Rottweiler - history of the breed, description, coat and color, character, training and feeding (82 photos + video)

The Rottweiler or butcher's dog is a descendant of Molossian and ancient shepherd dogs. Over the past centuries, it has undergone some changes in growth and color. At the same time, he retained the build type of his ancestors, good performance, devotion and courage. One of the world's recognized service dogs. An excellent home watchman and bodyguard, athlete and companion. If you dream of such a pet, this material is for you. All about the Rottweiler.

History of the breed

In the first century AD, the Romans crossed the Alps and entered Europe. They were accompanied on their hike by guard and shepherd dogs. They drove and guarded herds of cattle, which were intended to feed the army.

On the territory of modern Germany, at the intersection of roads between Lake Constance and the Main River, in 74 AD. The Romans founded the fortress of Rottweil am Neckar. Gradually it turned into the city of Rottweil. The world owes him the appearance of the Rottweiler dog breed. Here, fighting dogs were modified under the influence of the tastes and economic needs of people.

By the mid-13th century, the city had grown and become a major trading center. Livestock fairs were held here every year. Sellers and buyers from all over Europe came here.

Dogs helped move herds of large horned animals. Raging bulls were tamed. They protected the herds from thieves. They helped the owners hunt wild boars. In the city they were used to transport goods, guard shops and butchers' warehouses. The traders did not lock them up at night. People relied entirely on four-legged guards.

Well known fact. After a successful trade, livestock dealers traditionally celebrated successful transactions in the tavern. The proceeds were tied to the pets' collars. No one dared to rob the butcher's four-legged assistant.

Medieval documents indicate that during the heyday of the city, there was one dog for every citizen, including infants.

The situation changed by the beginning of the 20th century. The need for dogs disappeared. Rottweilers are on the verge of extinction. With the development of railways, livestock began to be transported in special wagons. Some butchers in the cities of Württemberg continued to keep faithful dogs in their shops. They did this for the sake of tradition.

This could be the end of the story of the Rottweiler dog breed. The situation was corrected by chance. In 1910, in Hamburg, police sergeant Hans Kruger was walking with his dog along the embankment and witnessed a fight between sailors in a tavern. I tried to intervene. The fighters decided to beat the policeman. Hans was saved by a furious Rottweiler. He protected the owner and calmed the rowdies.

The German public appreciated the reliability and power of the Rottweil dogs. Experts have tested them for police work. We began work on breeding them and improving the breed. It turned out that the butcher's dog has excellent service qualities.

Today, Rottweilers serve in the police force in many European countries. Their successes in law enforcement activities contributed to the revival of the breed.

Rottweilers in Russia

Butchers' dogs first entered Russian soil in 1914. They were brought by officers of the Russian army who returned from the fronts of the First World War. These were single copies. No breeding work was carried out. The dogs disappeared without a trace.

In 1924, German dogs were again brought into the country. This time they did it centrally. The goal is to protect hunting estates. However, the second attempt did not produce results for the same reason.

In 1960, the military service dog kennel “Red Star” purchased Rottweilers. It was decided to use them to develop a new breed of dog - the Black Russian Terrier. The work was a success.

However, the Rottweiler dog breed gained popularity in Russia only in the 90s of the 20th century. Since then he has not lost his fans.

Description of the Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a late maturing dog. Matures by 2 years. However, final physical and mental formation is completed at the age of 3-4 years. By temperament - sanguine. The processes of excitation and inhibition occur with the same speed and strength. Has a natural guard instinct. Needs an experienced and strong owner. With the weak, they are ready to challenge their place in the family hierarchy. He views the family as a pack. Strives to take the place of leader in it.

Suitable for outdoor use. You can't put him on a chain! Has high intelligence and self-esteem. Being tied up is humiliating for him. Feels great in the apartment.

Does not tolerate heat well. Prone to heatstroke. Easier to adapt to sub-zero temperatures. During severe frosts, it needs an insulated booth.

Training is required. Otherwise, the owner risks getting an uncontrollable pet that will pose a danger to others.

