Stride Plus (Stride Plus) – Syrup for dogs 500 ml

In this article I will talk about the veterinary drug Stride Plus. I will describe its positive effect on the dog’s body, instructions for use and the mechanism of action of the product. I will give the release form, composition of the drug, storage conditions, expiration dates, price and analogues. I will list possible side effects and contraindications.

Strite Plus is a fortified chondroprotective veterinary drug for dogs.

Composition and action

The medicine contains several important components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • glucosamine hydrochloride.

It is these substances that can restore cartilage tissue and ensure its strength. Glucosamine has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This is a polysaccharide that lubricates the joints, ensuring their mobility.

In healthy animals, glucosamine is produced in the body independently, but in inflammatory and other pathological processes it may not be enough. Taking chondroprotectors will restore the process of glucosamine production and restore the strength of cartilage tissue.

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Chondroitin sulfate

accelerates the restoration of damaged joint capsule and cartilage tissue. It prevents their destruction, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and is a good analgesic. Hyaluronic acid is the most important component of synovial fluid. It restores the elasticity of cartilage, joint mobility, relieves pain and inflammation.

The drug has a positive effect on inflamed joints. It inhibits the enzymes present in the diseased joint, which have a destructive effect on it, as well as:

  • Inhibits degenerative processes;
  • Improves nutrition of cartilage tissue;
  • Normalizes metabolism.

When using a chondroprotector, the development of destructive processes is inhibited, inflammation is relieved, and pain is reduced. Stride Plus improves mobility and elasticity of the joint, and prevents the development of dangerous complications that can lead to disability of the dog.

Important! The medicine will not give an immediate effect, it should be used for a course of treatment, only then can noticeable improvements in the pet’s condition be achieved.

Pharmacological properties

Hyaluronic acid is a natural joint substance, the composition and content of which is reduced during synovitis and osteoarthritis. One of its most important functions of hyaluronic acid is to increase the viscosity of synovial fluid, which reduces friction on articular surfaces, thus ensuring proper and smooth joint movement.

Glucosamine HCI increases the level of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and hyaluronate in the joint.

A sufficient amount of chondroitin sulfate allows the joint to withstand constant compression and shock.

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is a source of bioaccumulable sulfur. Sulfur is necessary for the synthesis of connective tissue. Methylsulfonylmethane is a cofactor of glucosamine HCI and chondroitin sulfate in cartilage.


The effect of using Stride Plus will become noticeable after several therapeutic courses. In young animals, inflammatory processes in the joints stop faster; in older animals, the joints are more susceptible to destruction. Then chondroprotectors will not help, surgical intervention will be required.

Stride Plus is prescribed:

  • for degenerative joint destruction;
  • age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system;
  • injuries - fractures, sprains;
  • metabolic disorders in the dog’s body caused by a lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • genetic predisposition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc.

The latter is characteristic of such breeds as St. Bernard, Western and Eastern European Shepherd, Dachshund, Labrador and others.

In addition, the drug can be used for small puppies and adult dogs to prevent destructive processes in the joints. First of all, puppies of large breeds, whose muscle tissue grows faster than bone tissue, needs it. As a result, the skeleton experiences increased stress.

Indications for the use of Stride Plus are the following diseases:

  • arthritis and osteoarthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • ankylosis;
  • fibrositis and others.


is an inflammatory disease that is caused by various factors and can affect animals of any age, but older pets are more susceptible to it. The disease can be provoked by:

  • frequent stress;
  • infections that have a negative impact on the entire animal’s body, including the musculoskeletal system;
  • injuries, joint damage.

With arthrosis, joint damage is irreversible and degenerative and cannot be treated. Medicines can only stop the pathological process at stages 1-2 of the disease; later, only surgical intervention is possible.

Important! Only a veterinarian can prescribe the use of chondroprotectors. He will assess the animal’s condition, identify the cause of degenerative processes in the joints and determine an effective treatment plan.


Stride Plus for dogs (Stride Plus) liquid in a bottle. A natural product that preserves joint mobility.

10 ml of Stride Plus for dogs contains:

  • Glucosamine hydrochloride - 1.69 mg
  • MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) - 1.01 mg
  • Chondroitin hydrochloride – 330 mg
  • Hyaluric acid – 7.45 mg

Predisposing factors for joint problems are age, injury, intense training, obesity, genetic predisposition (primarily in breeds such as German and East European Shepherds, St. Bernards, Dachshunds, Labrador Retrievers, and the like).

To restore joints, chondroprotectors are needed.

The daily food supplement Stride Plus for dogs contains natural ingredients that strengthen joints and ligaments.


Stride Plus comes in the form of a syrup that is easy to add to your dog's food. One press of the dispenser allows you to dispense 1 ml of medication. The dose depends on the purpose of using the drug:

  • for the prevention of joint diseases: 1 ml for small breed dogs and puppies (up to 5 kg), 2 ml for animals weighing 5-15 kg, 4 ml for large individuals;
  • for therapeutic purposes - the dose is doubled.

The minimum course of treatment is a month, but to achieve and consolidate a noticeable result, it is recommended to give the medicine to animals for at least two to three months, then take a two-month break and repeat the treatment.

Release form and composition of the drug Stride Plus for dogs

The product is available in syrup form.

Packaged in plastic bottles with a dispenser with a screw cap, 200 ml or 500 ml.


  • hyaluronic acid;
  • manganese;
  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • glucosamine hydrochloride;
  • methylsulfanylmethane.

