How is pregnancy in a German Shepherd, duration, how many puppies does it bring?

During the entire gestation period, as well as during childbirth and the postpartum period, the owner must provide his pet with the necessary care. Only in this case will the puppies be born strong and strong. In addition, proper care will help maintain the health of the female. In order to provide all possible assistance to their pet, as well as to organize proper care for the offspring, many owners try to take leave during the period of childbirth. How long does a pregnant German Shepherd dog walk? How does the process of gestation and labor proceed? This article will answer these and other pressing questions in detail.

Pregnant German Shepherd

How long does pregnancy last for a German Shepherd?

Usually the exact date of birth of German Shepherd puppies is difficult to predict. After all, many factors influence how long pregnancy will last. Let's list them:

  • Is this the animal's first pregnancy?
  • How many fetuses are there in the uterus?
  • What is the dog's general health?
  • How old is the shepherd dog?

If a dog is pregnant for the first time, this pregnancy will last longer than subsequent ones. The maximum period that a dog can be pregnant is 60 - 70 days.

If there is a large number of fetuses in the amniotic sac, labor occurs from 58 to 60 days. There are cases when puppies are born before the 53rd day of pregnancy. Such puppies, unfortunately, die immediately after birth. If, on the contrary, the gestation period of a shepherd dog is prolonged (more than 70 days), then the veterinarian may suggest that the owner give birth by cesarean section.

How do Germans give birth?

Childbirth begins with contractions, during which the cervix dilates. A pregnant dog begins to strain, causing the fetus to move down the birth canal. Each puppy takes between 2 and 10 minutes to be born. By breaking the bubble and licking the baby, the mother stimulates breathing and blood circulation. Between the appearance of puppies it can take from 5 minutes to an hour and a half. The duration of labor depends on the number of babies. On average, they end in 6-12 hours. In experienced females the process goes quickly, young ones require observation and help.

Imaginary pregnancy

What is imaginary pregnancy in a German Shepherd? It occurs when a dog experiences a hormonal imbalance in the body. This is due to irregular or rare matings. False pregnancy can occur 5 weeks after estrus, and sometimes after 2 months. Sometimes this happens even when mating has been carried out and fertilization has occurred, but the fruits have died for some reason. How can you tell if the pregnancy is not real? There are a number of physiological and psychological signs that can be used to tell whether a dog is pregnant or whether it is simply a failure of the reproductive system:

  • The animal's behavior changes dramatically. It becomes apathetic, sometimes on the contrary excited and nervous.
  • A certain amount of milk appears, the breasts swell, the belly increases in size.
  • Sometimes the dog stops eating and doesn’t want to play or go for walks.
  • The bitch prepares a place for the puppies and guards it.
  • The animal mistakes its soft toys for children, tinkers with them, and nurses them.

One way or another, the imaginary pregnancy passes in about 2 weeks. If this condition does not end, you must immediately consult a veterinarian. Otherwise, your pet may develop mastitis, a disease of the mammary glands, or mental abnormalities may appear.

Signs of pregnancy

It is possible to understand that the dog is in an “interesting” position only in the second month after conception. Of course, this can be done by an experienced veterinarian in the first half of pregnancy using ultrasound and palpation. But in the early stages the owner himself is unlikely to determine this correctly.

However, there are some features and signs by which you can understand that the shepherd will soon become a mother. They appear one after another as the gestation period of the puppies increases:

  • The bitch suffers from constant bouts of thirst.
  • She is in a lethargic, apathetic state.
  • The shepherd's chest and nipples swell and increase in size.
  • The belly begins to show.
  • The shepherd weighs more than before pregnancy.
  • Next, you can notice that the shepherd’s belly has dropped.
  • Colostrum (first milk) is released in large quantities, and discharge from the genitals also appears.
  • Real milk is formed a week before birth, and sometimes after it.

Caring for a shepherd dog and puppies after birth

A caring mother will do everything to ensure that her offspring grow up healthy, and the owner is required to create conditions that can ensure the full growth and development of puppies. To do this you need:

  1. Change the litter regularly.
  2. Ensure a comfortable temperature in the area where the dog and puppies are located.
  3. Transfer babies who do not have enough breast milk to artificial feeding.
  4. Trim the nails regularly to avoid injuring the abdomen.
  5. Eliminate all sources of injury around the nest.
  6. Start complementary feeding at two weeks.

