Alabai puppies - how long does pregnancy last in dogs?

Characteristics of the Alabai

Alabai puppy
Central Asian Shepherd puppies have a number of characteristics. First of all, it is worth noting that the Alabai breed has a calm, balanced type of puppy with high nervous activity. In addition, it has the following properties:

  • the small dog is agile and stable;
  • has uniform strength and balance of nervous processes;
  • thanks to genetics, Alabai puppies are calm and not fussy;
  • they have a long reaction to stimuli;
  • an adult dog has primitive herding-guard traits combined with pride and self-confidence;
  • give the impression of serious and arrogant animals;
  • in the process of being kept together, CAO puppies are able to form packs;
  • dogs have a good attitude towards all pets and family members;

Bitches are more mobile and dynamic than males.
Attention! When vagrancy and gathering manifest themselves, radical measures in education should be urgently taken.

Serious and arrogant bitch Alabai


Alabai boasts good health. But there are diseases to which the Central Asian Shepherd is suddenly exposed.


Here is a list of diseases common among Alabais:

  1. Joint problems. The considerable weight of the dog negatively affects the structure of the cartilage. Arthritis, arthrosis, dysplasia, and so on occur.
  2. Problems with the cardiovascular system. If the dog leads an inactive lifestyle, then the performance of the heart decreases and the elasticity of blood vessels is impaired.
  3. Excess weight and poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle are not good for your dog.

If the Alabai has become indifferent to the outside world and does not want to communicate with the owner, then you should immediately consult a veterinarian. The specialist will examine the pet and prescribe treatment. It is not recommended to select medications on your own, much less test traditional medicine on a dog.


Such diseases can occur due to a gene defect, or the owner’s neglect of the dog.

Here is the list:

  • Skin. For example, the Central Asian Shepherd dog suffers from ringworm and demodicosis. Infected from other animals, or due to living in poor conditions.
  • Genetic. These are infertility, diabetes and cryptorchidism. The treatment is long, and is selected only by a veterinarian.
  • Parvovirus enteritis. A contagious and practically untreatable viral disease. Very often the animal dies.

Self-medication is not encouraged. Otherwise, all attempts will lead to sad consequences.

Nose becomes swollen

A swollen nose indicates the presence of some disease. The reasons why a dog's nose swells can be different. Here are some of them:

  1. bite of a wasp, bee, mosquito or other insect;
  2. allergic reaction;
  3. runny nose;
  4. viral diseases;
  5. poor nutrition;
  6. immunity disorder.

A swollen nose is a cause for concern and a visit to the veterinarian. For example, a bee or wasp sting causes the dog to have trouble breathing. May be accompanied by swelling of the nasopharynx.

Alabai is a dog that requires increased attention and professional training. If the owner takes into account the recommendations of specialists and doctors, the dog will become a good and healthy protector of all family members. The Shepherd gets along easily with other pets, is unpretentious in food, but needs care.

How to prepare for the arrival of a Central Asian Shepherd puppy

Knowing how long pregnant Alabai walk, you can predict the date of birth. And even if the Asian Shepherd puppy has not yet appeared in the house, a good owner is already thinking about how to make his maintenance comfortable. First of all, you should acquire the following items:

  • 2 bowls;
  • collar, leash, muzzle, harness;
  • puppy food;
  • zoo shampoo;
  • bed;
  • toys;
  • combs, furminator.

Until the dog has had all its vaccinations, it should live in a home. A place for the baby should be arranged where the new family member can rest peacefully. A suitable option is a mattress with a removable cover that can be easily washed.

Important! The bed should be placed away from radiators and drafts.

The bed should be positioned correctly in the room

Benefits of Regular Bathing

One of the main benefits is that the puppy gets used to bathing. Let's face it. He will almost certainly need a bath at some point in his life.

Your puppy may need a bath:

  1. For medical reasons (infections, parasites, allergies);
  2. Remove unpleasant substances from fur;
  3. To reduce odor.

If your puppy has never done this before, bathing him on his third birthday because he smells so bad will be quite a traumatic experience.

Contents of Alabaev

It is worth discussing how to properly care for puppies when the birth of the Alabai is over and the kittens will go to new homes in the near future.


To ensure your pet's health, you need to follow the vaccination schedule:

  • At the age of 5-8 weeks, the first vaccination is done in 2 stages, if the mother was vaccinated before mating.
  • More often, breeders tend to give the first vaccination at 2 months. Revaccination should be carried out at intervals of 1-2 weeks.

Important! The injection should only be administered to an absolutely healthy animal until the baby teeth fall out.


You should not bathe the animal too often, because the fur is resistant to dirt. It is enough to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a year using special shampoos. Dead fur should be combed regularly; the peak of shedding occurs in the spring.


The question of whether to crop the tail and ears of your pet or not is up to each owner to decide independently. Some believe that this is simply necessary, others are opponents of this procedure.

