East European Shepherd - history, standards, pros and cons, frequently asked questions

The East European Shepherd is a domestic breed, bred in the Soviet Union in the 30s of the 20th century. This breed is considered the pride of dog breeders in our country. Versatile service dogs have many advantages and are used for various types of service activities. At the same time, the breed is a companion breed and can serve as a family dog.

In this article we will tell you everything about the East European Shepherd, talk about the history of the breed, and get acquainted with the pros and cons of the dog (VEO). How long do East European Shepherds live, how to care for them, what character traits are inherent in this breed - the answers to all these questions are in our material.

History of the East European Shepherd breed

The history of the VEO breed closely echoes the history of our homeland. The birth of a new breed of service dogs took place on the basis of the Central Training and Experimental Kennel, created in the Soviet Union in 1924. Dog breeders had an important goal - to provide Soviet services with dogs that could work in all climatic zones of the country. These dogs were supposed to serve in the Central Asian deserts and in the tundra of the Arctic.

For selection, hardy, unpretentious dogs were selected that could easily tolerate acclimatization and have high performance characteristics. For further breeding work, both purebred dogs and mestizos fit for service were selected. Thus, German-Amur mestizos (Amur Laika and German Shepherd) worked on the creation of the East European Shepherd.

The first breed standard was adopted in September 1955. And in January 1964, a new revised edition of the “East European Shepherd Dog” standard was approved. Today the edition approved by the Presidium of SOKO RKF on March 18, 2020 is in effect.

Description of the East European Shepherd breed

The East European Shepherd is a dog of strong build, fairly tall, with pronounced protective characteristics, and an intelligent, expressive look. Externally, VEO resembles the breed whose representatives participated in the selection - the German shepherd. However, the two breeds have clear differences.

German Shepherd and Oriental - similarities and differences


  1. Both breeds are used as versatile working dogs and companion dogs.
  2. Highly developed learning abilities. Easy to remember commands.
  3. Strong muscular animals.
  4. Shape and size of the head.
  5. Eye shape and color.
  6. Neck size and shape.
  7. Size and shape of ears.
  8. Tail type and length.
  9. Type of coat.
  10. Types of colors.


  1. Back line. German Shepherd – at an angle (23°). VEO - straight.
  2. Limbs. The Eastern European is more massive and thicker than the German.
  3. Gait. VEO's is more sweeping and wider.
  4. Height at withers. German ones are lower. The height of the VEO bitch is equal to the height of the “German” male.
  5. Breast. For Eastern Europeans it is wider.
  6. Paws. The Easterners have them more powerful.
  7. The German Shepherd was bred in Germany, and the Eastern European in the USSR.
  8. The colors of VEO are more varied.
  9. VEO is not recognized by the FCI, the German Shepherd is recognized by the world community.
  10. Character. Germans are herding dogs. VEOs are natural guards.

The life expectancy of the German and East European Shepherd is approximately the same and ranges from 9 to 13 years. East European Shepherd puppies are usually larger than German babies.

Related article:

Names for German Shepherd boys' dogs are popular, interesting, fashionable. On our website there is a separate article about how to name a boy and a girl shepherd dog. How to choose the right name, name meanings, and so on.

Father Edu, mother Bine, son Abrek

Not only did a sea of ​​random and trophy dogs take part in the breeding, the quality of whose origin was simply impossible to trace, but the USSR Service Dog Breeding Federation also had a hand. Decrees were issued reducing “breeding requirements.” As a result of this “overlay,” defects in appearance, color, and characteristics of the nervous system were transmitted.

State nurseries helped volunteers as best they could by providing breeders for mating. In order to increase the number of amateur dog breeders, we have developed a system of exhibitions. But the main purpose of the regular introduction of four-legged animals into the world was to select the most thoroughbred representatives of the future “servicemen”. At the same time, they analyzed which manufacturers are better, where the combinational successes and failures lie.

The first Moscow exhibition was the one that delighted participants and spectators in 1925. A sensation was caused by the male Bodo von Teufelsfinkel, exported from Germany, 70 cm tall at the withers. A German specialist of the highest class, V. Katzmair, noted that the elite dog is the best of all producers. To obtain offspring, a number of excellent males with exquisite “baronial” nicknames were selected. The first Soviet line of shepherd dogs was headed by a male with a more down-to-earth name - Abrek - the son of Edu von Geisengoff and his partner Bine von Brigoff. In other variations, none of them succeeded in producing special puppies.

Breed standard VEO

In relation to these shepherd dogs, you must be guided by the breed standard approved by the RKF. The East European Shepherd is still not recognized by the FCI.

