Dog mating - what is it, rules of preparation and features of the process

When a puppy appears in the house, the owner should immediately decide whether he wants and is ready to receive offspring from his four-legged friend. If the decision is positive, then advance preparation is necessary for such an important process as mating dogs.

A few words about knitting

The term “mating” refers to the process of mating of individuals, after which fertilization occurs. If the pregnancy proceeds well and without complications, then the mother will eventually give birth to healthy puppies.

Usually there are more demands placed on a male dog than on a female dog. If we are talking about breeding, it is important that the dog has not only certain physical, but also psychological qualities (not too cowardly or aggressive).

Some believe that purebred individuals can happen as they wish, because their bodies are supposedly no different from mongrels and stray dogs. But that's not true.

When breeding dogs during estrus, human accompaniment should be provided from the very beginning of fertilization until the birth of the babies, especially if the animals have high breeding value. To do this, a person needs to have special knowledge about the animal, about the bitch’s pregnancy and much more. Most often, four-legged animals require assistance during childbirth.

To begin with, the bitch should be prepared for mating and, at a minimum, wait until she is physically ready for this. The fact is that four-legged animals reach sexual maturity early: from 5 months - males and from 6 months - females.

But this does not mean that you can bring them together at such an early age. It is advisable that both partners are over 1 year old, very large dogs - at least 2 years old. Otherwise, the fragile bitch will have a very difficult time with pregnancy, and the young male will give birth to weak or even non-viable puppies.

Fertilization should be carried out on the second, and preferably on the third estrus. It happens once every six months. Thus, the ideal age of a bitch is 18-20 months. It is also better not to breed old individuals (over 6-7 years old), since they do not have the strength and health necessary to produce offspring.

2 weeks before the planned mating, both future parents should be treated for parasites: use flea collars or drops on the withers. It is also important to deworm your four-legged animals. While the puppies are gestating, the female cannot be handled, so all manipulations must be done in advance.

It is necessary to visit a veterinarian for an examination to make sure that the wet-nose is completely healthy and ready to reproduce. You will also find out exactly what day the bitch should be bred from your veterinarian. The specialist will do an ovulation test and an ultrasound, which can help identify problems with the reproductive system.

It’s difficult to answer unequivocally on what day to breed a dog. On average, females are ready to mate on days 10-14 of the cycle, but each creature has its own body. Some individuals are ready to conceive within a week after the start of estrus, while others need to wait 17 days. This takes into account that the duration of the monthly cycle is from 15 to 30 days.

As a rule, ladies are brought to the territory of their boyfriend so that the dog is not distracted by anything and is in a familiar environment. The owners of both animals help their charges and hold them. But if one of them resists, don’t insist. It is advisable to prepare a muzzle for an aggressive animal (usually it is put on the bitch, since she will most likely try to bite the gentleman).

It is necessary to fix partners if this is the first mating for both of them or if they bark at each other. In other cases, fixation is not required.

When fertilization has occurred, the female's genitals swell and grasp the male's organ in a lock. A couple connected by a lock can stand like this from several minutes to 2 hours. It is important for owners to ensure that the expectant mother does not sit down or lie down at this time, as... this will damage the male's sexual organ. To make it easier for the boy to stand, you can carefully throw his paw over the partner’s croup so that the animals stand with their backs to each other.

If you are not sure of the positive outcome of the meeting, the next one can be repeated - but not earlier than 24 hours.

It is not enough to keep your ward in good physical shape and feed him well for him to be considered an excellent candidate for fertilization. The owner will have to additionally take care of the following:

  1. Preparation of documents so that the born puppies can later be included in the official pedigree and so that, when they grow up, they can also participate in breeding.
  2. Examination by a veterinarian. The doctor will identify hidden defects that may become an obstacle to procreation. If something like this is revealed, then mating cannot be carried out: it is dangerous for both the mother and her babies. Also at the clinic, the pet will be tested to determine how fertile she is and whether she is able to conceive and bear healthy offspring.
  3. No later than a month before mating, you will have to be vaccinated and treated against external and internal parasites.
  4. Get tested for sexually transmitted infections.
  5. One day before meeting the female, the male dog must be bathed and, if necessary, taken to a groomer. But you can’t bathe a girl during her period. This is fraught with diseases of the reproductive system.
  6. On the day of mating, the receiving party (usually the dog’s owners) prepares the premises. You need to put things in order, remove everything unnecessary, so that nothing distracts.
  7. Before mating, both animals are walked.