Composition of the drug


No other veterinary drug has the same composition as Stride Plus. For joint diseases, veterinarians sometimes prescribe other chondroprotectors that are used in official medicine:

  1. Glucosamine – containing the active ingredient of the same name;
  2. Chondroitin sulfate – tablets with the same component in the composition;
  3. Mucosate is a solution for intramuscular administration containing chondroitin sulfate.

Nutri Horse Chondro has the same effect and similar composition as Stride Plus. The veterinary drug was developed for the treatment of horses, but is also used to treat animals. The veterinarian will calculate the individual dosage.

Stride Plus plus for the treatment of joint diseases in dogs 200 ml

Detailed description

Stride Plus Glucosamine + MSM + chondroitin + hyaluronic acid.
A unique drug for dogs that prevents damage to joint tissue. Recently, in surgical practice, pathologies associated with joint disease in dogs have become common, the causes of which are: genetic predisposition (for example, in breeds such as Serbernard, German and East European Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Dachshund, etc.) ; joint dysplasia; age-related changes; climatic factors (seasonal exacerbation of chronic processes; unfavorable climatic conditions for the residence of certain breeds of dogs brought from other regions (Dogue de Bordeaux, Mastino Napolitano, Filo Brasileiro, mastiffs, Tosa Inu, etc.); cold factor; metabolic disorders, in particular vitamin and mineral metabolism (osteoporosis, rickets, osteodystrophy); autoimmune disorders (rheumatism); physical inactivity. Stride Plus is a highly effective drug belonging to a new generation of chondroprotectors intended for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints in dogs. Recommended for puppies for strengthening cartilage tissue of the auricles Composition of Stride Plus: Per 100 ml: Hyaluronic acid 745 g Glucosamine Hydrochloride 16.9 g Chondroitin Sulfate 3.3 g Methylsulfanylmethane (MSM) 10.1 g Manganese ascorbate 0.72 g Filler up to 100 ml Pharmacological action : Hyaluronic acid is the main component of synovial fluid, gives cartilage tissue visco-elastic properties, and also reduces inflammation, pain and facilitates movement. Glucosamine increases the level of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in joint tissues, which are the “building blocks” for the restoration of cartilage tissue and ensure its strength. Glucosamine also increases the level of hyaluronate, the main component of joint (synovial) fluid. Glucosamine has certain anti-inflammatory properties. Chondroitin sulfate – promotes hydration of cartilage and increases its shock-absorbing capabilities, helps restore the joint capsule and cartilaginous surfaces of joints. Chondroitin has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, preventing the destruction of cartilage by enzymes produced during inflammatory processes in the joints. Chondroitin is also involved in the construction of the basic substance of bone tissue. MSM is a source of bioavailable sulfur, which is necessary for the synthesis of connective tissue, including the main protein of connective tissue - collagen. Manganese takes an active part in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, in the processes of osteogenesis, and normalizes growth. Manganese is involved in the absorption of chondroitin sulfate.

Indications: degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the joints - bruises, wounds, joint sprains, hydrarthrosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, periarticular fibrositis, arthrosis, ankylosis, osteochondrosis.

Application: Stride plus is mixed with food in the dose:

Treatment: Small dogs (up to 5 kg) 2 ml Small dogs (5 -15 kg) 4 ml Medium dogs (15 - 30 kg) 8 ml Large dogs (over 30 kg) 12 ml.

Prevention: Small dogs (up to 5 kg) 1 ml Small dogs (5 -15 kg) 2 ml Medium dogs (15 - 30 kg) 4 ml Large dogs (over 30 kg) 6 ml.

To obtain 1 ml of syrup, press the pump once. Shake before use. Stride Plus must be taken for a minimum of 30 days. Then, depending on the result, continue to give Stride at this dosage or reduce the dose by half. Release form Stride plus: bottle with pump 200 ml and 500 ml. Manufacturer Stride Plus: TRM, Ireland.

Possible side effects

Even if the instructions for use are followed, negative reactions may develop, and if they are violated, the likelihood of complications increases several times. The most common side effect is a severe allergy, which is manifested by dry mouth, lacrimation, thirst, refusal to eat, and red eyes.

Allergies can also manifest as apathy

The pet may become restless and itch constantly. When examining the mucous membrane of the eyes, its redness is noted. In severe cases, an allergic reaction is accompanied by swelling of the throat mucosa and suffocation. Sometimes, with long-term use of the drug, there is a deterioration in appetite and vomiting.

If allergy symptoms or other complications appear, it is recommended to stop treatment and consult a veterinarian.

Stride: description of the drug

Stride for dogs is a drug produced in powder form, the action of which is aimed at preventing the destruction of all joint tissues. This vitamin complex, which, thanks to its active substances, perfectly regenerates cartilage. Stride vitamins are used as preventive measures for rheumatism and have a beneficial effect on restoring metabolism. The package contains a measuring spoon to accurately determine the dose. Manufactured by Stride Plus in Ireland.

Active substances

  • Methylsulfanylmethane (MSM) – 2000 mg;
  • Glucosamine Hydrochloride – 1080 mg;
  • Chondroitin Sulfate – 240 mg;
  • Maranza Sulfate – 76 mg;
  • Vitamin C – 48 mg.

* for 10 g

These substances are indispensable for the rapid and effective restoration of connective and cartilage tissues. They have a noticeable anti-inflammatory effect and fight well against pain symptoms. Vitamins are suitable for aging pets.

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