According to the RKF breed standard:

  • Body type. Sturdy with a rectangular silhouette. Muscular.
  • Rib cage. Developed, oval in shape. Deep and long.
  • Back. Straight. Long. Strongly built. With developed muscles.
  • Limbs. The front ones are straight and parallel, set moderately wide. The hindquarters are strong, muscular, with dry, strong hocks.
  • Paws. Arched. The shape is oval. Collected into a ball. With dark pads and claws.
  • Gait. Trot with free sweeping movements. The push is strong. Movements are efficient and balanced.
  • Neck. Located at an angle of 45°. Dry. Muscular and strong.
  • Head. Wedge shaped. Dry. Volumetric. Proportional to the size of the body.
  • Muzzle. Wedge-shaped, tapering towards the nose. Not pointed. The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to half the head.
  • Nose. With a wide straight back. A slight hump is allowed. The lobe is large, black in color.
  • Bite. Scissor-shaped. The jaws are well developed. The teeth are white, large, densely spaced.
  • Ears. The shape is an isosceles triangle. Highly placed. Standing. Medium size.
  • Eyes. Almond shaped. Slanted. Size – medium. Color – dark brown. With dry, tight-fitting black eyelids. The expression of the eyes is intelligent, attentive.
  • Tail. Saber-shaped covered with thick fur along its entire length. Continues the top line. Length to the hock joint or below. When excited, the dog may rise and remain tense.
  • Coat. With a well-developed thick and soft undercoat. The guard hair is straight, thick, moderately coarse. Fits snugly. Length – average.
  • VEO color. Black, black and tan, black-backed, zone-gray, zone-red.
  • Growth of VEO . Height at withers: male – 67-72 cm; female VEO – 62-68 cm.
  • How much does it weigh. The weight of VEO dogs is not established by the standard. On average, males weigh 35-60 kg; females – 30-50 kg.
  • How long does an East European Shepherd live? The life expectancy of dogs of this breed is 10-13 years.

Appearance and characteristics of the breed

VEO (short name) is a large, rather massive animal. According to the breed standard, a typical representative should be above average height, strong build, with well-developed muscles. Let's add to this an attentive look, an impressive head size, strong jaws and a strong character.

As for the characteristics of East European Shepherds, first of all, this is their character. A true servant has thoughtfulness, courage, poise, a willingness to continually learn, and self-confidence.

The second feature is that modern VEOs, unfortunately, are getting worse and worse. Instead of brave, self-confident dogs, you often come across viciously cowardly representatives of the breed that do not at all fit the description of the standard. Such dogs can only show off in the rings, but in real life living together with them is very problematic.

Such individuals appear because during breeding attention is paid to the exterior, and working qualities practically disappear.

The third point is that real representatives of the breed are very patient, they have high intelligence and a willingness to work in any conditions.

The fourth feature is the voice. Most dogs have a rich, thick bass voice, which, combined with their appearance, looks intimidating.

Characteristics of the East European Shepherd breed

We need to start talking about the character of VEO with the fact that it is, first and foremost, a guard dog. She was specially and systematically bred for work activities, selecting individuals with good performance characteristics. You should not forget about this when getting a pet of this breed. Watchdogs sensitively guard their assigned territory and always warn their owners about the approach of an intruder. They fearlessly rush to protect their family, fight to the last, protecting their owner.

But the character of the East European Shepherd is not limited only to watchdog and security qualities. These are loyal friends, smart dogs, affectionate and gentle with all members of their family. Dogs are wary and distrustful of strangers, but they understand very well which of the house guests is dearer and closer to the owners. And they behave accordingly. Dogs will be attentive and wary with simple friends and acquaintances, and friendly with close relatives.

The dog needs to be raised together with children so that the East European Shepherd puppy from a very early age becomes firmly attached to them and considers them his friends. With proper upbringing and early socialization, Orientals get along well with younger family members, enjoy playing with teenagers, and babysitting babies. VEOs can make family companion dogs, but this will require their training and development of obedience skills.

Another feature in the characteristics of the East European Shepherd is that males of this breed do not fight with the owner for the status of alpha male. This is a nice bonus of the VEO breed. If dogs are raised correctly, they easily get used to the status of a companion and give the reins to the owner. These shepherds consider men to be the leaders of the pack; they treat women with respect and believe that they should also be obeyed. It is important to assign roles and explain them to the puppy as soon as he appears in the house.

Compared to German Shepherds, Eastern Europeans have a more seasoned character. They are good-natured towards children and do not harm the pets with whom they grow up. But you need to be careful while walking - VEOs tend to chase other animals. A pet can lash out at its relatives, stray and neighbor cats.

Important: never slap the owner of the VEO in a friendly manner, the dog may regard this as an attack and will take action.

East European Shepherd (VEO) - reviews

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The breed itself, the character.


There is none of them.