Why are the tail and ears docked?

Basically, docking is carried out based on aesthetic understandings - a docked pet will look more prestigious and well-groomed . Owners of show dogs almost always resort to this operation; it is required by standards. Also, docking is mandatory for working dogs; long ears and tail can interfere with work. In addition, cupping may be indicated by a veterinarian, for example, in the presence of auricular ulcer, tumors and neoplasms, necrosis of various origins.

At what age do they dock?

It would be correct to carry out the cupping procedure before the age of 10 days. This is due to the fact that until 10 days the nerve endings of the ears and tail are not yet active. The procedure will be painless, and the cut sites will not bleed and will heal quickly. But not every specialist will undertake to dock such a small puppy - it is difficult to determine the correct proportions and make cuts in the wrong places . Most often, the operation is performed much later than 10 days of age, always with the use of anesthesia and suturing.

Important! During recovery after surgery, it is necessary to treat the sections with antiseptic drugs for two weeks. The first 2-3 days you will need to change the bandages. A veterinary cap should be placed on the neck, which the dog must wear until the stitches are removed.

Veterinarian procedure or self-relief: which is better?

To carry out this procedure, you need to choose a veterinarian who has experience working specifically with Alabai; Central Asian Shepherds are mostly short-haired, and a crooked cut will be noticeable, which will not add aesthetics to the dog’s appearance .
Stopping a puppy on your own can lead to serious consequences; it is better to carry out this operation in a veterinary clinic or call a specialist at home. However, some dog owners perform tail docking without surgery. To do this, for a puppy under one month of age, the skin of the tail is pulled to its base and tied with a very tight elastic band in the right place. After a few days, the section of the tail deprived of blood supply disappears. This method is not suitable for ear cropping. Cupping that requires surgical intervention at home is strongly discouraged. This is a rather serious procedure that requires sterility, experience, suitable equipment and compliance with all rules.

Undocked alabai with ears and tail

Owners of Alabais, who do not have to meet show standards, often leave the tail and ears undocked. This is the right approach - no matter how neat and well-groomed a docked pet may look, no one will compensate him for the suffering he has suffered or be able to protect him from possible complications. Caring for an undocked dog has its own characteristics. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the tail and ears, avoid frostbite, injuries and not regret that the pet is left undocked - adult dogs tolerate surgery very hard, and the healing process takes much longer than in puppies.

Caring for ears, eyes, teeth, claws

To make life easier for the animal, you should regularly examine your pet and clean its vital organs.


It is necessary to examine the dog’s ears every day for signs of:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • heavy discharge;
  • mud;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • discoloration in some places.

You should clean your ears every 3-4 days. If sulfur has not yet accumulated, you should not disturb the puppy again.

Attention! In Russia, ear cropping of white or black Alabais is not a mandatory procedure; the owner decides the issue independently.

Alabai eyes

If discharge appears from the dog's eyes, it is necessary to wash them with chamomile decoction or tea. It is recommended to show the animal to a veterinarian.

Ears and eyes require constant care


You can clean plaque from pets using special toys or large bones, as well as a special toothbrush. The puppy should get used to the procedure from early childhood; in adulthood, he will know what the device can look like.

To remove tartar, you should contact your veterinarian.


If the claws do not gradually wear off, you need to shorten them using special forceps yourself or contact a veterinary clinic.

Education and training

Alabai and the children usually get along great. The dog will play with pleasure with the child. However, you have to seriously work on establishing psychological contact between you, the owner, and the puppy from the first days. It is very important to show your pet who is boss in the house. To do this, do not allow disobedience.

Another key point: try to take the dog for walks in unfamiliar places, take him in a car and public transport. He will be confused and confused, and therefore he will internalize and take your leadership qualities for granted.

Puppy food

A balanced diet plays an important role in a dog’s health.

What to feed at 1 month

At this age, feeding should be done every 3 hours, gradually increasing the intervals between meals. The basis of nutrition at the age of 1 month is dairy products, which should be supplemented with vegetables, cereals, sour cream, and vegetable oil in small quantities.

Diet at 2 months

In addition to vitamin and mineral supplements, the diet of a two-month-old Alabai should include:

  • meat - 160 g;
  • cottage cheese - 290-310 g;
  • curdled milk - 230-250 g;
  • cereals - 100 g;
  • vegetables - 60 g.

Nutrition at 3 months

The puppy's energy needs and appetite increase by the age of three months. For a weekly diet you will need the following volume of products:

  • 360 meat products;
  • 500 ml yogurt;
  • 650 g offal;
  • 330 g cereals;
  • 300 g vegetables;
  • 160 g dark bread;
  • 50 g bran;
  • 10 ml vegetable oil.

Attention! The puppy should be given a boiled chicken egg about 2-3 times a week.