On day X, the male is given half as much food as usual, so that he does not crave at the most inopportune moment and does not experience heaviness in his stomach.

Required documents

In order to qualify for pedigrees for puppies and support from the canine society, the mating must be formalized, in compliance with all bureaucratic procedures. First, make sure that your dog can be allowed to breed according to the rules of the organization in which it is registered. The largest Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) in our country makes the following requirements for admission to breeding:

  • the pedigrees of the male and female must be recognized by the federation;
  • both dogs have two conformation marks of at least “very good” at certificate shows received from two different judges, and two acceptance marks from RKF breeding shows from two different judges;
  • the age of the bitch is from 18–22 months (depending on the breed) to 8 years at the time of mating;
  • the interval between births is at least 300 days.

Documents for mating will only be needed during certification - inspection of the litter by a federation specialist, but all papers should be prepared before mating. The package includes:

  • dog mating certificate approved by the RKF (the blank form can be downloaded here);
  • copies of pedigrees of male and female;
  • originals of exhibition diplomas or champion certificates of male and female dogs;
  • copies of owners' passports;
  • for the nursery owner - a copy of the registration certificate.

Phases of estrus in a bitch

A girl's sexual cycle includes 4 stages. Each stage has its own characteristics.


. Lasts from 7 to 10 days, starting from the first days of the cycle. External signs: swollen loop. During this period, the lady is not ready for mating and reacts aggressively to males, while she herself shows interest in them.


. Lasts from 4 to 12 days. At this time, the egg moves to the uterus. Ovulation usually begins 2 days after this phase. The expectant mother is ready for the reunion and willingly lets the dog near her.


. If the lady is not fertilized, her body goes into the next phase - anestrus. The attraction decreases, she no longer allows male dogs, the noose takes on its usual appearance.


. This is a state of rest. Continues until the next heat.

If the animal has not been in heat for more than 9 months, this is a reason to consult a doctor. The same can be said about bleeding too often.

Laparoscopic sterilization of dogs

Surgical sterilization or castration of dogs is the removal of the testes in males and the uterus and ovaries in females. Now sterilization is carried out using the laparoscopic method. It has far fewer consequences for the dog's health.

Subjective and objective reasons are important for carrying out this operation. For example:

  • Reluctance of owners to have offspring from this dog
  • Problems accompanying the bitch's heat
  • Obvious aggressiveness and other negative behavioral factors in a mature male dog
  • The need to correct the behavior of a dog prone to running away and looking for a sexual partner
  • The desire to prolong the life of a pet
  • Medical indications (hormonal and inflammatory pathologies of the uterus, ovarian cysts and tumors of hormonal origin, mammary hyperplasia, false pregnancies, bloody estrus, difficult childbirth)

If any of these factors are present, the owner should consider surgically sterilizing the dog. Please note that this operation is not suitable for all animals. Some dogs may not survive surgery. These are dogs with serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system or kidney failure. There is also a risk for dogs over 10 years of age.

The decision about surgery is made only after a medical examination of the dog.

When breeding dogs during heat: what day is suitable for mating

On average, females are mated on the 11th, 12th or 13th day of their period, but for some it can be a longer period - from 10 to 15 days. It is difficult to say which day is ideal for fertilization. Some owners trust their experience and intuition, while others trust specialists.

The concept and timing of ovulation

The ovulation period lasts about 5 days, starting around the 13th day after the start of bleeding. But all the dates are conditional: each four-legged lady has her own cycle, so it’s worth taking her for mating on the 2-3 day of ovulation - it’s more reliable.

Calculation of the best day based on external signs

You don't have to rely 100% on these signs, but they can be used as an auxiliary method. So, if a bitch is ready to meet a dog, she will be restless and disobedient. Madame may also freeze and move her tail to the side when you stroke her back.

Calculation using modern tools

Not everyone, even the most experienced breeders, can accurately determine on what day it is better to breed a dog. The best option is to contact a veterinarian who will do a progesterone test. Based on its results, the specialist will tell you on what day the dog is ready for mating.