In this review I will tell you about mine and my grandparents VEO. We will mainly talk about my Rex, but we will also talk about the breed. For a little over a month now, the puppy VEO has been living with my grandparents at their dacha. His name is Rex. We took the puppy from the breeders. When they brought him to the dacha, they immediately fed him. The breeders fed natural food. Rex is a dog with character: -on the first day he began to play and hunt for slippers; - sniffs everything; - plays pranks; -whines in the absence of owners; - a biting dog. On the Internet it is written: “VEOs are very playful and amenable to training.” And indeed, it showed. And here are our successes: - second day at home - responds to his name. - fifth day at home - mastered the commands “Come to me” and “Ugh!” He lives in an enclosure, he has a lot of things: - a bed; - bowls for food and water; -food; - toy (bone); -leash; - medicine for worms; - comb for dogs; -dog shampoo. They say that VEO's ears stand up to 4 months. Our Rex got up at 2.5. Rex is very funny, wonderful, I adore him and this breed! I recommend!!!




there is no creature more loyal


smell and fur

This is a working breed. loyal to only one owner. I personally prefer girls. they are more loyal. This breed learns quickly. excellent nanny for children. The security is also wow. I generally love large breeds. I like it just to do training.



Hi all!

We took our friend from breeders, titled parents and good characteristics!

As a child, I even tried to chew my shoes and dig (by the way, I never stopped digging holes in the yard) - but I succumbed to training very easily and literally the first time I realized what not to do!)

The dog of this breed is very smart and non-conflicting. Loves children - and tolerates all children's games. But he will put other dogs in their place if desired)

He loves winter very much - he sleeps in the snow, and only climbs into the kennel when it is very negative (about 25-30 degrees). In the summer, it often finds a place for itself under a thuja or under other decorative conifers, where it is cooler.

In general, I don’t know of a more wonderful and smarter dog) But of course, it is not recommended to keep such a dog in a cramped apartment - it needs its own yard




An intelligent, versatile, loyal dog.


Large dimensions are not very suitable for an apartment.

Hi all! I want to share my opinion about the East European Shepherd dog breed. A dog of this breed guarded my parents’ house for 15 years! Dogs of this breed are very smart and easy to train. She can be a guide dog, serve in the police, guard prisoners, be a companion dog, is loyal to all family members, is infinitely devoted to her owner, treats children well, but is distrustful of strangers. For those who want to bring this breed of dog into an apartment, I would not recommend taking it; you will have too much hair, plus an unpleasant dog smell, and the dimensions of this dog are not small. So if you live in a private home and need a guard (a versatile four-legged friend) then this breed is for you.



I was given a 2 week old puppy VEO when I was 12 years old. By that time, I was a “walking encyclopedia” on raising and training dogs; the topic of dogs was incredibly interesting to me. I’ll say right away that at that time we lived in a village, that is, there is a plot of land next to the house. Of course, for the first month I kept my baby at home... I must say that he behaved very intelligently, he didn’t tear wallpaper or slippers, didn’t whine, so calmly and importantly watched from the side what was going on around him)) Then they built an enclosure for Rexik, a wooden one, There are, as it were, 2 sections inside: a small one, where there is a dog house, and a second one - just space for the dog to walk around the enclosure, where his bowls and cups were, and a leash and muzzle hung. At first, to get the dog used to it, I left him for an hour, then more... eventually he got used to it and stopped whining. As for training and education... you need to start EDUCATION (namely, the formation of an adequate attitude in the dog directly towards you, other people, dogs and animals) IMMEDIATELY. Then it will be much harder to do it. And I started training when he was 2 months old, when Rex got a little stronger and was able to focus his attention on commands. Our learning process lasted until he was a year old... we started with the simplest: give paw, sit, lie down, voice, then a command nearby, then a snake, wait, fetch, search for objects by smell, search for a person by smell, barrier, well... fas:))) I must say, the dog learns with great interest and attention, masters almost everything the first or second time... for us, the difficulty was finding a person. I would also like to warn you: I advise you to start learning how to take hurdles after 7-8 months, when the joints and ligaments become stronger. I had just such a mistake, he was 5 months old and jumped over a small obstacle, but got caught with his paw and ended up getting dislocated ((As for the dog’s disposition..VEOs are different from the Germans in that they are calmer and more balanced, but, again, training and upbringing decide a lot. Mine is absolutely loyal to people, with other dogs he is quite friendly and playful, although he hates cats... but this is normal for a dog)) About walks: no matter how friendly your dog is, ALWAYS wear a muzzle!! !My Rex has a leather one, he’s already used to it, he doesn’t try to take it off... This is what I’m saying: imagine a huge dog walking calmly down the street, albeit on a leash. People are afraid. Therefore, at least for the sake of respect for others, accustom your dog to a muzzle. Now my Rexik is already 10 years old. He is no longer so playful and energetic, he gets tired quickly, but for me he is the best dog, a reliable friend who brings joy)) I remember him with great warmth and nostalgia as a puppy, because then our friendship was just beginning) Who is ready to devote time, effort, give a piece of your heart to this wonderful dog, I advise you to buy it! PS I apologize for the photos, others were left on the old computer.

lilis 82






Very loyal, beautiful, noble, etc. They are easy to train, which is why they serve in the police. Security qualities are very developed. He has been living with me for 9 years (Spartak).