Basic moments

  • Rottweilers reach full physical and psychological maturity by two years.
  • They require long walks combined with active games and physical activity.
  • They need a serious and strong mentor. They will create a lot of problems for inexperienced owners who do not have the skills to work with service dogs.
  • Rottweilers do not tolerate high temperatures well, but they feel quite comfortable in the cold, thanks to their dense undercoat.
  • They recognize the dominant role of the owner, but absolutely do not accept violence against themselves.
  • They are smart, capable of making decisions with lightning speed if there is a threat to human life and health.
  • They have a good appetite, thanks to which they are able to quickly “eat up” extra pounds and lose shape.
  • They get along well with the pets they grew up with.
  • Small dogs and puppies are treated with indifference and contempt. They sense rivals in large individuals, often provoking them into a fight.
  • Animals that have not completed the mandatory training course are usually uncontrollable and pose a danger not only to others, but also to their own owner.

Rottweiler photo


The muscular, but compact, proportionally built figure of the Rottweiler indicates the enormous strength and endurance of the animal. Males are more massive than females in all respects. Male height is 60-68 cm at the withers. The height of the Rottweiler female is shorter - 56-63 cm. The body length does not exceed the height at the withers by more than 15%. Rottweiler weight – 40 – 60 kg.


Wide in the skull. The developed occipital protuberance does not stand out much.

The nose is large. Round. Definitely black.

The muzzle is proportional. Not shortened and not stretched. The lips are black, tightly closed. The zygomatic arches are clearly defined. The jaws are powerful and wide. They provide the crushing grip of Rottweilers.

Rottweiler teeth

Strong and tough. The upper incisors meet in a scissor-like manner with the incisors of the lower jaw. In this case, the mandibular canines enter the spaces between the extreme incisors and the canines of the upper jaw. Form a strong castle. Provides the animal with a strong grip.


Dark brown, expressive. Medium size. Almond-shaped. The eyelids fit tightly. The look expresses confidence and good nature.


Triangular shape. Hanging. With the correct position, shape and size, they expand the line of the dog’s head. They fit her full face into an isosceles triangle. The ears make up 37% of the total width of the head and give the dog a noble appearance.


Moderately long, thick, with a strongly developed scruff.


The chest is deep. Wide. The back is muscular.


They serve as a support and hold the animal’s body when moving. Straight, widely set. Thanks to this, the dog is difficult to knock down even with a very strong blow. This is important when fighting with opponents and intruders.

Hind limbs

The pelvic limbs have a more powerful skeleton than the forelimbs. Hips with a powerful layer of muscles. The hock joints are dry and clearly defined. Their angle is 125 - 135 degrees. There should be no dewclaws on the paws.


Highly placed. Thick at the base. Initially, the breed standard provided for mandatory tail amputation. 1-2 vertebrae were left. Currently, tails are not docked in European countries and the United States. It is not the length of the tail that is important, but its position. The dog should hold it horizontally and not tilt it behind its back.


The coat is short, close-lying, and harsh. Dogs kept on the streets are coarser, thicker and longer than those living in apartments.

Rottweiler color

Black and tan. Tan marks refer to rich red-brown or yellow spots of varying intensity. They are located in strictly defined places of the head, torso, and limbs.

The black and tan Rottweiler always looks elegant.

Very rarely, litters may produce a golden and white Rottweiler. They are not allowed to participate in exhibitions or breed. Despite this, there is a belief that “golden Rottweilers” bring happiness to their owners.


Free and smooth. The characteristic gait is a heavy gallop.

Common disqualifying faults

  • Sex type displacement. Bitch type in males. Male in bitches.
  • Cowardly or angry behavior. Hypertrophied distrust Nervousness.
  • Malocclusion. Missing one or more teeth.
  • Longhair. Wavy coat.

Coat and color

The Rottweiler's coat is black with tan markings. The spots are located symmetrically around the cheekbones and eyes, on the throat and limbs, as well as in the perineum.

According to the standard, there should be no white spots on the wool.