Sterilization of dogs - pros and cons

Pros of sterilizing male dogs:

  • Completely eliminating the risk of ovarian cancer
  • Reducing the risk of anal furunculosis
  • Reducing the risk of developing non-cancerous prostate diseases

Pros of spaying bitches:

  • Complete elimination of the risk of developing cancer of the uterus, cervix and ovaries, purulent endometritis
  • Reducing the risk of tumors of the breast and anal glands

Disadvantages of sterilization for both sexes:

  • Increased risk of hormone-dependent obesity (needs nutritional correction, increased physical activity)
  • Rarely, hormone-dependent urinary incontinence
  • Rarely, development of hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones)
  • Increased risk of orthopedic disorders

Breed characteristics

For a successful mating, it is important to take into account not only the days of the female’s cycle and the characteristics of the male, but also the breed of the animal. The belonging of dogs to one or another variety can radically change the principle of mating.

Large breeds

Representatives of large breeds, for example, Caucasian Shepherds, Alabais, St. Bernards, Huskies, etc., should be adopted no earlier than one and a half years of age, ideally at 2 years. If you do this earlier, you can ruin the health and psyche of the wet-nosed ones. In a large female, you need to skip the first 2 heats and breed only on the 3rd.

It is important to take into account the size of the individuals: they should not be the same for a boy and a girl. Otherwise, half the litter will be born defective. It is imperative that one of the couple is larger. Usually boys are bigger.

When it comes to large quadrupeds, it is ideal if both or at least one of them is experienced. Something goes wrong - the owners will not be able to cope with their oversized comrades. It is advisable for both to wear muzzles so that they do not inadvertently bite either each other or their owners.

Medium breeds

These include pugs, Jack Russell terriers, cocker spaniels, dachshunds, sharpeis, etc. Usually, medium-sized dogs are not aggressive, so muzzles are rarely put on them. But the presence of a collar is mandatory - it will be convenient for the owner to hold the ward by it.

Small breeds

Small ones are a Chihuahua, a Yorkshire Terrier, a Russian Toy Terrier, a lapdog, etc. These kids require almost no help during the task, but this does not mean that they can be left alone without any control. It is convenient for small dogs to be placed on some elevated surface, for example, on a table.

Crossbreeding Shepherd Dog Breeds

Is it acceptable to have VEO with a German Shepherd?

Answer 2

The East European Shepherd (VEO) and the German Shepherd have common descendants. VEO was withdrawn to perform official duties. The improvement of the German Shepherd breed took four decades. The dogs bred differed from the standards, passing on improved qualities to their offspring. The distinctive features of the animals made it possible to establish a new breed - the Eastern European type.

VEOs differ in size (reach 75 centimeters and weight up to 60 kg), coat color and build. A distinctive feature from the German breed is the short rump, with a slight slope. They rarely have hip dysplasia (German Shepherds have a congenital disease).

The advantages of the breed include:

  • personal contact with one person;
  • a balanced mental state, resists enemies;
  • characterized by slowness, calmness, and is easy to train;
  • when detained, performs high-quality work without aggressiveness or malice;
  • not prone to breakdowns, has a good memory;
  • accurately performs official duties;
  • treats children calmly and protects them from outside attacks;
  • has the ability to assess and solve a situation.

An untrained person can handle the training. He treats games calmly, senses the mood of the owners, and does not trust strangers. The dog needs to be given time and trained regularly. From idleness, pets begin to damage surrounding objects.

Mating between East European and German Shepherds is allowed to improve the characteristic performance traits of the breeds. The color, coat length, character and weight of the mixed breed depends on the parents. The color is black, red or gray.

The offspring obtained from mixing two breeds will not be able to participate in exhibitions. There are no other disadvantages when crossing.

Features of the first mating

The first mating must be approached very seriously, since the animal does not yet have experience, and it may do something wrong. It is desirable that at least one of the partners is “experienced” in this matter.

If an animal is engaged in procreation for the first time, it will take him more time to understand what is being done and how. Also keep in mind that the dogs will need some time to get to know and get used to each other. But it may also happen that the boy runs away from the girl, afraid of her. Or he will torture his partner with unsuccessful hookups.

In this case, the owner of the dog will have to put the dog’s paws on the girl’s back, place the pelvis in the right place and direct the boy’s genitals into the girl’s loop.