Loyal, the best guards, quickly pick up training


love to chew shoes

I can tell you a lot of interesting things about this breed, they are very loyal and intelligent dogs, they can be trained very quickly, they are good guards and friends for children, they are not fussy about food. I have a 5-year-old female, the joy of our family.



Are you going through a difficult period in your life?

Has your loved one abandoned you or has your life just become dull?

Or maybe you just decided to get yourself a four-legged friend?

Then VEO is definitely for you.

  1. These shepherds have medium length hair
  2. It does not require special care; it is enough to brush the coat periodically.
  3. They are easy to train.
  4. Excellent guards.
  5. They are good with children and other dogs.

Daisy came to me 13 and a half years ago.

As a puppy she found herself on a rough street.

One day I was walking through a dacha area and heard a squeak.

She sat in the chimney and howled pitifully, I immediately fell in love with this miracle.

We immediately went to the vet. clinic, and half an hour later we found out that this little miracle was a thoroughbred.

I never doubted my actions.

I recommend this breed to everyone, they are truly wonderful and loyal dogs.

For us they are a period in life, and for them we are their whole life.

Don't forget: A dog is man's best friend.❤



I won’t recommend it yet, may my dog ​​forgive me. My husband and I bought it because it was our dream. Let me tell you right away, we live in an apartment. And I ask everyone who lives in apartments to pay attention - DO NOT have large dogs in small rooms. This is our big mistake. He feels cramped and constantly receives from us. (No, we don’t hit!)

Firstly, if I had known that this was such a sick breed before it was a year old, I would not have gotten him. Constant joint problems. Legs, weak point up to a year. Just waste on vitamins and medications. Plus the food was homemade, there were no vitamins. I had to give him vitamins. They are in the price category from 1200 rubles.

Secondly, this is just a terrible habit of collecting everything that is on the street, including feces. Other dogs walk with us, even a homeless one alone, and none of them do this. They bought not just a muzzle, but a net that compresses his mouth.

I admired this breed so much from the outside. But if I knew all the nuances, I don’t think I would have bought it.

Now he is 6 months old. Our veterinarian says that after a year he will change.




Appearance, loyalty, ears


Very very angry

Let's start with the fact that we have had this dog for a long time, when he was little, he was brought as a puppy, when his ears were not even standing yet, and he was afraid of everything, but for such a breed of East European Shepherd this is not critical, because they grow quickly, and the most the main thing is that training is also very good and fast, I personally have a cable, and there were no problems with this, I can also note the fact that he is very angry) he does not let other people near him, and barks at them, perhaps this depends on his upbringing, but In our family he is very kind and cheerful, although he wakes us up at 6 in the morning and forces us to go for a walk; the breed itself is just as beautiful in appearance. Personally, we have him completely black, high ears, the most important sign of an East European Shepherd, in general, I recommend this dog to everyone!) The main thing is that he is in good hands.



Good afternoon I’ll start my story with the fact that when I was 11 years old, we adopted our first dog, and the choice fell on the East European Shepherd breed. Why? At that time, we lived in a country house and relied on the fact that our dog would act not only as a family friend, but also as a security guard.

Initially, an enclosure was built for the dog, but in the future it gradually moved into the house. Now I’ll explain why this happened. When you close the door in the evening, and sad eyes full of love look at you and the animal makes a barely audible pleading sound, your heart breaks. They let me in once, and it’s clear what followed. Why am I saying this? To understand how a dog behaves on the street and at home.

The first time the dog entered the house, naturally she began to sniff everything, without making noise, without jumping and without demolishing anything. She sniffed and followed to the owner, she was shown a “place” and she calmly lay down there. I think this is more than worthy behavior. Well, without thinking twice, we decided that there was nothing wrong with having the dog with us, only keeping it out of the bedrooms.

On the street, this breed of dog is always active and loves any games related to physical activity. He never barks without reason and never rushes at anyone. Very easy to train, “grabs everything on the fly.”

Since our dog was originally raised as a guard, we easily explained to her that strangers should not be “allowed” into the territory of our house, so of course the dog gives a signal to the owner when strangers approach in the form of barking. But as soon as you tell her “yours, quietly” and she sees that you are friendly, she immediately ceases to be a guard and turns into a “harmless baby”, begins to wag her tail, sniff, etc.