The pet's coat is coarse with a dense and dense undercoat. This fur reliably protects the dog from frost in winter.

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Rottweiler character

Every Rottweiler is unique. Even within the same breed it is impossible to find two identical individuals. But there is something that unites them.

  • Representatives of this breed choose their owner themselves. Loyal and devoted to him. Other family members are treated as objects of care.
  • They prefer a calm and measured life. If frequent conflicts arise in the family, they become nervous and aggressive.
  • The muscular athletes of the dog world need their owners' praise and love. If there is peace in the house, they look calm and good-natured. However, don't relax! They never let their guard down. We are ready to repel the threat at any moment. And not only the real one. But also imaginary. And this is fraught with trouble for the owner.
  • Rottweilers are dogs of one owner. He doesn't like it if the owner pays attention to another animal. They are jealous. They will definitely show dissatisfaction. If possible, they will punish the opponent.
  • The characteristics of the Rottweiler would not be complete without saying that it is difficult for him to tolerate a change of owner. Refuses to eat. Gets depressed. Shows aggression. Such a dog can only be brought back to life with love and kindness.
  • He is indifferent to small breed dogs. Doesn't pay attention to them. Large relatives are another matter. He senses rivals in them. At any moment I am ready to fight back - to start a fight.
  • Has a strong character. Unforgettable. Fearless and unyielding. Calm. Restrained with strangers. Good-natured, affectionate and playful in the family. Rottweiler owners claim that their pets have a developed sense of humor.

Aggressive dog - correcting the situation

Rottweilers are certainly not killers, as many people think of them. But if you have an aggressive dog, in the future it can become dangerous both for you and your family, and for random passers-by.

Before you begin to correct the situation, evaluate your strength. Perhaps your dog is more energetic and stronger than you. Then it will not be easy for you to convince him of your superiority. Never enter into an open conflict with a Rottweiler without complete confidence in your victory. By retreating, for example, during a fight, you will once again convince the dog that it is he who occupies a leadership position.

Decide in what cases you can control the situation. You can put pressure on your Rottweiler, forcing him to change his behavior pattern, using:

  • rewards for correct behavior in the form of treats, free walks, friendly pats;
  • punishment for disobedience by deprivation of favorite things;
  • physical impact;
  • castration.

If your Rottweiler continues to exhibit hierarchical aggression despite your best efforts, you will have to retrain the dog to someone who can handle it. In advanced cases, when an angry Rottweiler got out of control, began to ignore any commands and began to rush at everyone with a clear desire to bite, he is euthanized.

Hierarchical aggression is not the only type of aggression that Rottweilers are prone to. Instincts, a sense of ownership and much more can cause anger in a dog.

Raising and training a Rottweiler

Raising a puppy begins from the first minute it enters the house. Initially, you should not allow your baby to do something for which you would punish an adult dog.

The most important aspect of raising a small Rottweiler is early socialization. A Rottweiler puppy needs to get acquainted with the world around him. To do this, you need to take walks with him. If you live in a big city, it's not just the quiet streets. Also large with heavy traffic. The pet must get used to noise and sounds. Give him the opportunity to participate in the game with his peers. In games, pets practice skills that can be useful in life. It is important that the puppy learns to react correctly to meeting strangers.

By 3 months, the puppy should know its name. Master the commands “eat”, “place”, “come to me”. Learn to wear a collar and walk on a leash. Get used to hygiene procedures. At this age, you can begin to practice the prohibitive command “no”.

At 4 – 6 months he follows the command “Near”, “Walk”. Shows teeth on command and brings an apportion item. Learns to move up stairs and overcome small obstacles. We begin to practice the commands “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Stand”.

You can train your puppy on your own. But desire alone is not enough for this. You can't do it without experience and skills. If they are not there, it is better to contact specialists.

Hire a dog trainer for individual lessons. Or join a group. Group classes are cheaper. Dogs learn the material faster on them. Learn from each other. It is necessary to complete the General Training Course (GTC) and master the basic commands. Then pass the exam and receive the document.

