body and hug with his paws. This is the most gentle breed I have ever encountered. Now I have a second griffosha living with me. I bought him at 3 months from a full family (the puppy’s parents were present at the screening and approved of my candidacy, everything was very intelligent). In one day, Mishutka got used to a diaper, played with my two-year-old daughter, and went to bed at night without any problems. A week later I plucked it, then we slowly began to go outside. Griffons tend to be very adaptable and feel at home anywhere. He really loves to walk, he is a sporty dog ​​and is not afraid of dogs at all, for some reason he has a special love for large breeds. Ideal for a family. He would never deliberately offend a child, but you have to watch his teeth and claws, he might get a little too playful. It is very easy to train, at 3 months in 2 days, practicing for 20 minutes, we learned the commands “sit”, “give me a paw, give me another”, “lie down”, “die”, “roll”, works with pleasure for a tasty treat. They choose one owner and faithfully look into his eyes, trying to always be there, but they also love the rest of the family. Mine, for example, greets her husband by laying her head on his leg. What is important is that dogs of this breed do not shed. My daughter and husband have allergies, there are no problems. These dogs are in excellent health. My pets are very good with cats. When my first griffon lived with me, we brought a kitten into the house. He even tried to feed him and became his mother. They always waited for our arrival, hugging each other in a chair. I can’t describe how touching it was! Nuances: my griffons love to steal things, especially gloves and socks. They hide them in secluded corners and pine over them, like Koschey over gold. They love to “make nests” from various rags and our things. Ideally, the dream is to sleep on a bed. Puppies can chew things, but this is common to all breeds. It is necessary to train him to remain alone in the room, otherwise the dog will become too annoying and will feel bad staying alone in the apartment. Completely dependent on the owner. Honestly, I love this breed so much! This is loyalty and a sea of ​​​​charm!



He's smart, even too smart; while he's a puppy, he's got all the positives, we'll see.


For me, there was a minus that I had to wash my butt after using the toilet for the first 2 weeks, I was not ready. And the dominant will most likely be very sexually active, requiring early sterilization.

I have more than 20 years of experience working with dogs. I was cautious about getting a dog, because before this the dog was a service dog and big, so it’s clear to me how to work with him. And here is a temperamental little thing. My opinion about small-fruited plants is extremely negative. And so Griffon showed up at my house, he was not even 2 months old, the first thing I encountered was problems with nutrition, I spent a year studying griffon websites, and there was written about a straight girl. But the veterinarian who gave the first vaccination recommended not to be clever, but to give him regular food, we have Proplan for babies. There is also frozen meat, in 20 gram balls, finely chopped. In general, after 4 weeks we still haven’t decided on nutrition. He eats little, I try not to feed him from the table. The dog is active and requires attention and contact. Despite his age, he tries to dominate the cat, and I punish him. You won’t be able to hide from him, the dog is amazingly smart, solves complex problems, for example, how to climb over an obstacle behind his mother, into the room, never gives up, at two months he was dragging a broom to stand on it and cross. So far he’s peeing everywhere, “diaper, no, I haven’t heard”, but so far I’m not really bothering him, in 3 weeks we’ll go outside. But until feeding reaches 2 times a day, you can’t expect the dog to shit for hours. I will update my review as I get older. What I'm afraid of is to ruin his psyche, then I spanked him, so he was offended for 2 hours, and spoiled him.


I love it for the fact that: It’s very funny. The pug is not just a dog, but a monkey For its affectionate character For obedience, just say to me, no dog will entice you For intelligence - it understands everything, without words, by looking at it Friendly, with dogs and people!! But without imposing it, until you remember, it won’t suit you (More interest in dogs) I don’t like it for: Picky eater, thinks 10 times before sniffing Too touchy (but easy-going) Follows everywhere, literally. On the street I go under a tree by myself, I'm calling. In the photo our shen is 10 months old, 2.9 kg

Reviews about the breed

  • Maria, St. Petersburg:

“We bought a Norfolk Terrier puppy 4 months ago. They wanted a small and active dog, but with a balanced character and good with children. We were not disappointed in the breed, our boy is excellent - cheerful, funny. When I come home, he immediately carries the ball, and if I wash the floor, he always helps. Ready to lick the kids when they come back from school.”