The breed is very smart dogs, moreover, they are able to not only understand what you say to them and what commands you give, they one hundred percent sense the mood and well-being of the owner. I remember one time my father became very ill, he lay on the sofa all the time, could not get up.. So our pet did not leave him a single step, he was nearby all the time, sadly resting his head on the owner’s lap or simply lying at his feet. Although, it is important that this is not the “closest” member of the family, since the mother has always taken care of the dog. Namely, this breed is capable of loving loved ones and all family members equally, of course, one person will take priority and the dominant position, it is normal that it chooses its owner, but no one will be deprived of love and the dog treats all family members with respect.

Because This breed of dog is very active, it really needs constant physical activity in order to maintain health and good behavior. Here I can use as an example the neighbor’s dog, of the same breed. After 7 years, I moved to Moscow, and it so happened that behind the wall of my apartment there lived a man with an East European Shepherd, so it clearly had behavioral defects. BUT! Think about it for yourself, if you WALK your dog every other day, without exercising at all, what will it turn into? I felt sincerely sorry for this dog, because he was the one who suffered first of all. Of course, there will be character defects, but what if you are locked within four walls and not allowed out, while you have a huge physical need and are very active? Yes, you too will start breaking walls and screaming.

We must not forget that this is a rather large breed of dog, with very great potential; if you do not care for it, do not pay attention and do not satisfy the dog’s needs, then it can turn into an uncontrollable creature. And this is not a fault of the breed, it is a fault of the owners. If you are not ready to take care of your pet, get a hamster!

By the way, after some time, the parents adopted two more dogs of the same breed, and none of them ever had behavioral problems. Now we have wonderful puppies.

In general, love your dog and it will love you! This is a wonderful breed of very smart and loyal animals, and I can say first-hand that such a dog will certainly become your friend. But be careful and attentive, they require a lot of effort, time, patience and respect.



I had an East European Shepherd. I was 13 years old and went for a walk with her in the park. His name was Count, and the dog is very kind, loves children, affectionate, BUT cowardly (maybe we had one like that). There was a case, I went for a walk with him in the park at about 11 pm, he saw some male dog and ran away, leaving me alone. Like a fool, I walked around the dark park for another 2 hours looking for him, came home in tears, I thought he was lost... And he was lying on the sofa and sleeping, I remember my mother said so. The Count came running a long time ago, she thought that I was sitting in the yard with the girls. This is how he ran away more than once at the sight of some dogs. Now I have a Stafford, and I have never met braver dogs. When a pack of dogs surrounded us barking and growling, my girl was not afraid and went at them first, the whole pack immediately ran away. No harm done )



Hi all! And welcome to our family. I am the Great Dane mother of Alexandra and I have 4 dogs: Chihuahua, Toy Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier and East European Shepherd.

Our dog's name is Jack and he guards our house at night. We live in a country house and Jack does his job well.

No, don’t think about it, we under no circumstances keep the dog on a chain all his life, only when we leave on business.

Basically, Jack and I take hour-long walks in nature and learn daily commands, since we have a large dog and it requires a lot of care.

I am also confident in his health; Jack has no illnesses.

When he was just a puppy, he must be trained to avoid further problems:

Barking for no reason, aggression and attacking children.

All this is characteristic of their breed, but this is the owner’s mistake. It is not normal.

Jack loves children and other animals.

When he sees a cat, he doesn’t rush at them, but on the contrary wants to be friends with them. It's funny.

And he does the same with other animals.

The dog is very smart, it’s hard to say that he is completely stupid.

But as with my other dogs, Jack is not perfect.

Sometimes he is too active and may bite because he just wants to play.

The dog also sheds a lot. Sometimes I think I could knit a bunch of socks out of his wool.

It is difficult to transport it somewhere, for example, to another city.

Moreover, some people don’t like large dogs.

Unfortunately, shepherd dogs live on average up to 10-12 years.

But I still love Jack, and I will accept all his disadvantages. After all, I knew about these disadvantages for a long time, and was ready for it.

If you are not ready to accept all the disadvantages of these dogs, please do not get them.

Some simply because they made the wrong decision by mistake, when they did not know all the nuances and disadvantages, they were put to sleep.

And this happens not only with this breed, even cats are euthanized.

Make the right decision and be prepared to take responsibility.

And in return you will receive endless love and true friendship.

Good luck to all!