Only upon completion of the OKD can one begin the Protective Guard Service. Many experts believe that a domestic Rottweiler does not need this course. He has protective and protective functions at the genetic level.

Important little things

When training a Rottweiler, skills develop slowly. But they are firmly attached. Retraining a dog is difficult.

A competent dog trainer will never train a client’s dog. Otherwise, she will obey him and not the owner. The specialist’s goal is to teach the dog owner

Pros and cons of the breed

The Rottweiler, like other breeds, has advantages and disadvantages. We will not talk about problems caused by gaps in education and training. Let us name only objective qualities.

The undoubted advantages of dogs of this breed include:

  • Balanced temperament;
  • developed intelligence;
  • devotion and affection;
  • security and protective qualities;
  • ease of maintenance and care.

The disadvantages of the breed include:

  • Large dimensions;
  • careful education and training is necessary;
  • requires a long and active walk;
  • there is a tendency to obesity.

Rottweiler maintenance and care

The Rottweiler can be kept both in an apartment and a private house. It is easy to care for.


The wool needs to be combed once or twice a week. The goal is to remove the undercoat so that it does not fall on the floor and pollute the apartment. An adult Rottweiler does not need frequent washing. This should only be done if the wool is dirty. This need arises 3-4 times a year.

If the dog lives in an apartment, then after each walk you should wipe or wash its paws. To do this, you can use a bucket of water or a basin. Large dogs don't like to jump into the bathtub. They should not be forced to do this unless absolutely necessary.

In rainy weather, your pet can be dressed in overalls. Clothes will protect him from dirt. If there is no overalls, then after a walk you should wipe the dog first with a damp and then with a dry towel.

Check your ears regularly. Using a swab moistened with a special lotion, remove dirt and wax from the ear.

Maintain your dog's manicure. Nails should be trimmed as needed. The dog should not knock them on the floor. If this happens, pick up a nail clipper. Many owners are afraid to trim their pet's nails themselves. If you are one of them, contact a pet salon or veterinary clinic. Leaving long claws is dangerous. Because of them, the dog can injure its paws.

What to feed your Rottweiler

Rottweilers are prone to obesity. Therefore, it is important to monitor the quality and quantity of food they consume. You can feed them prepared food or natural food. Both diets have their pros and cons.

Natural should include:

  • meat (beef, lamb, turkey and chicken);
  • offal (heart, liver, beef noses and ears);
  • fish;
  • cereals (rice and buckwheat);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir)
  • vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage).

You cannot feed your dog only meat or naked porridge. Both options will have a detrimental effect on her appearance and health.

With natural feeding, the dog must be given vitamins 1-2 times a year.

Natural food does not imply dishes from the owner's table. The dog must be prepared individually. If you don’t have time for this, take a closer look at ready-made food. Choose premium or super premium products for your pet from well-known manufacturers.


It is recommended to feed an adult pet 2 times a day: morning and evening.

Puppies after weaning up to 2 months - 6 times, from 2 to 4 months - 5 times, 5 months to six months - 4 times. From the age of six months, they are gradually transferred to the diet of an adult dog with two feedings a day.

If the diet is followed, the animal’s body will be able to digest food more easily.


The dog needs a long walk twice a day. You need to walk for a total of at least 2 hours. An ideal walk should include games with the owner, elements of training, and walking at a calm pace on and without a leash. Adult Rottweilers do not need intense physical activity. It is unacceptable to force them to run after bicycles.

Reproduction and lifespan

On average, menacing-looking and strong dogs live a short lifespan, specifically Rottweilers - 9-11 years. Healthy representatives of the breed are suitable for mating only if they, firstly, are not related to each other, and secondly, have reached sexual maturity.

By the way, females become ready for full mating at 2 years, and males at 1.5. We do not recommend introducing younger individuals. Puppies are allowed to be separated from their mother at 1.5 months. If a breeder offers a 1-month-old puppy, do not take it, as it has not been fed with its mother's milk and may therefore be unhealthy.