Germinal period

If your German Shepherd is in the fetal stage of pregnancy, it can be very difficult to understand. The dog behaves almost the same as always. This period includes the first and second weeks of pregnancy.

First week

In the first week after conception, the sperm of a male dog still retains its activity and tries to enter the egg in order to fertilize it. After successful fertilization, embryonic rudiments are formed.

Second week

At this time, the embryos begin to attach to the walls of the uterus. However, in size they are very small and almost undeveloped.

What else should you pay attention to?

In addition to food and walks, the owner should be attentive to any little details:

  • If the dog is injured, the injury site should be washed with an antiseptic solution and the procedure repeated until complete healing. The use of antibiotics is extremely undesirable during pregnancy, so you should not lead to purulent complications.
  • If there are signs of any illness (diarrhea, vomiting), you should contact a veterinarian to stop the disease in the early stages.

Young, healthy dogs usually go through pregnancy without any problems and give birth without complications.

Pre-fetal period

The duration of the prefetal period starts from 3 weeks and ends with 31 days of pregnancy.

Third week

In the third week, the placenta begins to form. This is a kind of place where the puppies will be until the end of the dog’s “interesting” position. The embryos at this time are relatively small, they are 0.5 centimeters in size.

Fourth week

At 28-30 days, the embryo already reaches a size of 2 centimeters. During this period, the puppy's skull is formed.

Requirements for space and food bowls

The puppy is fed in a place where no one will bother him. If there are other dogs in the house, then the bowls should be in different places. This will avoid fights over food.

The size of the bowl should be such that it can hold the required amount of food. As for the material of the product, it is a matter of taste of the owner. But you need to take into account important requirements:

  • The dishes must be made of non-toxic material;
  • It should wash well and easily;
  • The base of the bowls must be stable.

Fetal period

The fetal period is a period of time starting from the second half of pregnancy (approximately 32 days). It is called so because, starting from this period, embryos are already called fetuses.

Fifth week

By the fifth week, the embryos already reach a size of up to 3 centimeters. In weight, they make up about 20-25 percent of the total body weight of already born puppies. You may notice that the dog wants to eat more, the belly is already more noticeable.

Sixth week

During the sixth week, the organs of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and eyes are already fully developed in small fetuses. The vertebral system, bones of the fore and hind limbs are also formed. The approximate size of the puppy is 6.5-7 centimeters. Due to the increasing enlargement of the uterus and its pressure on the bladder, the dog will go to the toilet more often.

Seventh week

During the seventh week of pregnancy, puppies already reach 9.5-10 centimeters in size. The bitch's belly increases quite noticeably and has a rounded shape. She begins preparations for childbirth: she arranges a place for her children, and gets more rest. At about 50 days, the fruits are already 12 centimeters in length. By weight, they already reach 75 percent of the total weight at birth.

Eighth and ninth weeks

During the eighth and ninth weeks, the expectant mother sleeps more and more. She needs a reserve of strength before an important and difficult event - childbirth. Puppies in the uterus already reach a length of 15 centimeters. They develop chewing organs and teeth.

After the 58th day of a dog’s pregnancy, the owner needs to be in full combat readiness, because the shepherd dog can give birth at any moment.

If the shepherd has not given birth after 60 days, then the puppies in the womb are already completely ready to be born. They already have hair and range from 18 to 23 centimeters in length. Their weight ranges from 350 to 550 grams.

Young mother dogs before their first birth are worried in every possible way and try to notify their owner about this. They want to hide somewhere, digging the ground underneath them, as if making a lair until 1.5 days before the upcoming fights.

In order to understand in time that labor is about to begin, it is necessary to regularly measure your pet’s body temperature. The day before birth, it drops noticeably to 36.3 to 37.2 degrees Celsius.

Further actions

Giving birth to a dog at home involves caring for it for several days.