I got my Ray when I was about 12 years old, I wanted a dog as big as possible (in terms of size). I persuaded my dad, and they went and bought me a puppy. They adopted him at two months of age; at first it was unbearable to walk with him, he whined and squeaked, and was afraid of everything and everywhere. But as he grew up, he became very aggressive, don’t throw slippers at me, I know that it’s my own fault, although I went and worked with him, trained him, so to speak, he was not controllable, maybe it was due to the fact that his “parents” and “grandparents” were security guards in the yard, and we took him into the apartment. He is aggressive towards all types of dogs, especially Staffords and pit bulls, he had a disastrous experience when he was a puppy and one rushed at him...after that he can’t see them. It would be nice to attack dogs, he lunges at people, there’s nothing he can do to bite. I let him run around only in a muzzle, and then we go 3 kilometers away from the house, into the woods, and then I’m constantly afraid that he won’t see anyone and run away to bark. But this is my dog ​​since childhood, now he is 8 years old, and I live with a guy in a private house, we took him in, built him an enclosure, and so that’s where his happiness was, he sits there, watches everyone, protects when necessary, in general, a born guard. No matter how angry he is, he gets used to people relatively quickly and remembers them for a long time. There was a time when I talked with a friend as a child, then we didn’t see each other for five years, and so my dog ​​is very happy to meet her and is already rushing joyfully. Brave is not the right word, we constantly go into the forest and pass about 15 dogs, once my Ray got unstuck and ran straight into this pack, for a long time I watched how this bunch of dogs ran away wherever they could, and my dog ​​just wanted to make friends with them = )

Care and maintenance

Dogs were bred to live in different climates and can easily tolerate heat and cold. They easily adapt to the place where the owner lives. Shepherd dogs can live in a city apartment, but a private house with its own courtyard is best suited for them. There the dogs will be able to find something to do, realize their activity, and wander around calmly.

But, if you take a dog into a country house, you don’t need to put it on a chain. Dogs living in an enclosure become excellent guards of humans and their property. The enclosure should have a concrete floor and sand poured on top. Shepherds love to make tunnels and dig in the ground. The yard area should also be fenced, the base of the fence concreted.

Large dogs will also fit in the apartment and will be able to live there if the owner provides proper walking and physical activity for the pet. An intelligent and easily trained breed, it quickly understands where the owner has determined a place for the dog. They will remain there until they are called. The only thing is that you need to be prepared to deal with the ubiquitous fur. Moreover, this will need to be done all year round, and not just during the molting season.

How to care

An East European Shepherd living in an apartment sheds constantly. If you are not ready to devote a lot of time to grooming and cleaning the house, choose another breed. The thick coat with undercoat is brushed at least twice a week to keep it looking beautiful and healthy. During seasonal molting, this will have to be done 4 to 5 times a week. Animals living in an enclosure undergo a combing procedure every day.

You need to bathe rarely so as not to disturb the natural lubrication that protects the coat. This should be done only if the shepherd dog is very dirty, and after a walk it is enough to wash the pet’s paws. For bathing, use only special soft pet shampoos with a gentle cleansing effect. This breed does not need to be taken to a groomer; the shepherd's coat does not mat and does not need to be trimmed.

VEO puppies are taught to brush their teeth, ears and eyes, as well as trim their nails from a very early age. When the animal grows up and matures, it will be difficult to persuade it. Smart animals quickly understand what the owner wants from them and do not interfere with the procedures. After going outside, you need to inspect your dog for ticks; you also need to teach the animal to do this from infancy.

VEO is a working breed of dog that needs daily physical and mental exercise. You can train dogs in a special dog training school, but it is better to do it yourself under the guidance of experienced trainers. These shepherds consider the one who trains them to be the owner. Animals obey this man unconditionally and carry out all his commands.

Price: where to buy, cost of a puppy

If you go to free classifieds sites, you can find texts about the sale of puppies for every taste and color. Sellers ask inexpensively: from 6 to 25 thousand rubles . And in the photo, instead of Oriental puppies, there is a cross between a bulldog and a rhinoceros and a bit of a mammoth.

Of course, for those who want to get a puppy cheaply and not bother, this will do. But responsible people who are focused on acquiring a worthy pet should turn to single-breed nurseries.

The cost of a purebred East European Shepherd puppy starts from 50,000 rubles .


The East European Shepherd is considered a healthy breed, but these dogs inherited some health problems from their ancestor breed (German Shepherd). The most common genetic problem is elbow and hip dysplasia. Of the non-hereditary diseases, ear infections are the most common.

Joint dysplasia is a problem that breeders tried to avoid when developing a new breed. But still, this diagnosis is made from time to time by VEO. This disease is inherited. The pathology is manifested by the dog's lameness and pain that appears when the pet moves. In dogs with this diagnosis, the quality of life deteriorates and performance decreases. In the future, this pathology can lead to arthritis.

Historical reference

The East European Shepherd was created on the basis of the German Shepherd, from which it differs in its impressive physique, unpretentiousness, stable psyche and resistance to cold climatic conditions. Together with Dobermans, the dog breed was used in government agencies. The first old-type German shepherds were brought to Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. They proved to be exceptionally smart dogs with excellent working qualities, and were used in search work and as orderlies. German Shepherds remained close to humans on the fronts of the First World War and the Russo-Japanese War.