Preparation at the exhibition

If you plan to raise your pet to be a ring star, you need to start preparing for shows as early as possible. Literally from 2 – 3 months.

Stand your puppy regularly. The forelimbs should be parallel under the body. The rear ones are in a slightly set back position – slightly behind the body. Use your hand to slightly lift your pet's head so that it is parallel to the line of the back and is not lowered. Praise your puppy when he begins to maintain position and stillness on his own. Teach him to stand up without your help.

The dog must be taught to walk properly on a leash. The pet must move on a stretched ring near the left leg of the handler or owner so that its shoulder is at the same level as the leg of the person leading it. The puppy should not get ahead of the leader and lower his head. If this happens, you need to lightly tug the leash or pull it up.

These exercises are recommended to be performed at the beginning of the walk. You should spend no more than 5-10 minutes on them.

It is important that at the show your pet appears before the judges in the best show condition. The dog must be well-groomed, with a shiny coat. With all her appearance she must demonstrate strength and power.

To maintain physical fitness, the Rottweiler requires constant training. They can be long walks. Games. An exercise where the dog, together with its owner, speeds up its pace, starts running, then walks again. He stops and takes a stance.

In any situation, you need to ensure that the dog moves with its head raised. Don't let him be distracted by other dogs, people, or sounds.

To make your Rottweiler look well-groomed, it is enough to brush its fur daily. You can use sharp scissors to slightly correct the ends of the “pants” on the hips. There is no need to cut the “pants” themselves.

Useful tips

  1. Two weeks before the exhibition, the Rottweiler should not be washed. Before entering the ring, wipe your pet's fur with flannel. Then it will acquire a spectacular shine.
  2. The dog should not be fed before the show. Otherwise she will look sleepy.
  3. At an exhibition, the result largely depends on the mood of the owner. It is passed on to his faithful dog. If the owner is worried or nervous, the Rottweiler will also begin to worry. The owner smiles - his favorite is calm and confident in his abilities.

Tail docking

In the USA, Europe and many Asian countries, tail docking is prohibited. Russia has not joined the convention, and this procedure is legal. The Rottweiler's undocked tail must conform to the standard and continue the line of the back.

Tail docking is not recommended for adult dogs - this is a rather painful procedure for older Rottweilers. Yes, and scars remain if the operation is performed after a year. Tail docking is usually done immediately after birth, when the puppy is between 3 and 10 days old. The permissible period is up to 6 months.

If cupping is carried out on time, there are two ways to do it:

  1. Bandage - when a tourniquet is applied to 2/3 of the length of the tail, and the tissue dies within a week.
  2. Surgical - under general anesthesia, the unnecessary part of the tail is cut off.

There is no need for special care for the dog after docking - the bandage is changed every three days until complete healing.


The Rottweiler is a relatively healthy breed. Like most large breeds they are prone to joint dysplasia. The disease can be congenital or acquired.

The cause of the development of dysplasia can be injury, excessive physical activity or a sedentary lifestyle, or gross errors in nutrition.

If the dog periodically limps, gets tired quickly during active games, or places its paws incorrectly when moving, this is a reason to contact a veterinarian for help. Dysplasia cannot be completely cured. But you can slow down or stop its development. An advanced disease will turn your pet into a disabled person.

Vaccination helps prevent infectious diseases.

At one and a half to two months, puppies receive their first vaccination. The second - at three months. Starting at 12 months, your pet must be revaccinated annually until the age of 8. A simple procedure will help avoid serious diseases such as leptospirosis, adenovirus, enteritis, and rabies. By the age of 8, your dog will reach the age of “senior”, and the risk of disease will significantly decrease.

Butcher dogs are prone to obesity. With poor nutrition and little exercise, they quickly gain weight. Extra pounds, in turn, provoke diseases of the joints and heart.

Interesting fact

The fattest Rottweiler lived in England. This is a female named Beaudel. Her weight was 95 kilograms. The world learned about her from the television show “Fat Animals.” The creators of the program explained to viewers how not to feed animals. They did this based on the mistakes of specific people. Beaudel's owner admitted that she fed her baby steak, pork chops and chocolate.