  1. When the cubs are born, the mother in labor washes her genitals with warm boiled water to prevent infection.
  2. The dirty bedding is removed and replaced with a clean cloth. Cotton fiber material is best.
  3. In the room where the whelping bitch and her babies are located, a stable thermal regime is maintained at +28C.
  4. Immediately after giving birth, the female must be taken for a walk, but her stay on the street should not be prolonged. The mother must return to the babies in time and start feeding them.
  5. If there is not enough milk in the nipples for everyone, then newborns are fed artificial infant formula.

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Feeding a pregnant dog

A proper diet is very important for a pregnant bitch. After all, during this period she and the puppies need more vitamins and minerals. You should double the calorie content of your dog's meals. This has a good effect on the production of healthy milk for puppies.

There is no need to feed your shepherd expired food. It is necessary to give her more dairy products, thoroughly boil the meat and liver, remove peas, black bread, cabbage and beans and potatoes from the diet.

In addition, you will need to ensure that your pet always has clean drinking water.

In addition to healthy foods, it is important to replenish the lack of vitamin complex in the dog’s body. Veterinarians often prescribe vitamins D, A, B6, calcium and iron to pregnant and lactating shepherd dogs.

The diet should include fish, vegetables, various herbs and vegetable oil.

Features of keeping a pregnant bitch

When a German Shepherd is pregnant, it is important to follow the rules of activity and pastime. It is important to take the bitch for walks more often, but at a slower pace and speed. After all, it is difficult for a dog to run and walk. You need to stop jumping and playing with other pets.

In addition, if the animal is scratched during a walk, you should immediately wash the abrasion with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. The occurrence of purulent inflammation may entail the use of antibiotic drugs, which is not advisable for a pregnant bitch.

During the prenatal period, it is important to prepare a place for the shepherd and newborn puppies. It must be clean and sterile.

In addition, a month before pregnancy, you need to get all preventive vaccinations and treat existing diseases, because when the shepherd becomes pregnant, you will need to stop using any medications. It is important to choose a remedy for blood-sucking insects for your dog.

Caring for a pregnant bitch should be gentle and gentle. It is strictly prohibited for animals to swim in rivers and ponds. You need to wash your dog 2 times a week, while carefully rinsing its genitals.

General information about the breed

Shepherds are large, hardy and intelligent animals:

  1. They can cope equally well with official tasks and be companions for families.
  2. They get along well with people of all ages, incl. with kids.
  3. Suitable for both home and aviary keeping.
  4. They need regular physical activity and interaction with people for socialization.
  5. Thanks to natural selection and then targeted crossbreeding with other herding dogs, they have good health and are able to survive even in harsh weather conditions.


The average lifespan of a Shepherd is approximately 9–13 years. Animals over 7 years old require careful care and health monitoring. Many diseases appear in old age. These disorders can cause a reduction in your pet's life expectancy.

The maximum lifespan of shepherd dogs is 13 years.

Breed group

According to the FCI, this shepherd belongs to group 1 – cattle breeding and herding. The English Kennel Club classifies the breed as Pastoral. However, the American Kennel Club classifies it as a Harding breed.

How much does a puppy cost?

The price of puppies that fully meet the standards and are potential winners of exhibitions exceeds 1 thousand dollars. Purebred shepherd dogs with good guard and service characteristics, as well as animals purchased for home keeping, but not having a “champion” pedigree, cost from 25 to 65 thousand rubles.

Help with toxicosis

At the first examination, the veterinarian should inform the owner that a pregnant bitch may often feel sick and vomit. These are the signs of pregnancy. You can lighten them with cottage cheese and fish. They contain substances that prevent seizures and toxicosis. If the condition worsens, you should promptly contact a veterinary hospital.

To alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis, you can give the animal enterosgel in a child's dosage. During severe vomiting and malaise, you can add a little glucose to the water to restore energy and feed your pet with it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a pregnant German Shepherd needs the care and affection of its owner. At this time, she should psychologically feel that she is loved.

In addition, it is important to properly prepare the animal for pregnancy and childbirth. In order for a dog to give birth to healthy puppies, it is necessary to observe the time between matings. Good owners breed their shepherds once a year. This is the most optimal time between the old and new pregnancy.

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