Since 1924, organized and systematic breeding of dogs began in service dog breeding kennels. VEOs were bred in the USSR in a planned and purposeful manner and were used in economic sectors: border protection in the border troops, investigative service in the police, on the fronts of the Second World War. After the war, Vostochniks became the most common service dogs in the USSR.

It is noteworthy that opinions on the new breed, recognized in 1964 by many Russian cynological communities, were divided. Most believe that the new breed has worse qualities than its ancestors; others tend to think and evaluate the improved skills and characteristics of the breed.

There are known attempts to “renew” the breed. Some breeders tried to cross the new breed of German Shepherds with the stereotypical "Eastern Europeans", but not a single attempt was successful. Systematic improvement of the dog's performance characteristics and selection work to adapt to domestic climatic conditions led to a sharp difference between the VEO and the German shepherd.

In the 1990s, the breed experienced a serious crisis and found itself on the verge of extinction. A significant contribution was made by the fact that the breed did not become officially recognized by international canine organizations. Even being unrecognized, “Easterns” find a lot of fans in Russia and outside the country.

Today, the East European Shepherd breed is recognized by the International Canine Union, but remains unrecognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale.


In matters of training and training, East European Shepherds, if not excellent students, are confident good ones. Smart dogs quickly understand the essence of human requirements and can distinguish situations simulated on the site from reality. VEOs quickly master basic commands and easily complete the protective guard service program.

But the learning process must be continued throughout the dog’s life. The breed is not one of those that has been trained once and no longer needs training and education. Reviewing the material covered with this brutal pet should become an obligatory part of your life together. This is a guarantee that you will never lose control of your dog, and you will not have to fear for the safety of others.

Training stages:

  1. Early socialization. It is carried out from birth to two months of age. The puppy must get used to its place of residence, its owners, and all the smells and sounds that surround the baby
  2. Learning elementary commands. From 2 months of age. At the same time, obedience lessons begin. The main thing that a VEO puppy must learn is that any action is performed after receiving the owner’s permission.
  3. Beginning of the general training course. From four months.
  4. Passing OKD standards. Age – 6 months.
  5. The beginning of training in security activities is from 6 months to 1 year.

The protective guard service program should be started only after successfully passing the OKD standards. Ideally, this serious course is recommended for dogs serving in law enforcement agencies together with their owner.

Important: the success of training depends on the dog’s recognition of the owner’s authority.

Owner reviews

Happy owners of Easterners say about them like this:

No other breed can compare with the Oriental!

The breed is a soul!!!

Diamond in the world of breeds!

Best friend of children and cats, faithful dog.

This is not a dog. This is intellect!!!!

And some owners of this breed, after losing their four-legged friend, were never able to get another dog.

What to feed

For service dog breeds, which include the East European Shepherd, two types of food are suitable: natural and ready-made industrial food. When getting a VEO puppy, ask the breeder what type of diet the animals were on. If in doubt, consult your veterinarian about which food is best.

Feeding rules:

  1. Adult shepherds need 2 meals.
  2. It is best to give food after a walk (after 15-20 minutes).
  3. The daily portion is calculated taking into account the physiological state of the animal, its activity, workload, climatic conditions, and the dog’s metabolic rate.
  4. You can't skimp on food. You need to feed only high-quality food - the life expectancy of the East European Shepherd and its health depend on this.
  5. It is not permissible to overfeed shepherds and keep them hungry.
  6. Food is given out at set times, and food is removed between feedings.
  7. Dogs should have access to fresh, clean drinking water around the clock, regardless of food type.
  8. You cannot mix wet and granular food in one feeding, and you cannot feed dogs natural food and industrial food at the same time.

Industrial feed

Large, energetic dogs require high-quality, nutritious, balanced food. The calorie content of the food must cover the energy expenditure of the shepherd dogs. Ideally, you need to choose brands that fall into the “super-premium” and holistic food classes, labeled for large and active dogs. The daily serving volume is calculated using the formula specified by the brand manufacturer.

The best brands for VEO:

  1. Eukanuba Breed Specific German Shepherd;
  2. Acana Heritage, grain-free (for large dogs);
  3. Advance German Shepherd;
  4. Grandorf lamb, turkey (for large dogs);
  5. Royal Canin German Shepherd.

Natural feeding

The basis of the daily diet should be protein foods (raw meat (lean), offal). Also on the pet's menu must include:

  • scar;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • greenery;
  • dairy products;
  • low-fat sea fish fillet;
  • seaweed;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • balanced vitamin and mineral complexes.

Cereals can be included in a dog’s menu, but not necessarily. They should not form the basis of the diet. If there is a desire or need to feed your pet using a grain component, choose rice or buckwheat.

What can you think of, buddy?