According to the international standard, the Rottweiler is a single German breed with no varieties. However, breeders in many countries around the world have sought to breed a unique dog based on the genes of the dog in question. This is how the world became acquainted with American, English, Finnish and other Rottweilers.

We will not consider each species, since this does not make sense, because dog handlers do not recognize them. The most famous type of breed is the “American”. Breeders from the USA took as a basis the introduction of the largest Rottweilers, so to speak, overgrown ones. They were also overly aggressive. As a result, they managed to breed an extremely angry and large dog with a full range of security qualities.

Rottweilers are naturally a very healthy breed that needs daily exercise and walks.

Questions about the breed

How long do Rottweilers live?

8 – 12 years old.

Is Rottweiler a fighting dog or not?

There is no concept of a fighting dog in any classification. This term refers to dogs that were specially bred for fighting with their relatives. For centuries, Rottweilers have driven herds of cattle and guarded the property of butchers in Germany. However, it should not be ruled out that there were isolated cases when representatives of this breed were used for such entertainment. This is the fault of the person, not the dog.

The Rottweiler is one of the most popular working dogs in the world. He has excellent abilities for guard, search and rescue services.

Is it suitable for family

There is no clear answer to this question. Families are different. When people purchase a puppy of a serious breed, they must be aware of the responsibility. A four-legged baby needs education, care and love just like a human child.

In a friendly family, the Rottweiler gets everything he needs. He grows up calm, friendly, obedient. He responds to good with good. Takes care of and protects all family members. First of all, the main owner and the youngest.

In a family where there is no love and mutual understanding, there are frequent scandals, the puppy turns into aggressive neurotics. Add to this the size of a Rottweiler. Such a dog can pose a danger to others and members of a scandalous family. An angry Rottweiler is a problem for owners and others.

How does a Rottweiler treat children?

It is worth separating children who are family members and strangers. He cares about the first ones. Protects. Tolerates it if the baby pulls his ears and puts his hand in his mouth. However, you should not leave your baby alone with a large dog. A dog can accidentally scare a child or push him out of clumsiness. The child will be injured.

You should never allow strangers to pet or touch your dog. The distrustful dog doesn't like this. He can endure a little for the sake of the owner. Then he will definitely express dissatisfaction. A purebred Rottweiler is a tough dog. Even children shouldn't take liberties with her.

How to cope with loneliness

He gets used to the fact that his owner cannot spend 24 hours a day with him. Given a good walk, he calmly awaits his return.

Problems begin when the owner reduces walks to 15 - 20 minutes. The Rottweiler does not have time to fulfill its physiological needs. He needs physical activity. If there is nowhere to throw out the energy, it begins to protest. There can be different forms: damage to property, howling, depression.

Relationships with other animals

Rottweiler puppies get along well with cats and dogs. Attachment to childhood friends remains for life. As they mature, they become reserved and jealous. The appearance of new animals in the family causes them irritation. They do not want to share their master's love with anyone.

Is it possible to keep it in an apartment?

Despite its large size, it is suitable for keeping in an apartment. A large Rottweiler causes fewer problems than smaller breeds. He does not spin under his owner's feet. After a full morning walk, he lies down on his bedding and dozes until the evening.

It is important to realize that four-legged apartment residents need long walks and games. Without them, pets quickly become decrepit, grow old, and lose health.

During the molting period, owners have to clean their rooms more often.

Is it suitable for allergy sufferers

The skin of adult Rottweilers contains many sebaceous glands. They secrete fatty secretions. Sebum can cause an allergic reaction in people. This dog breed is not suitable for allergy sufferers.

Does a Rottweiler need to have its tail docked?

For centuries, breeders have strived to perfect the Rottweiler's figure. The tail was cut because it upset the balance of the animal's constitution and worsened its appearance.