Further diet

By the age of five months, the number of meals is 4 times a day. Meat also dominates the diet. During the period of 5-8 months, it is customary to feed the dog 3 times a day.

From the age of eight months, two meals a day are introduced; for one meal, the volume of meat should be 550-700 g.

Natural feeding

When feeding naturally, it is important to include in the diet not only meat, but also dairy products, cereals, fermented milk products, bran, and vegetables. You should also ensure constant access to a bowl of water. From 10 months, your puppy can be given raw soft meaty bones.

Important! It is recommended to monitor the amount of food you eat, as overeating is not advisable.

Switching to dry food

It is recommended to switch animals to ready-made dry food no earlier than two years of age. The brand should be chosen individually so that the components do not contribute to allergic reactions.

In any case, you should give preference to high-quality products, the super premium category.

Rickets in puppies

Puppies up to 12 months of age are susceptible to this disease. The disease occurs as a result of a deficiency:

  • vitamin D;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.

Signs of rickets in puppies:

  • inhibited reaction;
  • fatigue often occurs;
  • oppression;
  • the condition of the coat deteriorates.

Treatment involves adjusting the diet and taking additional mineral and vitamin preparations as prescribed by the doctor.

Crooked front paws

Most often, curvature of the paws occurs due to genetic abnormalities. Correcting the situation is extremely difficult, often impossible. Remains to love and care for the pet.

Curvature of a pet's paws

How to prepare dry food for babies 2-4 months old

Below are some recommendations for preparing food - in fact, there are no difficulties here. Manufacturers usually write on the packaging what the portion should be - of course, it will be different for puppies of different ages and weights.

Divide the indicated portion into two, and then into four more. Soak one dose in cold water - the amount will be approximately equal to the feed in volume. Different brands absorb water differently - you will have to determine by experience, but the approximate soaking time is two hours.

Next, add filler - it can be minced meat, finely ground vegetables, fish in a ratio of 5/1 to food. And add half a teaspoon of vegetable oil there. People often ask why vegetables need to be ground - this is done so that your pet does not eat only the components that are most tasty for him from the food offered.

The diet should include finely grated vegetables

Next time, use fermented milk products as a filler, as well as fruits, berries, and nuts - this option is better suited for feeding an Alabai puppy in the morning. This is explained by the fact that many dogs do not really like it, but at night the break in food is longer, therefore, the appetite is higher. Then just alternate options with meat and fish.

Please note that the nuts will need to be chopped in a food processor - do not feed them whole. Any will do - almonds, cashews, Brazilian, etc. One dose is a level teaspoon – that’s more than enough.

How to care for Alabai in a city apartment

If you have to keep a dog in an apartment, you must provide:

  • daily walks in the morning and evening, at least 60 minutes in time;
  • young dogs should be walked 3-4 times a day;
  • The dog must be let off the leash in designated areas;
  • It is recommended to use a leash and muzzle for walks.

Aviary for alabai

Where can I buy

If suddenly the stores in your city don’t have a suitable comb or you simply don’t have time to look for it, then you can always place an order online. Online stores provide a huge selection of various accessories for animals at fairly affordable prices. The only negative that can be highlighted is the waiting time for the order.

Best online pet supply stores:

  • Lemurrr pet market chain;
  • Section with combs for dogs on Aliexpress;
  • Online store of pet products Zoo Passage.

Keeping alabai in a private house

In the yard, the dog needs to build an enclosure with a booth made of durable materials, maintaining a distance of at least 10 m from the home. The designated area should be dry, clean, and sunny.

Attention! If you make a collapsible booth, it can be easily treated with detergents and disinfectants, then dried thoroughly.

After the Alabai pregnancy ends and the puppies are born, you need to wait a little and choose an active baby. Many people know how many puppies the Alabai gives birth to. Their number reaches on average 6-10 individuals, sometimes more in one litter. In this case, you can take the puppy who has proven himself more than the rest.


Next in the photo you can see what an Alabai’s enclosure should be like and the approximate dimensions of a dog house.

What not to give

There are a number of foods that should not be fed to Alabai puppies, as they pose a threat to life and health or are not recommended for other reasons. Owners who don’t know very well what to feed their puppy will find the list of prohibited foods useful:

You should limit your dog from unwanted foods.

  • Scraps from your table - not only can they be harmful to your pet’s health, he develops the habit of asking for food from the table, which is fundamentally wrong;
  • Bones - the dog can injure his larynx or palate with sharp fragments;
  • Pasta and vermicelli;
  • Spices;
  • Smoked meats and sausages;
  • Grapes and raisins;
  • Sweets, baked goods and any types of baked goods;
  • Xylitol is a sugar substitute that is deadly to dogs. If your dog accidentally eats anything with xylitol, contact your veterinarian immediately - the consequences can be fatal.

In case of poisoning, the dog must be taken to a veterinarian immediately

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