What the owner needs to know

The widespread information that it is healthy for every bitch to whelp at least once is nothing more than a myth. On the contrary, mating, pregnancy and childbirth can lead to a number of complications. In addition, do not forget about sexually transmitted diseases

If you do not want to engage in breeding, then it is much healthier for the animal to sterilize it. This will not only protect him from health problems, but will also improve the quality of life and increase its duration.

When is human help needed?

The help of a professional will come in handy if your wet-nose has not previously bred, and you yourself are a novice dog breeder. The specialist will also assist when it comes to mating purebred animals, which have strict requirements. A knowledgeable person will calculate favorable days for mating, carefully study the characteristics of both partners and will personally be present at the mating.

Also, invite a specialist or experienced breeder to attend the female's birth to prevent possible complications. The services of such people may seem expensive to you, but it is advisable to play it safe and pay rather than treat your friend later after an unsuccessful meeting or pregnancy with negative consequences.


Cases when the “dog took a walk” with an unsuitable gentleman are not uncommon. The instinct of a dog in heat is stronger than the teachings of its owner. The bitch and the male who happens to be nearby use every opportunity to mate. As a result, the birth of mixed-breed puppies (if the parents are of different breeds) or mongrels (if the parents are not purebred) is possible. Once born puppies will not receive documents.

Owners of female dogs who have reached puberty need to remain extremely careful during periods of estrus, if people care about the purity of the future offspring of their pets.


After mating, all symptoms of estrus may disappear in the dog. This doesn't always happen. Don't worry if they continue for another couple of days. This is normal and depends solely on the individuality of the patient’s body.

You will become the happy owner of small touching lumps no earlier than 4-4.5 weeks after mating. Signs of pregnancy:

  • The dog's loop will swell and become loose in appearance.
  • On days 35-45, her belly will also increase.
  • The nipples will begin to swell.

4-5 weeks after mating, an ultrasound examination can be done, which will show or deny pregnancy.

If you feel that you are unable to cope with the task of mating on your own, then specialists in this field will be happy to help you. A specially trained instructor will take care of all the hassle of carrying out the delicate process without harming the physical and mental condition of the pet.

Everything worked out and your pet is waiting for the first litter to appear? Congratulations! New troubles and new challenges await you soon.

Sexual activity

The sire (male) can be used for mating throughout the year. In the first year of use (from 2 to 3 years), no more than 3-4 bitches per year (6-8 matings) are assigned to a young male. From 3 to 8 years old you can breed 10-15 bitches (20-30 matings). In young males used for breeding for the first time, as well as in rarely used and aging males, it is recommended to check the quality of sperm annually.

When using a male dog, it is imperative to take into account his individual qualities, state of health, development, and conditions of detention.

Dogs come into heat twice a year, in spring and autumn. It is recommended to breed a bitch once a year, this is because whelping and feeding require a lot of stress from the bitch’s body, after which she needs rest to recover. With two matings a year, no more than 2.5 months are left for rest and recovery. and the bitch’s body, without having time to rest and get stronger, is again subject to heavy stress. That is why it is better to breed a bitch once a year. Spring mating is preferable to autumn mating, as it provides puppies with more favorable conditions for growth and development. Puppies born in late spring or early summer will be able to enjoy more sunlight and free air from the first days, and their food, starting with feeding, will be richer in vitamins. The puppies will also meet the first winter stronger. Autumn mating does not provide these advantages.

The average duration of breeding use of dogs is determined to be 7-8 years. Usually, by the age of 9-10 years, bitches already lose the ability to produce offspring. As for males, they can retain this ability longer.

Repeated (control) matings are of great importance. Practice shows that with repeated matings, the number of bitches remaining unfertilized decreases. Veterinarian N.M. Inkov monitored the results of matings in 526 bitches. Of the 282 bitches mated once, 34% remained unfertilized; of the 213 bitches mated twice, 32% were unfertilized, and of the 31 bitches mated three times, only 19% were not fertilized.

Based on the mechanism of fertilization, it must be admitted that repeated mating of a bitch is of great biological importance. Repeated mating is carried out 24-48 hours after the first with the same male.

Possible difficulties

There are many difficulties on the path to successful fertilization. Owners may encounter:

active resistance of the pet during insertion of the penis;

lack of interest in mating on the part of the male or too early ejaculation;

All these situations are solvable, but only with human intervention. This is especially true for untied animals.

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