Today, in many countries it is prohibited to dock dogs' tails and ears. This ban does not apply in Russia. Future owners decide for themselves which puppy to choose: with a docked tail or a long-tailed one.

Most Russian breeders dock the tails of only half of the puppies from the litter. According to them, a significant part of buyers is divided into convinced supporters of long tails and short tails. Some clients don't care what kind of tail their pet has.

How much does a Rottweiler weigh?

Puppies are born weighing 300 – 500 grams. The weight of an adult Rottweiler reaches 40 – 60 kg.

Preventive methods

The sooner the prevention of dominant behavior in a Rottweiler begins, the fewer problems there will be with the manifestation of hierarchical aggression. You must become a leader for him from the first day he appears in the house.

The place where the puppy will sleep needs to be decided once and for all. You need to stop every attempt to climb into a chair, onto a bed and other places where you and your family members rest and sleep. To show your dog your leadership, you can from time to time drive it away from a forbidden place and settle there instead.

If the Rottweiler decides to block your path and lies down in the middle of the room, you should not walk around or step over it. The correct action is to clear the way for yourself by pushing the dog away with your foot. If he growled, it means there are problems with aggression. Continue in this manner until the dog no longer interferes with your movements.

Never allow your Rottweiler to leave your room, house, apartment, or entrance before you. A dog that respects its owner should always go second.

During feeding, the Rottweiler may be aggressive towards your presence, preventing you from removing the bowl in a timely manner. Most likely, you allowed him to eat earlier than you, or fed him from your table. In any case, begin to develop endurance in the animal - make it wait until you eat yourself. While the Rottweiler is eating, keep the bowl for the prescribed fifteen minutes and remove it, despite the indignation. You are the leader - you decide when and how much he eats.

Never be overly affectionate. This will not make the dog happier, but it will expand the boundaries of what is permitted. There should only be strict discipline and a timely “good” or “well done.”

Also, the dog should not show aggression if you take away something that belongs to it. Only the leader can decide when to start the game and when to end it. Therefore, you should not allow your growing puppy to become the owner of toys. If the Rottweiler starts to growl, scold him while shaking him by the scruff of the neck.

The behavior of a dog that is capable of biting is corrected with the help of a leash - pull until it lets go of the toy. If this does not happen, wait until the dog abandons it on its own. Then throw the toy away - your Rottweiler should never play with it again.

If you start a game of tug of war with your puppy, never let go of the rope if he starts to get angry. Otherwise, you will let the Rottweiler know that if I growl, I will get whatever I want.

All household members should do the same. This way, the Rottweiler will learn while still a puppy that he comes last in the family hierarchy and will not show aggression towards your family.

At certain times, the dog must undergo special courses, with the help of which he develops the skills of obedience, respect and protection of the owner. You can find out more in the article “Features of training Rottweilers.”

Photos of Rottweiler puppies

Where to buy a puppy

There are many places where you can buy a Rottweiler. A neighbor, according to an advertisement in the newspaper, got away with it at the “bird market.” The price will most likely be small. However, no one can guarantee that you have purchased a purebred Rottweiler.

If you want a purebred puppy, contact a breeding kennel. A conscientious breeder will tell you about the baby’s parents. Their mother will show them. He will comment on her exterior advantages and character traits.

Choose a puppy from purebred parents, always with a certificate of origin (puppy card).

Experts advise taking a puppy from a bitch who is at least 2 years old. At this time she fully developed physically and mentally. Refuse to purchase if mother is 8 years old or older. Older dogs are physiologically incapable of producing full-fledged offspring.

How much does a Rottweiler cost?

Before choosing a Rottweiler puppy, decide on the purpose of the purchase.

Pet-class kids are suitable as family pets. They have slight deviations from the standard. Most often, these “shortcomings” can only be noticed by specialists. These deviations in the exterior do not in any way affect the working qualities of the dogs.

If you want to attend exhibitions with your pet and win rings, choose a breed-class baby. These puppies meet the breed standards, but they have minor flaws in their appearance.