The approach to choosing a nickname for an East European Shepherd is as follows: one litter – one letter at the beginning of the newborns’ nicknames (the full name is made up of letters or syllables borrowed from the “full name” of the ancestors). Consonance with the obligatory factory prefix is ​​required (how people's first and last names are combined). But the essence is not only in the letter. It is recommended to stay on topic. If “natural phenomena” are chosen, Blizzard, Buran are suitable, if the geography is Venice, Palmyra, etc. For boys, it is better to choose short and sonorous nicknames, and for girls, magical, musical nicknames. They say this is a special breed of dog. The East European Shepherd even understands the nickname it is called at home. At shows, a clear, “on point” name is a sign that the owner correctly understands the “policy of the canine party and the government.”

In Moscow Lyubertsy there is a public club for animal lovers “Maximus”. The East European Shepherd is a constant participant in the traditional Charity Exhibition “My Shepherd”. German and Central Asian breeds, represented by various cynological federations, take part in the event. The collection goes to help and support dogs in trouble. During the exhibition, animals left without owners often find another family. The breeding prefix “Maximus” contains the passport data of many eminent VEOs, who confidently won not only all-Russian, but also international competitions.

You can purposefully purchase and simply accept puppies and adults as gifts in St. Petersburg. The East European Shepherd is in good hands by those who leave the country or move (there are many reasons). As mentioned above, most of these are mestizos or old, sick animals. But those who decide and take them into their home love four-legged friends with a difficult fate no less than prosperous purebreds, receiving in return boundless devotion.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any dog ​​breed, VEO has its pros and cons.


  1. Balanced temperament.
  2. Excellent security and watchdog characteristics.
  3. Flair, the ability to quickly make decisions and react.
  4. Boundless devotion to the owners.
  5. High learning abilities.


  1. Possible stubbornness.
  2. Increased suspicion of strangers.
  3. Manifestation of the hunting instinct towards other animals.
  4. Not suitable for weak-willed owners.

Character and habits

“Easterns” were bred as a service breed, but today most of its worthy qualities have been lost in the pursuit of exterior.

A true representative of the breed must be:

  1. possessor of a stable psyche. Excitation processes are easily replaced by inhibition processes, in other words, the dog switches almost instantly;
  2. distrustful of strangers. That's why it's an East European Shepherd and a service dog;
  3. easy to learn. It is unlikely that in agencies where VEO is often used, a dog is needed that thinks about every command. And in ordinary life, a pet should be easy to train;
  4. active and controlled. The standard qualities of this breed meant activity. This is ideal for work, but creates trouble with walks and constant activities in everyday life. Sometimes people simply do not have a lot of time for active and long-term walking of their pet;
  5. friendly and patient with members of the family in which he lives. Family people with children will not want to keep a large and aggressive dog. VEO belongs to the breeds with well-developed protective qualities and loyalty towards their own. Unfortunately, exceptions have become increasingly common lately;
  6. hardy. In the Soviet Union this point was treated harshly. A weak dog does not serve in the authorities, which means it is subject to culling.

Most East European Shepherds are calm around other pets: cats, birds and rodents. As for their own kind, if a male of a different breed lives in the same territory as an Oriental male, a showdown is quite possible.


VEO mestizos may retain their breed traits, but you should not expect that non-purebred “Easterns” will be ideal watchdogs and will be easy to train. Most often you can find a mestizo - a cross between a German and an East European shepherd. A hybrid of two breeds with a similar exterior and character will most likely not bring unexpected unpleasant surprises.

Other hybrids:

  • mixed breed of husky and East European Shepherd;
  • a cross between a husky dog ​​and a VEO dog;
  • a cross between an East European Shepherd girl and a Labrador boy;
  • a hybrid of a mongrel and a VEO.

As a result of such hybrid matings, we can get charming pets that claim exclusively to be pets.

Photos of colors

  • East European Shepherd black color.

Beautiful dogs with pure black guard hair. The undercoat can be grey, black or fawn.

  • Zone colors of VEO (zone-gray and zone-red).

Gray and red colors can be of different shades. The only color that is not welcomed by the standard is bright red.

  • Chepraka is an East European Shepherd dog of black-and-white color.

There are two varieties: black and black-gray saddle color. The color of tan marks varies from light fawn to red (not bright).

  • Black and tan color VEO.

The East European Shepherd is black with tan markings of varying intensity (from light fawn to dull red).


How many years do East European and German shepherd dogs live? — The average life expectancy of these two breeds is from 9 to 13 years.

Is there a purely black East European Shepherd or is this color typical only for “Germans”? - Yes. The colors of these breeds have many similarities. There are black VEOs and black “Germans”.

Is the white East European Shepherd recognized by the breed standard? - No. The existing VEO breed standard does not recognize this coloring of the dog.

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