  • Sergey, Tomsk:

“I’m surprised why this breed is so rare in our country. The dog is trouble-free, does not require any care other than brushing (well, we also pluck in the fall and spring), and is smart. He even got along with the cat, although he barks at other dogs if they start getting to know each other too actively. We’re hanging out with a small group of other breeds; I’ve never met more Norfolks in the city.”

  • Anna, Krasnodar:

“We recently purchased a Norfolk boy. Before this, we read a lot about the breed, Max turned out to be exactly as described in the articles - friendly, affectionate, smart.

Sometimes he is stubborn or pretends not to hear, but we have learned to deal with it. He spends a great time outside playing with a ball, which he does not give away to other dogs. It is important to walk ahead of us, driving away other people’s animals.”

A small hunting dog originally from England has long turned into a friend and companion, although he has not lost his strong character and working abilities. This is a small, coarse-coated dog that is well suited to living in urban environments. Her active and friendly temperament is also suitable for families with children.

Pros and cons of the breed

Norfolk Terriers, like dogs of any other breed, have a lot of advantages and disadvantages, which are best studied before purchasing a dog.

Compact dimensionsThey love to dig
Charming appearanceJealous
Easy to trainMay leave with strangers
Loyal to the owner and his family membersOften bully other dogs while walking
Good-natured and cheerful characterDoes not get along well with cats and decorative rodents
They can live both in the city and outside itHigh price
Unpretentious in foodProne to overeating and gaining excess weight
Destroy rodent pests
Get along with children
Do not suffer from hereditary diseases

Good-natured and energetic Norfolk Terriers make wonderful companions for single owners, as well as best friends for children in large families. They do not require serious specific care - standard grooming procedures and extremely rare hair trimming are sufficient.

It is important to provide the dog with walks, games, and of course, surround him with love and care

Interesting facts about greyhounds

In English, the name of the breed sounds like Greyhound. It cannot be translated literally, but there is an opinion that the name means “gray greyhound”. Other experts claim that the name of the breed comes from the word “gazehound”, which means a dog that hunts using its sight.

Greyhounds are different from all existing hounds. They have a unique heart. It is very large in size. Additionally, dogs have the highest percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers of any breed. All these features make Greyhounds excellent runners. They were recognized as the fastest dogs in the world.

Despite their naturally strong immunity, endurance and great speed, greyhounds do not tolerate cold well. They can even shake when it rains. This is due to the fact that these dogs have a small percentage of subcutaneous fat and very short hair.

Greyhounds should not be walked without a leash. The animals have a well-developed hunting instinct. They may suddenly chase a cat, squirrel or any other animal. It will be difficult to catch up and find your pet later. Let him off leash only in a safe or fenced area.

Dogs of this breed need socialization. They need to be socialized from puppyhood. Otherwise, the dog will be afraid of strangers and have psychological difficulties adapting to new circumstances and terrain.

Many people are afraid to own Greyhounds because of their high energy levels. However, this is not quite true! Dogs of this breed need activity, but most of the day they prefer to sleep or just lie down. They can live peacefully even in a city apartment.


Since the recognition of the breed by the International Canine Organization FCI, griffins have been classified as small guard and companion dogs. Initially, Griffon dogs were bred to hunt barn and domestic rodents, mainly rats. Farmers took dogs with pleasure, since their hunting qualities significantly exceeded the dexterity and skills of cats.

Nowadays, the griffin is becoming a favorite of European drivers. The companion dog is officially recognized as a mascot by bus drivers in Brussels - the dog has proven itself so positively as a companion for road service employees.

Modern representatives of the breed have not lost the hunting qualities of their distant ancestors. Moreover, brave and energetic, with an active life position, positive in all respects, griffins are ready to protect their owner, his children and property until their last breath. The dog, however, will not bite the enemy, but will try to bite him strongly with his small sharp teeth.

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