Show-class puppies are most often purchased by breeders. These babies correspond to the breed standard as much as possible. Such dogs are suitable for those who plan to breed Rottweilers.

The price depends on the class of the dog. A small pet-class Rottweiler will cost 20 - 25 thousand, breeding - from 25 to 40. There are few show-class puppies born. Breeders often leave them in nurseries for breeding work. If they sell, they are expensive. Not everyone can afford it. Their cost is from 40 thousand rubles and above. These are average prices in Russia. Depending on the region and seasonal demand, they may vary.

Who is better, bitch or male?

It is a common misconception that females are always more docile than males. This is actually not true. The character of a Rottweiler depends on heredity, individual characteristics and upbringing.

Boys are bigger and tougher. They require a lot of physical activity. At the same time, they are more stubborn, straightforward and independent. A weak-willed owner is often challenged for his leadership role. They tend to get into fights with their rivals over the ladies. When meeting a female dog in heat, it may not be the right time to forget about the owner and go after her.

The Rottweiler girl is smarter and more cunning. More flexible. Feels the owner more subtly. Doesn't qualify for the lead role. For this reason, novice dog breeders are encouraged to opt for it. It is worth knowing that many four-legged ladies love and know how to fight no worse than male dogs. During estrus they are prone to sudden mood swings.

How to choose

  • Give preference to an active puppy. Well-fed. With shiny fur. With a color typical for the breed.
  • You should not take a puppy whose health is in doubt. You are choosing a family member, not doing charity.
  • From among the kids who meet the first requirement, give preference to the one who has shown interest in you. If there are several such puppies, choose the one for which you feel sympathy.


The Rottweiler is one of the most affordable dog breeds in terms of price. In Russia, in fact, as in other CIS countries, there are many of these beautiful and fearless animals. But we advise making purchases only in the right places, or rather, in nurseries.

Breeders who work for themselves cannot guarantee the buyer the purchase of an absolutely healthy dog. In addition, they are unlikely to provide any documents for it. The average price of a Rottweiler is 10 thousand rubles. Nurseries also sell more expensive puppies, from 20 thousand, children of champion parents.


There are several dozen private Rottweiler nurseries in Russia where you can buy good puppies. Novosibirsk "Constellation Taurus" is one of them. We asked breeder Alexandra Zhuravleva to tell us about him.

Alexandra Zhuravleva

Rottweiler breeder, owner of the Constellation Taurus kennel, instructor-trainer, trainee expert, biologist)

Our nursery was founded in 2013. He is not big. We have few manufacturers. But they are all high-breed. By this term I mean dogs not only with high show scores and titles. All our producers have a balanced character. We went through training. All have negative tests for breed diseases. What kind of owner would you like for your puppy?

This must be an adult. Over eighteen years old. With a strong character. Not necessarily physically strong. Consistent in actions, calm and responsible.

He must have a stable financial situation. Otherwise, he will not be able to provide the dog with adequate nutrition, pay for a visit to the veterinarian and training classes.

I do not insist on regular participation in exhibitions. On this issue, the owners themselves make a decision depending on their capabilities. It is not so important where the puppy will live: in an apartment or a country house. The main thing is that the dog has good contact with the owner, so that it is fully walked.

I would like to remind future dog owners of a common truth. What you put into a dog is what you get out of it.

Alexandra Zhuravleva. Nursery “Constellation Taurus”

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

A dog that is cared for regularly will almost never get sick. She is cheerful and active, happily approaches a bowl filled with food, and in the evenings she brings a ball to her owner, asking him to throw it forward.

The behavior of a sick dog changes greatly. Firstly, she becomes inactive, secondly, she loses her appetite, and lastly, she moves away from people, wants to be alone. An indicator that your pet has a sore stomach is whining and arching of the lower back. And, of course, complete loss of appetite. In any case, he should be shown to a veterinarian.

Unfortunately, large dogs often injure their limbs, especially their front ones. This usually occurs as a result of running fast. Never help an injured animal yourself, as you could harm it. Better take him to the veterinary hospital.

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